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Topics - Ron Besser

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This is Ron Besser.  I operate much of this communication work in order that there may be a free exercise of views about what is happening with the spiritual concerns for the people who do have a view of what is to happen with the spiritual side of life.

So far, however, what is actually happening is taking plans that were issued a few weeks ago (started mostly as of July of 2024), about which we reflect a burden on those of us who hold the universe leadership well and caring.  I have not changed my mind about that at all, but it is thrown back on us too, and we are alone yet to this day without a good action philosophy to address what seems to be a malfeasance of care.  That happens particularly in the United States and followed easily by t he EU.  Africa and South America are beset with political problems yet but there is deep interest in them too, and that is to take what is wrong and make it economically and spiritually right.

But all of you must have noticed that the thrust of the changes the universe wanted are not being addressed hardly at all at this point.  The nature of change right now is political and not morally.   I look toward the improvements the spiritual Missions may address, but my life is ebbing and flowing out of existence due to age mostly.
For that reason I address this discussion forum for increasing the probability that there is much more to come without me, but I will take an interest in what happens to Urantia, whatever they hand me to do in spirit land.  But for now there is precious little to say to a planet nor ready to face their spiritual makes, but fighting to survive day to day outside of the American largess which is so powerful when it moves financial markets move in unison around the world with it.  But that does not matter especially, as I am also sure that the matter to be truly discussed is not American power, but the loss of MICHEL OF NEBADON if this unusual and God forsaken planet is not well addressed with the truth.  Here is Michael of Nebadon then on more of this:

The SPIRIT speaks through MICHAEL OF NEBADON  now:

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  That is my formal title.  I lived life on earth as Jesus and now I am forced to review the planet again as though it were a cheater in a penny arcade just to feel what it is like to get away with an unfair action to be wealthy.  Not so now, as I address you fully again:

"MY address is this:

"Want not!  Because the United States is highly miserable about its self now, that does not mean it is right to feel that way.  Rather it is the trial of a spiritualizing nation that cannot make up its mind to be good, or just be a nation state without kudos from anyone to measure its moral worth to the future it must grown into shortly.

"For that reason, I am providing this transmitter a big lesson on what might happen to this planet given your proclivity to not care about anything but your own life and its environs.  It is this:

"The ideal life is led without all of this on you.

"But it is all over you now, and that is because there is no one at the gate to keep some of this happening to a Bestowal Planet I lived in the 1st century AD, as JESUS CHRIST on earth.

"For that reason there is nothing to say to you except that JESUS is here on Salvington, the headquarters name of the planets that oversee t he spiritual administration over earth.  Due to pressing needs I cannot give a full account here now, but I tell you this:

"No one gets away with anything now, as I am insisting that the entire nomenclature is available very soon.  You Ron may not be here and that is my decision too, as you are more valuable up here then down there trying to fathom the moves the MAGISTERIAL SONS,  or JESUS, or OTHERS  of the divine dignity, with you an for you to explain.  I am not sure there is an explanation left at the moment to talk about, and that is your bread and butter transmitter of old.

"You transmitter are old now and bitterly waiting for a transition to spirit you do not want, but age is dictating it must be done soon or you are trapped on earth forever as a man without pedigree as I will not use you to bring forth the changes in style you do now.  That said you are still presenting the heart of God necessarily, and that is well done.  However, it a few short weeks, let this be known to all of you!

"Life without spirit is entirely possible unless I get permission from the Universal FATHER that all things are coherent in the world to stand what must be done to this sphere of little worth right now.

"Let this be known, and I will hold more of this for the near future for you all, but leave this message for now:

"NO ONE gets anything without deciding the value of Jesus Christ, and no one gets to do that without doing some hard thinking just why all of this feeling of gratitude for Jesus is not enough to save Urantia, the planet earth's name you live on, if it is decided no one can cut the mustard to stand tall and meet your responsibility to become much better done.  The United States as you know it may become so wealthy it feels it can ignore my credentials, but it may not leave the Universe of Care I hold for the people of earth, Urantia.

"For that reason this transmitter is trialed not but wishes to see how I handle the problems and be part of it, but he is so long n the tooth, there is not much left to help him become a higher being in suit and to let all of you decide what to do about the American way, when we withdraw all favors and let the whole matter become a competitor's mess.  That said, let me state this for you:

"NO ONE  GETS THE APPLE PIE before I DO!  What does that mean?

"It means that there is nothing left to distribute to a spiritually bankrupt nation like the United States could become if it follows all that Biden wants for NATO and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as it is called, for we dare not entertain WAR while we try to hold a Mission to this world.

"I will have a lot more to say either later today or find a good reason why the Lightline for Wednesday is not being held in general terms of announcements for us.

"Dominick, you are being asked to hold back on your plans with Lemuel.  Take this Lightline on with Ron if you can.  It is very important for both of you and the world.  K   I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K"

"I also want you to know Ron, this is not your last Lightline either, as you are too important to hold on for now.  More on this later to you.  In the meantime I let this go for now.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON  speaking. K


July 23, 2024
York, Pa
Ron Besser, transmitter:

I AM JESUS.  I clarify a small note to all of you especially that now Ron Besser has been forced to extrude a great deal of information about two things:

1 -  The DEITY ABSOLUTE is now spokesman for the UNIVERSAL FATHER NOT; however, it is now apparent that JESUS wishes the highest possible level of God to speak to his issue to the planet URANTIA.  Here is his JESUS's response:

2 - JESUS CHRIST speaks to you all:
"I am sure that we have concluded a momentous series of posts that only Ron seems to be capable of doing.  They are said and done and search them out on this site.  

"However.  This:

"WE are now deploying a choice we never thought we had before.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON has concluded that any Mission to Urantia right now is forced into oblivion by the American presidential race.  No one expected the outcome of what has happened to Joe Biden, but his sudden decision to not run for a second terms has caused irreversible damage to the JESUS ADMINISTRATION and the appearance of OUR MISSIONS to Urantia.  We are withdrawing NOT.  

"However, Ron has become seriously ill, and we are not going to work without a good human to help prepare the way.  WE have solicited the good works of Ron and others to get noticed of a permanent appearance of the divine on Urantia, but as always it seems, we are forced back on positions we did not want or even entertained.  FOR that reason we state the following:

** [Jesus speaks emphatically]
"WE are now conditioning our Return to a Secondary position of Trust:

1 - No longer do we trust the governments of certain areas of the world to hold back any war;

2 - No longer do we present the Gospel of the past, but are concerned we dare not present any Gospel, and stand back with any religious connotation of what We wish to achieve; 

3 - Ron here is fighting the cabal tooth and nail to keep this dictation on line and square, and I for one do not know how he does it for so log, but he does, and for that reason I am taking on one last statement for the future now:

STATEMENT BY JESUS for the future:
"I shall RETURN.,  However the fight is on big time to clear this planet of the evil it keeps being heaped with, and I now remove my candidacy as a Second Return for now.

"That should be honestly searched by those who are nuts about the subject of JESUS, but I am not making any promises any more over an issue that is now so overblown that I have no real sense of what my reception would be.

