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Messages - SongatSunrise

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 July 13, 2024
Good morning All!

Good morning Father, Michael, Deity Absolute, and all our Celestial helpers!

Good morning Pleiadeans!
I am aware the kabal could well try to interfere, and I am asking for clarity, please.
Greetings Pleiadeans, what would you like to say today?

Pleiadeans: Yes, thank you. We have much to say.
Ron made reference to us yesterday in a post, that got shut down prematurely. But we have some things to say to Father, Ron, Michael, and all beings involved in Urantia.

Carole: Please, Pleiadeans would you tell us a little more about your background?


Pleiadeans: Certainly.
We were described as "extra-universe" beings. That is because we are not hailing from Nebadon. We come from another universe. Understand, people, that humans are mortals that spring from planetary conditions wherever that may be. And we have been mortal at one time. We were born long before your planet even got started. We died in the usual manner, and progressed through the morontial worlds of our system. We continued to the end of the mansion worlds and on into the minor sector, major sector, constellation, and have reached, what you here, who have read the Urantia book, call "finaliters". Upon graduation, we were invited to choose what area of service we wanted, and we chose a world that was outside of our universe that direly needed help.

We were granted that request.

Upon reaching the shores of Urantia, we were appalled at the conditions here, the people were rapidly turning into robots, not able to think for themselves, and certainly not getting any religious training concerning the Father or the Trinity. How we wanted to help! But we could not find anyone who could "transmit"! Languages were a confused mess, people had very poor vocabularies, or understanding of the things around them, and were being led into a death march by one you all know.

We were able to do nothing!

But, through our long journey through the mansion worlds, the sectors, the constellation, and our journey toward Paradise, we had never taken the journey backwards into depravity, sorrow, and death. What a challenge this was! We understood now why Michael took his bestowals from the top down, from Melchizedeks to morontia, to human. We had to do a lot of rethinking.

Because we couldn't talk to any humans, no less help them, we decided to become historians. We started keeping records of human activity through the ages, because we knew that universe researchers would find this first hand information most valuable!

In Ron's post, we described ourselves as "friends of the United States" , and adding "Your Highness". We knew we were butting in but we have to get Ron and Michael and Father and the others together on the same page historically.

We were referred to as State Conformers.

(Carole here: I looked up the word "conformer" and this is what I found:
Conformer: noun
  • 1.a form of a compound having a particular molecular conformation:"changing the temperature alters the relative proportions of the conformers"
I did not find a definition as a noun in my regular dictionary. I would simply interpret it as "con" as together, and "form" as the shape of things.
So as state conformers, I would think they refer to themselves fitting into the situation in a way to be helpful.)
Please go on Pleiadeans:

Pleiadeans: Indeed. Thank you.
Father was surprised, as was Ron and Michael, but the kabal was of no help. Father said "it must be decided just how important the Pleiades are to Urantia information like this."


We speak you you Americans, that you need to know what is happening. Keep your eyes open especially in the next few days. Listen for statements of intent. We hope some day to work with you all as well.

Thank you Pleiadeans!


Michael again says the missions are off, because there has to be peace first.

How do we deal with that? WHO OWNS THE PROBLEM?

Dear Pleiadeans, What would you like to say about this?

Pleiadeans: You own the problem when you make it so.

Carole: What does that mean?

Pleiadeans: The expression of peace in your own life is a fruit of the Spirit.
The world's politics and governments "do not know the way to peace."

Carole: Will Hamas get their way and wipe out Israel? Will Trump get his way and give Ukraine to Russia? Are you, God going to allow all this?

Pleiadeans: Remember our discussion yesterday about the garden. Everything needs to be turned upside down before people can see there is another way to do things.

Carole: What can I do Pleiadeans?

Pleiadeans: Remember depression is an expression of fear. Remember yesterday's word, Look up with us. We know you can't do much by yourself. Cabal is busy. All these things are predicted, in that there will be great tribulation in the latter days, wars and rumors of war.

The hardest part is keeping your cool, stay loyal, stay on course. Keep yourself optimistic. When you are weak then YOU ARE STRONG!

We are not going anywhere. We are still here for you. Don't be afraid.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans! I pray that the armies of the Lord stand up to defend those who put their trust in God. And I notice a big smile makes me feel better!

