Author Topic: Lesson 21 METCALF MELCHIZEDEK. Divine Right of Rule. 07.28.22  (Read 6647 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Divine Right of Rule
Thu, 7/28/2022, York, PA, United States
Receiver(s): Dominick O
July 28, Thursday York PA. Volume Lesson 21.
This is Arthura Melchizedek, and you may also address me by my M. moniker, Metcalf. We have spent the last 10 minutes downloading some subject material and I will make [it] cohesive. We have discussed the individual relationship to the state, as that state might take form, in one way or another, throughout your history. We have talked about different epochs where some Divine presence, even Deity presence, has walked upon this earth. And one of the central questions has centered around, what keeps it all together? That is a rhetorical question. And more specifically, why does any one person merge into the river of many people to the point where the tribe or nation stays together? And as we can see, it morphs and evolves and sustains or fades for various reasons. And what [planetary] spiritual government attempts to do, from the pattern of Divine Government on Paradise through the Trinity, is provide a lasting and sustainable civilization at the planetary level. To provide the Light that provides a Transcendence into Life. Light transcends to Life, and therefore, your life on the planet transcends from the Animal to the Spiritual.
Such beginnings of this happened on your planet thousands of years ago with primitive Man. These were the legends and lore, somewhat acquainted with in your imagination, and clarified through stages of revelation. But coming back to that central question, in comparing modern man today, whose relationship with the state is often an uneducated one. And, for example, in the United States is only experienced through something like a payroll tax, and the headlines saying nothing at all. Whereas, in the epochs of the past there was simply the awe and knowing that superior, divine representation offered something to their -- meaning primitive man's -- advantage or benefit. And then when those benefits ceased, and their divine fall from grace, would ever appear, those bonds between primitive man quickly faded.
But that was also helped along through Rebellion, as there were [rebel factions] in later epochs of Adam and Eve, that Van and Amadon bridged for many years prior. The factionalism of rebellion between Lucifer-versus-Gabriel in the courts, still affects this planet throughout its young history. Even to the point where not just Divinity incarnates but Deity bestows. It may only be fitting, that in setting new standards and resetting and recalibrating all your history, that all the epochs will culminate once more, in a re-established whole. And to do that will require not just Divinity to appear before you. And why should it?  It has quote-unquote, “failed us before, failed you before.” But we prefer not to use that word. It is either Rebellion or Default, and Default can be corrected.
So, for example, all that you should have, up until now, will be re-established and re-inserted. But, so that the Earth citizen of Nebadon knows their place within the governance apparatus that is imposed upon them, whether they know it or not. And what we mean to convey by this, is that often you are born into a government, and you navigate the environment within it. That is simply what we mean by imposing, it is superimposed on the overall purpose of your life. Which [overall purpose] is to ascend and create a soul capable of continuing its journey of transcendence of life.
So, what we mean to establish is governance of this magnitude and this scope. [It] will have Deity incarnate, establishing this Divine Right of Rule. And that even though there has been Default and Rebellion in the past, to remind you, that such ruling aspects as the Divine Right of Rule, is what kept things together for a very long time.
Van and Amadon had their followers over generations who enjoyed this. And the nation always stayed together regardless of its difficulties. Adam and Eve enjoyed their relatively and comparatively short time. Until it became clear a Default happened, and their divinity was downgraded. And the repercussions were relatively swift in their ability to divinely rule. Melchizedek, divinely, was the power behind the throne, but not overtly ruling. That is the Melchizedek way. And Michael-Jesus was Deity Bestowal, with a purpose and mission to reveal the ultimate pattern of the Spiritual Kingdom; and was not the [mission] purpose to establish such a Kingdom on earth at that time.
And it naturally segues into the conclusion, that now is the time. With the begging of the question, “If not now, then when?” And we all ask ourselves this question. So, we end this lesson-volume by asking all who come upon this, to begin to shift your perception and focus, and live as if that time is now. Begin that dawn within you, The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.
I am Metcalf Melchizedek. At your service we beseech the Father to bless our endeavors in His name. We serve you Michael, and follow your way, the Father-Son, the Father of Nebadon. Good day to you all.
Dominick O:
Thank you, Metcalf, this was very well received. We thank you very much.

