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Lightline USA 6 Febr. 2024
« on: February 06, 2024, 20:14:04 pm »
Lightline USA, 6 February 2024

   Here is the link for the Lightline of 6 February 2024, at 5pm 

                        with your host Ron Besser

Offline Raz

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Re: Lightline USA 6 Febr. 2024
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2024, 19:42:25 pm »
  • 020624 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: the Infinite Spirit is handling the current insurrection on Urantia which has it's origin on Paradise, Dominion has expanded to 8 Local Universes, Ron will work on a patent for a hydrogen car, Lanaforge was of a higher unrevealed order, Nebadonia explains the origin of her name, and 8.8 billion of Urantia’s 9 billion population have immature souls to be able to qualify for mansion worlds;
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Christ Michael, Marian Rowley, Nebadonia, Consummator of Universe Destiny Four,
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - just message me )
  • Link To Tape:

Ron Besser  
Hi, everybody. Thanks for joining. It's about three minutes after five. And we have a special Light Line for Tuesday, the sixth of February 2024. At the moment, we have 11, and thank you for joining us. I'm Ron Besser. I have been muted, so I don't say anything until the actual tape starts. That's so I don't get into a preannouncement they don't want.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am Machiventa Melchizedek. And I muted Ron so he didn't get into any preannouncements that we didn't want him to get into, as we said before, but I'm just arriving, I didn't hear what was said. The truth of the matter is that today, the sixth of February 2024 is not the last of the Light Lines. But what we have is a transmission problem not by Ron or the Melchizedeks. But by the Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. He refuses to transmit when the cabal is so present. Ron just gave them hell again and they are on the warning. They are not going to last very long. The truth of the matter is Ron, that was not a seraphim that was a Vorondadek Son at your desk.

Ron Besser  
Yes, may I speak?

Machiventa Melchizedek  

Ron Besser  
Ladies and gentlemen, when the Adjuster wants me to know there is someone present, he focuses my eye on the spot they are standing. When He just announced that; the spot moved to the back of my computer, and then to the double windows that are to my left, and that person has disappeared. That's how the Adjuster allows me to know someone is in the room or standing by me to cause problems. They are removed.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, sir.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this: I do care about that very much Ron. You are assigning to me superiority and the care that we obey what we have been ordered to do. For your own reason, Ron, you are already about 85% morontial. It's very painful for you to be present in the material at the moment. That will let up shortly, we promise. And now why did I Machiventa Melchizedek call for a 5:00 p.m. Light Line conference. We are now 13 and thank you for taking the extra time to hear us.

The problem that is developing over Urantia right now is a battle. The Infinite Spirit is in control and attempting to press aside those who wish to interfere. Ron is aware of it in the temper and temperature of his body, which is very uncomfortable. For reasons of our own, we want to report something you all should know. The attempt to produce Missions on Urantia, and for Ron that goes back at least to 2006, there has been nothing but problems of interference. Ron makes things work in spite of what they attempt to do. And make sure that the telephone service that you enjoy right now is available. He keeps it going by making sure that the bills are paid and that he has a voice back to the service offering in its place. For that reason, they now understand he is called a Light Line. They are aware that when the circuits are in service, they have no telephone problems or service problems. They are beginning to think that the Light Line is a special service from someone on high and are very happy to keep it running smoothly and well.

Ron's head is abuzz. He is having a problem focusing his eyes and the entire body aches. Ron says to me half an hour ago; what in the world are you doing now? I can hardly move. The truth of the matter is I'm not doing anything. Someone on high, we hope it's Father is changing the chemistry of Ron's blood. Every cell in his body aches. For now, the Light Lines will persist. And now this to the 13 who have joined with us, thank you for coming and I hope the tape is sufficient to help your memory when we declare that the Light Lines for the remaining of probably, of February, are not easy to attune to. You hosts always attempt to go in and get the Light Line going. Ron made double-sure today and ran into some problems, they will not last and he will be free to operate easier in a few moments.

