Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 10 APRIL 2024  (Read 11283 times)

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Online Lemuel

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« on: April 10, 2024, 15:10:20 pm »

MICHAEL OF NEBADON spoke of the decisions now taken regarding 

the Magisterial Mission.

Link to the recording with Lemuel your host:

Online Lemuel

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« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2024, 02:21:40 am »

Ron, I must tell you that I am deeply disturbed by the differences in our
transmissions during my Wednesday Lightline. I received quite clearly, that
the Lightlines had come to the end of their usefulness, except for your
 Sunday Lightline, which is to continue as long as you remain alive.

For me to receive such a clear and concise message from our Creator Son,
MICHAEL, and then just a few short minutes later to have it reversed
by your receiving, is greatly disturbing, to say the least.

The resulting confusion that this must cause in those who listen to the tape
recording, will inevitably raise doubts in their minds as to the authenticity
of these transmissions, supposedly from MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

Opposing messages will deter anyone from tuning in to any future Lightline.
Either my receiving was wrong or yours. I cannot believe that MICHAEL
would dictate something through me and the opposite through you just
minutes later.

Ron, I stand by what I received, that the Lightlines are over, except for yours,
at least for the time being, therefore there will be no further Lightlines on

Other Lightline hosts may choose to do otherwise, of course.

Ron, I felt it only right and propper that I inform you of my decision.


Online Moses Ouko

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« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2024, 08:52:15 am »
1.    041024 Audio Tape Wednesday Light Line USA; host: Lemuel

2.    Subjects: -Human participation in the missions is put off until Michael decides what to do with Urantia; -Future of the discussion forum in question; -No chance of success of a Magisterial mission under present conditions on Urantia; -Michael to put in place plan B of the missions; -the seventh bestowal experience of Michael as Jesus on Urantia has never been recounted fully; -the disappearance of the supreme is a tremendous lesson to the whole of the Master Universe; -Michael urges members not to throw in the towel as they are very precious; -Future news to come through the Sunday lightline only; -The other Lightlines to continue normally whenever possible; -New transmitters needed.

3.    Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek

4.    Transcribed By: Moses Ouko

5.    Link To Tape:

Hello and good evening, good afternoon to those of you who have joined this quite unexpected lightline this Wednesday, the 10th of April, 2024. We are just seven at the moment. Myself, Ron, Jose Vargas, Salvador, Robert from New York, George Meyer and Charlotte from Alabama. Let us see who we have here to address us this Wednesday, lightline. Excuse me.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, this is Michael of Nebadon, Lemuel.

Thank you, Michael. So please go ahead when you're ready.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Lemuel.
This is Michael of Nebadon. And I have mixed feelings, not about what I have to say, but about the fact that you, when I say you, I am referring to all of you, those of you who have been so loyal and did in your trust for the lightlines and for the upcoming missions that you were to participate.

Well, I am sad to say that that is no longer the case. This is why I have mixed feelings. I feel for you, for every one of you. But in any case, I want you all to know your loyalty, your care, your concern, your prayers have been and are extremely grateful for all of them. Greatly appreciated. You have a saying; the writing is on the wall. You all know what that means. It is an advice, a warning. Well, this warning has been written on the wall for quite some time. And I am sure you are all aware of it. There is no point in beating about the bush any longer. The fact of the matter is, it hasn't been a complete waste of time. No, it has not. But it must be said that the result is almost zero. That is to say, from my perspective, from my point of view, with all that I can see and all that I feel and all that I know, the sum result is almost zero. Except to say, and this is important for all of you to hear, except to say, all of you have come a tremendous way. You have learnt so many things. Your faith has grown in leaps and bounds. It is not easy to become an Agondonter.  Truly, really, to believe and to trust in our faith without seeing. You are all to be commended. Your contribution has not gone unnoticed. The truth is, we cannot do what we wanted to do and in the way we had planned for. Although, as you are fully aware, the plans, many times, were off the table and then on the table, off the table, on the table, and those that finally remained on the table needed tweaking regularly, a little bit here, a little bit there, but in fact, we have reached the point now that there is no more tweaking to be done. It simply is not worth it.

As you all know, it would have been a first for human participation in a magisterial mission. At the beginning, it was totally unexpected, but way back in the 90s, at the beginning of the first teaching mission, the possibility was there. There were transmitters who were transmitting perfectly well. But it didn't and in a way couldn't last for all sorts of reasons. And then come in more up-to-date, The light lines and what Ron has put into place, the magisterial foundation, so much work, so much preparation, so much planning for the good of all. Not least of which, of course, WTP. I have made the decision, the light lines, permanently, as you have come to understand the light lines as they have been, because the sum total is precious little use. That may sound harsh to your words. It's not meant to be harsh. It is simply the truth. And sometimes, yes, the truth can be harsh. But this in no way should be interpreted as a reflection on your poor participation or in any way human fault. That is not and has not been the case. I will continue using Ron Besser, on a Sunday, for as long as he remains alive, and you all know that he can go at any moment, and the truth of the matter is, Lemuel is in the same boat.

You have known for some time that the future of the discussion forum was under a magnifying glass, so to speak. Because of such short or little participation. But I understand there are reasons for that. It is not easy to discuss something that keeps changing as often as the wind changes direction. I understand that.

You will be informed, in fact, if the light line, I'm sorry. If the discussion forum is taken down and whether or not it is worth setting up a new one. We shall see. In fact, some kind or some type of discussion forum is necessary as long as there will be a Sunday light line to report and for you to listen to the tape. So, we shall see about that. You will be informed. Yes, I know. I know I can feel what Lemuel is feeling and I know and I can feel what you are all feeling and thinking. It is disappointment yes of course it is disappointment. Well, more than that it is a shame, it is a shame that nothing can be done as long as the people on this planet behave in such a way. The atrocities that are committed every second in some place throughout the world not only is it an abomination, there are hardly no words to describe this.

What chance is there of a magisterial mission having any chance of success under the present conditions? Well, the short answer is of course None. No chance. I will not put any of my sons in danger. No way and so yes, I can see a question arising in Lemuel's mind because he is military and I know what he is thinking and yes, we could come with all the force that I have at my disposal and sort out the problems but at the same time that would create many problems.

I and those with me must now find another way. So yes there is plan B. It is such a disappointment that plan A which included human participation cannot now take place. Something I want you to consider not already considered it, you are fully aware of the uniqueness of Urantia. All the problems that it has suffered ever since the rebellion. The quarantine, no contact from Paradise. No spiritual input for so many, many years and yet I Michael of Nebadon chose this planet for my seventh and final bestowal. To live and experience what life is like as a human through Jesus. The whole of that experience has not and cannot yet be recounted. In other words, nobody knows from A to Z what took place during my seventh bestowal as Jesus. At this moment I do not know if it will ever be told. It certainly needs to be told for countless future generations as it is the history of the Lucifer Rebellion. Has been and is continuing to be studied by so many other universes knowing what took place here because of the uniqueness of Urantia. Urantia is and always has been a school of hard knocks. for that very reason that is to say as a result of the Lucifer Rebellion.

And as you know more recently the disappearing of the supreme. This is another story that has not been fully told but it must be and one day it shall be because this in and of itself the disappearance of the supreme is a tremendous lesson to learn for the whole and throughout the whole of the Master Universe. Deity, real Deity, 100% existential Deity must remain existential only. We are still experiencing the birth pangs of the new Universe Age. So many things. So many changes and yet so many new things have been found to be necessary and the changes have been put into place. And that is something ongoing and it will continue for millennia to come.

