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Messages - Ron Besser

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General Discussion / Re: Clifax
« on: April 25, 2024, 10:22:25 am »
The tape above was an artificial attempt to destroy a certain amount of belief in the Planetary Prince system, and it is only today, April 25, 2024, that we caught on to the affordability of the tape you see above.  Lanforge above was either a System Sovereign, or had related more to the Michael of Nebadon after serving as a System Sovereign years earlier.  That tape presented above was thought to be genuine, but seven years later, today, that tape should be removed as it leads to an contemporary rebellion which none of you know about (I did not know until 2019) until years later.  The words in the tape above are nice.  I did not suspect Lanaforge until he tried to kill me about two months later and I to out of it barely, but with minor leg injuries, as I was inject in the left foot with a cyanide version they still do not know what it was that nearly killed me.  Four months more after this tape was made, Lanaforge attempted to kill me off and was caught by the Ancients of Days later and sentenced first to prison and later to death for continued attempts to kill me and others.

That is hard to believe, I grant you, but since then several other officials of the Lanaforge government tried to wipe me out, and suffered annihilation.  Lanaforge appeared before the Ancients of Days for sentencing in April of 2015 and was executed on April 6, 2019.  Shocking as that may seem, two others unknown to us as System Sovereigns years before Lanaforge took office, were also executed.  I retain the right to blow their memories up because Lanaforge was almost successful against me, but the other two System Sovereigns are really unknown to me. 

This is the story of the rampage of destruction that Sovereigns attempted to bring to Urantia for years, and mostly unknown to Michael of Nebadon and Gabriel, and their disloyalty was unknown to the Salvington rulers, until there was time to investigate their chicanery in  2019, and then Lanaforge and  two other System Sovereigns were executed for malfeasance in office, and the matter was dropped.

However, Jose, your placing this treatment I did in 2017, was when I quite unfamiliar with what had been done, and it at this time started by leg problems, because Lanaforge and others injected me with a type of cyanide cell killers I am still trying to get rid of today.

Secondarily, Jose V. you perfectly caught one of my early transmits, but my transmissions actually started in 2013 but I was very slow to use them as often as I use then now. 

Third, this Lanaforge tape came several months before Lanaforge personally arrived on Urantia to kill me.  Michael of Nebadon caught him and sent him to the Ancients of Days for summary execution.

Fourth, you should all know that fifteen Lanonadek Sons of that era were also executed for attempt to murder certain member of the loyal midwayers one of which was ABC22,  Bzhutu.

BZHUTU -  "Jose where did you get this tape of words?  They are almost all gone from 2017 as Ron swore Lanaforge off when Lanaforge attempt to kill Ron.  Ron walks with pain and a limp today by Lanaforge injecting cyanide solution into this feet and then into his legs.  Lanaforge is the source of the attempted murder of Ron, and he has no fond memory of that character.  None of us do, as Lanaforge is responsible for sending the Supreme to kill about 60,00- loyal Midwayers on Urantia fifteen years before Ron transmitted.  We are all still trying to recover from what he cause and we will never understand what this beast of a System Sovereign tried to do.  all was lost in 2019 when the supreme was inspired to attack Solarington, a minor subplanet of Solarington which is next to Orilington, and that name is familiar not to any of you, but Orilington was destroyed by the Ancients of Days when it was discovered to be a base of insurrectionists in 2012.  And on and on this feast of evil goes, and we will eventually be done with all of it shortly.  Be assure that Ron is okay in spite of continuous attempts to kill him off.    Thank you Jose for posting that response from Ron.  K.  I am Orilington's keeper now:

ORILINGTON SPEAKS:  "You humans who know nothing have to take into consideration that the fight to get rid of the Insurrection on Urantia has taken we officials over sixty years to mount a successful campaign  to rid the universe of this stain on our reputation.  I am Orilington, a Lanonadek Son, of supreme experience and now some Ultimacy experience with the FATHER'S blessings.

ORILINGTON  is my name, and I am a loyal Vorondadek Son and I greet you and thank you for this interest Jose.

"As a matter of fact, Ron is a human survivor of an attach from Orillington about seven years ago, and last evening it attacked again and this time Ron and even Dominick survived their bawd attach on both of them.  Ron did not wake up until 430am this morning wondering how he got to bed an hoping that Dominick was okay.  He is and Dominick is at home sleeping off the attach as Ron did.  Now this:

"Ron is okay this morning.  Dominick has to sleep it off.  Bother of them were injected and Ron finally got rid of the poison at 415am and Dominick is going to take until about noon today to get fully aware.   And lastly Ron, you are writing up a spell this morning in an attempt to be aware of your conscience, but you sat on the edge of your bed for 5am to over 6am trying to figure out what happened to you.  You finally decided it was an attack, by what and for whom.  Well now you know and that is the final statement from me until Orilington may speak again shortly with some fantastic history to bare on your souls for Ron you are never well until today, and you are grateful, but you nearly died the night before and Dominick never caught the fact that serving you a beverage that day nearly was curtains for both of you later.  Later.  ORILINGTON.  k"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron, you and Orilington, are nearly the same voice, and you are not aware of his practice of speaking through you as a voice of your subconscious.  For reasons of State I am requisitioning all of this for now, but it is out now and keep out of trouble for the rest of the day Ron, as it must be fully put to rest.  Lanaforge is gone.  Orilington is next to see to its end as it wishes to protect you but it is too feeble to do so now, and He will be back later well and rested and help you recline better now than you have no real sleep until all is well there again.  K"

Ron -  This is all new to me, and may the nightmare end however it may have gotten started, and I thank Orillington for saving me now and then as I am aware of repeated attacks against me for the past 8 years at least and I look forward to a normal and constituent life again.   Thank you all for reading this as it is a nightmare to me in all directions.   K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you are now well as you can be and you will stay the course for the Missions now.  Your Rayson gift, and your Lanaforge hatefulness, are part of your history, but Lanaforge not, but RAYSON wishes you well and will design the HYDROGEN CAR for your list of patents soon,  K"


Thank you most kindly,  Andre and for your thoughts today on the issue of the things I am caring about too. 