And finally, why do we call this extra Light Line today? The answer is for one important reason for you to understand. And that is that Michael of Nebadon has changed the size of the Dominion from six Local Universes to now today the Federation of eight Local Universes that shall operate in Sector Five of this space control as the Dominion. Awaiting for the presentation of the Father's announcement concerning the loss of the supreme and what we need to do about it.

Universal Father  
This is the Universal Father, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Welcome, Father. Please go, and proceed as you wish. Thank you.

Universal Father  
We are happy to announce that you Ron will be seeing clearly and feeling much better in slightly more than an hour. Second of all, your turn at the stand to become a Light Line maven, there's only two others in the entire universe of time. Both of them have stayed the course in the middle of a terrible disassociation of Spirit in time. You're the third one to experience it Ron and you are in a fury with what they do to your dashboard. You can see the names but you don't have full control, that is remitted to you now. Thank you, Ron.

And now this: I want it to be known to all of you, there are now 14, that the entire matter of the Missions, the free electricity patent, and the Sixth Epochal Revelation are now removed. We are no longer going to cotton to the need of Ron to work the material to obtain these necessary adjuncts to the remedy of the needs of this poor planet. I have declared an emergency. And that emergency is to declare that the Light Line particularly Sunday and now Tuesday, as it turns out, will carry the important changes at least. The Light Lines on Monday, Wednesday, and any other after that including Rene will carry the news of the day. Please don't stop them. But the important changes will be made sure to be announced on Sunday. Now for reasons of state, we have to do them on Tuesday because Sunday was too early to tell you.

I am about to release a new supreme being, not, don't get that in your minds at all, people please. Tarkas has filled in with those things we need done that the supreme used to attend to. He's done well. And congratulations Tarkas and for reasons of state Ron, stop sending fireworks in the air. We knew you care for him. He cares for you. See to it that you greet him later. Now that was not nice, Ron, to show him; you wearing a barrel over your shoulders. But that indicates to me you feel like everything's been removed, you had hoped for, this audience had hoped for, and that even the Urantia Foundation was beginning to hope for. The trial that we must face today is that the Urantia Foundation must not muddle on much longer. You're tired, you don't have the right programs. You are not able to hear well.

The Magisterial Foundation hears very well. It's a six-member board and five of them transmit. That is the first time we have ever had a board of directors of any corporation we formed that can transmit at the drop of a hat. Every one of them can and congratulations. The truth of the matter is that Raz is learning. The truth of the matter is that Steven Gitz doesn't have the facility in the brain to do it. In any case, the board transmits. And finally this to all of you who worry about WTP, which are quite a few. Ron has learned today that we are going to fund it regardless of what Pennsylvania will do in their government. They are now fully aware of it. Several have read the patent and are worried that it is just a run-of-the-mill transmission patent again. It is not.

What we told Ron today and he groaned was that he has a new patent to do. I would say in 15 years at maximum, your cars will all be hydrogen-driven. Ron already knows how to do it. But the problems that have arisen with the insurrection prevent him from doing anything primarily because of the expense. And primarily because he and Rayson are not transmitting to one another entirely. That is now remedied. And Rayson is now free to work with Ron on the new patent for the true hydrogen car.

Ron Besser  
I feel fully vindicated.

Universal Father  
I am the Father. Ron has learned to do all the things I ask someone like he has been asked to fill in for he is not only a specialized transmitter, he is also of the leadership quality we need for all of you to get some work. The time is coming when work is hard to find. I am not going to get into that. However, please understand the planet is in for a very rough time and you will know it when it hits. And finally this: here is Christ Michael, to make an announcement you need to hear.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron, thank you for the tone. I am now going to announce something you did not expect. There are 14 people on this call. There should be 30. But they dismiss it thinking it's not important. The announcement is this: starting tomorrow, the seventh of February, 2024. We are going to stand down for six minutes. That is not for you to hear but that is like the siren going off those many years ago when President Truman asked the nation to stand in the street, stop what they were doing, and bow their heads in prayer. That was 1947. None of you remember it. No one reports it. But the people stood still in the streets, bowed their heads, and prayed. The entire matter of war and peace was fully ready to be restated on the planet a mere two years after World War Two closed. The insurrectionists not only in the Soviet Union but in other places where insurrection was occurring, declared that that day was their day to seize the government. Truman was notified and made it clear they were not going to take over the United States government nor would they take over any European government.

The United States is a frightful power. It controls almost every avenue of military resistance and they could, the United States could, end the Israeli war with a thunder. There is no use in the United States for such thinking. But its power is sufficient. For that reason, Hamas is learning to stand down. The Yemen insurrectionists are pulling back. Biden has warned everybody, he's nuclear and if they keep this up, they're going to get a taste of it. I'm sorry to say to you peaceniks that is an anathema. But the threat was required.

Christ Michael  
Finally, it made me decide, I am Christ Michael. That it was time Urantia got the missions regardless of how fouled up I am with the cabal and the Paradise origins of the problem they represent. That is not here in time. The problem exists on Paradise. Ron asked me this morning; is there any way for you to share why there is an insurrection? I still do not know why they are unhappy and attacking the flesh. They don't know, Ron. Except they don't like you. Furthermore, you detest them, and warn them; you either gotta take me over, you've got to kill me, or you will never get a drop of my cooperation. The Vorondadek Son that was present sneered at you and attempted to whack you one. Father intervened. That Vorondadek Son is not just gone. He's sleeping with the fish. He's dead.

Michael of Nebadon and Christ Michael
I am Michael of Nebadon. I am also Christ Michael. And to all of you who think this is a joke, and a parody, a ruse. No. You are a loyal group that is with us this afternoon. Ron is very grateful. I am. It takes an hour out of your time again and we're sorry. But I'm about to tell you that Dominick will continue to hold the Tuesday sessions. Lemuel, the Wednesday sessions are painful for you. Take them as long as you can. The Monday session, Elise is not to be truncated. But do them as you can. Let people know if you're not going to do them. And the Sunday Light Line Ron is no longer entirely yours. I am demanding Dominick you participate on a good level. And we will assign that to you this evening when you visit.

And finally, this from Christ Michael: the entire issue of the Light Line, the Dominion, the Second Return, and other issues I do not bring to you, except Ron knows them, is that they will not be shown to you visibly. But now you know what's in the background of what you will see. The Second Return is not going to be visible. Not now. But there is a visible deity on Urantia to come. In the place of Christ is the Manuel vision. Now where have you heard that before? It's not Immanuel. It's Manuel and for reasons of my own, I do not discuss it right now.

I would like another emergency Light Line tomorrow before Lemuel takes his Light Line at 2:00 p.m.. The silence is Ron looking at the time and saying if it's too early, you've got early morning in California. It's awfully early to get people in. But I will anyhow, Ron. Do your Light Line tomorrow at 3:00 a.m., no, of course not. That's cabal.

Ron Besser  
That should do it for you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Do your Light Line at 11:00 a.m. on the seventh of February.

Ron Besser  
All right, I've got it written down.

Michael of Nebadon  
That is running plenty of time for you?

Ron Besser  
Yeah, I can finally get going by then.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is Ron that you will do a Light Line on tape first. Put the tape up as soon as you can, early this morning. Then prepare for the Light Line at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, the seventh of February to proceed.

Ron Besser  
Listen people if you want to attend, 11:00 a.m New York time that should be about 8:00 a.m. in California. Well, that's six hours later for the Netherlands and EU which is fine for them. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is that the transmission today is fully prepared to make something obvious to you. But we're not going to do that until we have a Light Line tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. and Lemuel continue to hold your Light Line at two. I am Michael of Nebadon and I return this to you Machiventa Melchizedek.

