Author Topic: Pleiadians and the War in Ukraine  (Read 7063 times)

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Pleiadians and the War in Ukraine
« on: April 15, 2024, 14:58:41 pm »
Good morning All! And thank you for hearing my request to hear from you, Pleiadians.

And thank you Raz and Valerie for your transcriptions! They are a "Life Line" for me. (My hearing is bad, and it has gotten a lot worse lately with a recent cold I have had, and the pollen and all).

I wanted very much to ask a request on the Light Line Sunday, but I pressed 5* at least 6 times, and it never went through.

So I would like to ask Ron if a Question and Answer tab, (button, page, circuit, you name it) be included in the Website. Usually we are not ready with questions at the spur of the moment., so it would be nice if we could think them through before posting, and whoever answers would have a chance to think through the answers. (We need someone like Marian Rowley!)

Dear Pleiadians, please comment on the Ukrainian "situation".


Pleiadeans: Certainly, Carole. First we will start with the question Valerie had at the Light Line:


Thank you. Now after Jose asked that question. I do have the same question about the Ukraine situation.

Ron Besser  
What situation?

The war in Russia and Ukraine?

Ron Besser  
Oh, I don't know what. Just a minute.


Ron Besser  
Over, all right, let me try this. If you can hear me. They are feeding back my voice. That is insurrection. Valerie, I appreciate it and I'm going to close this call.

Okay. Thank you.


Carole, we have to be very careful that cabal insurrectionists don't intervene in an answer. But what I can say is how such things are handled on our planets.
It was revealed long ago to your prophet Zechariah "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord God of hosts". And additionally, "Who has despised the day of small things?"

Lemuel asked the same question, why doesn't God intervene and stop these wars? The answer was that God doesn't make "miracles" his way of doing things. You see, Carole, God is very careful in how he deals with humans. He doesn't want to lose a single soul. Crash landing on a "situation" doesn't necessarily solve the problem.
God says again, "By MY Spirit", and the day of small things is important to God. Our job is to be patient and to wait on Him.

Some on the forum are impatient waiting for the "missions". As was said today, the Regency is already in progress. It takes a while for physical outcomes to manifest.
Likewise, the "Jesus Mission " is spoken of on p. 1737 of the Urantia book: "The Master spoke in Tyre only once, on the afternoon of July 20 when he taught the believers concerning the Father's love for all mankind and about the mission of the Son to reveal the Father to all races of men".

Guess what. That mission has never stopped. What has stopped is the human participation in such a message, and the message has been replaced with human misinterpretations.
What will help stop the war in Ukraine is the "mission of the Son" to reveal the loving Father to all races of men. His spirit will prevail. It is not our prerogative to second guess how Father will do that. It is our faith, and our stated intent to Father to wait on his wisdom and continually say "Thy kingdom come!"

We wait, just like you do. Be at peace. Let joy be in your lives. Thank you for listening.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadians!