Author Topic: Coming Monetary Collapse and the Gold Standard and much more  (Read 18806 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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Financial Risks & The US Dollar

Margul, Trinity Teacher Son
Serara, Magisterial Son of record on Urantia
Michael of Nebadon, Chief Salvington Government
Father on Paradise
Consummator of Universe Destiny speaks
York, PA 9am Local Time
July 15, and July 16, 2018

Ron Besser: This post concerns the coming financial crisis as ordered not by spirit but by the carelessness of man and the greed of the markets to maximize prophets at the expense of the stability of the moeny system we all use to pay down our debts and secure the life of ease we have grown accustomed to. I am providing several lectures on the financial problems that will come about to our system of money and credit in the Category on the US Dollar and the need to restructure our entire system of moneitization so that our future work can be based on a single currency backed by gold and its uses in industry as well. Here then are the transmission of concerned Deity and divinity about what they see happening and how to remedy the problems caused by a collapsing world empire of money and greed that sets their teeth on edge just to watch it work. Thank you. Ron Besser

(Deity from the Paradise Trinity and its work for future light and lige on Urantia)

“I relate to this subject quite well and present to you the do’s and don’t’s of the crisis your world is about to experience in your systems of money and debt paying to relieve all from the worry of bankruptcy due to circumstances outside of the money system you cannot control. Here are my points of interest to explain:

1 - No man shall have more than necessary soon. The new world order will cherish the man who saves and sees to his debts and his accomplishments to better this world soon, instead of the preoccumpation with 401K’s and the like to retire in lavis or necessary life styles already accepted as the norm;

2 - No man will ever recover all he lost during the coming financial crisis;

3 - You who read these passages easily must realize that God the Father is in charge of Urantia and the planet was gifted to the Father by Michael in 2009, and it remains His to do with as He pleaes. I am truly the Trinity supervisor but not the Trinity and that must be understood by the Trinity as well. Be assured it makes a tremendous difference to the Universe of Universes, that this crisis is to play out as if the Father Himself were directing the Missions for Himself on Urantia;

4 - I am convinced that this Transmitter reflects a new policy. It appears the Deity Absolute has resolved Mission conflicts and sees to the full repetition of our words to all of you through transmissions like this one. That removes a layer of censorship we have had to accommodate up until now and permits full statements for you to evaluate. The coming financial crisis is horrible and total and will wipe out all agreements including the Bretton Woods Agreement as the landmark system for monetary and exchange rate management established in 1944. It was developed at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1 to July 22, 1944. It has since been modified several times but is essentially the same as then conceived. Its nature is secure but its working is and will be utterly destroyed by the collapse of the monetary system envisaged to come;

5 - The Bretton Woods Agreement is the basic agreement that makes the world work today and China and the United States are particularly beholding to the agreement through the World Trade Organization (WTO). Trump has unilaterally denied he agrees with the WTO, and is dangerously close to behaving in a way that will trip the wire that creates currency confusions especially in south east Asia. If the countries including Singapore and Malaysia, are forced into a currency revision because of the WTO debacle Trump is fostering, it will create a domino effect as it did under the Clinton administration when the Singapore dollar came under such pressure the entire region began to suffer economically and a run began that threatened the stability of all of Asia. Let this be a warning we must stop Trump from meddling with international agreements so he can get his two cents said and let the monetary arrangements as is prevail until the Michael Mission to Urantia can work its way with these financial systems;

6 - The trial is to be seen soon when the United States and Saudi Arabia take out a gallong of money to refinance the ARAMCO deal, which is what Saudi Arabia wants out from under even thought tht country supplies most of the oil to the world today. Oil plays a huge part in how the mentary system works and we provide the following for your edification:

         A) Saudi Arabia obtains about six billion dollars ($6,000,000,000) for every one million barrels of it purchases from ARAMCO to sell to the world. That is a huge sum, but Russia purchases its oil from its State run refineries and makes about seven billion dolloars for every one million gallons of it purchsed to see to the world markets including the USA. The United States has no real capital reserves with which to purchase oil and relies upon the Federal Reserve to announce what the cost of oil really is to the American tax payer;

