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September 06, 2024
Michael of Nebadon

This is my last note to all of you for quite awhile.  I am leaving Nebadon to attend work related to a new position I have been offered by our Paradise FATHER.  To do that I am to train extensively on Paradise, and that requires a form change for Me as well.  I am not longer going to be able to post to the forum as I once did.  My new work is secret so I dare not speak to it further.

However, it is vitally important that Ron and others associated with his transmission abilities be trained anew to see to the new potential for Nebadon as well.  I, as the Creator Son of Nebadon, still am responsible for the creations as we have done on hie for millennium.  For that reason I post this beginning post about what changes may be happening to the Local Universe of Nebadon.

1 - I further decline further interviews after this one;
2 - You will have to work with other than GABRIEL as I must have Him as my consort as it requires Creator Son work;
3 - There is nothing further I can tell you since FATHER has refused any further comment at this time . . . .
4 - I am FATHER, and Ron wonders what could be secret but Ron knows of the work already and he is not permitted to say much more either, as Ron’s use of the discovery he made about a year and half ago, has proven to be a marvelous way to learn how this universe takes the news:  Wonderful!
5 - I take it Ron you have no further need to trail blaze this informiation?

Ron Besser - I have some preliminary information that seems stuck in place and I take that there is an objection to knowing it further.  Besides it is extremely tricky to announce to people what has been found without exploiting those personnel to tell us a little more.  I have enough to do a revelation somewhat, but I have not good reason to do it without your and the Universe support.  I am deeply interest in the discovery but I fail to find any interest here to the extent I have shared what was found.  And further, I am not sure that you FATHER approved letting anyone else know what I know of the expanision of universe policy in about 5,000 (five thousand years) on Urantia.  There is no lack of interest about it here.  Thank you Fahter.

FATHER - “You have determined I did not like the discovery but I did help you with it anyhow and you have kept it under wraps now for over 2 years of your time.  There is not reason to explain it now but later this year I will address it fully and publically on Urantia, as we have a new book coming out in about six months and you are going to help with that book printing too.  I leave it at that for now.  FATHER.”

Ron Besser - I need to dust that discovery since FATHER seems to feel it is okay to speak to.  But not now as I have other fish to fry so to speak.  I thank you all for listening and here is one last word from MICHAEL OF NEBADON for your edification:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Thank you Ron.  The mighty infringer is here to tell us that there is no further to say.  I know Who and What that being is but it has never been used on you before Ron, and we let everything alone on it until there is an explanation to Me as well.  K”

Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / THE DEVIL'S MINEFIELDS
« Last post by weydevu on September 06, 2024, 14:14:16 pm »
I use that title because long after the demise Lucifer and Caligastia, they put in place pit falls and minefields in every corner of society you can imagine.
I'm saying all this with the coming of the MAGISTERIAL SONS and JESUS at some time later, we are at the dawn of a new era of time and space in our lives and on our planet.  And yet with the rebellion and insurrection, I can't help but think with  all the hatred that Lucifer and Caligastia had for MICHAEL and Urantia.  That they had prepared well in advance after their demise, the coming of the MAGISTERIAL SONS and the RETURN of JESUS.

We are all aware that the Anti-Christ represent a body and not a person, but the world knows not. So, I believe [and I'm going to need some help with this from you or even the higher spirit circiuts] that Caligastia had the story of the Anti-Christ as a person included in the bible for this very period in time. Because they knew the workings of the Nebadon Government. And it's the Christians with no fault of their own non other than being in a box and not venturing out to investigate what else GOD has to offer. They will fight this with tooth and nail. I would like to here your thoughts as well.
General Discussion / Jesús Returns August 30,2015 RON BESSER
« Last post by Jose Vargas on September 06, 2024, 14:12:12 pm »
Jesus Returns / The Jesus Announcement and Schedules-Part I
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 11:16:45 AM »
In anticipation of more announcements of importance to come I prefer to call this post as Part I.  I will use a new subject window for additional parts to follow if they become available as anticipated.

August 30, 2015
York, PA

This is Jesus, and I have permanently arrived on Urantia for my address to the world soon, as early as tonight or as late as September 3rd.  Ron will publish a scenario schedule for the first six days of September, and while it begins next week, it has already begun up here for the preparation of discharging my responsibilities on Urantia.

I encourage every one of you to stay indoors once the speech is delivered.  We expect rioting and civil disorder and pray that it is kept at a minimum.


PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 8/31 through 9/06 2015
From Serara, the Magisterial Son

August 31, 2015 (Monday): You are to receive two sets of laws to operate with for human staff members.   Name the document: "Operational Law in The Magisterial Mission" - it will take about two hours to take down.  We will not post these immediately, perhaps in a week or two.

September 01, 2015 - We believe this date will live in infamy as there are no reasons left to prevent the restoration of God on Urantia in the flesh, and within seventy-two hours of this date going foreward, the message Jesus is to deliver on your media will be televised and broadcast at once.  This day or several days later contains the seeds of rebellion and you are required to take all precautions you can.

This date is to be observed on the new calendar as the Day of Advent.  Let it ride as to the exact day this shall occur.  Much, so much, must be prepared to be ready for Jesus to step in front of the cameras something often goes wrong and we delay for a day or so.  No one can predict what happens.

September 02, 2015 - Stand down. Be ready to receive the last call of Justice on Urantia and be prepared to hear sirens as it will be cold like hell is pictured when we call the final roll call, for there will be no escaping Justice this time.  A message will be transmitted concerning the roll call and that is to be posted to the forum.

September 03, 2015 -  We expect trouble, and we are not scheduling anything from the celestial side at this time.   Ron’s transmission of our five day schedule shown here will stir a lot of controversy, but so be it.

September 04, 2015 - Meetings scheduled with human staff in York.

September 05, 2015 - Prepare a new Agenda for us through a transmission.  It will be through Mantutia.  This Agenda outlines work schedules for Steven Murphy and Ron Besser who is now on salary with the Magisterial Mission.

September 06, 2015 - We are choosing this day to make the Magisterial Mission visible and the Magisterial Son to speak before the cameras and announce his Mission in the flesh.


Serara: Our work on Urantia has already begun.  Ron was shown by Jesus his transit form and that it found the sphere Urantia.  Jesus remains on Urantia, and his transit form is in the flesh.  You all will here soon what this means.

Wikipedia • Reptilian humanoids, or anthropomorphic reptiles, are fictional creatures that appear in folklore, fiction, and conspiracy theories.

Well, I say that's just a lot of hogwash.  Because I know from experience it's not true for I have seen with my own eyes years ago. But I'll let you decide.

The Most Feared Alien Race in the Universe Is Here on Earth - YouTube
General Discussion / Re: The GERD
« Last post by weydevu on September 06, 2024, 12:33:16 pm »
It is so good to hear from you Clency as well Lemuel also, it does the heart good to know that one's prays are answer at this time.  I too suffer from a similar disease among other things.  It seems no matter how little food I eat my stomach swells at times, I guess due to some type of acid reflux.  I just turn 76 in July so I can identify.  My prays goes out to each and every one of you every day and that FATHER will remove all aliments from you.

This is my second time trying to post this because the first time something happened, and it didn't go through.  So later on, if you see this post twice that's what happen, and I will return to remove it later.

General Discussion / The GERD
« Last post by Clency on September 06, 2024, 10:57:16 am »
You may ask….where is Clency hiding ? I have been kept away from the forum by GERD, also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, which I have been battling with tooth and nails for about many months now without any good result. I spent almost the month of august in hospital and at the end I am feeling a little relief, but not entirely because I am still on the alert sound from time to time. Like Lemuel, I am still around, but I am not ready to take over the French LightLine for the time being and I hope to do so in a near future. For now, I am just mailing the French attendees with fresh news, so as to keep them up with what is boiling behind the scene. I will be seventy-seven(77) at the end of next month, the 30th of October and I am not sure to join the team of old timers (Ron-Lemuel), even if I try to keep it going.
General Discussion / TRY TO RELAX ( Transmitter Unknown)
« Last post by Jose Vargas on September 05, 2024, 14:56:28 pm »
Sept 5, 2015. 

Try to relax

Michael of Nebadon : This is Michael of Nebadon. I come this morning to mention just a few things, especially to all here on the forum who are our grand troups and we are so very proud and pleased with all your efforts. I want to say, in the last few moments before the bell rings, try to relax and eat well, be patient for a little longer, enjoy the fact that you are surrounded all the time by your guards and guidance. The Melchizedeks are here and other Celestial Beings of which you know nothing at the moment.

It is perhaps for you a worrying moment that cannot perhaps you were not really as prepared as you would like to be for the task ahead. This is why I want to really force the issue, so to speak. You are prepared, you are capable and we have full confidence in your abilities. You have been trained, some of you for several years. We know your capabilities, you will not be expected to carry out duties that you are prepared for. We will never do that. What you will be given to do, we know that you are able to perform it correctly and efficiently.

So in that respect, please relax. We have more probably confidence in you than you have in your own self, that is simply because we know you better than you know yourself. There is so much work going on around the planet behind the scenes which you are not aware of course, and you cannot be aware of that, but rest assured the maximum amount of work is being done in preparation for the Magisterial Mission goes public. The results that the Melchizedeks are having in heads of commerce and industry, in finance and political, we are very pleased with our results and this should be encouraging to all of you.

We know what you see on televisions and read in newspapers, is worrying and is always negative, painting a black picture for all of you, but it is not like that in reality. So please, relax, eat well, sleep well, rest as much as you can, remain punctual, practicing and reading as usual, but at the same time try to relax. This is Michael of Nebadon, this all I have to say this morning. I wish you all a very good day. Domtia
Sept. 5, 2024

"Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"
Hi! We are the Pleiadeans!

Well, hello Pleiadeans! For a minute there I thought you were about to introduce a commercial!

Pleiadeans: Indeed we are!

How, you may ask, do we "prepare the way of the Lord"?
Many times the missions have not started because the "Way of the Lord" had not been prepared.

A little while ago Ron asked you all to pray for a white light to surround the transmitters so they can transmit clearly.
Well, we say this: Pray that a white light surround all those who have any level of faith in God, by whatever name their culture may impose. Everyone who believes needs that white light to keep them safe from the intrusions of the cabal. We have been here a long time and have seen how the entire world culture has been infiltrated by rebellion, apathy, inconsideration, selfishness and greed. Etc. Etc. Etc.. . . But there are people who really want to believe, even though they are surrounded by all kinds of unwanted happenings.

This is what we would like to see: a white light around everyone who looks forward to the coming of Jesus, That includes the friendly spirits who are coming to your planet right now, the Melchizedeks,  all those who plan to participate in the missions, and all those who have only a flicker of faith in God.  

A fire is one. When it meets another fire, it becomes one also. Many fires merging become one.
When the word goes out, that fire can flare up into a world conflagration of light, of truth, and enlightenment. Because those seeking truth will recognize it right then and there.
Here are famous words from the beginning of Handel's "Messiah". Also from Isaiah 40:1-3
"Comfort ye, comfort ye my people saith your God. Speak comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Make straight in the desert a highway for your God".
"The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in. "Behold, He shall come!" saith the Lord of Hosts." Malachi 3:1
"But who may abide the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appeareth?" 
"For He is like a refiner's fire!" Malachi 3:2

So we as Pleiadeans join with you in praying for the white light to surround all of you, because there is nothing like that clear white light to drive away the spirits of darkness. We together can "Prepare the Way of the Lord!"

S@S Wow! thank you Pleiadeans! Is there anything you would like to add to that?
Pleiadeans: Yes. We are all in this together! And a quote from your text: "All creation groans together waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God!" Romans 8:22-23. All who love God may be designated as "sons".
S@S Thank you so much Pleiadeans. It is good to know there is something WE can do!

Here is a link to the famous selection above:
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