« Last post by occerpa on Yesterday at 18:14:03 »
My loving greetings to everyone. About three months ago, moved by the heated discussions that are taking place around current geopolitics and in particular the Colombian one, and also by the occasional controversies at the family level on religious issues, I wrote the following approach that I publish without any special purpose, making it clear that I agree that we cannot load our exclusive forum with personal political positions, although I must also say that I enjoy it when they are presented. Thanks Ron and thanks Dreamcat01
NOTA: My apologies if the translation is defective
POLITICS AND RELIGION: THE CHALLENGE OF DIALOGUE If there is one reason why all human beings can be lumped together, regardless of their gender, it is because they are convinced that everything they think is correct, that everything they say is the truth and that everything they do is well done; exceptions to this attitude are so few that they can be considered non-existent.
I am brought to the subject of the discussions that arise around two aspects that, with sufficient grounds, can be affirmed, have motivated human activity both in the past, as they do in the present and will do so in the immediate future: Politics and Religion. That is, on the one hand, our social and family life, and on the other, our spiritual dimension. The first has to do directly with our material, mortal environment, and the spiritual life with the survival of the soul. Although each one seems independent of the other (and this due to causes beyond the control of Humanity itself), both the material and the spiritual are realities that complement each other and cannot exist without the other. However, this divorce designed millennia ago by heavenly rebels (like the Rebellion of Lucifer), has prevailed to this day and where it has the greatest impact is on these two aspects mentioned of Politics and Religion, because they are markedly the most sensitive and the ones that most affect our daily life.
Very often, the warning is given as a preventive measure to avoid conflicts that may arise and escalate into more serious physical violence between groups of relatives, friends and other types of associates: “No discussion of politics or religion is allowed here,” without taking into account that it is precisely these two disciplines that can gauge the quality and degree of relationships and bonds between humans. If respect, consideration and affection governed as they should the relationships between civilized societies, thinking differently with respect to any topic, but in particular with respect to politics and religion, should not for any reason become the cause of interpersonal ruptures or distances. This principle is fundamental to be able to grow and ascend on the spiritual path in which love, true love, which is unconditional by nature, constitutes the essential feature that denotes the presence of divinity inherent in the entire creation: “God is Love and if you develop love, you do not need to develop anything else.”
In any case, it is a rather intricate subject that makes it difficult for us to get out of the quagmire in which we have fallen, trapped as useful idiots, defending absurd superimposed positions, reduced to the simple role of miserable bio-puppets that repeat pre-programmed behaviors, a state that I have come up with the idea of calling Wireless Man.
The work done by our “programmers” (captors) has been, without question, admirable and monumental, to the point that the captives, as a general attitude, render a cult of fidelity and admiration to their captors, according to multiple pre-established programs, within which conflicts and confrontations, among others, form the basic pillars that formulate human behavior. In this argument, I maintain that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to establish a constructive and harmonious dialogue or debate on politics and religion. These discussions tend to almost always lead to irreconcilable polemics. The emphasis must be placed on the religious issue because it happens to be the one that concerns us most as mortals in this earthly life experience.
Without falling into the same error that I am trying to point out, my motivation is to expose the existing problem, hoping that my reasoning will lead to reflecting on the need we all have to "transcend the quota of animality with which we are born," the root of all our disagreements.
Any Christian believer repeats a whole series of dogmas learned since childhood, at home, at school or at church, clinging to them as unquestionable truths, sufficient, according to them, to increase their faith in the truth of God, for example, "God is Omnipresent", and other statements that they proclaim as banners to emphasize that they know the total truth about their salvation from ignorance inherited for millennia; but like Pontius Pilate, who after asking the question "What is Truth?", would not wait for the answer from the Nazarene for fear of knowing it, in the same way, in their great majority, these believers fear deep down to know the truth of their existence. They hear preaching about eternal life, but as much as they testify that they do not fear death, they tremble at the slightest chill and prefer to hand over the responsibility of God's truth (the greatest of all) to religious leaders, churches and sacred texts, and they settle for repeating Bible verses by heart, convinced that it is the same saving word of God, without discerning that the Truth can only be found within themselves and never outside, no matter how big, beautiful and renowned the church or cathedral is, and how qualified and eloquent the preacher in the pulpit.
But again, I am not going to fall into the same error that I am trying to point out, of pretending to be the bearer of absolute truth, as often happens among Christian fanaticism multiplied and divided around a single God.
What remains for us is to discern about facts and realities that orbit around us in a permanent way, like birth and death. Our body, as important and fundamental as it may be for this material life, is only a vehicle of temporary manifestation for the soul, but within that perishable body, there exists a divine core, pure spirit or divine gift, the path and goal of every spiritual aspirant. Here lies the secret of eternal life that brings mortal and finite man closer to the reality of an eternal and infinite God.
It can be said that anyone who seriously delves into the search for the truth of who they are, or self-knowledge, will reach the conviction that: "We are not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body" and from this basis, undertakes the transformation of an arduous existence full of uncertainties, into a life full of abundant hope.
Life can be conventionally understood as a Divine Game, which, unlike any other game that imposes and is governed by many rules, the Divine Game is governed by only one rule: INTEGRITY, or fair play, throughout all spheres of existence.
Ultimately, and in conclusion, when reflecting on politics and religion, and on the complexity of human existence between the material and the spiritual, it is essential to remember that true consensus lies not in uniformity of thought, but in cultivating mutual respect and deep understanding. Accepting our differences not as barriers, but as opportunities to grow together in wisdom and compassion, is the challenge and promise of a Humanity that seeks to transcend self-imposed limitations and reveal and transform into action the Truth that resides within each one of us.
Octavio Cervantes Pava MD, Barranquilla, June 23, 2024