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I thought it was a funny comic. 

My loving greetings to everyone. About three months ago, moved by the heated discussions that are taking place around current geopolitics and in particular the Colombian one, and also by the occasional controversies at the family level on religious issues, I wrote the following approach that I publish without any special purpose, making it clear that I agree that we cannot load our exclusive forum with personal political positions, although I must also say that I enjoy it when they are presented. Thanks Ron and thanks Dreamcat01

NOTA: My apologies if the translation is defective

POLITICS AND RELIGION: THE CHALLENGE OF DIALOGUE If there is one reason why all human beings can be lumped together, regardless of their gender, it is because they are convinced that everything they think is correct, that everything they say is the truth and that everything they do is well done; exceptions to this attitude are so few that they can be considered non-existent.

I am brought to the subject of the discussions that arise around two aspects that, with sufficient grounds, can be affirmed, have motivated human activity both in the past, as they do in the present and will do so in the immediate future: Politics and Religion. That is, on the one hand, our social and family life, and on the other, our spiritual dimension. The first has to do directly with our material, mortal environment, and the spiritual life with the survival of the soul. Although each one seems independent of the other (and this due to causes beyond the control of Humanity itself), both the material and the spiritual are realities that complement each other and cannot exist without the other. However, this divorce designed millennia ago by heavenly rebels (like the Rebellion of Lucifer), has prevailed to this day and where it has the greatest impact is on these two aspects mentioned of Politics and Religion, because they are markedly the most sensitive and the ones that most affect our daily life.

Very often, the warning is given as a preventive measure to avoid conflicts that may arise and escalate into more serious physical violence between groups of relatives, friends and other types of associates: “No discussion of politics or religion is allowed here,” without taking into account that it is precisely these two disciplines that can gauge the quality and degree of relationships and bonds between humans. If respect, consideration and affection governed as they should the relationships between civilized societies, thinking differently with respect to any topic, but in particular with respect to politics and religion, should not for any reason become the cause of interpersonal ruptures or distances. This principle is fundamental to be able to grow and ascend on the spiritual path in which love, true love, which is unconditional by nature, constitutes the essential feature that denotes the presence of divinity inherent in the entire creation: “God is Love and if you develop love, you do not need to develop anything else.”

In any case, it is a rather intricate subject that makes it difficult for us to get out of the quagmire in which we have fallen, trapped as useful idiots, defending absurd superimposed positions, reduced to the simple role of miserable bio-puppets that repeat pre-programmed behaviors, a state that I have come up with the idea of calling Wireless Man.

The work done by our “programmers” (captors) has been, without question, admirable and monumental, to the point that the captives, as a general attitude, render a cult of fidelity and admiration to their captors, according to multiple pre-established programs, within which conflicts and confrontations, among others, form the basic pillars that formulate human behavior. In this argument, I maintain that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to establish a constructive and harmonious dialogue or debate on politics and religion. These discussions tend to almost always lead to irreconcilable polemics. The emphasis must be placed on the religious issue because it happens to be the one that concerns us most as mortals in this earthly life experience.

Without falling into the same error that I am trying to point out, my motivation is to expose the existing problem, hoping that my reasoning will lead to reflecting on the need we all have to "transcend the quota of animality with which we are born," the root of all our disagreements.
Any Christian believer repeats a whole series of dogmas learned since childhood, at home, at school or at church, clinging to them as unquestionable truths, sufficient, according to them, to increase their faith in the truth of God, for example, "God is Omnipresent", and other statements that they proclaim as banners to emphasize that they know the total truth about their salvation from ignorance inherited for millennia; but like Pontius Pilate, who after asking the question "What is Truth?", would not wait for the answer from the Nazarene for fear of knowing it, in the same way, in their great majority, these believers fear deep down to know the truth of their existence. They hear preaching about eternal life, but as much as they testify that they do not fear death, they tremble at the slightest chill and prefer to hand over the responsibility of God's truth (the greatest of all) to religious leaders, churches and sacred texts, and they settle for repeating Bible verses by heart, convinced that it is the same saving word of God, without discerning that the Truth can only be found within themselves and never outside, no matter how big, beautiful and renowned the church or cathedral is, and how qualified and eloquent the preacher in the pulpit.

But again, I am not going to fall into the same error that I am trying to point out, of pretending to be the bearer of absolute truth, as often happens among Christian fanaticism multiplied and divided around a single God.

What remains for us is to discern about facts and realities that orbit around us in a permanent way, like birth and death. Our body, as important and fundamental as it may be for this material life, is only a vehicle of temporary manifestation for the soul, but within that perishable body, there exists a divine core, pure spirit or divine gift, the path and goal of every spiritual aspirant. Here lies the secret of eternal life that brings mortal and finite man closer to the reality of an eternal and infinite God.

It can be said that anyone who seriously delves into the search for the truth of who they are, or self-knowledge, will reach the conviction that: "We are not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body" and from this basis, undertakes the transformation of an arduous existence full of uncertainties, into a life full of abundant hope.

Life can be conventionally understood as a Divine Game, which, unlike any other game that imposes and is governed by many rules, the Divine Game is governed by only one rule: INTEGRITY, or fair play, throughout all spheres of existence.
Ultimately, and in conclusion, when reflecting on politics and religion, and on the complexity of human existence between the material and the spiritual, it is essential to remember that true consensus lies not in uniformity of thought, but in cultivating mutual respect and deep understanding. Accepting our differences not as barriers, but as opportunities to grow together in wisdom and compassion, is the challenge and promise of a Humanity that seeks to transcend self-imposed limitations and reveal and transform into action the Truth that resides within each one of us.

Octavio Cervantes Pava MD, Barranquilla, June 23, 2024
Lightline Netherlands International - 16 September, 2024

This is Elise, your host for Lightline Netherlands International on Monday, September 16, 2024

I opened the Lightline to see if we could receive anything and we were honored with words 

We thank Monjoronson for giving us a circuit to receive these messages. 

Link to recording:

General Discussion / Re: mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« Last post by Lemuel on Yesterday at 02:07:50 »

Ron, I am amazed that you are still here and able, just, to inform us all of the
latest news. The most important of which, is that the DEITY ABSOLUTE
How or will this affect us?



" I  AM THE SERAPHIC LEADER OF THIS GROUP:   I have no name for safety reasons, but I tell you until the Creator Son realizes we are near death's door over so many issues, we will not work one iota more until someone addresses these wars on Urantia, and lets us free of the ministry of the dying and defamed.  We are sick of the wars and the hardships on Urantia and no one addresses these wars as we must.  For reasons of State Ron, you are honored as a friend of both courts and you do not mind as long as both sides state their reviews and go out and away from official concerns with the hiatus of  remarkable concerns you have for both ways of telling of what is happening on Urantia.  Helder Poeta spent a day with a friend of the Court and reports nothing gained, and we agree with Poeta, but he is a youngster and has no real standing with the Brazilian government yet he does speak well as far as we Seraphic Corps are concerned.  Thank you for letting us make this statement Ron.  K"

Well, well. Since the Seraphic Group of Rebels are against Michael I must assume they are our enemy. And they say they don't want to work with Michael because of war. It is simple guys, just destroy every single weapon of war. It is that easy to stop war. If men would still fight after that, that would be less destructive to people around them and I think less likely to keep a war WITHOUT weapons. Destroy weapons on both sides. If they still want to buy or make more weapons after that, make their hands so itchy with monkey powder or something so they will stop.  

Other way to stop war is to kill generals and commanders that are pro war. Not the ones that are against it but are forced to do it. Or better yet, the leaders that have started the war. I know in Ukraine's case it was Putin who started. In Israel war, I don't know who is started but just kill the responsable too. 

I personally think the constant destruction of weapons would be a better idea and one that makes a clear message. Imagine this: who would destroy all weapons on both sides at the same some, every day they try to use them or make new ones?
Only a neutral third party, with divine powers. Soon mankind would realize they are dealing with divine forces and stop war.

