Author Topic: "Humans with Peaceful Potential"  (Read 5947 times)

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Online Rene A Duran

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"Humans with Peaceful Potential"
« on: October 24, 2023, 16:43:23 pm »

 Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.

 "Humans with Peaceful Potential"

 Transmitter: Evelio Rivas 

 El Salvador, October 14, 2023, 5:00 a.m.

 "I Am GAIA, expressing in this fresh morning, the conditions that dominate the minds of people in this world, it is obvious that it is necessary to manifest the feeling of Peace, each person carries within them in a potential state a high reason to live in peace with their peers, the loss that the conflicts that have recently arisen mean, have in the background the dominance of the dark part in the mind that conceptually legitimizes the action of eliminating the other.

 "It is very likely that the causes that lead to this attitude will not yield with analysis but, in any case, this humanity must trust that the organizer of life appears and makes the necessary arrangements to establish harmony among all, take the trend of the conflict is unproductive and distances the entry of this humanity into the changes that await, it is good to point out that forcing does not exist among the Celestial Family and we obey a unified command by Jesus Christ Michael, the mercy with which earthly behaviors are taken may not fit the conflictive mind, diverting attention from these crises reduces the care that we all have to give to the planet, treatment must focus on preservation and each inhabitant must try not to affect this wonderful Being that is Urantia, it is urgent to wake up to the reality that The planets are living beings that lovingly share their vital force with all the creatures that inhabit them, it is urgent to advance the understanding of our moment.

 "The psychological condition of each inhabitant determines their actions and these are the sensor that shows their level of evolution, it is time to ascend higher levels and get out of the lethargy that the possession of goods still exerts, change the reason for incarnating, feel that there is a high motive for being incarnated will provide new and useful reasons to coexist peacefully. At this moment, these are the indications of preferring peace and fraternal coexistence suggested for all humanity, taking a break from daily life to seek the growth and expansion of the brotherhood will show the hidden path of heavenly light to each being.

 "I am GAIA, ending this brief exploration of the human mentality and wishing to show solutions
 May they improve life in this sphere, we wish everyone success, have a good day."

