Author Topic: "RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ADJUSTER"  (Read 6616 times)

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Offline Rene A Duran

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« on: January 12, 2024, 22:54:51 pm »
Group 11:21Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Received: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador, January 12, 2024.

 "I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, we will deal with the case of the relationship, which by nature and organization when designing man exists"

 "The increasingly closer entrance of the ADJUSTER is activated when the guard stops searching outside, as we know there is a stage in which children ask their parents many things, they also learn from the environment that surrounds them, the school greatly influences this data collection, the curious thing is that the strength to learn so many details from the outside comes from within, I must state that as ADJUSTERS, we are interested in external experience."

 "The point is that once the personality is outlined, attention is not focused inward, people driven by their vital force end up absorbed by delight, like children enjoying the cake at the birthday party, at this moment a halt. percentage of humans here on Urantia have become accustomed to the loudness of the ego, and are not even remotely willing to cultivate an effort that governs themselves, the wait is long and we are optimistic, against all inclination, one of the demands is to survive and the struggle to find income occupies much of the time, this ends up giving life to the phrase, life is hard, as a dominant truth "

 "We must express that with the knowledge they master, they could solve many limitations, it is notorious that when THE ADJUSTER comes to model the routine in a person, you realize that you are everyone's brother, and that your creation was long before you incarnated. , at the hands of the intelligence of our UNIVERSAL FATHER"

 "In fact, you do not hurt a brother and you try to serve in some way so that he does not suffer, brotherhood is an indispensable element to improve life on Urantia, we know that it only comes from within, when you no longer need speeches, because you feel it and you You became everyone's brother, you come to understand that you incarnated for a season to take a course, then the attachments end, you act guided by THE ADJUSTER, of course you become a servant to the cause of our UNIVERSAL FATHER, we can express what you feel inside, like a compass always guiding you up the evolutionary scale "

 "I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, ending this interesting topic here, we wish to help in the edification of the readers, that you progress and have a nice day."


 Evelio Rivas.