Author Topic: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX  (Read 8673 times)

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JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« on: September 04, 2022, 17:48:56 pm »
Subject: A New Term Unrevealed dubbed XXX.
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 05/09/2022 7.35 am (AEST)

This is JESUS. The subject today is to do with something unusual called xxx. I cannot even place the term as it is unrevealed. Let us just call it xxx for now until I can imprint a suitable term on the scribe’s mind later on. For now it is with the matter of what we are to go about. It is both a spiritual and material manifestation as I am to work with in my second bestowal. As it turns out, the judicial matter is settled and I can now get going in earnest to what has to be placed before you all as a matter of urgency. Soon it will be apparent that the Regency we will introduce to the U.S. government will be something that will be welcomed due to the constraints of financial burdens and economic pressure now being felt as a great issue to all the representatives of power in this great nation. 

The Regency will have three heads to supercharge a new way forward in relation to the inherent problems now being faced by the Biden administration. It will filter through to other nations what we are to introduce as a matter of international relevance and importance to all citizens of the earth in my care as Christ Michael. 

Here we use the term xxx and it is best we do not announce it just yet what that is, as that is an unrevealed term in your time and space. However, it is being used due to the nature of our work against all things to do with the fallout from the Lucifer Rebellion that has affected my Local Universe of Nebadon. Here the xxx must be applied when I and JESUS do take on the dual role of the second bestowal to an apostate planet that requires a great deal of correction and rehabilitation to the spiritual status of the planet in question. 

For now the xxx is a progressive process in which we use certain powers and persuasion to cause a change in the way things can be improved in various sectors of life on the planet. We work closely with the Planetary Prince and the Planetary Manager along with Gabriel who is taking care of the Local Universe in my absence as Sovereign. I speak in a cryptic way to avoid any allowance of advantage that the rebels may take even when they are removed. Still there are those still hiding and they will be sniffed out summarily. I will not commence until the air is cleared for our work to begin. 

I am JESUS AND CHRIST MICHAEL. We speak as one and in a commune now with you who can transmit our voice so as to allow for you to know what is occurring and to be better acquainted with the mission we are so keen to be busy with for your benefit. This will be all for now, more later. Good day and Shalom.


[Thank you so much JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL.]


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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2022, 18:03:11 pm »
Dear folks,
Very late yesterday evening, whilst communicating I did get a term placed in my mind, a word, and it was impressionable to me what that is. But somehow whilst the term stuck in my mind it was removed from my memory and I am stumped to know how it vanished!!

Interesting that could even occur! I will try to sit in silence and commune today to try to find out if that can be placed back in my mind,  if Christ Michael wishes for me to know what that term is and why it was removed. Thought you all might like to know this. I will post here if I get anything more. It is also interesting I am getting hints whilst Gabriel is in charge, this is overshadowed by the Consummator of Universe Destiny #4 who I sense is bringing an enormous sense of power and control to this sector of the Master Universe.  Ron can you verify if this is correct and what else is being hinted at because I am sensing something huge is developing behind the scenes. Thank you.


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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2022, 00:52:13 am »
Yes, Sue, this is Ron and I have Consummator (4) at service to speak to this as best we can:

CONSUMMATOR FOUR (4) - "I am relieved Ron is still up over this Sue, as it is past midnight here right now and he is exhausted as usual.  There are two conditions we need to report to all of you:

1 - The Lucifer rebellion was originally adjudicated on March 16, 1986 in a message dispatched to Salvington on that date and was effective at 12am that date New York Time.  For reasons of State I do not list all those names on it that were removed the life list Uversa maintains there.

2 - Uversa, and the Ancients of Days use no script to decipher what or who is being held this time for correction and removal of the continuing Lucifer rebellion which flared up again late last year and continues unabated this year.  This is so difficult of explanation we are letting it run abut judicial actions are being taken as to what happened on Urantia that scared us all late last night when Ron got hit with a severe attacked even while we were discussing things with him and Dominick in the room at the time.   Second, there is nothing left of the the Lucifer cabal as they trialed it again today and we removed it before Ron took it in the neck again.

