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General Discussion / Re: mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 16:57:08 »
Weydevu, yes I did.  Furthermore, I am having trouble with this cabal again and you may find partial posts by me that got truncated because they can knock me off the air so to speak.  But you are correct and I am worried about a few things now I never used to worry about, and that is the cabal has access to the posting going on here and knocks some of us off the air attempting to make a post.  I promise you Michael of Nebadon is quite aware of this and a major storm is brewing.  So thatmeans, "wathc out!"  I have attempted to add to posts today and they get knocked down by a brat of a seraphim known to me a Lully, and that one is up for grabs as she is sure she has won and I would never bet against Christ to say anyone has won when they are up to spiritual mischief,  I let this alone further as I am constantly under attack and must wait for Michael to re-channel parts of this discourse away from their notice.  Meanwhile keep up the good work.  Cheers.
Teacher: Michael of Nebadon
T/R: Ron Besser
Subject: Reassignment of Michael to Urantia
York, PA 11:30A Local Time - September 20, 2016

This is Michael and he can re-date this again if necessary as we have incoming all the time and sometimes I must answer the Father.  I must remind all of you that when I make a short announcement as this one is, read it carefully because it has huge implications we do not usually bring to your attention.

“Today, I am reinstalled as PLANETARY PRINCE one more on Urantia.  Machiventa Melchizedek usually takes this role on for me.  First realize that a permanent Planetary Prince will appear shortly and that will be a Lanonadek Son.  He will be our Planetary Prince for ever on Urantia once we install him properly, but until then, he must wait his turn.

“As Planetary Prince, it is this Office that installs a Bestowal Son.  The Bestowal Son must ask the Planetary Prince permission to enter the planet and then to provide all credentials from Uversa and other status spheres (e.g. Sonarington) to allow for that Bestowal Son to live and work on Urantia.  His work will be found in the United States in York, Pennsylvania, and He will be made a host of hosts when He completes this singular work with no precedence in the Universe of Nebadon, and only once before in Orvonton and is similar circumstances as are found on Urantia.  I am to provide the Bestowal Son, Jesus, his credentials from Salvington.  He is being provided the credentials from Uversa by Margul, a Trinity Teacher Son assigned to Uversa for the course of history to be found on Urantia today.  In other ways, Jesus, is hailed as the Son of the Son to presuppose all eternity as a place for the improvement of all planets in Nebadon, once this Bestowal is completed.

“I am today providing Jesus the credentials he needs to make his announcement in the media very soon.

“I am today providing Jesus the wherewithal to provide each of you a place in the sun for the use of your bodies and your minds to join us as part of the Second Return.

“I am today providing all you a place to hear the Son speak soon on your television and in the mind as he provides both to all humans who are in their third circle or above.  You must hear all or fail to understand what else he is to do with you when the time arrives for him to greet you in the flesh.

“I am Michael, and I tell you one more thing you must know to time this:

“When I sign these documents today, I will enter the Rest of Transition, and that is the mode that allows me to be Jesus and Jesus to be me.  You all have felt indigestion today because you all are hearing the stillness we persist in to keep this forum locked down for the most part.  Ron has been shut out and down so hard he can hardly move due to pain and reduction of mind capacity, yet he cannot be shut down in spirit and that is what is operating so well with him today that we can send this message through him with full power of mind operating in him to do this.  It will take me about ONE WEEK to go through the REST Of TRANSITION to be Jesus and vice versa.  At the completion of this session I will be totally free of all complaints of Salvington and there will be a place for others to run Salvington while I am away and with Jesus as Jesus.

“As I write this Ron chuckled that he almost cut me off trying to keep his mind free of other thought, and he nearly did, but as usual his Adjuster keeps it flowing and we have one other thing he must be aware of and that is his limbs were severed from his body yesterday morning to trial his use of his body to see what he can do with it when he is disconnected from spirit.  He slept 12 hours yesterday and was furious he could not go out and do his lawn work!  In about a week all of this will be past history and he will be glad, I assure you.

“As I also write this hurriedly, I see a made a small mistake about Ron, he is being relieved today of most of his leg and arm and other problems of body, and that will clear him for eternity.  I am Jesus now and I take the following liberty to calm Ron on various issues we tried to severe from him and it nearly killed him. 

JESUS - “I am Jesus and I know the problems each of you face and they will be healed to the nth of our ability to do so.  Your work in the garden Ron will receive a helper from another you know, and he will delight in flower propagation.  Your work with him is to see to it he is properly cared for and taken into the heights of care he only knows from giving you all some day.  Bi-furcation of soul is on the agenda once again, but you must make heroic efforts again to keep this set of circumstances flowing well enough it does not get hung up on prejudice or pride or both.  Be good enough to sign a good name to that individual when the time comes.  He is worthy of your time and effort to clear him of his animal legacy and to move him into the era of personal light and life around you.  In other news I must state the following:

“When Michael enters the Rest of Transition, he will do it on Urantia, and he does not have to go to Uversa or Divinington or other places where it is usually done, as this is the first time it has ever been done on an evolutionary planet.  In my work on Urantia, Ron will be a liaison spiritual assistant as he can hear all I want and when I want it and he will be giving interviews as soon as we can clear that permission from Father.  Father knows two things about Ron: One, he can hear anything permissible from time and space; Two, he has the world of work at his finger tips all the time as no one can hear as clearly as he does when we must make it clear what we want at all times.

“Your work, and I am addressing all of you now, is to become one with the work Ron does to the extent you can do it.   In about a week all of this will be past history and much I say today will be forgotten by most of you.  To Larry Gossett, your re-posting the Adjutant Spirit post that Ron wrote some time ago was all new to him again!  He says it is terrible to admit too!  You are thanked for re-posting it.

“Finally, I am making it clear that no one is available as an Adjustered Apostle for the time being.  I have too much to do to wait on an Apostle to get himself together in the morning, and he knows the answer before he starts: Ron is a terrible Apostle at the moment and we will let it go at that for now!  In about a year the idea of an Apostle for me will come forward and Ron is it, but he must make amends with many aspects of life before he can take it on without prejudice to all.  I am Jesus, and I wish all a G’day.”

Michael of Nebadon - “This was to be a short two paragraph announcement but we fill it in because it is such a good opportunity to give you details you would otherwise miss today. I leave for the Rest of Transition tomorrow at 10A New York Time Zone (NYZ), and the NYZ will use this abbreviation to shorten the typing to get it spoken.  I wish you all a G’day!”

Margul, The Trinity Teacher Son Who Is in Charge of Light and Life on Urantia - “I come to wish Michael farewell in the efforts he must make on Salvington as the Creator Son and the administration of his local universe.  He must be available for certain duties of a Creator Son on Salvington, and they will be ably preserved for his return in a year or so after his work is done as Jesus. 

“I wish the Creator Son well! And we all will have another talk later today through one of the transmitters on this site when that time comes later.  I am Margul and I wish you all a Good Day.”

Part II
We meed to address further and will use this edit window to do so.

I am Michael of Nebadon, and there is a truant Microphone opn but we will classify as Part II of the former message sent by Ron Besser.

I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and we are asking no one post further for the moment as this is a classic case of too many hands on two few tables to lay the remarks on we must say to all of you:

MICAHEL OF NEBADON is cleansing the planet right now.

You will lose most of your work if you attempt to post now.

Further more, Ron is ill by posting a message from Me he is not sure is correct but  I  can assure you he has it all in order.  Carol your post on that material will have to wait until I have made arrangements for your Pleiades  material to be seen already and thank you.  Now this:

Ron has brought to my attention what is happening on Urantia right now.  He is following strict orders not to say more ever,  But I am making it clear that any posting done for the next three hours and that is from 11:20 AM to 3:30PM Eastern time, we will truncate as there is an abortion of care by a medium censor on Urantia, and we must clear it.

Ron declare yourself ready for the day and come back and transmit be at 2 PM here/ 


Sept 20 2024
Good morning All! Good morning Pleiadeans! Would you like to speak with us this morning?
Certainly. We spoke to all of you recently about "Prepare Ye the way of the Lord!"
That might not mean much to many people, but we would like to elaborate a little bit on that.
Jesus spoke to his disciples about the little children coming to him, saying "Suffer -- that is allow -- the little children to come to Me."  And he also said, "Come to me all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest".  

When we come to Jesus, or high spirit, or when we come to you, there has to be a way prepared. The biggest preparation is the receptivity of the human mind and heart, to receive Jesus, Monjoronson, Father, and the many high spiritual helpers ready for you.

The quote "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" continues with "Make straight in the desert a highway for our God".
Can you imagine how difficult it is to plan, and pave a highway in the desert? The next sandstorm will cover it completely. But for humans, we are talking about planning a meet-up as some say. There needs to be some preparation, putting out the welcome mat, as it were, sweeping the porch.
When national leaders meet for a conference, there is much planning, and preparation.
If Jesus is to be welcomed into one's life, many things have to prepare that person for that. Sometimes it is a total trauma, or something else extreme. Jesus doesn't necessarily require such an event for us to open up to Him, It just needs our AWARENESS.

The people of Urantia are facing every sort of challenge and temptation to disregard Father, and spiritual solutions. Quantum computers that generate Artificial Intelligence words, pictures, ideas, philosophies, are all based on previously placed input on the internet. Then humans generate the commands that bring forth the desired responses. That is not Father!
REVELATION does not need Artificial Intelligence!

But it does require an open mind, willing to hear new spiritual applications.
Nothing to be afraid of.
But what people are afraid of is the negative responses of those around them, persecution, and the like.
We bring this up so you are not surprised when it happens. Believe us, it will.

Be in peace, people. regardless of outside interference. We love you all.

Thank you Pleiadeans!
Thank you Rene.  What I hope for you is that you continue in spite of a rich care from God, but the rebels will make a mess of things shortly, I believe, and then you will have to decide how to afford to do these Lightlines for sure.  I am not sure but I think Michael of Nebadon will attend most of your Lightlines for the Hispanic care is necessary more than the English is.  Why?

Let em enforce your care Rene:  there is coming a change to the political atmosphere on Urantia, and Trump is the main culprit, as he is mentally deficient and is happy with a medium well done election.  I do not expect Trump to win, but I do expect a big vote for him by humans that have no faith in the quality of life they now can afford.


There is brewing a political aspirant in the mix for this coming Novermber election for President.  An aspirant is someone who enters a race and then faces undoubted subterfuge over what they have done.  It is not Donald Trump.  It is Kamala Harris, and she will learn the nasty side of a Presidency that has no holding for the chicanery of State , that the EU will afford the new President, because Europe must make amends with a contending Russia that spares no one, including the Untied States, to put that evil back in its box.  Danger is signed Russia, because it will insist on making a marriage with the Ukraine and the Ukranians will not have it and a terrible was will break out that will engulf more people than it does right now.  

For that reason I caution all who blatantly  assume the war will end peacefully and Russia will retract to its 21st century borders.  I do not believe it will.  It will insist on incorporating eastern Ukraine back into the borders of the old Soviet Union.  That provides America a fine pair of teasers as what to do with the EU which faces problems of its own, but the downcast Ukranians will make war again, and this time Russia may be blown up by a vivid and caring MAGISTERIAL SON who will not have the world fearing nuclear war every minute of the national existence.

That said, Rene, keep your sources who speak to you through the channels given foir your Lightlines, open and secure.  We have a mighty rebellion portending here at 2709 Sunset Lane, as I insisting on placing an addition to the house dedicated as the Room made for Urantia and all She holds as an important sphere for all to recognize shortly.  I am not at liberty to tell you what that is.  I am going to cut this now.   I will proceed in the next window now as well. 
Thanks to all

A lovely lesson Lemuel, and thank you for keeping the faith of our Fathers.  The way things are going, we may be on the same path to heaven and I will say to you, "Alfonse you go first,"  and you may say, "oh, no!  You may go first as I am staying a bit longer."  Then we will take a drink in a stemmed glass and wish each other well for the trial in heaven soon enough for both of us  Well done Lemuel and thanks for the memories.  

Girona, Catalunya, Spain.
Friday, 20th Sept. 2024
Thank You Ron, it's been frustrating to begin a Lightline and before it,  we get a threat from the rebels and as you said  we don't give any chances to them,  there have been times they blocked completely the phone service , no dashboard, calls dropped from the attendance, but, we will keep doing it as long as we are alive.
I thank you for your support, and Michael of Nebadon and Father, and all who take their time to  assisted us.
We ask them to continue bringing their love to this sick planet, in order to get it recover for new generations to come, may be we won't it, I hope that whatever we have done be kept so other learn from it for their own progress too.

Thank you Ron for your wonderful message of encouragement.
We will do our best,
091724 Audio Tape Tuesday Lightline USA; Host: Dominick
Subjects: The soul; concept of sovereignty;  universal citizenry; The contested government; spiritual administration of God; history of the Urantia book; The apparatus of Luciferian contention governments and its consequences;  of bad planetary development; debauchery of the human spirit; eugenics ideology; limits of citizenship; elites ideology and planetary control; in contention of a vice grip and power of a planet on the precipice of annihilation.
Speakers: Arthura, Dominick  
Transcribed by: sonsofGod
Link To Tape:

Welcome to Tuesday. Lightline, September 17. I'm your host, Dominick. We give a quick prayer to our Lord and our King, our Sovereign Jesus, who was a human, and as Jesus was also divine, he was Michael of Nebadon, a Creator Son, a Son of God and Creator of you and me listening to this tape today. And Sovereign authorizer of anyone coming through to speak with us. We thank you, Michael. We, thank you as Jesus and as always, you pointed the way to our own divinity within us, our Universal Father, who is the ultimate Creator of, and Universal Father to us all, including our Lord. Michael. Our prayer goes to you, and we thank you for sending on us to Father. And we thank everyone for joining today, and we welcome Charlotte, who dropped immediately. And we'll probably hear her come back to the call you.

All right, welcome Arthura.

I am Arthura, and I have many names, but Arthura is the one I choose to hear to speak with you today. You may inflect any syllable you wish, just don't give it any over emphasis on the meaning. For some are prone to their imaginations. If you were to say my name was Arthu-raw, you would associate me, perhaps with Raw. And if you enunciated the middle part, Arthura, you might associate me with some Malthusian devil. And furthermore, Arthura, for some envisions a God of Camelot. But I am Arthura, hailing from an abode far above that of your locality.

I am assigned to this transmitter who today has but a few words, but he has gone through the preliminary prayer, not to sanction his human perceptions, but to have anything of worth bleed through. Certainly whenever the celestials wish to give their own voice, but until then, we do the best we can to give you the experience as a little son and daughter of God with a potential to become spirit and immortal, and eternal. You are not such upon your origins. This is a confusion, so we start with a quick review of a cosmological origin story for a human that defines your sovereignty, your citizenship, and so on.

Everyone agrees and speaks of the soul. When we teach about the Universal Father within that divinity, that is an additive or a seed of the soul, it is a co creator with you, and so your ego decisions, your mind and your personality, some of all these things are co creators with this divinity, co creators of your soul. But it would be error prone, or conditioned by rebellion, to associate the Father fragment as something separate from the soul. When in fact, they are so close in their experiential association with you, they are hard to differentiate. And in the rebellion this differentiation did not even borderline. It was blasphemous, and therefore you have all these competing or competitor views of what the soul functions has, and whether you were existent in the first place, or pre existent and so on.

For example, false lives are only in the repository experience of the Father fragment, but not part of your own, If that deity fragment existed in previous life entities prior to yours. In that regard, some are more experienced than others in their ministry to human minds, but that the key to your sovereignty as a human and as a universe citizen that you recognize the concept of sovereignty. A human being is inherently sovereign when you are endowed with this divinity. But you become truly citizen sovereign when you are born again of the Spirit.

Rebellion in their apparatus of government is set up to thwart such sovereignty of the individual. It promises the sweet bliss of earthly power and pleasure to do as thy will without consequence. But the consequence is quite real, and it even pertains to your terrestrial and psychological happiness, as to what is truly worth anything, as you say in the end. As you reach the end of your natural life cycle, such meanings come into greater focus. When you are young, the seduction of rebellion is much stronger. And certainly, you are prone to be more influenced by your environment, which is mostly with your relationships and the media of teachings and concepts that determine your morals and values and your aims in life.

The spiritual government is that of our King, our Sovereign, Michael of Nebadon. The contested government is that of Michael of Nebadon’s bestowal here as Jesus, and this planet is literally contested. Therefore, is it always in the interest of the rebellion apparatus to obfuscate and relegate Jesus to a lesser status than the Sovereign Lord and King and ruler of Nebadon. And that ends that section of the review. We welcome many more to the call Charlotte, welcome back. George Huber, Steven GItz welcome. We make a merry 16.

All right, so the rest of the Lightline, thank you. Arthura, is a simple review of some things. We have an origin story of the 5th epochal revelation going to a transmitter or series of custodians in the late 19th century. A man by the last name of Moses. Ron, step in if I get it wrong, Stanton Moses, Moses Stanton, I'm not quite sure, transmitted Imperator, also known as Malachi. Now, Malachi has a meaning of not just an individual, but could be interpreted as a Spiritual Administration, a collective of angelic and sonship ordered administration of God. Malachi.

So in that respect, when the fifth epochal revelation claims its spiritual administration of God, our Lord, and for lack of awareness for most Christians, the divine, the divinity of Jesus Christ. The divinity behind that entire administration of Jesus was a Bestowal Son, and was both divine and man, who was Jesus, before he was Jesus. And the simple answer is, before there was Jesus, there was Michael. And Michael incarnated and took on the personality and form of Jesus. And when Michael bestows in the past, this creates a dual origin being, and that basically spins off a new personality as Michael returns to his previous form as our Lord.

So Moses transmitted comparator to Malachi, and allegedly was crippled and assassinated, and attempted assassination by Caligastia, the planetary Chief rebel here on this planet. But for lack of a better imagination, you can consider Caligastia as the Eye of Sauron, the invisible force previously, who has rebelled and is immaterial yet kind of bulking. And that entity crippled Moses so that the fifth epochal revelation had to be transferred.

Essentially, it was transferred to a woman by the last name of Piper, and she was instructed that a man would be coming to get the transcript, or the manuscripts. And when Sadler visited as a doctor of psychology and other things, psychology was a emerging science back in that time, and he came to study under Jung, not Jung, but Freud psychology and psychotherapy and whatnot. And Sadler picked up the manuscript from Piper, and we have the story and detail of that transmitted before, and maybe we can refer to that tape in this transcript. That would be nice. Now, that kind of ends the story or sets the stage for what we should do as hearken back to those that time of the early 20th century, and juxtapose that to today's current environment, especially with the 5th epochal revelation or politics in general.

The Saddlers were just to put things in perspective, teachers as a husband-and-wife team. Still basic things that needed to be educated back in those times, not so long ago, but about a century ago. And those where things like Mrs. Sadler was still needing to teach things like the hygiene of menstruation and how to be medically clean. And they taught at an educational forum, I can't remember, but it somewhere was famous here in early America.

Anyway, you have seen that there was many brilliant minds and new thinking coming out of this time in the world. You have out of the alleged 5th epochal revelation, some of the people involved are like the Kelloggs and the Sadlers, and to be fair, like everything else we compare to today. There, when we look at it through today's lens, it's usually some projection of what we think it is. But the Saddlers and the Kelloggs, I think the Kelloggs were married to the Sears, but there is ideal things in corporate business, like Sears was born, and I think the ideal there is essentially refrigerators and toaster ovens for everybody, because why not? We should be everybody has a right to live comfortably, and so those luxury elite items were a vision, by I think Sears and Kellogg, just as to feed people well and to give people a little bit more of the basics that their life might be better and that those things could be affordable, Those were the ideals. And we can be fairly certain that no matter what side, which side of the spectrum you might live on today, conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican, we all claim to be for those types of ideals, I think.

But to be fair, everybody had this: The entire climate was essentially racist. It was a very racially divisive time in planetary history. Everybody had opinions. Everybody was tribal and nationalistic. No one was safe. So, to say one side was this or that, and therefore your origins are racist, well, that's the truth for everybody. Slaves existed for time immemorial, and so on. Now, where is this going?

The apparatus of Luciferian contention governments wishes to deny the Father, the Universal Father, and also deny Michael of Nebadon, and any administration here on this planet. They essentially claim the planet for themselves and therefore, deny your ascension scheme when they can. They don't care about your sovereignty, and they debauch the human spirit with false teaching, and power and lust, and all those things outlined in basic religious texts that would be considered sinful, like the seven sins.

Now, another thing about the fifth epochal revelation is everyone's so afraid that it's a racist. Meanwhile, if you look at anything from that time, it can be considered that. When you look at the mother of Planned Parenthood, Sanger, that was essentially a eugenics ideology, which was just kind of the science almost back in the day. It was erroneous, but these were the ideas being dancing back and forth. And it is the elitists, not the populace, who tend to come up with these ideas, because this is a natural element of history. For example, when a nation conquered another, the citizens formed the soldiers, like in Rome. And the slaves or the lesser conquered people were the auxiliaries, and the auxiliaries were never better equipped, nor were they encouraged to be greater in number than the citizen armies of the ruling empire.

And when you expand those limits of citizenship, like Caesar did, you tend to get killed, just as an aside. But going back to Sanger, she had the idea of birth control as essentially a way to ensure that the roots of the population that are considered, for lack of a better word, auxiliaries of the state that they wouldn't be outnumbered of the elite, the ruling class, the people who were superior. And that would essentially what was best for civilization was this balance, and therefore you don't want, according to those times, the poor, the soldiers and the blacks, because that's what was the environment. The black population was recently emancipated in America, but there were still poor people, and there were still cannon fodder. And the elites have derogatory names for cannon fodder all throughout history, and you can be a piker and so on. Cannon fodder, I'm sure, is from the days of Napoleon or something.

But also with this philosophy, was the government idea that marriage license authorized a couple in the eyes of the state to have children, but it gave the state this is hype. This is political thought. Now, philosophical and political thought the state had the right, ultimately, to be the arbiter of child raising, as well as the unwitting and unwilling sterilization of those the that the state deemed fit to be sterilized, such were the ideas back in the day, And apparently even those ideas that were in America bled into the Nazi justification, and the rest is history.

But the lines were blurred before World War Two. These ideas were being banned about throughout the world in every corner. And as we can see today, the resistance of political ideology versus something like a I don't know Planned Parenthood, or that the media calls political opposition to globalism, and Democrats who support globalism as populist. Well, such populism is a code name for these deplorable. And so today you have, if Dominick is on the Supreme Court of anything, or co-admin, or co-this, you can consider this simply a you might say, a dissenting opinion, so that we all understand things a little better, in the words of Occerpa on the forum recently, that we understand each other.

But I simply wish to give you some more context as to why people think they do, why we are where we're at, and some of those origins and where we can go after that we get these missions started, and that the world may look nothing like that we expected to. And certainly from one wing of the people, and this would be the cannon fodder of populist, deplorable Catholics coming over into the country in American history, and even today, rather look down upon with our views.

I'm not a Catholic that's worth much. I've been baptized myself. That's good enough for my mother who baptized me, but I was born again of the Spirit as an adult, having nothing to do with religion, frankly, but falling into that spiritual bucket. But then born again having read the Urantia book, an understanding in modern phraseology and modern thinking, how to resolve all of these things in modern times and come to a new appreciation for what Christianity attempted to do. And what our Lord was, when he appeared as Jesus, and what he is today in our living lives.

So back to the political division, the elites basically tend to follow a world order. And if that is a world order, it has origins and plans from centuries ago that it goes into the bloodlines and goes starts to go so far back into history that you can't help but consider that these things are influenced by this war in heaven, and this division and contention over the rulership of the planet. So when the elites have an agenda and the populist folks tend to call it out, there is your esoteric conflict that gets brainwashed for our minds to think one way or another. And rare is the ability to remove yourself from it and try to look at anything objectively.

As an independent this is what I try to do, but you can see today the origins of which is just full of irony, how could it be that one side, one side accuses the other of being this or that? Speaking of psychology, it literally is like what is called projection. Projection is the phenomenon of, if you are thinking and acting and behaving in a way, that you project that thinking upon everything and everyone else. When this is in a natural phenomenon, this is a tendency to gravitate towards the thinking that everyone else is like you and thinks like you, and then you find out that's not the case. But when you are acting in a way that is not above board, that's when you risk projection even more, a psychotic or psychosis of projection.

So if you're in the if you're being underhanded, for example, or you're being untruthful, or you're not playing fair in your cooperation, you would be more prone to projection, which would be the accusation that those that you consider competitors or threats to your aims, you would accuse them of doing and being the very thing you are you are. So, that's why today's history lesson is is important, because no one should be, no one is so safe from accusation that they're clean. And so in that regard, the rhetoric could come down. It should come down, and it ought to come down, and everyone should take responsibility. And if you feel you are not being bias, you should at least understand that you could appear to be so. And that it is our striving to know the peace of our Lord that we can survive the ego trap to be offended or even upset by those things.

