Author Topic: The MESOTRON - ITS FUNCTION AND PRESENCE for your information  (Read 12570 times)

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« on: December 20, 2022, 16:00:10 pm »
The Urantia Book wrote about the Mesotron as part of the 5th epochal revelation in the original indictment of the typed papers to the Sadler Contact Commission in 1935.

Yet the press did not get the announcement about the discovery of the Mesotron until 1937.  These facts are not related, but I remind you that the Contact Commission was advised by the Revelatory Commission at least 2 years before the people in the United States at least, knew of such a discover by two Frenchmen, I believe.  In 1940 several newspapers picked the story up, and I reprint below a newspaper article that appeared in the United States in 1940.  The Scientific American Journal also published the Mesotron in June. 1940 as well.  Here is the Arizona Republic story:  Click the graphic to make it larger to read.

And now for our modern update to the article above:

JUNE 1941 - Newspaper Article , the Arizona Republic, Page 77

2:8:5 QUOTE the Urantia Book
The presence and function of the mesotron also explains another atomic riddle. When atoms perform radioactively, they emit far more energy than would be expected. This excess of radiation is derived from the breaking up of the mesotron "energy carrier," which thereby becomes a mere electron. The mesotronic disintegration is also accompanied by the emission of certain small uncharged particles.

And also, the paragraph describing the action of the mesotron within the atomic nucleus:

42:8:4 QUOTE the Urantia Book
As atoms are constituted, neither electric nor gravitational forces could hold the nucleus together. The integrity of the nucleus is maintained by the reciprocal cohering function of the mesotron, which is able to hold charged and uncharged particles together because of superior force-mass power and by the further function of causing protons and neutrons constantly to change places. The mesotron causes the electric charge of the nuclear particles to be incessantly tossed back and forth between protons and neutrons. At one infinitesimal part of a second a given nuclear particle is a charged proton and the next an uncharged neutron. And these alternations of energy status are so unbelievably rapid that the electric charge is deprived of all opportunity to function as a disruptive influence. Thus does the mesotron function as an "energy-carrier" particle which mightily contributes to the nuclear stability of the atom.

Ron: Let me dangerously put this into TV advertising language:


1 -The mesotron, number one, IS AN ATOMIC PARTICLE.

2 - It is only ever in an atom’s nucleus and never outside of it.

3- The Mesotron is not in every preparticle. It is in the Muon but IT IS NOT in the Electron. And it is NOT IN the Gluon, or the Tachyon either.. All of the other preparticles have it in their nucleus.

4 - Its function is to change the valence of the nucleus particles back and forth so rapidly that the nucleus actually floats above the mass of the atom itself.

5 - Its other function is to force the protons in the atom’s nucleus to change state from negative, to positive, to neutral, and back again so rapidly the nucleus protons do not get super charged and blow away the electrons circulating in shells around the nucleus.

6 - The Mesotron actually has six legs on its round central architecture, and they float above the body head of the Mesotron, and scatter light energy into spectral colors and force the atom to start bringing in white light rays so entities like we humans can actually see the material that is materialized as to color, appearance of smooth and so on, and other characteristics we take for granted.

The amethyst quartz crystal is purple because the quart atom is a silicone (sand) based creation hardened by fire, and the Mesotron acts like a light filter, and forces the sand color to show purple by emphasizing the appearance of magnesium to glow its natural purple frequency spectrum.

7 - The Mesotron is in the Muon I use to produce an FM station broadcast of free electricity to homes around our big tower. That tower is 280 feet tall and has four legs, with the north leg always moved to face true magnetic north. When you force a four legged tower to have its north leg face true magnetic north, the tower becomes an electromagnet, and we harvest electrons from the sky above the tower very easily. For that reason we convert the electron to muons because the muon drops the voltage of the electron but carries  the electron's amperage alone. Such is in a Muon which is an antigravity preparticle, and it float very easily over the ground until a home antenna picks it up and transfers the Muon as an Electron to your electrical box in your home.