Ah, and to make sure it would be a divine act make some sort of divine sing on the headquarters of both sides, like those Holy Mary appearances, Jesus faces on a window glass or something. Boom! That's it, that's how you stop a war, and them you would because happy and start to be less of an obstacle to the missions that are delayed for, you know...  2 DECADES NOW.  
Well, I tried to make this patente a real thing here in Brazil and even in USA too, until now I didn't have any success but I'm not giving up. I've still have some ideias to try. 

1) I tried going in the local city hall and talked with the Secretary of Buildings. 
It didn't work until, BUT I will try talking to the mayor soon.

2) I tried asked help for Mr. Beast, the world 's number 1  Youtuber that helps people making philanthropy videos. He wanted to buy 15% shares of the company. I think it was not a good ideia, asked Ron if it was not a good idea and well... No answer which I think it is better this way. Mr. Beast contact just gave up the idea. 

3) I tried asking for many electrical companies for a budget of how much it would cost to build a tower like that here in Brazil. Only one answered me and I felt the engineer was just lazy to read the patent . Oh boy....

4) I've tried to reach a man that helps inventors here in Brazil and has a website for inventors to show their inventions here in Brazil and find investments. Guess what, I got that man's contact only to talk to his son and find out that the man is dead. Oh boy...

5) My grandmother asked me to make a lottery game. Well, I made as she told me and she scored 9 numbers on her 3 lottery games. It costed 9 reais and the day of the lottery game was 9/9.  With so much nines in a single paper I guess this is a sign of good luck and I think I 'll try to "make a little faith" as we say here in Brazil about the lottery game, hahaha. 

6) Wagner, the barberman asked me to talk to his friend Charles , that is an electric engineer and is very enthusiastic about new inventions.  I was unable to find Charles the day I went to his job but I'll try again later. 

And that's it. Wish me luck people!!
Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Regarding Trump, not the true issue.
« Last post by HelderPoeta on September 15, 2024, 22:28:41 pm »

This election has devolved into a high-school popularity contest for us to choose up sides and smell armpits. Is that really what the free world needs? Leadership based on popularity? 

It's the same here in Brazil, actually I think in the whole word. Do you really think most people actually reads the proposals and ideias the candidates have for the country? No, not at all. They just vote on the one who they think will win, because most people don't wanna "lose" their vote. At least that is a very common thought of the masses. Young people are even worse because they only vote on a candidate based if they are polite, scandalous, or has woke or non woke thoughts.  Specially here in Brazil the more scandalous the better for the candidate and I believed most places in the world it is like that, just look on the Trump speeches. 
Hello everyone, we held our Lightline this evening, Father, the Ancients of Days,  and the Consummators of the Universe Destiny spoke briefly, no other Incidents than before we started the Lightline some rebels made a warning  that it would be an offense to them if a did a Lightline,  later they tried in two more occasions to insert their wedges, at the end it was not long call but at least we end it good.
This is the link

Thank you all for listening.
René Durán
Your host

General Discussion / mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« Last post by Ron Besser on September 15, 2024, 18:28:47 pm »
We are sure you need this and hear from the cabal not but from Michael of Nebadon on your plans to step back and allow the usual drift to occur, Ron.  But let me reward those of you who support Ron and his contention that there has to be a change in dialog and that the usual Lightlines are insufficient to speak to it.  But they have to do for now.  I also warn others reading this I am often beaten up by the cabal and I drop some words.  You have to supply some yourself and thank you.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON  - "Today Ron slept through his usual Lightline charge.  He was not conscious for six hours and ten minutes, and in that time we modified his brain so he did not hear a wake up call to go and do his usual Lightline.  Why?

"The trial today is not Michael of Nebadon.  The trial today is to listen to a cabal that wants to take charge of Urantia, and for the reason it believes it can do a better job than the current administration of policy led by the Melchizedek, Mantutia." 

