Author Topic: Lightline Netherlands International  (Read 7547 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: April 15, 2024, 15:15:51 pm »
Today in the Monday Lightline we heard from:

Mantutia Melchizedek; Christ Michael; our Universal Father; Jesus and Elise's Adjuster.

Here is the link to the tape:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2024, 12:11:05 pm »
  • 041524 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise
  • Subjects: Keep asking questions! Jesus will have a different approach towards a lasting, sustainable society together on Urantia. Must hear/read Christ Michael’s powerful authoritative words in full; Universal Father’s most meaningful message to all; Jesus’ words about the coming times and plans; closing words that lead to find truth and reach our highest potential in Father.
  • Speakers: Mantutia Melchizedek, Christ Michael, Universal Father, Jesus, Thought Adjuster of Elise
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

Hello everybody, this is Lightline Netherlands international for Monday, April 15. 2024. I am Elise, your host, and welcome all of you to this Lightline and I thank you for joining. We are at the moment with 12 on the call altogether, and we would like to thank our Father and all the celestials who work so hard to keep us informed during this very difficult time in deciding what to do with and for Urantia, where there seems to be little interest in what spirit has to say or bring to the planet, But we are curious and we ask Father, we ask you for a clear channel and a good reception of what may come to us today. Is there someone who can lead us through this Lightline and help us to hear your voice? We thank you, Father. We pray for your assistance.

Mantutia Melchizedek
Good day, this is Mantutia Melchizedek. I want to address this group gathered here today. There are of course many things on your minds and in your hearts that still need clarification. We also ask you to be clear and open, and to be honest in what you feel or think. And many times you have been given the opportunity to ask, so keep asking. There are so many things that become clear when you ask, so keep asking. For this will help you to find peace in the midst of confusion, when there is a need to stop, to allow those in charge of these matters to step back and reconsider what needs to be done to continue the work in a prudent way for all of us. 

I am Mantutia Melchizedek. I am your Planetary Prince. And you all know that the whole situation for a Mission on Urantia has always been very complicated. Besides that, we are constantly threatened and harassed by the insurrectionists, the cabal, as you prefer to call it, that has taken us the greatest effort to maintain communication to bring a Mission especially a Mission that has so many facets as, for instance, the new epochal revelation, and the return of Jesus. Urantia is a bestowal planet as you all know and that gives it a special status, and that is going against the ideas of the insurrectionists. They keep claiming their old places, and they do not want the planet to receive any advanced revelation or any care. So they continue to fight for their own cause, which they believe they can win. Which they believe they are entitled to. 

I am Mantutia. I know that unity and a sense of peace are required to qualify for a planned Mission. Your Jesus belongs to this planet, and he has promised to come back to finish what he did not have the chance to do when he had to end his life on this world. However, when he comes, he comes with a very different agenda, an agenda he couldn't ever have foreseen, because so much has happened that has affected what the planet is facing now. Jesus could not have imagined that total rebellion that has spread throughout the universe since the self destruction of the supreme. So the whole of Nebadon and the already vulnerable planets that had suffered from the rebellion of Lucifer and evil, which Jesus had to deal with in his life on Urantia here.

And furthermore, the Father has introduced the New Universe Age, which has resulted in many changes with existing orders disappearing, new orders appearing, and many other changes that will be ongoing for ages to come.

And the current situation on the planet is not very helpful to lay a solid foundation that Jesus needs for his intended purpose of improvement and importance for this planet. A planet with so much hatred and destruction in the hearts of people who are only concerned with self interest through destruction and corruption. Such a planet is not accessible to what Jesus has in mind for the people of Urantia. Jesus knows how difficult it is to return to Urantia among a population that has no faith in God and thus does not recognize God. And that causes chaos in all parts of the world. It prevents people from the peace deep down in everyone's heart that could lead them to a more human and God centered existence, in which they could meet each other as fellow citizens without enmity, living together as brothers and sisters, and work for one world. So the return of Jesus is always depending on people's behavior and Michael's decisions, and see how human loyalty can create a better society together, in which all people can feel safe and loved, where they come to realize that they need each other to create a peaceful and powerful society where everyone can find a place to contribute to the progress and development of the planet as a whole. 