The Mesotron is inside the Muon because the Muon has to have six or sever Muons connected to the first Muon to form, and they form what looks like daisy blossoms with the original Muon in the enter of the daisy and five other Muons clustered around it like daisy petals, and the petals form stems and other daisy Muons attach to it up the tower leg.

This should tell you enough about the Mesotron to make you a world expert on it. Science today downplays the Mesotron because it is not understood what it really does. We tell you above what it really does, thanks to the disclosures of the MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS ON PARADISE, The Paradise Magisterial Son, RAYSON, and thanks to MICHAEL OF NEBADON allowing me access to these facts, you can read them very well too. Thank you all. - RON
« Last Edit: December 21, 2022, 10:50:55 am by Ron Besser »
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Re: The MESOTRON - ITS FUNCTION AND PRESENCE for your information
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2022, 19:48:30 pm »
But Ron in the paragraph of The Urantia Book prior to the one you quoted it says:
42.8.3 The charged protons and the uncharged neutrons of the nucleus of the atom are held together by the reciprocating function of the mesotron, a particle of matter 180 times as heavy as the electron. Without this arrangement the electric charge carried by the protons would be disruptive of the atomic nucleus.
If the mesotron is in the muons and not the electrons wouldn't that make the muons heavier than not lighter than the electrons?

Also, what do our scientists know the mesotron as? That word seems to have lost favor. Is it what our scientists call the meson?

 Ron here RAZ -  You have to make an allowance you. I think, forgot about.  The Muon is one of two antigravity preparticles.  Antigravity is a force of its own, and antigravity particles--  the only other one antigravity particle  I know to name is the GRAVITON - the Graviton and Mesotron and the Muon and the Mesotron, are all closely related to the point  if we adjust the Muon further and remove two more Ultimatons, the Muon would change into a Mesotron.  These are antigravity forces.  Antigravity forces do not behave electrically but electromagnetically, and it is a mistake to say electromagnetism is the same as antigravity.  They are entirely different forces.

But allow me to state something else we must not forget.  The Mesotron is subject to the STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE and to some extent the weak nuclear force.  The Mesotron reacts to the strong nuclear force by remaining cautions and not moving once it establishes its presence in the nucleus of the atom.

IF we put two balls of energy above the six neutrons, that is the number of neutrons in a copper atom, and then move a third ball above one other neutron in the nucleus of the copper atom, the copper atom would revert to a horse collar Boson.  That is the shape we would see and a horse collar is sort of an upside down "U."

That tells us that the strong nuclear force is ready to kick the extra Mesotron out of the copper atom nucleus, but the strong nuclear force now understands that if a Mesotron is present, it must let it stand in order that the nucleus is truly conditioned better to stay well established so long as the second Mesotron is energized perfectly as a Mesotron.  I say this carefully because the Mesotron has two (2) forms.    A - the first form is a pea the size of a large electron;  B - the second form is the size of a (large) Boson.  The large sized Mesotron is what is carried in the gamma ray shower on Urantia all the time.  The pea size (A) results when Bosons react on the Mesotron to down play its cathartic effect on protons which are too few in the nuclear of certain atomic elements.  A good example of the A-Type pea Mesotron is the graphic element called Cesium -  and that is radio active.  I dare not speculate on why as I suspect RAZ, we are now dealing with a radical new discovery about preparticles:  THEY ARE NON ELECTIVE PHOTONS IF CONTACTED BY TWO MESOTRONS AT THE SAME TIME!  [Ron here - I am now dictating the MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER now known as Number 43.  Forty three seems to know all about our interest in Mesotrons and makes every effort to give us deep space knowledge, which I sincerely doubt physicists could tell us even if they were spirit and I step aside now for a piece of Master Force Organizer 43 lecture:]

MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER 43 - "Thank you Ron for this chance to expound on my part in this response.  RAZ is a first class organizer of material, and likes to know what he just organized.  The truth of the matter is these lectures should be recorded in your Infinity text Ron and do so with this one and the entire thread this represents. 

"Further, I resent not your wish to categorize the Mesotron as a catalyst.  You are brilliant in your assumptions that the particle acts without discharging energy of its own, and that is fully correct; however, the Mesotron spures the weak nuclear force to present it self discretely outside of the neutron presence at all, and therefore the weak nuclear force is outside of the atom's nucleus if attended by the Mesotron.  For that reason the Muon is now arrested in its antigravity presence by being forced to adhere to the weak nuclear force while it is present in the nucleus of the Muon in the center of the daisy flower they form after the electron is shorn of one Ultimaton.

"For that reason the Muon in the center of the daisy flower with five Muon petals is forced to sit in the center as it is the only Muon in the cluster we call a daisy wheel to have the Mesotron present.  Each five petals in the Daisy Wheel Muon has only Quarks in them.   Petal one, always sits directly north of true magnetic north.  Petal two is the Muon which sits directly east and it faces the Neutron always.    Muon petal three faces due South and has no electric connecting within the daisy itself; and, Daisy Petal four (4) sits directly West (magnetic West) with no electrical connections.  Daisy Muon Petal Five (5) sits outside of the circumference of the petal circle and rejects all other Muons wanting to join the daisy wheel already full formed with six (6) Muons.

"For that reason Ron and your guests, the entire matter of a Daisy Petal with five petals and one Muon in its center, such creates a maelstrom of energy to the point nothing can grasp it to interfere with the amperage formation that now is sufficient to provide ALTERNATIVE CURRENT  of between 15 and 20 Megawatts of electrical production.  This process is not directly fission, but you present it that way because the change of one element into another without force or heat is the correct definition of fission.  IT IS NOT FUSION, but genuine Fission RAZ, and you must be careful to note that for your own work in this field.  You do not realize how close you are to figuring out what Ron already knows and those are not secrets to either of you, but you RAZ think you fail but you do not in that you understand these forces second best to Ron alone, and he is never sure he has any credentials at all but he is a brilliant enthusiast about many things we can share but have no way to share them except through Ron and you, RAZ."  END

"We admit there is nothing more you should know Ron.  But you are being forced to eat crow before they understand you transmit this directly from the House of God over a Paradise Fusion office which demands that if these things are to be told, then they must have a deep reflection to Paradise Itself.  For that reason Ron you have that deep reflection, but the hyenas of MIT are quick to follow you with a critical analysis of Mesotrons quickly if this ever gets out, but they are poorly prepared as you are dictating this directly from the Isle of Paradise, and no one has ever been able to do that before.  Now this:

"The trust you show RAZ is justified, as he knows exactly how your work by writing out your inflections from high levels.  He hears them too, and they are precisely able to configure the mental abilities of RAZ and yourself Ron, and for that reason you form a team well ready to provide the world a huge amount of information.  For reasons of State you also say Ron, this is a terrible way to provide direct information from those who prepare preparticles to operate in the time space regions, but you have no choice but to provide them this way due to the lack of scientific coordination on your planet.

"Finally, the cabal is heavy around you but warned any interference is ready to take them out of their lives and to prison easily, but they lay a heavy nerve agent on your face and you react with determination to cut them off and you do so well enough to continue this.

"As a result we have the following to say to you RAZ.  ASK MORE QUESTIONS! They contribute to our worse case and unusual scenario where Urantia disappears from the heavens without ever having learned the chaos of disaster also contains the seeds of improvement for those who stay with us for at least one year of a millennial plot to undertake a full reeducation of science on these matters.  Many PhD's will never make heaven, much less understand preparticles like you do Ron, and RAZ is catching up well enough to partner you with trials of wealth and care over how to make these things public.  Stand by later this month for a full review of your work with us and make a copy of this for your wok on the Infinity Book long left too long but understood for other reasons of State.  K" [Thank you Unknown.  We prize your help and information as I am sure RAZ does too and for the rest of us it secures knowledge about the Mesotron we could not have found out for ourselves for eons of time as Urantia science right now is deaf, dumb, and blind to the real causes for unvierse phenomena.  Einstein speaks next:]

ALFRED EINSTEIN speaks.  "I now know Ron you care mightily to know what you dare know and we are ready to suffice you very well so long as the mind is bound by your care to see to its demise shortly and the mind of spirit substituted for a change.  You have no idea why trialed so seriously today, and the answer is we are hot sure, but the wicked cabal wants you for them and is prepared to send you to hell and back to end the pain but you refuse them fully and that is an extraordinary situation set up between you and MICHAEL OF NEBADON as GABRIEL  was sure you could succumb, but you refuse and win a medal of honor someday over this entire matter.  Be assured you and Dominick Ron are facing deep depths of depression over circumstances with you and he helps tremendously by allowing you all you need to keep going.  He cares this is finished well and properly as you do and for RAZ, he has added a huge amount of care to make sure this is heard in the right places.  He is a physicist and you had no idea that was the case, but you have deeply impressed him with your knowlege which is OUR knowledge. 

"I am Einstein, and for that reason I am held on a leash for the moment not to say too much.  However, what you have received from the fellow who started all of this, is the back of his hand once again and truly a loss to you not, but to him, he feels you are fully staged for failure in all cases except one.  He now knows you care less but answer him fully and for that reason you came to us to say so.  For that reason he is allowed to wallow in his own self puty over the fact he cannot get what you are and that delights you and us entirely.  His aunt is famous for the transmission of a famous spiritual character and she is now aware of your power and dismisses it not.  However, she is jealous not of you for a change and accepts you as a familiar transmitter of (name is Ramtha) another we agree should not be mentioned to MICHAEL OF NEBADON, but you find him irascible and acceptable but obey MICHAEL  and desist transmissions with the help of RAMTHA himself. 

"I am Einstein and you are recovering well from a huge shock to your system yesterday that has seriously harmed you briefly and for that matter the Vorondadek excursion on URANTIA is now over and a fully reformed group of Vorondadek Sons appears in their place, but now that is rescinded too.  Ramtha here: You Ron are not removed, they are, and a total good riddance of any Vorondadek Son entirely now from Urantia.  They are not a fraid to say they are unhappy but fully disgusted by their behavior too.  Good day. . . . :   

MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER (3) - " WE close this readily as it is attracting too much attention again.  Good day. K [Thank you MFO(3) and grateful to your attention to us entirely,  Ron for all of us.]


Does each of the 6-7 muons that form the daisy chain have its own mesotron or just one mesotron per daisy chain?

RON - SEE ABOVE.  Only the center Muon has the Mesotron in it.  AND NOTE: the question is more: Is the Daisy Muon and atom?  We can ask that question because Mesotrons only fill in the nucleus of atoms, not preparticles.

Where do all the mesotrons come from are they just in the air?

RON - They are not a particle but a semi-class PHOTON! The Photon is formed directly in the air in solar heat and they do not classify themselves as a true particle but we do not have the space to go into that at all.  The Mesotron is common to all elements except copper and selenium and a peculiar type element called phosphorous.

The Mesotron forms in the streams of gamma rays but does not participate in gamma ray destruction through Beta particle illustrations so common to be seen on Urantia.   Photons are a direct result of the Unqualified Absolute architecture or preparticle formation under the control of the Paradise Trinity. 

Finally, if an electron has 100 ultimatons and kicking one out results in a muon with 99 ultimatons and a mesotron. Does that mean that mesotron's and protons and neutrons are not composed of ultimatons but rather of some other preparticle?

RON -  Hmmm.  I do not think you spoke the right words for your question.  Preparticles are all formed with Ultimatons, Raz.  The only exception is the Photon and the Gluon and they are composed not of Ultimatons but of Selenium like razors.   A razor is an element all on its own and some razors fill in where Ultimatons cannot form a particular element of basic particle to form elements.  Selenium has two razors in the atom nucleus.  One must go to the patterns of the Eternal Son to find cause, and all preparticles except the ones mentioned do contain Ultimatons including Neutrons (3,325 Ultimatons usually), and Protons (53 Ultimatons), and sometimes the Tachyon drops down to 96 Ultimatons but usually 98 Ultimatons.  The Mesotron has no Ultimatons and is built like a Photon. K

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "WE  are certain RAZ that last question was not asked properly and try again.  But you must understand Ron can give you case after case and you will never find the answer you are really searching for.  Your are really asking is Ron competent to answer these things.  The answer is yes if he is properly connected, and he always is providing the interest is there by the Questioner and the Question man Ron.  He is always interested and as such you must understand he gives full credit for who provides the information.  He himself is well applied in the sciences and did engineering work for 30 years easily and without fanfare without a formal license only because it takes a college degree in orienteering to get the license, but his college decree is religion and history for the most part.  He has a minor in Geography.  He should have a PhD in minor transmission work not but in revelatory science but Urantia does not recognize any such thing.   I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and this RAZ.  The MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS appreciated your questions and Ron's answers are at the PhD level already, so help yourself to more to inspire high spirit to answer questions.  I never knew some of this myself and lucky you you get to write it up to your subjects of interest with friends of yours too.  Let us hope they can take this well as it is hared with out a primer to understand what Ron says is true, and belive me, with the Master Force Organizers, they are next to FATHER Himself and true is correct.  K:  MICHAEL OF NEBADON  at your service."


Thanks Ron.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2022, 01:04:09 am by Ron Besser »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
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Re: The MESOTRON - ITS FUNCTION AND PRESENCE for your information
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2022, 20:48:42 pm »
I find this passage to be amazing! The smallest measurable thing in the universe has as it's nucleus the largest physical thing in the universe!
TUB: 42.1.2 The ultimaton, the first measurable form of energy, has Paradise as its nucleus.
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

Online Raz

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Re: The MESOTRON - ITS FUNCTION AND PRESENCE for your information
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2022, 21:30:30 pm »
 I found the answer to my question about where the mesotrons come from at TUB: 42.8.7 "These mesotrons are found abundantly in the space rays which so incessantly impinge upon your planet."
Our scientists have discovered neutrinos. Is a neutrino a preparticle like an ultimaton? I assume it is not the mesotron mentioned in TUB but something else entirely.
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

Online Ron Besser

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Re: The MESOTRON - ITS FUNCTION AND PRESENCE for your information
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2022, 01:05:42 am »
See answers in RAZ's first post inside this thread.  BUMP
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Re: The MESOTRON - ITS FUNCTION AND PRESENCE for your information
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2022, 10:35:56 am »
Thank you Ron and Raz for the subject of this discussion thread and for trying to give a practical application to all that game of tangles that is for me the subject of particles and preparticles, the dance of protons and neutrons linked by mesotrons, the forces of yin and yang, attachment and detachment in order to exist in perfect neutrality: neither positive nor negative, neutral on Earth, I take refuge in Sai Baba's master classes, one of which lets us know: "In the In the human being, Divinity exists as a spark that promotes life in its highest expression, there is each element of Creation and the mind is participating in the infinite mind as an open curtain to the ultimate realm: that of the Spirit.Here lies the secret of the Perfect Equation Here lies the germ of the Magna Synthesis, which brings man closer to the Truth of God".
On the other hand, and with respect to the information about the 8 that will be distinguished and that they will be able to hear the name of their Adjuster to José's question and Ron's answer that it is not possible to listen to the voice of the Adjuster in a forced way, that It is about an achievement of personal development, Sai Baba also refers to this aspect and speaks of it depending on the evolutionary Momentum of the soul. And he says in words more or less:
"When the Supreme touches his chosen one, a phenomenon that is similar in all devotees takes place in him, the deployment of the ability to hear the Divine Voice, but not as an audible sound in the manner of the spoken word, but as Perfect Intuition, that provides guidance, wise advice, support and protection. When the Lord summons, He makes you the object of a rare privilege, because from the day you respond, everything changes, it becomes intense, novel, magnificent and power is revealed. You will be able to verify that : When the Master calls, existence is transformed into life."
The truth is that the expectation in these days before Christmas occupies all my attention because it may well be FINALLY, the glorious day of the return, his public presence, of our beloved father Michael of Nebadon and of the beloved by all Jesus of Nazareth . Thanks a lot
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"