Online Ron Besser

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Re: Lesson 21 METCALF MELCHIZEDEK. Divine Right of Rule. 07.28.22
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2022, 13:34:54 pm »
 We respond to this post Dominick for one important care:  Metcalf is Arthura Melchizedek.  He changed His mantra.  Why?  That is what I am responding to put to the question and the answer too.

You know me well enough to understand I am well educated and well connected to the spirit hierarchy we all transmit from.  However, this morning, after reading your post and trying to make sure I saw the point of the post, I ran into the person who calls himself Arthura/Metcalf, when he stood by my computer and said this:"
"You Ron care this material is understood.  Let me make one last stab at it using you to transmit one thing I did not make clear with Dominick this morning:

"There is no reason a man like you, or Dominick for that matter, needs to live under a poly-state without understanding you are already, both in the Kingdom of God, not by default but by hard effort to bring your understanding into the ways of the Kingdom.  For that reason we heard Dominick say what you said, "what is our role than?"

"Your role is to stay the course until you can be transferred into the new State, and then give allegiance to Caesar all the time as you always salute your flag and care America does the right thing in spite of your profound disagreement with your Department of State.  For that reason you and Blinken do not converse, as he is of the old school you dislike and for that reason Biden is badly advised as what to do about Russia any more.  For our own purposes, Russia is a failed state now, and must reach for the brass ring, or it will fail further and destroy a whole section of your civilization at the same time.  That said, listen:

"WE are a Melchizedek that works 'PRE MISSION' and that is to say we insert ideals into the calm of a pre mission in order to evaluate anyone who can listen, and you two (Ron and Dominick) do, and you are even prepared to place in your civilization the work of God known as the 5th epochal revelation.  That is extraordinary work, and you thank RAYSON for most of it too I see!  In any case you have done your work well and without causing a big blowup in the Urantia Foundation to boot.  We are now caring you understand, and that his forum understand, that your work combined with all the members here, now are adding to your cause the last trip to the bank as an American citizen.  In the near future you earn your bread by spending dollars with a gold standard backing, and for that reason you are allowed to stand better than most in commerce.  I say this because the entire matter is now settled, and MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK, who happens to be my Chief, are now repairing our ways in order to be better heard.

"For that reason Ron you re not moved and Dominick will be moved in the near future to bring back the old idea of feasance . and that is to understand, you get what you pray for, and you Ron get well and work, and Dominick gets himself fully in charge of himself and leaves you well done as a friend of yours forever.  He cares as much as you do and that makes a powerful bond work all the time.  Now this:

"Today's post though Dominick, is well done and easily assimilated.  You look at it easily and so do most here.  However, there are visitors to the site who cannot get in.  Your briefly opened registration yesterday and got inundated with spam so badly you had to shut it off and could not evaluate who was good and who was not.  For that reason:


"This is Arthura now.  I use a different moniker when addressing all of you:

"Let this idea of Statecraft be on your tongue now.   The last time the United States changed its government was during the Civil War of 1860 to 1864/5 and for that reason the national government went astride its bifurcated language of who in the Executive section would be Chief and so on down the other sections too.  Congress remains legislative orders, but the House of Representatives is far too large to conduct the business fully and the REGENCY to come to all of you soon, will relocate the House of Representatives to another building for safety sake, and the Senate will remain cloistered in its present structure.

"For that reason, the House of Representatives, will learn to negotiate with the Senate at a stones throw from their present location until the House of Representatives is rebuild to accommodate 130 (one hundred thirty) representatives period.  Nancy Pelosi will be enjoined to look out over not Democrats  and Republicans, but Statesmen born of the cloth of God not, but born of the people with cooperative versions of government once again.  America was once known for this savior fare and for that reason will deploy it again in the new House quite quickly.  Why can these changes be made?