Continued: 7-8-2024

Carole: Back to "WHO OWNS THE PROBLEM," of creating peace on this world?

What would you like to say, Pleiadeans?

Pleiadeans: You asked why does God allow all this?

God is allowing it but not because He approves of it. Here are some things to put all into perspective: You have heard the saying "As above, so below". We know there is insurrection, cabal, rebels, and various evil intentioned entities which you cannot see. But as above, so below, the rebellion has a "trickle down" effect: so below.

But that is not all. Father is keenly aware of his mandate to allow free will in those created entities who were intended to have free will. That being so, that free will slows a lot of things down quite a bit. Trial and error is the most classic reason for delay. Free will agents don't always know the outcome of their choices. They have to experience the not-so-good-results before there is any intent to change things.

Let's add some more: Who owns the problem of creating world peace? With God, things don't happen instantly. Father employs a lot of helpers. They need training and supervision. When they help humans, often the humans don't know they are being helped. Often help goes unnoticed.

The next step is convincing the humans involved there that there needs to be a change of mind and attitude . Some people are known to rather die than change their selfish and narrow minded ways.

But that is not all. God is allowing something else that we as humans often forget: God allows evil to dig its own grave, and to voluntarily jump in.

Notice Hamas. Right now there is some talk about a cease-fire. No matter how grudgingly they grant it, they still have the terrorist mentality. Maybe in a few weeks or years, they will again take up the cause to wipe Israel off the map. and war is back on the calendar.

Who owns the problem? Those who are unwilling to take responsibility for war and insist on their own way are those who are digging their own grave. God is able to resurrect all the innocent victims. Terrible memories will not be recalled. But the final demise of those who truly disown the problem is inevitable. But it has to be on their watch, in their own time.

Remember "time and chance" happen to us all. The evil one can live a long time. A good one can die very early. Responsibly written human history can note these events, hopefully with the intent of never repeating them. The history of today's events are filled with lessons those in the future will find fascinating, especially if those condition don't exist any more.

Yet, still, those immortal entities who have chosen to maintain their rebellion have to be dealt with in a way only Father knows.
That is why all these things cannot be rushed.

Missions on or missions off, our expectations are the frictions that rub in our own minds. Staying the course in not just "ho-hum". It is constant adjusting of our attitudes and moods, our daily frustrations and joys. All along the way "staying the course" calls for constant vigilance. Be not weary in well-doing!

Who owns the problem? The valuable lesson we humans can learn from this is that it takes a lot of work, communication of intents, step by step consideration of the other's viewpoint, willingness to hear all of their story, and continuing willingness to keep up the effort no matter how slow, and actions that demonstrate peace. God could stop the wars right now, but in the best interests of humanity, lessons of implementing Father's Good-heartedness is for the humans to learn.

Thank you Pleiadeans!


Thank your for your question, Helder Poeta.  
Look for ways to manifest peace, love, kindness and joy in your life, and for ways to share it with others. Then you will have manifested "gold".

Diary 7-4-2024

Good morning All! Good morning Michael, Melchizedek, Monjoronson, and Pleiadeans, and all our celestial friends!

Today is Independence day. 
 I have been depressed lately. Sort of a low level anxiety. I feel helpless. One day after another of 100+ temperatures. And today a huge hurricane in the Caribbean.

Dear Pleiadeans, is there anything you would like to talk about today?


Well, yes, Carole. Thank you for asking.

A gardener or farmer has a thought about a beautiful flower garden, or perhaps a wonderful crop of vegetables.

What happens first?

Some farmers set fire to their land. Why would they do that?
A controlled burn can get rid of weeds. The ash can be a soil additive.

Turning the soil over is a starter for most people. Digging deep. Turning it upside down. Why is that? The roots of weeds are exposed to the sun, and they wither. Unwanted creatures like fire ants and larva of destructive insects also see the light of day. The sunlight can also be helpful to kill harmful fungi and bacteria.

It is time to disk the soil. Some call it harrowing, to chop the soil clods into tiny pieces and removing the rocks.
Some animals might run to relocate.   All the while the gardener is thinking of the beautiful flowers and plants for the future day.
Does this sound like what the planet is going through right now? Getting turned upside down?  Exposed to the light? Solomon once talked about there is a time for everything. Pulling up what was planted, to throw away what is not needed.
Many people who have never gardened do not know how much work it is to prepare the soil: to correct soil deficiencies with fertilizer or compost, to create an irrigation system that works, to plan for the right things in the right place, to plan for shady areas.