First, WTP energy is on my mind too but there is little I can do about it just now.  The entire measure of free electricity is hopefully more fully dispensed when the United States finally realizes there is nothing they can do about the loss of energy pools on this world when there is an unfamiliar shut down of the oil and gas production in most places due to a scroll of unhappy earth circumstances that we cannot help to correct. 

[Ron here: that is Michael of Nebadon speaking, and I do not know what he means by this, but in the past the world we live on has had periods of time when the extraction of anything from the earth has been very difficult and therefore commodities have been scarce to use.  Oil and gas may be on the agenda for that to happen again, but I known nothing about that problem at all.]

[For reasons of my own, I have looked at the patent again today, and I am convinced it is freely available, and I would love for Poland or any other country in the European Union, to exploit this invention and try it out for themselves.  I will listen if that matters today yet.]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "Do not forget today is a Lightline , Andre.  If Lemuel is able we will transmit some answer to what you have asked about today.  Ron is ill but will see to it as well, and so watch your Lightline today for some very interesting talk about WHAT IS COMING TO URANTIA VERY SOON!!

"I leave this for later for more.  K"

Thank you Lemuel and I am in almost the same straits you are.  But I would like to comment on something concerning MUONS.

I just reread what  I wrote about Muons and I think it is terrible.  Let me try again.

The MUON is a preparticle but it is the only antigravity preparticle we can see or know in our familiar pattern to describe matter appearance on this planet.  Without the Muon, matter could not materialize easily, and although I doubt MIT would ever consider that statement well, the Master Force Organizers insist that such a statement is true.  I am happy to concur, for the my patent (US #11601013). to design an electric plant that easily converts electrons to muons and then to a broadcast of muons for 200 miles from the antenna as an electric field to a house antenna, is still quite good.  But I doubt if anyone will do anything with such an electric plant as it is too far ahead of theory on this planet to use comfortably.

But in this post I wish to state the following for knowledge at least:  THE MUON IS A DOUBLE HELIX of several kinds of preparticles.  That is such a mouthful to speak to, but what it means is simply this:  PREPARTICLES ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON: they are all electrified by the ULTIMATON, a tiny, tiny speck of energy no one knows about except me, and that was an accident I still enjoy reciting.

All Preparticles have one thing in common:  ULTIMATONS.  I have shown you a picture of what I think the Ultimaton looks like and I am assured it is close by those I speak to in the exalted space of the central universe.   But the readers of this work do not have to know how it was confirmed to me they exist, but readers should know how I ascertain how the Ultimaton works in anything that is materialized. 

The ULTIMATON is a basic source of energy for all of this planet's work from the planetary corp to its showing of the aurora borealis  (here is quite a picture in Alaska of it:   I want you all to know that the light from this phenomena is all castigated light source as the light in the aura borealis lightly summarized by internal particles not see on this planet because they are even smaller, tinier, than the Ultimaton, and the Ultimaton is so small science cannot prove their appearance.  But we know something about the Ultimaton easily, for if your remove any of them from a preparticle, that preparticle changes state and becomes another type of preparticle.  We use the idea in this electric plant, and when we knock out an Ultimaton from the electron, we get Muons.  Go figure.   But that is what operates this electric plant to make electricity out of the air.

In any case, let us consider the Muon antigravity and an antipositive use pf energy and not worry particularly why it works so well/

I am positive it will work at once, but we have to spend about 35 Million Dollars to prove it to build the plant itself.  I am not confused by the size of the money bill that comes with building the plant, but I am disappointed there are so few takers of the technology that I have yet to see one inquiry to speak to the plant yet.  That is sad to me, but I am quite sure if  we wait long enough someone will nibble at least to see what they can get out of it if they bought it.  But, let me make this clear, it is not for sale, but it is up for investment and I am very happy to entertain that interest entirely.

In conclusion, if someone writes to me to ask about it, I will answer fully about it an the question(s) they might have about how it works. 

I thank all of you for your interest, and let us pray that it can be implement, because my forecast for this planet is that unless there is a new discovery of producing energy to run our machines, there will be a digression of thought and we will fail to have enough energy on the planet when the time comes. 

Thank you for listening and happy preparticle to you too!

Ron Besser/York, Pa

« on: April 24, 2024, 05:29:28 am »
WEYDEVU, BE CAREFUL, as the cabal has its feelers out on all of this alien comfort studies as they are making everything possible but keeping things under wraps.  Who am I talking about?  The Pleadiens not, but ourselves (not aliens but objective controllers)  This is a fine topic, don't get me wrong, but it is full of mistaken identity (wrong foucs on who did what), and you would not know that but Spirit does know, more or less fully, what is occurring in this matter of appearing aliens.  I am not going to speak to it much, but the report you received via the Internet misses one very important fact:  what was seen was not alien at all, but male control of the media making it appear one way or another.  The Internet is full of this kind of person, and we do not get a full picture of what really happened, and that is because money is so important to those who put this stuff on the internet.  I am not making claims against this internet version, but the voicing of spiritual talk is now reminding us that not every thing we see or talk about is true and the internet recording we have here is misleading mostly.  

