Author Topic: Basic Remarks About Transmissible Electricity for your information  (Read 11388 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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I am the inventor of the ability to transfer electricity from an electric plant to your home or factory or car.  And it can be done with considerable simplicity.  One of these towers reaches 200 miles to supply cheap electricity all the time; there is no  down time and the world needs a lot of them.  1 plant can cover half of the United States with reflectors build to  carry the transmission.

Write me if you wish to question what has been discovered here.   Electricity comes at a cost because it requires a plant to broadcast it and we think we can do it cheaper than anyone else.  Right now it costs about  1/4th of cent to send a quarter million kilowatts.   I will do my best to answer why and how this works and is years ahead of present designs.  If you think you have the resources to build one of these plants, please write me too as the world needs cheap, easy, electricity, and this is it!

Write if you wish:
Ronald Besser
2709 Sunset Lane
York, Pa 17408-9566
Serious inquires will be answered if I have the time.


1 - The electron is a sluggish preparticle highly defined in nature but poorly behaving to move it through the air at all.  But to broadcast the electron fails too, since it is an individual preparticle and any electric plant has to figure out to make the electron air born.

2 - We have to figure out how not to send the electron up a transmitting antenna or tower, and that requires understanding the electron itself is actually too heavy to keep in the air even if we can get it off the top of the tower to broadcast it to a home of factory or transport.  What has to be considered is we found an alternative to electrons to carry amps and volts.  The Lepton family of preparticles has similar preparticles in it, but we discovered that the Muon  is the likely candidate to hold the electrons vast potential without sparking a lot of voltage before it gets to your home or car.

3 - Our magnetosphere is an electrical shield placed over earth that drops electrons down over us.  It sits on both the north pole and the south pole of earth, and because it interacts with sunshine and atomic blasts of our sun, it fills up with preparticles out of deep space voltages and drops them on earth where they get grounded and harmlessly discharged.  That is, unless we catch them first and put them to use to make electricity out of them..  We use all of those falling electrons we catch on a wire underneath the tower through an induction ball as raw fodder to convert those electrons into muons.  The muon is a preparticle and is almost like an electron and we use them to send to your roof antenna and it is so inexpensive.  The muon preparticle can carry the amperage and voltage  of an electron easily but acts  as a gentle tiger and won't shock you to death.  The muon converts back to an electron on your home antenna and that easily feeds your electric box..

4 -  We capture the electrons from the sky with an induction ball mostly. The induction ball hangs down the middle of the tower above a cable wire underneath the ball.  The ball releases the  captured electrons from the magnetosphere and places them on the buried cable under the tower and into the generators inside the plant.  The cable feeds these captured electrons to two running generators which add more electrons to the captured electron stream, and then streams the captured electrons to a SLAVE GENERATOR and that is designed to push the muons up the south tower leg and to your home or car. using an antenna to capture the transmission.  We can transmit all this for 200 (two hundred) miles in a single tower transmission, and with two other towers, we can transmit the stream of muons another 400 (four hundred) miles for a total of six hundre miles from one plant and one transmitter.

5 - The slave generator has no magnet in, and we take the first two generators with electrons we captured in them with a few new ones, pass those electrons through our invention called a TRANSDUCER, and that changes electrons into muons.  How we do that is to take each electron flowing out of the generators up front, and miswire their connection to the third generator, the one we call a slave generator.  The mis-wiring of the electron flow causes the electron  to drop a piece of itself and that results in two new muons to add to the electric flow off the tower.

6 - The miswire upsets the amperage of the electron, and it reconfigures itself to be normal amperage again, but it has lost a part of itself and reforms as a muon.  Muons have architecture just as the electron does, but the muon has less original parts inside of it, and becomes the celebrated antigravity particle everyone talks about but cannot ever seem to find a use for.  The muon is that particle and it forms easily out of an electron by upsetting the amperage of the electron.

7 - The muon now exists into the third generator next to the tower.  We have the slave generator push out what it receives from the first two generators which are now converted to all muons, and it is they which the slave generator places on the tower for broadcast of electricity quite easily.

For your information, the muons form their own broadcast frequency at 86.4 Megahertz, which is near the bottom end of the radio FM dial.  The muons ride the frequency stem to your antenna on the side of your house or on the roof and that antenna is connected easily to your electric box to supply your dwelling or the car too although we transmit alternating current for your information.