This is all before we plant a single seed. We Pleiadeans are people too! We had to earn a living. We had to provide for our food. We had to learn many things about what can grow, and what shouldn't.

Every planet has this necessity. It is for us now to think as gardeners and envision the beauty ahead. It doesn't come automatically. Van and Amadon know how much work it is to create a garden and keep it going.

The town where you are is called the "Garden Capital of Texas". There are beautiful trails, gardens, arboretums. tended woods, agriculture programs, forestry specialties taught by the local college. The East Texas Native Plant Center is only a half mile from your house.

Carole: I have a little story for y'all. There was a large branch hanging from a very old tree behind my husband's workshop that was hanging lower and lower every year. At least a half dozen times we discussed having it cut, but we didn't want to think of the expense.

Last week, we looked out and saw the branch had split from the trunk, and fell, still being attached to the tree. Folks from the bank next door came to tell us that it was sitting on their property. They had just installed a new wooden fence last week! An electrical wire was holding up the branch.

Walter called the tree service we had used before: Amidon Tree service!. Mr. Jeff Amidon looked at this and said, "You were really lucky!" No damage at all to either the fence or to the workshop!

I noticed today there was a post by Van. He and his associate Amadon were designers of the Garden of Eden. They know how to work trees and plants. (--Amadon, and Van, did you have anything to do with this? I would like to think you did!)

Pleiadeans: What is happening with governments, countries, peoples, and the terra firma itself, is exactly what the gardener has to do preparing for a new planting.

Father hs a wonderful vision in mind. And all of you have been called to share in it. Heat? Disasters? Government upheavals? You have heard it before: Stay the course! Depression is negative thinking based on fear. Everything on this planet is fixable. It might not be comfortable. Remembering that Father knows best (-- the title of an old TV show --) is a way to keep our focus and joy. We look up with you.
Thank you Pleiadeans!

Good morning Father! Good morning All!

Good morning Pleiadeans! Is there something you would like to say today?

Yes, good morning to you too, Carole.

You have heard the encouraging news lately that the missions are still a go!

Yet in the midst of much turmoil, there needs to be a lot more care and effort to bring these about.
We hear of the Jesus mission, the Michael mission, the Magisterial mission, the Melchizedek mission.

Well, guess what. About 20 or so years ago, we channeled with a transmitter who wrote several books about the Pleiadeans, as "Bringers of the Dawn." We had a mission then, to inform people and to steer earnest and curious seekers toward new ways of thinking and doing.

As has other missions you have been informed of, things changed rapidly and not for the better. But our original mission millennia ago, was that we are bringers of the Dawn. Other channelers and transmitters have followed the same mission.

So now we state this: YOU have a mission too! We all have the same mission, and that is to follow Jesus' path to reveal the Father as people have never understood before, and to become aware of how the errors of the past have colored our present existence, and you have become aware, through knowledge and faith, to a new way to allow the spirit fruits to flow through our lives: love, truth, beauty, peace, joy.

You see, the mess the human race has found itself in on this planet is not entirely our personal choices -- much has been soured by the influence of evil, whether in little ways, or in big ways.

Ron has cautioned us about how the sub-conscious can pull up negative things without our knowing. That is because the subconscious is the repository of ALL your experiences, whether you were aware of them ore not. That includes dreams, what others have done to you, thoughts, assumptions, assessments, wishes, habits, obsessions, etc. Your subconscious is huge. BUT. . . your awareness of those factors that do not contribute to life and love, has to be cultivated, not ignored. That awareness comes through your higher spiritual self -- the Thought Adjuster, and the high spirit lessons that continually knock at your door.

The subconscious is hard to work around because it is not clear. The clarity you seek in the Light Lines is like the clarity you seek in your lives. As you hear the request for clear channel, remember to ask for clarity from your Thought Adjuster.
Ask for it.
Ask for protection from evil.
Ask for deliverance from temptation.
Ask. Receive.

Thank you Pleiadeans!


Good morning All! Good morning Pleiadeans, Father, Jesus, Melchizedek, Monjoronson!


Hello Pleiadeans, is there anything you would like to say?

