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Topics - Ron Besser

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This notice from the IRS concerning making donations to charities this year, 2021.  When filing your taxes in 2022 for2021, contributions to charitable institutions the following applies as continued from the tax year 2020 since the IRS has not rescinded this rule as of May 29, 2021.  Briefly this rule as i understand it allows deductions up to almost half of your total income and in some cases for the entire value of your cash contributions.  The old limit was $300, which is not followed religiously by the IRS anyhow so long as you can prove donations for much larger amounts.  The suspension of the old limits is copied over from their web site with the link shown below if you wish more detail.  Thank you!   Ron Besser/for the Magisterial Foundation. (See the donation page for address to give to the Magisterial Foundation.)


Temporary Suspension of Limits on Charitable Contributions
In most cases, the amount of charitable cash contributions taxpayers can deduct on Schedule A as an itemized deduction is limited to a percentage (usually 60 percent) of the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income (AGI). Qualified contributions are not subject to this limitation. Individuals may deduct qualified contributions of up to 100 percent of their adjusted gross income. A corporation may deduct qualified contributions of up to 25 percent of its taxable income. Contributions that exceed that amount can carry over to the next tax year. To qualify, the contribution must be:
  • a cash contribution;
  • made to a qualifying organization;
  • made during the calendar year 2020
Contributions of non-cash property do not qualify for this relief. Taxpayers may still claim non-cash contributions as a deduction, subject to the normal limits.
The Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments page provides information about tax help for taxpayers, businesses, tax-exempt organizations and others – including health plans – affected by coronavirus (COVID-19).




The ending bank balance of the Magisterial Foundation account to 05 March 2022 . .  . . . ..  . . . ..  $31,543.55
Donations from January 01 to March 05 total: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  .                             $980.00
Expenses from January 01 to March 05, 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $181.30
     Phone Service . . . . .. . .  $76.00
     WTP Experimental . . . $100.00 (modification Van Der Graaff machine)
     Bank Fees . . . . . . . . . ... . . $5.30

Our expenses have been modest for a change and reported above for this three month period.  The future forecast concerning money outlay is mostly unknown as it depends on just how much the Magisterial Foundation has to support the idea of the wireless electricity patent which is, if I remember correctly, is supposed to be assigned either to the Foundation or to me.  Since I own the Foundation as a Corporation at this writing, the patent is for all intents and purposes the property of the Foundation how I choose it to be so assigned.

Projected Patent Costs
I am also being asked to propose another patent regarding the regulation of energy to produce car engines without fuel.  That work is on again and off again due to my health reasons and the fact that in spite of my health, the universe and the Magisterial Son RAYSON, has had to fend off various forms of rebellion getting through to me to place the details of the new patent into my files.  Consequently, the Magisterial Foundation may be asked to pay for another patent search and then a patent application which last year cost $12,250.  There is no such expense yet this year, but forecasting for this year depends on how well we can clear the insurrection to do the patent work this year.

Status Change Pending for the Magisterial Foundation

My intention is to sell the Magisterial Foundation to the interests of the MAGISTERIAL MISSIONS, and then convert the Magisterial Foundation into a public trust with a 5 to 12 member Board of Directors, and then to prevent the Magisterial Foundation from becoming owned by anyone individual and have such ownership be perpetuated as a separate entity with its Board functioning as the collective owner.  In reporting this I admit I do not know how to do that, so legal expenses will appear this year to remove the Magisterial Foundation from private ownership to public trust ownership.   The idea is costly I am sure, and we continue to need donations of substantial amounts to make sure everyone understands the Magisterial Foundation is permanent once we get the legal work done this year.

That concludes the review our financial to this date 05 March 2022, and I thank you all for your help and interest in all this Foundation has to do and pay for.

Ron Besser/for the Magisterial Foundation

January 01, 2022 report for fiscal year 2021 income and expenses

Thank you all for your generous support of the Magisterial Foundation in 2021.  I am making a full financial disclosure for your edification as to show your Foundation's income and expenses.  These statistics are as follows:

Our Financial Activity:
Ending Balance Dec 31, 2020
January 01, 2021, Opening Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,638.65
Jan 01, 2021 thru Dec 25, 2021 DONATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,158.38
Royalties Received from book sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,930.60
2021 Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36,561.22
Ending Balance:
Balance ending 25 December 2021. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,166.41
Expense By Department
1 - Publication of two books, distribution, advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500.00
The Origins of Aids and Autism
The Crown, The Tomb, and The Coronation: The Imminent Return of Christ
2 - Patent Application for WTP Invention by the Magisterial Foundation . . $11,250
3 - Telephone, office supplies, web page services, accounting . . . . . . . . . $7,811.22

WE still have pending the WTP Patent.  That might be a good income for the Magisterial Foundation if we can get the demonstration and proof of concept concluded in 2022.  Right now I expect we may do that, but everything depends on funding.  If there are more expenses to the application to the United States Patent Office for application, I am not aware of them for 2022.

We have a new book to publish called The Cosmology of Infinity to do.  I have the third draft completed but the Magisterial Son RAYSON indicates I have to at least a 4th draft of the book before it is ready to go to press.  I am not looking to charge into the Magisterial Foundation costs for publication which it normally affords us to do; rather, it has been suggested to me by Salvington they may wish to handle The Cosmology . . . .  differently than we used in past publishing means.  

Further more in 2022, I suspect we have a new corporation to publish the works dealing with the WTP project.  That is to design and build a public utility near me to send electricity out to homes and cars by broadcasting it like a radio station without wires and all that fuss we do not to hook up to electricity.  RAYSON says we can get it going and maybe built in 2022.  That funding will be processed through The RAYSON Corporation. which I just opened its own bank account at the end of December 2021.  

Please, we still need donations to operate the basics for the Magisterial Foundation and submit we cannot do it without you and your regard for our work which is to publish those things to have the public at least recognize elements of the 5th epochal revelation as relevant to their needs and benefits.  IT is Lightlines we started and continue and many other things like this web site we provide for public information.  I thank all who supported us so well in 2021 and remind you all the world of service also requires a world of donors to keep us going.  Thank you everyone for thinking of is and giving so well in the past.

Ron Besser/Director Magisterial Foundation

Mail your donation help of check or money order to avoid cost of charges by PayPal or cards to:

The Magisterial Foundation
2709 Sunset Lane
York, PA., 17408-9566

(The Magisterial Foundation is a charity operating as a 501 c 3 corporation. Income Tax deductible contributions may be claimed in the USA.  Your government may have a similar program to check on too.)


This web site allows you to keep updated on financial markets if you find that interesting to follow.  I do.  I noticed this morning that what they call the FUTURES MARKET was forecasting an opening DOWN over 1,000 points on the DOW JONES 30 stocks.  The DOW is considered to be the canray in the mind tracker and if it signals diaster, well, Wall Street goes to the hospital.  This morning the DOW went down over 2,000 points, which is so bad, they halted stock trading to keep panic at a dull roard/

Link to CNBC:

That site updates within minutes just where things stand, and I put this up just to be sure we have a Magisterial Mission that is tryin despearately to calm these nerve jitters in the world financial markets.  CNBC tracks all of the stock markets with a great emphasis on Europe and Asia.   Those markets are in bad shape too.

MONJORONSON SPEAKS; "Ron we thank you for taking an interest in seeing to it that people are aware that the markets are outrageously down this morning and you wonder what the panic is about?  Well, there should be a lot less and that is because man cannot help himself when his money is at risk.

"Today , we have the success of foreign markets not plunging over night, and they had to wait until this monring to understand that the United States is finally getting over the Trump extravaganza of flashing symbols of wealth and realizing that the Untied States debt burden is so enormous, that there is no help if the dollar skids to new lows.  So far the dollar is holding.

"For that reason some reason will return to the markets and we hope this makes sense: 'DO NOT TRADE STOCKS IN THIS ENVIRONMENT until WE are fully in charge as the markets are now out for blood and they will rape anyone of all their holdings if they attemp to trade markets that cannot keep up with the displeasure of the Federal Reserve over America excesses in the oil patch and the coronavirus scare.  That combination has them all rattled to the point no one really understands the results of such a shock to the financial markets these days.  I am Monjoronson, and you Ron are safe as you put all your assets into cash and let that hold agains the speculative markets you saw coming.  You will not be hurt, but 401K's and other savings accounts will be brushed under such a heavy loss they may become useless soon.

"For that reason we advise all people who depend on their stocks to help them retire:    DO NOT SPEND beyond your meands to buy down stocks as they ahve much more to go.

"For this reason, also, take no blood money from the Federal Reserve when they offer stocks for sale back to the consumer at half the original price they paid for them.  That is so inflationary it will drice the inflation rate too high and then interest rates will hit the ceiling again as they did in the Carter Administration in the late 70's.  For that reason we caution all to stay liquid as you can spare it.  Be assured Monjoronson and Seara are both looking at the situation in Canada, for example, as Canada is now wearing a debt badge so large it cannot make sense of its own currency rate that is plummeting not, but is so weak we wonder how that dollar can be sustained without intervention from the US Federal Reserve.

"I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON - Ron you are near the last of your will receiving much more than this, and I see it as unusually done they hold forth with you at this point because the markets will stabilized shortly only to be halt trading for the day if the FED does not spending money it no longer has in its archive of funds based on gold they hold for ever as the Federal Reserve has not declared the US stockpile of gold to be collaterilized by Russian or French or Portuguese gold, but by hording gold the Chinese are set to run America out of the monetary business quickly.  How?  They hold six trillion dollars of debt that is American alone and another four trillion in foreign debt mostly French of all things."

"WE are now convinced you all have a good sense of what is happening this morning, but later today the NYSE may just call the day over and stop trading entirely.  The sales of stocks at any price is accelerating due to other Central Banks, moving to luquify their holdings of American Corporate securities.  But the real crisis is in the oil markets where suddenly Saudi Arabia, once the richest nbation per capita in the world, is suddenly facing bankruptcy over the Russian snub to their request to hike prices by reducing output.  Russia feels it is entitlled to as much as it can get now due to the fact Russia is losing money hand over fist due to a restricted market in furs and elementary cords of software it purchased to hold the power of markets to its decision as what to sell and what to hold in corporate bonds especially from the Untied States and corporations that have just become the latest IPO's and that stands for INTIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS.  They are vulnerable corporations having to form some sense of value to stock holders, but due to this financial crisis they are losing tons of money to speculators like the Russians are now play hard to recoup what they lost on the sales of securities it holds in perpetuity as russian alone these days.

"Finally, you Ron say to yourself, "What am I missing?  There is no reason for most of this!  And you are right, but the panic is not so much securities as the fear that the coronavirus becomes so dominant that the world must stop all activities and that speeks deep recesion or ever 1930's tyels DEPRESSION.  Most are looking at the wealth of the Untied States as so over stated they cannot maintain a common sense system at all.  We happen to agree with that and good riddance to a capitalistic body guard the US keeps placing in front of itself lately.

"The American House of Representatives needs a reformation.  The Senate less so. and all must understand that the MAGISTERIAL MISSION soon to be seen and heard, makes no bones about where the heartless versions of capitalism now reign supreme and that is in the NYSE not. but in the foreign cpaitals unnamed here due to their decision to snub the US for good and go it alone and that spells big trouble for Spain and EURASIA for sure.  Good day from MONJORONSON AND SERARA as this is the last time we let our hair down for all of you especially since Ron sees the panic outsized over not much as we happen to agree with him on it..  K"

Ron -  I am tardy today as usual trying to get my day running.  I am not so sure we get through this day finacnially capable of doing much about helping to understand this mess and really a catastrophe for American interests, followed by Europe and lastby by China itself.

"I am feeling quite sure that if China dumps US interests in bonds it also dumps its last available means to influence the world trade processes as well as it has to this point.  The world economy is based mostly on gold futures and oil sales, and both today are way down as assets the world does not need when the threat of a pandemic arises as it has recently.  I fail to understand at all why the CDC falters on this issue at all as they have the means and the ability to kill this virus off if they put themselve seriously to work, but so far the present Trump adminsitration is playing games with the Saudis over who wins the price battle for world oil markets in particular and the price of gold as a side of issue.  I am sure there are good reasons for this inb board rooms but they are missing  the point that if there is NO coioperation among nation states to stem the panic, we have not much left but empty bank accounts and loss of work stations everywhere.  That is depression folks, not recession,  I leane it at that for now.  K


The NEXT SESSIONS OF THE L.L.O.T.H.O.M.would be held successively:
The Teachers of the Celestial Family are invited and would be welcomed.
The supporting prayers of everyone are heartfeltedly thanked. 
For my part , I am praying You GOD: " so help me GOD, help us GOD. Amen.  aoi."

* All are, of the Antananarivo afternoon time

which is UTC (GMZ) + 3 hrs always standard  time.
New York time using DST at 1153AM is 1853PM Antananarivo time

To English speakers. Antananarivo is the City where these calls and Lightline will take place.

I see the some if not all Chinese banks in China are taking their stores of paper money and running it through ultraviolet light and putting it into an oven to kill the corona virus.
Here is a report from a news agency on the work to stop the spread of the virus you might find interesting:

Chinese banks have been ordered to disinfect cash before issuing it to the public in an effort to curb the spread of the new coronavirus that has so far killed 1,770 people in the country.

The Chinese government said during a press conference on Saturday that banks would only be permitted to release new bills which had been sterilized.

Banks across the country had been told to withdraw potentially infected cash from circulation and disinfect it using either ultraviolet or heat treatments, the government’s State Council told reporters. Decontaminated cash would then be stored for seven to 14 days before it could be returned to the market.

Money removed from high-risk sites such as hospitals and markets would be sealed and specially treated, but it would then be held by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) instead of re-entering circulation, officials said.

Cash transfers between China’s provinces had also been suspended, which the State Council claimed had minimized the movement of personnel and reduced the risk of transmitting the new strain of coronavirus — formally named COVID-19 — during transit.

In a separate press conference on Saturday, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the PBOC, told reporters the central bank was working to issue new, uninfected bills across mainland China.
“After the outbreak, we paid great attention to the safety and health of the public’s use of cash,” he said, according to a translation by Google. “Prior to January 17 this year, the People’s Bank of China arranged to allocate nearly 600 billion yuan ($86 billion) of new banknotes to the country.”
Authorities issued 4 billion yuan in new banknotes to Wuhan, the city at the epicenter of China’s coronavirus epidemic, before the Lunar New Year holiday in late January.

Fan added that the Chinese state would accelerate work in the field of mobile payments in a bid to prevent human contact through cash exchanges.

“It should be said that China’s electronic payment system is relatively advanced,” he said. “Recently, there have been some new developments in various places — people pay for their orders on their mobile phones, and they can buy fresh and affordable meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits without going out, which has solved a major problem in people’s lives during the outbreak.”

However, Muhammad Munir, a virologist at Lancaster University in England, told CNBC Monday that China’s efforts to decontaminate cash would have a minimal impact on containing the coronavirus.
“While COVID-19 can spread through contaminated objects, the duration of virus survival on currency notes is not determined,” he said in an email, explaining that this made it difficult to determine an effective method of removing traces of the virus from cash.

“The majority of daily purchases are already made through online shopping — the actual impact of restricting currency notes usage or disinfection will be slight,” he added.   END QUOTE


Ron here -  I do not think we ever stopped to think that the next financial crisis would come over the threat of an epidemic.  Usually it is just plain the heartless overhang of too much debt to cause it.

During the past three days the DOW has dropped 3,000 points after hitting record highs the week before.  The Chinese currency is weakened against the dollar, yet the dollar rises against even the Japanese Yen, and that is in spite of the super debt the United States holds.

he aggregate, gross amount that Treasury can borrow is limited by the United States debt ceiling. As of February 2020, federal debt held by the public is 17.23 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $6.02 trillion, for a total national debt of $23.3 trillion.  Debt of mortgages, cars, equipment, public projects is the 17.23 trillion on government loans to cover municipal and city debts plus the debt on credit cards and other instruments of borrowing.  I have no real idea what a trillion dollars is but it seems to me the system that allows this kind of fantasy to accumulate is asking for a very serious problem about solvency and what to do about the idea of debt even.

I also just take from history I have lived through, that if currencies of third world countries start to accumulate the virus of uncertainty as to their real dollar value, then the weakening of the Chinese Yuan and Japanese Yen could crack open the papering over of this tremendous amount of national debts and start another pandemic greater than the great depression of 1929.   It is fear driving the US dollar higher and the Swiss franc increasing in value too.  The EU is restructuring about six trillion Euros of debt into a world trade agreement too and that is the worst thing any organization, EU or not, as it just puts more load on the world economic structure I think is going to tumble badly, especially if this corona virus stops a lot of economic activity from ever happening.  

I post this just for your edification and it is depressing information on top of everything else.


MONJORONSON= "I am A MAGISTERIAL SON, and also an expert on world economics.  I am arriving shortly everyone and while I have done that in the past, this time I am arriving and staying regardless of what happens next.

"I am quite sure that Amethyst will get better but one of her kidneys got infected badly from drinking polluted water and that must stop as it is unusual for anything to happen like this in the United States. We also note that three rebellions were unleashed in different places.  Urantia is one of them.  I condemn  the work of the supreme now but I cannot in all good faith call the work we do on Urantia superlative in spite of the rebellion anymore.

"The United States is ready to go into one more huge debt raising exercise and the irresponsible Congress is asking all to pay higher taxes again and this time they are going to get hit hard with no reelection if they pursue it.  Debt is being used to call out of the woodwork a lot of free spending on architecturally poor roads and bridges over streams that are still polluted and cannot be held accountable to any good standard for health and safety of the consuming public.  Be assured we are ready to correct these problems of duplicate transmissions Ron experiences all the time and refuses to print any of it.

"WE are also sure that the financial structures are under such stress, that if, as Ron says above, the Chinese slip into a recession again, there will be hell to pay, as the Communist Party is reckless deciding to pull back about 2 trillion USD of loans back they guaranteed to small world countries and that just might trigger the collapse Ron warns all of you about above.  WE personally feel the the credit card frauds going on around the world could also injure the nations they appear in, as those companies that issue credit cards are liable for the debt those who defraud cause.   If this happens there will be a huge depression and I doubt Urantia could get out from under it for a decade at least.  Thank you .  K"


The following numbers apply to the Lightline telephone calls where a transmitter is able to contact the Local Universe Creator Son and other officials which are in charge of this area of space and time.  The Lightlines offer a chance to sometimes question the transmitters and the idea that information is passed down to us that does not appear in the 5th epochal revelation.  The following Lightlines  schedules are listed below and use the following dial in numbers to listen for about one hour of direct channel transmissions of the Deities and divine Sons themselves:

Local US Dial-in: 1 215-383-1625

 enter this Conference Code: 251848

All of these are 2 PM New York time zone and are weekly:

*Sunday afternoon  @ every week unless instructed otherwise:  The York Lightline.  Your host is Ron Besser.
* Sunday evening @830PM NY Time Zone Hispanic Lightline, Phoenix AZ, host is Rene Duran.  Phoenix uses its own phone numbers so see below please.
2 - Monday, same time, your host is Elise Van Ruth from the Netherlands, EU
* - Tuesday, same time , your host is Dominick Ohrbeck, USA
4 - Wednesday, same time, your host is Lemuel from Girona, Spain
* - Thursday - open
6 - Friday - same time, USA, French Lightline your host Clency
7 - Saturday - open

8 - There is a Madagascar Lightline from Africa listed and the day may vary.  Phone connections are not dependable and skip.  These are best reported by text messages and descriptions from the hosts in Madagascar.

9 - Occasionally the list will be advised of special schedules to hold additional Lightlines for announcements or discussions.

On Sunday evening, Phoenix, Arizona time, Rene Duran hosts the Hispanic Language Light line

Lightline in Spanish, El Salvador Centro America.
Host: Rene.
Local US Dial-in: 1 602-753-1025
Local Canada Dial-in: 1-647-478-7145.
Conference Code: 615480.
Sunday Time:5:30 P.M. Phoenix AZ local time. (8:30PM New York Time)

You may also use the Internet without having dial in to the phone.  Our service provides Internet access:


You will receive written instructions on the internet window

"Today is the 7th of August.  By the 12th of August there will be, somewhere, a likely financial melt down.  It is likely to be in Asia, but not entirely predictable.

"Clency notes the so called Chinese NASDAQ, and we have God the Ultimate fooling around again we see and we request cessation of  this interference.  Be assured we can blast it free if we have to . . . . . .

