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Topics - weydevu

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« on: February 12, 2024, 11:44:46 am »
Over a Dozen Earthquakes Strike California in 25 Minutes (

It looks like things are brewing up.


Here is something you may or may not enjoy from Alpha Awakenings.  I like it because I never believe in the old concept of how the pyramids were built.  I always believe in light and sound in the construction of the pyramids.  In this video you will at least enjoy the arrangement of colors and music and art works.  Enjoy.



Hello family, I labeled that subject above because that's how I feel about these two documentaries. The first one is about our moon as a satellite and the second one is about the moon and it's inhabitants. Both are a little over an hour long.  It reminds me what TUB says about revelations and how they will stand the test of time until there is some new scientific facts and discoveries that will produce new revelations.  But don't quote me on that.  ;D

I would like to say to those who produce presentations on YouTube or whatever it's always good to add some nice, soft and soothing music.  As you will hear on the first documentary.
1)     ALIEN MOON - Full UFO Documentary | Ancient Alien Conspiracy (
2)     Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed | Conspiracy Theory | Absolute Documentaries          (


General Discussion / ALIENS IN MIAMI
« on: January 11, 2024, 10:45:38 am »
I've been reluctant to post this but after viewing different witnesses to the incident I feel there is something of value here.  This took place on New Year's Day or the day after at a Miami mall.. Over a hundred police responded to the incident. Yes that's right, over a hundred with up to 60 to 70 police cars. In their report it was just a bunch of kids fighting, looting and using sticks and fireworks. Yet there is no video of any of this and there is always a video of this nature.

To hear the accounts of the people that were there go here:  miami alien 2024 witness - YouTube

I would like to hear from someone in the know.  Thank you


« on: December 30, 2023, 12:12:54 pm »
I don't know about it being 3 miles wide but it is huge, just by judging the distance from earth to the moon through the lens of a telescope. By it being triangle in nature I believe Ron stated that off planet beings don't use triangle ships.  So it must be ours or some other nation. I will be so glad when LIGHT comes to this world to expose the dark lies of so many things. 

Here is a link to the subject at hand, you be the judge:   JUST IN! THREE MILE WIDE MOTHERSHIP Over The Moon? What THE HECK? 2023 ( 

Oh and thanks for that post from Jerry Lane.


General Discussion / STATUS OF ANGELS
« on: December 13, 2023, 13:00:37 pm »
Can someone please refresh my memory on the status of Angels?  I'm aware that they defaulted in large numbers in 2019.  Those in the category of guardian seraphim (and others) are being revised into a new order and are no longer call seraphim.  Can you tell me what order they are call and what's their status?
Thank you.


Two nations have rejected the U.S. dollar in buying & selling in international trade.

Egypt and India, in a strategic alignment with the BRICS bloc’s de-dollarization efforts, have initiated discussions to eliminate the US dollar from their trade relations.

This bold move is a part of a growing trend among BRICS nations to reduce dependence on the US dollar in international trade, and it signifies a significant shift in the global economic landscape.

Egypt, India abandon dollar completely (

Are these the first steps towards America going to the gold standard?


The Webb Telescope has discovered large binary objects in the Orion constellation they call Jupiter Mass Binary Objects or (JuMBO) of which they can't explain because there is no star to contain their orbit.

The James Webb Space Telescope has shown us the most distant black holes known to exist, new exoplanets, possible planets in the making—and now, planet-sized objects previously unknown and unaccounted for by existing theories. Nearly 150 planet-like "Jupiter Mass Binary Objects," or JuMBOs—far too small to be stars, yet not technically planets as they're not in orbit around a star—have been spotted in the Orion Nebula that's 1,344 light years away, often in pairs, as described in a preprint, reports the New York Times. Just 1 million years old, they are gassy and hot, with surface temperatures of roughly 1,000 degrees Celsius, though rapidly cooling, per the Guardian. The weird thing is that existing theories of star and planetary formation don't account for such small, paired, free-floating objects.

As the Guardian explains, "the smallest stars are about 80 Jupiter masses, below which the core is not dense enough to fuse hydrogen." While "smaller objects can coalesce through the same process ... theoretical predications suggest that the lower boundary for an object forming through a star-like gravitational collapse is about three to seven Jupiter masses." "We find [JuMBOs] down as small as one Jupiter mass, even half a Jupiter mass," head of the discovery team Mark McCaughrean of the European Space Agency tells the outlet. "Physics says you can't even make objects that small." JuMBOs may have been ejected from a planetary disc around a star, per the BBC. However, 42 JuMBOs have been found in binary pairs, an unlikely result from such chaos, experts say.
Webb Telescope Makes 'Baffling' Discovery (

What you say Ron?


« on: May 09, 2023, 10:59:52 am »
There something brewing in the Pacific Ocean that is note worthy, it's from 'Prophecy News Watch'.

"50 miles off the coast of Oregon, scientists have discovered a giant hole that is "spewing hot liquid" into the Pacific Ocean like a firehose...

Experts are on high alert amid fears a crack at the bottom of the ocean could trigger an apocalyptic earthquake.

The hole, just 50 miles off the coast of the US state of Oregon, is spewing hot liquid that scientists warn could spark a magnitude-nine earthquake with the potential to devastate the west coast.

Unlike hydrothermal vents, this giant hole is actually leaking "tectonic lubricant", and the loss of this "tectonic lubricant" could easily become a major issue...

Therefore, the more fluid that is in the cracks of the faults, the less pressure there is between the two tectonic plates.

Without it, pressure beneath the earth's crust can grow, leading to an unbelievably powerful quake.

This leak is happening right along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and "an unbelievably powerful quake" in that area would have the potential to create a very large tsunami..."

To read more go to----


« on: December 13, 2022, 11:01:55 am »
Ron according to this article in USA Today the Dept. of Energy refuse to recognize you or your patent, they prefer fusion rather than fission to produce unlimited amount of energy:

Why fusion could be a breakthrough for global clean energy

The Department of Energy is planning an announcement Tuesday about a “major scientific breakthrough” at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of several sites worldwide where researchers have been trying to develop the possibility of harnessing energy from nuclear fusion.

It’s a technology that has the potential to one day accelerate the planet’s shift away from fossil fuels, which are the major contributors to climate change. The technology has long struggled with daunting challenges.
Here’s a look at exactly what nuclear fusion is, and some of the difficulties in turning it into the cheap and carbonfree energy source that scientists believe it can be.

What is nuclear fusion?

Look up, and it’s happening right above you – nuclear fusion reactions power the sun and other stars.
The reaction happens when two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus. Because the total mass of that single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei, the leftover mass is energy that is released in the process, according to the Department of Energy.
In the case of the sun, its intense heat – millions of degrees Celsius – and the pressure exerted by its gravity allow atoms that would otherwise repel each other to fuse.

Scientists have long understood how nuclear fusion has worked and have been trying to duplicate the process on Earth as far back as the 1930s. Current efforts focus on fusing a pair of hydrogen isotopes – deuterium and tritium – according to the Department of Energy, which says that particular combination releases “much more energy than most fusion reactions” and requires less heat to do so.

How valuable would this be?

Daniel Kammen, a professor of energy and society at the University of California at Berkeley, said nuclear fusion offers the possibility of “basically unlimited” fuel if the technology can be made commercially viable. The elements needed are available in seawater.
It’s also a process that doesn’t produce the radioactive waste of nuclear fission, Kammen said.

What are scientists trying to do?

One way scientists have tried to recreate nuclear fusion involves what’s called a tokamak – a doughnut-shaped vacuum chamber that uses powerful magnets to turn fuel into a superheated plasma (between 150 million and 300 million degrees Celsius) where fusion may occur.
The Livermore lab uses a different technique, with researchers firing a 192-beam laser at a small capsule filled with deuterium-tritium fuel. The lab reported that an August 2021 test produced 1.35 megajoules of fusion energy – about 70% of the energy fired at the target. The lab said several subsequent experiments showed declining results, but researchers believed they had identified ways to improve the quality of the fuel capsule and the lasers’ symmetry.

“The most critical feature of moving fusion from theory to commercial reality is getting more energy out than in,” Kammen said.


A technician reviews an optic inside the preamplifier support structure at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., in 2012. Officials at the Department of Energy say on Tuesday there will be an announcement of a “major scientific breakthrough” on nuclear fusion.


Music Compositions And Other Artistic Expressions / all is good
« on: October 21, 2022, 13:33:14 pm »
Imagine a scene of tress, mountains, waterfalls it's The Day AFTER.


Another oldie 1977 by Pharoah Sanders 'Love Will Find a Way'

Music Compositions And Other Artistic Expressions / Revelation
« on: October 12, 2022, 12:29:50 pm »
Here is an old song from 1973 by then Doug & Jean Carn enjoy.

Discuss This Web Site / No library internet connection
« on: September 14, 2022, 12:45:10 pm »
Ron I don't know what's wrong with the Bossier City-Shreveport area libraries. We can't receive connection for the Serara Forum on internet. All I keep getting is 504 Gateway  time out. Do you think it could be because the 1st page says 'This Website is Unavailable and is currently being updated?  My fears are when Jesus reveals Himself to the world the people in the Bossier City-Shreveport area wont be able to receive any information through the public libraries. I've ask them to look into it but they came up with nothing.  Thank you.

PS(I'm using internet through wifi on my job)


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