Author Topic: EDGAR CAYCE'S PREDICTIONS 2024  (Read 14610 times)

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Offline weydevu

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« on: April 02, 2024, 15:53:14 pm »
This pop up on my computer about what Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2024.  So I thought I would share it with you.

And the World Knows Not

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2024, 17:17:24 pm »
Weydevu,  I looked at the web site an consider it a prawn not a true picture of what Edger Cayce was trying to get at for 2024. 

First of all, understand I take Cayce as a genuine article of the truth as it is to be delivered.  Read that as to say Cayce is right.  What he says with regard to 2024, and frankly for 2025, 2026, and 2027, is mostly true and correct.

Let yourself be commanded Weydevu, to see with clear eye that our civilization of the past 500 years is done.  It is not elastic enough to bear the portraiture of what it proposed in the15th century, and in 1492 America was discovered by Columbus at that time.  It should have opened a new generation of discovery, but instead it became lost to the Incas, not the Spanish, that God was dead too.  Edgar Cayce was an abrupt change from the norm of our civilization by declaring nothing matter but God.  That is as true today as it was when Edgar Cayce said it; however, what has happened is that the shades of important ministry by God, has stopped until now.

Now suddenly we have these Missions apparent.  I  am not doing well by half and leave most of it on the table for others to finish what I think is important, and that God should prevail entirely and let the civilizations persist no more  that the time it takes to leave them behind and to enjoin with the past again, and that is to rely upon evolution to change the structure of the world powers into a benevolence sphere of considerations.  I am too old to  change my view that we have today lost a lot of what could have been achieved but I am also hopeful for the future that what we can achieve for the betterment of this world, is actually based on the Magisterial Sons and Michael of Nebadon, as the best way forward.

I declare the present state of the world bankrupt and without a full understanding of what they have done to the government, not only of the United States, but world governments too, and that such a condition relates well to the proposed MISSIONS of the Urantia brotherhood of nations, to stand down, and let Russia destroy a harmless country such as Ukraine.

The countries that border Ukraine have raised the specter that they are next, and will not fathom the West's view they are expendable.  But I rather see it otherwise but am helpless to stop the cascade of thought that keeps drubbing itself over the picture of a liberated Ukraine at all.  Rather I view it as the usual double talk about keeping the world safe for democracy while the world is being beat to death but an uninformed dictator that the world is not his to work with but to obey a line of disaster not, but to obey the release of all prisoners that make cannot make up for lost tie by declaring itself the holder of Empires again.  That era is over and done and the kings and queens of the last century also know such has occurred on the mansion worlds.

You ought to examine the last year of our care, the American response to Ukraine, 2023, when it was said the US would supply arms and ammunition to its defense.  What did the Congress do?  Nothing.  What did Biden do?  He tried but the response is so small and pitiful that nothing is being done today to help them our.   In any case this is no longer a viable response of my own, but dangerously close to the cabalistic rulers who will soon be gone, but without making the world safe for democracy either. 

Finally, this:  I am not enjoying writing this, but it is evident I should.  There is creeping into our Lightlines the inevitable concern for how we adjust to make them saleable.  I will not permit that on this site, but there are others who can transmit and they are falling rapidly the idea that democracy is safe to use and to ever late it rule.  But that is not what is happening, and for that reason Cayce is not the lat word, MICHAEL OF NEBADON is the last word for us to hear, and it is this:

"FOREVER BE AT RISK before you allow one more sentence be allowing a democracy to crumble, for it is the only way to rule a people such as the American inference or the American way, as it is sometimes expressed.  What has happened to the Midwest is that democracy is tested beyond standard means, and that the militias and the military bearing of so many in the hamlets and towns in the central part of the United States, is abhorrent.  They do not know themselves what they have done but it if gets lose in Washington, then the United States is done for as a world power.

Cayce was right about a lot of things.  But he has lost a trance once to often to believe that the United States will roll over with mal-contents pushing it, as MICHAEL OF NEBADON will step in the American voice and insist it become ready to take the test of time again and refuse the EU way of defusing a political problem.  I rest my case on the fact that those who emigrate to Britain or the United States, for the first time have taste the freedom of a true democracy, and I stand with them to so do forever. 

I see the Cayce web site to be under the usual command and I stand down with supporting all it says, but you Weydevu have done will t o pick on a silent prophet no more, as here is CASEY'S  last word on the subject of ruination or democracy forever.

Edgar Casey speaks:  "I am told to mind my own business, but Ron has made it hard to do t hat.  I am fully aware of what some of you want, and it is not to be complacent about the Ukraine, but to support it to death.  That is ridiculous !   But let me explain something to all of you:  you are not listening well, and that faux pax that went off this morning is not Dominick's fault but a bunch of rowdies got loose and nearly destroyed the Lightline discourse.  Ron is of course furious but does not blame Dominick, but the huge dispeasure of the rowdy seraphim who think they have won the day again.

"I for one disclaim the evidence that all of you are bearing well this discombulation of Lightlines recently layed at Ron's feet.  Dominik was set uo to lose this Lightline and only the arrival of Ron stopped it from being a total ruse.   I am quitting this in order to present a final statement from Michael of  Nebadon.  I am Edgar Casey and wish you well to finish this well today Ron.  K.  CASEY"

Ron - " I am not taking that as a final statement from your Edgar Casey, but I do regard the cabal seriously ill and quite thi while I can.  Casey will probably reiterate what has happened to Urantia should not happen to a dog, but here we are gain under the auspice of a drunken group of seraphim that must be put away for good if we want to portray these special courses in history that democracy and well wishing may continue, and forcefully and well stated, without the cabal fully around me again and I say to hell with you, but I must leave this no well stated so far, but leave it well enough done for now .

Later to all and thank you for listening to what we had  to say to this point.

Ron Besser at your service.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: The silver chord
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2024, 19:43:26 pm »

Good evening Ron,

 Regarding the subject above, I have a quotation below from your book:

The Crown, The Tomb and The Coronation.

'' The time epoch of about thirty six hours, from three o'clock Friday after-

noon to three o'clock Sunday morning, was a wait not, but of momentous

doings by spirit to lift up the fallen hero to all mankind to his feet once


According to the Scripture '' The Silver Cord is often referred to as The

Life Thread, because it supplies energy to the physical body. If the Silver

Cord is severed, the physical body can no longer be sustained and dies.''

Since Jesus, the Son of Man, was dead on the cross, was the Silver Cord

severed and reattached for the Archangel of Resurrection to be able to

complete His work?

And I am also thinking about Lazare that died and resurrected.

Kindly shed the Light on the question above.

May God bless you always and keep you safe.


Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2024, 08:21:25 am »
Robert, there is no answer much beyond the fact that the Angel of Resurrection  did his job to bring Jesus back to life by his presence.   That remains essentially the only way we have to describe what happened.  In writing that book,  Archangel Ryan made it clear it was his presence that make life reinstatement possible and not anything to do with the silver thread necessary for all of us to maintain life on Urantia otherwise.  I cannot answer your question how the life of Jesus was restored after three days of death and the beginning decay of death had started.  You have to take it as it happened. 
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online JRL1944

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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2024, 10:05:52 am »


Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question.

God bless.