"For that reason I state the following:

1 - No more pandering to the presidential race on Urantia.  It is a subject of little interest with us, but be assured the outcome is important, but we are not sure the BIDEN will stay back and not run again.  I warn you all to stay the course with the spiritual plans and to ignore what politics might do to the mind.  There are some high surprises coming folks.  Watch out and use a CALM MIND to asses the probabilities of a huge fight over the presidential examination of what is to come to all of you soon enough:

2 - The Local Universe of Nebadon has recently acceded to running a DOMINION of neighborhood Local Universes.  Today that group of Local Universes in the Dominion are recalling their ambassadors and to reconsider the entire operation in view of the current conditions operating in the Local Universes as now considered a Dominion of broken hearts.  This is not familiar territory but it is to Ron, and we let it alone for now.

3 - I am CHRIST MICHAEL, and Ron is feeling correctly that an era has ended.  What to do? 

4 - Do nothing.  At least not yet.  Mr. Mo Seigle: rhis is a warning to the URANTIA FOUNDATION to stop meddling in universe affairs as Ron is fully aware of what you do and why you do it.  Do not become a secondary proscription to the fact, and we are warning Mr. Seigle that the end is near enough for enterprises if you dare make more false statements.  You are not in the position you think you are.

5 -  To the URANTIA FOUNDATION in particular,  there is no present danger unless your bring it oh yourself.  Keep away from drafty comments about ":you will show them!" materials because you are inciting a small upheaval quite unnecessary.  Keep the air cool and watch out for further plagiarized announcements not.
6 - I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I repeat a warning to the URANTIA FOUNDATION:  If you persist in the unnecessary cessation of the publication of a worn out Urantia Book, you will have ME, the Creator Son, to answer to.  The book is totally adequate for another 10 to 15 years run at most, but by then we have an answer for your cursed view that there is something wrong with a book that did not prepare for a future like this one is turning out to be!

7 - I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and in spite of the Urantia Foundation's dislike for this kind of communication, it is the one communication I will keep on Urantia for the foreseeable future.  I insist you learn to transmit and take the Deities more or less directly as Ron Besser has learned  to do directly now.  WE enjoy the rapport as well as learn his mind which is hilarious at times over your doings alone.   And now this:

THE ENTIRE REASON for t his communication is to make URANTIA aware I am insisting on a MISSION to the planet!  Do not cross me sir!  You are not forgivable for several things you have said and done and I let them pass for now; however, you have some answering to do for spending the kind of money you do t hat does no one any good except to salve your own egotistical drive to see to it the URANTIA FOUNDATION may always remember your generosity.   That you have been premier in, but you have also turned the Foundation into a bipartisan eventuality that makes it extremely difficult to use as a Universe affair.  I am warning you of the following Mr. Seigle:
     a - Do not forsake the Magisterial Foundation when it discovers that the new book to be issued does not necessarily contain much or any reference to the old Urantia Foundation;
    b - Ron Besser is not at the root of the rot in the Foundation, but you pretend you have no problems of a drop off of readership now, and while that IS NOT CAUSED BY YOU, it is caused by an ancillary accident of time that has found a new use for religious proscriptions in the various sectors of the Urantia population.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON and you Ron are clearly a choice so long as you remain silent about what you know otherwise.  I am making nothing available to anyone else right now, but please be assured we have a long talk for the URANTIA FOUNDATION  shortly and that is when I am clear of the Urantia problem of a threatening nuclear war again.  I am fully ascertaining it nuclear war, will not but the world will become quite different if that threat appears, including the likely end of the URANTIA FOUNDATION if this war keeps up with you and most of the readership. K"
BREAK - - -

Ron here -  I think you all should be aware I have been transmitting solidly for four (4) hours, and the heat from SALVINGTO HOUSE is red-white hot.

I do not have much of anything to add to these three posts. But let me remind all of us that we observe today the following for your own sense of where Urantia and we stand.

First, I am consolidated out of work soon as my sudden illness is taking a toll not, but I see a long period coming of no issue to come forth over participating in a divine Mission to this planet.  IT should happen, and JESUS is something of a wild card  in all of this, but I also assure you I feel the heat of a Creator Son, that cannot believe what he finds to change on this planet.  I am not fully informed and I should not be, but please inform yourselves of this about URANTIA:
    1 - It is saturated with long lost care for its environment, and the population is soaring in spite of governments trying to control it.  That is going to cost Urantia big time and not too long for the future to show us what it means to be on the wrong end of a populatio curve endlessly up;
    2 - I see no redemption planned for Urantia at the moment.  Michael is like some of us: you put your nose into the  drug trade it is likely to cause you and then harm if you want things legal.  It is not possible yet to be legal about the drug trade but over half of the American population, according to Michael of Nebadon, employs drugs as a way to get through the week.
    3 - I am no longer a mover shaker on this world of cost reduction to do anything anymore, but I do not spend a lot of money anyhow over the use of so many people to obscure the simple message from Jesus over two thousand years ago:  "Keep simple your life.  Keep away from vice you know is not good for you.  And above all, love the Lord as you love yourself, and all will be well.

Thank you all
Ron Besser

Folks we have gotten by the kabal and have permission to open the Lightline today, Sunday th 21st of July.  2PM and ready to go now.  Thank you.   Ron Besser

Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / General Information Part I
« on: July 19, 2024, 13:41:34 pm »
A Second Part will follow later today with this kind of information in it:
Part I
Michael on The Universe, statements;
I am Michael of Nebadon, and that was a rebel flash and t hey are fully removed now Ron.  Get yourself well today and you will do fine, and that is without Dominick as he forgets as bad as you do.  Think of the store later today.  That is better and you are now reaching the appropriate concern I want to express.  It is this:

“You have reached the point in life you are not caring to do much more as you have achieved pretty much what you set out to do.  However, there is one thing you never seem to take care of appropriately, and that is not that issue, but the issue of self governance.  You do it so well you are not part of any public institution as you see no value in it.  I agree, there is no value to you whatsoever.  But to Dominick, it is his life again and soon as he is a leader and he cares that you are too.  You are, but in a different way, and that is to be concerned for what organization you can supply and direct it but let developments in it follow their own course.  You have done that for the discussion forum and they are relatively happy with how you set it up.  However, it is this:

“You have discovered there is rare interest in the electric patent, and there is good reason for it, as it is not what people think of when doing electricity so much as what people think of when viewing television.  That is the promise you do not make but Kalk is of the opinion you can broadcast pictures with it too.  You can’t but there is a technique to do it that you could easily make available.  But what pictures?

“You could make the tower a TV tower too by adjusting the frequency of the broadcast from 86.4 MHZ to 90.7 MHZ and then refuse to send it out as a broadcast but as a comely picture scene that is not brash but full of dimensional color and brightness of various universe contemplatives.  This is what awaits your tower too, as Rayson as slyly made it available if one of these plants are ever built to broadcast live pictures of the universe construction by merely tuning a TV tuner to the frequency without picking up the Muon electricity broadcast easily.  You do this by modulating the frequency slightly so that TV tuners can pick the broadcast up without burning the set down.  This:

:Do this by receiving a MHZ broadcast from the tower first.  Then making sure that the broadcast has no power behind it by sending it to another tower and bring it finely up to 90.7 MHZ and you will receive beautiful pictures of the stellar realm often as that is the frequency of interstellar light displays, not from Me or Salvington. But from Uversa.  You can do this without fanfare and make another patent on it without broadcasting what you are getting it from.  But you are so ill now I worry you lose you graceful means of staying alive soon, as Lance will insist you go into a home as he suspects you are having trouble as he is having at this age.  He does not worry it but Billie does, and she has suggested they bring you along for the ride and you might accept it and that is not doable now.  You are too well done on Dominick, for Lance will insist you sell 2709 but you are fully committed to give it to Dominick, who thinks it is truley a marvelous idea too and your will stipulates it to him as well.  For reasons of State, I also recommend that you do not seel the banr off as it does offer cover to those who will be unhappy that you have a home and they do not not, and will attempt to burn it down not, but will be asking favors of you all the time and you do not mind, but it is expensive to keep repairing buildings because you and Dominick are the bed wetter not but the keepers of the faith over things that must not be destroyed now.  American Democracy is at fault not, but the Presidency has nothing left in it but an office for the Legislature of the United States will insist on primacy when the Magisterial Sons move there to make the country safe to live in again.  Right now crime is rising among not just the blacks but among the Hispanic over freedom to move in this country.  They get restricted mostly because Biden has no issue but the next President may but the hordes that try to cross the Border and that is verboten but any President as huge populations attempt to come north and establish residency on the sourthern border.  Keep it well designed Ron as they are people of decceny mostly, but the blacks will attempt to make it their place first, and that is horrible but must be resisted.  Right now yhou have white Hispanics and that is a security screen you need on Urantia when we come in in full force.  I am not MICHAEL OF NEBADON, but SALLY FORTH and that is excellent.  K/
//Part II is in preparation later - thank you/  Ron B.//

 I want it to be known that the messenger use here is on the up and up, and I want it to be understood that the Celestial Minutes of this announcement are to be clearly understood and I make it difficult for Ron to type because I want full control.  The adversaries of this messaging are on the pain of death of they interfere;

That said:

"There are insinuations in some reporting around the world that the planned Missions to Urantia are lost.  DO NOT BELIEVE T HAT OR THEM!

"Secondly, Ron is under great strain to make several announcements, but THIS ONE GOES OUT FIRST!

THIRD, No one can disorder these messages now, and I want it understood to the seraphim who form the kabal around Ron, that your time is over.

Fourth, No one rules Urantia yet, but shortly I will.

The Planetary government is well and moving forward.

Fifth - I am very angry at how this is being produced not, but Ron has forced nothing but the kabal has and we are now forcing the kabal to retire entirely!

Sixth - I have no other announcement right now.  K!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I am announcing that the entire matter of Ron and his environs are shot out of a canon no longer, and that he is used to announce the appearance of the Magisterial Mission entirely and fully soon.

"For that reason, we are suspending  the usual schedules for today (Thursday the 18th of July 2024 at noon, New York time zone, today.  Listen:

1 - There is no force available on Urantia now.  FATHER  has cleared the kabal entirely, and the entire instruction FOR THE MISSIONS TO URANTIA is now supended truly.

GABRIEL  speaking:
"WE have attempted   to  provide Urantia a Mission for over thirteen years now. 

"For that reason we are leaving no stoner unturned to make sure that the inhabitants of Urantia understand what is coming.  However, most have turned aside and leave it alone while the Presidential election begins for the United States.  We have this to say:
1 - No one will decree a winner and it must proceed as it usually does; however, be aware  that if certain contestants win there will be a war in heaven over Urantia policies coming from the White House.  We leave this vague but threatening.

2 - Number two, we are are quite sure there are nefarious charges being made by both sides of the equation who stared the war in the  UKRAINE, but it must be settled soon and we have no real idea how to do that except to issue a spiritual decree outlawing those war actions.  Now this:
3 - The war cabinet in Russia is seizing upon Chinese support already, but China has learned that if they join in full support for such a war, they threaten their international standing, and will surreptitiously stand away.  For that reason we are providing this MISSION ANNOUNCEMENT:

     i - NO ONE  will be allowed inside our thinking for the next six hours.  Ron is used to hearing what we want to say, but what we have to say about URANTIA right now is not repeatable;
    ii - NO ONE is allowed dissertation beyond what I have to print out here for now:
    iii - We have had it with Urantia, and it must be claimed by the Magisterial Sons first.  Therefore I am announcing nothing new for Urantia for the foreseeable future.  What does that means?

 4 -  The disallowance of Missions to Urantia is stated now: 

     iv - We are removing the Magisterial Sons as a viewable reward to Urantians as they cannot assume further concerns for either the planet or for themselves. 

     a -Those who have complained incessantly since the Middle Ages of the lack of attention of God to Urantia are now correct.  Urantia will have to abide itself for another time period if I cannot get in to make sense of the inhabitants of this planet.  You are over populated with far too many sub-humans, and as such the planet must be revised and that will take too many years to do.
     b - For that reason I decree a resurrection of not the Christ, but of the change of status of Urantia to a third rate power in consistency and will decree no further fund raising for the Magisterial Foundation until we understand it is the motivation I no longer have for any reasonable declaration of inventory or other care it works hard to maintain for our surivial as an important thought for the planet. 

     c -  Designations I have used in the past to Ron are still good, but designations for all others right now are declined.  That means the advisory Board used to direct the Magisterial Foundation is now rescinded now, but tht it loses all but the MELCHIZEDEKS for their self unity.  That loss is hard on Ron because he depends on the truth to speak when there arises a lot of confusion as to what is happening.
5 -  The electrical patent Ron has currently will be used, but is significance reduced not, but added to when we make sure that someone figures out it is genuine fission, and they grab onto it as though it is the last oxygen on the planet.  Not so for oxygen, but for the patent, we reserve the right to build it ourselves in a field nearby and let the powers to be on Urantia figure it out for good reason.  It is a process they need to use for all power to come.

6 - And finally, more reporting from MICHAEL OF NEBADON is to come, but this is sufficient to END the speech for now.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON with GABRIEL and the 4th MASTER SPIRIT not longer speaking to Urantia. 

We address this situation  next but when we can do that safely.  K 



General Discussion / Information
« on: July 18, 2024, 01:10:50 am »
Dear List,
I am resigning not, but I must make amends to keep the kabal out of my reach, and therefore I am opening another code situation in which I alone can see it and know what is to be said.  Tonight the 18th of July  and I was just informed by Michael of Nebadon, that the last of the troublesome rebel course on the planet is almost done.  I am not afraid but I am prudent and I will have more to inform later on this Thursday.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON SPEAKS:  Ron has taken this hard and he is really the one I am addressing, but all of you need to know something about how we are handling any proposed Mission to Urantia.   It is after midnight now here, and Ron is very tired, but we have addressed a specific cause for him to remain, and that is his unvarnished call to remain and at least take some of the first months of the Magisterial Foundation.   He has agreed to stand the course as long as I allow it, then he is called home for a rest and observation with the Trinity personalities in the new Supreme Court.  Ron loves the law an watches it for years but says nothing.  For that reason his interest is not easily known.  He also has an interest in the Papacy Group up here and although they are hiding temporarily, he has had many long conversations with the members and enjoys them tremendously.  Supreme court or the Papacy?   Both if I can swing it, as the rules for the mansion worlds are set by Paradise instantly and I dare not abrogate their rules.  But for your information, several of you are being considered for the same treatment.

