Author Topic: Lost Sons - MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaking 08 Feb 2024  (Read 5788 times)

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Lost Sons - MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaking 08 Feb 2024
« on: February 08, 2024, 15:56:43 pm »
February 08, 2024 and

The Salvington Voice of God


"Ron just read the post by OCCERPA, and fully and totally agrees with him over the issue.

"Occerpa, Ron is privately ill, and with you on every word of your post statement.  

"Let me clarify:

"Urantia is the origin of about 9 billion people today.  Fully 2/3rds of that population have never heard the word, "GOD!"

"For that reason Occerpa, the entire matter is nearly broken in two, for Ron says to me this morning, "Michael, I am so sorry, I have no sympathy for Gaza, the Palestinians, or any such Arab, that cannot understand that murder is not only improper, but that murder is a sin, if appropriately understood by God the Father when judging how one comes over to be resurrection.

"For that reason, again Occerpa, the trial for most to stand back and prepare for their Judgement Day, is not just a matter of passing to the Mansion Worlds with permission, but passing the judgement of sin first.

"Those who are adjudged in sin must stand before a tribunal before they may pass to the mansion worlds.  Today the tribunal is backlogged to the point it cannot be cleared for another six (6) months to become current to bring some to the mansion worlds concurrently.  For that reason, I have decreed them all to sleep for years if necessary before we get to their judgement, and for that reason, there is no backlog in the tribunal to do this work for Me and My FATHER.  Now let me be sure you understand this Occerpa.

"Nine billion people on Urantia and only 600 million know the word "God." or "Allah."  What ever else is the case, we dare not take the time to work these huge numbers off suddenly, but it will take years more to savior those who are so questionable, we have to move on with those to judge and assign the mansion worlds to them if required.  That makes you Occerpa, about one in six (6) to ten (10) thousand who will move equally and smoothly to your mansion world assignment shortly or longly depending on how you stand spiritually today.  Without my judgement hat on, I cannot tell anything as I am just the Creator Son.  For reasons of my own I dare not carry too much of this to Ron, as he must understand his world of thought and care is so preposterously good, I must make a special dispensation for him to go to the mansion worlds alone.

"In Ron's case he has achieved all of his psychic circles, most of his mansion world circles, and at least three (3) of his spirit circles to date.  HE is today moody and loss but he cannot help it as we just are moving so slowly he is experiencing a lot of body pain and refuses all medication lest it removes him from consciousness.  For that reason we let it float, but he is sporting a toupe soon if he cannot control hair loss which is being absorbed by the scalp and is not going bald.  For my own care I would suggest this whole matter stop right now, says FATHER.  And to you OCCERPA, learn that the entire matter between you and Ron and the discussion forum, is actually viewed as one unit of people so well organized and informed, you have little education left on the mansion worlds at all.  BUT, you must go through the mansion worlds quickly to be assigned to the FIRST STAGE OF SPIRIT, quickly, and yes Ron you are hearing a muse from the 6th mansion world asking for more information!


 "Where in heaven's name does this come about when we are fully advised that mansion world six (6) is the final step to citizenship to the chief planet on the mansion worlds?"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Now Ron we come to the point you have raised again and again and now I see we really hit a nail the wrong way with a transmission which speaks to becoming a FIRST STAGE SPIRIT.

"AS MICHAEL OF NEBADON, I state the following to mansion world listeners.  Your trip to your present status is valid and you complete the regime as you have heard of it. 

"However, we are placing the entire matter differently in about a millennium.  Ron Besser who is your transmitter here has broken all records for the speed of ascension, as he works hard everyday to get things write and to include as many who will allow him to include a direct voice of Deity to speak to them daily.  Few, very few, see it that way, and refuse to attend including Lightlines anymore which dictate the FATHER'S  voice to them.  HE does speak that easily, but is finding that Ron and his routine use of the language is insufficient for many to accept it that way at all. 

"WE are not stopping the broadcast of our FATHER, but we are toning down how much He speaks in the future, as the Lightlines are getting quite popular with some boradcasters, and they except some of the work to make their point very well.  I am fully glad Ron can do all this without blinking an eye, but he must understand there is no release from his duties when he attends the mansion world conclaves, as they are all beginning to understand that Ron and five others as his Board of Directors can all speak the Voice of God easily and well.  We are not making this up, and for reasons of State, here is your mother of the past to determine, she is amazed over your talents but you did broadcast to her. [Ron, but mother I did as I broadcast your Angel a couple of times and told you so it was she.] 

"I have never seen such a rigamarole you presented to me one day as a broadcast and it made no sense to me whatsoever and I quit this not, but leave you alone as you are my son, but not my God."

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "That is not your mother Ron, as she is fully aware of what you can do, but there are plenty of those up here on the mansion worlds who refuse voicing of anything like God the FATHER.  You  no not care at all because you quite well know the difference and who even is speaking without them naming themselves to you as you have gotten that good by broadcasting every day for at least 4 to 5 hours everyday.  That is extraordinary and you do it so easily it is part of your conversation without anyone knowing that is not your direct voice.  We obey the time now, and say this to you OCCERPA.

"You are one of the few who sticks with it in spite of irregular problems of care and the sulk of the beale you sometimes feel.  [Ron - beale is not a true English word, and Michael uses it showing the feeling of displeasure so much and almost all the day - beale is a feeling of disgust or dislike in general often not with using words to tell everybody.]

"Let us reconfigure some that definition for you too, Ron.  Your beale is not so much angry but disgusted with performances on this planet of wicked and stupid behavior too.  Certainly, Occepra feels that too.  In any case we finish this with the following distinction:

"URANTIA is not ever going to be cleared of the misfits until the planet is removed from its present PLANETARY SYSTEME,  and becomes moribund for decades and then suddenly the large population starts dying off.  The oceans will not hold them so there must be large funeral pyres and for that reason Ron, you will be sickened by the slaughter of not the many, but of the good and decent as they must makes sense of the day, and they cannot, and just give in to the past view that man is good, but an animal, and only the soul will restate them as good.  For reasons of State you reference Pope Benedict VIII, and his prognostication that all men fail in one way: the Sanctity of Christ.  

[The Pope speaks, His Excellency Pope Benedict VIII] - "You Ron are a rascal, and I speak slowly so you can catch not my brevity, but my heart to a man who catches the faith of God, but not His brevity of thought for you.  You carry huge responsibilities, and you share as much as you can.  But dare not abide the snarls of displeasure over your assignment to prevent further despoiling of the 5th epochal revelation while making sure you do not make more errors.

"You correct yourself all the time and learn we are fully available for disporting entirely, but you carry very little scared voicing for the simple reason you prefer technology over ministry.  I wonder how muc the ministry of God would become available if you allowed me to speak none such but often as Pope Benedict VIII.  You have nothing against it you say.  I do. 

"For one reason or another there is insufficient care given to the poor or the lost who could learn all this, but you technology is far too good for most to take advantage of it.  But you do not disagree with that, but the entire ability you do have is the same as GEORGE BARNARD once said to you: "How do you work when I cannot understand the words of your ministry?"  I stay back now.  POPE BENEDICT VIII speaking."

FATHER OF ALL - "To you Pope Benedict VIII, you are the lush green of the type of mind loves to work with and you are entirely fair and honest in every moment of your speech.  I am familiar with the Office you hold, but you are not familiar with the Office Ron holds, which is just as sacred s the Vatican view of Jesus.  He is not offending anyone, but lets the moment carry the weight and not preparing any of you for more without a sentence to betray his wiley ways.  He can speak easily and humorously and well depending on the subject.  For that reason I stand back and say nothing, as there is never any error except for the lack of further revelation.  You Pope Benedict VIII, are full of errors from you necessary office out of too old of traditions you cannot yourself correct what they speak all the time.  You know that now and he enjoys you very much, but is regarding you as a Pope with old knowledge, and does not seek to correct you.  However, you find correction most of the time when he lets you know the more full truth of the discharge of statements regarding, Jesus, for instance.  He has no great knowledge of Jesus, except in the contemporary world of Urantia, he knows a great deal more than the Vatican, and for that reason says little to what is only in your charge now.

"I AM THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, and I dare speak lowly to you Ron, as you enjoy the rough and tumble of circumstances you face on Urantia proper.  But you let slip yourself sometimes and it is hilarious to the last speak.  Yet it is not God, but a technique to teach.  I never saw it before and you are ready to admit it is not hte best all the time but it sure makes a noise no one forgets.  I am fully aware of all your hearts and sounds, but you are not getting me in on it until you are cleaned up on the mansion worlds, and you yourself declare you have no intention of missing the mansion worlds, and your family is up here too and they recall you better than you wish.   You are practically wed to Monica of the Foundation, and she with you; however, we have another plan in mind Ron, and that is to provide your services to people who never heard the word God before.  You say it is more an English problem than total ignorance.  I agree with that too and let this alone for now.

"However, Ron, as your FATHER on HIGH, we need to confer with you that your poison pill with legs and now breast, his not entirely our fault, but the fault of evil done to you by Lanaforge and the Creative Spirit, and few even know what that means but you well do.  For that reason, we cut this discussion to speak to all of you:

"The worse it gets the better you are Ron, and nobody will understand that better than I, your FATHER, and Myself, as I am truly the FATHER OF ALL, but you make me specialized in that I can now walk through a crowd and get the humor that bubbles so much on Urantia.  After all, I AM FATHER, and you Ron care desperately that unity and cooperation prevail for these Missions, and so do I  But even the readership is divided and divided again, and you think there is too much disuse of the 5th epochal revelation at conferences and study sessions.  I fully agree but you had at least six (6) Urantia Groups and they all did well so long as you kept them busy in mind and let the entire matter send them to reading outlines which is so helpful, I wonder why others never thought of it.  In answer to that you say most group leaders have no compassion to sit down and right a weekly outline to teach from.  You did, and they work very well when you teach from it.  I must agree you let them off too early but that was a misery you felt over taking too much of you into it.  I agree with that too, but you were ready to transition out anyhow.

"Finally, to close this post, we must make no amends to you OCCERPA.  The trial is a horror, and the life of people on Urantia is foreclosed too soon.  But there is no excuse for the momentary disaster on Urantia of two wars going on at the same time, and NO, there will be no nuclear exchange but there is a real danger the place opens up into a WWII scenario, and that hits the USA especially with difficulty for it is wealth and uncaring about its neighbors problems with a glut of people from Central America.  I can be cut off the the government of the US is hapless and cannot sanction those who care to live here.  None the less it must be done and we will see to it quickly.  We will arrive shortly Ron, and you are fully available in spite of the terror you face daily over death too early for your taste and mine.  K  THE FATHER OF ALL
Ron - I must break this post off as there are several more in line to speak to us of the coming Missions, but you reader can only take so much and I close for now.  Than you for listening.  K

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "To the reader:  You should shun your care about length, as I have a lot to tell you.  I want Ron to hold a Lightline at 5PM New York time today, same station and place.  Thank you.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Lost Sons - MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaking 08 Feb 2024
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2024, 17:25:44 pm »

I am very happy about the important reaction my last post received from Father Michael. Thank you very much Ron, for that interesting and mysterious work that you do even while incapacitated in bed as you were. I try to understand some of this but I can only imagine that in order to transmit and write at the same time in that extensive and almost flawless way, celestial powers not within the reach of our technology must come into action.
On the other hand, thank you very much, Father Michael, for those details about me that, while filling me with satisfaction, I take as more of a commitment. However, with respect to the fact that it is not only obtaining permission to pass to the mansion worlds but also submitting to the judgment of sin. And that about sin would really be important as it is necessary to delve deeper into the topic because from a very young age we are afraid of not sinning and sinning. Until the Universal Father sent his only begotten son, so that with his death he would wash away the sins of the world. A fact that from very early on I considered not true. And thanks to the UB, it became clear to us that the tendency to evil is inherited but not sin. And sin is defined as the deliberate and conscious act in open rebellion against the will of the Father and the laws of his sons. I think that whoever has heard of God and who has declared that his will be done, not mine, could not be applicable even in case of ignorance.
I will continue to try to discern as much as possible about these crucial aspects in our current life. I wish I could get a more comprehensive statement on the subject. Thank you
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"