I am coming to a close in what I wanted to dictate through Lemuel. What I do not want or what I hope I will not see, is that you individually or collectively decide to throw in the towel and try to pretend that the previous 10 years or 15 years or whatever it is, has been a total and a waste of time because that is not the case. You are not the best of your own existence. Of your own progress. Your ego may try to tell you something else. Your egos know nothing of what is truth, about your spiritual advancement. I will repeat what has been said several times. It is amazing that here on Urantia, there have come to be people as yourselves bearing in mind all of the past and yet here you are. Very few in number. This is true but very precious.

My final words to all of you are, please remember why you have been brought to this point to this very moment in your lives. because your thought adjusters have brought you here and he wants you to be here and you have cooperated with him throughout so many years of your lives. it is a tremendous achievement for all of you and a tremendous success for your thought adjusters. They are greatly experienced thought adjusters. They have all had so many previous wards that could not continue. you indeed are small in numbers but very precious. Remember that. I thank you all again once more for your participation, for your loyalty, for your caring, for your prayers, thank you. And for future news look to the Sunday Lightline only with Ron Besser and I will continue to speak through Ron for as long as he is able. and so, with those few words I say once again thank you and I bid you all a very good day. thank you, Lemuel. Thank you.

Oh Michael. Michael thank you so much. Thank you. Just give me a moment please. Need to be quiet for a moment. Well, I'm going to take a little sip. Thank you. Well, what can I say. I'm sure you all must be thinking more or less the same things that I'm thinking and feeling at this moment and yet I can say for myself, cannot speak for any of you of course I can say for myself from my heart it has been a privilege and an honour being a part in the light lines and to share the space that we have together as a little family. To get to know each other to at least some degree and to appreciate the mutual problems that we all have to face on a daily basis. Especially us oldies. Nevertheless, I myself feel it was a great privilege and an honour to be able to serve in such a small way. All right.  Well Ron if you don't mind, I'm going to come to you now and to see if you have something that you wish to say. I will unmute you now Ron. just give me a moment.

All right. Thank you.

You're unmuted Ron.

Thank you, Lemuel. can you hear me?

Yes, I hear you fine Ron. Please go ahead if you can

All right. thank you, Michael, thank you Gabriel, thank you Universe for the opportunity to speak. I want it to be known that the last few days I've been barely able even to sit up without falling into a deep sleep. I don't know what that means but probably a conclusion to my life. I don't say that easily or simply but I've had the privilege of serving Michael, the Universe, and our Father for a number of years now and it is coming to a close. I am preferably not dying but that is entirely up to the Universe to determine what I do. To Dominick, please come over, there are some things I need to finish. Number two, I’ve got to speak to Kalk, one way or another. That is one of the things I must discuss with you when you come over Dominick.

Michael of Nebadon
And number three, please let it be known that Michael of Nebadon is in the room with Ron.

Well, thank you Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
You're welcome, Ron.

And now this; I am speaking more or less as the Universe robber of things that I thought I could do and have discovered that I can't move. Michael of Nebadon is going to make possible to do the electricity. I don't know how he's going to do it we have zero interest but the second thing involved is that Michael of Nebadon is furious with all who have participated and have not done anything to promote what can be done. That is not you ladies and gentlemen that is the world. And finally this; before Michael goes.

Michael of Nebadon
I have this to say to all of you I am Michael, please understand that the light line will go and that is it will continue on Sunday at least. Lemuel is too ill to continue every time but we are asking you Lemuel to participate when you can. Let Ron know. Number two; I Michael of Nebadon am insisting that Ron stay the course for months ahead if I need him. he is not unhappy just sleepy and ill, but that can be corrected easily. Number three or four let's call it four;   I happen to believe that the entire matter of light line, the listeners, the doers, and those who would like to hear but cannot get in, are done for now. Ron will do the light lines for Sunday and will work the light lines for Wednesday until a replacement for Lemuel, if necessary is found. Elise, on Monday is happy to continue. We expect her, Elise to continue Monday. We expect the Sunday light lines to continue with Ron. We do not know about Dominick and Tuesday. But Wednesday is done unless you Lemuel, feel you can do it and then do it. There are no other light lines scheduled. Renee and Clency may do their light lines and work it as they please. You are on when you are ready to speak. I do not mean to truncate you. And finally, this, we have 15 on the call today. I see your names, your telephone numbers, and that you have logged in at a particular time. We are going to continue the Sunday light lines. We are going to continue any light line during the week, weekend. Dominick is asked to stand down. Elise is asked to continue with Monday. Ron is to continue with Sunday. in so far as I know except when Lemuel can do it, the light lines are done, for now. And now Ron I leave and you will not fall asleep.

