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Topics - weydevu

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You may find this interesting, an alien yellow book that goes back 12,000 years.
You won't be able to read that much because it's in the hands of the Cabal. And you know what that means.  I've been aware of its presence for quite some time.  So, you are only going to get a teaspoon of its origin and the contents of what it's about.

Yellow Book: The History of the Aliens on Earth (Blue Planet Project) - Kindle edition by Carlson, Gil. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

click: Read sample.


General Discussion / LUCIFER REBELLION
« on: June 28, 2024, 10:52:41 am »
I was sitting here thinking about a program I watch with Lind Moulton Hall interviewing this young lady on different subjects. The subject of reincarnation came up and her belief in the subject.

My question is how did the ongoing teaching of the Lucifer Rebellion effect today's religion? Such as reincarnation and I'm sure a host of other items that stem from Lucifer and his manifesto.  This question is for Ron or anyone.

Each day I look at the glory of GOD and HIS CREATIONS and then sometimes I think, Wow, MICHAEL OF NEBADON you really created some intelligent beings that took a wrong turn in life that has cause this world and your Universe and Universes of other MICHAEL SONS direct or indirectly for a quarter of a million years of nothing but Hell.


Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / THE GREATEST MAN IN HISTORY
« on: June 25, 2024, 11:09:26 am »
I share this because I love you all and you will understand at the end.
(419) Jesus Christ is the greatest man in History#Bible - YouTube


Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / KOKO THE GORILLA'S LAST MESSAGE
« on: June 11, 2024, 11:03:33 am »
The plight of the world is known even in the Animal Kingdom, but man and his greed, fails to see it and could care less about it.
KOKO THE GORILLA. Message for humans. #koko #gorilla #message #foryou #for #humanity #urgent #shorts (


Pleiadeans Communications and Other Human Civilizations / ANUNNAKI
« on: May 27, 2024, 14:53:12 pm »
There is a lot of information about the Anunnaki going around on the internet.  What can the Pleiadeans tell us about them?  Were they really here in some ancient time?  If so, how did they influence early man in his development?  Did they really mine gold for their planet?  Was it before or after Adam and Eve?  If it was after, were they able to blend with the later Adamites? Thank you


This video is just to show you why it is so difficult to establish new inventions because of the cabal.
May the FATHER'S WILL be done in removing the darkness from this world
May HIS WILL be done in removing said elements that brought darkness to this world
May HIS WILL be done in removing the sub-humans and other beings who want to maintain the power that darkness has over this world.
May HIS WILL be done.

Here is the link to the video and the link to the Law.
Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 EXPOSED - Why Are They Hiding 6,000 Patents From YOU? (

Invention Secrecy Act - Wikipedia


Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / EVIL SPIRITS
« on: May 05, 2024, 09:11:00 am »
Just recently I had what you would call sleep paralysis, and in my mind, I invoke the name of JESUS.  And in an instance, I was relieved.  As I think back over the years in my youth, when these attacks would occur, I was terrified.  I couldn't move, I couldn't open my eyes, or nothing.  It took me awhile before I invoke the name of JESUS but not this time.  What you think?

Something Very Strange Is Happening In These Places in 2024 (


This is just to add on to the already existing information on the pyramids.
The Great Pyramid Mystery: The Oldest Cover-Up In History (
The Sphinx's Secret: The Hidden Room That Could Rewrite History (

The Elites have kept all this from us for thousands of years, but the time of revealing is near.  Pluto has some unfinish retrograde business in Capricorn starting in September until the latter part of November then it's back to Aquarius for the next twenty years to work it's transformation globally.

With the Light of the FATHER, our Light and the Light of the Celestials combine we will disperse the Darkness and Deception from this world forever more in JESUS name.  Amen.


« on: April 21, 2024, 11:00:45 am »
Well Ron I hope you are doing better today than a few days ago. I'm posting this Mall incident again because as I said before I read and saw posted accounts of those who were there and I trust my feelings that they were sincere in their accounts.  Here is a report from a former FBI agent who has 25 years of experience and was part of the X-files. I know you are going through some changes now and may or may not view this, let alone comment, but if by chance you view this, I would love to hear your opinion.  Thank you.

Miami Mall Alien Invasion... (


I thought it was fitting to put this under the category of the MILLENNIUM and it's false revelations. From what we all know about the cabal this is a must see.

Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion | Redacted Conversation (


We are all aware of all the electrons that surrounds our planet, well plants love them to. Every time we have an electrical storm the plant kingdom gets rejuvenated.  So I found this topic or it found me. On gardening, I haven't tried it yet but I will since I have already started my garden.  Hope you like it.

electro gardening - Search (


When I was younger I thought certain mountains look like tree stomps, but as I grew older I forgot about it. After viewing this topic on YouTube and it inflame my curiosity, I decided to search for more information.  And here is what I found.

Mesas are actually giant tree stumps cut down by ancient giants before the flood! : r/conspiratard (
ancient giant tree stumps that are mountains - Search Images (


Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / EDGAR CAYCE'S PREDICTIONS 2024
« on: April 02, 2024, 15:53:14 pm »
This pop up on my computer about what Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2024.  So I thought I would share it with you.


How value is the Super Conductor Accelerator in smashing together nuclei in this Billion dollar plus massive particle accelerator to separate pre-particles?  Compared to your device which is way more cheaper and can separate pre-particles and as all devices go (I would think) can be adjusted to perform other duties with other pre-particles. Thank you. 


« on: February 24, 2024, 15:24:55 pm »
We've been told many times of tectonic movements on our planet and of course on the west coast.  We were even told about middle America plate movements as well.
If you look at the last solar eclipse which was seven years ago (in 2017) it came across the U.S. from the top northwest corner going south-southeast towards Florida, this next eclipse, which is on April 8, 2024 will begin from the southwest in Mexico going north-northeast towards New England which will form a giant X across the U.S in that seven year period. The middle of that X sits right above the New Madrid fault lines (in a place sometimes called Little Egypt in southern Illinois) of which there are many. We also had an eclipse in October of last year that came across the U.S. from Washington state down through Texas, that's three solar eclipses in the past seven years across the U.S.  Well that's something to chew on for thought.  There were websites I tried to inform you of but couldn't paste because they were connected to other videos.


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