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October tape
« on: October 02, 2021, 07:04:08 am »
MACHIVENTA, MONJORONSON and RAYSON were the speakers, they gave us some tit-bits about what is brewing in the kitchen, saying that the end of time for waiting is almost at the corner, so let us see what’s next.
Our next session will be on Friday 08/10/2021, at 8pm local time. Thanks for attending.
Here is the link to the recording.
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Re: October tape
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2021, 04:27:57 am »
Sorry if it seems that I bubble with words at the beginning of the tape. I started the conference, forgetting to press the recorder button. Thanks to one of the attendees who recalled me, after ten minutes, that I had not put on the recording, so I had to go back over what I had already said. The conference was primarily based upon sharing news with the group, that’s how I intended to run it through, but in the middle of the show, JESUS stepped in unexpectedly, followed by TYLER, formerly JACK0802AB, who is downgraded, by his own demand, from the status of « The One Without Name and Number Â» to that of a Midwayer, his birth origin.
Click on the link to listen to the recording. Our next session will be held on Friday 15th of October 2021, at 8pm local time. Thanks for attending.
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Re: October tape
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2021, 03:44:31 am »
TYLER, the permanent MC for LLF, introduced RAYSON who talked about the failed 1O/11 meeting, followed by MACHIVENTA and MONJORONSON who both entertained the group with encouraging words.
Here is the link to the recording. The next session will be held on Friday 22/10/2021, at 8pm local time.
Welcome to all.
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Re: October tape
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2021, 03:18:16 am »
VAN and AMADON were our primary guests, they come in with words of comfort, whereas RAYSON assured us that there is no more fear of a pending catastrophe. I end-up the session by sharing the latest news about some recent changes in the celestial organization.
Click on the link to listen to the recording. Our next session will be held as usual on Friday 29/10/2021, at 8pm local time. Thanks for attending.
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Re: October tape
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2021, 05:46:43 am »
Last night session was a bit floppy, it has ended shortly within half an hour, without a Q/A, because those, who participate regularly, were not there to attend for a good reason. Three members of the same family – the husband, the wife and a seventeen years old teenager – are coronavirus positive in its light form, except the husband who was hospitalised yesterday. Let us keep them in our prayers for a rapid recovery.
Dr MENDOZA and MICHAEL OF NEBADON were our guests with some words of comfort to the family.
You can listen to the recording by clicking on the link here
The next session will be held as usual on Friday 05/11/2021, at 8pm local time. Thanks for attending.
I am your servant, I am your liegeman, it is my will that your will be done.