GOD THE ULTIMATE - THIS information is priviledged and must cease.  You Ron completely upset us with your reporting. [God the Ultimate you are not the Censor at all . . . ]  I am God the Ultimate and leave.  Good day. 

RON HERE - We let this exchange stand to show that interference by experiential Deity continues on Urantia.  You who transmit will have to be sure you know what you are doing to get clearance to continue at least for the time being.  I appeal to our Superiors to find a way to prevent this interference as it will kill of all development with work on Urantia thrugh normal channels . . .

SERARA - "tHANK YOU Ron and we continue . . .

"The last past year, we have forced a new issue on Urantia and China has taken advantage of the break down in currency discipline once fully controlled by the United States alone.  China just moved 94 tons of gold into its financial system to buttress the Renminbi which in turn is the foundation to the off shore Yuan, and that is the Yuan that has an exchange rate, and now is in the position to take the US Dollar for a real ride into oblivion.  Only if the United States backs it currency in gold will it have equal partity with the off shore Yuan now.

"Ron asked me to comment on this situation and I am glad to do it.  God the Ultimate now sees it is educational and not for financial gain, and Ron correctly reminded HIM that He is not the Universe Censor on these items at all and that settled the issue.  This:

"The Renminbi is the basic Chinese currency.  It is a hold over from Mayo Tse Tung decades ago when the Leap Forward was the thing and China need foreign currencies to trad at a profit for a change.  But the Renminbi has not gotten too powerful and is forcing the US Dollar back into safe haven status, and that in turn forces the Renminbi to flush itself with gold to keep pace with the increasing value of the dollar.  For that reason, China today asked the US Dollar commission to allow the Renminbi rise to dollar status and they refused it by noting it was not a Reserve Currncyy such as the US Dollar and British Sterling and almost the Swiss Franc.  For that reason China became belligerent and shot the dollar down today but failed togain ascendancy much to their grief and surprise.

"We are sure now that the trade war will relsult in the destruction of one or both currencies.  However, the US Dollar has such strength every where that it can sustain a run on the dollar and not be bothered all that much by traders offering a premium to the gold petro Yuan or the gold Renminbi.  This is a superb lesson on currency manipulation, and China is now caught red handed doing just that and is fined by the US Dollar by strenthening against the Yuan in particular now trading just below 7.1 to the dollar.  It's traditional trade is 6.9 to the dollar and just one tenth in less value to the Yuan costs China about one hundred billion in profits.

"if this ever breaks out into a hot war, China has the financial power to lease the United States navy at one hundred billion dollars a day and win the war.  However that is impossible and China in spite of its military and navy buildup is woefully behind in striking power and they know it and are being very careful not to start anything they cannot finish.  

"Finally, the US has to put its financial house into order or it will be crushed by the new currencies the Magisterial Foundation will show the world by backing the Magisterial Dollar to replace the USD.  The USD is worth roughly 97 cents today compared to the 1986 US dollar and that is based on what the dollar then could buy as what it can buy today.  There for awhile the USD was worth more than the 1986 dollar but those days are pretty well gone for now. 

"I conclude that there is every good reason to proceed with the Magisterial Foundation first without a currency involved but we have the full faith and trust of the Salvington Government behind us to back all Magisterial Foundation Dollars to the value of 1.05 compared to the 97 cents the present dollar is worth today.  Following that. the Chinese trade war with the United States will destroy both currencies for already the BOJ is fully dependent on the war to bolster the Yen and Ron looked at it today and wondered what happened since the dollar last week exchanged to the yet and 111 and some change, and today it is 105-106 and increasing in value more.  This indicates and imbalance between the dollar and the yen to almost ten percent of its bond yield in the US bond market, and spells big trouble for Japan if they do not intervene and reduce the Yen back to 111.

"Finally, the USD is not floating against the Chinese Yuan for parity.  Parity means equal to the other.  China has enough wealth to have the Yuan equal to the value of the dollar, yet they spend it over seven times higher to force the dollar to eat the extra value of the Yuan and that is what Trump is so angry over and Trump warned China over a year ago that it dare not exceed 7 Yuan to the dollar or the US would snub the Renminbi and force it off the market.  This has not yet happened, but it will if China goes belligerent in the South China Sea.  That is all we have for now folks.  SERARA.

MOTHER SPIRIT - "I add this Ron, you are polite but firm with God the Ultimate only because you do not understand his need.  His need is to blast you out of the place but has learned without you there is a parity problem with the Missions themselves.  and you never saw that coming but are under the hell week again of the Ultimate forcing itself on you.  Good luck."


GOew TopA

The Urantia Foundation vs Millennium III & The Matter of False Revelation
York, PA
January 07, 2019

I have, in part, excerpted a post from another Category to bring this announcement to the fullest attention I can for all parties concerned.

The Urantia Foundation (UF) is now asked to respond in some manner to the allegation they have defaulted in their fiduciary responsibility to provide protection against the misuse of the fifth epochal revelation.  This fiduciary responsibility includes not making false statements or providing fail safe publication rights of others who purport the reception of revelations other than the fifth epochal revelation. 

Please read the following reactions among the Deities over what is now appearing on Amazon.Com and the sale and distribution of a false revelation in part titled: 

In discussion with Michael and his Staff recently, the Archangel Michael instructed that they now hold that: MILLENNIUM-III-URANTIA, . . . is an apostate act.  That it was meant to confuse and divide the readership much as Lucifer traded barbs with Caligastia in his famous defense to kill Urantians first and ask questions later. Caligastia responded with the death of many individuals on Urantia and refused all to go over for resurrection based on the Lucifer Manifesto, to divide and conqueror all opposition to Lucifer’s belief that he alone ruled who would or would not criticize him or his administration.  It may taken  the high Court of a Gabriel vs Urantia, to permanently assign removing this false document from Urantia and to restate that the purity of the divine revelation delivered to Urantia through the Sadler Contact Commission (1934-1935), was protected and protecting further revelation appearing without approval of the Ancients of Days first.  We may establish a Supreme Court hearing on the case of Gabriel vs Urantia Foundation as a basis to clean up with a further adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion.

This creates a serious pall over the goodwill of the Urantia Foundation which has not litigated the inappropriate appearance of afore mention title for distribution through Amazon.Com and I speak fully no more other than to state that the Deity Absolute, speaks cautiously about what was not done bu the Urantia Foundation for not litigating against such false and intrusive document known as  MILLENNIUM-III-URANTIA-.

I want you all to know that until my dying day, I will never tolerate this kind of joke on the faithful.  I hold the Urantia Foundation harmless in producing it hopefully, but where is the litigation now?  when a false revelation is presented as a similar book to the Urantia Book and that they do not deny that it is not theirs?  No Contact Commission was established by the Urantia Foundation.  Nor do they deny that this volume is not theirs and that no litigation is forthcoming to protect the true fifth epochal revelation from revisionists who published surreptitiously Millennium III.

