Author Topic: Lesson 36 ARTHURA with Ascender Delegation. Organization and Structure Level Set  (Read 6591 times)

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Lesson 36 ARTHURA & Ascender Delegation Organization and Structure Level-Set
Wed, 9/21/2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA & Delegations of Ascenders and Magisterial Sons
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio File (20m)
This is Arthura. Today we have with us someone, a team rather, who will expound upon yesterday's lesson (35). We will have, today, an organizational instruction: structures of organization. Or conversely, organization of structure, however you understand it. Yesterday we spoke about civilization through the other end of the spectrum, the citizen, and everything in between related to governance. How the civilization encompasses different levels down to the citizen such as a series of nation-states, nations, tribes, families, and individuals. And then the types of government ideally being a participatory aspect of the citizenry, and representative government in tracks of service and education, going into industry. But that how the jurisprudence of governance, as with it, the trial and court system, and ancillary liaison forces to enforce the law.
Today, we will talk about the organization structure behind this. It is much like the jurisprudence (lesson) but relates more to the human organization in their roles, no matter where they are within any of these aforementioned things. And this is, broadly speaking, the Executive functions and the Administrative functions. You have terms in your civilization planets such as Executive-Administrative, but you also have Management, Labor, the Poor; or for some reason or another those considered useless, beyond labor. And then classes of beings beyond the executive -- untouchables if you will. Elite who are beyond Executive and simply wield power.
For simplicity's sake, we will relegate all of it, and condense it into Executive and Administrative. In other words, everything we previously mentioned, is a tiered status, either within the Executive or Administrative. You already understand this in general when I say you have different levels of administrative assistants. And the distinction between, say, an office administrator. Who might do some beginning menial office work of the inexperienced or new to the labor force worker. Up to the extremely competent and full of responsibilities role of an executive assistant, or the assistant to an entire department. Whereas an executive might be someone of highly elite status, overseeing vast swathes of jurisdiction or industry, down to management, a middle manager. A middling manager might be considered an administrator, whereas a senior manager might be the lower strata of an executive. Conversely, Labor is also understood to be an aspect of administration.
In this manner, when you participate in the governance of your extended, continued personalities, that are continued after mortal death on your planet of origin, you will be given opportunities to explore these various tracks of education and service within a general function of executive and administrative opportunities. And much of this is influenced early on in your planetary origins experience. And there should be no fear of missing out on anything. There are always classes of people graduating, before and after you, who you learn from and educate to, in order to gain a diverse and expanded portfolio of responsibilities and status.
But we are providing this lesson today in order to garner your co-operation as you enjoin us in participating in your governance. One of the foreseen effects of the Regency will be an accounting of the apparatus of governance. Even the apparatus of how that governance serves, and administers, and leads through executive functions, the various executive and administrative units and functions. We all know that government can be wasteful or inefficient. And we are simply alluding to improvements along these fronts. Typically, in any venture, this is most stabilized through an understanding of adherence to law, and accountability of those in executive and administrative positions. Understanding your roles and responsibilities and what is the desired outcome.
Without this sort of level-setting, we will call it - which is a rather jargonistic term, but we will use it. Without this type of level-setting -- or you can imagine for those unfamiliar with the jargon term. There is a, it is a tool also in construction to take something of a rough edge and smooth it out, and level it, in a line. Which is, truly, a foundation for the next level of creation. So, without this being extrapolated into your civilization, and everything we've mentioned, so far, the rot of corruption and out-of-control natures of competition and hierarchy-dominance-positioning, will ruin the advances and stagnate evolution of the venture of civilization into less-than-ideal situations. It is ultimately the philosophy of why civilizations seem to fail on Urantia.
At this point, we interrupt this flow of the lesson. This is Arthura speaking on behalf of those presenting this lesson. I am not necessarily presenting today. Rather I am the sponsor of the team of Ascenders, and their executives overseeing them. You might say in this sense, they are leading the lesson and attaining some sort of executive experience. Even though up until this point, they were, broadly speaking, administrators. This would much reflect the Jerusem100, who reappeared from their ascension journeys on a planet to serve the Planetary Prince of Lanonandek Sons. Please continue.
This is the representatives speaking on behalf of the concept of a Regency and Magisterial Missions and Magisterial Sons. One of the level-settings will be the establishment of a Regency. And this will level-set the Executive functions of the planet to enforce the aforementioned elite and powerful, who are essentially not participating in the governance, rather, wielding the levers of civilization governance to its own ends. We simply ask that you participate now, and if unable to or unwilling to, then retire. It is not your prerogative to participate in governance from afar. In simpler terms, please stand back and let us do Our work when it comes to the mechanisms of civilization, industry, jurisprudence of the trial and court system, and the institutions of government. We stand down from further communication.
Dominick O:
Thank you, we honor your presence in this short lesson. Thank you.
Indeed, this is Arthura, and we recognize the contribution of the Magisterial Sons, and we proceed. Is there anything further that the Ascender Delegation has to say?
We do and it is the following. We concur with Arthura and the need for a jurisprudence of a recognized and enforceable trial and court system. Without such, grievances between these mechanisms and organizations of civilization, and its citizenry, and intermediary structures of organization; without the ability to resolve grievances. There must be Standards for the jurisprudence to be effective. There should be, in this recalibration of the planet through a Regency, a reaffirming of Standards. This is part of the accountabilities of the executive and administrative functions. If these people, and entities, and organizations of things are to function properly, not only should there be effective jurisprudence, there needs to be operating throughout, known and understood Standards of Operation. Otherwise, the grievances are what they are without any real opportunity to resolve. We thank you and we stand down.
Very well. We thank you for your participation and we look forward to further. Thank you.
You are welcome.
This concludes today's volume lesson, Organization and Structure. Thank you all for listening or reading, and please look forward to your participation in whatever you are participating in. Good day.
Dominick O:
Good day thank you Arthura and thank you, delegates. Well received and we honor your presence. Good day to you too.