Author Topic: Aaron on Turning Another Page  (Read 10703 times)

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Aaron on Turning Another Page
« on: October 14, 2023, 01:58:16 am »
Aaron. We Turn Another Page

"This is Arron, and I am deligthed to speak through Amethyst today. One thing you should all be aware of is that Amethyst’s sparce participation as of late is due almost entirely to the cabal. The calandar year of 2023 has been one of the worst she has experienced in her 76 years on the planet. Ron has been told of some of her trials and in fact many of them are similar to the one’s Ron has to deal with. They should begin to subside in December or January, but unlike Ron, she lacks the ability to bounce back and take things in stride the way Ron is able to do and for that reason it takes her longer to recover. The cabal has been using trusted loved ones who in a moment of their own weakness have been the cabal’s  pawns to contribute to the trials she has had to endure. She is not one who is comfortable putting this information out, but you all need to understand she is still very much with you and we are beginning to see some light on the horizon for her.

"Now I want to talk with all of you about the reason for this transmission. We are turning another page. We were indeed involved in past mission activities a couple of decades ago that unfortunately did not bear the fruit we had hoped. We see new opportunity in you and this small but very dedicated group. Working with those who transmit will be a great advantage for the missions because you are not wedded to outcomes as so many of the formers transmittors were all those years ago. They had specific expectations, and when they did not materialize, they lost interest. You on the other hand have show again and again that dissapointent does not disway you from your dedication to the Father’s will. You have a strength they did not have. They were unable to withstand the lack of results that never appeared.

"One thing that astounds and amazes us is your ability to get through the pain of the terrible loss of the supreme. You have been able to handle it with more grace and clarity than many of the hosts of heaven. You have no idea how valuable that makes you. We are able to share things with you because you have shown unprecidented steadfastness the likes we have never seen before on a planet.

"There will be a lot more focus put on teaching in the coming months, things that are not necessarily a part of the missions per se, but none the less lessons you will need to know as you grow into solid morontial and spirit citizens.

"Transmittors, please call on me. There is so much I am looking forward to sharing with the world through you. Many of you are experiencing what we often refer to as the dark night of the soul, but in spite of the tiresome and multiple setbacks, a new day is truly waiting to dawn and we do not give up hope—ever.

"I and other teachers whose names you have not yet heard, are waiting in the wings to give Urantia news that many are so hungry for and we can use you as our messengers. Please know that each and every one of you are needed and so precious.

"I bid you all a good day."

Amethyst here—Thank you so much AAron!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2023, 02:13:39 am by amethyst »
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