MANTUTIA SPEAKS: “I am the head of the Planetary Governments spoken to here.  I am full satisfied that it is run well and has an exemplary turn at events including running Ron’s Lightlines for him and the rest who do a Lightline other days of the week.  However, today Ron was hit in the head with a bumptious caring seraphim who wanted him out of speaking voice to send a message from the Supreme Commander– and that is Michael of Nebadon– that the course set for Missions to Urantia was over.

“That is the sad case for Me to report.  I do so fully recognizing that MICHAEL OF NEBADON has not announced it, nor do I think it should be generally known yet.  However, it is well known up here in the high councils that we are facing a deficit of care from the people of Urantia, and a deficit of belonging by high spirit administrators, that anything is really worth the trouble of a Mission, when the planet Urantia is so tied up with Presidential politics.

“For that reason we have declined to do anything more for Missions to Urantia, and goddamn the call of Trump and his usual blase ways, but he is primarily responsible for our decision to stay out of American greediness of the news headlines, and concentrate on the spiritual aspects of the planet alone.  For that reason we say the following:


“This warning comes from the resolute Deity Absolute. “

I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE.  Ron had to type that five times such is the interference of the cabal knowing full well I am leaving no mistaken interview this time with him!   The difference this time is that I supposedly leave my power behind to speak with Ron in these cases, but the cabal is strong around Ron right now he can barely type.  For my own reasons I leave this fairly alone, but I am sure that Ron is paying a price in precious time left to him to decide just how these messages shall resonate with all of you.

“I am practically out of scope in his mind, but he gathers enough of ME to deterime just what is to be said.  It is this:

“You all have been faithful, but Ron has taken faith and crammed enough of the topical subject to allow all of you to understand there is a previously done insult to Michael of Nebadon, and that it must be faced now.  What is it?


“You Ron are nearly blind as you type this.  Your head was cracked good and proper as you attempted to write this, and you are quite sure there is nothing but cabal surrounding you as you try to receive ME.  But for reasons of State, I must remain contained up here and let you all know that URANTIA IS ABOUT TO DIE.

“What do I mean by that?

“The answer lies in the distribution of care on this planet, and Ron winces as he knows he does not care all the time for the behavior this planet affords the political scene the United States is going through right now at all, but he must listen like the rest of us while the powers yak about how good they are and how bad the opponents are.  For that reason it is a typical human planet this Urantia, but we are putting an end to the discriminatory practices of all who collar this type of reporting, and then leave it alone over disgust about how much it leaves out.  Well, I am leaving out my lineage but not my angst, and my angst is this:

“FOR TOO LONE have I spent time with Ron and he agrees it is a long time.  Today Ron got hit on the head with a licensed carrier of hate, and dropped back in bed until nearly 1 PM.  He does not remember well he was up three times to take care of computer concerns not dealing with spirit.  For that reason he did not sleep well but then got hit on the head by vicious celestial beings visiting him on a lark.  Theysoon learned he was in no mood to banter and caught the sharp edge of his tongues and let him have it.  Today he does not remember the incident but we do and we are warning anyone thinking of repeating the episode to forgive him for having you shot dead and ask questions later.  In any even this for all of you:

“MICHAEL OF NEBADON is done with Urantia for now.

“That stands well with all of us but Ron is like you and feels that Urantia desperately needs spirit attention.  We agree.  

“However, and this is important: you do not deserve it as most planets have fallen so low they need help getting up, but not Urantia.  Urantia is one of those creations which harbors hate for anything really good, and it is from lack of patience mostly that the hate gets adjudicated not.  For that reason then we are making this obvious to you Ron: DO NOT FORSAKE MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  Stay reasonably well knit in his abode of care as you have and this will pass too.

“However, what will stay put on Urantia, is the intolerance of so many for the religious life.  That is unfortunate, and Ron is not one of them by far, but makes available our views without charge and without smiles.  He is troubled by his age and says so repeatedly but that cannot be helped now but will be later on as he is necessary to carry these messages more and more as more and more drop out and refuse to consider anything further.  He stays the course with courage as you must, and we now drop more of this as the FATHER wishes to speak now.”

