Author Topic: Pleiadeans and Truth  (Read 5485 times)

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Offline SongatSunrise

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Pleiadeans and Truth
« on: February 25, 2024, 19:28:29 pm »

Hello everyone,
Here is a quote from a recent light Line:

Yeah, I have a question for the group. And while we're on the subject of all the transmitters on the forum, what could you explain or can we get clarification on the role of the things like the Pleiadeans? And any, where do they fit in? And where do transmitters who might be receiving messages like Carole fit in?

Ron Besser  
It gets so complicated. Thank you, Dominick. The Pleiadeans are what earthlings call aliens. They are still humans living on their material planet. They are advanced enough to make communication possible to other civilizations off planet. Their intention is to continue with Carole Deptula in order that she may receive their good wishes.
All of you who had a chance to speak to the Pleiadeans did not bother. Ron did and enjoys us tremendously. We with him. Therefore, we will continue to contact Ron and Carole Deptula. If it's necessary, Dominick we'll contact you. Now, why are we involved? We are a lover of the Father. He is our God. Our only and one savior. We never had a bestowal. Not every planet does. And for that reason, we have a sentimental view of Jesus. We want to be in contact. Carole is fine.

Good morning All!
Good morning Pleiadeans!

I have been thinking of you often lately. We are indeed "surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses."

Here is a transmission from George Barnard that reminds me of your work with us as humans.  
Athena: â€œâ€¦ I am Athena, a Celestial Artisan, a pre-fusion Teacher to any of the receivers of the 11:11 Progress Group as are Samuel, Aaron, the Mentori and others.

“It is known to you that I am deserving of being fused with my Thought Adjuster, yet for a season we have more to offer, as still independent children of the Creator-Father than would be the case if we were already fused. The curriculum for fused personalities is such that it first of all leaves less time for teaching and secondly is often irrelevant to current humans’ need to know. As well, to teach humans from a yet higher status would require a greater ‘string’ of intermediaries and we would likely not relate quite as well.

“Even so, here on Mansonia Seven, a person’s involvement with the arts has a great record of furthering one’s problem-solving capacity for all future times. It is not a guarded secret that terrestrial and Mansion World life engenders the pinpointing of specific difficulties and the discovery of appropriate solutions. We — humans and former humans — have much for which to be grateful.

“There is also no secret in the one-time suggested and later confirmed fact that we, who make use of the from-the-ground-up spiritual education we receive, will play greater and essential roles in the now-forming universes of deep space. The hierarchies existing in the seven super-universes will not reign in deep space as you know them here and now. There will be a greater content of Sons of God who have had terrestrial life at their starting points. Yes, humans, Midwayers and also the to-you-still unfamiliar Transcendentalers and some Angels.

Thank you for thinking of us, Carole. We indeed welcome a larger group to hear our teachings. Because we are human origin beings, we can identify with you all more than other created spirit beings. We can see clearly how the materialistically oriented population of this earth is swayed by the influence of money regardless of who wields it. There are visions by some that the big money holders will sit beside Jesus in the coming "kingdom of God" on this earth -- a theocracy in America that completely overrides the truth, not only the truths set forth in the declaration of independence and constitution, but also gross misinterpretation of the Bible which they preach.
Through intimidation and threats, moderate legislators are succumbing, and falling out of the political scene. Elections are coming up that use this influence to achieve their ends.

The big warning is don't be swayed from the truths you know!

Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". Think on these things deeply. Never before has it become so important to know what the truth is.

Go in peace.

Thank you Pleiadeans!

« Last Edit: February 25, 2024, 19:38:40 pm by SongatSunrise »