And in disregard the elites, if and who, if they are Luciferian and mirror Luciferian values of not entirely caring about the cannon fodder of human souls in the wake of their own power and objectives and divine right of rule, that may be, at the end of the day, self elevated. That people are not so stupid, and then this puts us in contention of a vice grip and power that has put a planet on the precipice of annihilation, and brother against brother, sister against sister, And that the elites, if we are or the Luciferians, the worst thing in the world is an uncontrollable, un compliant, un malleable, and sovereign human, born again of the Spirit of the Father, who is free of the over control of a planetary apparatus set up to deny us from this experience. And until we literally see the missions, all we can do is pray that those who are not born of the Spirit, but think they are, and do not need our Lord, and that they elevate themselves and their Christianity without the divine creator within them, and who is literally the creator of the very ascension scheme we all strive to live after our material deaths.

We pray that we can, in the meantime, find cooperation with them, and at the same time now, we've a little history lesson that Eugenics was simply kind of the thought back in the day. We see where that philosophy of the state and eugenics might still literally be influenced in some of the policies as the state views, as far as radical goes, Christians, hence returning soldiers as the number one domestic threat. So forgive us that we in turn, resent the state in power currently and strive for something different. The citizenship means you have attained a status that's earned and that you must be educated in the ideals and culture of the state. Until you have citizenship there is this thing of considered rights that are universal, and in that regard, we are at logical and practical odds of a precipice of striking a balance in assimilating a lower order of people into a country full of citizens.

This is something that's happened throughout history, and when we say lower order, that is not a genetic thing, but more of a social structure. If you take, for example, a population from a failed state, that population, for example Haiti, has been living in gang of warfare, essentially tribal. If you look at early American immigration, we glorify the tribalism in our media today with shows about gangsters and the violent times back then, and somehow we think that's different if we bring in tribes of people from failed states now. We've seen it in Europe, but we expect different results here, for some reason. The fact of the matter is, these people cannot be faulted. We look at it from a science, political science perspective, social science perspective, and you're going to get people acting tribal when there are new arrivals here. That's human nature. It's almost like physics. Therefore, the policies inviting a disastrous number to come in that would overwhelm the state to function for for any of its citizens, you have to question that policy. So, I don't know, but thank you.  

We're at the Q and A part, or whatever it's we have 15 minutes left, so we can press five star if you'd like to raise your hand make a comment or question and ask for clarification. Again, you can always ask. What did you mean when such and such was said? Or could you say a little bit more about XYZ? These things help. Indeed, we really appreciate everyone showing up, but those would be natural questions that I know that you must be walking away from every Lightline, and that you don't ask it doesn't do the rest of us a service. It eventually breeds some possible thinking in your own mind down the road. But I do appreciate everyone I'm just telling for time. Press five star if you wish. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed today's Lightline and have a good day.


  • 091824 Audio Tape Wednesday Lightline USA; Host: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Michael warns Israel and Hamas; The current status and membership of the Dominion; Lightlines and what others are doing in the name of God to be put in order; The new Urantia book and a new way of reading it; The new Epochal Revelation to be ready in about 24 months; Ron's home to have a new addition built for a special purpose.
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Eternal Son, Universal Father and Jesus.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
Ron Besser
This is Lightline for Wednesday, September 18th, 2024. I'm Ron Besser, your host. Welcome everyone. Today is an unusual day even for me. I'm having trouble getting in and getting the phone to behave. Fortunately, we've got it all settled, those of you who have managed to get on the lightline for today. I would assume that Lemuel is too unwell, and I'm taking what he normally does, just to keep a lightline going.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron, and thank you. I want to tell all of you that the purpose of today's lightline is a little unusual. Dominick has got the controls. And did you turn on the recording, Dominick?

I thought you did.

Ron Besser
Well, I don't see it. But-

It shows it's recording, so carry on. It's recording.

Ron Besser
Okay, all right. Thank you very much.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is that Ron's phone line has been tampered with. He can't necessarily get out with a telephone call easily. Furthermore, he just deleted 18 old calls. That leaves the phone empty and we can start our work with a new recording onto the phone line. For reasons of state, someone is going to have to put this lightline up. You've been doing it, Elise, but whoever wants to is welcome to put it up.

First of all, I'm Michael of Nebadon. You know that you are used to hearing my voice on these lightlines. What we have today is an anomaly. Ron has had nothing but trouble with the phone. He finally managed to get in recently with all of you. This lightline is probably the last lightline that you will have in normal circumstances. Why?

The lightlines are a chance for me to communicate with you and the universe to say hello. But for reasons of state, the cabal has seized many of the communication circuits on Urantia. And for that reason, we are having trouble getting in. We are now going to promise something to you, but it's going to take a little bit of time to do.

Today is the 18th of September. You are to hold a lightline tomorrow, whoever is listening. Dominick, you can take it, Ron you can take it, or anyone else that wants to take it for a Thursday. We don't usually hold Thursday lightlines, but I've got a special announcement that all should hear. Discuss this later, but right now I'm putting Machiventa Melchizedek on the circuit.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Michael. Go ahead, Machiventa, if you're there.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I am indeed, Ron, thank you. I want you to know, Ron, that you've had nothing but trouble since last night when you went to bed and discovered that your legs were being scratched and that there was an awful lot in your room that you were not used to. For that reason, you have slept poorly and as a result you're not real tuned into your mind which is rocking back and forth over an issue that you refuse to allow. What is that?

Number one, the Urantia phase of this mission is now complete. That phase deals with the production of the Magisterial Sons  as a unit to take on the mission. This morning I was advised by Monjoronson that he no longer considers his mission relevant. That should be quite a shock to you.

Three; The entire matter of communication with Salvington, me, Gabriel, and the others who have spoken to you so eloquently over the past few years is now truncated. What does that mean? It means that the lightlines will be continued to be held, but that the usual information flowing back and forth between you and me and Ron is now truncated.

Ron Besser
May I interrupt you, Michael?

Machiventa Melchizedek

Ron Besser
I'm getting additional notes. Are you aware of the additional speaking?

Machiventa Melchizedek
No, I'm not.

Ron Besser
They are saying that this is to not be ignored, but to be taken care of carefully. What is your response, please?

