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TRANSLATIONS / 25.4.2024 – Van o ostatecznym obdarzeniu przez Synów Stwórców
« Last post by Andre_P on April 25, 2024, 07:44:44 am »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 23 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 15:56:46 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Van :
Cóż, to prawda, że jest to mała grupa, ale grupa dużo obiecujaca i z dużym doświadczeniem. W ostatnich latach musieliście przejść przez wiele prób, a to nie jest łatwe, ale każdy z was ma swoje własne obawy i każdy z was pracował w inny sposób lub uczestniczył i przygotowywał się do misji.

Misje są głównym celem i każdy z was jest gotów poświęcić się tym Misjom, gdy tylko staną się one publiczne i wykonalne na tej planecie, ale w niektórych momentach wasza motywacja może być prawie stracona, przez zmiany i więcej zmian.

Ja jestem Van i mogę wam powiedzieć, że praca z duchem jest czymś, czego nie można osiągnąć szybko. Jezus jest jedynym przykładem w historii tej planety, gdzie wielki cud Boga stał się rzeczywistością poprzez dar tej boskiej istoty, waszego Syna Stwórcy, kiedy doświadczał, czym jest życie jako człowiek na tej planecie. Wszyscy dowiedzieliście się o tym i prawdopodobnie nabraliście głębszego znaczenia, ale w fakcie jego obdarzenia jest o wiele więcej, niż kiedykolwiek słyszeliście.

Obdarzenie przez Syna Stwórcę jako człowieka na tej planecie jest czymś, czego może dokonać tylko Ojciec Wszechświata. Jest to tajemnica dla każdego mieszkańca całego wszechświata, tajemnica Ojca, która prawdopodobnie będzie trwać wiecznie. Tylko Ojciec może dokonać tak potężnych rzeczy i zrobił to niezliczoną ilość razy z wieloma Synami Stwórcami, którzy musieli ukończyć swoje ostateczne obdarzenie, co wydarzyło się co najmniej ponad 750 000 razy. Ten akt należy do wzniosłych działań Boga i pozostaje tajemniczym wydarzeniem. Pochodzi od samego Ojca i jest to wydarzenie, które ma miejsce na Saverington, na planecie dla Synów, którzy kierują wszechświatami lokalnymi, które stworzyli zgodnie z własnym zrozumieniem i kontrolą.

W określonym czasie następuje wcielenie do zakonu istot ludzkich stworzonego przez tego Syna Stwórcę, do najniższego zakonu w jego stworzeniu na pewnej planecie. Jest to ostateczne obdarzenie przez Syna Stwórcę, które obejmuje narodziny jako niemowlę na zamieszkałej planecie, tak jak wasz Jezus urodził się jako małe, bezbronne niemowlę swoim rodzicom, którzy zostali wybrani, żeby go przyjąć i wychować. Jednak także tutaj widzicie, jak okoliczności nadały historii inne znaczenie. Jezus stracił ziemskiego ojca w wieku 14 lat, w wieku, w którym chłopiec rozpaczliwie potrzebuje ojca. Jednak Maria, jego matka, przejęła zadanie Józefa najlepiej jak potrafiła, ale Jezus mógł się wiele nauczyć od swojego ojca patrząc na jego życiowe próby i codzienne zawiłości.

Tu Van. Mówię to, żeby wam przypomnieć, że życie ma swój bieg, że praca dla ducha jest wyjątkowo skomplikowana, że możemy kontrolować wiele rzeczy, ale nigdy nie wiemy dokładnie, jakie okoliczności mogą się pojawić w krótkim życiu człowieka na planecie, gdzie zdobywa on swoje doświadczenia jako istota ludzka. Jestem Van i wycofuję się. Dziękuję ci Elise za odebranie mnie. Życzę wszystkim miłego dnia i mam nadzieję, że wkrótce wrócę.
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Wednesday Lightline USA
« Last post by SonsofGod on April 24, 2024, 15:47:20 pm »
I logged in through the phone 2-3 minutes to 2 PM and the recording repeatedly said the hots has not logged in yet. I believed it and hanged up after 5 minutes. Sorry for missing out but heard the recording.
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Wednesday Lightline USA
« Last post by SophiaVeronica on April 24, 2024, 15:17:16 pm »
Lightline USA -  April 24, 2024 