That is excellent Michael and I thank you for your attendance.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. I will Not leave you Ron but listen to this before I leave. The Sunday light line is still the most important. Monday with Elise, Tuesday with Dominick, Wednesday with Lemuel will continue if you can, don't put it off if you can. It's too important. And finally, this for you Ron you are circumspect at best. You make no mention of the magisterial foundation in any of this because you leave it to me to make it work. I am now going to make it work permanently and truly for the considerable time between now and the future, when a mission will be sent to Urantia and that you will all participate. You are not taken off you, but you have to wait until I reconsider what to do with Urantia. And finally, this to you Lemuel, I'm giving this back to you shortly but Machiventa Melchizedek wishes to speak next. Thank you, Ron.

Well, thank you Michael and this is not over.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Machiventa Melchizedek now speaks. I am Fully disarranged. I did not Expect Michael to say goodbye even to Ron but I see he has not. The truth of the matter is; you all could participate but do not. Only Gitz, is unavailable because of the design of his mind. The rest of you can transmit. I want a transmitter for every day of the week if I can get them. Please sign up with Ron. if I do not hear from anybody by next Sunday and I don't mean this one but I mean the Sunday afterwards, I will truncate further. For now we have Monday light line with Elise, to continue. Tuesday with Dominick, to continue. Wednesday with Lemuel, to continue if he can. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are open days for other transmitters to transmit if they want to. We hope you do. Sunday is for sure with Ron. Now I turn to you Machiventa for an itinerary of what you expect. Thank you

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon and Machiventa has chosen to be silent. You’re going have to speak it, Ron. This is Michael of Nebadon. Number one; no further light lines are planned except for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is optional for Lemuel as he can do it. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, is open for new transmitters. If you can transmit sign up with Ron. He'll be glad to do it for you. The next item number two; I am fully sure that Ron, Lemuel, Dominick, Elise and Rene and Clency, are with us yet but there is illness upon the transmitters. Ron could barely get awake to do it today. He is expecting that you Dominick will be here this afternoon. It's important. The next item three or four I'm not sure; the truth of the advertisement is that the magisterial foundation still contains the bulk of the revelation of how to do WTP. Simple electricity broadcast rather than over wires. He will continue to put all emphasis on WTP and we demand that it be accepted. There are plans afoot between Dominick and Ron and a gentleman engineer called Kalk that must go through Dominick. And finally, this, I am not going to feature myself a lot except through Ron. The other light lines, Elise, Lemuel, Dominick, Clency, Rene, are expected to perform, please. The usual contact between Urantia and the universe is no longer in effect. I'm pulling it down. Those transmitters in the West will receive their final warning. Let yourself be open, Ron.

I'm glad to. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
And finally, this, I am Michael of Nebadon. I have spoken the sadness of my feelings for what has happened. The Urantia Foundation has been no help. The Urantia other one, the brotherhood one time, is no longer operational fully. They have financial problems and cannot keep it going. And finally, to you, Ron, you always have financial problems. The donations of the board and those outside of the board, especially Weydevu and Carol Deptula, are deeply appreciated. Please keep them coming if you can. If not, we will take it out of our own pocket.

And finally, this, I am, and this is Ron Besser speaking, going to turn this back over to Lemuel so he can speak Machiventa Melchizedek because Machiventa Melchizedek is not happy with me. Lemuel, I'm now turning this back to you. Machiventa should be on the line for you. Go ahead.