Yes, good morning to you, Carole. We came here long ago when we heard there was a Lucifer insurrection. We wanted to help. We still want to help, now that many years have passed. We see that watchful people are noticing the growing hate and conflict on this planet.
More than ever now the prayer still holds, "Deliver us from evil"!

The protection of God's people is very much in our interest. Many scammers, frauds, and anti social forces are about. Not just people, but machines programmed to cause failure. Even robots can be programmed to bring about the end of the world! All the more you need other eyes and ears to keep you informed of all the forces out to cause the failure of the missions, of Jesus, of Ron's work, of Urantia, and in particular, of your work.
But we say to you again, "be not afraid!" Hope keeps your way clear.

Fear immobilizes a person. It causes misguided decisions and fruitless efforts. You hear the statement "Be still, and know that I am God!". There is a lot to that statement. The focus on God and his goodness and graciousness is for you, and your own good. You may be surrounded by health issues. You may be frustrated by myriads of technological marvels that don't work any more. Frustrations and fears causes anxieties. Not understanding the situations around you, add to the fears.

But we are here to take your hand. As the world heaps up to itself more and more dangers, we ask you to stay with Father, and Jesus and Michael. Stay with us, and stay together. You may not be able to understand all you would like to, but know that your faith is what is of interest to Father.
TV can be hugely eroding to your well being. Social Media has already been shown to undermine our mental well being., Fear messages from every direction counter every effort you make to stay sane and balanced. So much the more the reason to take a deep breath, look up, and rest your heart and soul. Your physical body manifests the imbalances of your invisible bodies, the emotional, the etheric, the spiritual.
We say again "Don't be afraid!" Even in the worst condition, Father knows what you need, and is more than willing to impart the spiritual food and water you really need. We are here to help with that.

Be in peace, people. You are loved more than you know.

We are the Pleiadeans.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans!


Here is a song for today:

Help Is On The Way (Maybe Midnight)
Song by TobyMac
 It may be midnight or midday
Never early, never late
He gon' stand by what He claim
Lived enough life to say

I heard your heart
I see your pain
Out in the dark
Out in the rain
Feel so alone
Feel so afraid
I heard you pray in Jesus' name

It may be midnight or midday
It's never early, never late
He gon' stand by what He claim
I've lived enough life to say

Help is on the way (roundin' the corner)
Help is on the way (comin' for ya)
Help is on the way (yeah, yeah)
I've lived enough life to say
Help is on the way

Sometimes it's days
Sometimes it's years
Some face a lifetime of falling tears
But He's in the darkness
He's in the cold
Just like the morning, He always shows

It may be midnight or midday
It's never early, never late
He gon' stand by what He claim
I've lived enough life to say

Help is on the way (roundin' the corner)
Help is on the way (comin' for ya)
Help is on the way (yeah, yeah)
I've lived enough life to say
Help is on the way

Well I've seen my share of troubles
But the Lord ain't failed me yet
So I'm holding on to the promise y'all
That He's rolling up His sleeves again

Said I've seen my share of troubles
But the Lord ain't failed me yet
We'll keep holding on to the promise y'all
That He's rolling up His sleeves again

Don't you know it
(Rolling up his sleeves again)
I can see him rolling
(Rolling up, rolling up)
Help is coming
(Rolling up his sleeves again)

It may be midnight or midday
He's never early, no never late
He gon' stand by what He claim
I've lived enough life to say

It may be midnight or midday
It's never early, never late
He gon' stand by what He claim
I've lived enough life to say

Help is on the way
Help is on the way (roundin' the corner)
Help is on the way

Source: Musixmatch

Pleiadeans: Don't forget to say "Thank you!"



General Discussion / Happy Un-Birthday!
« on: June 10, 2024, 12:59:40 pm »
The Unbirthday Song
Song by Ed Wynn, Jerry Colonna, and Kathryn Beaumont
from "Alice in Wonderland" -- Disney -- (the Mad Hatter)

… A very merry unbirthday
To me
To who?
To me
Oh, you

… A very merry unbirthday
To you
Who, me?
Yes, you
Oh, me
Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea
A very merry unbirthday to you

… A very merry unbirthday
To me?
To you
A very merry unbirthday
For me?
For you
Now blow the candle out, my dear
And make your wish come true
A very merry unbirthday to you!