The Muons leave the top of our tower at the speed of light at 86.4 MHZ, and broadcast out and around the tower for about 200 (two hundred) mile radius.  Elevations in front of the tower do not block the broadcast, and that is because the broadcast first must go through the magnetosphere again, and it is the magnetosphere which does the actual distribution of our broadcast into the air.  The tower has to be at least 285 (two eighty five) feet tall because the strength of the Magnetosphere does not start until the tower penetrates it there.  

The Tower height is critical, and anything less than 285 feet tall (two hundred eighty-five), begins to meet with failure.  The Tesla experiment in about 1903 on Long Island, USA, was less than two hundred feet high.

From the internet we learn this: "The prestigious architectural firm of McKim, Mead, and White was contracted to design the laboratory and transmitter tower (187 feet high above ground and 120 feet deep below ground level). Stanford White became the architect for the building. Tesla's plan had the initial backing of the financier J. P. Morgan."  Unquote.

That Tesla tower height does not reach the magnetosphere for redistribution of electrons or anything.  It is built not high enough to begin with.  The Tesla tower in our view did produce a stream of electrically charged protons none the less, but no electrons were left on the tower because no electron could reach the top of the tower for two good reasons even if they were present: and that reason is that  the oscillator was producing a  stream of electrons that were misshaped, and those electrons could not stay on the tower and fell to the ground at once.  What was left in our opinion was nothing but a lot of hot protons, and they could light the small porch light briefly until they burned the circuit of the lit lamp on the farm house porch into a black soot.  We conclude the Tesla experiment as it was conducted on Long Island in either 1903 or 1904, could have weakly lit the lights for years,  if he would have just dropped the oscillator from the experiment.  Then if thatwere removed,  stray electrons could have done some of the work he proposed because the Magnetosphere was connected to his tower, but was starved for amperage broadcast sufficiency from the lack of electron usage.  The oscillator burned electrons out to the tower but they would not transport up the legs well enough to do any good if they could be used at all.

Tesla himself remarked to JP Morgan, he was sure there was plenty of current but it did not broadcast sufficiently to provide usable electricity.  They tore the tower down a few years later to sell for scrap material, but remnants of it still exist, and a tourist would notice there is a warning to stay away from the tower to be sure no spare electrical connection creates as shock.

We as the inventor do thank Nikola Tesla for his ideas and his experiment, but we had to ignore some of the Tesla ideas by forcing ourselves to remove the oscillator  in particular, and that was mostly because we understood from the get-go electrons do not play a significant role in transmissible  current use.

In Conclusion
Our patent 11601013 is useful entirely by eliminating the idea we need to provide electrons at all, and we are convinced that any patent for developing broadcast electricity must contain free electrons added to the stream of electrons downloaded from the air.  The reason we say we must construe the idea of free electricity broadcasting to work is that the Magnetosphere, itself is too broad and weak with the electrons it does deliver  to earth.  Rather any true broadcast of electricity has to use new electrons due to the fact that magnetosphere electrons are slightly mis shaped and do not flow easily along a wire.  We correct that situation by delivering to the slave generator only correctly shaped electrons in the first place to convert to the muon for transport reasons alone.

That concludes this first post in this thread and under this Category.  Thank you for reading and best wishes for all of us to have the plant where all of this can take place, be funded and begin to light home and businesses easily and very, very cheaply.  Our first calculation says one can use all the electricity wanted and still cost less than $200 a whole year of use.  It does not have to be metered, but one still needs a meter box to determine the right voltage and other electrical converns into the house or car.  

Thank you!

Ron Besser/Inventor

« Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 23:03:21 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Ron Besser

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Re: Basic Remarks About Transmissible Electricity for your information
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2024, 14:43:42 pm »
This post is in response to a critical post received else where.  The criticism is valid if we were transmitting from earth ways to generate electricity, but we do not generate electricity by wind, sun, or burning fuels.  We take directly out of space and the magnetosphere entirely.  If you wish to read the post that started all, to to the near bottom where I reprint it.  Thank you.

Geoff you are talking about electricity and its propagation over land and sea.  I am not talking about any of that as the tower we use is in the magnetosphere at its very tip, and it does not transmit electricity through the air, but forces its broadcast back into the magnetosphere, and it is the magnetosphere which redistributes the free electricity to roof antennas.  I sincerely doubt you will or can understand, we are talking about preparticles not, but about the transmission of a carrier wave that is derived from the muons themselves.  I do not understand how or why that happens, but because it happens one can transmit the carrier wave again and again.  I make no apology for not understanding how electron energy is disbursed but I know that Muons disperse their carrier wave back into the magnetosphere and not into what Tesla called the aether entirely.

Nor, Geoff, do I declare myself the full understanding why this can take place, but the strange thing is that the muon is the antithesis of an electron, and is a true antigravity particle.  No one actually recognizes it, but it happens to be true.  Antiparticles are hardly my good knowledge at all, but I am inferring  from the power directors, that the muon is finely tuned antimatter as well.  I get that from the Urantia Book meaning which states that antimatter is not a preparticle, but it appears as a result of the energy womb of God when Ultimatons are used to dispense the production of electricity with or without the electron or the muon, but electricity is actually the produce of two muons dispensing flux in opposing flux rates inside the muon itself.

I hardly expect you to understand that since no one teaches that electricity is really not a production inside the magnetosphere, but a flux transmission out of the spare electrons peppering the earth surface everywhere including some from the magnetosphere as well.    I myself have no such concept but a Power Director Number Five (5) speaks.  For those who do not know who or what  a Power Director is, they are an example of the universe need for control of vivid energies produced in an expanding  universe of power and light and carrier waves of huge importance to we who live on planet earth (Urantia)

"POWER DIRECTORS are not favoring this type of exposition you use Geoff, because you are referencing distribution of electricity as you know it only.  What Ron discovered all by himself, is that electricity is not entirely what you on earth think it is.  Electricity is more than a flux, but it is also that which remains when a line of electrons work to fulfill the issue of fluxing without producing a new preparticle to remove the difficulty being two valences at the same time.  Ron says that electricity is a flux of electrons.  That is not EXACTLY true!  Electricity is the product of two opposing valences, and for that reason it forms an antigravity particle at the same time.

"ANTIGRAVITY PARTICLES ARE ELASTIC compared to Lepton family characterization.  Leptons are fully electronic is principle, but they are not easily distributed as the electron apparently is.  Instead the Lepton particles all tend to use one set of extraordinary prematter particles Ron calls Ultimatons.  We are aware that a major revelation nearly one hundred years ago on Urantia discovered that the Ultimaton principle Ron uses to maintain valance is a preparticle, is not entirely sound but useful to understand how the preparticle can have an electrical charge, but does not change valence appreciably.  To understand valence at all, one has to understand that valence is the result of electrical strength inside a preparticle, and not a valence determination so much as am amperage strength in its actual productive life in the universe to form atoms and associated  particles which help to materialize elements.

"AS A POWER DIRECTOR (#5), I have proposed often enough that the revelation about Ultimatons is precious, but in actual fact, the electrical discharge known as electricity is just another flux observed on earth readily.  I do not counter the claim the Ultimaton is the culprit which produces changes in the electron when one of them is removed from the electron to produce MUONS, but I declare that it is not muons which produce electricity at all, but that the muon is the carrier wave and not the valence which produces electron electricity.
"Muons can produce electricity by converting back to electrons at the house antenna, but the real culprit at work is not even the magnetosphere, but the decision by they Director of Power on the highest preparticle level, which is a Deity and not deep, cold space itself.  That decision is based on the fact that if one sends an Ultimaton to every preparticle needed, there is too few Ultimatons left to do all that it should produces through electron energy flux.

"As a consequence, Geoff, is that you are not incorrect to state that matter does not relate to electricity, but to Ultimatons first, and then to biological reproduction whether it is life or a type of matter that could be life if it were properly identified as a biological mass and not a Permian mass as was illustrated in the original implantation of life on earth sixty-five billion years ago.  Ron never argues against this principle, but he does state that Ultimatons are responsible for the change of the electron into a muon.  And it is the muon which can carry the amperage of the electron unchanged when it reconverts to an electron at the antenna connection on a house.

"Ron calls this explanation, "rarefied."  I conclude he means I am looking at Origins of electricity as almost a divine approach to muon distribution among the electrons as the means to exchange flux power within earth usages.  I think he may be right, but it is unprovable.  But the flux of an electron is twice the flux of a muon, but because the muon can carry the electron's amperage, the conversion back to an electron for electrical use in the home, is truthfully factual.  

"Last, Ron is one of those unusual humans which can picture anything we describe, and he can watch the conversion of an electron to a muon.  Please remember that conversion is not one for one.  An electron conversion results in five muons arranged around a central muon, with five (5) petal muons arranged around the central muon bonded bot by a mere electronic bond, but bonded by a hammer-like postage stamp over them like placing beans under a shrink wrap containment structure.  That structure is impossible to break unless there is a conversion device.  That conversion device in this invention is a fluid antenna style of ferrous material.

Finally, to you Ron, you never seem to be free of horrible over power over top of your will to type these answers.  Those are not brakes, but force fields sent by the Deity Absolute, from being executed for sharing such high information we produce here.  We have full permission to discuss these things, but the structures form anyhow and you bravely continue in spite of such pressures.  

"I am Power Director Five (5) and greatly appreciate this Ron, even though your voice is so muted to the outside world of commerce and inability to break through to the commercial world of money and tradition bound sciences forcing a LASER SOLUTION.  There is none and no such solution, but spend billions you do not have to come up with a device that has no real reach to power large sections of the world or country or any homes for long, so long as there is no real viable power to operate lasers properly.  A TRUE LASER REQUIRES TEN TIME THE POWER now used and as a result any electricity discharge is marginal.  For that reason Livermore Labs must abandon the project and let it sit for other uses which are becoming apparent even now.

"We concluded these remarks with this to you Geoff.

"Ron is not mistaking you worry for the truth.  If you are talking only about electrical discharges on earth use, your views are entirely correct, but Ron is not talking about earth usages, but transmission attributes only.  He knows that but you do not.  Let him figure out preparticles and transmisability, as he has done so beautifully, but never mistake the need to look at what you are arguing about as you speaking to another problem he does not field at all.  Consequently, the ads he must place up are as he has done with this Category.  He cannot make you listen because you refuse to.  However, those who read this will understand your concern.  HE does not really address those concerns because he does not have to, as the Magnetosphere does his distribution entirely.  We quit now and thank you all.  Power Director 5 at your service, K
Ron here:  Power Director 5 (five) is named Susatia, but is shy today and we thank him and the Power Directors in general for translating important elements of electrical production into the human language of English, and now for the mansion worlds, and that is thanks to MICHAEL OF NEBADON permitting this discussion to be read and heard by mansion world citizens.

On 2/17/2024 1:20 PM, Geoff Knight wrote:


You are confusing the reader with your nonsense about electrons being too heavy to move through the air.

How many times must I repeat this same information to you before you start understanding the primary blunder in your concept of electricity?


Simply stated in an analogy of the problem:

There is an ocean between two continents. A large earthquake on one continent sets off a tsunami. Within hours, the wave reaches the other side and floods the coastal area of the second continent.

Did the water on the coast of the continent where the tsunami originated, have to physically move across the ocean to reach the other continent?


The “wave” carried through the “medium” of the water, resonates within the water and transfers the vibrations through it! Each drop of water can remain in place while the resonant waves pass through them.

Please try, Ron, to see how you have misunderstood this concept in the case of electricity. You needn’t be concerned with how to move the particles; the electroMAGNETIC current flows through the particles which can conduct electricity, while the particles themselves are NOT moving!

You continue to make false statements because of your false assumptions.

I would appreciate the courtesy of your attention to this matter, Ron. Believe me, I am only trying to help you with your understanding and to get you over this simple, yet monumental problem that keeps you from being able to see clearly that you’re not going to get anywhere with the misunderstanding you hold dear.


1: The magnetosphere is 40,000 miles away from the surface of the Earth

2: If you broadcast a signal to the magnetosphere to reflect back to earth, it is Amplitude Modulation (AM), not Frequency Modulation (FM).

3: FM stations are broadcast on the odd number, while the “adjacent frequencies” are the even ones, equally separating the radio stations from the ones next to them. (You changed from 86.1 to 86.4 MHz, which is an adjacent frequency, not a broadcast frequency).

4: Nikola Tesla’s Wardencliff tower worked very well, sending a scalar wave through the atmosphere to reach the Stony Tunguska River in Siberia, circa 1908. You need to brush up on your history. Try reading “The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla.”

5: Quarks are really short-lived when separated from their respective elements in a hadron collider. The idea that they orbit protons is far fetched; six variations of quarks are known to exist, and they transform into W or Z bosons in a fraction of time.


Geoffrey Knight

« Last Edit: February 17, 2024, 15:06:20 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Basic Remarks About Transmissible Electricity for your information
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2024, 12:09:50 pm »
This is a partial post only to be filled in later - thank you Ron Besser

All preparticles are formed with ultimatons.  There is one exception only, and that is the preparticle of light, the photon, is a true preparticle but has no ultimatons in it.  The electron is formed with100 ultimatons bonding together and that also forms it electrical properties.

When an atom is to be formed, a free Neutron calls to all atomic parts to form around itself.  Ultimatons hear the call first, and they press their formation as an electron, proton, or even quarks toward the location of the neutron call.

The free neutron calling for atomic construction is not unlike the drop of dust calling to form a rain drop around itself.

//more to come later// Ron

« Last Edit: February 18, 2024, 12:29:49 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Basic Remarks About Transmissible Electricity for your information
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2024, 13:01:25 pm »
The more to come issue may be approached this way for this day:

I have prepared another brochure, or another booklet, or a white paper, depending on what is finally released for the coming weeks once I can finish the material to do so.

What is becoming abundantly clear is that t his miracle of wireless electricity is here if anyone is serious to look at personally and patiently.  The United States this morning the 24th of February, 2024 (an welcome to the sun in Pisces now), is facing the dilemma all nations face, and I must put a political spin on this regardless of our rule not to get into politics on a spiritual-style site, and transmit here the MICHAEL OF NEBADON assessment of world matters which affect how the PROPOSED MISSIONS, and that includes the SECOND RETURN OF JESUS, are being affected to the PLANNERS.

SPIRIT SPOKESMAN (Otherwise unidentified) -
     "Man has destroyed the last bastion of decency.  We on high see the awful conditions of the secular issues man must always face to live together.  
     "No one in spirit cares much about WTP, or cares about the Melchizedek Laws which govern the priceless ability for man to cooperate with spirit enough to join as a foundation to support our otherwise in-spirit work to be done shortly.
     "The trial to this point is not the Magisterial Foundation, but the entirely pointless reunion of old Teaching Mission advocates attempting to steal the show again in order to speak the viewpoint of spirit regarding messaging from the spirit concerning episodes of past teachings about Jesus.
     "For reasons of State, no one believes the other for examples of purity or careless regard for not understanding our true motivations.  There is a corporate undertaking which calls itself UNITY, and they are fully disparing over slipping into oblivion when Ron restated the problem with God the Supreme,  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaking now, and I relate that the spokesman for the Missions Ron do not care for you one iota, but you are sure they are mistaken on several levels and we stay away from them too until they learn the true facts.  In any case those transmitters or care givers who sense they belong with a voice about JESUS or Others, please remind yourselves. YOU DO NOT SET THE PROTOCOLS necessary to attend the spirit Missions or cares for Urantia.
     "I decree that the entire matter concerning spiritual missions is my business alone, and that the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION is ours, the spirit mission, and has nothing to do with the founder Ronald Besser, unless we reassign him to a spiritual post along the way.  He has fully complied and presented the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION to the Melchizedeks, who own and control its content and its motions to apply all of its potential for good.  Fully done the idea and care to produce WIRELESS ELECTRICITY is fully competent and ready for release.  However, that release is dependent not on you anyone, but on THE FATHER for reasons of His own.  FATHER now states his view over wireless electricity as 'Ron has put together so well, and waits for some idea of how to catch the attention of people who can make it work, to work for all of us shortly.

"I wish to state the following:

"No one is copying Me or the Son of my endeavors regarding JESUS or what He stands for. 

