Author Topic: Lesson 31 ARTHURA. The Privilege of Dissatisfaction. 09.03.22  (Read 8987 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Lesson 31 ARTHURA. The Privilege of Dissatisfaction. 09.03.22
« on: September 03, 2022, 13:25:01 pm »
Lesson 31 ARTHURA
The Privilege of Dissatisfaction
Sat, 9/3/2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA MELCHIZEDEK
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (10m)

September 3, York, PA Volume 31.

The lesson associated with it in name is not to be found. Instead, we have a status report that we would like added to, and it is this. The status report was graciously provided by Magisterial Son Monjoronson. Speaking now, I am Arthura Melchizedek. I phase, as the Order. And my Office takes on more than that, when necessary. This is such an occasion when I add to the status report. What we have is a state of the planet; a trajectory and forecast, that if left to its own devices, is due for a marshaling of resources. Not aimed at correcting its problems but blaming and persecuting anyone in its way between partisan interests. As such the Second Return and anything associated with missions is a lightning rod of these latent and pent-up aggressions.

A keyword phrase We would like to introduce to address a response as a lightning rod is, a recalibration of cooperation. In other words, recalibrating circumstances and attitudes, proclivities – everything - biology, government, civilization, and so on, towards a recalibration of cooperation. And to assuage you this is not all coming down upon you, in the species or the planet, this is also happening to the entire Universe apparatus. In some respects, with a New Universe Age, but specifically in your neighborhood, with the Rebellion, having taken place. And those legacies, and identified contingencies, and the Universe responses to those through its various agencies, and administrative, and court systems. Not to mention the relationships between existential Deity, Paradise Trinity, and sub-Coordinate Deities, all the way down to Divinity and potential divinity that you are.

And potential meaning it is Our responsibility, Our delight, Our prerogative to graduate you to that status, it is not Our desire to keep you from that. Quite the contrary. We just remind you as an Order you are, that you are not there yet, and you have the adventure of providing your own experience that way, and providing Us, Our own experience, and associating our adventure with it and with you. In this sense, in the words of a Thought Adjuster the other day,

(and this is what you can, as an individual listening or reading, take away from this, too)

that universe status of yourselves becomes an absolute, when you attain, or become destined to attain, fusion with the Universal Father fragment within you, part of you. You become a universe absolute.

Those in rebellion or participating in such, take that for granted. And over the long haul of rebellion, become reminded, that which was created could be uncreated. As opposed to that, which you are, is earned and attained. And therein lies some of the jealousy, if you will, of the privilege of rebellion

So, perhaps that is the title of today's lesson, the privilege of being dissatisfied. And to ask those as a social movement, not necessarily an individual with stress and emotions, but as when you choose to be part of something greater than yourselves. A social-political movement to be dissatisfied on behalf of something representing you. To then step back and examine this from the planetary, Spiritual Government point of view. And we guarantee the perspective will be different. And, in fact, a better approach, a better home in your mind.

Thank you for listening, that was a lot to chew. And we invite feedback. And that just may invite your own -- and I'm speaking to the reader or listener -- your own at very least thought, if not transmission. Even those who have never transmitted before you may ask to receive Me.

This is Arthura Melchizedek, I thank you and good day.

Dominick O:
Thank you, Arthura. Well received and thank you for that extension of yourself to everyone else.

Missions and 2nd Return
Thu, 9/1/2022 York, PA, United States
Transmitter(s): MONJORONSON and STAFF
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (19m)

September 1, York, PA. Status Report

If and when Michael and Jesus are one on the planet, who appears first, a Magisterial Mission or Michael-Jesus as Christ Michael, in the Second Return, we will refer to as Jesus? If Jesus announces Himself first, followed by a Regency, will the perception be fanned by the Cabal residue? Well, look who brought the thugs to enforce the Antichrist; or vice versa, look at the thugs who are the Magisterial Mission, who if they arrive first, bring their imposter Jesus. These are some of the public perception dilemmas we grapple with. Furthermore, with any other scenario, too, public perception asks, where is the Spirit Consort of Michael in all this? Other questions like, what rebellion, why are you even here, Jesus who? Or the proclivity of human nature on this planet to be dissatisfied with anything and showcase that dissatisfaction. And then there is the real, clear, and present danger of posturing of war being mustered by the actual warfare, we politely refer to it as warfare, and not say, some label as war or operation. But it is warfare. Warfare is ongoing on this planet right now. And we remind the listeners, the other planets involved throw exponential complexity to the timing calculations, with their commensurate problems. but for lack of a better phrase, misery enjoys company. And what a pleasure it will be to have the thrill of interplanetary introduction as a result of the Second Return and Magisterial Missions. Together with a mitigating referee with a Spiritual Mission overriding the material threat otherwise felt by races and planets.