Good wishes know no season Ron!
May God's blessings be with you every moment of every day for ever!
We're with you!
Carole 6-10-2024


Be of good cheer! I have overcome the world.
No better words for right now!

Good morning All! Father, and Michael, and Melchizedek, Pleiadeans, and celestial friends. . .

Good morning Ron!

It is June 7, 2024.

We all appreciate the deep distress you are in, and it sounds like the end of the line.

Here is a quote from the above post:
No one is especially interested in the electric patent I have invented, and to the people on this Discussion Forum, I welcome your chance to see to it in some way

For many here in east Texas, homes are demolished, from tornadoes high straight-on winds, floods, and falling trees. Many have been without power for days. And this is not only for east Texas, but all over the country. Whole towns and communities are in rubble.

If the WTP tower was up in this area, would people be able to access the electricity?
I have never heard about a separate patent for the receiving mechanism for the electricity. If all someone has is a cell phone, would there be a way to keep it charged?

Would a WTP tower pose a danger if it were demolished in some kind of disaster?
Are there patents on the individual parts of the tower?
Who would make the parts to create this tower?
Are the individual parts patented?
Who would have the expertise to assemble such a tower?
Who would be the building engineer?
Who would pay the workers?
Would there be a relay system to convey the electricity to other parts of the country?


Thank you for your thoughts on this!


p.s. I have come to understand recently that there are about 6000 patents for new inventions that have been bought up by the wealthy and sequestered. For what purpose do you suppose?

If WTP were up and running, who would be the beneficiary, if there are no missions?


Good morning All! Good morning all our celestial helpers, and the Pleiadeans.

Dominick's Light Line on Tuesday brought up some very interesting ideas. Would you like to talk about these things, Pleiadeans?

Yes, thank you Carole.
Here are some quotes from the Light Line which we will use for our discussions:


Christ Michael:

I am your Father in creation. Those who would help administer such governance to bring forth the vision I just presented are not myself. I am your Lord in spirit, Deity. I bind all of it together though, but I am not the direct administrator of anything directly in your lives. But I am that which present you the way to do it yourself.

And so that’s the base conclusion to what I have to say is that in contrast to rebellion, I, Christ Michael, provide my spirit so that you can do it yourself. You can do it within you and therefore there will be an experiential and an eternal, the prize is yours.    


This is Machiventa Melchizedek.

"Are you… are you so brick minded that you could ask the question, Machiventa, what question do you wish we were to ask? Is there even a question you would love us to ask? Machiventa, what are some questions that the Melchizedeks seem to be asked? And this is Machiventa".

"We thought that at this point in a Lightline where there is revelation, that revelation is given to men based on questions. If you do not reach out to spirit in the form of a question, will you not get an answer if there is nothing asked. You do not knock there is no answer."

"Live performance can be intimidating, everyone experiences a mind blank when put on the spot sometimes, so you can join the forum and ask questions there, and those questions could be addressed in a future Lightline. "


Song at Sunrise:
I have had many questions that were not prepared enough to present on a Light Line or forum site. It seems I must mull things over for a while before things can be brought into proper order. But I have a problem that others may be experiencing also: My 5* doesn't work. With nothing coming forward in the way of questions it looks like we are not interested.

Pleiadeans: We appreciate how confusing things are right now, and things are not going to get any better soon. So that is why we want to talk to you about questions.

There was a recent discussion about "manifesting". What does that mean? Pulling a million dollars out of thin air? Is that how God works? Jesus made an important decision not to do that kind of thing, because it would be a distraction from his real work, to reveal the nature of the Father.

As quoted above, "I. . provide my spirit so you can do it yourself". "You can do it within you ".

What is "Manifestation"? A dictionary definition could be "an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea. "
It is not necessarily a "materialization". Jesus was constantly hounded to produce some kind of "sign" or "wonder" to prove his validity. He did not provide what they wanted. But he did say that his resurrection would be proof enough.

The issue of questioning becomes very important in the establishment within our minds of the validity of the truths we espouse. We are not just talking about questions on the Light Line, but about the habit of listening through a topic: looking at it coming and going, up and down, in and out.

More and more the intrusion of Artificial Intelligence is grabbing our attention with shocking and astonishing statements that may be used to impersonate famous people with a voice artificially generated to sound like them.