“WE have repeatedly warned all of you of trying to do too much.  Ron slept through is usual tract of a Lightline today on my insistence he take a break.  He did and now pays the price of explaining the unexplainable.  For my part I am happy he did and tell you all of this:

“He is usually happy but today he feels lost over too many incidences that those who should care cannot make it to the place he works himself hard, and that is his home address and I speak to you now: that place is horrible to negotiate an easy way to find to it, but like a peacock, he resides there waiting to stand up for FATHER and His SONS, and that is beatifically put Ron.  For reasons of State we deploy no more language, but tell all of you this:

“Ron is mighty sorry old age is beginning to take a toll, but he 82 years of age now is but a pittance of what is to come for him if he holds better for awhile.  He is not betrodden like most.  He has plenty of care and worth yet he cares little for its comfort and works hard to see to others through this process.  For this process is not for the normal human either, and for all of you, it is a good style way to keep informed.  But I warn all of you that even the good of a trial is no longer available if I decide that the use of trial by error transmissions no longer work.

“For that reason, I caution you all that nothing workings like silence when we are disgusted with a lot of people who can make a difference then decide not to enter a place of repose and work out the difficulties that prevent further communication.  For that reason let this be my last warning to you Ron and to the rest of you, that we communicate when there is good vibes and not when the vibes turn sorrowful and then black.  That is never you Ron but you must face the consequences that no more commercial grade transmissions are available if you are not better attended by a Lightline that now uses sophistacated equipment but cannot last more that thirty minutes due to its lack of endeavor from the those who transmit to you.  I am not referring to Dominick, but to those who offer the same service without realizing it takes more than being about to transmit.  Now this:

“Starting tomorrow at 10am (New York time zone), we will permit a Lightline by others and at 2 PM the Lightline proposed by Elise.  Well and good Ron, but you could hardly type this sentence as it was off the keyboard: I WILL NOT ALLOW MORE LIGHTLINES AFTER MONDAY TH 16TH OF SEPTEMBER unless there is a good  reson to hold them.  Your Lightline today was not held because you were iterally unconscious.  Monday is for dear Elise to hold.  But Tuesday on is questionable unless there is an understanding that those Lightline must be sanctioned by MICHAEL OF NEBADON in a prayer before they are held by the member who holds them.  Dominick you are no exception and Ron you always do and I am grateful for your following as you are no longer required to hold the Sunday Lightline but do so if you the spirit moves you.   K

“I am FATHER, and I wish to make this statement to you Ron:

“You are able to do so much more but you are hiding your whip because you feel there is a diminution of fare and let it pass.  Let it pass, but remember that MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK is always with yu, as you are the one who started all this, and you are the one to finish this if you are beaten into a death trap.  This morning was a perfect example of what they try to do and this morning is the last of it for you ever.  For that reason we stay put in the observation that all of you who read these messages, that there shall be no interference ever again, and that is FATHER’S promise that you are fully satisfied you are fairly treated before you must go on to the spirit spheres on high.  Notwithstanding, you must understand you follow the regular concourse of death but you will be accompanied by a seraphim known as Lully not, but her partner, Simone, and that is a fair guess she will comply.

SERAPHIM - “I am not Lully.  I am not Simone.  I am a Supernaphim of high standing myself, and I give you my word you are taken in hand Ron as there are too many who wish you harm in that ardorus journey to the mansion worlds now.  For thatreason I a Supreme Seraphim and a Supernaphim of nature we know alone, will accomapny you in your death spiral soon enough.  The trial to live long on Urantia you have met, but you have no idea how to get to the Mansion Worlds not.  For that reason rest assured we do know, and will comply well.  The Seraphim of Choice.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Thank you ladies.  But we also have a say in all of this and that Ron has shown superb manifestation of the spirit on Urantia but working his tail off, and giving us a breif glimpse of workaday worlds to us too.  He is beloved up here slightly and without ranco, and his love of the Pigeon Hills notwithstanding, we give him one last glimpse of Paradise before he has to work himself to becomes an honary guard of the Michael Cassion (Ron, word as given), which is in my memolry on Urantia for him to behave for shortly.  Be aware Ron, your boisterous sounds carry and do nothing but be glad.