Machiventa Melchizedek
Very well done, Ron. That is the cabal trying to horn in. You see. Stay with this message and do not deviate.

Ron Besser
All right, thank you, Michael. And I'm warning, not my listeners, but those who are trying to interfere, that the liaison forces are now here. If you value your life, you will butt out. Now I'll return with our conversation. And I believe it was Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, Ron.

Ron Besser
Please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. I am going to tell all of you that the forces that have been used to do lightlines over the years have been scattered. What do we mean by that? It means that the usual seraphim that Ron uses to connect to this lightline is now here, but is silent.
Ron went in and tried the circuits twice this morning and they worked fine. But when he attempted to do this last one, he had to rely on Dominick. Thank God Dominick was there and started in on the lightline for us.

And for one last concern to you, Ron. You have had nothing but trouble since you went to bed last night with the cabal and their attempt to speak with you. You have refused and for that matter have done well up until this point.

Eternal Son
The point that I must make as the Eternal Son is this, Ron. We have to look at the cabal and its reason for concern with you. You are the only one who speaks clearly enough that people know that they are dealing with Michael of Nebadon and those he invites to join you, including Machiventa Melchizedek.

For reasons of state, we're going to alleviate any further communication after this lightline. And Ron and Dominick and anyone else we are in contact with to make sure that they have something to communicate with all of you. We'll advise what is happening as soon as they know what is happening. This lightline,

Ron Besser
Just a minute. We are playing games again here. Hold on please. They turned on another portion of the computer, and I'm getting interference. But there, it's straightened out.

Eternal Son
The truth of the matter is, Ron, that you are the one that communicates what is going on in spite of the problems. We are no longer going to speak with you, but we're going to speak with the personnel that have joined you.

Michael of Nebadon
We are not the Cabal. We are Michael of Nebadon and we are making sure that this lightline is heard and heard well. Dominick, would you put this lightline up when it's done? We're not sure who's going to put it up. Ron doesn't bother because he forgets about it.
This is what I want to communicate. Starting today, and that is September 18th, 2024, at 2 p.m. New York time, we have the following to speak to. This recording is no longer going to be made easily available on the internet. Ron will advise you, Elise and the others acting as hosts, Dominick included, occasionally, Lemuel, and anyone else that wishes to be a host, that the following strictures are in command.

I, Michael of Nebadon, have been to Urantia now for five days. I have run into nothing but trouble with Israel, with Hamas, and with the rest of the units that are fighting in the Middle East. I am disgusted with a lot of them. They are killing civilians at the rate of approximately One hundred five or four per day. That is unacceptable.

Furthermore, the death rate in Hamas's stronghold, Gaza, and the surrounding principalities is unacceptably high. Israel is using air to interdict but they are also bombing those areas set aside for the Palestinians to live in peace. I am now warning not only Israel, but Hamas. If you do not stop this war, I will. You'll see the consequences.

I am about to make my reappearance. I will be seen on Urantia, briefly. I'm not spelling the beans on what or how. But please be aware that I trust this transmission so well that I will use Ron to make the announcement. Do not go by other announcements if they appear.

Furthermore, I want it to be known, Ron, that your life will be truncated shortly. That's the way it has to be. You're now 82, and that's old enough for any human on this planet. The truth of the matter is you are planning to add a portion to your building. Don't do it. You would have loved it a year ago. This year is hell. Why?

The Trial that we have to offend for is that I am not going to appear as planned. The entire matter has become so, I won't say confused, but we are fighting a number of rebellions all at the same time. And it has to do not with you and missions to a planet. It has to do with the fact that we have joined and released a dominion.

The Dominion was supposed to protect Nebadon, as well as the five other local universes that joined it. Ron is extremely disappointed, and so am I. Avalon has requested to remove itself. Hensalon is no longer interested. Sensalon is willing to stay the course, but makes no advertisement that it will stay the course. And there are several other statements to go with this. But the domicile, for now, is dead.

Yes, and Ron says he's very disappointed. For reasons of state, Ron, when you come over, you will have a chance to look at the records and see that Avalon has been crushed by a rebellion of its own, by the Seraphim, no, by another order we don't have.

Ron Besser
Oh, all right.

Michael of Nebadon
For that reason, Ron, we are not going to promote you into the Supreme Court. You were looking forward to it.

Ron Besser
Oh yeah.

Michael of Nebadon
For reasons of state, the Supreme Court that includes Urantia under its auspices can no longer operate in this atmosphere. We are removing the Supreme Court from your didactic concern, Ron, and stay the course. Furthermore, the person that was leading it has requested to be…

Ron Besser
And I don't wish to repeat that word.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. I am Michael Nebadon, and thank you for bringing it back. Let's start over. I am Michael of Nebadon. Period. I want it to be known that Jesus was planning to appear shortly. We have asked him to stop. I have visited Urantia for the past six days. I don't like what I find.

Nonetheless, you have a presidential election coming, and the rest of the world will stand around and look at it and wonder what they have. Kamala Harris is a fine person, but she is totally inexperienced, and God forbid what will happen if war comes to the United States.

We are no longer happy that the United States stands for us as it once did. One nation under God is sufficient, but one nation under a totally inexperienced individual is not worth reviewing. I am now concerned that your election, United States, in November might be a disaster. We are informing the government of the United States to stay the course and to avoid, if it is essential, a constitutional demand for an election this November. Let that sink in. The people around the presidential candidates are naive and, in some cases, stupid. The entire matter about the elections, I am not going to discuss in a lightline. But be careful. Watch out.

And now this: The entire matter of these lightlines has been my pleasure in Ron's and the others to produce. The production of these lightlines will continue. Dominick and the others including Elise and our Western friends are to continue without further abdication. Renee, you have had to visit South or Central America. You're back. Run your lightlines as in the past. Do not pass the torch. Not yet. Ron, you're going to be alive for years.

Ron Besser
Well, that certainly changes what I've been told.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. For reasons of state, you laughed because you were shocked.

Ron Besser
Yes, I was by the statement.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. Now I understand your mood. You are merely passing this through and listening as you go.

Ron Besser
That is correct, Father and Michael. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Now, this to you, Ron. You are considering putting an addition to the house. Do so at your own risk. I would suggest that you do not consider it for the moment.

Ron Besser
I want that addition later on this year, but not now. All right, done. I am hoping Stephen Gitz hears this, but we need arrangements nonetheless, Stephen. I'll talk to you later.