It has been said that what is not real doesn't last. It dies its own death. But it might take a while before that happens.
So now it is your challenge concerning everything: Question and prove all things. Don't wait for somebody else to tell you. Think for yourselves!
Where is the falsity in an argument? An assumption? An exaggeration? What is altered? Misunderstood? Misquoted? Many things are labeled as lies, intending to deceive. Maybe they are not lies. The truth can be hard to take. You have to be on the lookout for statements that could alter your decisions and your lifestyles. Many things are imposed on you by others, and you have to be aware of such tactics.

So when Machiventa said "If you do not reach out to spirit in the form of a question, will you not get an answer if there is nothing asked. You do not knock there is no answer," that means, in asking spirit for guidance even in the smallest things, you are doing the right thing.

With the intent for Good, many times you can answer your own questions. The Thought Adjuster knows exactly what you need.

Spirit is glad to participate in answering your questions. It might take a while to marshal the experts involved, but the answers will come!

Be at peace, everyone. Know you are being listened to!
From the Pleiadeans.

Thank you Pleiadeans!

Song at Sunrise.




May 29,2024

Continuing the discussion of Weydevu's question about healing:  

This discussion harks to Dominick's transmission from Arthura:
Our health: Do we do something "about it"? or do we do something "with it"?
It depends on our mindset!
Now there is a new AA: Awareness of evil ("about") and Allowance of good ("with").

Pleiadeans, is there something you would like to say about this?

Yes, Thank you Carole.

Pleiadeans:   Here is an idea that might enhance the "allowance of good". Being in less than perfect health may have its own advantages. Here is why: starting with the story of the Apostle Paul, who requested three times that he may be healed of some condition (there is a hint that it may have been extreme nearsightedness)(he called it a thorn in the flesh); and finally it came to him: Father told him "My grace is sufficient for you".

Father is primarily concerned with your spiritual growth, and emotional, mental, and psychological health as reflected in spiritual growth. A condition could be important in helping us realign our goals, and priorities. It may also be added that a support group of what ever the condition may be can also bring forth spiritual growth through the sharing of experiences, reinforcement of faith, acquisition of new techniques of coping, and building new friendships.

It is God's will that you be whole, healthy and happy. It gives Him glory and joy when many people can join in the celebration of a healing.
It is a spiritual as well as a physical event.

And don't forget, a handicap can be a springboard for even greater accomplishment, than you would have done under normal circumstances.  Father is the  master of timing, because He sees the end from the beginning.  Faith, and doing all you can, is what God expects from you.  

Thanks again!

Thank you Pleiadeans!

May 25, 2024

Good morning All! Good morning Father, and Michael, and Arthura, and our many celestial helpers. Good morning Pleiadeans!

The suggestion you gave us some time ago was to write down our prayers.
Yes, to ask. Ask for whatever we need, according to the will of Father.

This is my prayer now, Pleiadeans: Please would you help me stay on task today, and to see how the processes work together to create the good we desire.

Transmitters often ask for clear channel. Please let my work today have clear channel.

Thank you.

Weydevu asked:
Could you SongatSunrise or the Pleiadeans explain this statement:
Don't forget to ASK. YOU have to give the permission to be healed.


Would you like to say anything about this, Pleiadeans?

Pleiadeans: As with everything in this universe, there are many levels of existence and experience. How you perceive yourself has a lot to do with the process of healing. The ego that wants to be in control often resorts to brute force to deal with symptoms, and often the real issue is overlooked. For example, the issue of overweight is often overlooked in a healing request. Yet that is a part of the whole scene. As as can be expected, the request for healing may not be easily dealt with.

So when we say "permission" that involves the total willingness to do your own part in the process. But still we may have employed everything we can but the condition still stands. Outside help is the next step.

When many people came to Jesus for healing, he often said, "What do you want?" Simply laying the situation before the creator of the universe and yielding to His answer is reflective of the faith needed for the healing.

It is sometimes the case that healing has been granted, but the process takes a while. Other agencies may be called into the play. Patience is of utmost importance along side of the faith in God's answer.

As we said earlier, there are many levels of existence and experience. Our conscious experience is only the tip of the iceberg. The subconscious and the super conscious play a huge role in this process. Some people have a subconscious resistance to healing because of the attention they get when they are sick. Who doesn't like to be the center of attention? Awareness of that kind of mind set can sometimes be a breakthrough. Our lives are meant to be in service to the Father, not to ourselves. So "permission" involves divesting oneself of the possible selfish motive.

Does that answer your question Weydevu?

Thank you Pleiadeans!

This discussion harks to Dominick's transmission from Arthura:
Our health: Do we do something "about it"? or do we do something "with it"?
It depends on our mindset!
Now there is a new AA: Awareness of evil ("about") and Allowance of good ("with")
Thanks again!




Hello HelderPoeta,

Here is a link to a website that may help clarify things.

Thanks for asking.

Song at Sunrise.


Good morning All! Hello Pleiadeans! and Arthura, Melchizedeks, and all interested listeners!

Hello Pleiadeans! Thank you for joining me. What would you like to say today?

Pleiadeans: Yes, thank you Carole. We watched as many of you on the forum slumped a little as the pull-back announcements were made. Yet still you all were admonished to "stay the course!"

And the reaction was "uh. . . . OK". An announcement? Not much. Unless it is.

That is where we want to pick up the thread. You all have been "staying the course" a long time. What have you been doing during this time?
Just "waiting it out" does not imply vigorous mental and spiritual participation.

Let us ask YOU the question: What is "The Course"?
Each of you has a different answer to that question.

Perhaps many of you have heard the quote: "Run with patience the race that is set before you.. . but only one who has run to the end gets a prize."

Some of you who are runners know the "brick wall" runners face halfway through a marathon. It is a huge temptation to quit.

A common tool in the advice category is "Revisit your long term goals. And connect with people who can team up with you to reach those goals."

"The Course" is a path YOU pick!

Recently HelderPoeta outlined a desire to do effective work in the health care field. And the question came up about "healing chambers". Here is something you all may not have thought of: A "Healing Chamber" can be found right between your two ears!

This is what we mean: Healing can be physical, but also emotional, mental and spiritual.

Healing is a huge topic, ranging from the plight of the earth itself, to the smallest personal physical need. But understand physical healing also involves with it emotional (both conscious and sub-conscious) spiritual (realigning the spiritual focus of what, and why the healing), mental (addressing both ignorance, mis-knowledge, and apathy) factors, yet not to forget the common presence of genetic aberrations that may interfere with optimum health. Don't forget to ASK. YOU have to give the permission to be healed.

Please remember, people, that the Mansion Worlds have healing as a priority, removing from our lives those things that contribute to death in its various ways.
As Pleiadeans, we can help you in the pursuit of the proper information, water. food, and/or other ingestables, new exercise methods, elimination of environmental and internal toxins, proper sleep, and of course, peace that meditation can help improve. Many things can help in the healing processes, and being in contact with the spiritual source of your health and energy can help you create a different perspective on your current condition. Don't forget, your body has an immune function that is often sabotaged by our lifestyles. Your body can heal itself in many circumstances. Just give it a chance!
Being grateful and thankful for the health you do have is a big step in maintaining a positive frame of mind, which is a healing factor in of itself.

We are here to help, but we do not do physical healings.
Thank you Pleiadeans!

Carole Dawn, aka S@S


Good morning All! and good morning Pleiadeans!

Dominick has spoken lately about spiritual economy and spiritual ecology. I am confused.
How do we know if the Spirit of Truth is working with us?
How do we know we are growing spiritually?
Pleiadeans, would you like to comment about this?

Pleiadeans: The influence of spirit can be seen when you ALLOW the changes in your mind toward peace, tolerance, kindness, forgiveness.
You may not have been strong in these points, but as you grow spiritually, these qualities become more and more a part of your personality.

Your "personality" has been awarded to you at birth. But environmental factors can shape it into negative or positive expressions. And what you are surrounded with influences your reactions to the events around you. Your personality is basically stable, an award of the Father, but the expressions of your personality are accorded by the choices YOU make regarding its expression. Being critical, judgmental, and vociferous can all be changed by a personal choice to rather ALLOW the Spirit of Truth to change your initial reactions and personal expressions.