3 - The seraphic rebellion is still at large and it must be eliminated shortly if we are to have a good Mission start and for that reason Ron is exonerated from standing down as you can see here, he is quite good at gleaning what we have to say if we ask him to report it.

4 -  No one is sure of when the Second Return is visible.  But we enforce the idea that you Sue have a change in status so long as you continue to transmit and report.  Stop and you lose it again I am afraid.  Now this:

For reasons of State, the entire matter of WTP is not discussed further with you Ron starting today not, but yesterday, But, we did discuss it this afternoon on tape and you must be aware Ron there is convincing interest in Japan and Eurasia in what you have and they might offer before anyone else can do so.  Let me know the terms and find out what they want and we will deal as we have to. 

We now know that the entire arctic area of the South Pole up to Newfoundland, is melting at an alarming rate.  This could spell more sea disasters if we are not careful.  For that reason we must allow the entire souther seaboards from Brazil south to Argentina to report more problems than we can deal with spiritually and that might be the first area we need transmitter warnings of problems.  K.  CONSUMMATOR NUMBER (4) at your service and thank you Ron.  "Ron here - and we are most happy you took the time to report and appreciate as much as necessary to get this material out pronto for all to see in a timely way."

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you are being harried by the seraphic rebellion again and you could throttle them as I would, and that is to mention to you this seraphic deal is nearly done too as they are being removed quickly as the Missions themselves are being defined and timed to go as soon as possible.  We leave all else alone for now and good day to all.  [Thank you Michael! ]

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania


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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2022, 04:25:53 am »
Yes Ron, thank you for this response. Ron you are truly amazing to get this at such an hour when most would be well asleep. What an inspiration indeed!!! I am speechless!  It is truly a lot you have received and thank you to the Consummator of Universe Destiny (4) and Michael of Nebadon. I am looking at the conditions reported and appreciate the updated matters that is so important for us to know about. There are some there that is encouraging and fantastic news, others we need to watch out for too regarding the warming of the poles and the rising water that may be created as a result of massive melting of ice. There is certainly so much to attend to and with the Father's help I will do my best to stick to transmitting daily as I see it as a necessity due to the imminence of Christ Michael and JESUS's mission to Urantia. All the best Michael and thank you too!


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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2022, 10:56:02 am »
Hi Sue and thank you.  the tonic we need is a fashionable incarnation to set all of this off.

 I reset the font size because the editor has it so small so let us try this.  I see there is relatively little being said of substance to hang our expectations on very well at all, and that is a sure sign they are setting the schedule "to do" on contingency plans they are using in place of all that we expect. 

That just makes sure we are off guard in some ways and like in world war II, Hitler expected to be invaded one way entirely and the allies came ashore in an entirely unexpected place we call D Day now.  D Day for Jesus has come and gone we think, but He says not so.  Okay, I say, the troops and myself are looking over here, and something tells me to look somewhere else as time goes by. 

Finally Sue, transmissions are a little scary these days in that they laud my work and I sit still.  They laud the idea of Jesus being imminently appearing, but He is more or less sitting back waiting for Urantia to get even worse.  Maybe Jesus has a war he is looking to happening and waits to be more effective t a later date.  Not so, I hear, but then I hear lots and nothing plots on paper at all yet as you are quick to point out too.

JESUS - "WE welcome you after you cleared the cabal around you for a change with a sad statement about me not showing myself well due to contingency plans too numerous to mention or understand by mere humans.  True.

"However, the trial this Labor Day morning is to start well and finish better and you are mulling all sorts of disasters over nothing being done and people not responding to do things and leaves you wondering what they care about  True.

"Finally this:  you are ready for a meal now that is rained out and you sigh and say, "okay, I am not feeling that well anyhow," and let it go.  So do I as it always is raining on Urantia, spiritually, and for that reason we stay under the tent until the Urantia spiritual weather improves. We clear this all in a few days though, and you are delighted to remember what we said in yesterday's LIGHTLINE,  and that is to announce all of my APOSTLES will appear with me on my media program announcement.  That should bring down the house on CNN and MSNBC, those incessant news channels you hate but watch as they are so dominant.