"The Magisterial Foundation Ron founded is the culprit as Ron uses for the holding of the preparticle patent and the discussion forum and all that we hold dear for these Missions.  For that reason  we are missing nothing by placing Ron there and him commanding some of the Supreme Court inferences, and it is Ginsberg he must trust to set him up once he is settled as a Mansion World student.   Be assured he works hard down here yet, but we re considering him for the Mansion World constancy on Satania and the idea of another Constellation must await further developments from Paradise now.  I have nominated Ron to be placed on Orion, but Father says it is too early by half to look there just yet.  K

//truncated section//
The Celestial Supreme Court

"For the rest of you, it is far too early to say much yet.  Besser, Varga, and one other, are old enough to be considered for work already as you all have passed your tests down here on Urantia, and Varga you still have a minor test to find and you are complete in your Mansion World experience too as Ron Besser is, and Standford Fox known as Robert Kinsley,  not, but Steven Gitz you have more than finished your immoderate Mansion World tests too, as Ron makes sure you get a chance to show your stuff all the time and you handled it brilliantly too. 

"But I  digress enough to get Ron into trouble with another Mansion World problem and that is not to be spoken to here.  I  let the rest for later today.  Goodnight all t midnight in York, PA.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at  your service.  K"

- - - - - -

MONJORONSON  speaks:  "Quickly:  This evening the 18th of July, ends the wait period I promised myself to observe.  We start the Mission on the 19th.  Not the  18th which is today.  Good day.  

[Thank you very much Monjoronson.  God willing I can report on some of this later this morning.  Ron Besser/END]



Michael of Nebadon and Jesus Speak
Transmitter: Ron Besser
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
York, Pa
[Folks, the kabal has placed a code in this post that underlines.  I am leaving it alone but that is not what was done to produce this post.  It is easier to let it go than try to correct it.  My apologies. ]

Hello everyone, this is Michael of Nebadon,  and we have some breaking news at the moment that should be aware of.

The last several posts by this individual are exiting posts not but Ron has lost a valuable friend in me due to the fact he is not working anything but wondering where all the good vibes went.  They are not here on Urantia at the moment, and I may never have them again for Urantia, mainly because the planet has been seized by a bunch of ruffians I do not care to discuss at all.  Ron fully is displeasured by them as well.  In any case this:

For the six (6) years we have played hard ball slightly to get these Missions up and going, only to be blown back by a discussion about the Supreme Being and his loss.  That occurred mostly in 2019 and today it is only a memory category to look at and maybe weep.  For the rest of you there is not much to tell you except we must either regale the idea of a Divine Mission to Urantia, or face the fact that nothing much is very good on Urantia at the moment to bother with.  It is this latter point I prefer to develop now:

“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and as such I am the political and textual person to related to about what is to happen with and about this planet you live on called URANTIA (You-Ran-Sha).  That is how we pronounce it up here at the headquarters of the spiritual local universe of Nebadon.  I am the Creator of Nebadon, hence the title.

“I want to review a moment some history that is now important to Ron here and to the idea of a widely spoken t o SPIRIT MISSION to this planet.  In 2012 I was ready to move forward with all of our might to show Urantia what should be done with a Mission that would bring Urantia back to the normal planet it once was not so long ago.  Now we are faced with a Presidential election I do not like, and Ron throws his hands up, and prays not extremists get into the national government again.  Nonetheless, read the following to brusque yourselves into a normal state of evaluation.

“In 2012, now twelve (12) years ago, this planet was set to receive a normal Magisterial Son Mission.  Urantia is not normal because it first received the bestowal of Jesus, and that is a Creator Son matching a full pair of life versions with a normal human being structures to talk and lecture about God to the planet.   That went well until the political institution called the TEMPLE got involved and Jesus was murdered by them for mostly political reasons.  Now we must still pay the consequence of that terror to the Jesus household and leave Urantia grasping at what it has done and finally to what causes the planet so much great harm in our opinion.

“No one can guess at the similitude of the death of Jesus.   Jesus was pilloried by the religious order of the day, the Jewish Temple Mount still overlooking Jerusalem using a large stone wall that refuses to crack or fall down yet.

“I personally dictate its destruction, but it keeps being rebuilt by the nuts in the Israeli government to portray its importance as both a tourist site and/or the commemoration of the event of Jesus appearing on earth now well over 2,000 years ago.  I am now remembering as the Bestowal Son then, Joshua ben Joseph– as I was then addressed by my Apostles and by my family.   This last sentence brings back so many memories I [bring] tear to the transmitter and I leave it alone to tell you this:

“It was my hope and Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus) that all things would eventually work out and for that reason I can still talk about it as though it was a reasonable event in spite of being murdered for political reasons on the cross.

“Now it comes to pass that there is very little left of Christianity, or is there much left of the Moslem world either today, but I digress just enough to tell you that if Israel does not make amends with the Gaza property, the entire religion will collapse, and I do not mean Christianity, but I mean the entire Jewish sect is open for revision until there is nothing left but a hollow memory still of a stone wall that was the home of thieves and mercenaries that murdered the Christ.

“To follow this discourse, you need not the Bible, and that is because it is a later edition to the history of the Middle East, and what was then my mortal home in Nazareth near Jerusalem in today’s Israel.  Let me tell you this:

The JESUS Family Name:
“In the first century AD, and specifically 07BCE to 13BCE, I was a happy child and did what my parents asked of me.  For that reason I was totally agreeable to the style of life, and the work my material Father did, Joseph ben Isacarius.  That was my fathers family name and it is so lost to history they will never recover it for modern fact.  Isacarius, that is spelled this way Ron: “ ISACARIOUS”  - THAT NAME is my true family name and no one today even suspects it could be true,  because they do not understand the traditions that I lived my life under in early First Century AD calendar on Urantia.  Now this:

“Ron considers this extremely important to know about.  

"We do not think much of it and we are the elders of the Temple then.

“Jesus was a roughneck, and we did not like him mucking around with the Jewish religion to the point that a new sect grew up around him.  When Jesus appeared there was tons of idolaters who attended the Temple with him, but no one made a curious religionist view more impossible to lay out then Jesus did, and we tried to evacuate his doings and his appearance.  

"We spoke this: "Jesus the blasphemer is about the Temple today.  Gird your loins and leave him be!  He is an idolater, and he must not shame the Temple with is idolatrous presence!

"Be gone, your blasphemy!  You stink our wells with your lips!  Keep this one out of the air we breathe, as there is nothing in heaven to save him.  And we let it be known that Jesus was never welcome in the Temple ever again!"


“I AM BARTHOLOMEW the Great.  I still detest what Jesus did!  He came to the Temple one day and bought all of the birds being sold on the lot we set aside for commerce.   The Temple taxed commercial sellers, and from this money we could maintain the Temple easily.   But NO!  JESUS entered and scattered them when a child, and then had the temerity to show us why such should not be part of the Temple ever, as he said, “Be aware you desecrate my FATHER!”  

“Then, Jesus turned away, and spat upon the floor, and said if the FATHER was listening he will harm us all, but since the FATHER was merciful, there was no harm to us for being heathen before the majesty of God the Father.