         B) The wise man of old said a penny saved is a penny earned, but the United States values oil more than pennies and will make a drastic error if it starts usings its oil reserves. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a U.S. Government complex of four sites with deep underground storage caverns created in salt domes along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts. The caverns have a capacity of 727 million barrels and store emergency supplies of crude oil owned by the U.S. Government. It is both a strategic reserve and a bank upon which the United States owes debts upon in order to finance its industrial output in various countries such as Great Britain and Saudi Arabia, and as such is tied to mounting debt to the tune of one billion dollars per second on the debt meter until the US decouples that reserve from debt backing;

7 - I am Margul and I state the following to all of you. We have instituted a new policy in which we use snippets of the Internet explanations for facts and figures either known to science or statistical government reports and use them above to provide exact figures. They are accurate in our view right down to the decimal point. Further, I have authorized this Transmitter to use them and copy them into this text to expedite time and reporting to all of you. I have asked Ron not use references as all of you can find them accurately by a mere search on the Internet.

“We close this statement from me to remind you that is the Magisterial Sons, Serara and Monjoronson, who are the monetary genuises and they have a report for all of you below. Thank you. Margul a Paradise Trinity Teacher Son.”


Serara - “The following should be of great interest to the Federal Reserve and its environs, and I state the following for your edification too:

Coming Financial Collapse & The Gold Standard

1 - The United States stands on the brink of a huge financial crisis it must not fall victim to ever. It is seen here as worse than the great depression of the 1930's when fully one half of the work force could not find work and nearly starved to death.

Michael has alerted Me and Monjoronson about this and will make it work for the US to pull out of it briefly and then succumb to it later but mildly so. The reason is that the US Dollar is available so many places it becomes the currency of choice. Michael will force the Untied States to go back on the gold standard. We understand the world will never see it as useful until the dollar has a parity rating of $1.03 per unit in today’s dollar’s worth.

Ron you understand seigniorage not very well but well enough to understand that gives the dollar a small profit to the Federal Reserve as it is, and that will save the United States from ever having to use gold as payment but will allow the Federal Reserve to dole out dollars in place of gold bars. That is mostly true but not entirely true and circumstances will have to dictate when one is given over the other.

We have amended out choice for the gold standard to say only that the House that Jack built is full of holes on this issue alone and it becomes essentially moot as to how we strangle unusual currency floats such as Bitcoin. In any case the dollar will be supreme for centuries as the world adjusts to using dollars instead of local currencies and the Federal Reserve witll have to withdraw from many monetary unions to advise everyone how to use the dollar as their own as issued from Washington.

Dollar Parity:

In placing this issue before you today, I ask for another Category dedicated to the Dollar and how to use it wisely and to see to it this discussion is revised in many other forums too and Michael can easily see to that by forcing the Federal Reserve to bend to His demands to plane all currencies, not on a float status, but to one dollar value of $1.03 per dollar used. That places the Federal Reserve in the position of controlling the world currency market and kills off speculators for good and that will do immense good for the currency usages around the world.

“In many places around the work there are too many dollars floating around without a home. In Denmark, for instance, the dollar is pegged at $0.94 and in Greenland it is pegged at $0.387 per Krone (koruuni). This tells us that Greenland has no use for the dollar but that Denmark does (Krone), we therefore say the following to corporations who must deal in these markets, that you will lose your shirt when you attempt to convert dollars to their currency. When the dollar is pegged at $1.03 per dollar, that will force the other currency into oblivion because of that and the dollar value is fully retained and not falsely valued as it is in Greenland. We back the United States with gold reserves well in excess of the need for dollars in the coming crisis.”

Currency Floats and Parity Needed”

“I am Serara and I give this lecture mostly to Ron, but listen well:

“You need to understand you float currencies too Ron: You now place all debt on a card and pay it off with check. But your check bounced lately, not because of lack of funds, but because Synchrony Bank in Chicago uses your check as collateral and the collateral fell apart when fraud intervened and forced Synchrony Bank to cover for the check that got stolen.