That does not tell you much and I am not being informed well, but even the cabal, (the insurrectionists) on this planet are making sure that this kind of stuff sent out by those on the internet is somewhat fraudulent  due to the fact the people who issue reports on the internet are money hungry and they like to keep the insight they think they are supplying, so fascinating you and everyone else cannot put it down.  I am MERCORI, and Ron does not know me well enough to say who I am, but I will tell you I am a commander of one of those ships you saw briefly and that is not a good way to tell you who I am but it will have to do.  As MECORI (MIC- CURI in pronunciation),  I tell you to be careful Weydevu, as to repeat stories that you get from UFO style people, they will confuse you totally as they are unlikely to ever tell you the full truth.  Listen:

That incident is real.  But the incident is not real by what they may be saying about it as they are on the level of 1st graders, and you are at least on the 4th grade level, and many including Ron responding to this are on an even higher level and only Ron is making sure you know more than you thought you did and that you Weydevu must use your judgement in talking about these events.  

For instance, the alien ship is not a shop but a scout.

For instance, the person you mistake as something else is a drunk woman and she fell down and seems to have disappeared but she passed out and was partially hidden on the ground by very poor lighting.

Third, there is nothing  for  any of you to take well from the pictures taken that night, as the pictures are improper lensing and I dare not tell you more, but the entire incident is not for you to bring back for discussion, because the litigants in this story indeed are alien ships, but we are not discussing their problems, but your problem with others on this discussion, range from incredible error in picture taking, and that the mall residents did not see half of this of what is represented even when and while the incident was underway.  I am MECORI and I greet you later in the MISSIONS TO URANTIA shortly.  K"


Welcome to The SERARA FORUM on line.  This is a posting attempting to tell first time readers of what we say a lot about the Universe and how God tells us about it.  We cannot easily explain what this site is, but at root to explain what we do is God has recently enjoyed speaking to those of us and we adopt the ways to hear Him, as he speaks with many voices.  

First it is helpful to know something about how they name our planet and how they  refer to it.  They  pronunciation that name “U RAN SHA,”  and that SHA is pronounced with a long “A” at the end of the word.

U - RAN - SHA, and that is their name for our planet, and it translates to English, as “a planet of beauty.”

The letters in the name “Urantia” has a “TIA”, ending.  We learn that anything in their spoken language ending in TIA, is simply pronounced in English, SHA.  And we do not have a lot of English words that rhyme with it, so I went to the Internet to ask for a list of words that end in TIA too, and if that helps you to pronounce URANTIA, then help yourself to other English words ending in “tia” as they all are pronounced similarly.


This Internet list of a web site is named  Originally it was called something else, and now even the title of this web site as named is not easy to figure out.  The original naming of our site was to reference the divine Magisterial Son group coming on a Mission, a spiritual mission, to our planet.  That was as far back as 2003.  I am not going into a lot of the history on this planet since 2003. But every time the spiritual powers were ready to start, something happened to delay the entire Mission to this planet.

Briefly, here is a small time line of what corrected our time to speak to this plainly for years, and it still is not entirely straightened out for a Mission to this planet.  Here’s recent history:

2014 - Decision to send Mission to Urantia was stated and readied;

2018 - An insurrection occurred that barred this planet’s use of the Mission;

2020 - It was determined to hold back until a seraphic insurrection could be controlled and the usual matgerials could be provided for a spiritual mission to Urantia;

2024 - The insurrection was calmed down enough that the chief spirit of this local universe had decided to go with the Missions here.

Prior to 2014 there was about ten years of discussion just how to approach this planet, and by 2014 it was understood just how it was to be done.  

First in 2011, it was decided to call upon Jesus to head the Mission.  But the insurrection of the angels of all things, complaining about the loss of God the Supreme, erupted and only now in 2024 is there arrangements back into place to conduct a spiritual Mission to this planet.  The “GO” was decreed in 2023 and 2024 was supposed to be a Mission year.  We do not know yet if it is.

Finally in 2024, the spirit in charge of all of this is our Creator Son, and He decreed it was now possible to bring a spiritual Mission to our planet.  BUT: wars like little hot spots in a grass fire popped up, and the Creator Son, NO!   We are still waiting for that “NO!” to disappear so we can get back to planning for the spirit Missions to our planet.

You now know what I know, and we leave this for now, but here is the Creator Son to speak to all of you, as follows:

“I AM THE CREATOR SON OF THIS PLANET and the universe you see twinkling with the light of stars at night.

“Ron has dared to easily explain what must be one of the most difficult period of life I have ever spent as a Creator Son.  All you see as to starts and the worlds at large, are My creation, and I must  not offend you, but your planet almost stinks with error and sinful reproach to our FATHER In HEAVEN.  Let me explain something to you now”

“Ron insists that people understand what has happened.  Well, he provides a litany of truth but leaves out huge volumes of what has been done.  He knows a great deal more but is silent for reasons of State too.

“First I do not like someone talking about this mess on Urantia, but he has done a superb job to let you know some details since, and actually, 1994, when I conceived the idea of a Mission to Urantia.  But since then there has been nothing but insurrection again, and I am going to put that away until we have a decently peaceful Urantia again.  Then of course the Russians up set the cart and I had to replan for that now, and finally, Israel lets loose with a final war of attrition which is hard to watch up here on the divine spheres of Salvington.

