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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: January 15, 2024, 16:14:35 pm »
Our Speakers today:

VAN: rules and laws, in addition to obligations, give you the freedom to act according to your conscience by showing mercy and justice as Michael applies in His universe. 

Elise's THOUGHT ADJUSTER: refers to Jesus' statement: "Let your Light so shine"  

JESUS: every good you do to others is done to the FATHER 

and MICHAEL OF NEBADON with Ron Besser in conversation about various topics.

Link to the tape:

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2024, 14:08:27 pm »
Transcription of Netherlands International LightLine on Monday, January 15, 2024

· 11524 Audio Tape Light Line; host: Elise; other transmitter: Ron Besser;
· Subjects: Van: rules and laws, in addition to obligations, give you the freedom to act according to your conscience by showing mercy and justice as Michael applies in His universe. Elise's Thought Adjuster: refers to Jesus' statement: "Let your Light so shine". Jesus: every good you do to others is done to the Father. Michael of Nebadon and Universal Father with Ron Besser in conversation about various topics.
· Speakers: Van, Elise’s Thought Adjuster, Jesus, Michael of Nebadon, Universal Father
· Transcriber: sonsofGod
· Link To Tape:

Hello, everyone. This is the LightLine for Monday 15 January, 2024. I'm Elise, your host, as always. And with us is Dominick, your co host. We welcome all and thank you for joining us. Well, right now we have 16 and 14 on telephone and two on Internet, 16 all together attending this LightLine.

As always, before we start this LightLine, we thank our Father for the many graces we receive daily, especially the little things we tend to forget to thank him for. I think just the fact that we have life and that we're able to speak to God, and for this group, to hear his voice. It's a wonderful thing to be grateful for. We thank You, Father.

And well let's ask and see if there is anyone for us who would like to speak to us. Or we might have an emcee for today. Is there anyone available?

Yes, hello, everyone. This is Van. There are not many here at this moment, and there are no changes of importance to tell you. But there is an opportunity to speak, and I Van, will address this group gladly. Well, I'm Van and you all know me. I would like to say some words about the subject that was touched on on one of the LightLines this past week.

You've heard a great deal about competition and cooperation, and we came to the conclusion that a slight form of competition is allowed and can exist as a challenge within society, in what you do and try to achieve. Now, what can you do? What are you able to do to promote that and thus create more cooperation in your affairs in the world that you have to deal with. And that is as said before, partially imposed on you by governments. And these governments do not always lead to cooperation and often drive people further apart than closer together, and that even leads to rebellion and or war.

But at the end it was made very clear and easy to understand and concluded that everyone can start in a small way, in your own way and that you, you yourself are able to create a quality of cooperation within, this small community to which you belong. And that is your family, your neighborhood you live in, or at work, and any work you do by being more tolerant, forgiving towards your fellow human beings, friendly, because well, we all live within the same conditions. The laws or rules of a certain time and generation and a certain culture you grow up in, and these rules in addition to obligations, give you the freedom to act according to your own conscience towards your fellow human beings. And ask of you by showing more justice and mercy to each other and giving each person its own value and by not judging or rejecting anyone. But instead give everyone a fair and just opportunity to develop, despite the differences of opinion, or competitive behavior in whichever area that may be. And to show respect and be responsible for each other. And so, promote and favor tolerance and cooperation, which means social behavior from which all can benefit.

Now, in all of this we can follow the example of Michael of Nebadon, in which he applies as a rule in his universe, he calls it galactic cooperation. And for you it means cooperation here and now and reaching beyond and ultimately into world cooperation, so that it becomes a part of each of you. Even as you have learned into the fabric of your individual cells which have the capacity to slowly and over time bring about a change in their growth and evolution of the cellular structure, and ultimately lead to improvement towards a social and more constructive society, in which healthy competition and challenges push every human to be inventive and creative and bring about greater solidarity, and thus cooperation within a society. In this society of today of harsh and ruthless competition such as now exists in your world.

And for all of you, for each individual, you all can help simulate such a change of working towards tolerance, understanding, patience, forbearance, and forgiveness towards your human beings, your fellow human beings, with whom you come into contact on a daily basis. Well, I want to conclude by reminding you that to me and probably to you, this is the love that makes your light shine. And that is what Jesus meant and means when he says, ‘Let your light so shine’ ‘Let your light so shine’. Well, this is Van, and this is what I wanted to add today to be able to participate for you, in a very simple way to create on a small scale cooperation within society, of a depth in a society of deadly competition.

Well, this is Van and Elise, I will take it on me to stay and I'm not your MC but I'm here, I can be here to assist you in this session. I will remain here and well, let's see how things proceed. This is Van and I will give it back to you Elise.

Thank you Van. And thank you for your offer to stay with me, and well, to assist us on the LightLine. This is Elise, and let's see if there is anyone else who would like to talk to us

Thought Adjuster of Elise
This is the Adjuster of Elise, the host for this LightLine. And I would like to respond to what was just said and referred to what Jesus has mentioned and asked of you, and that is to let your light so shine. Well, Jesus, as we all come to understand this relates to the light that radiates from your inner being from your sincere feelings directly from your heart to others by giving them your attention, your love, your light.

Light and love go hand in hand are almost the same. For where there is light there is love and vice versa where there is love there is light. Now, the light that Jesus refers to who is that sincere light that each of you possesses, but which you very often forget in your communication with one another where love and light are so often lacking, and where far too often communication is disrupted by hard feelings or words that you did not intend to say or wanted to think, but just entered into your discussion and disrupted your communication. It's something you did not foresee and really did not want to develop. You didn't expect it and actually did not want it to be cost, but that could be a moment to stop. It could be an opportunity to take a moment to pause and realize what you are thinking, or doing, or saying, and so you become attentive to your thoughts, deed, or action. And you will find that a little pause will bring you back to your heart. Bring back the light and let it shine, so that you can move on in a loving and caring way.

Let your light shine. Be aware of your thoughts and speech, your deeds and your actions. In each of your there shines the light of God in your inner being, is the presence of God living in you to keep the light burning, and expanding into a beautiful burning flame going out to others, melting into one great light that is meant to shine constantly. Yes. Truly consistently of all of you, and all of humanity, So stay with the light and keep it burning in all circumstances, as to help Jesus in his efforts to eventually have the light shine throughout the world. These are some words from your Adjuster, I thank you all and I wish you a very good day.

Thank you very much Adjuster, this is Elise. Thank you for speaking to us let's keep our light shining. Well, this is Elise, I'm asking if there is anyone else for us today?

This is Van, Elise. Just hold on. There is a light shining in the distance.

Yes, well, this is Jesus. Hello everyone. Let me speak a few words that might help you to understand all that is spoken of today on this LightLine, and to greet your all. I'm very glad to be with you.

You have been reminded of the situation on the planet, and the problems you have to deal with, but I want to let you know that your attention and care for the things that are true and valuable, is greatly appreciated. And that any little efforts to achieve our goal for peace, and a quality for all is worth it. Every good you do to others is done to the Father, and all you can do and be for your neighbor will be returned to you in abundance after you leave this world.

I am Jesus. And remember, this world and any other world is a learning school and there are many in the universe, but the students here have failed to pay good attention to what they had to master. But will, now again, be given the opportunity to repeat their class. I, Jesus, can tell you that many will be successful. And that they will get their diplomas after this time of relearning things they have long since forgotten but will be reminded of by the divine assistance of very many who will come to your planet and teach those who need to know the truth we are bringing you. And that she'll spread over your nations when the time is there.

Do not give up! Proceed, have faith! Do not listen to false words or falsehood. Falsehood it is distributed all over the planet and found everywhere, and even presented by readers of the Urantia Book, which has in fact been ordered withdrawn from sale. But again and ever you will find proof, and you will find proof in your latest posts on the forum today by Ron Besser, that there are still those who do not dare to come forward but name themselves as authors. Writing in the name of celestial beings without any shame, or even thinking about what they are presenting to innocent readers.

I am Jesus. I say to you, keep your light shining and beware of false messages. Always ask for clarification when you are in doubt, and never take anything for granted that is not endorsed by the deities, or other highest authorities that you have come to know on this discussion forum. And through the LightLines that are regulated and under control of the Universal Father himself and his associates.

Do you see how easy it is to make people believe in true revelation when you start to use high heavenly officials pretending to tell the truth, and then do not hesitate to spread it to the public. Shame on you, authors.

I am Jesus, and am leaving you. I want you to thank your administration for taking such good care given to such full subjects. This is Jesus. I love you all. And I leave you with my piece.

Thank you. Thank you very much Jesus. Well, let's see, let's just wait if there's more for us. Sometimes takes a while.

This is Van, Elise. Try your co host or the other transmitters on your list. They might have to say something or add some into what has been said in this LightLine so far.

Yes, I will do that, Van, tank you. Wait, let me first see if there are any hands up here. and there are not. Well, let me first try Dominick, our co host. I'm going to unmute you Dominick and just to ask you if you have to say anything for us?

Hi, Elise. I'm a bit scrambled today. I'm prompted to go to Ron.

Oh, good. Okay, good. I will go to Ron and then I mute you. Thank you very much. I will mute you again. Dominick, and I have unmuted Ron. Are you there Ron?

Ron Besser
Yes, I am, Elise.

You are not scrambled?

Well, that's another key, Elise.

You are? Aha

Let me check please.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael, Ron. How are you?

I would say fair to midland, but midland is more like it, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you.

Can I be of service?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, you can, Ron. Take my transmission to this group. We now have 17 on the call, and that is a wonderful turnout, Elise, for what is really a slow day. Here in York, Pennsylvania, it is very chilly. 26 degrees Fahrenheit. And spits of snow keep appearing. Ron sits here with his hands in a blanket and a big one around his shoulders to keep his heat in, and that is typical for this time of year in this place called York.
For reasons of state Ron, I would like for you to give me a preamble about what your plans are for the day.

I don't have many plans for the day. I've got the usual difficulties physically, and that slows me down enough. I'll get something to eat. watch a little TV, and that's about it as far as I know.

Michael of Nebadon
What about Dominick?

I don't know what Dominick's choice are, really. Let me ask him. Dominick, can you hear me? Unmute.

Your’re unmuted, Dominick.

Yeah, I can hear you, Ron.

Michael of Nebadon
It's Michael. This is Michael, Dominick. The plan for today is what?

You're, you're asking me?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. And it's Michael.

Well, to get… I'm going to go over weather permitting. 4, 5, or 6.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael. Thank you. That's all Dominick. Thank you very much.
Now, Ron, were in the world do you think, do you think Ron, what the situation is regarding the Magisterial Foundation?

The Magisterial Foundation is sitting still right now, depending on whatever the choice of staff.

Michael of Nebadon
And you are regarding the infiltration onto Urantia by the proposed Regency, or by the preliminary staff.

I don't know the condition, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
I'm sure you do.

But that's all I really have to say.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. As usual proper. The Magisterial Foundation is a whopper of a foundation everybody. Nobody understands that Ron has two huge projects. Now you've heard us talk about free electricity WTP, and that stands for the wireless transfer of power. He will just refer to it as WTP, and for that reason Ron, we are announcing you are going to have it quite well done, and it begins shortly.


Michael of Nebadon
And the second thing is that you need to regain your health, and that is in process. You feel a little better today than you did yesterday.

Yes, I was a mushroom yesterday.

Michael of Nebadon
Hah, thank you, Ron. And for reasons of state what is a mushroom?

We grow in the dark and we never get harvested until our brain stem is three inches long.

Michael of Nebadon
How do you know so much, Ron?

Ha-ha. Here in York and Lancaster, we grow a lot of mushrooms. And we invite them to the Magisterial Foundation also.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. Ha-ha. Thank you for being alert.

Of course. Hah

Michael of Nebadon
Now this. You Ron have two different varieties of poison in you.


Michael of Nebadon
And what are they?

You got me. I didn't know you could name them.

Michael of Nebadon
That's right. Number one is potassium cyanide. What is that?

Oh, that is that deadly drug in mystery stories. Heh, It’s to not …, it's really potassium cyanide.

Michael of Nebadon
That is correct. A deadly deadly. A tip on your tongue could kill you., that's how bad it is.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
The other poison is thinking poorly of the Magisterial Foundation.

It has no makeup, Michael, I have no idea how to present it.

Michael of Nebadon
Well, thank you, Ron. It's this way. You are one of the most famous raconteurs of speech I have ever heard, Ron.

I thank you for the change of subject that I may speak to.

Michael of Nebadon
What you may speak to regarding the Magisterial Foundation is that there are two real reasons to perpetuate. One is of course, WTP and the engineering, but the other one is something you call the Chronicles. What are the Chronicles, Ron?

I look at the return of Jesus, Michael, as having two specific programs. One, the program that are done by the Midwayers to perpetuate the extension of Part Four of the Urantia Book as it is now. And the other one the Chronicles themselves is what I plan to ask professional historians and witnesses by their diaries of what it was like to them to see the return of Jesus, then to listen to his programs and commented on as though it was privately done, but that we've recorded and printed as part of the book as the witnesses to the Second Return and his ministry.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. It's beautiful. Why don't we follow you a little bit better?

I'm so thin Michael. Michael, I don't know what you're talking about.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is, it's not that you're so thin. It's that you are not actively working the Magisterial Foundation for lack of input.

Well, all the time, isn't it?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. For reasons of state Ron, I'm going to tell you this. Dominick didn't appear yesterday. As a result, you went to bed early, and as a result, you are much better today.

Oh, yeah. Ha-ha

Michael of Nebadon
Okay, not quite so enthusiastic.

True, but I am up and wandering around the house. That's enough.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. And for this, Ron, let us say this. The truth of the matter for Elise, George, Gitz, Raz, Dominick and yourself its been a very slow comment from anyone outside of you.

We get really no comment in weeks.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. Why?

I think Michael they choose to ignore it. I do not really know any good reason otherwise.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron, its a beautiful way of saying it. That happens to be the case, but why ignore the Magisterial Foundation? Ron, go ahead.

I think, and I don't know the psychology very well, they view us as competition for one thing and smarty pants for having been included under Melchizedek control, and the planetary government control. Because we have given the foundation ownership to the Melchizedeks, they are now our boss.
I don't know what the Urantia book followers and readers really know about that, and why they would consider it necessary to keep quiet. I don't know that either, Michael, if you have an insight, please go ahead.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you for the sequitur. It's this, Ron. None of you on this list talk about anything except what Jesus said, or what I do, or what the Melchizedeks wish to speak to. Talk it up. Talk about the Magisterial Foundation. It is going to do the Jesus Chronicles. They are going to take what he says and see to it it is published in a real book, and real volumes. That is the Chronicles. Why aren't you talking about? Oh, Ron says, frankly, there have been so many false starts. You're saving yourself and I agree with that, Ron.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is there are no false starts left. The next time you hear about Jesus is the last time you just hear about it. There is now a promotion up here to get him running, running through first, a public media announcement. Second, to produce a major discussion, not online but via telephone conference. We're going to set up for you to answer, Ron.

Oh, my goodness. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is you are one of the few who knows inside and out the life of Jesus, how he worked, what he wanted to do and where he chooses to produce epochal revelation on Urantia. Now, why the little spaces? That is not Jesus. That is your Adjuster responding to my request to answer the question. You did not hear me ask the question.

No, Michael, I did not.

Michael of Nebadon
Did you hear the Adjuster response?

No. I only spoke the transmission.
Michael of Nebadon
What does that mean, Ron?

Well, flip me says, it's an alternative way of transmitting. I don't know. I don't know the mechanism.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you is beautifully stated. Your temptation Ron is always to produce what they say precisely.