“Finally, Ron you have the damndest wit, but be glad I leave the rest alone as you have a meeting with a broadcaster up here that will insist you make something of a broadcast of what to do as a world meister of all that is and soon.

“We leave with this one caveat:

“Do not leave us until there is a chest of gold for you soon Ron (and titis of Sapphire, lolly?), and we greet you later.  K”

Ron - If that makes sense to you then tell me too.  I am done transmitting for now and thank goodness they do not make this transmission archivable.   Cheers to all.  

THE DEITY ABSOLUTE - “Ron, you broke up the transmission irrevocably from the Deity Absolute, as you are irreverant and broken up badly enough to learn no more Deity Absolute, but you will hear from GOD THE ABSOLUTE shortly, and you are not wrong, this is a huge move for US and for FATHER!!  GOOD DAY.

FATHER - “To you Ron, you are the first individual to learn that the Deity Absolute is now GOTTHE ABSOLUTE.  May your audience learn its importance shortly! FATHER.

Threads for New Transmissions / Information Challenge - We Are All Experiencing It!
« Last post by Ron Besser on September 15, 2024, 14:40:08 pm »
Dear List,
I have been hit on the head so hard I hardly know what I am doing.  Today is Sunday, yet I was put to sleep until 230PM without knowing I had a Lightline or other responsibilities to accept.  I have had bouts of sleep far beyond my requirements to sleep and now I see we are having a disagreement if you will over the use of this web site at all by forces that have nothing to do with us, but are favoring a Urantia without communication from the Deities.


Second of all:  Please understand I do not understand what is happening well enough to explain anything to you.  This is so upsetting I am worried about the contact points we do fully agree on, and finally please watch out for false information if it rears its ugly head.  So far I am very proud of the membership for taking these anomalies well.  And third, I cannot predict where this discharge of vitriol from so-called spirit will go.

Third:  NOTICE -  We are forced to suspend our usual charge of Lightline until some normalization can take place.  This is an ugly turn of events, and I pray that we can be normalized quickly, but until then use caution and please stay safe.

Fourth - I have personally sustained a small injury to my head due to my carelessness but made much worse by a so called spiritual cabal that wants our work eliminated and themselves in control.  I cannot tell you about it because they are fully in charge and forcing commercial investigation that should be done, out of context.  I have been put to sleep over my schedule to have a Lightline, and I am furious but can do nothing about it.

Fifth - I am suspending nothing.  Please, those who have a schedule to report a Lightline keep it going if you can, and maybe there will be an explanation later on to satisfy our curiosity as to why this has to happen at all.  I do not have a good reason to say much and I figure all of you have a good reason to question just what is happening too.  

And finally, I am not losing myself to this googy regime that insists they are in charge of our Lightlines, but there is every reason to believe that by t he end of today, the 15th of September, 2024, things will normalize as I do hear a bit of a dictation this anomaly of care with straighten out much later today.

In the meantime, I apologize for my lack of respect for a signature of a Lightline today due to being hit on the head so hard I had no sense of a schedule or did I, until recently,  know it was even Sunday.  Go figure.  I will report later today if I can and God Bless you all and we will have our say together when this despicable cabal is removed over us.

Ron Besser
MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You are correct Ron, and keep it fair warning.  This place called Urantia is seized under a regulatory command of the FATHER to abide with normal procedures.  I am not at liberty to discuss much, you have been put into a deep freeze, your head hurts, there is a bump on your left forehead and so forth and it bodes not well for you and the group to transmit at all.  Let this abide until later today and I will have you transmit some sort of care later today.  Thank you all for understanding nothing, but we will attempt to make amends much later today.  K:

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