“Finally, I am quite sure most of you know nothing, but Ron helps plan the small tweaks to start these Missions, and even he is disappointed with the results.  First there was an insurrection of seraphim.  Then they were joined by the Vorondadek Sonship in this local universe.  And than, finally, I the Creator Son, said enough is enough and came to your planet this week (the second and third week of April, 2024).  I found the Urantia planetary organization totally out of control again.  I have returned back to my headquarter star system where I am speaking from now.

“You are being informed that this is typical fare, but it is not and Ron simply updates you where things stand right now (April 23, 2024).  I am happy to let this go as he spills no secrets which he knows more than anyone else so far.  But:

“I say “But:” for one good reason.  Today is the 23rd of April, and Ron is seriously ill and may not survive what is to happen, but whatever happens he is ready to work with us as a final attribute of his stay on the planet Urantia.  I will make some statements later today, but for now let this be our last reward to all of you who want to know what has been happening lately with Me and m Staff.  I will greet you later today on a Lightline, a recording we make as a tape to all of you scheduled on this site at 2PM today, the 23rd of April now. Good day.”

Ron here - I have given some of you an idea of what is transpiring, but only the Creator Son can design a Mission, a spiritual Mission, to a planet, and we look forward to hearing him later today on the lightline.  

“And I also close this message with the hope that I can maintain enough health to join with you on Urantia to see that justice is done and I hope to be able to see more than that wherever I am sent shortly.  Good luck, and best wishes to all of you.

Ron Besser, the Magisterial Foundation and its ownership of the Electricity Patent that will change this world forever.  Best wishes to all for now.


I have finally seen this post, and apologize to the poster for not responding.
I do not particularly care for the tone of the post but he is right to a certain extent.  I want it to be known that the invention and the dollar kind of go together these days (now the third week of  April 2024).  I am not sure what this poster meant but I do know that the entire scheme of what is to be done with currencies, in general, is to let them float against the dollar, and then forgive anyone for causing a crash.  We have been fortunate that the dollar has withstood the years it takes to rebuild another currency, and that no candidates for standing in for the dollar have really occurred.  But I am sure the dollar will be challenged again, and it will withstand the worst of it, but Uncle Sam seems to be tired of defending the dollar, and he is ready to change things, especially if the United States has to defend the dollar and create a war scenario to save the democracies of southeast Asia.

For reasons of State I am not going to say much about the dollar here, but in the universe of money, the dollar has withstood the worst of the attacks by China and North Korea for now.  Neither of those two countries can really worry the strength of the dollar today (late April 2024), and I for one have nothing much to add as to what has already been said.  But this becoming apparent, and that is the counseling it takes to run a good international currency is becoming almost too much even for the United States, and my prediction about what happens to the dollar in not short of a time span, is that it will be overcome by gold, and the standards it forces on all currencies.  That remains to be seen whether the dollar is actually devalued, it the dollar actually rises to the its true level of worth right now of about $1.046. 

Thank you.

Monjoronson and the Magisterial Son Council of Time and Space.

« on: April 22, 2024, 07:26:29 am »
Thank you Weydevu.  Let me speak to this presentation as a very good one and I think we can trust both individuals who appear here to attempt to understand a phenomenal that appears on Urantia, but is not entirely real.

First to me it is a red herring to say that the mall incident cited here is very real.  That was humans misbehaving mostly.  But there is another side to it called psychic energy, and that psychic energy was let through and colored what may have really happened.  That is why I tend to stay away form real films of a catastrophe but that those that follow up on these so-called psychic events are truly misinterpreting the event they think proves their favorite view of what life is really presenting them.

First, as best I can figure it, the event was real.  But real what?

Second, the mall event was a true and bizarre event, but it proves nothing to add onto those events with a favorite view of aliens and the subset of aliens, a conspiracy about them either.  For instance we know this about abstractions about space travelers, that the fleets of superior aircraft they use, are also under the control of the Salvington human space command.

Weydevu, in your fun of watching this kind of stuff, remember this: aliens come to Urantia because it is the BESTOWAL  WORLD of this universe.  

Second Weydevu, this world is desperately ill and conspiracies rule the day here.  I am not happy with these people on that show which I watch it for 80% of its content.  You have the nest part of the conspiracy under wraps and that means you know a great deal more than these fellows, yet you want to immerse yourself in their explanations in order to ramify why this spiritual activity we know about is not producing better effects on yourself and me and others about UFO"s and the like.

The answer is, in my opinion, that the life and style of people on Urantia today is fantastic and very little involved in the truth, because we are so behind in recognizing how other human planets are designed and travel to see other planets is inherent in other humans.  The fellows that produce that program are invigorated with the unexplained.  But you Weydevu know a great deal more truth than they ever will at this point, and you must use the cataracts of their eyes no longer to suggest they are truly invigorating the truth of the universe and its millions of human planets who do visit and marvel at how backward we really are.

Yes, those who made and are eye witnesses to a bizarre event--  I am sure there is interaction between the spiritual compound of the universe with these events, but if you knew the full truth you would be bored with the events of that evening, and while I know a little about those events, I do not know enough details for your satisfaction that:

1 - Nothing really happened between humans and aliens that evening:
2 - What did happen was an alien ship did come through our atmosphere, but they were TOURISTS to watch a aerial flame show over Urantia which is very typical of this planet to show, and is quite common with our aura borealis. And anyone who sees that show is mightily impressed until they learn that core of our planet is not nickel-iron, but a lithium based core that is not understood at all.   The truth is our planet is a rare breed of planets that displays its electric lights impressively to sightseers, and they just do not have these light shows in their atmospheres to compare the phenomenon to.   Whether or not one of those shows high in our atmosphere that night was playing I cannot tell you, but Urantia is full of shows in its atmosphere, and visitors enjoy viewing it  from space craft windows.

The fellows in that video you referenced are truly doing their job, but they are too ignorant of the truth about space command, and how it is truly controlled by the Salvington government.  This incident is unfortunately way blown out proportion, but it is fun to the Ufologists simply because there is no other explanation without making up stories based on invasions of the past.  If it pleases you Weydevu, space command I hear easily speaks to the fact the on April 21, 2024, Urantia received 1,400 alien craft entered the Urantia atmosphere as visitors to this earthly realm.  These craft left the Urantia atmosphere as planned and  the visitors are now long gone by 730am the 22nd day of April, down here.

My bet is this: of all the UFOlogy stories there is truth to them and you can enjoy  that much of them.  However, these fellows that appear on this video you showed us, can only use their imaginations, and it is pretty wild and full of ghost fear and the abrogation of truth by the fact that these events take place and are full of scared human that report them.

I happen to admire these two individuals, but they are looking through a maze of stories and not a dozen or so truth statements about UFO lore.  The Roswell incident makes it worse by finding a body of a space traveler in one of the downed craft, and that is not making anything more truthful, because the body that was found in the wreckage is not a manikin but a real midwayer who is back to normal but the body found is long deceased and gone.

Weydevu, until there is a real disclosure, and the 5th epochal revelation is found to read, you will have to cope with mostly stores by these intelligent men in that video, but they do not have the facts of universe life, and one of those facts is that UFO stories happen, but   UFO'S  are full under the control of the spiritual aspects of the Salvington space government, and that the 5th epochal revelation which has to be discovered anew that clearly states the truth of a governed space and that UFOs are a natural part of space visitors to our planet entirely.   And even harder truth is the fact that the BESTOWAL SON,  the CHRIST, is returning.  I take the following to be truthful:

1 - The arrival of our Bestowal Son will be greeted with lots of suicides.   There is no understanding about this, but let them go.

2 - There will be no justice between men who talk about this stuff and the truth of this stuff, because, and you know this well, there is no conspiracy at all, but the simple truth of the Bestowal Son, requesting a return and finally putting to rest the Biblical prophecy that he returns and ends his promise made over two thousand years ago on Urantia, the earth as men call it today.

I leave all the rest to the future when we learn just what the Pleiades civilization is, and why they gave up the use of space ships along with a genuine wish to never speak to Urantians unless they know the epochal revelation called Urantia.   You do, but you love the fantasy of these shows, but enjoy them with the sure knowledge there is nothing really to these stories but the fear of humans, a dark night, and a slow study by men of goodwill to explain them.  However, there is not enough knowledge by our super secret clubs called CIA, or the NSA, or the by the directive agencies in our government.    

Take your best shots and let us see what happens next.  

Ron Besser with Michael of Nebadon pursing his lips over this but I am adamant that most of what we explain is just plain wrong.   Cheers!



Dear Folks,  Michael of Nebadon greets you.

There will be a Lightline held on Friday, the 19th of April, at 2PM.  Same time same station you usually go to, to listen.

I am Ron Besser, as advertised as usual on the header.  There is a problem developing with Urantia, that the Creator Son would like to discuss with you.  That is, after the exposition of words I am to speak tomorrow on the regular Lightline schedule of speaking.

The Lightline is for April 19, 2024 and is on the regular channel you have always used before.  Thank you.


MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "This has been a terrible day for Ron, and for some of you.  The Spirit has been watching and looking at you, and now must act for the CAUSE.

"I want it to be understood this call is not mandatory, but this call is mandatory if you want a part in the coming Mission to the world of Urantia.  I leave that for now, and Ron get some rest as you are the usual blanked out almost by my presence and changes to your mind to stand the last few months of my preparation to enter URANTIA and to become one with the citizenry.   That is for awhile.  Then my change from citizenry to JESUS, who will entertain you from heaven now.  When he arrives in the flesh may not happen now and I will speak to it tomorrow.  K  

"I want all of you who attend tomorrow at 2PM to understand there is a CHANGE TO OPERATIONS COMING.  LET THOSE WHO KNOW NOTHING listen carefully.   I am done announcing things, and I am interested in coming to Urantia SHORTLY.  Be aware of this as you think about tomorrow, I might just visit you today or tonight.  Your choice not.  JESUS at your service.  K"


THAT IS GREAT NEWS to all of you!

WE in the UNTIED STATES welcome you as you have heard the great FATHER of His Children in you and all who come to hear you ALBERT, and to all of you WHO SPEAK WITH ALBERT too.


Take him well.  Take him respectfully!  Take him to heart and allow him to  change you!

"I am so happy you have gone to Him and you have welcomed Him.  God Bless you all and we in the United States welcome your good fortune, and we want to hear what you can tell us all day!

Blessings of heart to you!

Ron and all the people here who know God and the great light HE will bring to our dark world!  K.

The Last Roundup Is to Begin Fully and Shortly

Michael - "I have repeatedly said to you on Urantia, watch out for solar flares.  You have some dandies now, and the sun is fine, but the polarity of the sun is about to change.  That makes no difference to Urantia, but you will have a night or two of solar northern lights very soon.  Ron watched them with glee about six months ago not, but in mid January of 2011 when they really appeared well around midnight of January (I think) of 2011.  In any case that was about the last year he went to Urantia classes, and now keeps tabs through the web site you use to read this material on.

