Author Topic: "THE TERRESTRIAL CHALLENGE"  (Read 10452 times)

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Offline Rene A Duran

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« on: May 27, 2023, 19:38:16 pm »
    This transmission was received by Evelio Rivas.San Miguel El Salvador May 26, 2023.

 "I AM MICHAEL OF  NEBADON addressing the terrestrial challenge, it is logical that many details of what was planned and observed around the start-up of the missions are not disclosed to the human field, since their disclosure would give the opposing side an advantage, we will continue to wait for the moment more accurate and adjusting our plans is the Urantian case, a formidable event not recorded in the annals of history, the conduct of the things of this world, their way of life are established ex officio by our reluctant opponents of the Will of the UNIVERSAL FATHER, they have built theories that feed this culture lacking basic elements in Christian coexistence, are outlined as a system that does not admit changes but hardens to remove the possibility of changes in that conception humanity has its role and is not conceived as Free and Creator of changes but as an organ that has to stay within the parameters expected by the dominant elite this current system honors the general rule of materialism of 'so much you have so much vouchers' the paradigms secretly constitute a beam to dominate the populations and in the terrain of the race to obtain money and obtain external possessions, it has not mattered to adopt behaviors that challenge spiritual principles, for example 'the end justifies the means', these paradigms are embraced by the dominant elite and all integrate a small segment of the population that leads the destiny of the majority, however, Urantia is being enlightened with new energies that will undoubtedly awaken LOVE as something valuable in the hearts of many. This, together with our actions, will gently induce changes and the moment will come when doubts about the origin of life will settle clarify forever and our UNIVERSAL FATHER is recognized by all, when we all consider ourselves Brothers and Sons of the same CREATOR, the chains that currently relegate the vast majority to poverty and uncertainty will fall, this will allow a change in the personal relationship with GOD to happen and the way to access the word and advice of the CREATOR will no longer be in the hands of intermediaries.
 I AM JESUS CHRIST MICHAEL ending this lesson on this pleasant morning be full in my PEACE AND LOVE".

 -Thank you JESUS CHRIST MICHAEL for his profound address that unravels our current culture and guides us with certainty towards the LIGHT. Welcome to this humble abode.