Michael of Nebadon
And thank you, Ron, for getting that message across. Furthermore, this is to be done immediately. Ron, you have taken the last moment of the last day that we are going to do a lightline period to speak to Stephen and a few others. Don't get worried when this instruction is cut for a few days. We have got to put order to what lightline and what others are doing in the name of God. You are aware there are several units operating as you are. They will be truncated, primarily because they don't know what is essential.
And finally to all of you; Ron's keyboard and lightline software is not working. So he must guess at the number that have appeared here. I would say it's about 21. That you, Ron and Dominick and the others who favor operation of these lightlines, stand down for a week.

The next lightline is not until the 23rd of September. Elise and Dominick, no lightlines are to appear this coming week. That is primarily Elise and Dominick and perhaps Lemuel sometimes. And of course, Rene and Clency, if he is still doing it.
We are about to appear and it's going to be chaos. The reason I've asked you just to stand down is to let your anomalies of so-called broadcasters learn that they cannot handle the traffic. I expect that NBC will maintain the course as Comcast. But ABC and even CBS out of New York, will have a problem due to an overload of calls. I suggest they cut their phones off. I don't care what they broadcast.

Furthermore, you're not going to hear from me on television. You're going to hear from me in your own way. And finally, this: the trust that Ron has with Dominick is perfect. He asked Dominick to do something he does. If Dominick asks Ron to do something, he does. There is a perfect friendship there without problems. But Dominick, I'm warning you. Be careful. There is afoot a cabal, an insurrection that wants to undo your relationship. Just be sure that you hear it from Ron before you do anything.

And finally, this to all of you. I am Michael of Nebadon. I am the Creator Son of this local universe. Today I have received two onerous messages. One is from the insurrectionists that tell me that Urantia is doomed, that they intend to take it over and that they will use it as a headquarters for their order. Bullshit. No one tells the Creator Son, a sovereign Creator Son, what they're going to do like that.

You're safe. But Ron has been attacked and it's drawn blood on his legs by the cabal at night. He falls asleep and they bring a sharp instrument into his legs as he's sleeping. He feels it, but is subconsciously unaware. And furthermore to you Dominick, be careful. Make sure your cat is safe. Make sure your door is locked. And make sure you do not put up with any shenanigans.

Furthermore, to you Dominick, to Ron, Stephen Gitz, and to the rest of those you trust and use Ron, you are a good group. Stay with each other, regardless of what happens. Ron, you wanted to add a small addition to the house to meet in as a separate unit from the house. Do it, but be careful. There is no reason you need that addition now, but consider it if you're pressed.

And finally this to all of you. There are about 23 on the call. Ron can't tell because they messed up his software. The truth of the matter is that the phone, the phone lines, and the time will still stay the same. I will have a lightline, whoever takes it, this Saturday at 2 p.m. I will not hold a lightline on Sunday. And we'll worry about the dates and time later. Ron will put them up so that you have something solid to go by.

I have this to say. We are truncating not the missions, but we are removing the Magisterial Sons  not, but we are removing Jesus and myself. It is enough right now for the lightlines to be held by the Magisterial Sons , and that is enough for years to come to Urantia. Ron, you will die in that period. You are welcome up here for whatever you can find to do.

Ron Besser

Michael of Nebadon
And this, you will be invited to the Supreme Court, but you find the Supreme Court a little bit over your head. And the woman that you know well is saying, God forbid if I've got to train somebody on top of working the Supreme Court. In any case, you're on your own and we'll greet you as we can.

Ron Besser
All right.

Michael of Nebadon
And finally this to you Ron, that is a bunch of garble but that is what I want them to understand and they’ve been cut off.
And finally, to all of you. You have been good listeners, good participants, and good organizations. I want you to know that you are not forgotten by me in the coming Magisterial Mission. I am withdrawing from the Magisterial mission. Monjoronson will have something to say shortly. Jesus is his own guidance and I let Jesus speak to what he wishes to say alone.
I am your Creator Son, Michael. Good day for now.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. Wisely done.

Ron Besser
One moment.

Universal Father
I am the Universal Father. Let me say this. You have been warned by Michael of the conspiracy of an insurrection that I detest. Shortly they will either be gone or dead. I promise. I have full power. I am never released of my wares or of my concerns for any planet, including Urantia.

Let it be known that I do care for you, Ron, in particular, because you have kept the voice steady and ready for years. You are not going over as quickly as you thought you were. And yes, I would favor that addition to your house. It is a perfect thing to do. I am asking, Stephen Gitz and all others to dedicate themselves to the trouble it's going to cause the household but build it and use it as soon as you can because that table and chairs will see to a new era.
The era of Michael of Nebadon not, but the era of the Universal Father to re-institute what should be done on Urantia. It's such a mess that it takes the Father to straighten it out. And finally, this to you, Ron: You have about 20 minutes left on your lightline. Let's do it this way, these 20 minutes. Here is Machiventa Melchizedek to say the word.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Father.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I am Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron, you stood up and said, thank you, Father, and all else who is for Urantia, and for what is right. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I have asked a leave of absence from Paradise. It's alright, Ron.

Ron Besser
I understand, but we have Paradise at our back. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I want you to understand what is to be done. And may you put this tape up with this in it particularly because it's to be heard all over Urantia. Number one, we are not going to allow an insurrection to determine the direction this planet has to go.

Number two, I will not have anything brought to you or myself that suggests that the insurrection is winning. We have Paradise at our back. Three, I wanted to be known that Ron is going to live a nice long life, including that addition, Stephen. Get it built because it must be operating by year's end. Do you understand that, please?

And further, Ron, you are not going to die in spite of what they're doing to you. You are going to be fortified and they are out.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And now here’s Jesus.

Ron, you tear me up. You're as silly as they come. And you mean to be because you're not a jokester, but you find humor in almost everything that is to be done and it doesn't run right. Get that addition built.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

And enjoy it because we are going to use it for two things. And listen very well people. Once again the United States is the place we are going to do a new Urantia book. It's already printed up here for consideration for down there. Ron is to receive the tapes. And that is the disks of the new Urantia book and convert it into text. And we will have it in a slightly larger book than what it was first issued as, your Urantia book. It will be blue with gold lettering.

And finally, this to you, Ron. You have taken cuts and bruises from that cabal long enough. They attack you while you're asleep, and you can barely move, barely walk in the morning because of what they do to your legs. That's over. They are not allowed in that room.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. And now this: I am Jesus, and I insist on reappearing. Ron will know categorically. Build that addition, Ron, and Stephen, help as much as you can. We need more help because it's gonna cost at least 65,000. That is a huge amount to Ron. He doesn't have it. But we will work on it.

Secondly, the truth of the matter is the addition is for everyone. It will be sealed off from the house with a separate door on either end. It will be at least 25 feet long and 30 feet wide. The head table, which is a conference room table, will seat 10. The background of which the table sits is a wall of wood mahogany, and it will contain two large candles on the mantle.

Ron has seen it in his imagination. Under the mantle is a genuine fireplace. The conference room table and that's all it's in the room except an easy chair or two, will be centered on the fireplace and removed sufficiently from it to not burn. The wall behind it will have a silhouette of Jesus talking to the children. You are my children.

When you sit in that room by invitation or you happen to visit enjoy the warmth of a fireplace and the picture under and over the mantle of Jesus pertaining to his work. It will be a conference room table with 10 chairs. There will be some easy chairs set to the side, and a glass panel will look out into the wide yard that Ron maintains with the flag.

The truth of the matter is the flag will have the American flag at the top, and it will be given the Nebadon flag to fly underneath it.

Ron Besser
Jesus, may I ask, are you all right?

Yes, I am. Thank you.

Ron Besser
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ron. I am getting an uneasy feeling. I suppose liaison forces have us in mind.

Yes, Ron. go on.

Ron Besser
Then go on, Jesus, please. Thank you.

The trial that this building will hold, Ron, is not only a new Urantia book but you will see to it that it designates a new form of people from this form and from others that you trust. And we will form a new organization to take care of the new Urantia book. You bow.
That indicates to me you understand perfectly well and are about it. Stephen Gitz, your work is necessary at 2709 to get the extension and get it done by Christmas, please.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Ron. You are looking at trying to find funds for it.

Ron Besser
May I speak Jesus?


Ron Besser
I have done a quick calculation for the changes that we must do to the house to add the addition to and the addition will be at least 30 feet long by 25 feet wide. And it will open on one side in a glass partition to my fully grassed backyard. It has the American flag flying and several other accoutrements.

I want you to know, Father, that we will dedicate that room and that space to you and what Urantia needs. I am not going to speak to it because I do not have the list. I thank you, Father, for your support, for your care, and for being Father and Michael, and for being Michael. Thank you. May Gabriel always attend, for we are ready to take the orders that you may have. And I leave it back to you, Machiventa.

Actually, it's Jesus.

Ron Besser
I leave it back to you, Jesus. I'm sorry.
And finally, this: The trial that must be done for you, Ron, is to enlighten you with the fact that the entire reason for your being has been to institute the care of Jesus on earth. He's not going to stay there, of course, but he will use it as an HQ. And that is headquarters to those who are not fast. HQ will be resplendent, and I suggest you get that addition to the house yesterday. That's how important it is.

Ron Besser
Well, thank you for affirming what I wanted to do but was about to abandon due to what I consider a death.

No. Thank you, Ron.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon and I'm speaking with Jesus now. Ron, get that addition up. Steven Gitz will be up to help secure a general contractor, and I want that built by Christmas time. There will be a wreath and greens on the mantle with red berries, and you will have a meeting room for 10, and a conference room table for 20 and we will begin our work.

Ladies and gentlemen, an important announcement. We are redoing the Urantia book. Ron will have control and it will be done in the new edition. Make sure you have plenty of table space, chairs, and storage.

Ron Besser
And I'm adding a kitchen.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. To that avail, don't make it too big.

Ron Besser
Just enough for running water and a fridge.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. And now this, in a bathroom,

Ron Besser
Yeah, but not in the kitchen.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. And now this to you, Dominick. You are leery of any such plan. But I assure you, you don't know Ron. I will discuss with you this evening when you go over there and I expect you to be there. That what is to be said should be said to this group. But please make a recording of what you discuss this evening. And then Ron or Dominick or someone else that can do transcriptions, transcribe the tape so that all of you know what is said.

Ron has fooled with the idea of adding an addition to the house, roughly off the back porch and back for at least 25 feet and about 25 feet wide. It is to have a conference room table in it. It is to be manicured by a rug. And on one side, open entirely to a spacious lawn with the American flag flying. That is his dedication to us.

To him we dedicate the following, a new Urantia book, and a new way of reading it. We will provide the access not only to the Urantia book online, the new one, but you will have a new way of reading it. Wait till you see it. I leave it for you to consider.
The next few months are busy ones. Pray that Ron lives long enough to see it and pray that the cabal around him learns to be disgusted with their behavior. And you, Lully, become a seraph of concern that sees to his work. You are not dismissed. And Simone, your charge. Lully with your partner. May you see to it that a decent group of Seraphim arrive to begin this work of a new epochal revelation.

It's not redoing the Urantia book. We are going to do a new Urantia Your Book. Ron would love to have it ready for printing by the end of December. Too fast, Ron. Certainly by mid-year of 2025, it will be ready for the printing.

That is what's going on in York. What is going on where you live? Well, the next lightline is going to discuss that. It's too much right now. Ron, get that addition on. We will be watching you and praying that it can be done simply. The 65,000 that you've got to find to do it will be found. We thank you all for listening and being a part of this lightline.
We have nothing further to do, and we are not opening this for discussion. But discuss it on the discussion forum, if you will. It doesn't get enough to do. Talk about it. Listen to what Ron may have to say. That's it everybody, I am Michael of Nebadon.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I am the Magisterial Son, Machiventa, and I say this to all of you. Pray that Ron can live. He is healthy, but the cabal is cutting him up. This morning, he has new blood on his legs. That is how vicious they are. We pray that the Father may take a hand.

Universal Father
This is Father, I do Ron and I make this score. Do as you must, but do you as planned as well. I am your Father. I am the Father to all of you. Remember this, he needs donations. He's too embarrassed to ask. He thinks that the extension is going to be about 65,000.

The production of the book is going to cost at least $75,000. You are not asked to make this up, or are you asked to give. But encourage others to give if they will. It is vital work. You will have a new Epochal Revelation in about 24 months. We'll leave it go at that. I am your Father.

Michael of Nebadon
I am your Creator Son, Michael. Good day.

Ron Besser
The conference is over, folks.
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