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Topics - Rene A Duran

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« on: March 28, 2024, 00:00:23 am »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Received: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador, March 26, 2024, 5:55 a.m.

 "I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, today we will address the case of the seedbed, as expected, each human being who incarnates in a world possesses the spiritual seeds, therefore, Urantia is a seedbed in which the possibilities of redemption are latent in all people What has happened is that they have had repeated experiences that have marked the deception that this population has been subjected to, so that the service towards others, if you observe, has been discredited to the point that surprises are in order. of the day, it is difficult for a servant to appear who honors his condition"

 "The degradation of the tasks of service to others are expected in a rebellious world, but if we look in detail we discover that hope still nests in the depths of the collective mind in humanity, we can find groups that believe that their leader will guide them properly, believing that GOD can raise up a guide among them is an invaluable act of faith, it is necessary for these leaders to iron out, so to speak, details that make them divide, we must express that this system tries not to happen the union, it is encouraged not to have a reply, this is a condition that each one denies to the others, not reaching agreement between them, each one only trusts in their actions."

 "This type of town constitutes a seedbed, when the time comes we will have to offer them unifying advice, extinguishing the judgments between one another is a task that can become tedious, we declare that the personalities of these leaders accommodated themselves under the rebellious strategy of dispersion "We can observe that each new guide that appears tries to create its niche and hold on, so the more diversity that emerges, the more successful it is for the rebels."

 "Our strategy consists of showing that the UNIVERSAL FATHER is not as you have learned it, we should put mutual acceptance as a priority and cease the judgment of estimating the other with distrust"

 "I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, finishing this analysis, we want to show solutions to the crisis of the current moment, have a nice day."


 Evelio Rivas.

Hi everyone today we had as participants The Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Jesus, Gaia, Machiventa Melchizedek , to listen the tape please click on the link:

Thank you all for listening.

Evelio Rivas
René Durán

Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


Received: Evelio Rivas.

El Salvador, March 20  2024, 6:00 a.m.

"We are the PLEIADIANS, looking avidly at your world, we observe that the most prominent of the behaviors contrary to the Plan of the UNIVERSAL FATHER, are selected to receive a little attention, this works like when you take the hand of the child who most affects normal coexistence among a crowd, what you do is prevent it from continuing to create disharmonies, know that mercy expands on everyone, and when we say that we love them it is true, however, it is proven that stopping these people by literally taking them from the hand so that they no longer do mischief, is what has begun on a considerable scale"

"You may think that he has started this action late, but remember that the love of the UNIVERSAL FATHER is above all and without exception we are children of HIM, so we must obey his decrees, because we trust in his infinite wisdom, this includes people who know and who have rejected their plan, it is hardly normal that they are not aware of what happened and like a child, some restrictions for them will be of benefit to those around them, a few days ago the phrase 'we have landed on Urantia' was coined. and indeed, with the approval of our UNIVERSAL FATHER, we break camp by speaking in this way that is understandable to you, we have come to stay, we follow the guidance of our UNIVERSAL FATHER, and MICHAEL OF NEBADÓN, you can be sure that your world is a reason for attention and the best will be done in harmony with the free will of its inhabitants"

"We are the PLEIADIANS, happy to join forces for the good of Urantia, we wish progress and intense work to everyone, we love you all, have a good day."


Evelio Rivas.

Hi everyone, we hold our Lightline El Salvador in Spanish, thank you Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Arturah, Agar, the Pleyadians to listen the tape please click on the link

Evelio Rivas 
René Durán 
Co host 

« on: March 15, 2024, 19:12:34 pm »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 By: The Universal Father.
 Transmit: Nataly.

 El Salvador, March 12, 2024, 2:00 a.m.