All right. Thank you, Ron. Yes, Ron.

Machiventa Melchizedek.
Thank you, Lemuel.


Machiventa Melchizedek.
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I'm not going to make any further comment. But I will say a few things now through Lemuel. First of all, to thank you sincerely, Lemuel, for the way you have received the dictation from Michael of Nebadon earlier on. I personally found it quite moving myself. And what you spoke to was true. And the way you spoke was sincere and I thank you for that. For the rest, let it be known or just to remind you all that myself, as the governor of the Planet Urantia, and the whole of my movement of Melchizedeks, will remain of course at the service of Michael of Nebadon and of other celestial forces that need that which we can provide. I will not because I cannot at the moment go into any kind of detail as to what will now take place as far as we are concerned, Melchizedeks. that really depends now on the future plan that at this very moment Michael of Nebadon is looking into what can be done given the present global situation. So, I can only ask you to remain alert, please don't think that everything is just off and nothing is going to happen ever again because not the case. remain alert, remain up to date with the news but keep your own counsel. and yes, take place, take part, continue to take part in the light lines when they continue, as they continue, hopefully as is still planned. And as far as I am concerned Michael of I'm sorry Machiventa Melchizedek yes, Lemuel Machiventa Melchizedek I am here and I hope always to be here for light lines. And that's all I have to say for the time being. So, thank you, Lemuel for picking me up.

Well, thank you Machiventa Melchizedek, thank you. It was reassuring thank you. Well, everybody we are just five minutes away from the hour but I'm going to close it down now and it's been well, yes, an interesting lightline. I'm still feeling a little bit down I suppose I could say as I expect most of you are as well but nevertheless, we will continue as we can. Thank you for those of you who joined and I hope to be well enough to do another light line next Wednesday. I've just been informed this week that I need another operation and I have an interview with a surgeon quite soon. Anyway, so I should be still available to do next Wednesday's light line. I hope so anyway. So, until then thank you all again once more. thank you all so much. and until next week, take care, love one another, try to be happy and good night to all of you or good afternoon wherever you are.

Thank you.


Offline SonsofGod

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« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2024, 14:07:58 pm »
Thanksgiving for this Lightline to Michael of Nebadon and Machiventa Melchizedek. Thank you, Lemuel and Ron. We are so glad to hear that the information will continue to flow. That is the most important to keep us together as a group under any circumstances, and to expel all lurking darkness. The tides will turn again, I am sure. Until then, we keep being about our Father's business wherever we are and receive instructions from within.  

The only part that is disappointing and painful is knowing that the world will not change for the better any time soon, expect if and when WTP will revolutionize the globe! That will bring much attention to the goodness of our Father and Father Michael, it might even swing the doors open to the visible Missions with acceptance. My prayer is to remove the individuals from leading positions who are the enemy of advancement for selfish reasons, and do not care to work for the best interest of the people. Let them live out their lives stripped from power positions. I know there are many, but Spirit can start somewhere that will have a snowball effect, I believe. It does not have to be that people would SEE Spirit in order to make some order in the world. Let people see some of the consequences of their actions instead.  Were we not tested and tried? Isn't that what the world needs to go through also? Some may come out like gold. May be not gold but silver, at least, as longs as turning to the light from darkness.  

The question I have left is about the SIXTH EPOCHAL REVELATION.  Will it still come to Urantia? If so, nothing has changed other than visibility. People of the world should learn anyhow to have faith without seeing when they see through such an incredible manifestation. We need to do the outreach better and that is our opportunity to partake in the Mission of saving Urantia.

Another question comes to mind that also is my PRAYER forever, will the evil ones be removed from Urantia continually and fully? There is enough suffering and depravation on the planet already without their further input. Souls are getting lost, so let there be light only and no more darkness! Please Father! No devil (or better names you call them) can stop our progress, the progress of greater Light reaching Urantia.  Let there be a constant exposure of the darkness that will cause people to able to choose the Light. Father! Please expose the darkness of corruption and dark secrets by your spiritual means!

Lastly, what is most concerning to us all for many years is Ron's health and Lemuel's as well. We pray, please Father Michael, grant them the privileges of life extension and /or miraculous healing, whatever it takes. We need them so much to keep the 'spiritual ball rolling' may it be Lightlines or WTP, facilitators of places of our family gathering. We all would also seek and be forever thankful for some healing in our aging bodies to able to stay the course. Thank you, Father, for listening. We know that your love has no end, that you consider my request and answer it. Thank you and Amen.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2024, 15:16:43 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Online Ron Besser

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« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2024, 17:27:47 pm »
This is Michael of Nebadon.  Stop it please.  You should know better than to speak for me when there is nothing but confusion, yet you all try to do it.  I have this to say.  Lemuel and Elise - you are not dropped from the schedule and continue please if you can.
Ron will continue on Sunday and provide essential information.  Elise, Lemuel continue as you have been there is no change as long as you are active.
Third, Ron is trying to figure out who is doing what and has about lost it.  Follow your schedules and do as you anticipate and I have nothing more to say to any of you as the entire trip to Urantia I have taken, it has been nothing but confusion.  Ron and I are in good communication.  He has the Sunday Lightline this week and we expect to see him then.  Follow your normal schedule please. 

Michael of Nebadon at your service.  K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2024, 17:45:52 pm »

Ron, this in no way addresses the problem and confusion experienced in
my Lightline on Wednesday.

I do not, and cannot, accept that I receive a clear and concise message from
Michael of Nebadon and just a few minutes later you receive the exact

What do you say, Ron?


Online Lemuel

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« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2024, 11:07:05 am »

Dear fellow members,

Earlier today I sent a message to Ron, informing him of my reasons for

standing down as the host for the Wednesday Lightline.

Thank you all for your attendance and participation over the past few years,

It has been an honor and a privilege for me.


Online Ron Besser

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« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2024, 11:20:44 am »
Lemuel, your Lightline this past Wednesday is still quite fine and accurate.

Michael of Nebadon, however, says this:

"You have reached a period in your life cycle you need rest and relaxation, and we suggest you do it.  Ron is bailing as much water as he can, and just saw this as it was blocked to him by the cabal, and it is serious enough to address the cabal,

You Lemuel are doing fine, and you can do the Lightline this Wednesday, if you care to.  Ron will be there if he can be and will insist the Wednesday Lightline be held, not for your consideration Lemuel, but for his own consideration that the Cabal is not going to win if he stands a chance to be there for you if you do not take Wednesday Lightline this week.

Furthermore, Lemuel, you are going to be fortified for weeks ahead so you can take the Wednesday Lightline, as Ron is fully of problems because he is undergoing a right patterson airforce base in England, not just for you but for the entire enterprise as the transmitters a re being knocked out before I arrive to constantly harass Me and my Staff.  Do not let me down Lemuel, as much depends on your announcement abilities now.  If you need an additional discussion let me know and contact me via transmission and take down what I have to say.  Take down what I say, now.  Lemuel.  Ron has no idea what it is and cannot do it now.  K -

MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Lemuel

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« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2024, 12:36:14 pm »

Ron, I am not going to argue with you but how can you say that:

"Lemuel, your Lightline last Wednesday is still fine and accurate"?

I received a message from Michael and later you received the exact opposite.

Both cannot be right.

What is meant by: "Ron is full of problems because he is undergoing

a right patterson airforce base in England" ?

Polonius, in Shakespeare´s Hamlet said: "To thine own self be true".

I am being true to myself by standing down as host for the Wednesday


It is true that I am ill and awaiting another operation so I will indeed now

take Michaels´s advise and rest.

Thank you.