This is the Lightline USA for Wednesday -  April 24, 2024 

                        with your host Ron Besser

This is the link to the recording:
TRANSLATIONS / 24.4.2024 - Arthura o Urantii
« Last post by Andre_P on April 24, 2024, 13:37:40 pm »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 23 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 15:56:46 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Tu Arthura. Wiele napisano i powiedziano o nadchodzących Misjach, a ja wiem o dziełach Ojca i Michała Nebadońskiego i o wszystkich, którzy są zaangażowani w to wielkie przedsięwzięcie Misji na waszej planecie Urantii. Nie jest to najłatwiejsza planeta, planeta, która sprawiała i nadal sprawia wiele kłopotów. Wydaje się, że na tej planecie istnieje tendencja, która utrudnia uczenie się na popełnionych błędach, które powinny faktycznie popchnąć społeczeństwo do przodu po poznaniu własnych błędów, żeby przejść do społeczeństwa harmonii ze sobą nawzajem i ze wszystkimi narodami. Często myślimy, co jest z wami ludzie ? Poświęca się wam tyle uwagi. Sam Bóg pracuje nad waszą duszą na Ziemi, a wy nie potraficie zadbać o ten piękny świat.

Widzicie katastrofę za katastrofą, wojnę za wojną, biedę, nędzę. Ludzi uciekają w poszukiwaniu bezpieczeństwa. Epidemie szaleją po całym świecie i żaden z waszych rządów nie podejmuje żadnych działań, żeby zmienić tę straszną nędzę, która wciąż się rozprzestrzenia. Z przykrością stwierdzamy, że wasz świat jest prawie niezdatny do zamieszkania ze względu na zanieczyszczenie środowiska i obfitość dóbr i luksusów tylko dla niewielkiej części ludzkości. Pytamy więc, gdzie jest moralność ? Gdzie jest współczucie ? Gdzie jest miłość, którą pokazał wam Jezus, kiedy żył na tej Ziemi ?

Jezus był tutaj i pokazał ludziom, jak żyć w prostocie z braćmi i siostrami. Jezus kochał wszystkich. Kochał swoich sąsiadów. Każdemu poświęcał miejsce w swoim sercu. Nigdy nikogo nie osądzał. Zwracał uwagę na każdą osobę, którą spotkał. Cóż za piękny przykład. Każdy na waszej planecie czytał o życiu Jezusa. Czego się nauczyliście ?

Cóż, sam Bóg był na waszej planecie i jest gotowy postawić stopę po raz drugi na świecie, z którego tak szybko musiał odejść. Czy świat jest gotowy Go przyjąć ? Duch czeka i próbuje znaleźć sposób na uratowanie świata, na uchronienie go przed dalszą nędzą, ale my wciąż zadajemy sobie pytanie, gdzie jest komitet powitalny ? To powinno być tak radosne powitanie Boga na Ziemi.

Tu Arthura. Cóż, trudno to powiedzieć, ale widzę, że zamiast tego ludzie wolą walczyć i triumfalnie świętować zwycięstwo w rzezi i krzywdzie niewinnej populacji. My w duchu, prawie odwrócilibyśmy głowy, żeby odwrócić się od sceny horroru i dziecinnego zachowania, które pozostawia tak wielu obywateli na mrozie, ale nie odwracamy głów. Patrzymy z politowaniem na niedorozwinięte działania ludzkości, a Bóg tymczasem postanowił ponownie postawić swoje stopy na Ziemi i po raz kolejny podjąć wysiłek nauczenia ludzkości, jak żyć ze sobą w pokoju. Jak dbać o siebie nawzajem, jak się dzielić, jak kochać i jak czcić Boga.

Bądźcie przygotowani na to, co ma nadejść. Bądźcie silni, bądźcie przykładem w dniach zmian i prób. Módlcie się i pracujcie, pokażcie swoją odwagę, żebyśmy my, tu w górze, w duchu, widzieli waszą dobrą wolę pracy dla planety i jej mieszkańców dla lepszej przyszłości, przyszłości prostoty i miłości. Miłości do siebie nawzajem w miejscu, w którym każdy ma prawo do ochrony przez i dla siebie nawzajem. Tu Arthura do waszych usług.
Thank you most kindly,  Andre and for your thoughts today on the issue of the things I am caring about too. 

First, WTP energy is on my mind too but there is little I can do about it just now.  The entire measure of free electricity is hopefully more fully dispensed when the United States finally realizes there is nothing they can do about the loss of energy pools on this world when there is an unfamiliar shut down of the oil and gas production in most places due to a scroll of unhappy earth circumstances that we cannot help to correct. 

[Ron here: that is Michael of Nebadon speaking, and I do not know what he means by this, but in the past the world we live on has had periods of time when the extraction of anything from the earth has been very difficult and therefore commodities have been scarce to use.  Oil and gas may be on the agenda for that to happen again, but I known nothing about that problem at all.]

[For reasons of my own, I have looked at the patent again today, and I am convinced it is freely available, and I would love for Poland or any other country in the European Union, to exploit this invention and try it out for themselves.  I will listen if that matters today yet.]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "Do not forget today is a Lightline , Andre.  If Lemuel is able we will transmit some answer to what you have asked about today.  Ron is ill but will see to it as well, and so watch your Lightline today for some very interesting talk about WHAT IS COMING TO URANTIA VERY SOON!!

"I leave this for later for more.  K"

Hi Ron, the issue of abortion is very important to me, and it is still very hot in my country.

I personally thank God for the fact that I have never had to think about this colossal problem, although I have four children and from a very young age the problem of overpopulation of the Earth was still on my mind.

It's a pity that the important documents related to the issue of human gender have been hidden in the Edgar Cayce library and we can't learn about them.

On the WTP issue, I do not lose hope that you will one day receive correspondence from a serious organization from my country.

I think that Urantia will not fall into a hopeless situation and WTP will be one of the inventions, like thousands of others, and will be put to good use on this planet together with new visions of the structure of matter and other inventions based on them.

I wish you good development of your situation.

1. 042324 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; host: Dominick O.
2. Subjects:
· Machiventa opened & closed w/prayer and some insight comparing groups he worked with in the past compared to today.
· MICHAEL of Nebadon gave speech about brotherhood in modern times and ahead
· Arthura presented and re-presented on State and Governance. And a lot of topics pertaining to modern times and current events.
· Cooperation between Spirit/human, human/human, and divine/human.
4. Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek
5. Transcribed by: sonsofGod
Link To Tape:

All right, it's Tuesday Lightline, welcome, April 23. We start with a quick prayer and of course, we pray to Father, we pray with Michael, and as humans will we pray that our planet can do better, our lives can do better, that we can help each other, and that we can not only discern but go with the ups and downs of life and certainly understanding spirit, and everything you have to give to us and say to us. And the obvious that we wish to know the truth behind this type of communication, that we are happy and privileged to provide with you and accept called transmission, as we work out the truth and the way forward about what's happened and where we're going. Amen.
Is there anyone who wishes to speak on this Lightline today? We welcome you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa. I'm here with Michael of Nebadon and Arthura. They will speak, they will have their turn. I greet the group first, and I wish you all a good day. Here's Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Good day everyone on Urantia, on this Lightline, and my universe. What is good for one planet is good for all. But when it comes to Missions, those are designed for specific planets or a group of planets. Just as what is good for all individuals such as the Father indwelling you, does not mean there is a specific prescription of your life that is the same for everyone. However, there is a commonality, the shared growth and opportunity that soul enrichment provides. The material life offers a lot of struggles to grow this. The plants and the trees all blow in the wind. Their limbs break, their stock band, but your roots are what keep you in place. And I would like to add that faith is much like the root of your soul. And that sometimes your roots, and this is the most difficult thing for humans too, your roots must be uplifted, and like the journey of the tumbleweed or the organism blowing in the wind, and going downstream to take up roots elsewhere, such as the journey of the soul. And your faith is bolstered by the personal relationship with me, in the way to the Father. We work as one, and we work in multiple ways. There are multiplicity of personalities throughout the universe. And so must you struggle to work amongst yourselves. I want it to be known, there is a increase in the desire to see Missions. And I caution you and I implore you, you must work amongst yourselves, regardless of how these Missions take place. It is not the time to wish for the strong man and the strong arm. That really gets you nowhere. And as Jesus cautioned, those who would pick up the sword to put them down, so must I caution you that you must renew your vows to your fellow men, that you are left with each other. And that too much wishful thinking in the intervention of spirit can be no different than the wish for an authoritarian leader on your planet to order the disorderly, the chaotic destruction of the structures of civilization and society around you. You have the tools within you, and you must allow me to organize you with my spirit in might. As you organize in the coming days include me and the Father with you always, and you will do just fine.