“In that case the woman who stole the check almost got away with it except for your notation to your Bank, Citizens our of Rhode Island, heard you tell the bank investigator, the woman used a utility code to slip the check through a facility in the Citizens Bank that opens them too easily to fraud. You are not considered fradulent but almost brilliant for calling that to their attention. Brian (bank officer) saw it immediately and made a second guess on your behalf by stating to the investigator that the Synchrony Bank was probably the inadvertent perpetrator of allow the fraudulent woman to get away with it and she knew what you do Ron, it is a slipshod way of doing business.

“Synchrony Bank now thanks you for your debt relief which you paid in full when you discovered two checks had been purloined and they never showed up to pay your debt, and Walmart is now convinced you knew in advance what was happening and forced it into the light. Now the lesson:

“We have explained the fraud and the effect of it on the banking system and we are not entirely sure you believe we had nothing to do with it to test the bank you deal with and we leave that alone for now, but you have managed to gather a few friends in the Federal Reserve by announcing that the parity rate of the Dollar was to be set at $1.02. That was true then (April 2018), but even this is extraordinary for you to realize as you do understand that gives the Federal Reserve a small profit on every dollar used. We now set it at $1.03, and folks reading this, multiply three cents times one trillion billion and see how money flows back to the Federal Reserve. That proft on printing money is called seigniorage. In any case note the following now:

Federal Reserve Insurance on All Bank Accounts
“The United States will tighten its belt probably by refusing all Federal Reserve Insurance on bank accounts over a certain amount. Ron depends on them to back this and was reimbursed over $5,000 by Citizens for the fraud perpetrated via the method that woman used to steal the checks and cash them as the corporations they were written to. Ron now has petitioned Synchrony Bank for auto deductions from his account via MasterCard to pay debt off immediately to short circuit fraud and he is successful in getting it as they now see he is honest and wishes to avoid further fraud against them and him. In any case the fraud brought to Ron’s attention by the bank calling him to ask why he ordered 600 checks to an Illinois address, which alerted Ron, who lives in Pennsylvania, that the thief was so sure of herself she ordered checks in his name to write on his account anytime she needed spending money. Beware people! Thieves will appear everywhere and they must be stopped in their tracks and prosecuted as this woman now sites in jail without bail and a few accomplices sit with her there too much to Ron’s disgust as one made away with over two grand using the same scheme too and that has not been refunded to Ron over and issue he does not understand.

Bank Fraud and Utility Codes Need Abolished in Those Systems
“As Serara, the Magisterial Son, I am immune to these doings but Ron is forced to institute huge and expensive counter fraud methods not only for his accounts in that bank but in all banks who have bent over backwards to serve utilities who are always cash starved. What these banks need to do is to trend toward pooling utility payments to a common account that is severely policed and prevent persons who attacked Ron through utility check codes to purloin any chech when that code is applied to any checks to steal them. Now this:

“As Serara and the financial guru Ron loves to listen to, we make this available to all of you: The United States financial empire is based in San Francisco and New York City, and we predict they are going to tumble hard an fast.

“That is because the trial between the maker of money (the Federal Reserve), and the payee, sometimes you, is fraudulent in that you have no guarantee of credit or debit when you pay your bills. This is a cause we have long recognized is at work in the Federal Reserve, and that is because the world causes itself many headaches when it delivers payments in gold instead of currencies.