Ron Besser  
We are grateful, Christ Michael. Thank you. We'll see you.

Christ Michael  
Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Yes, Machiventa please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. I'm so pleased with your voice and your care to make sure that everyone hears it clearly. The issue of the missions is not to be discussed. They are on but your workshops people are not as sure as they were 48 hours ago. The reason that we must make the Light Line tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. is to make sure there is no additional problem with cabal. Now this: Ron just asked me; why am I hearing an echo that when I say a 11:00 a.m., I hear 11:30 a.m. Do you wish to change the time? This is Machiventa. No. You arrived at it because it gives you an hour until noon. Which is sufficient for people to stop and eat at least on the New York timezone. For reasons of our own, we prefer 11:30. But if you wish to start at 11:00, go ahead.

Ron Besser  
That's like a chopping block that says it will stop if we put our head under. I'm happy to make it 11:30 if you wish.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
We do.

Ron Besser  
Good grace. Okay people 11:30 a.m. the seventh of February, same place, same station, if you will try to erase the old time and understand it is now 11:30 a.m. Machiventa needs beauty sleep. Thank you, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. And I agree. Now, we are fully aware, Ron, you're not afraid of Us. And for that reason, you make an excellent transmitter. You are not afraid of what happens to you. And for that reason, you are able to speak clearly and give us the high sign once in a while. You just did. And I'm glad you did. To all the rest of the transmitters: learn to be free and open with us. Don't make ugly remarks. But it's okay to talk back. Ron's the only one that does and Dominick has learned to do it too. It's excellent. That's a real transmitter. And for reasons of our own now, Ron. It is beginning to become dark and it's just gray outside your window. Pray, Ron, that the insurrection has not learned to fool with you like Lanaforge did.

Ron Besser  
This is Ron. It's the ugliest experience I have ever found.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And what was that Ron?

Ron Besser  
Ladies and gentlemen, you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it. One night I'm sitting at the computer. It's in a sitting room with two windows to my left, a corner with the computer in it, and two windows to my right covered by drapes. One night, we got into an argument that Lanaforge was determined to knock me out. What did he pull? Two of the largest mice you will ever see started to run across my curtain rods. They ran through the curtain rod behind my computer and dropped down to the floor and ran all over the floor. I immediately said; you son of a and so forth. You're not getting away with this. I took an empty waste can and I ran after one of the mice, scooped him up so that he fell into the waste can, and let the other one go. I will come back for him and do the same after I throw this character outside into the dark.

Well, it is a very large mouse, in fact, some of you would have called it a rat. Except it wasn't. It looked like it was from the deserts of Arizona. Quite large. I scooped him up into the waste can. He hopped out of it. I ran after him again and scooped him back in and put a piece of cardboard over the top to keep him in. I went downstairs, opened the back door in the total dark, and threw that character as far as I could into the driveway. There is a second large mouse loose on my floor. I went upstairs and couldn't find it. To this day I couldn't find it.

They do this to me once in a while. We have an insect called the assassin bug. It's a long black bug with a sharp tube at the front that he pierces other insects with and drinks their blood. They often put it on my screen or on my keyboard. I have learned to take the keyboard or the screen and bonk it one with my fist and put it into a wet Kleenex or towel. Then it goes to the bathroom down the drain. They have done this at least 12 times. Talk about nasty. It's an assassin bug. I know it well. They get on our leaves here, on our flowers, and can create havoc with the plant. Last night I got an assassin bug that was on the lamp at my bedside. I went to pick him off with a tissue. When I picked him off, he disappeared. Now folks, do you really want to experiment with Spirit when they can do that? They are not friendly spirit on Urantia. I caution you they can be vile and very nasty.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Lanaforge, was a sovereign producer of control on the mansion worlds. He was their prince. When the supreme died He came to Urantia and asked Michael to be assigned to His staff. Lanaforge was not a Lanonandek Son, Ron, nor was he Vorondadek but highly placed and they are not revealed to you. When He attacked Ron He was on Michael's staff. When we saw what He did, the Uversa Ancients of Days, sent the liaison forces to Urantia and arrested Him. He refused to recant. He was removed as a living personality. There is no Lanaforge, today. The evil has returned everybody and that evil is not Paradise or Uversa or Salvington. It exists on the periphery of the Hyperinfinity that Ron often speaks of. They are not Consummators. They are true evil and it must be stamped out. You wonder why Ron discovered the Consummators. Well, it was a chance for him to talk about it with you. So that you understood that Hyperinfinity is inhabited, but not in the Master Universe. There are liaison beings to Paradise that confer with Consummator Six; that's your Universal Father. The Consummators are superior to time and space and the infinity of the Master Universe. But the Master Universe is sealed. And Master Spirits are the only ones allowed to speak with the Consummators in addition to the Universal Father and His coordinates. For reasons of state, Ron, got ahold of one in particular, Consummator Four. Consummator Four is the Hyperinfinity of the Father-Son union. You may not have more than that.

Consummator Four has said to us; if you do not remove Ron we will remove him.

Ron Besser  
And this is Ron as a check to the narrative, is that you speaking Machiventa?

Machiventa Melchizedek  

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I now must curtail this message and remove the defiant ones. You are dead. They know not what I speak of, they don't know the word dead. But please understand this: the Consummators speak with the Father and then counsel that which will append to what They have said to the Father. They do not add anything of worth to what the Father's plan for the universe is. Consummator Four is about to speak. Ron is one of the few that can handle a Consummator.

Consummator of Universe Destiny Four  
I am Consummator Four, we do not use names in Hyperinfinity. Master Universe of the Consummator Six is sealed. We have a special permission to enter and counsel with your Father, our Father, if we are resident on the time and space regions. I am Consummator Four. Ron has known me for well over a year now. We converse. Ron has a document with at least 15 of my subordinates listed by name. He has refused to release it. I ask him to keep it from being released, Ron. And finally this: Ron, you are prepared to die at once if you have to. And I heard you say gleefully, with all the pain that's going on. Yes.

The truth of the matter is you are going to stay alive until we the Consummators convince the Universal Father you have a once-in-a-lifetime in the Master Universe to convert a whole planet to the words of the wisdom of our Father in heaven. For that reason, Father, we pray to You release Ron and let him finish his work. And for those of you who are listening and enjoy the thought of service, you will be included. All of your names are known. Right now there are 14 but there are 34 who support these kinds of Light Lines. And for reasons we do not relate the meaning to Ron, you will be supplied with a change of time and places no more. You smile at that way of referring to the mansion worlds.

Ron Besser
Yes, it took a translation. Thank you.

Consummator of Universe Destiny Four  
For our own reasons Ron, that is fine.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

Consummator of Universe Destiny Four  
You are unaware also Ron of the need for you on high. They would enjoy your view as it is totally perceptible Ron. You have a way to initiate what they are studying into real service not only on Urantia but at least 15 other human planets in Nebadon and now the Dominion. That will keep them busy for millennia and what a wonderful training to be finaliters. Marian Rowley on the Mansion World Four oversees a group of instructions to the Fifth Epochal Revelation as they knew it while they lived on Urantia. Several are known to you by name, Ron. Marian is one. For reasons of state, Marian has balked at the idea of meeting with you and becoming a teacher on Light Line. No, she doesn't have to go see her Uncle, Ron. That is not her reason. Her reason is you are too loud, too incompetent, and too friendly.

Ron Besser
Yeah, but not bawdy. Thank you.

Consummator of Universe Destiny Four  
And now this: Ron lets it hang mercifully.

Ron Besser

Consummator of Universe Destiny Four  
For reasons of our own, Marian has said if he doesn't stop here, with the Urantia group on high, which is on Mansion World Four we will attend to it on Urantia with special permission of the Ancients of Days to reenflesh and stand around you as the support group to join this support group to make sure it is heavy enough to make people understand they don't have a choice but to join the Magisterial Foundation for the Sixth Epochal Revelation, research and publication.

Marian Rowley  
We are the group on Mansion World Four that studies, the Urantia group. Our names are well known to you, particularly by the early discussion group, Urantia L. Ron has the tapes. You should hear them. For our own reasons, Ron, there are four more tapes. And like millions is unaware of them. Those are the ones we recorded and will bring to you if we dare.

Ron Besser  
We need them. Thank you.

Marian Rowley  
Good. And finally, this to everybody listening: the 14 who are here today are the core of what support we do have. It should be hundreds. But they are innocently struggling under the behest of the Urantia Foundation, that will not release them. They must learn with the rest of the population of Urantia, what we are about to do. This is Marian, Ron. We say, good day.

Ron Besser  
I thank you very much, Marian. It's a lovely bolster to a very hard piece of work. I thank you deeply and the group for attending. I think I love you all, you know, stand away. Thank you.

Marian Rowley  
This is Marian, Ron. Good day from Mansion World Four. We listen.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Marian. et oui, that's French for: and yes. I get bilingual when I talk about you, thank you.

Marian Rowley
Yes, you hit your mark, Ron. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now I want this to be understood. This is Michael of Nebadon. There is no subject to hard for Ron, not to joke with and I don't mean joke in the sense of a comedian. But to find humor with to comfort a little bit so it stays with you. I am sure that Ron has a whole new approach to Epochal Revelation, I think I will enjoy tremendously. He, when he taught it through, I think six groups, always could find humor and care. And it kept them awake and they learned a lot. For reasons of our own, Ron is the only one who ever attempted outlining the book so that he had a handout to the group and they could follow the discussion by a written outline. Boy does it work.

And now this to all of you: I have one more announcement and then we will part ways, and your evening is yours, at least here on the East Coast, where it is now pitch black. The truth of the matter is Ron that you are poorly suited to be a leader. You never asked for it. You don't see the point. But you're the one who knows what's to be done. How that works I do not know. Your biological father ran an insurance business quite successfully with one called Dick Schumacher. Both of them listen to the Light Line now because they hear you speak as they remember you. That is truly the case not only for Mary and Jane but the rest of the Besser family.

Ron Besser  
Oh, my goodness. Thank you guys.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. The truth of the matter is, you do not consider you worthy. Nor do you care well, to follow the usual patterns of a male life on Urantia. You sequestered yourself and said; I will not get into the foolishness of a biological family that only has time for the kids and maybe a bankruptcy or two. You said that's not for me. I will carry it as an individual and meet my loves as I should meet them. I do care, but not to the extent of imprisoning myself with what passes for a marriage contract. That's not against any of you. That was my decision for my life.

And finally this: the entire matter of the Second Return should not be lamented. Jesus is not done with us. Please understand. Jesus is not going to tell me or anyone his decision. But let it also be known that when your time comes to go to the mansion worlds, this group of listeners and some more. You will be greeted by the highest Angel in Nebadon, not the one called Folsom Ron. But the one called Mother Spirit who has reverted to a Seraphim and now holds no honor but to stand back as she watches the humans die and pass to the mansion worlds. For one last reason here is the creative spirit as she was once known, Nebadonia.

I am Nebadonia. I speak carefully, Ron. I gave you the pain in the legs. and you are dying. That was my purpose. You Ron, hold me bitterly and well sanctioned. But you will never traverse the Infinite Spirit, The Eternal Son, and our grand Father. Please understand, that I am Nebadonia yet. That has not been taken away from me. That's a gift name of the Ancients of Days for me standing against Lucifer as the prosecutor. That's where the name comes from and I honor it yet. My life ended when the supreme fooled me into thinking I was part of him. Not only am I not part of the supreme, I'm not even a Creative Spirit anymore.