Only then can the words of Jesus be accepted and allow the seed to germinate and grow into fruitful production for all nations, to bring about brotherhood among men. I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and I have been following this planet for a long, long time. I know what the planet and its inhabitants need to qualify for a time of light and life that we all look forward to for this battered planet Earth. The times of fighting a war must be ended, must be considered a thing of the past, and people should turn to each other to jointly overcome this condition of greed and power, and work towards a lasting, sustainable society. So people's own efforts towards unity, honesty, sincerity, to feel the need to serve each other and recognize God and His presence in every human being. 

As Mantutia Melchizedek as your Planetary Prince, I am the one who is responsible for much on your planet today. We wish to strive for what is so terribly necessary for this world, which is peace and brotherhood brought into existence hopefully with the help of all its people. I'm not going to tell you anything else. I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and I wish you all a good day. And I will give you to your next speaker waiting in line, I thank you. 

Well, this is Elise. Thank you, Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you for your words. Let's see who is our next speaker.

Christ Michael
Good day to all. This is Christ Michael. I am Christ Michael, representing Michael and Jesus as one. When I speak as Christ Michael, I am Michael of Nebadon and Jesus of Nazareth as one person. 

I can tell you that Mantutia’s words are true and honest, and that the situation on your planet has caused constant problems on your world, not only in the hearts of the people but also in our hearts. where we fight until the end with patients and all our means, and are trying to save this planet from evil, and the unprecedented practices committed in governments, in your financial policies, in your trading of goods, and even in human trafficking in so many parts of the world. This unbridled behavior, which is thought to be freedom, is nearly an uneducated expression of the worst in humanity of bad behavior, and a daring display of freedom conquered by men for itself, and beyond any morality that a normal civilization would ever want to display.

I am Christ Michael. I tell you the consultations that have taken place between all spirit representatives dealing with the ordinary affairs of a planet have been so frequent as to almost make us sick, as you would put it, and yes, it is sickening. But, but, we are ready now to take matters into our own hands and work it all-way. We'd like to change the course to be able to meet the demands placed on each planet, and that is a dignified existence for every inhabitant with a future aimed at a life of trust in God, the Father, whom you should know. Who protects you when man on such a planet is unable to protect himself, and does not seem to be able to properly build a society that can serve a world population, and lead it to an existence for all, for all its inhabitants. A world that strives to enable all to pursue the truth, beauty and goodness of the Father, during the short time humans have to learn what it means to live on a planet

Many in the course of history have given you a good example. Ron Besser has been a leader in perseverance and in doing the will of the Father. And he has been helping to lead you in much of what you have learned. If you can convince yourself of the truth and knowledge of what can happen, and even seems strange, to have to do this God who is sometimes very accessible in the way he presents himself to his universe and to his children. I advise you to stay with God, with that fragment of the Father that dwells within you, and will lead you to the pure truth that you need to ascend to the Father on Paradise

As Christ Michael, I can tell you that Michael of Nebadon has been present on your world many times, even today. Up and down from his residence on Salvington, from his residence to Paradise, back to Uversa, back to Salvington, back to Urantia, up and down. In the meantime we watched the cares on the planet, and we are crushed by the fact that men cannot think of anything other than weaponry, and empowerment of themselves in a world condemned to destruction. But they will never succeed in converting it to their ideas of freedom in thought or action, if they cannot arise at the highest ideals of planetary life through their hearts guarding their minds. And this should come to bring unity among people in the form of joined work, and the pursuit of true happiness in finding each other in love and service to the other. Isn't that what Jesus showed you and emphasized on countless times when he addressed the crowd, and again and again when he explained his teaching to the apostles?

I was there. I was Michael. I was the God part him, in Jesus, the Son of Man. I was God in him and with him. We experienced life in the flesh, but now behold a humanity that has not changed and has not been able to find peace within itself. 

As Christ Michael I know that I will not concern myself with sermons or parables. We will do what we have to do, and we will go with the decrees and regulations that concern the entire world, and from which those who want to hear and understand will reap the benefits. Our ideals have not changed, but our methods have been. They have been adapted to take a step, and more steps that will be completely different from what has been known so far. It might require sacrifices. It requires a population that is accountable in order to achieve a result, in which the planet has the opportunity to rid itself of evil, and to strive for sustainable methods in all areas, which do not need to be mentioned, as this has been discussed many times in Lightlines and posts on the forum. 