 The Universal Father:
 "I Am your Universal Father assisting your call with a message for humanity. The memory of self allows us to monitor the actions of daily life, humanity has forgotten to approach and obey the subtle calls of its inner being"

 "We invite you to get in tune, to establish communication with your Universal Father that you have forgotten for so long. We invite you to enter the point, for those who wish to begin work on themselves; you can find that energy of motivation, which guide me to the goal"

 "We are thousands of beings who are attentive to the slightest call, for help or communication, that any of my children requests"

 "My children, for millennia we have waited for you and the opportunity is open for anyone who wishes to begin their inner work. I wish success to all my children who decide to begin their ascension. On this side of the veil we rejoice for those who make the decision. to return home"

 "I Am the Universal Father stepping back."



Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Transmitter: Nestor
 El Salvador, March 13, 2024, 10:33 p.m.

 The Universal Father:
 "In effect, I am your Universal Father with a message for humanity, we are in an emergency on a planetary level and we want to warn humanity to be alert to the catastrophes that may happen, since there are problems with the core of the planet Urantia"

 "We do not want to alarm you, but it is worth taking precautions, on several occasions you have been told that this planet is quite deteriorated and is not functioning well, a catastrophe can occur at any time and the suggestion, as on other occasions, is: prepare yourselves." with food and water, in the worst case scenario a worldwide evacuation would be considered."

 "On the other hand, the Celestial Family is ready for any case, there are brigades ready for emergencies, but in the event of an evacuation it would be necessary to rescue only the people who still have the possibility of change, there would be a large majority that would seem, "It is not the first warning that has been made, nor the last, I am your Universal Father leaving this stand, have a happy night."



« on: March 15, 2024, 18:58:55 pm »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Transmitter: Néstor.
 El Salvador, March 14, 2024, 11:21 p.m.

 Jesus of Nazareth:
 "In effect, I am Jesus of Nazareth with a message for the humanity of Urantia, my beloved children. It is very painful for me to see that you do not understand, that you are in grave danger, this planet no longer supports the mistreatment that humans give it and has "has begun to rebel, this planet has suffered too much and is no longer willing to continue being abused. If they do not change their attitude, they will perish, since it has already begun to shake and the earthquakes and tidal waves will become increasingly stronger."
 "It makes us very sad here on the other side of the veil to see this humanity approaching the cliffs where they will perish if they do not learn to respect life in all its manifestations, starting with the beings that seem most insignificant to them until they can love and respect the planet where they live, they will have to learn this hard and terrible lesson"

 "We, the Celestial Family, will have no choice but to observe the final catastrophe where most of this humanity will perish."

 "I urge you, my children, to change your attitude, leave violence and love each other as the brothers you are, abandon sin and seek my shelter, I await you with open arms, my beloved children, I am Jesus of Nazareth taking a step back, may my peace be with you, may you have a good rest."



« on: March 13, 2024, 18:21:13 pm »

Group: 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Received: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador, March 9, 2024.

 "Today we will focus on the case of spiritual concerns among the entire human mass that incarnates on Urantia, there are seekers of the path, some are among religious tendencies, the fact is that they learn ways of coexistence and habits that do not lead them to the encounter with their inner being, some religious forms mention the personal savior but they lack the work that connects them with him, we want to express that this particle has enough information to guide the person to paradise."

 "It is very notorious that the values that have been forged in the character and personality are those that merit survival after physical death, when the course ends with disembodiment, the time comes to take inventory, thus every Christian value that incorporated into routine behavior in life will be the object of survival "

 "This group of seekers is the population that once the geological changes begin, will be able to look deep and unite around generalized measures, such as fatherhood and brotherhood, recognition of our UNIVERSAL FATHER, will allow us to overcome barriers, which for today make coexistence difficult"

 "At this moment, Urantia is full of people who postpone the search for GOD, we can say that the use and consumption of stimulant substances has grown, addictions have entered a vast sector of the population, we hope that in due time these people can face their behavior and choose the path of good, this group of people lack spiritual concerns, being many, they dominate the scene and have the sensation of being happy under the effects of stimulants, thus they go through their lives spending their vital forces "With them we hope for a miracle."

 "However, there is another group that seeks and has fallen into the hands of guides who entertain them, it is an entire international network that is responsible for controlling their training in order to keep them under control"

 "The human of this group must know that his free will has been conferred by the UNIVERSAL FATHER, it is to guide him towards his inner being. The truth is that it is a personal work and no one can replace this particle"

 "We renew the call, to carry out the practice of stillness every day at the same time, as this door is touched, each one will get closer to his inner being, he is the personal savior"

 I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, ending this analysis, in the hope that it serves as a guide for the common man and learns to connect with his ADJUSTER, who has all the data to guide him, we wish everyone progress, have a good day. "


 Evelio Rivas.


Grupo: 11:21 Transmisión de Verdades Phoenix AZ. 


Recibió: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, 9 de marzo de 2024.

"Hoy enfocaremos, el caso de las inquietudes espirituales entre toda la masa humana que encarna en Urantia, existen buscadores del camino, algunos se encuentran entre las tendencias religiosas, el caso, es que aprenden formas de convivencia y hábitos que no les conducen al encuentro con su ser interno, algunas formas religiosas mencionan al salvador personal pero les falta el trabajo que les conecte con él, queremos expresar que esta partícula posee la información suficiente para guíar al paraíso a la persona"

"Es muy notorio, que los valores que se han forjado en el carácter y la personalidad son los que ameritan sobrevivencia después de la muerte física, cuando el curso termina con la desencarnación, llega el momento de hacer inventario, así pues todo valor cristiano que se incorpora en vida a la conducta rutinaria será objeto de sobrevivencia "

"Este grupo de buscadores, es la población que una vez los cambios geológicos inicien, podrá mirar profundo y unirse en torno a medidas generalizadas, tales como la paternidad y la hermandad, el reconocimiento a nuestro PADRE UNIVERSAL, permitirá superar barreras, que por hoy dificultan la convivencia"

"En este momento, Urantia esta llena de personas que aplazan la búsqueda de DIOS, podemos decir, que ha crecido el uso y consumo de sustancias estimulantes, las adicciones se han metido en un vasto sector de la población, esperamos que en su momento estas personas puedan enfrentar su conducta y elijan el camino del bien, este grupo de personas carecen de inquietudes espirituales, al ser muchos, dominan la escena y tienen la sensación de ser felices bajo los efectos de estimulantes, así van por sus vidas gastando sus fuerzas vitales, con ellos esperamos un milagro"

"Sin embargo, existe otro grupo que busca y han caído en manos de guías que los entretienen, es toda una red internacional que se encarga de controlar su formación a fin de mantenerlos bajo dominio"

"EL humano de este grupo debe saber que su libre albedrío lo ha conferido el PADRE UNIVERSAL, es para que le guíe hacia su ser interno. Lo cierto, es que se trata de un trabajo personal y nadie puede reemplazar a esta partícula"

"Renovamos el llamado, a realizar la práctica de quietud todos los días a la misma hora, a medida se toque esta puerta cada uno irá acercándose a su ser interno, él es el salvador personal "

YO SOY TU AJUSTADOR, finalizando este análisis, en la espera que sirva de guía para el hombre común y aprenda a conectarse con su AJUSTADOR, que posee todos los datos para guiarlo, deseamos progreso a todos, pasen buenos días".


Evelio Rivas. 

Hello everyone, as instructed to the rest of the Lightlines to be quiet this week I will follow them, unless I am indicated to continue.
Thank you all.


« on: March 09, 2024, 14:31:21 pm »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Received: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador, March 8, 2024, 5:15 a.m.

 "I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, today we will focus on the topic of the near future that awaits the human being of Urantia"

 "On Urantia a phenomenon has occurred that involves all people except for a few, the issue is that evolutionarily humanity has remained at the primary levels, this is due to the limited scope of the human mind, there is a paradigm that says 'no one has gone to the other side and come back to tell the tale', so the idea has become widespread to think that there are no other inhabited spheres apart from Urantia, this makes it considered unique and science wandering through materialism."

 "The psychological reach of people accommodates and develops away from the Creator, this science that champions materialism, was established in educational centers from kindergarten to university. It is curious to observe that here a science is taught without GOD, governed by laws materials, to the point of estimating that matter works without GOD, that is why knowledge considered good in this culture is separated from the Creator, to the point that it is estimated that religion is for people with little schooling, in short, people study and do not "they wonder who makes the program, it contains elements that ensure psychological sleep, the personalistic approach is ahead in the educational content"

 "The effort to rescue Urantia involves renewing the educational programs, the censorship of the current programs is carried out by the elite to ensure dominance, it is evident that the configuration of new programs must contain instructions that adjust reality, in essence there are two aspects that must be included in the new educational content, taking care of the planet and our neighbors, a third point appears and it is information about the incarnation, the person must know why they incarnated, the incarnation is a short course, advancing evolution is the great purpose of incarnating"

 "Advancing evolution involves making internal changes and serving others, at this point the person has found a way to earn points every day, it will be difficult to grow roots in materialism, serving others is an appreciated behavior, seeking inner edification is typical of people who have clarified the elementary principles of internal ascent, as its name indicates, the effort to develop is internal, the goal is to rise in evolution, it is well known that serving selflessly is essential to ascend."

 "We renew the call to all readers to retrace their steps and dedicate themselves to inner work, in the meantime, this office is assumed as routine, we will be back to our common origin, and the recognition of our UNIVERSAL FATHER will occur"


 Evelio Rivas.

Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


Transmit: Nataly.

El Salvador, February 23, 2024, 3:08 am

I Am Agar with a message for you and for all humanity. I am a being full of love for the humans that populate my continents. I have reached a condition of despair, pain and agony due to the overexploitation of natural resources. "The ecosystems are completely altered and the orders of species under the domination of man, many are in danger and others have become extinct."

"The excessive expenditure of forest resources and fossil fuel has reached the point of exhaustion and there is no way for it to be produced again, this is just to cite a point, other minerals are in the same danger"

"This unbalances my functioning and vitality, so I am making a call full of love to my children, so that in every action, no matter how small, they become aware of whether they are helping or destroying their planet. I am Urantia and I am dying and everyone will die with me, taking care of each other and expressing love in each of the actions is necessary, we are brothers and together we can help each other, I appreciate the minimum effort that each one makes to help"

"I Am Agar with this short message for the common good."



« on: March 06, 2024, 03:22:51 am »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


Transmitter: Nestor
El Salvador, March 2, 2024, 11:38 pm

The Universal Father:
"In effect, I am your Universal Father with a message for humanity. On this side of the veil, we study all the possibilities to seek the opportunity for my Son Jesus to appear on Urantia, but we see that it is quite complicated and difficult, since "The nations that are at war do not want their opportunity to destroy the enemy to end."

"This planet has been in rebellion for thousands of years and is the last of 36 rebellious planets and therefore it is not expected that humanity will change overnight, mainly because they were deceived and cannot wake up from that deception"

"On the other hand, the Celestial Family maintains a constant operation so that this sphere changes from within, we have introduced several hundred beings from the Celestial Family to promote the changes that are gradually taking place,
An example of this is your country, which has already begun to be modified in a positive way."

"But however, the greatest changes will be caused by nature, by the same planet that is beginning to express its discontent for the mistreatment to which it has been subjected for many years in the interest of progress, but like everything has its limit, the planet Urantia is already full; that's it, my message: have a happy night."



« on: March 06, 2024, 03:15:12 am »
Group 11: 21Transmission of truths Phoenix AZ.


 Received by: Ruth.
 El Salvador, March 3, 2024, 11:48 p.m.

 "In effect, I am your Universal Father with a new message for humanity, here on the other side of the veil we are supporting Urantia so that many things are solved and we want humanity to collaborate in this change for said planet, that is why we want May this humanity live in peace, take care of the planet, take care of their body by not using drugs or alcoholic beverages, all these vices lead them to perdition, cause family and social conflicts and make their body sick."

 "All vices are traps so that the majority get lost and a few profit from money, by ignorant people who do not know the value they can have by giving up vices. It is necessary for this humanity to reconsider, so that this change can take place. I achieved"

 "I, as your Universal Father, love you and feel mercy for humanity that is lost in different cases. Each one will be presented with the opportunity to get out of these vices, but if they do not accept, we will respect their free will."

 "Addictions in general are something that affects this humanity and our desire is to get you out of it if you want it and for that each one has their Inner Being to assist them, you just have to ask him and he will be to your aid"

 "For those who accept the opportunity to change their life by leaving vices, those people will live a better life and their Inner Being will continue to accompany them in case they want to seek these teachings; I Am your Universal Father taking a step back, have a happy night ".



Group 11:21, Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.

 "Everything has already been said"

 By: The Universal Father.

 Transmitter: Louis.

 El Salvador, March 2, 2024, 5:15 a.m.

 The Universal Father:
 "In effect, I AM your Universal Father with a new message for all humanity of Urantia, for the readers who follow these messages, it is time for you to incorporate yourself into the teachings, if you do it from the heart you could reach the beginning of these studies, "then go to finish the mansion world"

 "Once you start working, everything will change for you, the important thing is to start the fight now, because time passes, it is the last opportunity you have to follow this teaching that will make you free, you have had a lot of time, but you have not wanted to continue this fight, I still give them this opportunity"

 "Do not lose this teaching that I am giving you through my children, the Transmitters, you are guided by me, the UNIVERSAL FATHER, who is in charge of moving this humanity forward, I want to rescue you from the abyss that awaits you, my fight must bear fruit, even if it is little, but with that I am satisfied"

 "Because not all struggles are won, but we have to try, the hat that we rescue from the drowned person with that would be enough, because I found this population very rebellious and disobedient, far from the teachings of God, so you can't help, who cares? my teachings, it is because of free will, that I cannot intervene directly"

 "We Celestial beings cannot do anything by force, we give the signal so that everyone can free themselves, can freely decide what they want in the future, continue like this or change to another better life, that is the decision of each one." "There they have the freedom to decide what they think is best so that they can live happily."

 "Everything has already been said, all that remains is for the predictions that have been announced to be fulfilled, otherwise time passes and they do nothing, just wait for a miracle to happen, that is not going to happen, because they have not earned it, "just like that there are no miracles"

 "All this is a reminder for you to analyze it carefully, which is what is best for you to do, whether to fight to make a sacrifice, or let everything pass, is your own decision, for your own good or destruction, there I cannot intervene every time. who is free to do his will"

 "I can't speak to you any clearer, because I can't find words that have the weight that can convince you, that is the situation where I find myself, it hurts me so much to see this rebellion of not being able to understand what I want for you, this is all for today "I take a step back, good morning."



Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Transmitter: Nestor
 El Salvador, March 2, 2024, 11:38 p.m.

 The Universal Father:
 "In effect, I am your Universal Father with a message for humanity. On this side of the veil, we study all the possibilities to seek the opportunity for my Son Jesus to appear on Urantia, but we see that it is quite complicated and difficult, since "The nations that are at war do not want their opportunity to destroy the enemy to end."

 "This planet has been in rebellion for thousands of years and is the last of 36 rebel planets, and therefore, humanity is not expected to change overnight, mainly because they were deceived and cannot wake up from that deception. "

 "On the other hand, the Celestial Family maintains a constant operation so that this sphere changes from within, we have introduced several hundred beings from the Celestial Family to promote the changes that are gradually taking place,
 An example of this is your country, which has already begun to be modified in a positive way."

 "But however, the greatest changes will be caused by nature, by the same planet that is beginning to express its discontent for the mistreatment to which it has been subjected for many years in the interest of progress, but like everything has its limit, the planet Urantia is already full; that's it, my message: have a happy night."



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