Spiritual ecology, just like the physical ecology we know, is the interdependence of all living things to produce a beautiful balance in its outward expression, Physically we call it "nature". But imbalances in the ecology produce disease, and wrong outcomes. That is easily seen in the physical world. But in the spiritual world, we cannot see these things. However, we can FEEL when something is wrong. Likewise in the spiritual economy, like the physical economy, there is interaction, give and take, sharing, rules, and every sort of transaction regarding the buying, selling, acquisition and yielding up that produces either growth or stagnation, or worse yet, languishing under a wrong kind of direction. A spiritual economy must be balanced, cooperative, and without selfishness. Such a thing is hard to come by in the physical world, but in the spiritual world, unseen by humans, these transactions of give and take, buying and selling take on a different form that humans cannot comprehend, but is all the same nonetheless.

As humans on the spiritual track, the spiritual economy is of enormous importance, because of the interactions with countless spiritual entities, and their reliance on, and expectations from YOU.

Is there such a thing as a spiritual warranty? Is there restitution for faulty outcomes? Absolutely. And YOU are part of that whether you know it or not. As you grow into more spiritual understanding, these things become more obvious and expected. One thing that is expected from YOU is the absolute intolerance of evil within your own mind and heart. Being aware of discrepancies is part of your spiritual growth.

You have heard that the Spirit of Truth as of now, is more or less restricted to those in the 3rd, 2nd, or 1st psychic circles. You may ask what is a psychic circle? The UB outlines that in pages 1209 to page 1212.

As you become more aware of the interactions in the spiritual ecology and economy, you will become more comfortable with the spiritual way of doing things on this physical world. We are speaking of awareness of evil, and allowance of good. May the Spirit of the Father be with you!

Thank you Pleiadeans!
Song at Sunrise.

Diary 04-24-2024

Good morning All! Good morning Father, Good morning Pleiadeans!

I have been having trouble getting my thoughts and actions together this morning. Please help me at this moment, Pleiadeans.

Yesterday Dominick mentioned "meanings and values".

How would you define "Meanings and Values"? How would we make these a tool in our lives?

What is good? What isn't? Why?

Would activity, experience, and desires be accounted for in "Meanings"?
Is the resulting growth accounted for as spiritual growth? Could falsity, ugliness and evil be misconstrued as "good"?

Is meaning important? People say, "It is what you make of it".

Using the Bible or God's word, or revelation, we conjure "meanings" of events, thoughts expressed, experiences, and everything that happens, cause and effect, etc. Results, growth or death, these all fall into the consideration of "Meanings". But we still find great disparity between thoughtful people concerning the "Meaning" of an event or happening. Where one person might find an experience horrible, another might try to look on the lighter side. Does the event have different meanings to different people? Many comments in the Bible take on different "meanings" when the same event is recounted in the Urantia Book.

Where do "Values" come in? We hear all the time of the value of a product or service. Sometimes we admonished to seek "True Values". What is a value?

Because of the limited English of some of our readers, I believe there should be a clear definition that is easy to translate.

Meaning: what each individual person attributes significance to. Why it is important. Why it is memorable and worth remembering. What makes this fit into the much bigger view of the universe.

Values: The value is the level of importance, the overall outcome of such an event or action. The applicability of this event or action to future events or action builds the value, first personally and then collectively. The event or action in reference to and in comparison to a perfect model becomes the foundation for a future value.

Since "meanings and values" is such a broad abstract term, I believe it would not be a good thing to assume everyone understands the ramifications.

Dear Pleiadeans, how would you define "Meanings and Values"?

Pleiadeans: We are here to observe YOU. That is, all the humanity on this planet.
You are the ones placing meanings on yourselves, others, events, and revelation. When things are meaningful to YOU, then it is in a position to alter your behavior. One of the reasons we are here is to point you in the direction of meaningful events, people, and experiences. We can't make you do it. We can't outwardly suggest it. Your awareness must come from within. That is why it is so important to keep in touch with your Thought Adjuster.

Values are ideals and hopes for goodness. Meanings are contributing to values accordingly. You choose the values you support and seek. Values are held in your spirit and in your mind as the compass to guide your experiences that have meaning. Consistently choosing good experiences and events that have meaning to you in accordance with your good values help to build your soul, and contribute to your spiritual growth..

As suggested in the Light Line, every one of you listeners and readers could contribute to this forum by sharing your understanding and vision concerning "Meanings" and "Values". A question of "Why?" often leads to a discussion VALUABLE (;-) to everyone!

Blessings to all of you.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans!

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