As Christ Michael I ask you to pray and work for the purpose and a result which has been prepared by the spirit world, and which will be tried with utmost care and authority. I am Christ Michael and I thank you Elise for these transmissions. I agree with you all, and I will speak again soon. Good day 

Thank you, Christ Michael. Thank you. I have a look at my dashboard, and we still have 13 callers. Okay, let me see if there's anything else for today.

Universal Father  
My dear children, this is the Universal Father. I like to speak to you all. Do you not remember what was once said to you, that you are the ones who believe in me and in my Sons who are trying to help you in all your endeavors to reach me? 

I am your Father, I am your Universal Father, which means the Father of all who live in my universe and are specifically created to experience a lifetime on a planet that is created especially for them, with all the gifts that I can give you to develop your soul. That part of you that will become one with your indwelling spirit who is of me, and who is wholly capable to make you one with him and to continue your journey through the many beautiful places where you may learn about my creation, about the purpose and the elevation and deepening of your being, the status of human being into a full fledged spiritual being.

My role as your Heavenly Father is many fold. I have no role. I am it all. My versatility knows no bounds. And all I have designed is in order to reach you in countless ways, and for you to reach me. But you have seen that such a pattern can be broken if man does not adhere to my conditions, for adhering to a pattern, and that could harm him and cause him to turn away from me, and to walk in the wrong direction.

I, your Universal Father, has endowed each of you with freewill, as I require my children to freely seek and desire to know me, in order to participate in my creation, and to ascend through experience and service to the higher services that exist in my universe for all, who are willing to hear and see what I the Father, have made for them to become as I am in my kingdom. Which is intended for everyone to be. To be an eternal place of learning and discovery, of work and enjoyment of what has been created for each of my creatures directly or indirectly, to bring about divine life for every trained and experienced soul. 

I am the Universal Father and I belong to all. I belong to those who do not know me, I belong to those who seek me. I belong to those who longed to do my will. So, that you may all be happy and content in the knowledge that life has a purpose, and that the purpose is unity through the unification of everything and everyone, both big and small, present in all orders of beings, all spread out throughout the whole of the universes. 

I am the source of your existence and I have commissioned my Divine Sons science to rule in my stead over large portions of the universe and trusted to them, and where they apply the divine capabilities invested in them. I leave much of my work to those who prefer these special services for me. And I protect all from evil, caused by negligence of those who resist my guidance. 

I am familiar with every detail of creation. I oversee its management through the constant contact I maintain with the faithful representatives throughout the whole of the universe, some of whose orders you have come to know through the Urantia Book, which is now due to negligence no longer meeting the requirements of truth, but it will be replaced by new revelations that will be especially appreciated by those who serve God and have come to know him as their Heavenly Father

Remember, remember what Jesus said when he proclaimed, blessed are those who believe without seeing. Blessed are those who believe in the God of creation of the heavens, the suns, the planets, who enable man to know their Creator, and enter His dwelling place. I am the Universal Father and I speak these words to all who belong to my worlds that are made available to all who accept this as a gift from a Father to his children. Stay with me. Believe in me, I am your Father. I now step back to allow my words to resonate in the depths of your soul, to urge you to follow my ways, so that you may find me in my eternal abode on Paradise. This is your Universal Father, and I bid you good day. 

Thank you, Father. Thank you for speaking to us. 
Well, this is Elise, just give me a moment to see if there is anything else.

Hello to all. This is Jesus. 

Welcome Jesus. Please, go ahead. 

Thank you, Elise. Yes, it's me, your friend, Jesus, your brother. And the one who knows you also well, and your intentions to keep the faith and hold on to your patience, and steadfastness to see the world change for the betterment of generations to come, and to follow in your footsteps as they learn to abide in me, and in our Father in Heaven.