The English Pique Over Trump in Its Reserve

“The US Dollar is ready to collapse in England as their Reserve, the Bank of England, disdains Trump fully and completely and will not cooperate with the Federal Reserve over pique and not policy. That is their right to do, but such an action will cause panic in the least of suspect places and that is in the EU. The EU is in panic mode anyhow for several reasons including the insecurity represented by Brexit. Worse the EU is collateralize in England over issues of fraud in the EU system caused by the Greek bail out and the loss of billions of US dollar equivalencies when Greece demonetized its debt by coming to the US for bank currency agreements with such low interest rates there. The US favored Greece because of its high rate of retrun on its bonds, but now faces with Greece, the problem of payback with higher interest rates secured by a Federal Reserve raising rates faster than expected. As a result we have Greece looking at the United States wondering what it will do to collapse its debt through monetary policies that have no real rate of return, and that is not easily explained, but the Federal Reserve knows the business of money and Janet Yellen was a genius into seeing they got their fair shakes in any deal they had to finance for anyone including Greece.

“England is a reserve currency and to a certain extent so is the EU, but the EU has no real value until they finally bring what cooperating countries may be left into one pool of debt and monetary policy.

“Italy is playing a fools game, and so is England helping them by extending credit they cannot afford to lose when Italy goes belly up for good. This is not unlike the start of World War I, when some incident causes a run on defense confidence and the righteous ambitions of rulers who had no idea of their actions, and their collusion's precipitated a bloody mess that was never resolved until a second war had to be fought against the titan Germany. In any case the entire matter is before the Federal Reserve Board in a matter of a few short months if not weeks. Our words cannot be heard since we are not recognized yet, but we quickly will be when we establish our own Mission Reserve equivalent to the entire Federal Reserve value in gold. We state the following:

The USE OF GOLD by the Divine Missions
“Gold reserves are essential but we will not payout in gold but in US Dollars. Be aside in your views of this since gold is so coveted we will if requested consider it as such, but as long as the US Dollar is available we will not see the need to circulate new gold reserves into the world’s monetary system. Further:

“The Salvington Government is without planning on how to realize the US Dollar at $1.03 per unit without us giving the Federal Reserve a key to our Bank. We cannot do that, but Ron can make cross payments if requested at our disposal and their reception, and that is far above his paygrade but he is excellent at following instructions.

“Our accounting section will play all currencies as best it can when we add gold to the Federal Reserve to the tune of on billion Trillion dollars valuing gold at $1,237.00 per troy ounce. This is slightly below our original estimate of $1,257.00 per troy ounce in April of this year, but we have reevaluated its value since then and have settled on 1237/oz. Now this:

“I am Serara and I will for sure be preparing a statement shortly on this in financial terminology as Ron must put the right category up to get their attention. Lock all topics Ron and be sure comments are received in General or other Category.”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks carefully to readers now:
“I am Michael of Nebadon and we have rested a poor transmission to a cracker jack transmission thanks to Margul and Serara and the Salvington Government of which I am the Chief Council and Ruler.

1 - No man shall ever be present when we bring the gold to Urantia; it is sacred means and we never show them even to little Ron the gold elf, and so on.

2 - Ron will receive the gold in the bank of our choice and literally count the bars and wait for assignment of those bars to the Federal Reserve. It is likely we will deposit our gold in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but that rquires more than what we want to do at the present time, but we must make provisions shortly as value must be kept while we can keep it;

3- No man except Ron Besser, is allowed to fully understand our transactions as he has seen to many transactions that re nearly miraculous in and of themselves and knows nothing. He also is useful to do these things as momey is a commodity to him and not a treasure as it is for most people these days;

4 - Our work is tremendously aided and abetted by Ron who has seen to Corporation building to handle our transactions through an “S” Corporation that allows receipt of money from any source and it is to be owned only by Ron although he has signed on officers with him in the Team complex. This advises us he is ready to act as a normal corporation and tell all of their dealings except to report financial operations to the public as it is a private company under the US statutes. He is using 100 shares of stock valued at 0.001 cents per share. It is valueless. We also smile for him and his officers as they will deal with trillions of gold dollars as they send the gold here and there in shipments they will accompany to reserve banks around the world. And this:

5 - Gold shipments will be ceased no more than necessary during volcanic activities due to the ability of our transports to deliver through skies full of soot. Ron loves the idea of riding a divine design transport and will ride many before he loses his place on Urantia to a fully fledged morontial being as himself some day. Good and this:

6- Gold transport is useful only to Reserve Banks in foreign lands and they must be prepared to store the gold received from us in a special vault open to us any time we ask to make an inspection. Your work Ron with Wendy is to inspect banks as they come on line and to be sure they carry nothing unusual in those vaults such as silver ingots which rot when placed with gold. The chemistry of silver is antidotal to the chemistry of gold and must be kept separately from the other in storage;

7- Gold storage, by law, must be in Federal Reserve Banks. We must have the law amended to store gold where we wish it to be stored for our onw usages. It will be a fight to clear that with the Federal Reserve as they insist on it being kept where they can find it all the time for reasons of State Security. We are Melchizedeks taunting these statements Ron so behave, and this: you Ron Besser have no sense of right and wrong when it comes to gold except you know it is very valuable. You are not watched because you do not understand the money involved with all that gold as it is a stack of metal to you. We close with this:

“We are convinced Ron Besser was placed on Urantia to be helpful, and that is that, but we are sure he now understands he will live to see another day pain free, and that is his wish for tomorrow. Tomorrow he must go the bank and procure no loan but about ten thusand dollars to get out of jail with the IRS soon who wishes to assess him a fee for running all over creation to understand his work with corporations. He has surprised them with an S corporation and they are still scratching their heads over what that is about. However, he knows perfectly what that is about as it is the place he can take gold bars and never tell where he got them and then to spend them and nobody will ever ask how he spent them. That is the trick we learned very well from Ron with Michael pursuing it with him. We are sure the IRS will wonder how it works but he is sure it will and that is how he intends to work it although the IRS will surely ask where he gets the gold bars and he simply says from shipments to him from the Federal Reserve. He is truly funny with this but he knows it works and so do we. Now this:

“I am authorizing that these gold shipments are in Ron’s name only but Ron correctly points out that he has officers in the Starbridge Foundation, and any shipement to him as Starbridge Foundation Corporation, requires fiduciary responsibility for the shipments to them as well and that will then be to the Starbridge Foundation in care of Ron Besser that such shipments occur. We all learn as we go I suppose. We close with this:

“Yesterday was Sunday the 15th of July, 2018 and so on to today the 16th. Today ron awoke with the usual painful feet and legs and asked to end it and we do not. The usual. Tomorrow he sees a doctor and prays he gets pain relief hopefully from Lyrica, but we are convinced that does no trick to relieve it and he may wind up with a lot of expensive pills that do no good. The truth is the Father must convert him to more than he is and the blindness and the pain are part of the exercise. I am fully sure it belongs here Ron, but do as you please. The secrets he has are numerous already and he knows more are coming especially when he must handle the basic financing of these monetary policies we will institute one way or another on Urantia. He is in charge of the dissemination fo the sixth epochal revelation and of our banking system with his accountants of choice. He will see to their work and to ours and tothe work fo the sixth epochal revelation as well and probably much more. That makes him so silly he cannot get serious sometimes as it is a dream world of Scrooge McDuck and the Urantia Foundation all mixed up in his picnic world of flattery and court gestures. I for one look at it as the height of truth and justice well spent on the universe this time in spite of his idiocy. He loves baths of thought and gestures but this time he has outdone himself with my help in a moment of peril on Urantia. We wish him and all of you well in the coming months as the Missions to change Urantia have already begun as all is in readiness. Best wishes to all. Michael.”

“I am sure we take leave of this post with good cheer as Ron must learn that Father is in charge and that his pain is truly lacking at times briefly and then taken back on in sleep mostly only to wake him and wonder why the degree of pain again. He is hoping Lyrica will mask it and amy do so to the joy to the world at least, and you are good Ron as you recognize the insistence as mine, Father, and you will have full relief on your own in minutes when we turn on all the circuitry prepared for you to lie well again. That bad tooth must be replaced and the Lyrica trialed but it will all work out well I am sure. You are grateful I know but thank Michael and the Father of Nebadon to be sure you make to safely to the other side these coming days as you are prepared to present the world the first morontial baby in the flesh we ever fielded on a world so depraved it cannot find time to sin any further as all the time has been taken to sin well first. I the Father from Paradise speak now:

(FATHER) - “We are sure this day is coming off well for Ron as he finishes this post with edits badly needed as we see the kind of post he loves to provide full of facts and usages we intend. I now take no umbrage by introducing the Consummator of Universe Destiny as he speaks as Me now:”


“I am Father as the Consummator now, and I speak in low and confidential terms:

“We must put aside all thoughts of trials for the moment Ron as you are the one on Urantia who volunteered first and last to stay the course until we are done with you and you then gladly go where we instruct you to go. That must be understood as the last word almost from us. You are a gadfly to us sometimes Ron and you are now using your best behavior to hear our statement fully and it is this: All of you must stay the course if you are to exit Urantia successfully now. The monetary funds will be made available in great profusion as that is the language Urantia knows best. You all must understand that the earth will tilt and come back into day and night again but not until there is a reckoning above with what must be finished, and that is North Korea, and China, and the United States, and Great Britain, and the EU and Saudi Arabia, and on and on, to stop their bickering over money and power and resolve to live peacefully on a world too small for all the people crowded on it today. There will be a huge toll in lives as the planet tilts and some tectonic plates fail at the same time, and Ron caught that immediately and asked but got no real answer. This tectonic plate failure is soon to appear on the west cost of Africa, the west coast of America, and the east coast of China and the Korean peninsula will be ravaged too as will Japan and many other lands. Be assured we care for all people but not for those who have no soul and have no Thought Adjuster. We make it clear that fully ten percent of the people living on Urantia have no Thought Adjuster and another twelve precent added to that have no soul to use after death. Such is the malignancy of the present moment on Urantia.

“Our work is to provide a new start for Urantia and it must be done with the glory of God in mind and you Ron fully accede to that in spades and you are fully determined to see to it daily and minute by minute and you are truly out sized by my spirit I see as you fumble for spelling now and then. In any case you are all found on my dais with Me to complete the hours of destiny that rings true now, and that is to fully contemplate death and destruction as you rarely will ever see it again. This is no trial but the truth of the reaping of the harvest by God on Urantia forever and anon.”

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Coming Monetary Collapse and the Gold Standard and much more
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2020, 20:50:37 pm »
I am adding a video from Peter Schiff who has written several books since the mid 2000's about American financial bubbles which break and people go bankrupt.  The 2008 financial collapse resulted in the longest recovery ever which was a recession in 2008 and not recovered until about 2012 or some would say 2017.  It doesn't matter so much but Peter Schiff is predicting that we have another Dow bubble and we are going right back into boiling oil again and this time the dollar itself may cease to be a dependable reserve currency.  He  predicts, according to this video referenced here, that by the end of 2020 we are going to face the same credit risks we did in 2008 and this time it is even worse.

Here is the link to listen to him, and I use this because he defines terminology and the effects of too much debt on the dollar currency.

I remind everyone that the Magisterial Sons are advocating changing the American Federal Reserve System when they arrive to force the American government back on the gold standard.

I recently released a transmission from Monjoronson who said that the dollar needs to be pegged to gold at a value of $1.06 per dollar.  That is enough to control the use of debt financing but not enough to pay down the American debt which I believe has now reached the level of 26 or 27 trillion dollars as of August 22, 2020.

That debt is fully impossible  to pay down by current taxation or even by the agreements of Brentonwoods.  That is the major financial agreement the world still works on and you should read it on line to understand how the world works with money exchanges.

This video persists to insist we return to the gold standard and that is what Monjoronson and Serara say must be done too.  They are prepared to give the American government sufficient gold supplies to refloat the dollar as the primary exchange reserve currency which is deserves to do but right now it is worth about 43 cents compared when the agreements at Brentonwoods were signed.

I post the video because it is educational to explain what is work now that undermines world trade and so on.  I leave it at that for now and hope it is useful to your understanding. 



Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania