Author Topic: Lesson 20 ARCHANGEL ORION. Setting New Standards. 07.27.22  (Read 6810 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Lesson 20 ARCHANGEL ORION. Setting New Standards. 07.27.22
« on: July 27, 2022, 11:39:53 am »
Audio Link (15m)

Setting New Standards
Wed, 7/27/2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): Archangel Orion, Acting Principal of Urantia Spiritual Government
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Wednesday July 27. Volume Lesson 20, Re-establishing and Setting a New Standard. This is a continuation from Lesson 19, on Cooperation and Non-Cooperation. Although we will not mention these terms [much].
This is Orion, Archangel Orion, Head of Urantia Planetary Spiritual Government. Soon to be upon you are the Michael mandates. The instrument of these mandates shall be through the continuation of the Jesus Bestowal. However, many of the mandates of governance will come through the Magisterial Sons. What is meant by the title lesson, is how setting a new standard will set the table for the planet organizations and institutions -- states, super states, and international institutions. And the power structures that operate them, will have the opportunity and choice set forth by such standards, to cooperate or not. They will see it being -- the standards – instituted, first, in the countries we implement them in. Such as the United States where the Regency would be established.
The gray area of questions you may have around how much perceived coercion is done from our side, compared to how much coercion we will endure from your side, is to address the extremes of theoretical and tangible cooperation and non-cooperation. The most stark example, is currently playing out in an example of a war. Where the policy of war is essentially the threat that says, “If you do not adhere to our political rationale and demands, our existential expression of threat to ourselves, then, you leave us no choice but to create a lose-lose situation. We would rather see everything burned to the ground than you, the other party or parties, succeed over us at our disadvantage, and injustice.” This example is at the state level, but it is exemplified in the immaturity of the family unit, when the child, given a rational explanation by a parent or parent-like authority, would rather see their siblings or fellow students lose then win over them.  In these situations, even though the party or parties are in control of their destiny, in creating a lose-lose scenario, such as mutual destruction. The spirit rationale of (in this case the context of true reality) the true reality of the situation, is essentially a spiritual one. And these merit an intervention. A policy where essentially such behavior will be curtailed and disallowed.
Now, to the opposite end of the spectrum, creating the win-win scenarios. And these are almost equally as hard to implement, if not greater. Because it requires spiritual maturity to go beyond the temptation to win over another, to accede in power and authority, material benefit, status, and so on. Only in recent modern history has there been any type of groundwork to even begin to approach and evolve these types of scenarios, either in science philosophy, or even religion, and institutions such as a League of Nations or United Nations. And while we are not espousing these things as perfect, we are simply saying it is the seeds of where we need to go. It is the beginning.
And if there is one takeaway from [the] rebellion education, as in the effects of rebellion, do recall:
The rebellion itself takes the forms and the Whats of the universe and uses it to its will and its advantage. It cannot create, to the extent that it is an originator. It must take from the existing and innovate it. But what we are saying is, in a sense, it must take from existing reality, it cannot invent Reality. And therefore, we are saying the What of anything does not change. An example is the rebels set up their own governance institutions, their own courts. So, did they invent governance? No! They simply set up the-What of what they knew how and did it themselves.
Therefore, the trap of conspiracy thinking is to examine the facts that there are courts or institutions in place, and somehow this proves the existence of one thing or another, because they exist. So, when we establish Divine Presence, understand these will be setting new standards. But, when we say the loose things like “these,” meaning regencies, courts, [and] representatives, that what we mean is, we will be setting a new standard. And because one side [rebels] existed [for a time], and the other of the Paradise Trinity regimes have always existed. And we [Paradise Trinity] are re-establishing what has always existed and what shall always be. With the goal in mind and the aim for the highest good.
Rebellion simply states that they are not aiming for the highest good, they are aiming for their good. And then isolating themselves from the rest of the [Paradise] systems in the attempt to create, your language, Utopia. And behold the fruits of that -- murder and mayhem and chaos.
So, we will end it here for now, this is a short continuation. As there is much interference in the broadcast. However, we do entertain clarification requests and questions. They do help flesh out the lesson especially when there is such strong interference. A cacophony of noise, much symbolic of what will be coming and dealing with by all in the days ahead.
We wish you a good day, all of you. This has been Archangel Orion broadcasting today.
Dominick O:
Thank you, Orion, this was well received. We thank you for your patience coming through.

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Lesson 20 ARCHANGEL ORION. Setting New Standards. 07.27.22
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2022, 15:43:34 pm »
 This is Orion, Dominick.  Be assured you transmitted me perfectly well, but I want to add a clarification you did not include in your transmission earlier and posted above.

First we must insist that there is no "interference" strong enough to bulk us out of transmitting entirely.  MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK had that trouble Himself and for that reason we have insisted on using a type of transmission which never succumbs to an outside source breaking in.  For that reason too, you Dominick heard us perfectly well and Ron read it so well I thought I should use him to add to your favorable transmission above.

Second, Dominick, Ron is boiling over with hell to pay stuff attacking him hourly today and this time he let them know who they were and they are fully disgusted with their own drama as it is certainly one that creates a monster repression they hoped would not occur.  You Dominick hardly know what to do when it hits, but the one you call Ron does know and lets them have it good, and as Orion I stop this and deliver my council:

"For several years now, Ron has succumbed to easy transmissions of great import and is furious they are curtailed with children playing with matches as he calls it.  However, let this stand well and that we intend to shake the cabal and the insurrection out of their misery and let them roam no where but empty space if they must roam anywhere.  Ron says "Watch it Orion, they will build an empire there and charge you for using space!"  I thank you Ron!"  ORION

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Well, Dominick you stuck to this one and it is excellent in spite of what you call a failed "head" system this morning.  It did not fail you at all!  However Dominick you never remember well what Ron told you last evening as you sat there enjoying his performance with RAYSON.  He told you and REMEMBER THIS!

"You are fusing!  He said it would take today and part of tomorrow, yet you are out gallivanting around and wondering why you are feeling your head the way you do.  The fusion is making nonsense of your normal consciousness and you need to rest at Ron's to gather yourself well back again!  I must keep telling you two there is a liaison between your minds that keeps Ron well and you operating as best you can in all circumstances, and when you break it to do work outside, you lost the liaison temporarily.  He cares you get this right yet you are failing all the time to really listen and remember.

"For that reason you are getting sea food salad not but something else you thought he would like better and that is not the right stuff for him ever.  Stay with seafood salad when you can find it again as BJ's lost the contract with the vendor that makes it for them because they did not pay them promptly.  My. My,  and so it goes on Urantia.  K

"Finally this:  ORION is now ready to transmit something very important for both of you if you can remember to attend to your session today and let things wrangle you not over time spent there as you are learning a lot in spite of you not being aware of the value.  Ron is aware of your fritter but will not give up unless your force him to and we doubt that either.  In any case we must add this to your transmit above:

"The interference of the cabal is slowly removed and Ron got marked yesterday but you could not see it.  He looked at it this morning and it is nearly gone but it was enough to portray to the cabal this one is not to be fooled with any longer, but some fool seraphim did this morning and caught it good.  We need to replace the horror of these interference's with you and Ron present at the same time and then go home if you must.

"Finally to the audience here: We must run tests on you again and this time you will hear things around you that might disturb your mind as to why you hear something at all.  Rest.  No need to worry but these are tests we run for every mission we do in Nebadon.  And finally I return this to ORION. [MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  Thank you says Ron]

ORION - "We are sure this is our last word on the post above.  It states somehow that we intend to interject ourselves to make sure we are heard.  Well, yes!  However not at the point of a gun, and Ron would like that anyhow but cannot get the word in he usually does as RYAN got a blast in the ear he seldom catches from any man when he discovered someone was pressing his actions their way and not what he had to do.  So we are without our leader RYAN or Zaldor the Great One from Paradise hyperspace.  

"We close with this:  feed yourselves well and keep water supplies handy.  Ron and Dominick have a cellar full of such sources and are well prepared.  Most of you do not listen and so enjoy it the way you have to.   I listen for one last burble from Ron who is unnaturally quiet these days over sad issues of State he cannot complete without us and we are not paying attention and he is furious over living life as a toad under a rock.  Be assured we change that shortly.   I am ORION and I wish you all a good day.  [We all thank you muchly, Orion for your effort and correction, Ron]

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online SophiaVeronica

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Re: Lesson 20 ARCHANGEL ORION. Setting New Standards. 07.27.22
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2022, 18:14:02 pm »
I asked Orion a question after I read Dominick's lesson and this is what I received from Orion.    

Here speaks Orion
The transmission that Dominick received is given in preparation for his future work that will have to do with the social-psychic side of the institutions that we want to help realize in the works that both Jesus and the Magisterial Sons will apply in the new form of government, namely the Regency, which will be established first in the United States and then in other nations of the world who want to follow the example of the U.S. when they have seen and understood that it is an opportunity to get their governments and underlying ministries in order. An opportunity to be able to change the cooperation between nations and the legislation in their own countries in a way that will bring about a total change and will be guided by good counsel on our side. A different form of government to partially maintain, supplement and improve the democracy as it exists today.

The purpose of the transmission is to paint a picture and to launch an idea about the organization and implementation of policy, to retain and develop the good things from an existing form and to remove the things that do not work or are not satisfactory.

Since we know the divine form of government and apply it in any design we present to a civilization, it will always be profitable and there will be no need to use the existing forms of revolution or war to oppose or enforce change, such as has been the practice in your world until now, but to add new and better handles to what does work, tying together the good experiences into a new form of government that will benefit society and therefore the entire population.

This revolution can be successively introduced at different levels, according to the degree of willingness, acceptance and cooperation with the existing governments and the extent to which they are open to these advanced forms of government and the election of delegates to such government through new electoral laws, which will give a fairer and more mature picture, where a different politics will prove necessary and the right to vote will only be given to adults who are better able to judge political matters. To this end, information will be provided to the entire adult population, indicating the age of the group called to vote. These new electoral laws can be introduced after a time of public education using the new electoral laws, which will be applied to prove how such a democracy should work.

This is Orion and I wish you a good day.

Elise: Thank you very much Orion