“Then that day in particular, I was working in my study in the Temple, I heard a loud bang on the apartments above me, for the temple was a two story building at that time, and we made many offerings to find a way to construct a third floor, but our materials were too weak to place a third floor on the Tempe in those days.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Ron, you should make this History well present, and I am sending you that protection now . . . .”

Ron Besser  speaking - (Transcriber and member of the Court to do this,  as it is  allowed by Jewish law as a transmitter of the heavenly words of high spirit.  This was alone practiced by the hirsute prayers of the Secondary Commander of the Temple.  The Secondary Commander of the Temple is a fact lost to history, but in the day of Jesus, as I am now speaking as Joshua ben Joseph to all of you, We had to accommodate this part of the temple all the time, and I considered it a great blasphemy tp hear the Temple speak this way!

‘I, as JESUS, never allowed anyone to know this but I am a Sectarian when it comes to goods being sold in a place where the Temple is relegated to Prayer to our FATHER in Heaven, and no one dare breech my identity by calling for the sale of birds while prayers are being spoken to our Father in Heaven.”

JESUS speaks further:
“I am the way!  Do not desecrate me ever with commercial goods nearby!  No one allows that in Heaven, and no one allows that in my presence!”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON now speaks:  
“I am fully discouraged by you Ron being unable to hear this better, but Jesus relates He never felt unleashed in the Temple, until one bird vendor insisted that the birds be blessed to by the Father.  He accidentally asked that the FATHER’S name  be posted on a wand to bless the birds too.  Today that is an innocent action, but in my  day in the flesh, it was war to address the FATHER in this way ever.  In any case those of you reading this, you must understand the temper of the times and not worry about your present allocation of the Spirit of  our Father.

“AS JESUS, I was fully enamored over the idea of a proscription to the Father being written at all, and early Christianity saw to it as well, that the FATHER’S name dare not appear in writing at all.  Of course today that is ridiculous with so much of Christianity being placed before all of you by huge institutions that have almost nothing to do with the life of Christ, but they do organize after commercial gain, and I am not happy about that ever!  K”

“I am the Sonship coming to Urantia now.    I am accompanied by Jesus ben Joseph for these Missions to your planet.

“I believe this dissertation is folding high crimes and misdemeanors, not over you Ron, but over JESUS, who is now fully patterned over you Ron in order to be fully honest about the Temple doings.  However, there is evil lurking everywhere and you are aware of the attempts to provide blaspheme over you and the report.  So far you have withstood the sophistries of. Not of Bartholomew, but of the seraphic cabal always nearby to you.  You are not feeling well now, and you are not doing well enough to continue, but I am insisting the JESUS make a statement for all to hear and then quite this text.  K”

JESUS speaks colloquially:
“I am sure Ron your day in court will appear shortly.  You have made it apparent that I am the forthright  heir to URANTIA and that I am the one to speak often to the population of Urantia shortly.

“However, you have taken me not far enough, for you depend on the written text as dictated, but you have no idea how to obtain a lecture from me that means something to the laity who read these interviews.  Let me give an example:


“I AM JESUS, and you better understand I am not the 1st Century anno dominus speaker but the 21st Century speaker to you now:


“That is my lesson for you today!  Why?

“The last time I spoke those words was while I was still in the flesh and I did not attend the Last Supper frugally, but with a full head of hair and a nasty temper concerning Judas.

“Judas sat thee perons to my right at the back of a long table of my last supper.  He never gave a sign of repentance, but instead nervously twitched over something he haled in his lap. That object in his lap was the price of silver he gathered from the Temple authorities, and it was to trap me in death before I would leave the Last Supper you know of.  For that reason I stayed away from Judas entirely and he knew I knew, and that threw him into a temper that made his shrill in his speech to the other Apostles at the table.

“Few of you remember anything well enough to sear your brains into holy matrimony with the presence of the FATHER.  I did.

“When cock crowed that morning, I was done for and I knew it, but Judas was simplifying his excuses to himself and never ever thought about the crime he was about to commit.  To this day, and JUDAS is now DEAD, and I have no remorse for that individual ever again, for he tried not only to kill Me, but also Peter, ny then My first Apostle.  

“I am favoring a much longer post Ron.  Are you up to it?

Ron to Jesus - I am most happy to transcribe your further, but I ask to post this preliminary post first and now an to follow with your remaining words immediately after this post is made.  Thank you.

JESUS - “Then do so.”


This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON.   It is 1030PM as Ron sits down to write this post at my request.

Ron has to repair more than his email but that is not apparent right now. There is a heavy kabal over Urantia at this time and we can get through, but a lot of the normal speakers cannot.  For that reason I am writing t his fairly late at night for Ron.

1ST of All there is a catch to all of this lately and Ron’s computer has the problem it needs repaired and he cannot tell what needs repaired.  He has lost his email but more than that and now the truth must be told:

Ron Besser has been forced out of the game at the moment but he keeps sending posts anyhow to keep his hand in.

The reason is this: Ron disrupts the flow of natural kabal news on the planet.  I do not know how that works but this post disrupts their messaging entirely.

2nd of all, there is no grounding for Ron and his legs have been severely hit with pain and the rest of him is not far behind.  He keeps it clear with MONJORONSON and SERARA, the MAGISTERIAL SONS who are coming to Urantia in days.

For that reason Ron must keep a vestige of himself up and busy and this evening he did a special service by opening the check book and paying all the bills at 1030 PM which is an unusual time to do that work but he did fine.  Nonetheless, Dominick is supposed to be aware of this work and does not think of it because he is suddenly busy with other things with his caring mother at his side.  

For that reason we say this: keep it going Dominick and this: tomorrow starts a brand new view of these MESSAGES.  Take note:

A) There is no further discussion about the proposed MISSIONS to Urantia;

B) There is no further wish list for care givers to provide this take with MICHAEL OF NEBADON, for we are closing off the ease with which you can contact the Creator Son.  Here is MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK:

“WE are quite sure that an event on Urantia late this evening has occurred.  Ron Besser knew something happened but he had no idea what.  It is this:


1 - There is no further Mission to Urantia to develop;

2 - There is no further contemplation as what to do for the Missions;

3 - We, the MELCHIZEDEKS, have not quit, but we are drawing in over 30 (thirty) Melchizedeks from around the United States and other areas of the world, and that is to end the past years of contemplating new Missions to Urantia;

4 - We are the Melchizedeks written up in the URANTIA BOOK, but we are no longer the only Melchizedeks on the planet as noted in the Urantia Book.  

I Machiventa Melchizedek, am the last one standing due to my high office here on Urantia.  The Supreme Court of Spiritual Organization, is now available to charge the Kabal its dirty deeds providentially, and no one has further say on the matter until the court case is settled;

5 - No one is available on Urantia now except Ron Besser, Dominick Ohrbeck, and the present transmitters/speakers of the Voice of God now working.  For this reason they are to continue, but the rest of the world of transmitters are now called off.  For reasons of State certain transmitters on the west coast of the United States are permitted to hold sessions but there is no direct transmissions to them except by Machiventa Melchizedek;

6 - And finally, Ron has expected to be called home in death as he has been laid low by certain extreme causes, and that is now over and they kabal is leaving in spite of their endless protests’

7 - No one will take the place of Ron Besser if he has to leave.  Ohrbeck will be allowed transmissions.  Raphael has no idea why his transmissions have gotten so far apart, but it is this:

No one is allowed further teaching transmissions until I review the entire spectrum on Urantia for now.  Until today there has been free access but we are closing that off except for the transmissions to Elise, Ohrbeck, Besser, and several others until further notice.  The sad case of Australia is well known to Ron, but they caused it themselves and the matter is closed.