"I am quite sure Ron is bleeding to death in a slow motion way to the mansion worlds, and he fully dislikes the whole idea, but this morning he nearly fell into the well again, and that ends the life of most who do such a thing.  I refuse to take him to the mansion worlds but he cannot hold on alone, yet we decree he stand alone until MICHAEL OF NEBADON has his final say over the Palestinians, and the Israel debacle of total war over a defenseless people, but who have supported Hamas until Hamas has ruined them too.  I am fully sure that the world war that is brewing yet, explodes into a catastrophe beyond imagination.  Look at this:

"Ron has recently discovered that the Ultimatons on Urantia are all starting to show their interior RODS which contain the programming to form preparticles and other things the Ultimaton is capable of , from the blue rod normal color, to a bricking yellow.  He was informed that recently attempting to provide an informal instruction about how wireless electricity if confounded by the lack of a magnetosphere which is beginning to show signs of wear and has stopped producing all electrons.

"In stead Ultimatons today are producing electrons for sure, but they are also producing a variant of an Ultimaton with brick yellow-red Ultimatons.  That is so unusual the Master Force Organizers, which are truly Infinite beings, have warned Ron to go easy on advertising WTP for the moment, as the magnetosphere is producing Tachyons too.

The Tachyon
"The Tachyon is a bear of an electron which has lost two Ultimatons and is wildly electrical.  IT has no reason to be part of WTP, but it reproduces on the proposed tower you wish to build for this provision and it must be scoured off the tower and never transmitted.
"The Muon is about half the size of the preparticle called a Tachyon.  The Tachyon is slow witted but quick to impart an electric shock if approached unprotected.  The patent #11601013 provides no room for the Tachyon, but it does provide for the last concern to remove any dangerous charge at the plant or at the receiving antenna on home roofs.   For that reason we have declared a state of emergency and to avoid developing the patent until further notice.  It will be reinstated, and meanwhile Ron has to reconfigure the brochure or booklet.  All of it yet another delay at the most basic level.  K"

THE UNIVERSAL FATHER speaks once again:

"I have decreed the WTP to be built.  I have decreed that Ron remain at the helm.  Neither of these decrees are acceptable to the spirit cabal which attempts to over see what Urantia does.  That cabal is over shortly and we shall proceed accordingly.  For our own reasons then, and this to you too Ron, let things lie momentarily, and we shall proceed as we can. 

"That concludes FATHER'S  remarks now. K"

Ron Besser - I exclusively own the patent    11601013 fully as my own.  It has cost us about $23,000 to promote its approval with the United States patent office, and with a few thousand here and there still missing to the attorney, another $5,000 for patent protection around the world.  However, I am quite sure the wolves are out already looking how I do it for humanity, and several countries not friendly to us, according to spirit investigation, are already planning to understand how it is done and replicate it for their own use.  Fine, I cannot help that, but at the same time that patent is not easily copied well enough to get the results we promise in that patent, for the simple reason that Ultimatons are under the exclusive control of the Universal Father along with the Deity Absolute and the Absolute which originates the Ultimaton in its own creation awared, the Unqualified Absolute.

All manifestation of power on our planet originates on nether Paradise through auspices of the Unqualified Absolute, and it is that Absolute which requires that Ultimatons use color codes to indicate th health of a material world and its use of power as originated from the work of nether Paradise causes.

I am not a fellowship of care over these issues, they are too high over my head, but I am aware who and what contributes to our power grid from on high, and there is an accumulating danger that while we know how to use MUONS we do not know how to use TACHYONS  in this patent's process.

For that reason I leave it to the Melchizedeks to attempt to parlay this approaching situation into some progressive order while we search for a sympathetic ear over what we have produced for all of mankind to use when peace can be restored to those articles which are now being fought over in wars of attrition by the old Soviet Union in spite of it being called the Russian Federation. d

Meanwhile, my point for progressing this post today is to avoid falling into the trap of depression or just plain being unable to understand how we stand with the Missions today, and make sure all of you understand this as far as it is my concern to see to what must be done with our technology and our care these Missions find root first in the United States to keep it plowing the oceans of fair play while defeating the evil intent of war production by so many now.

"You all must understand that Ron Besser and I colluded two years ago to produce free electricity (aka WTP), and for that reason I have a stake in all of this regardless of war or treachery by our own State Department to heal Ron not but to let him dive into the oblivion of the death process he feels daily.  For our own reasons I subject nothing to change on Urantia, but I warn the powers to be that the whole idea of producing WTP for Urantia, through the abilities of Ron to run technology as well as provide patents for it in the Untied States, has not been lost, but Ron is so seriously ill, it is even hard to contact him while he suffers debilitation of the fragile human body he now has.   For my own reasons I am asking the Ancients of Days to provide MICHAEL OF NEBADON the wherewithal to protect and provide those things about the Magisterial Foundation, so they are ready to go once the political situation on Urantia rights itself again.

"For that reason, the ANCIENTS OF DAYS, are now acting in defense of the patent and the person who owns it and that is not a trivial matter to any who happen to read this without knowing the spirit power hierarchy at all.  Scientists are godless, and for that reason they cannot truly assess what this patent embodies as well.  Ron is patient but he has limits due to the costs and the means to do these things as a God-fearing individual with immense talents at observation and care.   For that reason, again, I state the following:

"Ron, I have petitioned the ANCIENTS OF DAYS  on the galactic headquarter world called UVERSA, and they are friendly to the cause but cannot over rule a sovereign Creator Son at all, and for that reason we stand in awe at RAYSON'S wisdom to let the petition drop if they side with the Creator Son over this issue of WTP again.  I am not caring about you RAYSON, or am I caring much not about Ron who seems to be ragging around what is left of the old bus he was riding in.  For that reason we say this to RAYSON and this audience for now:

"I cannot possibly [Ron here, we are transmitting MICHAEL OF NEBADON now] begin to understand the Uversa view that WTP is more important than my decision to snuff Ron not, but to provide a fully workable arrangement soon so that Ron can remove himself from Urantia and we can proceed with Missions in more important areas first.   I fully attend you Ron in this pain and careless view you achieve you have to be removed to get any comfort again whatsoever.  However, learn please no one can undo the situation in which we must proceed and without much if  the entire world is in flames again over Russian atrocities, and Israeli warnings nothing is left of the Palestinians if they persist on try to form a state up against Israel's own borders.  And this to you Ron" you dislike putting politics up on these posts, but you are sure there is a flame about to burn you all if the Palestinians regain Hamas as a protector of sorts.  Spirit never decrees fate, but unless the Palestinians learn to stop inflaming Israel with Hamas and Hezbollah, there is nothing left to those proud but difficult groups of ethnic-style personalities which were once upon a time, one of the tribes of Israel under Abraham.

"I am the most powerful Creator Son in space at times mostly because I am also one of the few Creator Sons which has learned that to leave things unattended this way, is to invite a planetary disaster, and for that reason, I refuse to listen to a pipsqueak human like Ron Besser for his attendance for he appears facetious and pointless as a Creator Son over WTP alone.  He is unstable and boogies over everything he touches, and I want it not on my day at times, okay?   You Ron need to understand when I am on my high horse heads will roll.  Not yours Ron as you are too far down the pecking order, but you sure have mixed up a bowl of supreme value cares I never thought about before.  I am not letting this go and those three legged skunks of the cabal can go to their graves shortly as well!!!

I will not have rat tails in my hair Ronald Besser, and be sure you are feeling the unrealistic pressure to stop this, but it relieves the intentional pressure to agree but hardly in your heart of hearts,  Ron.  Be assured this entire matter is not dead yet, and you are almost dead I know, but let this thing ride more or less a summation of a brand new technology with huge implications, and you Ron are riding the bomb it created down out of the B52 like Dr. Strangelove saw over in that movie (Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 1964 Kubrick director, Peter Sellers as Strangelove)

"I am  knowledgeable over these strange things to all of you.  However, I remind everyone reading here that there is no justification for what Hamas did, and spirit has lost them fully over their own foibles.  They are strange-love all the way and we dare not say anything further while the earth contemplates what happens next.  I leave this alone gratefully.  RAYSON at your service.  K"

Ron Besser - We close this as it can get radical too much as these are highly emotional situations, and we leave it alone for now.  Remember though I am not done with promoting free electricity, as we have the technology now, but very poor receptions with man who cannot believe somebody figured it out for a change.  Thank you all for reading along.   K



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