Author Topic: Volume 1 - ADAM. Distinctions Between Civilization, Culture. 06.08.22  (Read 11213 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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See June 9th below for part 2 of this lesson from ADAM

Distinctions Between Civilization, Culture
Volume 1 Lesson 1

Mon, Sep 26, 2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ADAM
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio File (40m)


(8:40 into audio).
This is Adam and I did have a few words for garden work. For as you know gardening, in terms of agriculture, let alone any personal garden, is a tough go. It's work. It is not a life of ease if you have to make a living through the earth. It does not get the glory of the warrior for those who are ignorant of either hunting or farming. Yet the glory of the warrior and the hunt receives the accolades while the vegetarian is marked as a wafer-thin ninny. Not so! For when you are starving you must turn to both. But the wise squirrel harbors the nuts for the rainy and wintry day. You are not bears able to hibernate the worries away. And We will need to innovate food, for the sake of producing food, instead of this fake food that passes for such without nutrients or vitamins. In fact, quite the opposite. It is like a knot that we have to untangle. And these were the real reasons why we had Councils and divisions of laborers to work with, and not work with, certainly, when We arrived. But also reinstituting a division of Science, Labor and Industry and Health. So that civilization can perpetuate itself through education, graduated into channels of service. Education had a purpose to produce tangible products and services, as we would call them today, that benefit the core values common to a civilization. And therefore, common to the standard human who is on this planet endowed with Freewill and all things permitted a Thought Adjuster of God the Father.

Marshaling resources means dividing units of labor to properly utilize the differences between humans, rather than celebrate our current modern infatuation with inequities and identities, that in the final analysis of survival, are not contributing to the welfare of the civilization. And without a civilization you cannot enjoy your culture. And without a civilization you will devolve into something less than you are or can be. The point is civilization comes first. Culture comes as a product, a fruit of civilization. Then symbiotically, culture and education perpetuate the civilization in a living dynamic. Correcting culture-wars is some of the first measures (We will take) of marshalling people and resources to sustain civilization. It will be a lot like,

I can't think of the word Adam. Staunching something with the wound? I want to think of tranche I'm not sure. staunching something with the wound? I want to think of tranche I'm not sure.

That's fine go ahead. To celebrate the cultural identities is certainly fine, certainly worthy of celebration. But never lose fact that, wherever there is a culture there is a civilization it belongs to. And without fealty to a common civilization, with several cultures within it, unified. Then without that unification, that culture is destined to be, like in the body, a toxic cell in need of repair, cleaning out, and so on.

Part of the marshalling is to establish and renew the true roots of civilization in, shall we say, modern times. Reestablishing the histories of assistance to the natives of this planet. You have your legends, you have your lore, you have your scary science fictions of the boogeyman from outer space. You have your childlike, irrational, alien fears and assumptions. [Thinking] That since there is no Father there is no Creator Son, there is no Universe Government established as the Kingdom. And therefore, it's the wild west of predatory, advanced aliens who somehow can’t open the door when they travel through outer space to get here to eat you. And you emerge victorious. Abolish these notions from your minds and embrace new and benevolent marshaling of civilization designed to help you.

Yes, let's key in on that word, design. It's a good word because it encompasses that there is planning, purpose, and work to do for yourselves. And there will be a few stages of growth and development where you will be able to see the fruits of the labor. When you are a spoiled child who presses a button, and like a magic fairy, your muffin arrives at your front door, that's not a lot of work is it? And you indulge in your cultural fantasies without a thought to the civilization contributing to your welfare. I use these harsh words simply because it is a warning of the danger this presents to the minds. And Education is suffering these indulgences to the point where even government is devolving to the point it can't sustain the first and foremost charge of the State. And that is to sustain and perpetuate and, God-and-citizen willing, have that civilization flourish.

So, education becomes, first and foremost, a study about civilization in its disciplines. From there a culture emerges that celebrates these differences of cultures that contribute to the disciplines that sustains civilization. The loyalty is to the binding, unifying culture and cultures that are loyal to such a civilization. And there is no further recipe than to learn and follow the standard universe template, pattern, and government-kingdom and family of the Father; and His co-ordinate Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit. Together as the Paradise Trinity, diversely patterning the Grand Universe you belong to, and I belong to, with familial governance.