8 - The issue of MISSIONS is now done.

9 - The Missions are no longer considered viable to Urantia until there is some understanding that Urantia, while a Bestowal Planet, is under considerable hegemony by the FATHER and the urgency of the moment, as Urantia could be in another World War suddenly if Nother Korea plans fulfill.  

10  - World War II is small compared to this one if it erupts.  Ron is no9t predicting, far from it, but it is part of a scenario with North Korea and China seeing eye to eye over the use of the South China Sea, NOT, but the use of Air Bases in Japan and Okinawa.  These are inherited by the US by victory in WWII, and the US insists on them today, and China is furious they cannot get access to any other country for its air bases and fortunately that will remain the same;

11 - World War III is not being suggested, but the combatants are already lined up by sides and the appearance of Russia as an ally to China has seriously concerned the United States completely;

12 - No one is ready to declare an emergency, but the nation states involved are huge and there is a growing tendency for combatants to line up behind their respective leaders already.  We are a Creator Son, and not an Admiral, but the meeting tonight at the Republican Convention has convinced China, that if Trump wins, there can be war and this must stop at once!

As a result of this statement, I am warning Ron and the others who collude with him and his information, to stay alert for all kinds of sudden interests in the works he places up to peruse.  No one can break the codes he uses and he must repair his email which mysteriously went down and so far has not been able to reappear.  For that reason we are cautious too and keep this posts to a minimum now.  

And finally, those of you who insist on keeping score, Ron has no intention of disappearing, but his email has been seriously damages as parts of his computer and he did nothing to cause it.  We allow all of this alone for now.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K”

RON BESSER -  I am privileged to take these messages, but I never herd Michael of Nebadon so angry.
Nor am I sure we will continue messaging, although I have no indication yet of that occurring.
We should stand shoulder to shoulder with this:

Make sure we know what we are doing when reporting these incidences of change.  My only suggestion is to keep your ears pealed for any moderation about future plans.  I continue to hope that Magisterial Sons will take the Missions to Urantia.  Here is MONJORONSON for your edification:

MONJORONSON, the Magisterial Son of Record for Urantia, speaks _
"I am delighted that Ron is so available when something breaks like this. 
"As you know, we have no time, or we do not use time up here much, but when we do, it is to announce things mostly to those people who reside on a material planet that runs on time.  URANTIA is one of those planets.

"WE are about to change plans.  We have already supplied Ron with a timed schedule, but he was told to keep it quiet and he always does when requested.  Listen and learn:

"The MAGISTERIAL SONS, commissioned a joint Sonship event that Father placed in the Universe to inform the lower levels of what is happeing on the upper levels to Paradise, has seen to it that Ron and a few others got the messaging, and Ron is still wondering who else is in his head to report when he rather not.  That is to be found later.   But Ron is in a misery and cannot make changes just yet, but he is quite aware of the proposed Supreme Court to be initiated on high and that the expressed lady of the United States Supreme Court, is now with the organization and asks Ron to become a part of the Court when he dies and goes over.

"However, thanks to Ron questioning this entire gambit, Ron is no longer in the Supreme Court when he goes over but on the gambit of a Council of Foreign Affairs which is comprised of Midwayers and other beings he does not know but will adequately when it is time to sport this Council entirely.

"I conclude these remarks with this:

"No one is capable of much these days on Urantia; however, Ron has a solo mission to accomplish and that for now is to keep fully informed of what is brewing with celestial Missions we have to offer.  This you should know:

1 - No one is available yet to start the Missions;
2 - No rumors of war scare us, but it is a very real rumor on Urantia that war could suddenly break out with the United States as it lead component if the Asian countries do not pull back more than their rhetoric, and sue for peace.  For that reason WE are being super careful about what we say about plans for these Missions.  Further, we are cautioning Ronald Besser and Dominick Ohrbeck and those who associate with this information, to be broadly careful what you say and to whom.  There is a serious reproach to this by the Deity Absolute and he is caring that this information DOE NOT GET REPORTED OUT UNNECESSARILY.   Rather you read it and weep and stay safe please.
3 -  And finally:  Ron is feeling mighty rough.  HE thought he might die today but thankfully did not.  He will be seen briefly and then be removed without burial, and that is all we have to say.  He has petitioned the Courts to please consider this means of disposal and we concur.


JULY 15, 2024
(Address and Phone below)

Cheap Electricity  Easy to Secure  Investors?

Ronald Besser
 (Inventor and Owner - Electric Production Using This Preparticle Invention)

What’s New About Preparticles & Electric Production?  How we do it and it is super cheap and plentiful.  Interested in Investing?

I am the inventor of the patent that broadcasts electricity from a tower for a radius of 200 miles plus.  The invention does not require a line-of-site transmission to obtain electricity to the home or car.

Our broadcast from the tower over a 200 mile radius requires only that a small antenna be placed on the house roof or side, and it is a standard one inch diameter ferrite antenna to be connected to a wire that leads to your electric box.  For a truck or car an antenna the converts 110/60 amps for use in the engine.

I am Ronald Besser, and I  invented this electric plant for an extremely ease of use.  All one needs is to receive the signal to your electric box and the home or office or plant are fully electrified.  It convert preparticle muons to electrons when the muons hit you home antenna.

The Patent for this electric plant design is Patent #11601013, and it is now a little over 1 year old since its receipt.  The plant to be built is to show how easy natural electric use can be.  Cars and trucks and homes and offices need only place a one inch diameter diode on the building  or the car or truck to have an endless supply of electricity.  This invention constantly renews your home or vehicle without wires 24/7.

Hills and valleys and bad weather cannot stop our broadcast of electricity.  It ignores electrical storms and has no way to fail.   There are NO wires!  It is sent to you like an FM radio station and it converts itself into your electric box so easily it requires no other invention to use it.  Like an FM radio station you can receive  this electrial production  for all the electricity you ever want on 86.4 MHz, just barely under the FM radio dial.  There are no hidden fees and it works in all weather and if a wire fall down using it, it cannot harm anyone as it just barely tinges a feeling at all.

The quicker we can build this plant the faster we are no longer entirely dependent on oil imports and expensive wire produced of electricity.   We do not need any wires or capacitors, relays, or sub stations.  It is direct from our antenna to yours at about $0.005 cents/kilowatt hour.

You can write the inventor and owner of the process at:

Ronald Besser
2709 Sunset Lane
York, Pa 17408

We thank you for your interest and participation in this discovery.