We think, We observe the sub-human trait on the planet is underestimated. In so much as the Thought Adjuster has an unprecedented difficulty getting in. And with this lack of access to human mind, to human will, through the totality of a human personality, the personality is unable, and eventually, subtly unwilling to co-create its own soul. And this is what creates a subhuman at the morontial level. And as, even your science now stipulates, the equivalent of its science terms, of what happens at a morontial level, affects the material-physical. So, there is no unprecedented concept of what we're talking about that creates subhuman attributes in masse.

What are some qualities that might reflect this? It is not just an uncaring, unwilling thing we lecture about, but it is a fear, a compliance. It is like the Good Samaritan lesson only on steroids. Meaning it is exponentially more difficult, the lesson of the Good Samaritan. Exponentially because it is a feedback loop, creating a society within the unit of a civilization, that is quite cancerous. Then the cancer is the atrophy of the human condition to be salvageable in the Mansion Worlds and thus become subhuman. Other qualities are, complete disregard for environment and resource, future in favor of the now, survival of the self, blind loyalty to evil through oppression and authority, fear, harm, lies; not-truth.

And so, what do these qualities deserve if we remove your collective ego out of it, so to speak? What would this deserve? And so, it deserves something not-so-swell. It deserves to be put at peril, so that what is true, and good, and beautiful, can be recognized, and preserved, and sustained and stabilized. And it deserves the chance any planet is destined to receive. It deserves that chance and that is what is represented by both the Magisterial Mission, and the Second Return, and any series of incarnations provided to support that. It deserves the respect of the Principalities of Man who cite the Divine Right to Rule. And if you assert such, behold the Divine and submit!

Which brings us to the elephant in the room and that is rebellion un-cooperation, cabal, insurrection. These are forces and entities outside of the human condition, fighting what is precedent in the universe for its own ends. And that has been the status of this planet for centuries, the System these two to three other planets associated with our Incarnations and Missions here. And we are in the same boat. Call it what you want, it does not change the fact that there is, too, spiritual warfare. Rather one-sided, until it embroils both sides. So, what happens in warfare? Well, we all know this. A lot of entities and people get caught up in it, whether they were directly involved or not.

If you are a rebel, one of your strategic objectives is the knowledge of the lethality of the Ancients of Days, at least as a threat. And to work on disbarring and preventing their precision strikes against you. Likewise, another objective would be to muddy up Communication Circuits, to breach quarantines, and to spread propaganda for the sake of undermining Governance and into your cause. And We as Paradise Sons, representing the Father, also represent the culmination of all Paradise Trinity combinations of Deity expression as the Seventh Superuniverse. And with Our own innovations of governance to handle this. And those innovations, taken on by Paradise Sons, created its own set of problems of un-operation, defined as insurrection. Whose origins is also in the Universe, of Time and Space. Certainly, regarding its jurisdiction thereof. And it's so obvious that the Paradise Sons and the Paradise Trinity are the ultimate jurisdiction rulers of Time and Space. For God's sake, who created it?!

So, we conclude this message with the image of the cat being picked up by the scruff of its neck. The same could be had for a dog. These are the friends of humankind, and occasionally their insurrection merits being picked up by the scruff. And in general, to what we spoke to, this is what is going to happen. We don't have much further to say beyond this short status report. No details forthcoming, no announcements. But a certainty is upon us all.

Dominick O:
Thank you. And do we have a speaker transmitting this morning?

Yes, it is I, Monjoronson, Magisterial Son of Record on Urantia for the Magisterial Missions. I thank you for asking. And I bid you all on this planet, a very good day. And to hail to Michael of Nebadon and our allegiance to him and Jesus while we are on this planet. Thank you.

D: Thank you
« Last Edit: September 04, 2022, 00:52:41 am by Dominick O »

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: Lesson 31 ARTHURA. The Privilege of Dissatisfaction. 09.03.22
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2022, 02:53:50 am »
Hi, Dominick.
Thank you very much for posting this transmit.

Thank you Arthura for your words.

"that universe status of yourselves becomes an absolute, when you attain, or become destined to attain, fusion with the Universal Father fragment within you, part of you. You become a universe absolute.
Those in rebellion or participating in such, take that for granted. And over the long haul of rebellion, become reminded, that which was created could be uncreated. As opposed to that, which you are, is earned and attained. And therein lies some of the jealousy, if you will, of the privilege of rebellion"

Thank you Monjoronson for the status report. If I may, what is the solution to the situation quoted below? Will the sub-humans at one point be curbed or will they overran the normal human population on the planet?

"We think, We observe the sub-human trait on the planet is underestimated. In so much as the Thought Adjuster has an unprecedented difficulty getting in. And with this lack of access to human mind, to human will, through the totality of a human personality, the personality is unable, and eventually, subtly unwilling to co-create its own soul. And this is what creates a subhuman at the morontial level. And as, even your science now stipulates, the equivalent of its science terms, of what happens at a morontial level, affects the material-physical. So, there is no unprecedented concept of what we're talking about that creates subhuman attributes in masse."

Thank you once more. God Bless.

Love and Blessings,

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Lesson 31 ARTHURA. The Privilege of Dissatisfaction. 09.03.22
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2022, 08:18:48 am »
Moses, I am sure Dominick might respond to this for your; however, let me correct something that seems to have been accidentally moved into your mind by a slightly misstated fact in the Arthura post above.

Human fusion does not result in a universe absolute condition in the sense of joining a Creator Son style absolute.  The Deities of Paradise do not create Absolutes to live in time and space as that is over doing the need for time and space to use.  Rather, a Creator Son is Absolute on personality levels while being sub0absolute in their Local Universes if they have one. 

ARTHURA HERE: "I stand with you Ron to caution everyone I never meant to say that man becomes a universe absolute after ascending to the FATHER on Paradise and having completed his Deity Adventure, man becomes an Absolute as a Finaliter.  No, rather, man becomes something of a Creator Son style of sub-absolute versions of spirit so long as he survives the entire mechanism of training that long service to othe local Universes has been observed, and that the Finaliter is ready to take on the training for OSL1 (the first outer space level) of introducing Ultimacy in OSL1.

"For that reason, nothing in the post at the tope has much to do with you at present time, but it does suggest that universe absolute style of creation eventually proceeds to appear in man if he learns to deal Ultimacy first and graduates as far as OSL3.  Then there is a chance man is introduced to universe absolute conditions, but I doubt that man partakes of any absolute until the Deity Absolute so decrees it is possible for man to do so.  Go ahead Ron with the rest of your post.  ARTHURA at your service. K"
Ron -  Moses, I do not want to confuse you with more explanations of  the meaning if Absolute terminology as we can really get into explanations not really necessary for you to understand that any ABSOLUTE IS INFINITY.  I state that carefully because one can point to ARTHURA as he is Absolute, but condition by time and space to even speak to us who are created in time and space.  In time and space one can only be sub-absolute, and ARTHURA is reporting he can dip into time and space but must use as time and space helper-spokesman to transmit to us and our transmitter minds.  You try very hard Moses and I think you are very well done with what you have to work with.  I am not especially caring that ARTHURA suggets some sort of ABSOLUTENESS in our eventual perfection of service, but I doubt that most humans anywhere in time and space will ever ascend to such a level ever. 

But that does not mean it is impossible for some humans to reach those levels, but then you Moses must take into consideration that thanks to the Paradise Trinity, they can change the human origin possibilities by embracing such a Finaliter and turn him into a Trinity Ascension Son or Daughter which no longer is restricted by being of a human origin.  Look at Tarkas and Jack and Bzhutu, they are ascenders who have been embraced by the Trinity, and they are now  Trinitized Sons of Attainment, as a new destiny group which can attain higher levels of perfection of unknown destiny degrees.  I suspect these Trinitized mortals and ascenders could reach Absilutle essentials with further help of additional Trinity emebracements.  

Paper 22 explains these additional powers to ascenders like this:

"22.1.10 The Trinitized Sons of Attainment - the Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number - are all Adjuster-fused ascendant mortals who have attained Paradise and the Corps of the Finality. But they are not finaliters; when they have been Trinity embraced, their names are removed from the finaliter roll call. The new sons of this order pass through specific courses of training, for comparatively short periods, on the circuit headquarters planets of the Havona circuits under the direction of the Eternals of Days. Thereafter they are assigned to the services of the Ancients of Days in the seven superuniverses."

Please note Moses even human ascenders become something other than Finaliters when the Trinity selects them for additional and higher Trinity service.  But all must first become Finaliters, and then the Trinity selects from that perfection those additional talents to provide the universe with still sub-absolute servants but the door is open to even further association with the Paradise Trinity service perhaps on Absolute levels someday.   Not all has been revealed regarding Universe Destiny to large segments of the present leadership of spirit in the Master Universe, Moses.  The New Universe Age has also cast doubt on just how the Paradise Trinity may approach Ultimacy is the OSL's too, and my pay grade is far too low to even guess how that might be accomplished.

I hope this helps you understand that the terms ABSOLUTE is actually a slice of INFINITY and those raised in time and space do not even come close to Absolute EXCEPT through God the Fivefold as it is now.  the Urantia Book teaches God the Sevenfold.  Right now the sub-absolute and experiential Trinities no longer operate, and the five-fold Absolutes are an adjustment to leave out the missing supreme, but that is another story.  Ascenders like us no operate currently under God the Fivefold, and I let it at that for now.  Thank you. 

Ron Besser with the help of ARTHURA, The PARADISE TRINITY, and MICHAEL OF NEBADON in all of this.  We thank them greatly as well for the counsel. 

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: Lesson 31 ARTHURA. The Privilege of Dissatisfaction. 09.03.22
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2022, 08:36:57 am »
Thank you so much Ron for taking time from your tight schedule to respond to this. I highly appreciate it. I also note that you have actually gone extras with information as quoted below,

"Right now the sub-absolute and experiential Trinities no longer operate, and the five-fold Absolutes are an adjustment to leave out the missing supreme, but that is another story.  Ascenders like us no(w) operate currently under God the Fivefold, and I let it at that for now.  Thank you." 

Thank you once more Ron. God Bless.

Love and Blessings,

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Lesson 31 ARTHURA. The Privilege of Dissatisfaction. 09.03.22
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2022, 09:35:32 am »
Thanks Moses, I come back to say you tell any Urantia Book reader of the standard reader issue, and they wonder what we are talking about.  That is the sad case of epochal changes taking place but only the book of scripture will be aligned in their heads as they way it still is.  I just mention to you that spirit calibrates the 5th epochal revelation as the Urantia Book, is now in error, actually corrupted, to almost 25% to 30% in error.  Error is manageable if one understands what the error is, and they refuse to be taught whatsoever about the evolution inside the Master Universe changes factual information all the time yet they are hugn up on the perfection of useless scripture itself--  at least 25 to 30 percent of it.

This is why MICHAEL OF NEBADON refuses to start the REGENCY until the Labor Day weekend is well over and done here in the United States/  We are a rich country by moist world standards, but we are poor as mice when it comes to the nonsense of how to live with so many opportunities to improve ourselves/.  As a result we dig outselves into a hole so big and deep it takes divine intervention to save the fact this country still represents the best opportunity for all of mankind to figure out how it got good and how the narrow minded bigots of our Senate wish to tear down progressive thought and replace it with tyranny and the chaos to change our government into autocratic rule.  Kenya is not unlike the United States and it emulates it in some fashion, but beware,   when people refuse to accept changes, and that is true of our Urantia Book now, the devil gets loose, and God knows how to stop them from misinterpreting how spirit and its influence on the resultant good government start to fail entirely to serve the people.  God the Fivefold of Five-fold, however you wish to write it, might be temporary as is our Federal form of government after the Regency takes hold in the years ahead.  Thanks for your post.  Ron

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks: "Moses, you have a good head on your shoulders, and you use it well.  Just repeat the fact that anything Absolute cannot live in time and space.  IF anything becomes Absolute, it has to happen on Paradise, and it never happens in the time-space universes ever.  For that reason I state to both of you, the REGENCY  IS READY TO USE!  But there is no one to use it yet in the American government, and for that reason we have to stand back momentarily to let Biden clear his mind of false information regarding the Ukraine and the Russian aggression.   I leave it at that for now.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  -"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: Lesson 31 ARTHURA. The Privilege of Dissatisfaction. 09.03.22
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2022, 10:57:06 am »
Thank you very much Father Michael for your words. Thank you Ron as well. 

Love and Blessings,