"I caricature your work as too material Ron, and you agree that is the case entirely and wonder why it  could be otherwise.  It could be better built to leave me alone but you are not pressing Me otherwise anyhow and I am disliking your view nothing matters until you see the whites of our eyes.   You mean to Sue, if it goes literally into an incarnation or speech on the air, then you or they cannot deny the truth.  I tend to agree but remember I am your friend too in spite of all the piping that goes on around you without resolutions.  You detest the entire set up with the Federation becoming embroiled in a legal case over you not but your work in WTP, and then not explaining they are dismissing you as a go between for them and Michael over issues of State you do not know about anyhow.  I find that confusing too and leave this for the audience here:

"Your work is sacrosanct now and carries huge responsibility for humans for the first time ever to do a Mission this way.  You are not forcing a thing and neither are we, but you get the shingles over in and out of favor wondering what the true course might be.  Sue keeps saying the same thing you do, and both of you are old wives in a matter of seconds new wives if you see enough to enforce the vision I am truly here on Urantia, and need no more introduction than that to be seen immediately in your living room you pout so much information in all the time.  K"

Ron - My, isn't our Lord in a fine mood.  Since our moods coincide, I will shut up and say thank you again, Sue.  The chips will fall soon, that seems to be the State of affairs again and right now too.  Cheers for your and everyone's day!

Ron Besser

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "The Lord Ron is not just us, it is everybody in spirit trying to assess just what has you so bothered you get cranky on a beautiful rainy day where you are even with the sun burning through the clouds at times.  I am sure we are doing fine, but you are endlessly subject to the cabal and insurrection and are ready to peel some skin back on them too.  For this reason I submit nothing much for the day at this point, and that is for you to dress up a little and wait for a better moment to arrive, as we are going to attempt to heal you again, and this time do not get upset with EMS when it arrives with horrible sounding names and platitudes that sound like cabal and may be at times.  We leave all of you with this:

"Let Ron stumble through a perfectly good rain event where he is right now.  Drought is not big where you are Ron, but your lawn is burned out and brown and your plants all wilting.   This is typical August and you know it and dislike the month very much.  However, this August set the idea of a perfectly good summer event too and it will take place before fall begins on 22 September at 904PM EDT.  For that reason you should be fine again, and feel much better than you have for a year now, and that is sad for all of us to see so much struggle just to remain where you are without an interfering family on top of everything else.

"To all of you, learn patience in trials and that is a hard lesson for Ron as he knows nothing about why or where this Mission turns so unevenly on him and the Magisterial Foundation in particular.  Soon though it is all fixed up again and let the man called Long take you for granted no longer as he is sure you will not pat that bill but you surprise him all the time and you wait for the chips to fall just right.  K"  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service and to all a good night from Me too. GABRIEL OF SALVINGTON  now speaks:

"WE are sure Ron you are bonafide nuance number sixteen, as that is how many of you on Urantia have a role to play with the Magisterial Mission, and that makes you number 14 out of twenty that were originally selected by SERARA to do this work.  Now you are down to 4 (four) and they are all known to you and that includes Dominick and two others you fancy but see nothing they report these days.  Good for that as you are not forcing a single issue with anyone and that is precisely why you are so good to notice for these issues.  Those SEALS you uncovered are safely locked away from you again Ron, as you could care less about prophecy so indefinite, but let me remind you the first two seals of seven seals I proposed when I appeared beside MICHAEL OF NEBADON way back when.

"You all forget them don't you??!!  Why the double punctuation Ron (I am seeing double).  Let me say this to all of you reading this:  the Seals are Prophecy.  For that reason let them lie for now Ron, but you have satisfied two of them for your on wits and now the third (3rd) of seven (7) is ready for you to discover when the Magisterial Foundation is open for business almost over night now.  We leave this for all of you to ponder:  the right way to do things is well adopted by Ron and by all of you so long as there is some interest in why all of the Apostles of Jesus have returned for a show on your media and then must disappear for good as they are ready all for their Deity Adventure and all of you must wait a few years to do that yourselves.  I AM GABRIEL, and work your days better then they have started!  Good day."


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2022, 11:59:15 am »
I am enjoying this thread Sue and Ron--

Ron, you mention the continuation of the seraphic rebellion. I have tried to contact my personal angels but cannot. Since my angels have been with me for so long, and they are fully aware I am dedicated to the Father's will, I ask are our personal guardians still with those of us on the forum, or have some of them fallen victim to the rebellion?  I feel it is because of their help that I have been able to grow as I have, and it would be a great disappointment to me if they are working against the Father. Can you shed any light on this for us?
kindred shall forever remain unbroken


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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2022, 17:26:40 pm »
Amethyst, this is Sue here, I read your post and am getting the sense to transmit on this issue you bring. I have Michael of Nebadon here to speak to this. Go ahead Father Michael.

Michael of Nebadon speaks: Sue, Amethyst and to you all reading this, let me remind you that those of you who are with me in the Missions have an old and wise Adjuster and for that reason due to your continuing work in transmission work you are assigned Supernaphims in your side. The Guardian angels you speak of have been upgraded in relation to working with the Adjuster you have. They are a tight bunch and are proud of you who love me. I am too! Those Seraphim angels that have joined the rebellion are the ones that have no sense of loyalty as the ones you have that work closely with the Adjuster you have. So in essence, not all of you have lost them, but instead have been upgraded in their status with me. Those who have rebelled are being duly rehabilitated if they are apologetic. 

The ones who have the Supernaphims are the ones who are being guarded from the rebels and so it is for your benefit to know that changes have been made to ensure your security and for your growth with your Adjuster. You will meet your Guardian Angels when you cross over to the Mansion Worlds and it is there that you will find some surprises as well. Be assured you are accompanied by very experienced Supernaphims that are very wary of any harm that may affect you, and they report it to me and Gabriel as I need more boots on the ground, as you who read this are. May my peace be with you and may you be rest assured to know that that side of life is being taken care of. Good day. Shalom. End.

Sue: Thank you Father Michael, it is good to know you have that side sorted!! I feel like I'm in a protected cage with dobermans around me!!! 

Michael of Nebadon speaks: Not So Sue! Better that you see it as a huge light on your head and any one approaching can know when they see it, not to mess with FATHER! And that is true. 

Sue: Wow, that is huge, thank you Father Michael!

Well that is all for now, and I appreciate that very much, thank you FATHER!

Hope this helps you all, 


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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2022, 00:46:44 am »
September 6, 2022. Samara, local time 08.32.
- Mikhail Nebadonsky said that "I need more shoes on the ground." I would very much like to remain such a boot and ask who can dictate their message.
"Thanks for the invitation. This is Arthur. Write.
We are now in the period of waiting for the decision of the epochal event. Waiting does not mean inaction. The purge of the rebels continues. Their return after repentance or destruction. Everything in the universe gradually comes into proper order. And we, who are responsible for our helpers on earth, continue to communicate and study with you.
Hold on. Pray. Trust in the Father and everything will be fine.
Until communication".
- Thank you for the guidance of the magnificent Arthur.
6 сентября 2022. Самара, местное время 08.32.
- Михаил Небадонский сказал, что «мне нужно больше ботинок на земле». Я бы очень хотел оставаться таким ботинком и прошу кто может продиктовать свое послание.
"Спасибо за приглашение. Это Артура. Пиши.
Мы сейчас находимся в периоде ожидания решения эпохального события. Ожидание не значит бездействие. Продолжается чистка от восставших. Их возвращение после покаяния или уничтожения. Во вселенной постепенно все приходит в надлежащий порядок. И мы, ответственные за наших помощников на земле, продолжаем общение и обучение с вами.
Держитесь. Молитесь. Уповайте на Отца и все будет хорошо.
До связи".
- Спасибо за наставления великолепный Артура.

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Re: JESUS and CHRIST MICHAEL - A New Term Unrevealed Dubbed XXX
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2022, 00:54:02 am »
Thank you so much MICHAEL and Sue. You just made my day!!!
kindred shall forever remain unbroken