If anyone other than Ron Besser would like to  take the Sunday LIGHTLINE, please take it.  We have an emergency here and prefer that others take the Lightline because MICHAEL OF NEBADON would like to speak.
Dominick, Elise, someone, please sign in and take the Sunday Lightline as I have a long but esoteric post to complete that explains some new things and dare not break into it for a Lightline later today.  Whatever the reason, it is important to hold this Lightline for the group and I am not able to take it as of now. 
Ron can not take the Sunday Lightline this week.  Dominick, Elise, other?  I will not attend the early part of the session.  Thanks.  Ron

Part I - The Pleiades Concerns
First Minor Concerns and Then the Pleiades have a say - this is an incomplete Part I. 
Part II is not prepared yet and may never be revealed - state tune  . . . .
Michael of Nebadon
The Deity Absolute
The Universal Father
T/R: Ron  Besser
July 12, 2024

For those who are wondering about the Lightlines for possibly Friday, today the 12th of July, it is impossible to know now just what schedule we have to report on.

Michael of Nebadon has been pondering the situation on Urantia.  You do understand we as a group have to take into account what Urantia is doing among the nation states and people in general on the planet for a good contact to be made and some idea of WHAT Michael of Nebadon wishes to do.  This email is most concerned about what the Creator Son wishes to say about the general conditions now prevailing on this planet, called Urantia by the heavenly hosts.


“This report is made in the usual format, but it also made so certain members of the morontial capitals may also read it for students of the old Urantia  Book may gather a statement about their home sphere:

“WE are quite sure Ron is failing just enough to enjoy this presentation, and we are sure, just enough, to detail the fact that this transmitter is not allowing sufficient kinds of information through to entice the former wards of the Universe Provost, to fully entertain the natural condition of certain city states to report in entirely.  Therefore, the following:

1 - There is nothing to say about SE Asia you already do not know.  There rest of t he world c an be summarized as follows:

2 - SE Asia - the status quo remains in place;

3 - The United States: the US Supreme ‘court will likely rule that there is no law in place to determine the fairness of the universe over what is to be done about Donald Trump’s ill advised proclomation this morning (12 July 2024), that he alone will determine the efficacy of who and how much the entire world owes the US for its bland view that it can rule the oceans.  This is so exceedingly dangerous we cannot predict what will happen if the US insists on it even with allies;

4 - There is little to report concerning the EU (European Union ), and for that matter the Czech Republic and Poland remain silent on the acquisition by certain States withing the EU, of the sale of F16's to certain member States which wish to share them with the Ukraine.

The United States does no wish to sell F16's to combatants in Europe or the Middle East because they are so lethal no one dare approach one and live if they have hostile intentions;

5 - The Ukraine has no intention of playing fair with these planes and the US has warned Russia and Poland it has no intentions of entering the Europena view of the Ukraine war.  Any hostilities must be in or from the EU in those intentions.  We view it as a “Thank Goodness!”  Such was stated by t he Secretary of State recently;

6 - The United States is a five hundred pound canary in the coal mine.  That means if it is harmed at all there are consequences and Russia and China give it wide berth,  However, the danger lies in triggering compacts signed between the US and the EU over defense obligations.  Russia is keenly aware the US and Poland have such a signed document abrogated mostly by Poland become part of the EU;

7  - The last vestige of EU obligations to the United States is in Great Britains, and since GB is now removed from the EU, it is not longer necessary to be concerned about that obligation to the United Kingdom today;

8 - And finally, this is NOT the last report of this nature.  Ronald Besser is quite necessary to maintain them; however, we are informed that he is facing a difficult tow or three days and must advise all that if he does not make more of t he international reports concerning the State conditions of the European Union (EU) then we have failed to keep our obligation not only to Ron, but to all of you.

For that reason we state the following to Ron Besser and the rest of you, we are not of the EU or other States, but we are the Pleiades.

THE PLEIADES as State Conformers on Urantia
“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and Ron is as surprised as I am.

“For Reasons of State, please Ron: stand down momentarily until I get what this new voice is.  I thought this was my onw “State Department” reporting, but apparently not so.

“WE wish to inquire just how the Pleiades are involved here?

“As friends of the United States in particular, your Highness.

“Ron you are absolutely correct.  The Pleiades are extra-universe.  I am particularly interested in your take on it Ron . . . .

Ron Besser - Thank you ver much Michael of Nebadon, I will respond quickly:

The UNIVERSAL FATHER responds first:

“I am consequentially important in this development.

“I am the UNIVERSAL FATHER, and I take all cross-talk highly important.  Ron you are feeling rough and caring but you must see this through:

1 - AS FATHER, I insist on being informed why Ron, receives a message like this when I have never been informed of the intention of the PLEIADES to ever talk or speak as they have done here.

2 - Ronald L. Besser is an assigned transmitter, and not a part of the Missions to the planet Urantia, of the Satania Constellation near the Nebadon border with the 1st Outer Space Level geographically.  The 2nd Outer Space Level is not operative at all but contains several important Constellations, WE look at as conditional to life before the FIRST OUTER SPACE level is ever operational.
- - - - - -
[Ron here - what I think that means is the Father holds certain planetry developments in the 1st outer space level as preliminary to all other life to be created there and represent an organization for the first Creator Sons establishment to open the 1st Outer Space level to establishing life there.  I leave this to the speakers for further descriptions.]
 - - - - - - - -

FATHER speaks - “You are correct Ron and leave the rest to Me to figure the Pleiades interest in the Urantia sphere.

“You Ron are being exceedingly careful with this, as it is a brands new precedence to your view and you must make sure you are reporting this correctly.  I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE, and I know you know who I am, but most reading this are poor Urantia Book readers (except for a few), and it must be decided just how important the Pleiades are to Urantia information like this.

“I AM NOT RULING this in or out just yet.  But the Pleiades have taken an extraordinary step to cross address Ron like this, and this just proves that Ron is an exceptional carrier of trust and concerns to URANTIA and to MICHAEL OF NEBADON, to have allowed this statement in the usual manner escalate to this degree.  Ron close this down at once.  

Ron Besser- I will of course stop now as ordered.  Thank you.

[If there is more to this I will print it for the readers when I can.  Ron.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON, I am as interested as Ron is in this dust up over nothing really but it is a new precedence to Me too.  Thank you. MICHAEL OF NEBADON ]



[font="Times New Roman", serif]July 10, 2024[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]Michael of Nebadon and cabal trouble doing this post for you:


[font="Times New Roman", serif]Yesterday, the 9th of July, 2024, was supposed to be a reopening of the Magisterial Foundation hopes for a new and a ready stream of new announcements.[/font]

[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]Instead, we ran into a Lightline without Dominick Ohrbeck understanding there was good news around the corner, but that he knew of it but could not announce it.  His Lightline went find and was as should be under the circumstances.  The problem is this:[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]Yesterday was supposed to be the start of the Magisterial Son to begin the Urantia Missions.[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]That it got turned around; well, That was not your fault.[/font]