This is not predatory civilization. Prepare the Garden through these disciplines. Preparing the Garden is not preparing a culture for us. Preparing the Garden is preparing a civilization worthy of a culture and its diverse subcultures. That yes, are based off of differences, that over time and evolution, do become, and can become, friendly and amalgamated. Unified.

So, that's enough. I will recap. A civilization is designed and perpetuated by its various disciplines sustaining that civilization in tangible products, services, education industries and so on. And within that, cultures can thrive and emerge. But that cultures, in and of themselves, do not produce civilization. Cultures are a product of the civilization that is produced at any given time. So, as you look to win, or study, or engage in “culture wars,” understand, Rome is burning. And you better look elsewhere for your own benefits, and those of your tribe. Once you're able to do this, that is worthy of celebration, you have won. You are now victorious for the day, so to speak. And now you can join, and lead, and attain your experience for you and your tribe. To join civilization. Otherwise, you all face extinction.

Well, that's certainly dire, isn't it? However, that is the state of emergency we have today, tomorrow, and the next day. How can we say “be of good cheer” on that note, but understand, that that is what, in terms of civilization-compared-to-cultures, that is what needs to be made aware. There is no further basic education than this awareness of what the difference is between a culture and a civilization and what begets the other. It's not a lack of empathy that's out there; of storytelling and personal stories. It is not a lack of conservative values needing to be reestablished amongst the populace. It is a resuscitation of understanding the basics of civilization as a design. And you as a citizen must participate and insist to be part of that design. And not keep it out of your hands. And understand how you can participate doing that, rather than fall to poor habits of civic nutrition. We're here to help. We are going to help. Take this medicine and call us in the morning. Sleep well, so to speak. Good day.

Dominick O:

Thank you, Adam for your words today. And we thank everyone who helped bring us this communication. Thank you, Amen.

June 9th Audio (38m)

Principles, Meanings and Values,
Volume 1 Lesson 1b
June 9th, 2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ADAM
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio File (38m)

Principles, Meanings, Values, Decisions: Their Contribution to Civilization and Cultures
A principle is not a value necessarily. Principles are the culture or civilization founded upon, or based in, a principle of the Fatherhood of God, in the Brotherhood of Man, consequent of such a (Fatherhood) principle. And whether you are a firm God-believing soul, you might be educated to make decisions based on the values of such core values, such as Life, Equity Growth, and so on, like equality. The decisions and behavior are based off of a value-decision making matrix. You can compare the two different cultures, say of the rebels, or Christ Michael’s. In terms of what is, not just valued in their decision-making processes, but the meanings from those principles and values. Such as Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, derived as the meanings of Trinity values.
For example, rebel doctrine claimed to value life, as they claim to value nature. But not necessarily did they value equality, honor the need for growth, or let alone recognize the equality values of the Universal Father within each person, endowed. So there arises a difference in culture that cannot be sustained - We say - cannot be sustained. It is inherently of unreality if it is not sustained in the Universal Father. That is not to say there is no differences in a culture or a civilization. For there is obvious diversity in the finiteness of the human condition and lesser coordinates of Ascending Sons of God and Daughters of God, who are of a different Order of the Spirit, the Infinite Spirit.
So, principles are not the same as values, just like a culture is not the same as a civilization. They are somewhat synonymous but not the same. Just like a leg is not an arm but those are part of the body.
I don't know if that's a good example.
This is Adam. Let me help you. The culture of the Garden was something where the value of equality was displayed between man and woman. The civilization was broken down into the sectors similar to the Council's that preceded it many years before. Of course, we could not introduce advanced principles, such as a rich cosmology. We ourselves were considered gods. Yet, we primitively introduced concepts of God the Father. Machiventa later introduced such tactics by introducing the Most High God, and did not strive to overreach the principles of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. In so doing We instituted a culture. Hence, the verbiage of institutionalizing certain conditions to govern behavior. The governing of behavior thereby introduces a matrix of values. So that each freewill being could then turn to their endowments and utilize, not just the values, but then translate those values, decisions, behaviors, into meanings and principles, thus, experientially attained.
A Culture is constantly reaffirming values and principles, but its purpose begets a Civilization. And that Civilization itself harbors many cultures. For example, the family unit is a culture, and the family units comprise a conglomerate of cultures. Unified in what? In values? Somewhat, but each of those cultures, when looking at families, obviously, have different values. And it is up to an institution with overriding, say, principles that allow those differences of cultures to utilize their values in relative uniformity - excuse me - unity rather than uniformity.
Thus, we ask the question, Can any culture survive without the unity of universal fatherhood principles? Trinity principles and meanings of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, experienced and attained through decisions based off of valuing Life, Equality, Growth; and equity-equality being defined in our view as:
You are a son and daughter of God, and therefore, you have an ascension career for growth and attainment. And the First Source and Center provides a Universe where you have an opportunity to live. It is here where a Civilization is much better designed to provide this nuance between equality and equity.
A culture can espouse and claim equity, but it cannot single handedly, without the other things in hand, produce such civilizational responsibilities as providing for the differences between people let alone, cultures.
When asked about evaluating cultural identities on the present status quo of your planet, a civilization is currently based on a nation state model, and a clumping or conglomeration of nation states in various modes of cooperation and non-cooperation. And those nation states have different cultures and were founded on different principles; and have different mixes of composition and racial heritage's, with their cultures and histories. And now with modern living, Civilization has produced some inequalities in its civilizations’ Food, Energy, Healthcare, Housing, these are the basics. Meanwhile the rich civilization is un-prioritize with indulgences in sub-culture fetishes, primarily based in, not three pillars of core values, but two. So, there's some unstableness there.
But back to the point, there is relative food security, relative health, relative energy security. And those securities are somewhat insecure, somewhat un-sustainable, based off the demographics of population expansion and infrastructure decay. And this is somewhat of a fruit of a planetary culture based off of rebellious principles in its core; still stuck in rebelling against the Father; still allergic to spiritual benefits. We can spell it out for you, but to do so invites immediate pullback. So instead, we invite you to answer the question, does any culture destine itself for survival without the spirit of the Universal Father? Of course, the argument from above is in the affirmative, yes. A culture will sustain itself when based in those principles and produce a civilization that is able to stabilize itself and sustain itself. Yes, anything separating from those principles produces a civilization that will eventually evolve in a way that will change, over time, away from its founding principles.
Such examples exist on your planet and its various Utopia projects that are not based on the Universal Father. Such examples are the promise of a brotherhood of man, based off of an inherent equality and spirit, that is not even founded on those individual (human) units attaining or endowed with the Father spirit themselves. And so, they very quickly devolved, imploding on themselves. The culture of the rebel is not based on equality its leaders, its leadership, is an occulted, knowledgeable, elite, self-perpetuating their power at the expense of the lesser; and put their own growth and attainment ahead of the masses. Who eventually, they fear and disdain, and therefore justify, not only the inequities, but provide false growth as entertainment. Circus and bread, devolving those people to sustain themselves.
Leadership based on the principles of the Father and the consequent Brotherhood of Man is based off of service-culture, and brings the values such as Life, Growth, Equality and Equity in further values such as Love, Empathy, Compassion, and to further experiential attainment. So, that those decisions can contribute into a culture, unified by the principles of a civilization. The behavior of, say, worship and prayer are not necessarily engendered through values. Worship and prayer have a cultural attitude but need founding principles for their outlet as well.
A civilization is designed to provide a home for all of these things to succeed. Otherwise, life holds no meaning, holds no salvation, and no promise and no meaning for life after material death. So, a culture isolating itself from service to the civilization based off the principles of a brotherhood of man, is destined to devolve into animal behavior. And behavior is based off of values. So, the principles are different than the values, and animalistic cultures are not going to sustain the meanings behind such values as Life, Equality, Growth, Equity, Love, Compassion and Empathy. Such things are sustained by Spirit. And the Descending Sons of God show the way, are the way. To display, guide and create with you the fruition of a sustainable civilization, based off of the Brotherhood of Man and the principal fact of the Fatherhood of God.
I am Adam, and we, Adam and Eve, and the Material Sons and Daughters, provide the planet with such education and resources to attain these next levels. We strived to do so in the past but did not succeed. And now, we are provided a unique opportunity, along with Descending Sons of God, to follow ourselves, amongst us all, to show us the way. We thank you for your time and thoughts and we proceed elsewhere.
Thank you, Adam. And thank you, Team
« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 16:25:57 pm by Dominick O »

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Re: Volume 1 - ADAM. Distinctions Between Civilization, Culture. 06.08.22
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2022, 13:07:57 pm »
Transcript added to Lesson 1 part A

Offline Dominick O

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Re: Volume 1 - ADAM. Distinctions Between Civilization, Culture. 06.08.22
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2022, 16:26:19 pm »
Transcript added to Lesson 1 part B