Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 20 MARCH 2024  (Read 9159 times)

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« on: March 20, 2024, 15:06:40 pm »

In today´s Lightline we received important information from JESUS and


Link to the recording with Lemuel your host;

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« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2024, 21:50:27 pm »
  • 032024 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser; other transmitter: Lemuel;
  • Subjects: Michael of Nebadon will be traveling to Uversa then on to Paradise to debrief with Father and then hopes to announce further plans within 48 hours, 16 new Creator Sons are in training on Salvington, Light Lines from now on are under the auspices of Jesus, Light Line listeners will now be under the Christ enigma, Jesus now rises again, and this time when Jesus returns He is more than just Son of man and Son of God;
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Amadon, Creator Son 1414, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Jesus.
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello, everyone, good afternoon or good evening, wherever you are. Welcome to another Wednesday Light Line on the 20th of March 2024. I welcome you all at the moment. We are 13. And somebody's just popped in who's that, aah Dominick. Good afternoon, Dominick. Welcome. And we have a number on the internet, double nine, double eight. Welcome. Well, before we start, I must say, today and part of yesterday, I was convinced that this Light Line today was a no-go. I don't know why.

I think probably it's because, well, I'm feeling much better. In fact, now, probably you can hear in my voice, I'm much better. But at the same time, I have not been receiving anything. And I thought to myself, well, there's nothing coming down the pike, so to speak. So let's see what happens. And then Ron sent me a message about the posting that he had just posted. And I read that and I thought to myself, well, okay, so that could be an interesting, Light Line tonight. So let's see what happens. And so, excuse me, without further ado, I ask, please, do we have someone here to come and speak to us, on this Light Line?

Michael of Nebadon  
You do indeed, Lemuel. Yes, this is Michael of Nebadon.

Well, thank you, Michael. And in fact, I guessed that you would be coming from what I've read in Roberts, I'm sorry, in Ron's message to everyone. Well, that's perfectly true. Yes.

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, thank you, Lemuel. Yes, this is Michael of Nebadon. And if you haven't, those of you who have not read the posting, the recent posting by Ron, I will only tell you briefly, that today's Light Line will be less informative than the one in two days time. I can only say now, that the situation as far as the Missions is concerned, that's on and the Missions are a go and already started as you've been informed, but more fully today, in fact, from 12 o'clock today, New York time. The details of that, and the Magisterial Mission in particular, as opposed to My Mission or the return of Jesus, will be spoken to more fully tomorrow or on Friday. But definitely before Ron's Light Line on Sunday.

That depends also on what I will receive from Father when I go to Uversa first and then I will go to Paradise. To receive if I may put it this way, a final briefing from from Father. I also want to say to all of you a big thank you. Because you have heard so many times before that something is going to happen. And of course, it has not. So you've heard it all many times before. Yes. And once more, I'm telling you that it's on and going and it will be visible to some degree quite soon. So yes, I know what Lemuel is thinking, he takes everything with a pinch of salt, and that's fine. But he also keeps an open mind on everything. And that's also very good. So yes.

Bear in mind also that the the situation politically around the world, and you are fully aware of, to some degree at least if you watch the TV and read the news, you know that things are almost extremely dangerous. We are keeping tabs on the situation from moment to moment, of course. And I think as it has been mentioned in a previous Light Line, We will, when I say We, Myself as Michael of Nebadon, creator of this wonderful universe of Nebadon, and also, Father will not allow a full nuclear war to take place, because that will be the end of everything, and that's not going to take place. But at the same time, things can get much worse than what they are at the moment. But we have our ways of mitigating a situation that could develop out of hand if it wasn't nipped in the bud, so to speak. All right.

The situation as regards, yes, the political situation with Joe Biden, the President of the United States, is given concern, because of his health. And also, of course, you are fully aware that Donald Trump is also running for the Republican Party for the next election. Well, many of you may be amazed, to understand or to understand, perhaps is not the word to come to terms with the fact that how is it possible that such a man still has millions of followers? Well, what can I say. So many, people to follow such a man, and to want to see this man in the White House, again, is beyond comprehension. But there it is. That tells you how many people in the United States think and how they are, as far as any type of type of wisdom is concerned. Anyway, we shall leave that as it is for the moment.

I am Michael of Nebadon. And the most important thing I want, also want to remind all of you is apart from, yes, you've heard it so many times, of course, stay the course. Yes, please stay the course. As you all have. We've lost some as well,.yes, yes, we've lost some as well. But those of you here are so sure and loyal, and it is greatly appreciated. So please stay the course. Because the course is coming to an end and you will see the Missions. Yes, you will see the Missions. And you will be used as never before.

This year of 2024 will be the end of something and the beginning of something remarkable. It really will. So yes, once again, stay the course. I am Michael of Nebadon, and I step back now because at the moment I have nothing else to say. But I will have a lot to say in the days coming, in about two days time. So until then, I step back and I bid you all a very good afternoon. Thank you.

Well, this is this is Lemuel. Thank you very much, Michael for those words. Thank you so much. Thank you. All right. Now, is there anyone else?

This is Amadon.

Well, thank you, Amadon. I thought perhaps you might pop in for a moment.

Well, thank you, Lemuel. It's, I am always pleased to pop in as you put it to your Light Line. Having listened to what Michael of Nebadon said I will not comment further other than to say that we are also fully aware of the situation and in fact, there has been, how shall I say? There has been a heads up from Michael, and others, including Gabriel for us, other celestial, his brothers, if you like; to give us a heads up on what is about to take place.

And, yes, we've been in the same situation as you many times before, and nothing has happened. But here we are again. And this time we've received this information, and we are full of expectancy and excitement. And we are as ready to go as anyone else. So I just wanted to let you know that that is the situation as far as we are concerned, that is to say, others of your celestial family. And there are of course, untold 1000s upon 1000s on the sidelines, who are also ready to go, as you all know the situation and it's it's really something to behold from our point of view. Anyway, this is Amadon and I bid you all a good afternoon, and thank you, 

No, thank you, Amadon. It's also always very nice to hear from you. Thank you.

You're welcome, Lemuel.

Let's see if there's anyone else here. Well, I'm going to take a moment to have a little sip if you don't mind. While we are waiting, excuse me. Thank you. Well, now everything for me is totally blank. So. Well, I'm not picking up anything. Nothing at all. So, well, Ron, obviously, I'm going to come to you because you are here. And I'm sure very glad that you are here. So I'm going to unmute you in case you have anything to say or to transmit. Ron, thank you so much because at the moment I do not.

Ron Besser  
You have a blank. And I have been forewarned that transmissions today are a little bit tricky. There is an announcement coming on this Friday. And it may even be on Thursday. I'm not quite sure because I don't think They're quite sure what They want to spill or talk about just yet.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. Ron, and thank you for filling in when nobody else seems to be able to transmit. You are a transmitter that doesn't use the brain. You use the entire body as a brain stem. And as a result, you can transmit any time. Yes, you're pleased. And the truth of the matter is you had a very long conversation with me this morning and learned that besides a post that you made concerning an announcement that is coming later this week, that what is to be provided today is a small announcement through Lemuel. Unfortunately, the circuit to Lemuel has not been working well. And for that reason, is not usable all the time.

Ron Besser  
Lemuel, can you hear me?

Yes, I hear you fine. Ron,

Ron Besser  
Would you check again to see if there's anything you can pick up? I'm here, pass it back to me then. If you can't.

Alright, thank you everyone, and thank you. Well, yes, I think it is I think I think I am picking you up Michael I think I am picking you up. So please, please go ahead.

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, thank you, Lemuel. Well, yes, what Ron has just said, in fact, is perfectly true. The situation as regards the circuitry to you in particular is well, dicey is the word on many occasions, and in fact, I don't quite know why. But what what I will endeavor to do Lemuel in the future is to establish your own circuit. And if that can be done, then of course, you will be able to pick Me up anytime, anytime, day or night. So anyway, leave that with Me for the time being. 

So here here, I am talking again through to Lemuel. And so, yes, the problem is circuitry, and not just with the Lemuel, but in general, we have had as you know, tremendous problems with circuitry because of the cabal. And well yes, so I know you understand that. The time and the day will come, yes, I promise you, I've been promising Myself, that the day and time will come when there will be an end to all of these shenanigans and insurrectionists and the cabal and goodness knows what. Yes. That day will come. And we're all looking forward to this much as you are, I'm sure.

Yes, there is a lot more coming, yes, in the next few days, which I not going to go into now, and neither will Ron. In fact, he cannot because it is still a little premature. But during the next 24 to 36, or a maximum of 48 hours, there will be more information to give you, primarily because as was intimated earlier on, I'm going upstairs to the upstairs, so to speak. And I will receive a final briefing. And then I will be able to come back and inform you.

But I can tell you that. But yes, well it's a repeat of what I said before. This year 2024 will be a before and then after. It really will. And there will be problems, of course, tremendous problems that we have to come to terms with. But we have our ways we have our forces. And I can tell you that Machiventa Melchizedek and his order of Melchizedek are extremely experienced. You have no idea. They are extremely experienced and they know what to do and when to do it if it is necessary. So I leave it like that at the moment. All right. Well, thank you Lemuel for being able to pick me up now. Please hand it back over to Ron if you'd be so kind.

Well, thank you, Michael, thank you. All right, Ron. I'll hand it back to you now, if I may. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
All right, Lemuel. Just a moment, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. You Ron are sitting there wondering if we are going to connect because you do not have an ongoing transmission.

Ron Besser  
That's correct Machiventa, it's been a very quiet day. Although I have spoken off and on. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is without you, there is no ability to hold Light Lines at the moment, because we can transfer your indisposal with certain cabal elements, for you have them pretty well cleared, now. For reasons of our own, we want to say this to the group. There are 16 right now, on the phone lines. And for that reason, we respect the goodly number you represent, to hear what we have to say.

Creator Son 1414  
This is Michael of Nebadon, not. I am a Creator Son, who is undergoing training on Salvington. There are 16 new Creator Sons. We need training, and we need experience. Ron is transmitting one of us now. Just call me 1414.

Ron Besser  
Well, welcome 1414. Please go ahead. Thank you.

Creator Son 1414  
As a Creator Son who observes the Salvington regime, I want you to understand that you Ron are just fine, even though you're finding it difficult to get through the day. That is not misunderstood up here. And we are quite happy to accommodate you. The other transmitters right now are in rough condition. Dominick is the only one that has retained his health for the most part and for that reason, he may be asked to transmit later on after we conclude our remarks.

For your own reasons, Ron, you are ready to become one of the few humans to have ever been taken into the inner sanctum. And you come out of it wondering, somewhat bewilderly, thinking what in the world you can contribute when things go so mute? The problem is not you being mute. The problem is not a problem really. But you have been advanced into the servital idea. That's spelled S E R V I T A L. Servital. The servital is a temporary mansion world server, Ron has advanced sufficiently to take that on without a problem to him. For our own reasons, a servital is an official entity, it's not spirit as matter of fact, he's wholly material at the moment. And for that reason, has continued problems with eyes, legs, and even circulation. For our own reasons, the rest of you who may experience leg problems or facial problems that is something of an itch, but a burn too near the nose in particular. For reasons of state, we advise all of you, including you, Steven, Steven Gitz to take your lifetime easily.

For, we remind you that March 29 is Good Friday this year. And for that reason, we wish to discuss that briefly. March 29, 2024, is Good Friday. What we want to remind you of is that Jesus was aroused in the tomb by the Archangel of Resurrection about two days after he died. That would place it on Sunday as your present calendar, which is, of course, Easter Sunday. For our own reasons, we speak to all of you concerning the resurrection do not over-pray, but pray for God and the Son with the Spirit. We are now ready to provide you with a particular announcement that you Ron are always good at.

I am Jesus. I have this for all of you. The trial that we face today is not the trial at the end of this month. Today we are preparing the Missions. There will be a declared Mission in about 24 hours. I Jesus intend to see it through and that the Missions themselves represent my regime to appear on your planet. For that reason, let me say this: I want it to be known that we are resolving in our own mind with Ron just how well this should be spoken. Ron says:

Ron Besser  
He has a gravelly voice and that it does not particularly sound well with profound spiritual information.

I'm keeping you though, Ron. You're the one that has the depth. Let me say this: Good Friday this year, March the 29th, is to be no special day. That's the day I was hoisted upon the cross. And I will never forgive any of you for saying that that was a good symbol. But the churches keep using it and it keeps in mind, My agony. For my own reasons, I am letting you know that the time of resurrection for me once again is not on Good Friday or Easter Sunday. It is now! I rise. I give. I am profoundly touched. Let this resurrection I'm sharing with you today to provide you the touchstone for you to come to and arrive at your own work that is about to transfer to the available ones who are sharing what must be said and done. I am Jesus. I am of this world. And I am not crying, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

To each and all, please understand, there is nothing I can do for each, but I can do for groups. What group? Certainly your group. But also understand please, there is plentiful means to salute Urantia in one particular area. That area I salute is that all of you are now commanded to my service. I need your help, please standby.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. Thank you, Ron. Now, Lemuel, we're about to transfer this back to you. Prepare to speak for Michael of Nebadon in your clipped English, Ron prefers to hear it through you, than the softer voice he carries. But before I transfer this back Lemuel, please understand that the Light Lines from now on are under the auspices of Jesus Christ. That means that when we appeal to the Light Line listeners hereafter we intend to make it available through the Christ enigma. An enigma is an unexplained secret. And this enigma today is not unexplained but is an enigma. I am Michael, I am Jesus. I am Ron. I am you. Don't forget that.

I am no longer the Son of Man and The Son of God all by Himself. I come back to you as Jesus. I am the bestowal Son. And I carry huge resources in spirit with me to speak to Urantia and its citizens. I am slow because you are slow. It takes so long for you to apply what you hear to understand what you hear, and maybe what to do. I am now speaking through Ron as a surrogate. I'm a surrogate to the Universal Father to His renowned sovereignty and to the sovereignty of the Michael regime on Salvington. They are the same. For reasons of state, we propose that you join this sovereignty by prayer. It is this: Father, give me the breath. Give me the life. Give me the hope. Give me the time. Let me live long enough to serve. Amen. I am Michael of Nebadon, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you Jesus.

Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Now, Lemuel, we pass this back to you. And then you're welcome to do as you need to I suggest that once you are done transmitting, you close the Light Line for today. But if you have more, take more.

All right.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael. And go ahead, Lemuel.

Thank you. Thank you, Ron. And thank you, Michael. Well, as I mentioned earlier on, before I read, Ron's latest posting, I didn't think anything was going to happen on this Light Line, I thought, I was convinced in my own mind that it was a no go, because I was not receiving anything at all. My own beloved Thought Adjuster was silent. And so there you are, it varies, here we are. We are 38 minutes into this Light Line and, again, my Wednesday Light Line is turning into an extraordinary Light Line for one reason or another. And now, excuse me, I have to cough coming on again. And I have to clear my throat. I'm so sorry. And now again, I am here with the hope of being able to continue to transmit. And so let me see, well, yes, Michael of Nebadon. I know you're here. Thank you. And could I remind with the greatest respect, Michael, could I remind you of what you said if it is possible for you to let me have my own circuitry? For obvious reasons, I would be grateful. So grateful, thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
I will keep that in mind, Lemuel and we will see. I will let you know and we will see what happens because obviously yes, it does make sense of course. And it is your desire to be a first class transmitter obviously, as the rest of you also desire to be. And so we will keep it in mind. But try to remember also the problems that we have had with the circuitry and hopefully that will really be a thing of the past very, very soon when we hopefully can finally say goodbye forever to the to the cabal and insurrectionists and etc. etc., all right. This is Michael of Nebadon. And apart from well apart from perhaps to put it in another way, having heard what Jesus has said regarding next week, and what is referred

Excuse me, this is Lemuel, I'm sorry about this.

Michael of Nebadon  
It doesn't matter, Lemuel. As regards what is called Good Friday, let it be the last so-called Good Friday. This coming Sunday is what you refer to I believe, as Palm Sunday. And you all know that it is the day that the followers of Jesus laid palms, before him. And I don't know if you remember the story, but he gave one of his disciples a coin to go and pay a certain person who had a donkey and to say to this person that the master has need of it. And this in fact is what happened. It did indeed happen. And so Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and His followers laid palms before his path. Well, of course, this did not go unseen by his enemies, by the Pharisees and the Sadducees and those who were in high standing in the religion in

Excuse me.

Michael of Nebadon  
In the Senate well, you all know the story anyway. But, so yes, this Sunday will still be celebrated throughout the Christian world as Palm Sunday. And perhaps this will also be the last Palm Sunday. This remains to be seen, of course, what Jesus has in mind or what he is able to bring to bear to try to convince the churches that he no longer wishes to have his church commemorate such a terrible, terrible day.

And, that will also bring its own problems, because, you know, there are so many who are so entrenched in their way of thinking, in their way of doing, in their way of acting, etc. It will be like trying to weasel out a window out of a shell. And some people are so deeply entrenched. But nevertheless, they will come to understand that this is what Jesus wants no longer to be remembered for that terrible, terrible day. How Easter will be celebrated in the future. Nobody knows, only Jesus. But I am quite sure that the celebrations that have been ongoing for the past 2000 years will cease to exist, whether there will be a different kind of celebration remains to be seen. And so we shall wait to see what Jesus has to say about that in the future.

This is Michael of Nebadon. I'm still here speaking through Lemuel. And for those of you who are not regular churchgoers, it doesn't really matter. In fact, most of you have dropped the institutionalized way of religion that perhaps you have been brought up to, and you have dropped that many years ago. And that's fine. Because, in fact, if you were still a churchgoer, a regular churchgoer, and a believer in the accepted version of those words, then you would not be here, would you? You would not be on this discussion forum, you would not be listening to me speaking through Lemuel on this Wednesday Light Line.

It's really quite amazing that there are so many and I must say, yes, there are so many people within the church who are doing so much good around the world. There is no question or doubt about that. The tremendous work that the missionaries do throughout the world. And, and so many other things, yes, of course. But in the future, the institutionalization of the churches will be so different. And that will take a lot of getting used to by so many millions of people around the world. Well, this is all I have to say now. But look forward to the next few days. Because there will be a very important announcement, as I mentioned earlier on, hopefully within the next 48 hours. So keep tabs on the discussion forum to see what happens. All right. This is Michael of Nebadon. Thank you Lemuel for picking me up once more. I have nothing else to say for the moment. So I bid you all a very good afternoon or a very good evening. Thank you.

Thanks. Thank you, Michael. Thank you so much.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Lemuel.

Well, everyone it only remains for me to say a big thank you obviously to Michael of Nebadon. And to Jesus who spoke through to Ron and a big thank you to Ron as always, of course for being able to step in and transmit when I am unable to do so. Big thank you to all of you who, let me just refresh my dashboard. I don't know how many again, 15. All right. So a big thank you to all of you. And well of course I don't know what the situation is going to be after this coming weekend.

But there is one thing I would like to point out or to remind all of you as well as myself here in Europe, we still have not put our clocks forward. And in fact, we will not do so until you know the in the early on a Sunday morning of next week, which will be the 31st I think so in fact, I need to be reminded that if I have a Light Line again next Wednesday, it will be at seven o'clock for me here in Spain, as it is for two o'clock and where you are. For whatever reason you in America put your clocks forward one hour for about three weeks, I think before here in in Europe, anyway. Alright, so well I hope to be able to invite you to another Light Line again next Wednesday. So until then, again, thank you all so much. And look after yourselves. Love each other. And don't worry. Be happy. Bye-bye for now.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)