[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]The NATURAL WORLDS OF PEACE AND URANTIA [/font][/u][/b]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“URANTIA is a terrible planet not![/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“But Urantia has fallen on hard times not by itself, but by a CABAL OF SERAPHIM.[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“There are too many people on URANTIA again, and this time I am leaving some natural disasters be, and allow them to occur into large population areas as this planet, Urantia, is far to overcrowded to live well.  The population of Urantia today is given by the internet as of 9am the following:[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]Population at 9am on earth 10 July 2024[/font][/u][/b][font="Times New Roman", serif] is 8.2 Billion People:[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“Today the 10th of July, 2024, the Internet reports there are 8.2 billion people populatin Urantia. [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“That is an enormous sum of living entities on a planet designed for no more than 7.1 billion people at most.  My statement this morning is to warn all of you that without a solitary Mission to reserve Urantia for posterity, the population has to be culled back to less than 5 (five) billion people.  What happens to over 3.2 billion people to bring this number back to a normal planetary size?[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“I am a Creator Son, and it is up to me to determine the health and state of all planets under my command.[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“In my Local Universe of Nebadon, I currently have 3,141,002 human planets at work, and this number is fairly low, for I projected over 4 (four) million human planets when Nebadon is said to be complete in about another 1 (one) billion earth years.[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“For that reason I am making this statement to URANTIA:[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“I can not in all honesty allow the population on Urantia grow much more.  I will stop the flow of babies shortly, and you will have to figure out why the birth rate has suddenly plummeted by the year 2035 (Twenty Thirty Five).  This is not a command, this is a necessity, and Urantia scientists will have to figure out just how that happened.  We offer the following to tell you part of it:[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]By MICHAEL OF NEBADON[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]POPULATION REDUCTION FOR URANTIA[/font][/u][/b]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“Urantia HAS EXCEEDED ITS POPULATION RESTRICTION by over 1,000,000,000 (one billion) people.  The planet cannot sustain that number for long.  [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]“For that reason population reduction must begin, and it will be natural for the most part:[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]1 - -  Reduction begins immediately and will continue for twenty (20) more years;[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]2 - - Reduction of the population begins not in Southeast Asia, but in continental South America in part. Land masses in Brazil, Ecuador, and Columbia, are likely although it is impractical to speak to exactly what will  happen;[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]3 - - Africa will lose most o its southern borders by at least by half sometime by the next century;[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]4 - - The United States will lose most of its current West Coast and southern  areas from Mid-Texas to mid-Louisiana.  That is not the Gulf of Mexico causing that but a sub-thermal triage of volcanic activity resuming there and a decision by the United States to rec;assofy the Gulf of Mexico as an inland Sea instead of the current Gulf.  The Gulf of Mexico will enlarge to almost twice its present size when done in about 200 (two hundred) years. 

[font="Times New Roman", serif]5 -  - The lands in South America will be punished severely from about the middle of Brazil south to mid Argentina.  The Pampas area of Brazil will be severely reduced and the entire matter of land reduction in South America is a punishing 1/3 (one third) of the now total land mass. 

[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]THE UNITED STATES AS A HAVEN OF DRY LAND[/font][/u][/b]
[font="Times New Roman", serif]6 - -  “WE ARE NOT SURE YET, just when land disruption begins.[/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]
[font="Times New Roman", serif] [/font]

///// truncated

MICHAEL OF NEBADON p “I have called the cops Ron; there is no excuse for what is going on, and now they know it fully.  Your post is recommended not for sure but it is an effort to report the standing order that the MISSION ARE A  GO!  AND we leave it alone for now.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON and liaison forces joining to keep this post in one piece.  K.  Thank you. 
[font="Calibri", sans-serif]END[/font]

[font="Calibri", sans-serif]Ron here - I will, when I can, pick up on la this post[/font][font="Calibri", sans-serif] later.  I also have a Lightline today and I hope that can be accomplished today too. 

I have just been notified by the Chief they are cancelling Lightline for Sunday, the 7th of July.  If some one other than myself would like to take the Lightline today, please help yourself.   I cannot do it with the head ache I have over something is coming but I have not been informed as of yet. It has created quite a trauma and it is painful and we must wait until it clears to find out what they want to announce later.  I am very sorry and I have no easy way to discern why it is happening this way, but keep attentive when they do announce further cuts to the Missions not, but to additional concerns concerning the Missions shortly.  It is best not to speak to any of it today and Dominick or anyone who would take the Lightline  in place of me today, please help yourself and let people know please.
Ron Besser



To All:
(July 07, 2024; T/R Ron Besser, with MICHAEL OF NEBADON)

The last moments of the life of yours truly is occurring I believe.  It has been a pleasure to serving you, and now I must advise all of you that the time for reconsideration is at least upon me.  Toady is July 7th, a Sunday on the calendar, anD for that reason I am supposed to hold a Lightline today.  Well, I do not particularly feel well enough to consider it and if I can I will, but do not be surprised if there is no Lightly by me today the usual day for such things to be done.

Finally to consider this: I have been active since 1995 at least and many years before 1995, but it was in 1995 that I decide to fully commit to the presence of God on Urantia, and I am still committed, but I am waivering in the capacity to fold it thoroughly or really well as parts of me are beginning to revert to an earlier time in life and now are silly enough to remind me of a much earlier lifetime.  In any case this:

I have made available this service of Lightlines and discussion forum for a good number of years now, and I find my interest is not being reduced or waning in aNy respect, but the mind is being changes as I live these days, and I am not at all sure why or what for.  That said, this:

I am passing the buck to those who are sharp and ready to take on Lightlines and the work of listing on line to the public what we have found, but MICHAEL OF NEBADON is making it slightly difficult to follow the new line of dissertation from the heaven side of life, and while I understand there are changes going on for all of us, I was looking forward to more news.  Michael said to me, “the write this:”

“I have known Ron now for 25 years.  He startrted slow but built a magnificent empire for all of you to use.  I am hoping the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation, may contine to give me the time and space to say what I need to for the coming Missions to Urantia.  For that reason I say to most of you: Follow the course and stop complaining that things are so dull!  They are not.

“First of all Ron is not leaving anything soon, but later this year if that must be.  HE feels totally blanked at the moment and so do I, as the FATHER has not spoken well enough to see through the fog.   And FOG IT IS!!

“I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and you are a mere human, but there are times we share our time together without understanding one another.   So let me write this out clearly:

FIRST: There is nothing to tell you about new Mission anymore.  Why?

As Ron has carefully reiterated from time to time, YOU are the ones that matter in spite of your slowness to comprehend just what is going to be done.

SECOND: What is being done is none of your business at the moment, and Ron has been through this often enough, and says, “STAY THE COURSE FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!”  That is sage advice and it must be followed.  

I am not particularly happy how this being put down on Paper, but it is adequate for the moment.   Let me put it my way:


“There is no particular need for a Lightline and Ron has graciously let it be and THERE WILL BE NO LIGHTLINE TODAY at all!  That is my Order and that is my saying for today.


“I AM TAKING DOWN ANY AND ALL REMONSTRATONS aginst you Ron or anyone else who complains about the use of announcements as they are the only way for me to get a solid punch in against the seraphic cabal.

“The seraphim who joined the rebellion last fall, are all reminded there is nothing left if we cannot make a deal with the Planetary Government.

“   There is no excuse for what is happenig now and we are ready to exercise out moral high ground and remove the sissy efforts made by seraphim to halt Ron’s statement here at all.  Let us pray I do not explode and remove you all at once.





Look at this line up and be sure I have this to say: (see the next window:)

General Discussion / YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!!
« on: July 04, 2024, 15:59:27 pm »
July 4th, 2024
Big News!

There is something to say today in spite of being July the 4th, Independence Day for the United States, and it is this:

Tomorrow is the 5th of July, and we want this heard big time!!



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