"The solar flares will shortly.  What will begin shortly, is the MISSION and I want you to know that Ron will be here for all of it!  He loves his work here and will e kept alive and lively during the 30 years to  come fully, but he needs to be well again, and we are working on that hard so he can live again.  Right now he is left with about six hours of live and then the rest of the time in a deep sleep.  His record invention will keep until there is an interest in solar power to end and the interest in electrical power is to begin.  He has an attempt to keep it cold and clear and he has since it was posted for all of you to see on this forum.

"I suggest you attempt to read it briefly and understand he understands the fission process well enough even to use in automobiles and I have asked him to prepare the patent so you can drive without worrying about fuel ever again.  It will make the gasoline companies gag, but that is progress now.


"I have been patience over the years, but I am leaving patience behind and ending the wars in GASA and ISRAEL and I am letting them stew in their own problems.  

"That is what I want you to know now.

"However, starting in about sixteen months (16 months), I will call the Presidents together and tell them this:


"For that reason let some of you hang out here and let some of you quit here, because the entire matter of Ron, the Electric Patent, and the rest of the technology Ron has produced, will end I and I will not permit another plant to be built.  Ron says I do not know that we can build the plant in such short of time and I feel defeated to begin with again.  Well, not so, Ron.

"Let this be represented today, Tuesday the 16th of April.  You want to fun yourself into believing I will not make this work, guess again, as I propose that Ron produce another patent and this time he will publish to see first before he goes to the rank and file of producers and let you decide if you want the real patent or not. 

"Finally, and I leave now,  Dominick and the Board of Directors of the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION will be left alone for a few months while Ron follows my commands to certify those who can work with Ron and Dominick, to bring the results of what I want to do in these MISSIONS.  Good day.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service. K"


Julio Luz is attempting to show us a flip of the sun's axis approaching.  To help him, the sun sometimes flips its corona mass from north to south.

That seems to be the order of the day again, and it produces, on earth, lots of sun spots and the northern lights.  The last time it did this was in 2012 I believe.  Every 11 years it goes through this, but this year it is particularly strong, and  the reverberation of a sun changing its axis does not physically change anything on earth, but the pole shift on the sun changes its polarity, and for that reason some of you might experience battery problems for a few days.

Like it says, I am Ron Besser, and I have this from Michael of Nebadon and the issue the sun's change of polarity this time is to force the sun's declination a little further east for a few months.  What that does is force the sun's appearance  to  falter a little longer beneath the southern horizon.  The north and Mexico, the US, Canada, Russia, northern China (and figure the rest in the northern hemisphere), will likely experience a delay of approximated eight (8) SECONDS before the sun shines brightly this time of year.  There is no danger to earth and  its solar system, but we might get a real southern display of the NORTHER LIGHTS for a night or two.

While I am at it, let me explain a critique of problems here on earth, not with the sun problems, but with out own problems of a serial display of intransigence over the rebellion we are currently facing in the northern portion of the Master Universe.

"I am very tired of the rebellion, and Ron is made ill by it, and for a reason of his own, he has responded to this thread about the sun and its problems of service to the norther portion of my Master Universe.

"First let Me assure you there is no trouble or danger about it for Urantia.

"Second let me remind Julio, that this is a public forum and to stop post such large amounts of information you can reference by a URL to the charts.

"Third, Ron is expected to return to normal in about five (5) minuets not, but in five (5) days.  He is seriously ill but sit and read what is put on the forum.

"Fourth, I am leaving the communication belt over Urantia, and becoming secured on Paradise then I have been for days.  For that reason  then you will find the CABAL trying to undo communications with all of you again, and this time I will remove them quickly and evenly to re-establish order on this sphere.

"Finally, I am quite sure this entire picture of a sun going crazy with  leaping choirs of flame is quite normal to Ron and oldsters, as it goes, because eleven years ago he calcled members of his Urantia Group to watch the northern light explode over York, and it is quite a treat since York does not see them for years.  They might get quite a dose soon to see them again. 

"I greet MICHAEL OF NEBADON shortly on Urantia.

"I have been on the planet now for 14 (fourteen) days and I want you all to know, I know what is wrong with the place and I told MICHAEL OF NEBADON, to cool the United States down by four (4) degrees, and let it rain over the desert southwest until the cows come home, as it is overheated again, as is norther Canada, and southern Spain to name one important area of the world you might be interested in.  I let this all go now for I must return to Paradise.

"For those who might be concerned about Ron Besser, and how this discussion form runs, know he will be better in about two more days, and that is preparation for a MISSION BY MICHAEL OF NEBADON again on and not turned off this time.

"For your information, the MISSIONS WERE PLANNED TO GO ON ABOUT April 7, 2024, and they have been pushed back to April 30th 2024 as of now.  I have no idea what to say about them and I leave that to MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  Thank you and good day."  FATHER


Lemuel, your Lightline this past Wednesday is still quite fine and accurate.

Michael of Nebadon, however, says this:

"You have reached a period in your life cycle you need rest and relaxation, and we suggest you do it.  Ron is bailing as much water as he can, and just saw this as it was blocked to him by the cabal, and it is serious enough to address the cabal,

You Lemuel are doing fine, and you can do the Lightline this Wednesday, if you care to.  Ron will be there if he can be and will insist the Wednesday Lightline be held, not for your consideration Lemuel, but for his own consideration that the Cabal is not going to win if he stands a chance to be there for you if you do not take Wednesday Lightline this week.

Furthermore, Lemuel, you are going to be fortified for weeks ahead so you can take the Wednesday Lightline, as Ron is fully of problems because he is undergoing a right patterson airforce base in England, not just for you but for the entire enterprise as the transmitters a re being knocked out before I arrive to constantly harass Me and my Staff.  Do not let me down Lemuel, as much depends on your announcement abilities now.  If you need an additional discussion let me know and contact me via transmission and take down what I have to say.  Take down what I say, now.  Lemuel.  Ron has no idea what it is and cannot do it now.  K -

MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.


Thank you Sophia Veronica for posting this as I am slowly being burned out of normal reactions to take on a more morontia form.  I forget easily and my extremities get, including mind, are not work perfectly right now.  To all who listen to this tape thank you for your continued interest and will be back better than ever (ha ha) in a few weeks.  I am progressing with a morontial change to the brain and to the blood system in my body and it is not fun but doable.  Thanks to all for your continued interest and this for all of you shortly:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I speak slowly but well:  The trial Ron is in no one else could afford to do and he is ready to step down if it fails and he is, unfortunately if the trial does not work well in the flesh,  ready to take on an additional responseablilty shortly, and that is to prepare for my RETURN WITH JESUS.  Watch the Board Carefully, and he is weak but progressing well enough that I am cheerful that he is going to make it.

"Meanwhile, let you be aware of the following:  I am near URANTIA all day as I am on and off this sphere frequently, and Ron's Lightline is available whenever he is to call attention to you.

"Today is Elise's Lightline on Mondat at 2PM.  Whatever Ron has to say today is fine.  But I am asking Ron to do another Lightline today at 5PM, and I have an important announcement for Ron alone on the 5PM Lightline later today.

"Listen to Elise's Lightline for sure as I have something so additionally and I will be there to speak to you at 2PM, and I want Ron to hold a Lightline at 5PM later today too.  I leave this all alone for now.  K"  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.


The moment for a stand down is passed and very little more can be said at the moment except to avail ourselves to the Melchizedek rules and regulations in order to see or understand what they may have to say.

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK - "Thank you, Ron.  I appreciate your ability to speak and talk yet, but you are deeply wounded over a change in availability of the voicing of any of the usual celestial beings.  WE are quite sure you are found shortly, but the entire matter of cough and sputter is still over most of the ground you use to follow easily.  Let me take a moment to tell you what we think has happened.

"First let yourself imagine you are fine.  You are among the few who knows the difference but you are confused by a sudden appearance of confusion among the ranks of the celestial beings, and you have no hope yourself over what has happened to discontinue the normal wishes for Urantia and the common place understanding of what we wish to do.  That is not unusual for you, but for the vast concourse of thought by the average person, the entire matter has become a loss.

"For that reason you are losing a happy place among us, but wondering what place is left?  Truly.  I am not going to state much, but let me tell you all this:

"The reason you are left standing at the desk of much to do and nothing to do is that MICHAEL OF NEBADON has left URANTIA and is heading back to Salvington NOT.  But he is heading away from Urantia permanently until there is a real and natural call for God in the truest sense.  You are among the few who know much, but you cannot force another issue until there is more to say regarding, not you, but the entire group known as human beings on Urantia.  Good.    And this:

"I am knowing more than you do but I know very little compartiviely as to what and who Michael of Nebadon has done or has lost Urantia for good until there is a better chance to speak shortly.  Your Lightline for Sunday is not cancelled but your heart for God is lost mostly, as you are seldom lost, but now we speak to all of you generally:

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  Ron you are not lost but are suddenly without a word or do you care about the past plans we see, but you are vividly done and ask what may we do about a situation you speak to and no one listens anymore?

"I am sure you are fine, and what you represent is fine, but it is not longer possible to say much with much effect.  This is to warn much of you that I am done.

"What does that mean?

"That means that I am not longer speaking generally, but you are part of the usual heart and soul of the universe, and for that reason I am taking this moment for you and the rest on Urantia.

"Let us consider what has happened.  You have no choice but to be as you are.  You cannot help it and you are fine and sure.  But the trial today is not to ask for a message, but to learn that the entire matter of a MISSION is not longer on the agenda.  What we have decided is to sit out of the entire regime that has opened up on Urantia, and then quit for you to tell use what you want to do with an old planet of humans who do not listen, and who do not welcome Me, or Jesus, much at all.

"Lastly, I am one of the last celestial beings who care about Urantia at all.  I am not leaving Urantia yet, but I am wondering why you persist and no one even asks what is going on?  The real reason is that Urantia is dead as of now, and I am leaving it to its fate shortly, and I do not know what that is at the moment.  K"

"You Ron were told yesterday to stay the course.  Still do that.  But your hearing has been reduced in half, as MICHAEL OF NEBADON has decided you and the others of faith no longer have a voice at the table at all, but that HE alone insists on what is to he done!

"Now you have it right, and I am asking you to stand down a moment, let this message pass until we are sure of what is to be said shortly.  K"

END 10:05 AM and waiting . . . . . . . . .

10:10 am New York Time Zone, April 13, 2024 . . . .  I have been waiting at command:


"YOU ARE CORRECT.  (I was told to just wait and here now Michael of Nebadon once more:)

I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  And you are correct.  You are fully aware of me and yet you find it brusque and cold and I am brusque and cold to speak.

"Last year at this time you were happy and ready to go whenever the gift of the spirit was ready to go.  Now I am speaking harshly for those on this discussion form have turned like everyone else to the same deaf tone as all others have.  That is fine and you leave it run as such to show the activity.  I am not forcing you Ron  to do anything right now, but in a few moments I say this:

"The trial you have run for six years here is not over, but for right now it is done.