The Second Contact Commission was established in York, PA on or after November 16, 2018.  As a member of that Contact Commission, I asked the Magisterial Son to speak and add his weight to what I see is the true need for litigation over this matter and to whom it falls to litigate on behalf of the Salvington Government.  SERARA. The Magisterial Son of record to Urantia, to speak:

SERARA = "Until Ron showed me a picture of this book on sale on Amazon, I did fully appreciate what has been done.  Ron does not have the language to pursue what needs to be done here and I am immediately institution litigation against the Urantia Book interests to remove the tyranny of a lie about epochal revelation they allow to continue as a farce against criticism over their lack of standing firm in the face of great evil on Urantia.  Mo Siegle is responsible as the litigant with the universe as the person specifically to bring suit against the Foundation for failing his fiduciary responsibility  for failure to advise the fiduciary responsibilities of the Urantia Foundation to prevent serious copying or changing of the will of the Father to be the only one to provide epochal or periodic revelation to Urantia.

"Further, let it be known, that as of today, the 7th of January 2019, I am taking immediate action to fully declare the Urantia Foundation null and void until they show how this book is allowed to prevail while they litigate minor infringements of a once proud copyright of the English epochal revelation known as the fifth epochal revelation.  Their failure to step in and stop this publication from appearing is a full statement as to their intent to run things as they choose and refuse to protect the ideals of epochal or even periodic revelation as they are mandated to do by their Declaration of Trust.  I am incensed over this as Ron was months ago, and we should have payed attention to it then but cause and effect bury these issues on Salvington at times, and I am asking Michael to act as he feels as he should at this point on this matter and quickly if he can.  I am SERARA and I have spoken as the Magisterial Son of record on Urantia, and that I am on Urantia today and for the foreseeable future as of now."

MONJORONSON, MAGISTERIAL SON CO-DIRECTOR of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia.

"I am Monjoronson, and I was aware of this document but let it slide as we had some other business to contend with the Urantia Foundation, which is now, in my view, finished as an organization of trust to obtain the fiduciary requirements to protect the fifth epochal revelation from such false and spurious publications.  I am truly and seriously upset with the appearance allowed by the Urantia Foundation to so appear at all and that the guilty party or parties must be rooted out and deployed forever and after never to work in the world of revelation again.  I sign this with my Brother, SERARA, and beseech Michael of Nebadon to look at this and take appropriate action. K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON AS SPOKEN BY GABRIEL OF SALVINGTON, the Bright and Morning Star of the Local Universe of Nebadon.

"Well they did it again, did they not!  This is the second volume to make this grad of false and gratuitous misbehavior that rises to the level of rebellion by a person or persons who know better than to ever perpetrate this kind of hoax on the faithful of Urantia.

"I stand ready to take what action I should according the direction of our mutual Deity defenses on Salvington, to either remove it ourselves or to remove it through the litigation of the Urantia Foundation recent of Chicago, Illinois."

Ron here -  As the Chair for the Contact Commission established through the Magisterial Foundation, I am bound by my oath to serve to the Paradise Trinity and to Michael and the Creative Spirit of Nebadon, to pursue the policies of the Creator Son in this matter, and I will do so.

I also conclude this short response to the assessment of January 4th by my own hand to all on this forum, and declare myself mobilized to take care of the first order of business to bring suit against the appropriate litigant under the direction of the Melchizedek Corp on Urantia and in the common care of the Local Universes of Sensalon, Avalon, Wolvering, and four others not revealed at this point.

While this alliance or amalgamation of seven Local Universes in this area of space has nothing directly to do with this particular case of malfeasance, I draw your attention to the fact that all seven Local Universes have amalgamated the entire creation of the Melchizedek Order to the brief attention for them as a total group to advise Urantia, and its Supreme Court of which Machiventa Melchizedek remains as its Chief Justice with seven or more other Justices to attend the bench, as how to approach any universe litigation against Mo Siegel and/or the Urantia Foundation.

They all recognize a mutual interest in this case, and advise Michael on the proper procedure to use to remove the offending book published as an addendum to the fifth epochal revelation in most cases.  I hold further that Machiventa Melchizedek knows of this breach now for at least two years, and that I brought it to the attention of authorities a little less than a year ago when I finally realized nothing to remove it was done by anyone or the Foundation itself as based in Chicago on Diversey Parkway. 

“Ron is properly incensed over this lack of faith by the Urantia Foundation and a leader known to us as  Mo Siegel, yet Ron is aware that some compromise could be reached without litigation if the Urantia Foundation simply had it removed and never to see the light of day again.  Mo Siegel has purposefully confused the laity over this matter but yet is held responsible by Ron Besser as head of a new Contact Commission established on Urantia this past November for purposes of raising the funds and the wherewithal to produce a new sixth epochal revelation.  It is to be done in accordance with the Sadler style Contact Commission, with the proviso Ron can figure out how to expand its numbers to at least five, but now finds every road leading to appropriate individuals is blocked.  No more is it blocked as it is now renewed to see to things like this that raise up and may not be aborted because of the lack of funds to prosecute wrongdoers such Mo Siegel and certain Trustees who aver this is a proper response to Ron and his ABC Summaries.  Ron never represented it as anything transmission contact for the purpose attempting new revelation to see how those who read it reacted.  We must say he did his job well and fully and we have proceeded with the sixth epochal revelation in revision as of today.  We amend any subject discussed on this amendment except to the now fully operating Contact Commission established on Urantia with Ron Besser as its chairman elect, as simply no one else can do it at this point anywhere on Urantia.

“As Machiventa Melchizedek, I established the authority of the First Contact Commission, and it is with my authority for the Second Contact Commission to have its operation in York, Pennsylvania at 2709 Sunset Lane.  I further stipulate that Steven Gitz and Larry Gossett are the other two on the Commission and they have a load of work to do to establish it fully under my authority on January 15, of this year.  I conclude my stating that this Millennium III book is an abomination, and if it is not removed from all distributors at once, consequences are looming for Mo Siegle and the other Trustees of that Urantia Foundation institution we were once so proud of.  I rest my case for further instructions to all of you later on Ron.”

“Unknown to the readers of the fifth epochal revelation, there has been an amalgamation of seven Local Universe organizations to share administrative  peculiarities coming out of the dire consequences of the Lucifer Rebellion, instigated over 250,000 years ago and not adjudicated by the Ancients of Days until March 16, 1986, that being the date of the announcement to Michael of Nebadon on Salvington at that time.  This pertains directly to the false publication now appearing on Amazon.Com and other distributers of this false book as we still have an open court case of Lucifer vs Gabriel of Salvington, and this fits perfectly well what we must contend with to end the influence of the rebellion instigated by Lucifer long ago.

Ron Besser - In accordance with this amalgamation of Local Universe, I also prepare my fellow Commissioners to bring this disagreement with Siegel and the Foundation, first, and if necessary, to bring the restraining force of an injunction advising Amazon.Com it is no longer is legal to continue to sell the offensive book noted above any longer, and to advise the Urantia Foundation of its fiduciary responsibilities.  Much could be saved in time and money if the Urantia Foundation found it motivational enough to advise Amazon.Com and any other distributor of the offensive publication and as it may be extant to other distributors, that it is no longer legal to sell or distribute false revelation that comports itself as an addendum or update to the fifth epochal revelation whatsoever.

We also must avoid making inflammatory statements further if the Urantia Foundation complies with the Salvington request and demands the false revelation as noted by title above is to be removed.  I also stipulate we have our charge to undo what the Urantia Foundation allows to pervade the readership through distribution of the false revelation, and no amount of careful wording or unusual means to legally protect the sale of this false revelation will undo a court case against the existence of the Urantia Foundation, until at least, this matter is settled to our satisfaction.

Further, I am a Contact Commission member, and I am charged with the idea that no one may either be or call themselves a Commissioner of this status without first offering proof they have taken an Oath of Service to the Paradise Trinity, and that a secondary Oath of Compound Service is already taken to the Sovereign Head of the Local Universe, Michael of Nebadon and the Creative Spirit, together.  All of these things have been done and categorized on the Salvington spirit records.

We also claim the right to change our minds and our intentions if there are subsequent actions by either the Urantia Foundation or its subsidiary in fact, the Urantia Book Fellowship, to mitigate the anger and confusion these publications can do to an unsuspecting readership now or in the future.

For the preceding, I sign this announcement off on behalf of the Magisterial Sons of Record on Urantia; the Lord Michael, chief of Staff for the various missions now coming to Urantia and in some cases, already in place for service; for Margul the Trinity Teacher Son and who stands with this surprising and revolting development against true epochal revelation; and for all others who chance to stand with the Melchizedeks and for myself, against what has occurred now far too long to distribute this publication with a straight face, or a dirty face for sure, to perpetrate this disharmony on an already seriously disturbed world we all call Urantia from the genuine epochal revelation published first in 1955.

Ron Besser
Chairman of the Second Revelatory Commission
York, PA

The following transmission is from the Magisterial Sons SERARA and MONJORONSON to our Chinese Guests.  It is meant to betray no secrets but is in the native language of the majority of Chinese speaking people called Mandarin.  We have Ding Xin Liu to thank for this translation to our Chinese guests, and we hope English speaking individuals do not mind us using the language so many our Guests use.  Thank you.  Ron Besser/Admin

MESSAGE BELOW: (Click on picture to enlarge it to read better)

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The China Currency Problem Is Serious - A Notification By SERARA
Michael of Nebadon
Serara, The Magisterial Son, Chief

York, Pa USA 1am Local Time
October 23, 2018

This is Michael. And please quote me:

“We have hit not a snag but a problem in the world financial scenario.  China is bulking at doing anything to prevent the devaluation of the Yuan, and as such will cause a major rift in the financial markets beginning next week or a little earlier.  This disaster looming is because China as a trade balance deficit not and refused to cooperate with other world powers to bring the Yuan into proper balance with other currencies.  Since China is so large, it moves and it makes waves whatever it does.  Eastern currencies of Indonesia are running fine without parity to China or the US, and the Real is doing fine there. But Australia and its dollar is pegged to the US dollar and it is getting jostled with the Yuan since Australia imports so much from China these days.  As a result the Chinese consider Australia one of their best countries but China also refuses to refrain from currency manipulation to get the best price for their goods by devaluing the Australian dollar and not their on Yuan.

“As are result, the Magisterial Son will provide a shot across the bow of the Chinese Ship of State, and refuse to let the Yuan hit parity with any currency so long as China refuses cooperation.  If the Yuan hits seven or so to the dollar, the United States will retaliate and devalue the dollar.  If China lets the Yuan drop below six point five Yuan to the dollar, China will retaliate and force the US to recover from Chine selling all of its treasury bonds on the open market.  That will cause the Federal Reserve to massively infuse national banks in the United States and will cause stock prices to falter ot pre world war II price ranges of from 10,000 to 15,000 on the DOW.  Today the Dow runs in a range of around 25,500 and such a drop is in excess of fifty percent on the Dow markets alone.

“In 1987, Ron in particular remembers the huge stock sell off in October of that year.  The Dow lost thirty to forty percent of its value in three days and only the massive intervention of Japan and England and the Federal Reserve stopped the panic.  Today we have Japan in our corner, but England is fresh out of good will with Trump and will likely sit on its tail unless really pushed by the Federal Reserve to intervene.  This means the dam can break this time when China starts selling US Treasuries and causing huge rifts in international gold markets and oil pricing at the same time.  Oil may crash or it may soar; it is that unpredictable.

“Nonetheless, this post is a warning to all nations: ease back on your monetary controls if there is a financial panic over the US Dollar, and if there is watch out for all savings and loan institutions as they are not as well indemnified by the Federal Reserve as a national bank is these days which insures your accounts up to $250,000 of value in it.  After that amount you may lose it in a panic.  However, we do not expect it to come to that, but it could.

“Finally, we will indemnify all fused humans who work for us as the Team however that comes about or when.  We cannot forecast that well right now, but any losses because of financial panic will be made up especially for Ron and Lemuel who are old now and have no incomes to depend on themselves.  Ron will have his salary as well and that can be kept clear of banks by joining our Magisterial Foundation Trust Department of about more on that much later this year.  Good day.  Michael of Nebadon.”


“I am disappointed in China again.  They have a couple of hard liners in control and they need to be put out to pasture if China is ever going to survive the great financial changes that will take place very soon on Urantia.  The present world situation when it comes to trade was destroyed by Donald Trump in his attempt to get a better trade deal, but he has failed more or less because the world is not after equity but after wealth and it will not work that way at all.

“I am proposing that we will stand very little of these shenanigans and can force the markets to behave by placing heavy tariffs on trades that are inimical to stability for world trade exercises.  I am sure that the House that Jack built will cause problems down the road as the Chinese prefer to use that structure instead of listening to the wiser voices in their government who feel the United States is not entirely wrong to cause a pandemonium by refusing to trade with China under existing conditions.   If the world understood that the United States has shouldered world trad on its own for so long, it got used to being profitable, but countries like China have a much lower wages scale and no one bothered to adjust China’s output to the proper scale for sales in the United States at all.  That has led to a problem with the bulky segments of the American market and its manufacturers and they are not going to take it anymore.  As a result China must either agree to a new wage scale or drop all pretense it can trade satisfactorily with the United States.  That means a forty to fifty percent trade balance in the positive for China is the United States fails to enjoy trading privileges with the PROC.

“We conclude this post with one final remark to all of you.  This Transmitter is frankly too old to carry all he does but he does it without complaint and works hard to make sure we make a good impression in writing.  We will continue to use this transmitter until he drops dead.  He will be bak in the pink in a few days we hope and that is that.  Leave the idea of your redemption in the first paragraph show as all should know the truth of the cost physically all this is to you.  Good day.”


