Author Topic: The Inner Being or Adjuster.  (Read 6481 times)

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Offline Rene A Duran

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The Inner Being or Adjuster.
« on: August 30, 2023, 23:50:13 pm »
 The Inner Being or Adjuster.

By:  The Adjuster.
Transmitter: Evelio Rivas .

El Salvador August 25, 2023.

My God, my Lord, I thank you for your breath and life. I beg you, prepare my mind to receive a message from our Celestial Family and provide a channel without interference.

The Adjuster:
"I am your Adjuster, it is the case of each person in this world who needs the guidance of their inner Adjuster, the creation is organized so that it works that way, being the intervention of the Adjuster that provides the information at every moment. The case The current situation of the population on Urantia is that the vast majority choose paths that have taken them away from their internal Being and this generates a load of anti-values that does not build the health of this planet, resulting in the current situation in need of changes.

"Many changes are urgent on this planet, however, its most pressing condition is that its population stop and feel its inner bond, clearly understand the reason for life, resulting in a condition typical of a conglomerate with a higher level of consciousness already that this opens the door to the influence of the internal Being and it is here at this point where the bulk of the inhabitants of this world remain dedicated to routines that do not deserve to be considered necessary for their evolutionary advancement, this point is decisive and constitutes vital importance, it is It is urgent that human intelligence make a complete turnaround and all its ingenuity be placed at the service of others.

"Later there will be time to study diversity of knowledge and scientific systems, for now it is urgent that Homo Sapiens stop acting like a wolf that harms its brothers, deeply understanding this moment that we transmit as a species cannot be postponed now; it is a single human species as an expression of the maximum evolutionary development in this sphere, it is still time to right the ship, Urantia is inserted in the community of inhabited spheres and there are not two Creators, we renew this call to the human, to the man of the world and to his leaders, to dismantle now the dynamics of competition and war is an act that by free choice this humanity must carry out.

"I am your Adjuster finishing this focus here, I wish your progress and your companions have a good day."

My God, we deeply appreciate your advice. You are always welcome.

