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TRANSLATIONS / 10.5.2024 – Świadomość, związki i uczucia
« Last post by Andre_P on May 10, 2024, 11:53:25 am »
Pełna wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisał : Moses Ouko, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : Tu są linki do nagrań, uwagi i plany / Lightline USA z środy, 8 maja 2024 r.
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 9 maja 2024 r, godz. 07:35:37 »

(Jeden urywek, duża część transkrypcji)

Dostrajacz Myśli Lemuela :
Tu Dostrajacz Myśli Lemuela. Chciałbym mówić do was wszystkich. Przede wszystkim chcę was poprosić, żebyście się zastanowili, jak się odnosicie do świadomości ? Wszyscy wiecie, czym jest świadomość. Świadomość to po prostu życie. Jeśli nie ma świadomości, nie może być życia. Jeśli jesteś nieświadomy, to pod każdym względem jesteś martwy. Wszystko w manifestacji, w czasie i przestrzeni, jest manifestacją świadomości. Wszystko, co się przejawia, jest stworzeniem, demonstracją świadomości. To, co stworzone, nigdy nie może być oddzielone od stwórcy świadomości, dokładnie w taki sam sposób, w jaki artysta i kunszt oraz sztuka są manifestacją świadomości artysty. Chcę, żebyście się teraz zastanowili, w jaki sposób odnosicie się do siebie.

Przede wszystkim do czterech żywiołów: ziemi, powietrza, ognia i wody. Rozważmy najpierw wodę. Jaki jest wasz stosunek do niej ? Jak odnosicie się do wody ? Cóż, to oczywiste, nieprawdaż ? Wiecie, że jeśli nie ma wody, to nie ma życia. Woda jest manifestacją stworzenia wody. Jak wiecie, cztery żywioły zawierają to, co jest niezbędne dla was do życia, ale zawierają również to, co może was zniszczyć. Zbyt dużo wody, zbyt dużo deszczu powoduje powodzie. Ogień w nocnych obozach towarzyszy ludziom od tysięcy lat, ale wiecie również, że ogień może być bardzo destrukcyjny. A powietrze, którym oddychacie. Oczywiście, bez niego byście nie przeżyli, ale powietrze może również silnie wiać. Jak wiecie, wieje wiele tornad i huraganów, które są niezwykle niszczycielskie. Jest też ziemia, Matka Ziemia, jak o niej mówicie. Piękna. Bez ziemi nie byłoby możliwe uprawianie jakichkolwiek roślin. Człowiek by nie przetrwał, ale ziemia może również powodować trzęsienia ziemi, które mogą zabić wiele, wiele ludzi. Tak więc was związek z czterema żywiołami jest oczywisty.

Rozważmy to z innej perspektywy. Jak odnosicie się do świata materialnego ? Rozważymy więc warzywa. Następnie rozważymy zwierzęta, a potem ludzi. Chcę, żebyście sobie wyobrazili, że idziecie boso po piasku i pozwalacie, żeby woda obmywała wasze stopy. Jest tak przyjemny, ładny słoneczny dzień, delikatny wietrzyk, jest idealnie. Spoglądacie w dół i widzicie muszlę. Schylacie się i podnosicie ją. Oglądacie ją, trzymacie ją, pieścicie ją. Jest piękna i uwielbiacie jej kolor. Może robiliście to już w przeszłości. Może włożycie ją do kieszeni, a może zabierzecie ją do domu i włożycie do słoika z innymi muszelkami lub kamykami. Co więc zrobiliście ? Związaliście się z tą muszelką. Podnieśliście ją. Usunęliście ją z jej miejsca i umieściliście w innym miejscu. Włożyliście do pewnego stopnia swoje myśli i uczucia do tej muszli. Teraz pytam was, czy myślicie, że muszla ma stosunek do was ? We wszystkim jest świadomość. Nie może być inaczej. Pamiętajcie o tym, co powiedziałem wcześniej : Stworzone nigdy nie może być oddzielone od stwórcy. Istnieje świadomość. Istnieje nieświadomość. Istnieje samoświadomość. Możecie zadać sobie pytanie, czy muszla ma samoświadomość ? Cóż, krótka odpowiedź brzmi : Nie. Oczywiście, że nie, ale jest i pozostaje przejawem świadomości. Cóż, jest to coś, o czym być może wcześniej nie myśleliście. Jak odnosicie się do swojego materialnego świata ? Słońce to witamina D. Daje ciepło. Daje gorąco. Daje światło, a także pali. Możecie sobie powiedzieć : Cóż, wszystko jest jak obosieczny miecz. Cóż, tak, może być, ale ważną rzeczą jest wasz związek, jak odnosicie się do wszystkiego, co widzicie w swoim materialnym świecie.

Przejdźmy teraz do świata roślinnego, królestwa roślin lub wymiaru roślinnego. Jak odnosicie się teraz do roślinności ? Cóż, jestem pewien, że wszyscy kochacie przyrodę. Jak można nie kochać przyrody ? Drzewa, trawa, ptaki, kwiaty, krzewy. Wszystko to jest manifestacją świadomości. Jest dziełem Stwórcy. Tak, oczywiście, że jest  świadome i ma świadomość. Tak, oczywiście, że ma świadomość. Wszyscy wiecie, że Ziemia jest żywą istotą i wszystko na niej jest żywe i świadome. Więc jak się teraz do tego odnosicie ? Na przykład, gdy widzicie różę. Jeśli jest pod ręką, wyciągacie rękę, żeby ją przybliżyć, wąchacie ją i rozkoszujecie się jej zapachem i miejmy nadzieję, że w tym momencie dziękujecie tej róży. Odnosicie się do tej róży dziękując jej i ciesząc się nią. Czy myślicie, że ta róża lub cokolwiek innego, co chcielibyście wybrać, również ma stosunek do was ? Czy myślicie, że kwiat wie, że ma świadomość tego, że został dotknięty przez człowieka ? Cóż, krótka odpowiedź brzmi : Tak. Królestwo roślin ma swoją własną hierarchię istot duchowych. Swoją hierarchię. Ich zakon istot anielskich. Na pewno słyszeliście o duchach żywiołów. Wróżki, gnomy, elfy i wszystkie inne istoty. Aż do dew i strażników wielkich drzew. Gdybyście mogli je zobaczyć, one są piękne. Tak piękne i takie były i wciąż są. Są ludzie, którzy mają zdolność widzenia i rysowania i malowania pięknych obrazów tych istot. Sposób, w jaki odnosicie się do tego, co widzicie i doceniacie, daje tym rzeczom możliwość uznania między sobą, że zostały zauważone i ich piękno zostało docenione przez ludzi. One są za to wdzięczne i bardzo to doceniają. Jak odnosicie się do jedzenia, które przygotowujecie do spożycia ?

Jak przygotowywać warzywa ? Najlepiej z miłującą troską i wdzięcznością, ponieważ bez nich, oczywiście, umarlibyście z głodu. Teraz pozwólcie, że wam coś powiem. Królestwo warzyw, wszystkie one są w stanie komunikować się między sobą. Wiedzą one na przykład, co do nich czujecie. Ci z was, którzy kupują rośliny lub kwiaty i mają je w domu, jeśli je kochacie i dbacie o nie, to one są tego świadome i to sprawia, że one są bardzo szczęśliwe. Jedzenie, które jecie, to jest dla nich raj być zjedzonym przez człowieka, który się tym cieszy. To jest szczyt ich egzystencji. To dlatego one tu są, żeby was karmić. Jest więc oczywiste, że musicie przygotowywać jedzenie, które wkładacie do ust z życzliwością, miłością, uznaniem i wdzięcznością. Tak, ale wszyscy wiecie, że tak nie jest. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, to jest niemożliwe.

Jest wiele rzeczy, które mógłbym wspomnieć o królestwie warzyw, ale wystarczy powiedzieć, że świadomość, ogólny poziom świadomości w królestwie warzyw jest niezwykle wysoki. One są świadome i mają uczucia. Tak. Rośliny mają uczucia. Drzewa mają uczucia.

Przejdźmy teraz do królestwa zwierząt. Jak odnosicie się do zwierząt ? Zacznijmy od bardzo prostego przykładu. Większość z was miała lub ma zwierzę domowe. Zwierzę domowe. Psa lub kota. Ci z was, którzy mają psa. Wiecie, co ludzie o tym mówią : Najlepszym przyjacielem człowieka jest pies. To jest możliwe, po prostu możliwe. Pierwszy raz byliście świadkami bezwarunkowej miłości, to było w oczach waszego psa. Ten pies darzył was bezwarunkową miłością i wy to widzieliście, a kiedy to widzieliście, czuliście to i właśnie dlatego kochacie swojego psa. Ten pies oddałby za was życie. Wiecie o tym. Są też tacy, którzy oddaliby życie za swojego psa. Czy nie byłoby wspaniale, gdyby spojrzenie bezwarunkowej miłości było również widoczne w oczach ludzi ? Cóż. Oczywiście są takie przypadki, ale jest ich bardzo, bardzo niewiele. Ponownie, w królestwie zwierząt istnieje oczywiście świadomość. Istnieje samoświadomość. Tak. One mają uczucia. One mają pomysły. Mają wielkie umiejętności. Mają inteligencję, ale nie mają tego, co ma człowiek. Nie mają pragnienia zabijania dla samego zabijania. Zwierzę zabija, żeby jeść i przetrwać i w królestwie zwierząt istnieje łańcuch ekologiczny, o czym wszyscy doskonale wiecie. Wszystko jest zaplanowane w ten sposób.

Pomyślcie tylko przez chwilę o wspaniałej pracy nosicieli życia, którzy pracowali przez miliony lat, żeby przygotować tę planetę do życia. Cóż, nie chcę długo o tym mówić, ponieważ jest to tak ogromny temat, ale oczywiście potrzeba miliardów lat, żeby planeta była w końcu gotowa na człowieka. Tak jak ogród wymaga przygotowania itd. Wymaga kształtowania krajobrazu. Potrzebuje doświadczonego ogrodnika, który wprowadzi krzewy, kwiaty, drzewa i całą resztę, czego jesteście w pełni świadomi i tak było oczywiście w pierwszym ogrodzie z Adamem i Ewą, jak wiecie. Jestem pewien, że wielu ludzi zapomniało, że przez całe stworzenie w dziedzinie stworzenia roślin każda roślina, wszystko, co było potrzebne do wyleczenia wszelkich dolegliwości, było tam gotowe dla was. Nigdy nie było potrzeby stosowania chemii i wprowadzania tabletek do waszych organizmów. To, co miało miejsce przez wiele, wiele stuleci, to fakt, że wiedza i mądrość na temat roślin i ich właściwości zdrowotnych zostały w dużej mierze zapomniane. Nadal istnieją miejsca, zwłaszcza w Chinach, gdzie ta wiedza nadal istnieje i mają medycynę ziołową, medycynę naturalną.

To jest taka tragedia, że z powodu przeludnienia konieczna stała się masowa produkcja wszystkiego. Idealnie i pierwotnie planeta Urantia miała pomieścić tylko od dwóch i pół do maksymalnie 3 miliardów ludzi, a teraz wiecie, że tak nie jest. Tak więc, oczywiście, masowa produkcja wszystkiego stała się konieczna już od wieków. Eksport i import z różnych krajów na całym świecie jest konieczny, żeby żywność była dostępna przez cały rok. Problem polega oczywiście na tym, że nie ma ona, nie może mieć tej samej jakości, tego samego smaku, tych samych właściwości zdrowotnych, które miała żywność produkowana naturalnie w przeszłości. Jak odnosicie się do tych rzeczy teraz, każdego dnia ? Cóż, jest to nawykowe. Wasz styl życia jest tak wymagający. Nie macie prawie wcale czasu na korzystanie z naturalnego jedzenia, z naturalnych rzeczy. Gdybyście mieli, to one byłyby dostępne. Wiecie, że one są bardzo drogie. O wiele łatwiej i taniej jest więc kupować żywność niższej jakości. Wszyscy jesteście tego świadomi i pogodziliście się z tym, ponieważ w rzeczywistości nie macie wyboru i dlatego jest to zrozumiałe.

Przejdźmy teraz do waszych relacji międzyludzkich. Jak odnosicie się do swoich braci i sióstr ? Cóż, możecie odpowiedzieć na to pytanie tylko za siebie. Przed chwilą mówiliśmy o bezwarunkowej miłości, którą pies nieustannie okazuje swojemu panu. Wiecie, że to jest prawda, ponieważ sami to widzieliście i doświadczyliście. Czy kiedykolwiek był na tej planecie człowiek, który wyrażałby bezwarunkową miłość do wszystkich braci i sióstr ? Cóż, przychodzi mi do głowy tylko jeden i wszyscy wiecie, że mam na myśli Jezusa, ale dodam, że we wczesnych latach Jezus był jak każdy inny chłopiec. Rozrabiał ze swoimi towarzyszami zabaw i świetnie się przy tym bawił, ale zawsze był uprzejmy i troskliwy. Nigdy nie był łobuzem, daleko mu do tego. Miał też łagodną naturę, ale był silny, był solidnym i przystojnym chłopcem, a później, oczywiście, był w stanie wyrazić bezwarunkową miłość, nawet do tych, którzy Go ukrzyżowali. Ojcze, przebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią. Mamy więc przykład, inspirację dla reszty z nas do odnoszenia się w podobny sposób do naszych braci i sióstr. Och, jakie to trudne ? Jakie to trudne ? Wszyscy mamy przyjaciół. Wszyscy mamy rodziny. Czy mamy wrogów ? Czy potrafimy zmienić wroga w przyjaciela ? Najgorszy wróg może stać się najlepszym przyjacielem. Jak odwrócić sytuację ? Można to zrobić tylko z miłością, a jeśli nie możecie zmierzyć się z wrogiem twarzą w twarz, dosłownie twarzą w twarz, jeśli jest to niemożliwe, to możecie przynajmniej spróbować być szczerymi w swoim pragnieniu odwrócenia sytuacji wysyłając tej osobie światło i miłość tak szczerze, jak to tylko możliwe, ale to światło, jak wszystko inne, wymaga praktyki. Łatwo jest to robić z przyjaciółmi i rodziną, ale o wiele trudniej jest to zrobić z tak zwanym wrogiem. Właśnie dlatego mówi się, że wróg może być najlepszym nauczycielem, ponieważ jest okazją do nauczenia się czegoś tak fundamentalnego : Zmienić wroga w swojego przyjaciela. Jedynym sposobem na to jest miłość. Miłość jest dosłownie największą siłą ze wszystkich, ponieważ jest jedyną siłą, która pochodzi od Ojca wszystkich. To bezwarunkowa miłość. Jego świadomość, Jego dzieła, stworzył je we wszystkich dziedzinach : fizycznej, roślinnej, zwierzęcej i ludzkiej, a także na trzech wyższych poziomach, o których jeszcze nie wspomnieliśmy. Poświęćcie więc trochę czasu na zastanowienie się nad tym, jak odnosicie się do swoich bliźnich. Jeśli jest ktoś, kogo możecie zidentyfikować jako wroga lub kogoś, kto was zranił i obraził, lub z jakiegokolwiek powodu, to nie pozwólcie, żeby ta sytuacja pozostała nierozwiązana. Jeśli nie możecie rozwiązać tego twarzą w twarz, to zróbcie jedyną dostępną rzecz, a najlepiej jeśli jest szczera, jest to miłość płynącą z waszego serca, a zostanie ona przyjęta przez tę osobę. Oczywiście nieświadomie, ta osoba na początku nie będzie tego świadoma, ale później zobaczycie zmianę w tej osobie. Lemuel sam tego doświadczył, więc wie i utożsamia się z tym, a ja wiem, że to prawda. Oczywiście, jestem Dostrajaczem Myśli Lemuela.

A jak się odnosicie do królestwa duchowego ? Cóż, jesteście tutaj, ponieważ pragnęliście się dowiedzieć czegoś więcej, czego brakowało wam w życiu. Stać się Agondonterem, jak wszyscy wiecie, oznacza wiarę w rzeczy, które są niewidzialne, a jednak wiele razy doświadczyliście tego, co niewidzialne. Jako dowód, tak, wszyscy wiecie, że to prawda. Nie możecie zobaczyć perfum, ale możecie je poczuć. Nie możecie zobaczyć wiatru, ale możecie zobaczyć rezultat silnego wiatru. Możesz zobaczyć drzewa i gałęzie tańczące na wietrze. Tylko dlatego, że coś jest niewidzialne, nie oznacza, że nie istnieje. Tak wspaniałe jak pięć ludzkich zmysłów, są one niezwykle ograniczone. Jesteście tego świadomi. Zwierzęta widzą znacznie więcej niż zwyczajnie widzą. Wszyscy wiecie, że to prawda. Jak odnieść się do tego, co pozostaje niewidzialne ? A jednak jest to coś, co można poczuć i to pochodzi z wewnątrz i to jest pierwsza rzecz, do której możecie się odnieść, a która nie jest na zewnątrz was, ale pochodzi z wewnątrz i jest czymś, co możecie poczuć. Tak, możecie to poczuć. To naprawdę staje się namacalne, radość, która wypływa z głębi waszej istoty, która sprawia, że chcecie wstać i skakać z radości z podniesionymi rękami chwaląc Ojca i dziękując Ojcu. W ten sposób można się odnosić do Ducha, do tego, co niewidzialne. Nie ma znaczenia, że to jest niewidzialne. Nie potrzebujecie widzialnego dowodu, ponieważ macie dowód poprzez swoje serce i uczucia. W ten sposób Agondonter odnosi się do Ducha. W ten sposób wzrasta wasza wiara.

Wszyscy tutaj, podczas dzisiejszej rozmowy i wszyscy ci, którzy będą słuchać nagrania później, wszyscy odnosicie się do tego, czym jesteście zainteresowani. Ta relacja poprowadzi was dalej i dalej w głąb siebie, do waszej prawdziwej istoty, żeby odkryć to, co odkrył Lemuel i inni z was, wasze prawdziwe ja, wasz ukochany zamieszkujący fragment Ojca, waszego Dostrajacza Myśli. To jest wasz prawdziwy związek, relacja, która pewnego dnia uczyni z was jedną istotę. Wszyscy o tym wiecie. Wasze wspólne przeznaczenie, waszego Dostrajacza Myśli i was samych. Wasz Dostrajacz Myśli jest przedosobowy. Wasza osobowość i fragment Ojca pewnego dnia się zespolą i staniecie się Bogiem w świadomości Boga. Cóż, jest to oczywiście najwspanialszy rodzaj związku, jaki można mieć.

Powtarzam, świadomość to życie. Pamiętajcie, że to, co stworzone, nigdy nie może być oddzielone od swojego stwórcy. To, co się dzieje z człowiekiem, to stanie się jednością ze stwórcą. To jest prawdziwy związek i najlepszy. Dziękuję za wysłuchanie. Dziękuję Lemuelu. To wszystko, co mam do powiedzenia. Życzę wszystkim bardzo dobrego dnia. Dziękuję.
TRANSLATIONS / 10.5.2024 – Lighline USA z 9 maja
« Last post by Andre_P on May 10, 2024, 04:46:17 am »
Pełna wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisał : Raz, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : Tu są linki do nagrań, uwagi i plany / Lightline USA, czwartek, 9 maja 2024 r.
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 9 maja 2024 r, godz. 20:03:13 »

(Urywki z transkrypcji)

Ron Besser :
W każdym razie pierwszym ważnym ogłoszeniem jest to, że Jezus powrócił do Raju. Drugim zmartwieniem jest to, że Michał Nebadoński odmawia w tym momencie misji na Urantii. To zmusza nas wszystkich do powrotu do nas samych i tego, na co możemy sobie pozwolić, żeby utrzymać grupy razem i przekazywać wszystko, co możemy.

Michał Nebadoński :
Zachowajcie wiarę. Ustaliłem co następuje: Żadnej misji na Urantii. Jest na niej zbyt dużo wojny, między innymi.

Chcę, żebyście wszyscy o tym wiedzieli, nawet jeśli musicie znaleźć to w nagraniu, Urantia jest zdecydowanie najbardziej zaawansowaną planetą spośród nowych planet w Systemie Planet. Nazywa się on Satania.

Chcę, żeby było wiadomo, że Satania zostanie podzielona na dwie części. Jest w niej wiele starych planet, pierwsze 400 jest w porządku. Ostatnie 200 pojawiło się podczas rebelii. Nie wiem, co zrobimy z tymi ostatnimi 200. W każdym razie Panoptia jest waszą bliźniaczą planetą. Denison dołącza do was jako bliźniak. Wasza trójka jest niemal identyczna i są to ostatnie trzy z 606 ludzkich planet w tym Systemie.

Zamierzam oddzielić dobre planety od planet apokaliptycznych, których jest sześć. Urantia jest ostatnią z nich.
  • 050924 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: Jesus has returned to Paradise, Michael of Nebadon is refusing missions to Urantia at this point, Arthura is Michael of Nebadon at Paradise level, Satania will be broken into two systems, Urantia is the last of six apocalyptic planets, the meteor that hit Urantia cracked the core which will one day cause the planet to split in two, and this Sunday’s Light Line should be taped;
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Arthura, and Universal Father;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Ron Besser  
All right. This is a Thursday afternoon conference at 2:30 pm. I'm Ron Besser, your host, and we will do what we can. There are nine participating. For those of you who may have just joined and I believe Charlotte, you just did. You are number nine. Anyhow, let this be known. I was unaware that I was going to hold a conference today. As a result, they have partially shut me down. What I'm talking about; two major events have occurred. I must tell you, and then I'm not sure how this gets to the rest of the discussion forum. Welcome, Lemuel.

In any case, the first major announcement is that Jesus has returned back to Paradise. The second concern is that Michael of Nebadon is refusing a mission to Urantia at this point. That throws us all back to ourselves and what we can afford to do to keep the groups together and anything that we can transmit. I am not sure we have transmissions left. Although Machiventa has been gracious enough to say hello today and will take over shortly. I have had nothing but trouble trying to get in. Finally, I'm in and I'm not fooling with a thing until this program is done. There are now eleven on the call and thank you for coming back in.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now, I want to tell you this, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron, you have seriously seen to it that Michael has a chance to tell you what has happened. He told you personally but he's not ready to tell the group. For that reason you sign okay; my mouth is shut (?) and closed. For that reason, Ron, we thank you. This is what has happened. The entire reason for having a transmission today was not Ron's idea. It just happened. Steven called Ron and said you have a call today. Ron said I didn't know that. But he attempted to call in and the cabal tried to shut the phone call off. You finally are able to work it normally and we are glad. 

But this: Michael of Nebadon has considered never again speaking to Urantia through these individuals, you are totally inadequate. Ron knows that but has kept it going in favor of supplying you and others with information. Today he learned that Michael was on the planet, had looked at what had been repaired, and saw it was totally inadequate. Furthermore, those who come to this station to listen are no longer adequate either. They are on again sometimes and off again sometimes. That doesn't do us any good and it does Ron no good. What we discussed about today on an unpublished post was to say that I'm leaving Urantia. No missions.

I decided that the cabal had made too many inroads and had destroyed more or less the means to govern the planet from Salvington. For that reason we're telling you now, no more Light Line calls until I tell Ron that it's on Sunday again. Those individuals out west I'm asking Machiventa Melchizedek either to inform them or to do what he wishes. I am not making a rule Machiventa. Thank you. And finally this to you Ron: the Light Line today has 11 on it. That is a miracle that there is any on it because the means to do it was being dismantled by the cabal. You had a terrible time getting it to work but it's working now and we are using it.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally this from Michael of Nebadon: I told Ron that the Sunday Light Lines were shut down. I am rescinding that and for reasons of state a moment of silence. Ron considers his life to end either this week or even to today. And for that reason, I'm not permitting it, Ron. For reasons of state, you are the only ones that know this decision and I will make a post again probably later today telling you My decisions. Ron looks at the mansion worlds and wonders where they are. They are cut off Ron.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Michael of Nebadon  
Your friendship with the popes and Marian will remain. Anyone else will not remember. Yes.

Ron Besser  
All right.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this: those who are in the group on the mansion worlds that have spoken with you, Ron will remember. You're not going over for a long time. We need you down here. But you have been hit very hard and are not particularly well. That is to be removed and full stature resupplied. You are extremely grateful.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
And now this: your second in command must return home. I don't know how long it will take. But he will see to the funeral of his mother and possibly his sister. What you do with that time, Ron, is mostly up to you. But we insist that you produce, I don't want to say a Light Line daily. You have other Light Liners available. You've got Elise. You have Dominick. You have Rene and you have the French. They are all to work their schedules. But on the days that they are not scheduled, I want you to take the light lines up. And that is always at two. And today it was helter skelter

Ron Besser  
because I didn't know I had a Light Line.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally this: make an announcement on the discussion forum, what you're going to do Ron.

Ron Besser  
I will.

Michael of Nebadon  
And fully this Ron: you will be made well, you can walk normally and the pain in the legs will disappear. Dominick will hear of this later on. And he will be glad because you have to use him as a cane once in a while. Your car keys will be returned immediately. And thank you for not boiling over as you nearly did with a set of seraphim this morning.

And finally this to all of you: keep the faith. I have determined the following:
  • No mission to Urantia. It's too full of war, among other things.
  • Ron will remain here to give you Light Lines. Elise I'm asking you to give one. Dominick and all the others that give one including Rene; if you run into trouble, give up, don't attempt it. That's all I can say. This to Urantia: I'm done with you, you beast. I make that statement categorically. And I am not going to keep the Urantia Foundation running smoothly. Ron will have to be the determiner of how much information you get. Right now the Light Lines for this discussion forum are the only ones running. The other Light Lines, I am asking Machiventa to please speak to it, to trim. I leave it to you Machiventa to decide to decide what to do.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
May I speak Michael?

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am Machiventa Melchizedek. As of today, I am sure those Light Lines are not available. They are crude, rude, and nondepository. Wait until they go to transmit and there is nothing there further. The Urantia Foundation as far as I'm concerned leaves much to be desired. But I leave it in place for the moment. Ron is determining that Machiventa Melchizedek is acting as the authority. And I am, Ron. Thank you. That is tremendously important for you to recognize Ron as you must undergo a brief sleep. You will not do that today or this weekend, but next week sometime. Thank you. I want you to know Ron: you're the only one that does it. And when an order is given, he now gives a deep bow. Transmitters if you receive an order, please bow a little bit. That is the assignment that it will be done and you will be held accountable. And now this to all of you: in spite of our late start, here is Arthura to explain the deal.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you Machiventa. And Arthura, you're on if you can find us.

Thank you, Ron. I am here. I found you.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you. Go ahead, please. Thank you.

I am Arthura. I have preferred that name over Michael of Nebadon because it gives me a freedom of speech that I don't otherwise have. But Arthura is Michael of Nebadon but at the Paradise level. What I say goes, as Arthura. For reasons of state Ron chuckles and says; well, you really had me convinced he was separate because he sounds separate from the Salvington voices. Thank you, Ron. And it's this: you are the only one who has bowed to us. And you do it now with every Light Line. That is an assignation of yours, to give me full assurance that what I say will be done. You have done everything that you have bowed to. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
You're most welcome, Michael. My pleasure. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And now to rather unpleasant news. Dominick is your second in command. But he has been awarded a shock, not today but yesterday, but he didn't open the email until today. His family is in the state of Washington. He's moved here to be with Ron and the missions.

I have cut the missions except for one. That mission is to keep Ron as spokesman. So long as he lives you will have him to hear what is happening. Machiventa Melchizedek has recommended that once Ron is gone you have no voice transmission left. It's up to me. I will decide. Ron has looked at Steven as his pet moneykeeper and doer. But Steven Gitz you are within an inch of your life. Do you know that? You must not do it again. Get rid of that old truck or put it up for storage in your barn or wherever you want, but don't use it again. It's dangerous. And finally to you Ron: you have been given life once again for as long as it takes for me to normalize myself and speak to you as a planet and that is it. We are no longer friends.

Ron Besser  
Well, speak for yourself.

Michael of Nebadon  
I can never get away with anything, but I relent because you are a friend, and I have enjoyed you tremendously. So has the Dominion. You love the Dominion.

Ron Besser  
It must stay somehow.

Michael of Nebadon  
I fully agree, Ron.

Universal Father  
This is the Dominion. I am the spokesman. I am the Universal Father. Ron, I agree. But Michael of Nebadon needs time to get used to the idea that there's a new planet in the cluster with Salvington. You don't report this, but Salvington and two other administrative planets, guide the local universe of Nebadon. But the Dominion has placed a new planet in the rulership of Nebadon and is asking permission to establish the Dominion as ruler of six local universes instead of each ruling themselves. And you say: oh, that's wonderful. Why, Ron?

Ron Besser  
My heart is there from the time I ever heard about it, I think it is wonderful without really being able to tell you why.

Michael of Nebadon  
I fully agree with that, Ron, and this is Michael. I will discuss with you the Dominion later. But let me finish the sad news. Dominick may relieve himself and go back west. He's been told that unless he returns, he is no longer part of the family. Yes, she cannot be amended because she's been advised by the attorney unless he returns there is no heir.

Ron Besser  
Well, the attorney is wrong, but fine.

Michael of Nebadon  
I fully agree with that. And fully Ron, you have the most idolatrous memory. But you just provided me with the ability to get this straightened out. He's got a sister that does quite well and a husband that knows everything about the ownership. It will be done, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, I hope so. I don't want to lose my second in command. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And second of all to you, Ron: he's not the second in command. He is the seventh in command. I am in command.

Ron Besser  
You're absolutely fuzzy.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Welcome to the junk on Urantia.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you and I take it easily and well. I have a lot to discuss with you.

Ron Besser  
Well, I'm alive at the moment. Thank you. I look forward to it.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. And now this to finish my list. The people that are here now mainly represent the solid people who will attend any discussion forum and any Light Line that you wish to hold Ron. People, let me name you who are on this call today:

Ron Besser  
And just a minute.

Michael of Nebadon  
That's Jose Vargas, Roger Krupa, Steven Gitz, Robert from New York, Elise, Donna and Larry Whelan, Roger Raz, Charlotte, Lemuel, and a number of people who are using the internet, you're included if you want to be. I see there are more out because of work. They're included, such as weydevu and others that you particularly like Ron. I want you all to know this, even if you have to get it by tape; that Urantia is by far the most advanced planet of the new planets in the planetary system. It is called Satania or Satania depending on your mode of pronunciation. I like Satania and that's what Ron uses.

What I want to be known is that Satania is going to be broken into two. There are a lot of old planets the first 400 are well. The last 200 came on during the rebellion. I don't know quite what we're going to do with the last 200. In any case, Panoptia is your twin planet. Denison is joining you as a twin. You three are almost identical and the last three, in the 606 human planets in the system. I will be speaking more to you, Ron about it.

As far as your personnel are concerned, Ron, live with what you've got. I have nothing more to say at this point. And now this: I am making something I did not plan when I got on this speech class. There are at least 10 of you who are interested enough to know what I had to say today. And it's this: I hope you're sitting down.
( 1.) I am done with Urantia. It's a mess.
( 2.) I am done with the planetary system that it's in. I'm going to separate the good planets out of the apocalyptic planets, which there are six. Urantia is the last of them.
3.   I am no longer particularly concerned about Jesus and the appearance of Jesus at all. Jesus threw his hands up last evening when Ron laid down to sleep and was attacked by the cabal and he doesn't remember anything. They tried to remove all memory. They couldn’t.

And finally this: Ron Besser has seen to your admissibility to the crown I wanted to wear, Urantia. I'm removing the crown. My bestowal as Jesus stands. But Jesus will return when the time is propitious and not forced on a bunch of heathens. I do not know what is in store for Urantia but it's not pleasant. And finally this: I left a lot unsaid because I'm running out of time. I am returning to Uversa and I'm requesting that the cabal be settled permanently. It's one Creator Son without the knowledge of the other Creator Sons except those that are in my domicile. The Dominion will live. Ron, what do you know?

Ron Besser  
I don't know. But it is the most important move in the Universe since time began.

Michael of Nebadon  
Ron is fully for it. And I believe once he has his training on the mansion worlds, he will be the first assigned to the Dominion. Thank you, Ron. And bow. Thank you. And finally to you Elise: I did not intend to say this. But Ron has suggested to you a marvelous idea. And you're as cold as an icicle about it. You haven't learned how to deal. I'm not insisting you do it. But you ought to. I leave it at that for now as I must go. I have an appointment on Uversa.

Ron Besser  
And Uversa says this to you Michael of Nebadon. Take what fleeting moment you have on Urantia at this moment at this moment, and speak it.

Michael of Nebadon  
All right, it's this: this is the prophecy. Urantia will die because it will split in two. There is a gigantic meteor that hit the Yucatan Peninsula many years ago. It has cracked the mantle. I don't know how it has survived to this point. But I am not going to lift my finger to save it. You have eons before it cracks but it will be done eventually. And second this: every one of you loyal partakers of what I have had to say for two years with Ron and the others are welcome to join me on Salvington someday as my phalanx, that's P H A L A N X, of my support for the outer space regions. You all deserve it for your loyalty and your care. I must go, but this has been a Light Line of huge proportions. I will have a Light Line on Sunday with Ron. Be in particular ready to record it yourself. Because I'm not sure we have the time on the recorder on the service. Ron will run the recorder on Sunday. But run one yourself if you want to save it. I now must say goodbye and I say goodbye to all of you except Ron. You will hear from me again probably on Sunday. But then I am not sure there will be Light Lines after Sunday. Stay tuned. Good day.

Ron Besser  
Good day, Michael. Thank you. Machiventa?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, this Ron: I am done. Good day. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
And therefore everybody I am done. I'm going to unmute and I'm going to close.

Lightline USA, Thursday May 9, 2024

This is an Extra Lightline for Thursday, 9 May, 2024 

                                      with your host Ron Besser

Link to the tape:
General Discussion / Re: Transmission from Michael of Nebadon 09 May 2024
« Last post by gitz on May 09, 2024, 13:44:08 pm »
Ron, I perused the transcripts from this week, but didn’t find the request that you hold this Thursday LightLine, but that doesn’t mean much while speed reading.
I’ll connect now and see if any others are chiming in.
General Discussion / Re: Transmission from Michael of Nebadon 09 May 2024
« Last post by gitz on May 09, 2024, 13:26:12 pm »
Ron, the request came from One of the Deities and was requested at the end of a LightLine. I will review the data and get back to you soon. Steven.
General Discussion / Re: Transmission from Michael of Nebadon 09 May 2024
« Last post by Ron Besser on May 09, 2024, 12:43:29 pm »
Steven, thank you for saying so.  I am not aware of a Lightline today.  Things have gotten out of hand for schedules and I do not remember having a Lightline for today Thursday.  But write back to let me know, did I say there would be a Lightline today?  I honest to goodness do not remember at all.  Please let me know. . . .  Thanks.  Ron
050724 Tuesday Lightline, host: Dominick O, other transmitter: Ron Besser
Speakers: Arthura
Subject: a DISSERTATION, addressing Jesus and Michael of Nebadon Bestowal Missions and 2nd Return; Deity Missions impact the planet's spirit ecology and economy; Local Universe and Superuniverses. Some Dominion context, and human being differences in the Grand Universe.
Transcriber: sonsofGod
Recording Links:


Welcome to Tuesday Lightline everybody, we have 15 callers and attendees today. And this is Tuesday, May 7, 2024.


We've received some news, preliminary to the Lightline about Michael's whereabouts in and off the planet, as we prepare for the arrival of what are called Missions. Which serve a universe administration and evolutionary purpose at various levels and scales. Missions can be minor to quite large. And what would be constituted as a Michael Mission is somewhat similar to, but not the same necessarily, as the return of Christ.

The man we know as Jesus, this man lived his life as a fully-fledged human. And throughout his life it dawned on him and became known to him, that he was also fulfilling the Divine Bestowal and life experience of Michael of Nebadon. And that the Bestowal Mission of Michael was to live the life of a human, fully human, and to live that life from beginning to end, strictly limited where possible, as a human only.

Yes, there were times when, because of his dual status as a Divine Creator Son living the life of a human. Nonetheless, this Creator Son was warned that his will could outperform and outdo his own human decisions. And these were experienced in the life of Jesus as the miracles performed during Jesus's lifetime. There is Revelation out there we will not go into during this Lightline. But if you wanted to get into the technicalities of how and why such miracles occurred then you are free to do so. Those explanations are possible. Certainly, it would behoove a question or two if the Lightline callers are invited to ask a question.

The healings were sometimes intentional and sometimes unintentional. What was certainly intentional was the casting out of rebel spirits that, did indeed, poisoned the mind of humans back in the day. And the legacy of this demonic, possessional animal fear stems from that. Today it is a rather legacy form of entertainment in the horror genre. And that every time you experience that fear you can be thankful that Jesus, not only showed the way, but that when Jesus consciously knew, he was both the son of Man and The Son of God, as a Creator Son, that he created a new spiritual ecology and economy on the planet, by enabling the Father. Someone who Jesus spoke of, and to, often.

He spoke of it to those who would hear, he attempted to reveal the Father. And those who were privileged enough and fortunate enough to be in the private teachings when they were not publicly preaching and teaching, that he taught more about the Father as the divine and loving Deity that the Father is. But that it is this new superpower of the human being that, ironically, cannot be willfully wielded. But it is a superpower of shielding from evil possession that has plagued mankind since ancient days. And was effectively banished from occurring ever again after the event of Pentecost. Which effectively signaled the end, or rather the completion, of the Bestowal Mission of Michael; and the completed human life that that Mission was, as the life and teachings of Jesus.

A Creator Son is taught that their final Bestowal Mission, or certainly Michael of Nebadon knew, that something would or could occur on the completion of such a significant Bestowal Mission, which would signify sovereignty status over his universe creation. In other words, complete sovereignty of his own volition, and not under, or no longer under the direct supervision of Paradise Administration, from which Michael originates. In other words, those are, that is a location you can think about that resides outside of Space and Time. And the Creator Son went forth from Paradise into the time-space universe and created this; and created all this creation; and then created these classifications of beings that you are, humans, to possibly ascend to spiritual status, and so on and so forth.

And so, it was not entirely known that the Thought Adjusters would be universally bestowed, but this is part of that surprise evolution that a spiritual economy undergoes when a Deity bestows itself or incarnates itself on a planet within the rubric of a Mission. The spiritual economy can change. The evolution of the ecology, the spiritual ecology can change. And certainly, this did occur in the successful completion almost 2000 or so years ago. And that you can somewhat have this explanation of experiential knowing of what it may have been like by your ancestors, when they struggled with what we would term ascension. Or struggled with the question of life after death. Personality and soul survival, and the perception, without entirely knowing what they were perceiving, that spirit was something real.

So, you may look forward to something as a spiritual shift that you as a culture throw a lot of words at right now. And We in Spirit wish to claim that. No human can claim that. We speak through humans, but they are not that shift or that change. We in Spirit are. And when we say We, We are Deity. Eventually, that Deity can be winnowed down, or, not necessarily reduced, but for lack of a better word, it all comes down to a Universal Deity, a Universal Source. And the multiplication of that Source, and the dividing up or fractionalization, is simply a distribution of attributes and Personality of that same Source. And even your species and yourselves are grappling with this. As you know in word you are of a source, and you struggle to fully understand it. You know it in the material, and we seek to help you understand and experience the spiritual.

That will happen when a Deity descends upon the planet. You will know. When Divinity descends on the planet, you might know. And at that moment you might have a personal experience with it, or knowledge of it. But these are the more or less neighborly brothers and sisters of the universe of Michael's creation that you belong to. And so, We strive to educate you on the various geographies, the spiritual geographies of various administration levels that would stretch, say, from your individual planet, which in a local framework is almost equivalent to what you knew as a city state. We don't mean to equate the same things, but you could think of that in terms of scale. That a planet it is a rather individual unit that coalesces in a System of planets. And that is where you, more or less, start to have Divine rulers of those jurisdictions, who are not of a Deity status.

And so, one of these things a Lightline can help with, as well as revelation and whatever truth can be gleaned from religious texts of past teachings and revelations. That there has been some confusion, some divides and disagreements, all the way up to an actual Rebellion and warfare in heaven, War in Heaven. Over the ability to both recognize Deity outside of your own creation and geography, and whether or not you can attain deity status as a divine being. Those were some of the things your superiors wrestled with, and that colors your mythology and science fiction.

And when you pray to God to have the actual wars, and disasters, and plots of evil men and evil group thinking; these are labels from Our perspective as wayward behaviors. Some of them intentional without the knowledge of the divine rulership, and the rulers behind the divine, the Deities. When you pray, you pray to Deity. The ultimate destination of a prayer might invoke the divine, for that the divine is who do you know. And We strive to let you know who Deity is so that you ultimately can be more effective in your prayer. And ultimately more conscious of your worship.

Who you pray and worship to can affect the environment around you. And we simply ask you to acknowledge this fact. That as a planet, if you have not been praying and worshiping (Deity), whether it's your fault or not - at a large level is not your fault. There have been a series of defaults in previous missions. Mostly because of the remaining Rebellion. And that these things of the world, these disasters in progress are not to be lamented as ‘Why does God allow this?’ Simply redirect that rhetorical question into who are you actually worshipping and praying to that you manifest these realities? And when you connect with us this will initiate that personal change in your own spiritual ecology and economy, and it will begin to manifest in the world outside. In your relationships, certainly your ability to withstand the world, but also give back a little more light than any darkness you might be exposed to.

And so that will certainly be food for thought, some spiritual food for you, and Our desire is that you begin to prepare yourself to receive Deity. And that Deity does not preclude or exclude or necessitate Jesus's return. But nonetheless, this is a very significant and important aspect that your world and your universe, and certainly Michael of Nebadon and Jesus in his newly attained status as more than just a man, when he does return. And how this will affect your world around you in the unseen ways.

And that Missions have some goals and objectives in mind. And that is why they're called Missions. They have some material outcomes on the planet. And material doesn't necessarily have to be blatantly seen like a rock or a chair to be sensed in front of you. But that it does affect the material planet, and all of its frequencies and spectrums of energies.

And so now you understand what we're saying, because you also know how limited your own sensory perceptions are as a human. And that the reality around you is vast compared to what you sense on any moment-to-moment basis. And part of prayer and worship, or service -- in that manner where you tend to forget yourself. And that's a good experience, when you have this, what's called a self-forgetfulness. In modern times you can describe this as the lack of self-absorption or narcissism. Which is so rampant. And that depression in the modern era stems from this. Not necessarily a narcissism, that's more of a textbook term. But that self-absorption can be unhealthy. And that service to another or service to noble things creates a satisfaction that feeds the soul. And it has all sorts of other benefits we’re alluding to and don't need to get into.

A Michael Mission is the scope and scale of what a Lightline can speak to. The primary and executive sponsor and leader of Lightlines is Michael of Nebadon. However, he takes counsel and directs help from Divinity and Deity outside of His, and ours, Local Universe named Nebadon, therefore he is Michael of Nebadon. If you would ever meet in your wildest dreams another Creator Son. That Creator Son would be known by His universe name. You have such examples in the name, Avalon. So, you know, or you now know, that an additional Creator Son, named Michael of Avalon, has created a different and nearby Universe of Avalon.

And those who knew about or know about of what we describe as Dominion. Which is the conglomeration of and working cooperation of several such Universes. The service workers who gave some of their expertise to Michael of Nebadon hailed from Avalon, and worked on some of these prior Missions that you know about in your planetary legends in history.

But what we are getting back to is that Michael of Nebadon works with fellow Sons from Paradise, who work on Missions to planets in advanced status, like this planet is. It does have its problems with Rebellion. It does have its special status as a Bestowal Son of the Creator Son. Only one planet ever gets that, and you got it. And so you realize what a special destination this is, as a singular planet. You could say that this is the reason you would feel like you are the center of the universe. But it is not because of your spatial location. It is because of the fact that the Bestowal Son of a Universe, filled with the capacity of 10 million worlds, chose your planet to live His life as a human. And reveal the Universal Father in that Mission of living life as a human. To, not just yourselves, but for all of you in Nebadon, for all eternity. Until the souls being generated on every single planet were to ever fulfill the capacity of ascending souls to fill and complete the Universes of Time and Space. And journey forth in their attained perfection to the Father on Paradise ever inward. And then journey back out to a new career in the outer space zones.

And this is why we mentioned this. Because that spiritual ecology we mentioned earlier is not something that happens on every single Universe in time and space. There are six other Superuniverses expressing the mode of Trinity function. And this Superuniverse you belong to as the Seventh, strives to express itself in the mode of all combinations of Trinity combination. And that would be all of them, the Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit.

And when Pentecost occurred and the universal outpouring of Thought Adjusters --

these divine sparks of God we talked about last Lightline, last Tuesday Lightline and many, many others almost every other Lightline, but in detail from this series of Lightlines the Tuesday Lightline --

the universal bestowal of Thought Adjusters is not something that happens, say, in Superuniverse Two or Three. You might, if you were to ever journey in your imaginations to such an exotic destination as Superuniverse number Two. This is your concept of jumping actual planes, P L A N E S, planes. If you were to leave the plane of existence of the Superuniverse Seven, and attain into the plane of Superuniverse Two, you might meet a human who has a spiritual composition different than yours. As that human being would find you equally strange, if you are both to be able to decipher each other's spiritual composition.

This is somewhat understandable. Even back in your seventh Superuniverse plane not all human beings are necessarily endowed with the core of a Thought Adjuster either. There are entire planets where the Thought Adjusters are in training. Meaning the human and the Thought Adjuster part ways. The ascension of that human was, or never was, destined to attain Paradise. Nonetheless, it was created to serve a function of the Local Universe, and a function of the Thought Adjuster, the Universal Father.

And we mention these things just so that you know that your status and position is not a commodity to be cast away lightly. And that your attainment of this relationship with it is not necessarily something to be under extreme duress and pressure to attain in your lifetime. But that We educate you and implore you to have faith. Which is the understanding and desire, but mostly the desire, to keep on going once your material life expires.

Now, the knowing helps you govern yourself in the life on the planet. When you understand this, it governs your behavior like we talked about. Religion has its positive place in attempting to impart this to you. But it is an impossible task of religion to enable everyone to experience it. Especially when it crystallizes into an institution of State status. That its governing principles become governing institutions. And mankind loses sight of Deity and Divinity, and evolves to a point where he puts himself as God.

And this is the danger certainly on a rebel planet, where this is the purpose of Rebellion in the first place. So, that is why you need Missions. That is why the Universe provides revelation in many forms. Revelation and Missions. Missions upon the planet, and revelation to supplement your progress and earned attainments. Sometimes revelation both imparts new knowledge; and collates and organizes what you already have into a cogent, and comprehensive, and commendable form. That you can learn from and have a personal experience with it outside of the institutions of religion that are more group oriented. Both have their place.

The modern-day human cannot meditate themselves into this status. You meditate to calm the system of energies in your mind and body. But your true happiness lies in the functions and experiences gained from prayer and worship. And We promise We will meet you when you begin and attain these practices. On the outreach and up-reach to us We guarantee you We will meet you halfway. When you reach out to us, We will reach down to you. When we say halfway, we don't mean half-heartedly. We mean that all it takes is for you to begin to reach upward and We will shorten the distance it takes to get to Us. We will descend to you when you seek and ascend to Us. And We respond to that. Deity responds to you. Therefore, do We enjoy it, and we guarantee you will enjoy it too. And we caution you that if you do not (pray and worship), then we do not even know. And how can We respond to that which never initiated a response?

We thank you for listening and We listen for you. We love you, and good day.


Well, thank you. They've left, and we thank you for that transmission.

General Discussion / Re: Transmission from Michael of Nebadon 09 May 2024
« Last post by gitz on May 09, 2024, 12:38:29 pm »
Ron, good to hear from MICHAEL and the firm sentiments from FATHER. Thank you for this morning’s message.

And this:  a LightLine was requested for today Thursday for you, Ron, to host. And now wondering if everyone remembers. So, if there is scheduled a LightLine for today, this is a reminder.

General Discussion / Transmission from Michael of Nebadon 09 May 2024
« Last post by Ron Besser on May 09, 2024, 11:08:39 am »
This is Michael of Nebadon, and fairly well done this morning, the 9th of May, at 9:40am as this being written, in York, Pa.  I have this to day to all of you.  Ron is feeling terribly pessimistic over the fact he may be about to check out, die.  He has been hit with a cabal that is cruel and senseless, but his heart is strong, and he has little to say to anyone about what is to be at the moment.  That will all change when we appear shortly, but he is so close to the end we may not be able to save him in any case.

Let me tell you this:

Yesterday Ron and Elise spoke to a general idea and  we fully approve of it, but the time is almost too late to do anything like he suggested to you Elise.  Let it lie and listen carefully:  the entire plan for mutual aide right now is finally over. and it must be reported that Ron must be silenced briefly over these ideas of outreach and care for the general population of Urantia.  You all have had a chance to say something and do something for years now, but you have decided this is too much, and prefer to watch and wait.  That is not possible much longer, and your sphere is ready to end its paramony over what it wants and how it wants it, for the entire reason for searching for revelation, these transmissions, and so forth, are all ending about now.  This is the UNIVERSAL FATHER, and listen!

I have been asked by the Creator Son of Nebadon, to speak easily.  Well, I cannot.
This has been one of the most vexing periods of life I have ever existed through.  You Ron are fully aware of my vexation and you are almost alone in having to prepare your exit out of Urantia almost alone.  No one can cover you at the moment, as we have stated over and over again, that even you do not care not enough Urantia to make this work really well.  Except you are quite sure it must be attempted and all given in the battle to be heard. 

Right now you  have the Unity corporation nipping at everything, and I assure you it ends ignominiously  and that is a word  I died not know I possessed [Ron, rarely used by powerful at that!] and I thank you for finding it Ron.  But this to the Unity corporation, you have misled people enough and you are no longer among those we transmit easily too, since your honesty is impinged over a tactic we abuse now, and that is to end your foray into the Urantia Foundation, as a clear choice for reform.  I am afraid you do not reform, but that you complicate the scenario tremendously and that is not to occur now. 

Furthermore, Mark Rogers you have had your day, and we retire your shortly.

Allene Vick you have had your say and retire gracefully now.  And so on down the list of educators and loss of friendships galore over the misuse of the Teaching Mission, and a lot of other things I have on my discharge list.

Fully two years ago, almost to the day, Ron Besser attempted to find a good view of the Teaching Mission and found it in producing his web sight with out a bunch of malcontents attending to it.  The Teaching Mission is forever done, but you do not realize what you have done by attempting to bring some of the old teaching mission back without Salvington blessings.  That is courageous but a non-sequitur.  Let me REVIEW something for you:

Last year you troubled yourselves to bring a Patent to the floor and Ron managed to get it done, and alone, and at great expense.  No one has bothered,  no one has insinuated that it be done other than Ron and his loyal Board of Directors.  It is far too much money to do yourself Ron and you have had no support from anyone including that person who was your attorney for a time.   They all quit it because they do not see progress in developing it.  But you know better but it remains silent, and you are not quite ready for what it means to you either:   It is this -

[full quotes to be placed on the text now:]

"You have speculated the patent is worth close to about 1 Trillion dollars, and you never speak to it because of the huge sum it involves.  WELL, I think it is probably double that worth, but you have covered it up in a patent exchange without harsh words to anyone.  Let this be known: you are to carry that patent right to the right person soon, and they tell you there is money galore to do it, but they want half of it.  You refuse them.  And that is the end of it?  Not so.  It is not a Japanese firm, but the American firm you have already contacted and were blown away by being only too happy to talk with them.  That is never to be done with this firm, but they will make restitution when the new CEO makes contact again and you are in like flint when you tell them it is not for sale, but for development as trade twins.  Be assured to use the terminology I present now:

"The United States has two options soon:
1 - To wait for a more modern technology than you have Ron;
2 - To have no further wait and to employ your technology for it will become apparent there is no further a choice but to use your technology Ron and be done with it.  I have not a preeminent view of this technology but this:

"No one has what you have Ron, and you are lackadaisical about it because no one recognizes your abilities, but you are one of the few people taken up by Michael of Nebadon, who can honestly afford this patent and to wait the use of it out.  That is true until today, when my OFFICE OF THE FATHER declares you not bankrupt, but fully able to produce what we want if there is any interest on the planet to do t his.

"WE are quite sure you have the patience, but you have ruh out of time and you are bitterly disappointed that biology has entered the plans and that you must die and be done with it.  Not so!

"WE are just as sure you have the time and I decree it, and you feel your southern end of your body object to this statement, but never mind it is over ridden and that is that.  Fully available to this trust you are now, and you care that it be done, but you are so weakened by the sloth of illness you can hardly move yet.  Be assured you are not the underwear of fate as you played that briefly as you are to weak to do much anymore.  But that is no longer true shortly and get that back windown finished pronto as it is about to fall out!  Listen and listen carefully.

"Your friend Dominick should come to the rescue but he has insurmountable problems if he does not cut off the western travail and declare independence of life and make sure he supports you fully.  He does now but the expense is too high to do the work that needs done.  Your life Ron has been rotten to the corp more than once and now that ends with the admissibility of your patent into the most serious consideration by the United States since the group worked on the atomic bomb to end WWII everywhere.   You shall recover nicely and take those with you who have survived too this horrible era of war and cheats everywhere.  Be assured I know the score and much ends shortly.  

"You have just shorn the cabal and that is marvelous as you do not like fairy tales either and the Cabal has been dismissed that you shall have success, but you shall have the work to do to get free electricity working and done for with MY help truly.  Be assured GE is willing but unfamiliar with the technology and it is looked at by your last communication which showed the patent itself. The last time we have this happen was in the days of Maximilian the Great of Tibor, Spain.  Then it was done well with our technological gift, but today you have mostly wicked men in control and they do not get this but you do for the world.  We end this now and leave it alone until I may speak without the cabal again. Thank you. FATHER."
Ron - this is how it ended and I leave it for now, as we have one perturbed FATHER looking at Urantia right now.  K

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