This command, are you your brother's keeper that you simply desire and wish to be in our spirit and have us with you. That is how you keep your brother and your sister that you bring us in. You don't beat them over the head with the fact of our existence, but that you strive for the best in each other and meeting them where they are, and not where they ought to be. And that you are there to serve them in the opportunity of the kingdom and salvation. That is the purpose of your life in the ascension, spiritual ascension that I ministered to and I rule, that I created and did this for the Father, so that I could express our Father in this area of the universe, and that your way to the Father is through me. But I designed this, so that you would do this amongst yourselves not entirely, but that there is a symbiosis of what occurs and evolved between the divine amongst you, and the imperfect humans you are, and the Father's decree to know him and be like him in perfection.

If you have no planet, none of this will be able to happen. And so, we strike the balance constantly these days, and rectifying a spiritual warfare rebellion of long ago that affects us all today, especially here on Urantia. As war mounts and fulfills the prophecy of preparation that you all do, we on Salvington, the headquarters of my rule and central government of this universe I have just described, are waiting and wondering what to do. Or rather that all the progress you feel you have made over the last say 40, almost 40 years now, since the adjudication in the courts of Gabriel versus Lucifer, all that progress gets a reality check when war appears.

When war appears all the injuries of the past become the present, and that all the progress you feel you have made evaporates with the excuse of national injury, that places you back into the peak of rebellion here on this planet, which is the 20th century. I cannot be the strong man without a showing on this planet that there is a strong enough base of souls, who can affect the change we need to establish a Mission. For further effect I cease this speech and may continue again, but that is the news I wish to bring to this Lightline in my universe today. And I put you back in the hands of Arthura.

Thank you, Michael. Arthura!

Thank you, Michael. I am Arthura, and thank you, Machiventa. I'm here as Arthura at the behest of Michael of Nebadon. I have given many discourses over the last year on such matters as Michael just discussed, and I'm going to do the same today.

We discussed the lesson of the past, I'll say a month ago, of what is needed today to evolve as Michael said, into the 21st and 22nd centuries. To have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is something that evolved during the period of the Lucifer rebellion, and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is an evolution from the foundations of life, liberty, and the pursuit of property on the quasi democratic call of equality, equity and fraternity. And we ask, where are you going with social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion, and their reactionary forces such as those of what you would call the right and the left, in the middle, and so on, because these are nothing new per se.

250,000 years ago, you had such a manifesto of unbridled liberty. We are trying from our side when we discuss things like Salvington to bring this all back home, in a way this is what we are trying to correct. So, when we look at these things like I just mentioned, like a hot button, say social justice, this is a hot button in one of the countries that seems like an obvious candidate to host a Mission and be capable of spreading the goodness of such a Mission to other places on the planet. Also capable of prospering and benefiting with the eventual evolution that the entire planet enjoys the fruits of a Mission.

Well, I presented that the next evolution is life, opportunity, and the pursuit of soul growth. These of course have the core values of life, they do include some sense of equality and equity, and our three ethics that include and do not exclude, and in fact are tacit supporters of course of diversity. Life is full of diversity, equity is really a call for opportunity, and it is very dangerous to be weaponized in the apparatus of the state, instead of the principles of governing documents and philosophies.

The pursuit of soul growth is inclusive for everyone. This pursuit of soul growth is the fact that all men are created equal. You are not created equal in inherent divinity and immortality as Lucifer manifesto acclaimed, rather you are all equally created in your pursuit of soul growth. At that point there is complete inequality, in that there is diversity of how that soul growth progresses in each of you. It starts with the diversity and not the equality of your birth circumstances. So understand, there is a discordant logic to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the fruits of that logic rooted in a philosophy that is not evil, but it demands that there are frameworks of oppressors. And that these oppressors are upholders of oppressive systems and that those systems must be destroyed. And so this type of approach to governance is something of an anathema does not foster growth in the first place, rather a chaos.

Let's go back to governance, because governance is state and law. When the state first appeared it was a city state, that evolved to nation states. And nations don't necessarily have states. Nations have a conglomeration of tribal identities unified as a nation. And now we have something to call multinational states. And so, the state with its laws is asked to govern through the courts, the legislator and the executive, the laws of individuals, families, and now corporations, multinational corporations. And the tyranny of the state personified of the political science or the Leviathan versus the philosophy of the social contract, is now literally wrapped up in the multinational corporations. Literally your social contract is evermore entwined with the public private sector governance of social contract, and what this does is create an emphasis on the last bastion of governance for the individual with a soul, and that is the courts. The courts in the United States still work better than almost any other place in the world, but none of it is perfect. There is plenty of blame to go around in history and current affairs, but when it comes to the law and the use of corruption versus say justice, justice is still possible at the state and local level in the United States, but the federal level it's a crapshoot.

This is Dominick. I'm listening to reconnect there's no
Loss of the connection for those listening. Atrhura, do you wish to continue?

Yes, look at what is from the board and let me connect better on the transmission.

Other subjects that are related to this, we discussed the individual, the family, and the multinational corporation, and tied between these are things such as gender and race relations, certainly. These things are divisive issues in the world often. It has gotten to the point where even those who disagree on the same side, those who could be unified have disagreements that allow, or disallow rather, in form of noncooperation. This is a recipe for devolution, backwards progress. There should be a baseline agreement that you wish to cooperate at all, and then go from there. Your Congress in the United States needs this, for example. There needs to be a constitutional convention reiterating that parties and factions are in government and agree that they cooperate for the good of the nation and the state.

What Michael said was, do not look for Salvington to do this for you. How are you going to insert yourself in the call that the fifth epochal revelation provided to go forth and espouse new meanings and values? How much value is that if you repurpose the revelation with new pronounce, versus say, what guidance I am trying to give you? Not this transmitter. The transmitter has the vocabulary, the mental experience to provide the words to you in sentences, but I, Arthura, on behalf of Michael am asking you what are you going to do to cooperate and organize to aid discuss amongst yourselves and formulate questions that provide life and progress to this guidance, we are giving you of life, opportunity, and pursuit of soul growth? Why should that take a backseat to identity politics?

Why should you get wrapped up in that identity politics and conveniently dismiss transmission and Lightline, and the supplemental governance and guidance that you wish would be part of revelation, and the church, and personal ministry. We don't dissuade you from that desire, but you must do better to organize amongst yourselves to be willing to go forth in the world with these new values and meanings. And at that point does Michael wish you to be your brother's keeper, so that there are none of these pitfalls that will constantly pull at you because the road is difficult. But the road is difficult no matter which road you choose as you see, and all the choices before you.

To bring it back, we have the example of your forefathers and mothers, your brothers and sisters, that you cannot be simply passively waiting for the divine sort of deity to make you all behave. You have to do that heavy lifting yourself sometimes that you can start by giving life to these ideas that come forth. This is not a form of entertainment anymore. Never was, never will be, but that you should have your hearts and minds stirred to the point that you take action. Now, that can be very simple in that you strive to know better. Not just that, but if you hear a transmission ask, not challenge the transmitter, but ask the question, how am I to bring this to life, you say Arthura, and I will use transmission to answer that. And like prayer, that question does get routed and networked to the appropriate places that they can be addressed, and fallow through in that the divine administrations and administrators can begin to work with you. So, this is not answering your heart's desires to be part of a Mission, we know that. But now you must strive to make each other better to air your differences better. That's all we have to say about that for now.

And lastly, as part of that, shift your attitudes that if you've listened for so long you either begin to follow what I have just prescribed and what Michael was prescribing, or you could go into the realms of meanings and values amongst your fellow men and seek the will and business of the Father without being in the Missions. It's okay. Understand though, that the Missions so to speak are here also to cooperate with you, if you do that. There is no either or, in or out, you are fluid to go in and out in the manner of cooperation that nothing associated with the Missions per se, in the form of these corporate foundations set up to serve them. Nothing is subsumed by their enjoyment in cooperating with them. We are here to offer whatever we can that we deem fruitful for you and as for us to share, and we hope that you have that same spirit likewise.

If you think we are crazy and mentally ill, it's okay to think that, but you should be willing to share your assessment and have that assessment be disagreed with, and possibly put aside, if you think there's some good to be done in the cooperation. At this point, in the world situation, if you wish to go into the mental maze and pitfalls of conspiracy, and whether or not this and that is the devil, and so on, then you need to … yes, take a timeout and not involve yourself, and possibly come back later when you have a breath of fresh airThere is probably more I could add, but I'm getting used to humans and I think I will stop there. This is Arthura. I thank you all I am here not forever in Nebadon. So I bid you a good day and ask you at the very least to begin to formulate questions of organization, meaning and values, and how you can offer that towards your fellow men and to the Father's business. Thank you.

Thank you, Arthura. Back to you Machiventa?

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, you got me. I am here as Machiventa. We have the board to look at as we do in these Lightlines. The rollcall for this Lightline is 17, which includes the transmitter. And that’s 17 on the line, and usually includes more people in ones or twos here and there. So, it's a good number today. For those listening in the future of the recording, you too are quite welcome. Your questions can be formulated in the future at any time. And you're welcome to join in the few channels of communication at, and you can hear these transcripts and audio recordings at That is the mundane business of facilitating your questions.

Michael sends his bidding but has no more to say today unless it's through any other transmitter. This is Machiventa. To the group, you have 10 minutes left. This would be an excellent time if you had a question, we will address it. You might even consider sharing any reaction that you had. This is often a form of a question unformulated and could help develop one. As Machiventa, I've served on the planet, I've organized people. I've sent them on exactly the kind of Missions that have just been alluded to by Arthura.

I find it hard to believe that no one has a comment. And this is because back in the stone age that I worked in, there was no group fear amongst my missionaries in training. Once they were gathered, they felt safe in the gathering, unified under my guidance. When Arthura spoke to with the fears and tribulations of the mind as they wrestle with the validity of Revelation, the validity of transmission, and the confusion amongst spirit contactable amidst the era of rebellion and the danger that it still poses today even in its outer workings. There is this conditioning of ghost fear no more, but rather the state of affairs has created a fear, not to mention the fact that those of you who have participated up till now have made many errors, and many people have suffered the consequences of each other's decisions and behaviors and outcomes, from all of us. There is no lack of candidates that have muddled the clarity of where we are going on spirit with this, and therefore it is open to all sorts of attitudes and certitudes by those in authority of the organization around spirits. And that could be anywhere from teachers to churches, to really the institutions of surrounding those churches, those religions.

So, I end this Lightline as Machiventa, and we pray to the Father that we find your will in everything we do, but that we pray that we are given to even looking before we act. And that it is not an afterthought, or an after effect, that we get in the habit of seeking your guidance within before we act without. And that we forgive those trespasses and pray that such trespasses don't leave a lingering effect in ourselves to be deposited in the soul, only to be harvested in the future of anticipated trespasses. Father, dissolve those real and perceived trespasses of our brothers and sisters, and renew us that we may work the Father's business and experience the love that we know truly exists, but it's so often hidden here on this planet we live and work on. Thank you. Amen.

Okay, that ends this Lightline. Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you, Michael of Nebadon. Thank you, Arthura.

Thank you Lemuel and I am in almost the same straits you are.  But I would like to comment on something concerning MUONS.

I just reread what  I wrote about Muons and I think it is terrible.  Let me try again.

The MUON is a preparticle but it is the only antigravity preparticle we can see or know in our familiar pattern to describe matter appearance on this planet.  Without the Muon, matter could not materialize easily, and although I doubt MIT would ever consider that statement well, the Master Force Organizers insist that such a statement is true.  I am happy to concur, for the my patent (US #11601013). to design an electric plant that easily converts electrons to muons and then to a broadcast of muons for 200 miles from the antenna as an electric field to a house antenna, is still quite good.  But I doubt if anyone will do anything with such an electric plant as it is too far ahead of theory on this planet to use comfortably.

But in this post I wish to state the following for knowledge at least:  THE MUON IS A DOUBLE HELIX of several kinds of preparticles.  That is such a mouthful to speak to, but what it means is simply this:  PREPARTICLES ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON: they are all electrified by the ULTIMATON, a tiny, tiny speck of energy no one knows about except me, and that was an accident I still enjoy reciting.

All Preparticles have one thing in common:  ULTIMATONS.  I have shown you a picture of what I think the Ultimaton looks like and I am assured it is close by those I speak to in the exalted space of the central universe.   But the readers of this work do not have to know how it was confirmed to me they exist, but readers should know how I ascertain how the Ultimaton works in anything that is materialized. 

The ULTIMATON is a basic source of energy for all of this planet's work from the planetary corp to its showing of the aurora borealis  (here is quite a picture in Alaska of it:   I want you all to know that the light from this phenomena is all castigated light source as the light in the aura borealis lightly summarized by internal particles not see on this planet because they are even smaller, tinier, than the Ultimaton, and the Ultimaton is so small science cannot prove their appearance.  But we know something about the Ultimaton easily, for if your remove any of them from a preparticle, that preparticle changes state and becomes another type of preparticle.  We use the idea in this electric plant, and when we knock out an Ultimaton from the electron, we get Muons.  Go figure.   But that is what operates this electric plant to make electricity out of the air.

In any case, let us consider the Muon antigravity and an antipositive use pf energy and not worry particularly why it works so well/

I am positive it will work at once, but we have to spend about 35 Million Dollars to prove it to build the plant itself.  I am not confused by the size of the money bill that comes with building the plant, but I am disappointed there are so few takers of the technology that I have yet to see one inquiry to speak to the plant yet.  That is sad to me, but I am quite sure if  we wait long enough someone will nibble at least to see what they can get out of it if they bought it.  But, let me make this clear, it is not for sale, but it is up for investment and I am very happy to entertain that interest entirely.

In conclusion, if someone writes to me to ask about it, I will answer fully about it an the question(s) they might have about how it works. 

I thank all of you for your interest, and let us pray that it can be implement, because my forecast for this planet is that unless there is a new discovery of producing energy to run our machines, there will be a digression of thought and we will fail to have enough energy on the planet when the time comes. 

Thank you for listening and happy preparticle to you too!

Ron Besser/York, Pa

« Last post by Ron Besser on April 24, 2024, 05:29:28 am »
WEYDEVU, BE CAREFUL, as the cabal has its feelers out on all of this alien comfort studies as they are making everything possible but keeping things under wraps.  Who am I talking about?  The Pleadiens not, but ourselves (not aliens but objective controllers)  This is a fine topic, don't get me wrong, but it is full of mistaken identity (wrong foucs on who did what), and you would not know that but Spirit does know, more or less fully, what is occurring in this matter of appearing aliens.  I am not going to speak to it much, but the report you received via the Internet misses one very important fact:  what was seen was not alien at all, but male control of the media making it appear one way or another.  The Internet is full of this kind of person, and we do not get a full picture of what really happened, and that is because money is so important to those who put this stuff on the internet.  I am not making claims against this internet version, but the voicing of spiritual talk is now reminding us that not every thing we see or talk about is true and the internet recording we have here is misleading mostly.  

That does not tell you much and I am not being informed well, but even the cabal, (the insurrectionists) on this planet are making sure that this kind of stuff sent out by those on the internet is somewhat fraudulent  due to the fact the people who issue reports on the internet are money hungry and they like to keep the insight they think they are supplying, so fascinating you and everyone else cannot put it down.  I am MERCORI, and Ron does not know me well enough to say who I am, but I will tell you I am a commander of one of those ships you saw briefly and that is not a good way to tell you who I am but it will have to do.  As MECORI (MIC- CURI in pronunciation),  I tell you to be careful Weydevu, as to repeat stories that you get from UFO style people, they will confuse you totally as they are unlikely to ever tell you the full truth.  Listen:

That incident is real.  But the incident is not real by what they may be saying about it as they are on the level of 1st graders, and you are at least on the 4th grade level, and many including Ron responding to this are on an even higher level and only Ron is making sure you know more than you thought you did and that you Weydevu must use your judgement in talking about these events.  

For instance, the alien ship is not a shop but a scout.

For instance, the person you mistake as something else is a drunk woman and she fell down and seems to have disappeared but she passed out and was partially hidden on the ground by very poor lighting.

Third, there is nothing  for  any of you to take well from the pictures taken that night, as the pictures are improper lensing and I dare not tell you more, but the entire incident is not for you to bring back for discussion, because the litigants in this story indeed are alien ships, but we are not discussing their problems, but your problem with others on this discussion, range from incredible error in picture taking, and that the mall residents did not see half of this of what is represented even when and while the incident was underway.  I am MECORI and I greet you later in the MISSIONS TO URANTIA shortly.  K"

Recording Links:

  • Machiventa opened & closed w/prayer and some insight comparing groups he worked with in the past compared to today.
  • MICHAEL of Nebadon gave speech about brotherhood in modern times and ahead
  • Arthura presented and re-presented on State and Governance. And a lot of topics pertaining to modern times and current events. 

Another theme of the Lightline was the cooperation between Spirit/human, and human/human, and divine/human.
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