“We speak closely to all on these matters and to Ron who must obey the laws of physical gravity, he will be made whole shortly in spite of our determination not to create miracles on Urantia this time, he can have one and be done with the entire matter of age when we finish the changes to his physicality shortly.  In any case we must also aver that Ron is the only one we can trust to be ready any time any where to take an emergency message as it may be.  Be assured we leave no stone unturned for a transmitter to fill in if Ron goes down a day or two which is to be expected in the coming months of travail and surgery for his jaw and teeth.  The bone is worn out and he needs implants to keep the mouth working as it should.  In any case the Chinese problem is not our problem entirely, as the Consummator of Universe Destiny is warning that no one will cause such a disaster if they can keep it from happening, and that spells big trouble for China if it gets in wrong with that entity on high." 



“I am pleased to say that Ron has captured exactly what we wanted him to od this morning and early afternoon, and that is to post a donation link to help maintain this web site.  It is very valuable to us as outreach to the rest of Urantia, and it is quite valuable to places like China and Russia which do listen to our reports on currency fluctuations and policies we will provide once we are on Urantia and operating as we should in a Magisterial Mission of great quality.

“I am now providing a policy statement from the Magisterial Mission itself:


SERARA, CHIEF OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION - “We are experiencing a decided shift in our regular concerns for currency exchanges as they happen in the present world trade imbalances and other trading issues not yet on the table for discussion between the United States and China, and various other countries in which the United States is changing its agreements for trade with them or collectively.  We are processing our concerns this way:

“Natural causes will likely bring down the usual ways to trade in the near future.  The present predictions we have is that Urantia will undergo a pole shift in about six weeks (today is Oct 22, 2018 1400 New York Time DST) and if this properly proceeds, we will have a dark period on earth beginning sometime near the end of Novermber and perhaps early December, depending on the exact date of the dark period to being.

“It is a matter of chance which part of Urantia is in the lighted area from your sun is over you, and which area of the earth you are in that is in the dark shadow at that time.  Our forecast is that York, Pennsylvania, USA, will be in the twilight area between total darkness and bright sunlight, but it cannot be predicted so well as to be sure of that.

“In any case, the event will cause shipping and rail traffic to almost cease, and the trucking firms will have problems of polarity affecting engine running perhaps.  We are not clear as to how this may transpire with electronic starting and stopping in the newer engines used on Urantia today.  Meanwhile, be assured there will be trade problems and eruptions of great need for certain goods during this pile shift that will also affect the axis tilt of the planet too.

“As a result of this event coming very close, we are to insure that currencies should be protected while we wait for earth to right itself and get back to its diurnal cycles which may affect daylight and dark at slightly different times than Urantia has been used to for millennia.

(Pole Shift Approximate Dates Given next)
“I will institute a ban on all currency manipulation during the period of the pole shift which we estimate is dated roughly from 9am, 28 November,  New York Time standard time. Daylight Savings Time ends in the New York time zone at 2am November 4th this year which is a Sunday, and the pole shift event will end, we believe, about January 5th or 6th 2019, at about noon, New York standard time.  During the period more less from 28 November, 2018 through January 10 or less, 2019, a ban will be placed on changing exchange rates entirely.

“The Chinese Yuan will trade for this period whatever it stands at November 28, 2018 at noon that day in New York, and will be reopened for exchange rate adjustments on January 5 or 6 or as late as January 10, 2019, depending on world conditions at that time.  The dark period or light period for this shift lasts about 34 or 35 days.  We will keep you informed if this information changes.

“All other exchange of currency rates consideration are the same dates for control as stated above for the Chinese rates.  In any case, we must make amend to two other considerations:

1  - No amount of exchange rate examinations will be allowed once there is a visible representative on Urantia soil until the full temptation to devalue currencies is abated or stopped entirely.  Urantia (earth) cannot afford a currency war on top of a trade war that is developing into monumental proportions thanks to the Trump
intransigence over rates and styles of barter or trade itself.

2 - There is good reason to believe that the entire matter of currency devaluations will be allowed ever to take place in a year or so, as we insist on indemnifying the United States dollar and the Chinese Yuan as major world currencies, and will provide gold reserves plentifully to control speculators who ruin all world organized attempts to keep currencies relatively stable.  Our choice will be to keep New York and Beijing informed as to what trades are allowed and how much.  But until that is established real time we will just announce this policy in general for now.

3 - Our work is about to commence during the dark period of the proposed pole shift coming swiftly to bear on this planet due to extreme heat building in the earth’s core, and we must be sure that everything is ready for our reception in York, Pennsylvania, as well as we will use those Magisterial Foundation offices to place controls where we have to on the world financial markets.

“I am Serara and end this with an entreaty to Ron to stop scratching his nose as I am truly ready to take on the entire matter very soon with the help of Michael of Nebadon, as we are very late now, and must grab hold of financial concerns and controls as best we can.  I am belatedly beside you Ron over head as you correctly surmise we who are Deity can fold space and be present anywhere we wish to be.  China will learn, you have done so already and we thank all for listening.  Serara, the Magisterial Son of Record for Urantia.  Serara.”


Dear Guests, we have a Mandarin message from our Lord God, Michael of Nebadon.  Because we are using Chinese characters I had to place it in a graphic box for you.  Thank you.
Ron Besser

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To Our China Audience - The Following Information For You 15Oct2918 | ChinaNetCenter

Dear China Message Takers for China

I am the Magisterial Son that has been promised to come to this planet for the past fifteen years.  I remain in spirit, but the entire uiverse watches the primary players in the financial markets on a planet we call Urantia.  You call it earth.

As that Magisterial Son I am planning to arrive on Urantia (earth) in a few short hours or days.  Time is very difficult for spirit to assess and we have no direct way to “time,” or as to duration of our travels.  It takes me, the Deity known as the Magisterial Son, ten minutes of your sixty minute hour to travel one parsec.  That is the equvialent of moving at the speed of light over sixty of your light year measurements every hours of your time living on Urantia.

Let it be known that Spirit has no friends and it has no enemies.  We simply are.  Now this: I am the financial worker in spirit for the work to be done on your planet in the coming one thousand years.  That is one millennium in Western vocabulary and it is known well in China as well.  Your masters, the leaders of your country, know me already.  They have spoken to me frequently through mass media and through this particular web site.  We will use this web site and will provide answers to questions you pose, but please ask them in English and direct them to the email as follows: 

That arrives in the mail box of this transmitter and he has our permission to respond to your questions in a direct reply to your email at your computer as you may wish it to be directed.

Finally, the trial for the entire planet is to be sure you, China, understand we will not permit belligerency on any front so long as it is not justified.  War is soon forbidden on Uranta.  We must prepare an invasion of spirit to the planet withing a few short weeks from now, and all will be included and that includes all of China and the people of Urantia as well. 

We complete this message as follows: This web site may go down when the confusion becomes apparent that we are here and controlling media and transmissions to prevent confusion.  Those channels of news who misrepresent the news will be turned off.  It is not to panic but to control outrageous acts of sacrifice or killing or other misdeeds due to panic.  Let this message suffice for now.  I am SERARA, that is my name, and I am a Son of God, and unlike Western religions, we are not one but millions, and we come strictly in peace to all mankind.  Good day.


October 11, 2018
9am Local Time, York, Pennsylvania, USA

Economic Co-Dependence Is Useless

“his is SERARA.

“We are now at the point in this unhappy economic period to not ever say to anyone this is wrong ir this is right.  We now all must deal with the idea that the entire matter of economic co-dependence is useless. 

“There is no world trade balance today,  and we are truly amazed you can hear at all that this is a tirade that must be concluded before it starts.  Julio (Brazil) is genuinely happy to see a message that at least supports the idea of normal trade relations but hates the idea of governments doing what China is doing these days. 

“We all do dislike it as Brazil dislikes it, but poor countries, becoming poorer have no choice.  Their economies will not suffer briefly, but their economies will then turn down without any relief in sight when most of the good will in the trading nations disappears.  That is our view as of the moment, but let me add this to the following insult we bring to the United States as well.  

“United States: you have made the worst deal in the history of the world to erect trade barriers to force a re-evaluation of the monetary system.  Trump makes no amends but forces a trial where there should be nothing but gratuities today.  In this we make the following evaluation:

“United States: you are using a world leverage against a rich country that once was a poor China.  Now it is a rich country, but too late to help you, and too late to help anyone, as they have driven a wedge into their own economic relations with the East and laterally, to the West.  I am sure the United States will hear the name of “lame excuses,” from its Chinese counterparts, but they are as poor in thinking as is the United States and the Trump administration is using.  The United States can no longer afford a pair of tongs to lift anyone or anything out of the mire of a Great Depression that shifts its way into use over and over again as the United States flails over China and other trade pacts it finds ludicrous today. There is a Great Depression soon to hold the world in its fangs once more. 

“Trump, you have unwisely concluded that China is an enemy State, but it is only the frail caricature of an enemy State, and seeks self distribution in its own area of influence.

“In so many words, the trial to redo the American free enterprise system is over.  The US Government cannot undo the disaster Trump has perpetuated, but it can undo the administration in the upcoming elections.  Unfortunately the United States cam no longer pretend it is sits on the high ground of economic development any more. And we must make amends not to China, but to Singapore the British have finally given up on in order to restrain the Chinese beast for money and goods it really no longer needs or wants in final attribution to the old idea of Empire.

“Finally, the appearance of an economic military mission to the world of Urantia, is being drowned by the incompetence of the military in China to sustain its power over its own internal interests.  The regime that holds China together right now is rich and unhappy over the entire world view held by the United States, and it will throw the United States curve after curve providing the American Senate to someday endlessly review; however, it is not our intention to ever intervene in the to and fro of political bickering that takes place between these two, once friends, countries at the moment.

“Now I make a policy statement for those who read these pages with a fine toothed comb:

“The Magisterial Mission to bring sanity and health back to a world desperately alone in the universe and in our own view, even alone in the ways of high Spirit these days, and it is a world without a chance for any kind of romantic clearance of all its problems by Deity fiat, we say the following:

“In the United States, there is no real love for countries like China who bargain hard and leave nothing on the table but economic grants to purloin other countries to its own advantage.  This is especially true for those in Africa, and strangely enough, Brazil, but also to leave nothing to develop once they leave a country.  Be assured  this view we hold will make sense once there is an understanding in the United States, that nothing matters except to revive domestic production again, to protect a stand alone economy while a Great Depression is fought off once again.

“I am Serara, and I decry the need to lecture the little ones who read these pages, as they should be fully aware that all of us in spirit use these pages as a way to speak to all the world which hardly knows we exist yet.  But they will!   In this case I use a transmitter to put down words, not of glory, but of fear mongering to those who dismiss these statements as coming from fools and tirades of luckless men and women around the world. 

“The motivations we hold today is to advise all who do read these pages with or without rancor, you will learn we mean what we say and very soon.

“I am Serara, and that is a line we must respond to ourselves from our position of strength in the higher levels of universe policy toward developing planets which have spun themselves into a loss and not a wind situation.  I am truly sorry we must approach Urantia with these bee hives of unjust economic attitudes, but places and countries that deem themselves out of the world order only because they can afford to be out of the world order if bashed by a country like the United States, or even China itself, there must be a return to equitable trade with one world currency, and that is the entire aim of this Magisterial Administration, soon to be totally encouraging all who can serve, to serve.

“Finally, I am the Magisterial Son of Record on Urantia.  And I demand that all work stop at once on the ridiculous idea of a fence with Mexico, and the fire storms of Saudi Arabian bombing of Yemen.  However, let it be known the United States has been prudent in its application of power by insisting that the Russian idea of hegemony over Syria is wise enough,  given the forces unleashed by the Saudis and the Americans over Yemen and other place in the Middle East.  There are desperate times coming and they are badly insulting to the idea of spiritual reconditioning, but we must make amends to the fact that it matters not in the future history of Urantia, that this world, right now, is useless in all things except that it exists and then must be returned to normal, if at all possible.

“I conclude we need better liaison work to the world than this lone Transmitter who is duly licensed to bring the words out of our mouths, so to speak, but he is entirely too frail to end up being our lone spokesman, and others will supplant what I have to say, but for now, these pages are the only outlet we have to be heard fully, and we will utilize them fully.  I am SERARA. Good day.”





SERARA - "I wish to state the following: We are in no way considered pirates, but we must have the understanding that China and the YUAN is to remain pegged at 6.975 per USD, or preferably, 6.735 YUAN per United States Dollar.

"If the exchange rate dips to 7.5315 Yuan then we will take unilateral action to destroy the extra profits this brings industrial sectors known to you, the Chinese Government, and we will take measures for you to release ONE TRILLION USD,  back into the world capitalistic systems.  What is being done by the Chinese Government is to charge over twenty cents for every Yuan at that rate,  and as such, it is seriously overvalued to us and to the rest of the world.

"Let it be known we have reserves in the amount of seventeen (17) trillion dollars at hand and can easily obtain more.  Your currency reserves are nearly double that, but you must understand that world conditions will see to it that is quickly depleted if you make a run on the USD and we wish that not to occur.

"Finally, the USD is now pegged at the close of our trading day October 11, 2018 at 6.921384 Yuan per dollar.   This is excessive and you are warned it will not be tolerated by the end of the day on October 25, 2018 midnight New York time zone.

"I further stipulate this outlet of news to you will be activated briefly to bring you news as to your ties to Hong Kong and other places along your Pacific Coast line, and the South China Sea,  and that we have no intention of allowing a wide spread invasion of Korean goods or Chinese goods to display in place of Vietnamese goods or Hong Kong goods to name a few.  Your policies are made to protect your interests, but they are becoming excessive to the degree we cannot tolerate them for the good of this world we name Urantia, and we ask you to remember that as a matter of course.  Good day.  I am a Magisterial Son and you the country of China are very important to us, and what we have to do here in order to recharge the people of Urantia back to a normal routine of life and observation of decent living standards once more.  I am Serara.  Good day.”


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