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Lunar Eclipse
« on: March 26, 2024, 11:14:50 am »
A Lunar Eclipse (click on the link to see the article) is planned on the 8th of April. I am curious to know whether it will reinforce what is foreseen on the 12th of May. Anybody ?
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Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Lunar Eclipse
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2024, 13:12:22 pm »
Clency, the eclipse in April is an omen.  Sure, many people feel that astrology is bunk, and I agree with them in one certain instance, and that is to tell anyone there is no relationship between actual planetary positions and the human psyche.  However, do not thrown the baby out with the bathwater when receiving mention what astrology has to say about omens that full moons have when combined with solar eclipses.  Let me remind all of you about astrology and the birth of Christ.

The Sumerians of the first  century AD, were keen astrologers.  The wise men who got on their camels to visit Jerusalem were chiefs of the royal astrological society the king maintained to forecast threats to his kingdom.  On April 5th, by our calendar today, the then king of Summaria  received a headline from the astrology department that there was pending a prophet was born in the ancient lands of Judea.  The king summoned his chief astrologers and told them to investigate the prophecy.  These actions are long forgotten but it does tell us how Summaria, a powerful empire located at that time in southern Mesopotamia, ran astrology to help prepare the Sumerian kingdom for eternal residence on high and be always maintained by a God they called their chief of destiny.  I also remind you in particular Clency, that the kings of this period and going back another 200,000 years of lost history, were direct descenders  of the Caligastia 100!   Those wise men knew more about what they were pursing then just a bright start appearing in the heavens as to its meaning to them.

Our history takes no direct relationship between Summaria and the doings in Jerusalem, a kingdom the Sumatrans thought was mostly tribal, but when King Suloman (not Salomon the famous Biblical King) decreed that the astrological finds of the wise men was valid in about 735 BCE in the old history of Sumerian kings, and since then, the calculations using astrological results were to be part of the Secretary of State policies and had to be investigated.  In modern language, those astrological concerns, sayings, doings had to be investigated.  I sincerely doubt this information can be verified and I take that information down directly from a transmission to me from Michael of Nebadon, and His Chief of Staff, Gabriel of Salvington.

This set up a State Department of sorts inside the Kingship government and  courts of Summaria in those days.  According to the dictation received from the Salvington archives, King Suleiman III met** with his astrologers.

**(from spiritual dictation of this history) appears on our calendar date of 5 April 9th, 07 BCE(star date of per Salvington: 003215617.- -   That translates to our calendar to day as 15 April of 07 BCE.  Believe it or not the Chief Astrologer dictated to his department heads that a King was born in Jerusalem later that year, and that the cross purposes of fear and care erupted in the King's court.  They predicted the child would rule of the world in times to come.

For that reason, King Suloman asked that the chief astrologers return to Jerusalem bearing gifts of the king to the infant their astrological calculations indicated was to be found in the are of Jerusalem.  The appearance of the brilliant birth star in those days more or less set in the minds of those selected to appear before the new king as they saw it  with appropriate gifts of the King of what we today call the Sumerian Empire.

This old history is very difficult to speak to and does not exist in any historical document, but I am receiving this  as a spiritual dictation through the ARCHANGEL circuit of the Salvington Government and it is not to be doubted.  For my own reasons I desist on further print out of this reception as I am warned the cabal wishes to make a mockery of the historical dictation of those events associated with the three wise men bearing gifts to the new born Jesus.

That said let us move on:

Let us move forward with the eclipse resulting in an astrological omen Clency.  The solar eclipse this April of 2024 has two aspects that should interest you:

1 - It happens to fall on the date selected to obtain considerable control of the primitive war over Ukraine.

2 - The eclipse is not a normal earth shadow effect but it also contains the energy we are supposing is divine.  Urantia, our earth's name by the divine naming of our earth, has no real consideration for what is to be done to clean its oceans and brighten its atmosphere again with so much carbon soot in its upper reaches.  The divinity of the proposed appearance of more Jesus material to be added to our lore in the coming century of change on earth is about to be further exposed.

3 -  The eclipse this coming April of 2024 is coincident with the Salvington complex of planets in the constellations o, not of Orion, but of Aries.  It is to that Aries eclipse I make these further remarks.

Three years ago, April of 202, the famous story about the House of Usher took place as a real event on Urantia.  It was a story of luckless sedition by V. Putin attempting to reason how to declare war on Ukraine and perhaps Belorussia and to determine how to run a counter war of terrorism in north central Turkestan.  I received spiritual dictation on these matters and serve only to say that the motivations of the Russian government was to release its fear of NATO through a surrogate war machine it could control without inventing an excuse to press war machinery up against the NATO countries in alliance against the military power of Russian  then and now.

This April 2024 eclipse socialistically signals the end of the Ukraine war, not because of the deployment of materials of war from the United States, but because Russia is hemorrhaging  its natural welfare to be a continental nation state, and will likely revert to a series of autonomous governments from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean on its most eastern coast nearly adjacent to the United States.

I dare not go further with this as the Primary Supernaphim next to me warns that the Universal Father is not upset with me trying to explain this, but that the dictation to me is subject to an oversight committee in the spirit that does not care to explain over much with the sudden change of political will either in the EU, but that the land mass known as Asia, is about to be subject to horrendous feature changes.

Astrologically, Saturn  and Pluto are arriving at a very sensitive position this April that can spell open war as bad as a world war, but the saving grace this time is that Jesus is preparing an opening salvo, and no astrology can predict what that times to earth or what his personal views will be concerning his proposed arrival on May 22nd or earlier.  We ourselves had a dictation a day or so ago that by May 15th what was to occur with a Bestowal would be clear by April 18th but now that clarity according to direct dictation with me, has been honed back a little toward May 10th or so.  Do not take these things so seriously yet as there is a lot of maneuvering in spirit to settle disputes with the cabal and insurrection recently experienced spiritually on our planet since 2019.

In conclusion, Clency, the eclipse of this April is a powerful reminder to you and to me that while these normal planetary events occur all the time, and we get and eclipse of something like almost every six months on earth, this particular eclipse is full of omens and the astrological prophecy suggests we are in for a hell of a ride during this period and we cannot discount the start or beginning of a nother world war if some nation states let it slip into chaos.

That's it for now, and posts like yours trigger these kinds of reports and more should do it.  I am fully put out with so much to ask about we get so little from the members to trigger in depth reports that such posts can start.  

Thank you for reading along and Clency do not give up Lightlines however best you can mange them.

Ron Besser/ Dictation and personal history known to me given here.  

« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 13:38:24 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Clency

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Re: Lunar Eclipse
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2024, 13:51:33 pm »
Thank you Ron for this feedback. I am not particularly well versed in astrology and its influence about the way of living of human-being on Urantia. As for the LightLine, I have been out of track due to family issues, but I am now resetting myself to keep on keeping on. 
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