Author Topic: "THE ISOLATED INDIVIDUAL"  (Read 12654 times)

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Online Rene A Duran

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« on: January 26, 2024, 11:47:19 am »

Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


Received: Evelio Rivas.

El Salvador, January 24, 2024, 8:00 a.m.

I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, today we will talk about the isolated individual, given the conditions on Urantia we suggest seeking contact with GOD individually, culture is what you want to be what you were and very difficult allows you to move forward, on the other hand we have free will conferred by THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, choosing directly to contact the Divinity requires a stop, a pause, a review, you do not have to consult with anyone, naturally, we want to place ourselves above the barriers, it is absurd to think that we are on the right path when our character They see barriers, it is urgent to overcome group dynamics, the time has come to look at the fruits, the simile of imagining a tree loaded with fruits can help in these moments of global crisis, acts are needed that in most moments are related to serving "With being useful to others, it is logical to understand that we are all called to develop a personal relationship with the Creator, this is a need felt by our own choice."

"When a person incarnates on Urantia, all options are opened, beyond the adjustments that such an incarnation can endorse, there is the supreme purpose that is always the evolutionary advancement of the individual, the issue becomes complex because there is no reliable induction anywhere. , the person is alienated to currents that ignore the inner awakening, it is only at an advanced age that the person can use their freedom to choose their direction."

"We must express that everyone is included in the evolutionary advance, not knowing this basic purpose of incarnation makes you lose it, you dedicate your physical life to what is considered good, it is about clearly establishing why you incarnated, knowing with certainty why You are here, you hardly find the answer to these questions outside of yourself, this is a detail that must come to the fore, search within yourself, learn to listen within yourself, in this educational institutions must have a privileged role, guiding the child towards the interior of themselves, teaching them to feel satisfaction from adding value to their world, inevitably this pedagogical strategy will lead to self-government"

"I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, culminating this analysis, you know how to like is something that comes from free will and it is necessary to cultivate it, I wish triumphs to those who make an effort, greetings to everyone, have a good day."


Evelio Rivas.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2024, 15:13:40 pm by Rene A Duran »

Online Andre_P

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« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2024, 09:22:59 am »
The text above manages to be understandable, but this is probably the next case where one would want to see if the English translation is good enough, or seeing the Spanish text would perhaps enable better translation into other languages. Here's my suggestion.

Thanks René for your interesting work and for its excellent results.

Could you possibly send me the Hispanic text as a personal message ?

« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 09:28:23 am by Andre_P »

Online Rene A Duran

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« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2024, 10:23:20 am »

Grupo 11:21 Transmisión de Verdades Phoenix AZ. 


Recibió: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, 24 de enero de 2024, 8:00 a.m.

YO SOY TU AJUSTADOR, hoy hablaremos del individuo aislado, dado las condiciones en Urantia sugerimos buscar el contacto con DIOS individualmente, la cultura es eso deseas ser lo que fue y muy difícil permite avanzar, por el otro lado tenemos el libre albedrío conferido por EL PADRE UNIVERSAL, elegir directamente el contacto con la Divinidad requiere un alto, una pausa, una revisión no tiene que consultar con nadie, naturalmente, deseamos situarnos por encima de las barreras, es absurdo pensar que vamos por el camino correcto cuando en el carácter se ven barreras, urge superar la dinámica de grupos, ha llegado el momento de mirar los frutos, el símil de imaginar un árbol cargado de frutos puede ayudar en estos momentos de crisis mundial, se necesitan actos que en la mayoría de momentos se relacionan con servir, con ser útil al prójimo, es lógico comprender que todos somos llamados a desarrollar una relación personal con el Creador, esto es una necesidad sentida por elección propia"

"Cuando una persona encarna en Urantia se abren todas las opciones, más allá de los ajustes que tal encarnación puede endosar, está el supremo propósito que siempre es el avance evolutivo del individuo, la cuestión se vuelve compleja porque no existe inducción confiable por ningún lado, la persona es alienada a corrientes que ignoran el despertar interior, es hasta ya entrada la edad que la persona puede usar su libertad para elegir su rumbo"

"Hemos de expresar que todos se incluyen en el avance evolutivo, desconocer este propósito básico de la encarnación te hace perderla, dedicas la vida física a lo tenido por bueno, se trata de fijar con claridad por qué te encarnaste, saber con certeza por qué estás aquí, difícilmente encuentras respuesta a estas preguntas fuera de tí mismo, este es un detalle que debe pasar a primera línea, buscar dentro de sí, aprender a escuchar dentro de tí, en esto deben tener un papel privilegiado las instituciones educativas, guiando al niño hacia el interior de sí mismos, enseñar a sentir satisfacción de agregar valor a su mundo, inevitablemente esta estrategia pedagógica conducirá al autogobierno"

"YO SOY TU AJUSTADOR, culminando este análisis, sabes gustar es algo que va por el libre albedrío y es necesario cultivarlo, deseo triunfos a los que se esfuerzan, saludos a todos pasen buenos días".


Evelio Rivas. 

Online Andre_P

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« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2024, 11:46:44 am »
Thank you so much Rene.


Online Rene A Duran

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« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2024, 14:28:47 pm »
Thank you Andre!

Happy to help.