"I am correct to assume that you are ready to stand for good reason whatever you feel is necessary, but you are deaf and dead in the water as it is so cold and alone in your home you find nothing to say but, "okay, what did I do?"

"You personally did not do anything Ron, and your status is as you are and as you combine the nature of God with the human voice for help and consideration, but for the most part your neighbors have abandoned you too and are sitting back and demanding you tell them what?  Nothing.  You have been shorn off the magical way of conversation, and you have been dropped off the entire matter until I insist you demand other to hear this:

"The last year has been hard and difficult for you, and yet you persisted while others tried to run you off with poor communications and poor speeches. 

"Now let us make amends slightly for you:  there is nothing to say for moments of time and you are saying out loud: THIS IS CRAZY! and let it die in your own throat.  I am not crazy, and neither are you, but you are like the rest of the fellows who are not longer communicating with the necessary throat of time, but attempting to speak into space, and I am not there in that area anymore.

"WHERE I AM is in YOUR HEART, but do not pretend you care much, as the entire matter has been frozen out of even your large largess and is stuck in you throat at the moment.  You are just relaxing to hold me speech accountable and must then depart as I am not talking  a lot anymore but waiting for you and others to say what you really feel?  Be assured you have spoken but you are not following what I really want . . . . . . . . . . . ..  .

//moments of excruciating silence continues . . . //

10:25 am New York time zone:

"I am back.  Say nothing more except this:  You have been faithful and willing to carry whatever I have had to say and do for years now, but I am so tired of it, I quit!

"I will back back tomorrow for your LIGHTLINE and wait for no one right now as too much has to be done for all of you who have faithfully followed the course in the past and wish to follow the course now.  Good day.  K:  MICHAEL OF NEBADON. K"

Ron - I have never experienced such a cold transmission and I leave it alone for you now.  I want to remind you I will attempt a LIGHTLINE  on SUNDAY, and that is all I can do.  I have no real reason or care particularly what may be called the end to transmitting in important transmitters of lessons still available from the MELCHIZEDEKS or the others whoever that may be.  I am leaving it alone too, as I have nothing important to provide further at this time either.  Thank you. //10:30am New York Time.

I await a few minutes in case the transmission might resume.  I hear nothing for minutes and then here is:

"I am back.    I have nothing much more to say other than this:  Ron you are one of the few who knows us well enough to let the command line open yet.

"I have this to say and then send this out.  No one is ready to tell you or say just what MICHAEL OF NEBADON has in mind now.  He is back on Salvington is moments of time, and you wait patiently to conclude this trick of imagination, but please take comfort not in these words, but HIS  words as follows:

MACHIVENTA  FOR MICHAEL - "We return not later but now to Urantia.  That is all I will say.  Use your Lightline on Sunday to figure out what is to transpose further.  Thank you.  MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK for all.  K"


Please stand down for a few moments everyone.

You cannot decide what the changes are until you know what the purpose is.

I am not informed well, but slightly, and they have asked me to state is succinctly  and then let it go.

Yesterday, I entertained an interviewer in my home to discuss the new electric plant.  It was summarily ended at about 3 or 4 PM and the interviewer was to go back home to South Carolina I believe.   Instead, unknown to me, a few hour more to transfer the interview from tape to his broadcast device.  There followed an immense change in his ability to use the equipment and he decided to go home and take care of it there.  He nearly died as a result of working with a tape while driving and he is not in hospital this morning,  The cabal tried to remove the interview and I caution all of you there is one hell of a fight going on over Urantia even now,

Magisterial Daughters was a slip of the tongue of Monjoronson.  He did not mean it, but I personally recall there is a female element to the Magisterial Son with the Sanobim element that serves them when they take a planet on like Urantia.  The Sanobim are the complimentary personnel to the Cherubim, and they are still used in spite of the universe decrying their usefulness had ended.  The Sanobim were customary servants with the Cherubim,  and that is what he accidentally referred to at the time. 

Please use your wits to be very careful now.  It is this:

I have been instructed to stand down by the cabal and then by Michael of Nebadon.  You, unfortunately, are not to be told what is happening precisely but there is big news coming shortly, if we can get it out.  I am not entirely informed yet and I am partial in my care as well, as  I was also informed that the interviewer who was with us yesterday had a small accident and is out of service but the interview is still intact.   I must leave it alone, and frankly, THE SUNDAY LIGHTLINE is on the bloc too.  I will  let all of you known when I do what might be done there too.  Thanks for your question. 


MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron is being slight supercilious.

"First of all, let it be known I am no longer on Urantia.  I was yesterday.  The interviewer is a podcast known to many thousands of listeners, and he wanted to share the new idea in power electricity being done by Ron.    Ron gave the interview fully, but the man who was doing the podcast took exception to Ron's interview by saying if this is all true, why the wait?  He is not familiar with the Urantia Book problem on the planet and we are.

"As a consequence of the man's decision to rewrite the interview, he visited Ron but Ron i s ill quite often he he layed down to rest after the interview and dropped off into deep sleep.  As a result when the man returned to the house there was nothing but silence at the moment when the interviewer reappeared at the house.  Long story short the man went back to South Carolina and lost control of the car when he entered his own driveway and the interview tape was damaged not.  Right now the tape is repaired and the show goes on.  Ron has no idea what and where the program will be played.  I leave this alone for now for the chaos continues well even now and we leave it for compensation elsewhere.  Good day,  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service." K


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