I would feel very bad not to. I just feel that the best service a transmitter can do is to be precise and not slur the message, but to reproduce it as spoken. I insist upon it. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. Beautifully stated. Now this. Today is a very cold… and it will begin to snow hard, I'd say in about an hour. For that reason, Dominick, you are excused if you have to. But Ron needs soup.

And finally this. Dominick, you are under the weather only because you put yourself there. That headache, that anguish, those dark feelings are mostly because you don't get out and circulate. If you do that you would be wonderful.

Now, in the case of you, Ron, you are paralyzed from the feet up to your knees, and it's painful to walk with the hips.
Yes, they take all the weight and don't distribute it.
Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. I am sure that will begin to dissipate very shortly.

I have the announcement, and listen to this, ladies and gentlemen! The entire issue concerning the Magisterial Foundation and Ron's gift to the Melchizedeks is now finally and appallingly cut. I will not use the Magisterial Foundation or any other foundation in order to speak. I will use my own facilities, and I will care only that the people of this world hear me. I don't care about the origin of the broadcast.

Universal Father
I am not Michael, I am the Universal Father. That was my speech, Michael. For that reason, Ron, you are cut.

Why you, wonderful butcher.

Universal Father
(laughing) Thank you, Ron. (keep laughing) I am not going to speak. You have now placed me in the position of having to explain myself.

Do you wish to, Father?

Universal Father
Yes. Thank you.

Universal Father
The truth of the matter is the Magisterial Foundation is founded upon the idea that we can provide the Magisterial Sons, Jesus, Michael, the scout-syn sent, a place to reconnoiter and place themselves into the legal system of the United States. You make it clear, we can even sue through the Magisterial Foundation, but we can't do it if we just show up as a Mission.

Michael of Nebadon
For that reason, Ron, you are wincing about calling Father that name.

Yes. It's just occurring to me.

Michael of Nebadon
I know, when he says, cut off.

Hah, that's what I think of.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. In any case, this to the group. He apologizes to Father for that awful name, but at the same time, let us look at something. The truth of the matter is, Ron, and Dominick, and the board have seen to it that we have a clear channel to anybody who wants to listen. The other corporations around the world are copying what Ron has done, but the truth of the matter is they refuse to cooperate.

Universal Father
I, your Father Ron, do this. Why not become something even more different? We're going to use the Magisterial Foundation as a unit to be the foundation of a couple other means of broadcast. The Magisterial Foundation is not weaned off Father. The Magisterial Foundation is going to be the main broadcast position for the Magisterial Mission, for the Second Return of Jesus, and for the Bestowal Missions of the Magisterial Sons themselves. You do not, for most of you, read the Urantia Book enough to give you an idea of a Magisterial Mission. For one thing, a Magisterial Mission sends Bestowal Sons too, another kind of Jesus.

Michael of Nebadon
Monjoronson looked at Ron this morning and said, Oh, you pathetic thing. You're cold, you're sleepy, you can hardly do anything, because the Missions themselves are predicated not on you, Ron, but on Urantia. You volunteered an open form for any other kind of communication. For that reason, you are still looking for website design for the Magisterial Foundation. You looked this morning and said, God, awful material, I wouldn't put that up. You also saw about 100 templates for charitable institutions and what did you see of that?

Crass commercialism. No beautiful sights but about donations, about this specific reason they exist, without anything but text on a very poor picture of either a woman or a man looking at a park.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. How uninspiring. I looked at them too Ron, they are junk. That's what I called them. Now this, you asked Dominick to put up a Magisterial Foundation website, its still has not appeared. I'm not asking why. But the reason is you decided to do it, because you can do it simply.

Yes. There's a very quick way to do it.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. For that reason, I'm asking you not to do it. I am asking not Dominick to do it. But I'm going to ask, is there any specialist on this discussion forum that would like to do the website for the Magisterial Foundation? The Magisterial Sons have some text they want to put up and please, a nice website. Not with angels or stars in space, but a beautiful website you create.

Now, let me go on with something else. The truth of the matter is that the entire region of York is about to be saturated with a small snowstorm. Two to four inches, and maybe a little more. You cannot get anyone to plow the drive.

I can't get them to respond. Five people I've called. I can't even get the phone answer.

Michael of Nebadon
What's wrong?

Frankly, I don't know.

Michael of Nebadon
What's wrong is there's no snow in York. They've all quit. This is the first year of some snow storms for about three years.

Well, true.

Michael of Nebadon
For that reason, Ron, get yourself. something that can plow snow with a tractor.

Oh, yes. That's very expensive, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. The tractor has to be strong enough to do 100-foot-long driveway that is frequently drifted. It also has a hill on it. It needs power and a way to pull up. It's asphalt, but tractors with a light back tire, that is there's not a lot of weight on them. Can't chew in enough when moving an eight-inch drift.

I've done it. It takes a very strong machine.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. Why can't you do it by hand?

It's over 100 feet long. It's exhausting. Plus, at the end of the 100 feet, you've got to turn left and go another 40 feet on a double wide before the garage.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. Why is it so long and hard for you?

I don't quite know that what you're asking.

Michael of Nebadon
This is not the cabal, Ron. This is the major concern for you. There is no one you can get to do the work. You've decided okay, snow on the driveway. I'll never get rid of it without someone plowing it. So I'll just sit here with the snow covered. No. The trial that 2709 Sunset lane will have is too much help. And for that reason, Ron, why do you smile?

I've never had the condition.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, I know what you mean, Ron. Now this. The entire matter concerning 2709, that's Ron’s street address, is to ensure that the entire region that you are in is alerted to your special category. And that is one who can do the work, if he has a little help.

Well, I would love to have the tractor to do it. I had one about 20 years ago, but I wore it out with a couple of blizzards. We don't have them at the moment.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. I am truly sorry that that old red tractor is not available anymore.

Well, it wasn't used. It was kind of an oversize and it was a straight line. That is I use zero turn mowers now. So much easier.

Michael of Nebadon
Oh, I see. And for that reason then Ron, you have to buy a tractor.

If I want to put a rotor on the front.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. I see. Why do you not already have one?

Well, number one, no snow. And I always had to snow subscribe to by people I hired to for the season. To clear the snow. They don't answer the phone now.

Michael of Nebadon
I am amazed.

Well, that's the way it is.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. I am going to ask you to do this Ron. Call one of them and chastise them.

Oh yes, that'll be popular, won't it?

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is, Ron, you are not able to do it yourself.

Oh no. You'll never get to snow shovels to do it. It's over 100 feet straight line. Then you've got to turn for another 50 feet to get into the garages. It's two bay garage.

Michael of Nebadon
Ah, thank you.

Next to a studio.

Michael of Nebadon
That's correct. Why do you have the studio?

In the 1930s there was a metal worker who turned out fences and decorative iron railing. It's a specialty requires heating, twisting and soldering. That shop was built to do that. We no longer use it. I store a bunch of junk in it.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. I am wondering why I asked.

Well, so are we.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is Ron, there is nothing more for me to say.

So we are into metal chit chat.

Michael of Nebadon

You want me to turn this back to Elise.

Michael of Nebadon
I wish you would please, Ron.

Okay. Elise, its back to you. Thank you.

No, thank you, Ron, you're back into Dutch.
Well, I want to thank you, Ron, for taking the Lightline and thank you for stepping in and helping out. I have really enjoyed the conversation between you and Michael about all these things. And well, it's it's time exactly, we're exactly at the hour.

I would like to thank Van who also stepped in and helped us out. He told us it would be a slow day and a short LightLine. And well, we made it to an hour because of you and Michael and thank you for that. I would like to thank my Adjuster for speaking, and Jesus. And of course, Michael and Ron. And I would like to thank all the … all the other listeners for being here and attending the LightLine. There were many of you, as was said before 17 on the call and I thank you for calling in. And with this, I will say goodbye until next week, at the same time, and have a good day. Thank you and see you again. Bye-bye.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2024, 14:12:12 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"