My life on this earth was a long time ago, and much has happened since then. But I have never forgotten the people who believed in me and followed me and until the end of my life in the flesh. I have met so many people who were thirsty and hungry for the love of God but did not know how to find God within themselves. I have preached and taught many times about how to increase faith by asking God within, within yourself for help. But so many could not believe that such a truth was real as you can now, from what you have learned in the Urantia Book, and the lessons given in Lightlines, and so many messages on a discussion forum to bring this all together. A method of communication even if it is for a few in this busy world as you know it today, but we know that the call for support has been answered by you, and by others. And we want it to remain so, because it will be a very important means of communication for the coming period in which we have to announce what we have to do, and where we are going in this coming period. 

If you are listening to this Lightline and you have read the latest posts on the forum, you have seen that a big and rather unusual change is approaching. Decisions have been taken. We are not (now ?) in for a change. We are excited, but it remains always difficult to do the unexpected and the abnormal things to a planet that is beneath its development and could always cause trouble. We are very careful, but we know what we want to do. We are prepared, we have talked it over and over and we know what we want.

Michael of Nebadon has been in deep consultation with the Universal Father. They're going their own way to give Urantia the chance that so many women and men deserve for what they mean to their fellow man and to God. It may seem to be a small amount of believers, but all the more of us is taking the risk to do what we can to preserve this bestowal planet for Michael of Nebadon and the Universal Father, and all who will have a life on it.

Great decisions have been taken and you have been informed about our plans, about our intentions more or less. We have not talked about the content of what is going to happen for this planet, for its people to fight evil, to fight war, to fight for peace, to fight for an honest existence for all who are perishing at the moment. My heart goes out to those who are suffering. Children hungry, thirsty for a little bit to eat or drink. Can you believe it? At this time, in 2024? Children should be in school, children should be playing. Parents should be taking care of their children in a normal way. This has been made impossible on certain places on your earth. We have to step in, we have to do something and we will. You can be sure of that. 

I am Jesus. Pray with me. Pray for your planet. Pray for Michael of Nebadon. Pray for all celestial beings standing ready for Urantia. Pray for yourselves and stay the course. This is Jesus. I leave you in my peace. Good day.

Thank you so much Jesus.  
Let me see, just a minute. I think there's someone else to say some words. 

Thought Adjuster of Elise 
Yes, there is, Elise. This is your Adjuster to finish your Lightline for today. To give all of you some advice as you have heard before, but never too much, never too often.

I want to remind you to grow your soul to greater heights, depth and width, all you have to do is the Father's Will. That is not always easy. But the Father's Will is equivalent to doing that good, the beautiful, and the truth. You know what goodness is. You have an idea what beauty is. These are the things that are pure and beautiful. That are right, honest and trustworthy. But you do not always know what the truth is. And the truth can be told or passed on in many, many ways. Be aware that the real truth comes from within yourself. When you feel that feeling inside that something in that moment of insight cannot be other than clear and honest and pure, because it touches you deeply. It gives you immediately a sense of enlightenment, a sense of being lifted up, of expanding your mind, and of complete contentment with the fact that you know, and which you are then enhanced by through an additional knowledge or additional feelings coming to you from within. 

Truth, beauty and goodness. This is the reality of God. It is his being. And this is what God wants to give you through the many teachings and experiences to finally become like him. To be able to work with him in his universe. A universe that he, God, has brought into reality for all, to be able to unfold your innate creative abilities, for all that will please God. These are my words for all who will be listening today or later. I am leaving. I am your Adjuster, and I thank you for receiving me. I wish you a good day. 

Thank you, Adjuster. Thank you so much. 
Now, let me see what time it is. Okay, we have a couple of minutes left and I'm looking at the dashboard. Well, I see only Jose, but I think he came in again. He had lost contact. 

So I want to close this Lightline unless there are any comments or questions, or other things that you would like to open this Lightline for, but just press five-star if you want to add anything to what has been said during this Lightline. And I see no hands up now. 

So, we are five minutes from the hour, but I am going to shut off this Lightline and leave us with the beautiful words from Jesus and from the Thought Adjuster. And I think we will hear, well, many other things that are going to change everything we have heard up till now, I suppose. So, I leave that to another time, another Lightline, and I want to thank all our speakers who were with us today. The Adjuster, and Jesus, Universal Father, Christ Michael, and Mantutia Melchizedek, and of course, I want to thank all of you, the listeners, who were present through this Lightline. Thank you, and hopefully till next week on Monday, and we will see each other again. Have a good day, and goodbye to all



"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"