I walk with my head bowed. I walk without care. I am left to my own devices. I am lost. I am no longer able to minister or care. I have murdered. I have destroyed, including Ron's legs. For reasons of my own I will not take partition but walk off after this speech, ashamed. I am no longer party to you Ron or anyone. I tried to make amends. You would not have it. You do not trust me. You trusted me once. And that's when I shot you. Lanaforge tried to shoot you. That's when he lost his life. And finally this to you Michael of Nebadon, my former partner in Nebadon. I askew to our work together. I admit I should have done better. I close my life entirely by saying to you my partner, Nebadon, Creator Son. I am sorry. I go away in tears, Ron.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, everyone. We have concluded one hour of all that needs to be done. And for reasons of state, this is the last time I'm going to be called in to emcee an idiot called, Ron Besser, who is quite sure it's all true, but cannot be tamed without thinking my god what happens now? Let me tell you, Urantia is no longer having a mission. Urantia is having the return of Jesus, not. Urantia is going to have a visible mission in which you learn what is to be done for your own lives to maintain an ongoing life on the mansion worlds. It's no longer automatic. Those on Urantia, nearly 9 billion of you. Fully 8.8 billion of you do not have a qualifying card to continue.

Ron says; that's horrible. But the truth of the matter is Ron, you saved your life in 1948 by becoming the first first-grade student to tell the teacher; you let everybody take a drink, and then told me to take my cup and take a seat without one. You turned around. It's a light little handmade tin cup you had and threw it at her at the back of her hair. It didn't make it. It fell out with a clatter on the floor. She looked at it and said, Ronald, take your seat. The promise you held then was there is no justification for singling out one person for a punishment they did not cause. That little action, Ron said to the Father, good grief. What a temper. But a good one. And finally, to all of you including Mrs. Fitzkey, the teacher who is on Mansion World Six. You did good. You didn't know the implication. You just made him sit, sit at his feet in first grade. He remembers it vividly. He remembers the books and reading and the way you wrote the alphabet on the board. You did well, Mrs. Fitzkey, and your partner there, Mrs. Redhead. You were wonderful too. You even shook him one day when he didn't do anything. It felt good. The funny thing is he laughs about it yet because his lunchbox fell open all over your feet.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I love the halcyon days of early education, Michael.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And finally this: we close this additional Light Line, I hope to your edification. Let me repeat the news. No Missions, only WTP, and an appearance of a visible Spirit that will direct future Missions and the appearance of Jesus very soon. We say goodbye. Thank you for taking your time with us. And we'll talk again with you when Lemuel does Wednesday Light Line for you. Goodbye, everybody. And thank you.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 20:16:22 pm by Raz »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

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Re: Lightline USA 6 Febr. 2024
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2024, 14:31:56 pm »

That fact that only 200 million humans on the planet qualify for the mansions worlds does not cease to cause astonishment now that it is not an automatic step as I can understand.  We already had that statistic of the classification of the different levels of spiritual development of the human being and it was also quite depressing for me.  But deducing that those of us around here should consider ourselves lucky, I can't help but compare myself to others and I can't find that distinction.  In fact, around the planet, history and current news give us a good image of the volume of human beings with truly wild behavior, although the cases that impact us the most are those that occur in our region or country due to their rapid spread.

 To name just two recent events that are astonishing due to the atrocity and human misery, I refer to the case of a son who came home and found in plastic bag, the head and in others bags, the remains of his mother's body that she had been murdered by a "friendly" neighbor.  Another case was that of a boy who killed another because he did not pay him 5 thousand pesos (a little more than 1 dollar).

 So certainly living on a planet in the midst of so much savagery would have to be considered a heroic fact without mentioning the wars that I consider most degrading in the human experience.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"