"For some reason or other some of your electorate insists on Trump at the point of a gun.  That will show up again and again, yet most people in America dislike Trump and his henchmen in the media and in the countryside as people who vote that way all the time.  Their day is limited now, and the American jurisprudence in the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch of the government will re-enfranchise those who attempt to govern properly.  For reasons of State, we then satisfy ourselves that you Ron, find this so radical, you doubt its veracity, but this has been rehearsed with you before and you found it satisfying.  What is your problem now?"

RON - I see the need for this type of reform, but I get the impression this time it will be enforced, not entirely by circumstance, but by a prepared order to rule outside of the REGENCY.  This will be resisted unless you modify it to show why the REGENCY is not sufficient to introduce new government structures, not entirely by decree, but by necessity.  Thank you.

Arthura - "Now I know you are a statesman too.  For that reason you need to be in government and we will recommend you stand high on issues of the Kingdom and upon the issues of Statecraft.  For that reason then I will modify these statements to state this:

"The REGENCY is well supported by all here, but its flaw it is introduced from the outside and not within the Republic.  For that reason the REGENCY  will exist in bits and parts until it can be fully implemented, and than it will decree your participation, bad legs or not.   Some of you on this forum belong there too, but we are all aged to the point no one can repair it and we suddenly find ourselves out of people to use again and that is terrible.  For that reason some of you will become twins of the Ron rehab pattern and that is morontial but seen visibly as flesh and blood with good handshakes for all.  I am ARTHURA and now here is MAXWELL:

MAXWELL - "We conclude this post by following Ron's protocols all the time.  Hi ya and hello to the Saint of Heaven's Beeswax WHO is in charge!  MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks next:"  [Thanky Maxwell]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Well, Ron, you got a drubbing again this morning and unexpected for sure, but this is typical how we work when something BIG is about to occur.

"For reasons of State we speak not to it for now, but Ron you are in such misery you just want out to be free of the terrible pain this change has introduced.  That is the pain.  The rest is age and being a real cruncher on the cabal to the point you will not listen to them anymore and we understand why.  They are not entirely out of the wiring but so close it matters to you entirely to be rid of the nuance entirely.  But you are a kingpin in all of this and just made a new date with the Attorneys to establish a trust in the Magisterial Foundation, and well done amoeba.    For reasons of State you Ron will be cleared up quickly once this is announced fully over the loud speakers Jesus intends to ring out his new appearance, and for that reason YOU, like THEM stay inside until the horde is done with its ridiculous reactions.  Not to worry, the Pope will be back home when this happens.

"Lastly Ron, you are forcing an issue to get stationary for the Rayson Corporation and well done as I see it taking shape and at no little expense.  Be assured it could be done for half that but you are tired of waiting for all the parts to come together and they have and they are delighted to try their new machine to print the logo on the envelopes too.  Mighty expensive machine not used yet.   For that reason RAYSON has promised to appear with you at 2709 Sunset Lane, and then disappear for awhile while he adjusts his form to meet Urantia standards of appearance.  For that reason he hides his face with a cowl and walks with a gate.  You will see a normal man but beware of the difference until he is comely.  Lastly, there is a preferred meeting of incarnations with you promised sometime within the next few days.  Scratch that for now, as we cannot afford all that power with the walls of a very old farmhouse without mortar in its stones anymore.

"The last minute is vital here:  stay well done Ron, as your patent is ready to go.  They cannot argue you as you are not arguable as no one thought to contact you and for that reason you escape the wrath of physicists all over town who refuse to believe Leptons have anything in them.  For that reason you can laugh up your sleeve when you prove they are loaded and for reasons of State we let RAYSON settle the score later today.  K" MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service, and I thank you Michael for taking the time for us under such extenuating circumstances.  They will know all about it later I am sure.  Thank you from all of us."

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania