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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: February 19, 2024, 16:08:39 pm »
We thank al speakers and listeners who attended the Monday Lightline. 

We heard from: Machiventa Melchizedek; Elise's Thought Adjuster; Van and Arthura.
Master Force Organizer nr. 403 was transmitted by Ron Besser.

Below you find the link to the tape. 

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2024, 10:20:41 am »
  • 021824 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica; other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: current standing of the Missions, future of the Magisterial Foundation, WTP; transmitting the Voice of God; look for opportunities to serve; oneness with Father and worship; current world politics; other subjects related to Ron, his forebears, and his service
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Thought Adjuster of Elise, Van, Arthura, also spoke through Ron Besser Master Force Organizer number 403
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello, everyone. Good day and good evening to all of you. This is Lightline Netherlands International. On Monday 19 February 2024. I'm Elise Sophia Veronica, your host. And well, I'm happy to see so many on the list. You're all very welcome. We thank our heavenly Father, whom we all respect and honor and yes, all we regard as our true divine Father, and source of our lives, whom we desire to know and worship during our lives here, and evermore in our ascension careers through the universes. May your blessings be upon us Father. We also ask for clear words and reception and for guidance from the other side for this Lightline today. All right, we give a moment of silence and see if there is someone to assist us.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, hello everyone. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise, and everyone listening on this Lightline. Once again, we are gathered here with a group of listeners, I see well known to us, and all of you have expressed your intention and interest in spirit in what we, in spirit, are preparing to do. We know you are willing to work and to give your time for all that has to be carried out. And we hope that you stay prepared for what will take place when the self centered minds of your leaders have calmed down and changed a bit, and they may be able to surrender to a healthy way of negotiating.

You have all been told that there are no Missions on the agenda, and that's true. It simply is not possible to approach Urantia and work in a visible manner on the planet as long as the threats and thoughts of war and mischief occupy the many minds. And there is no attempt to lay down the arms or seek solutions to the many differences that exist between the nations through a joint consultation. So, from the spirit side, we keep doing what we have to do, we go ahead with our planning and that would have been set out long ago, and which we will be implementing according to our own methods. But for the immediate time, there is no cooperation with you, the people on Urantia, in an active way. And this means that we are now working still behind the scenes and shall not be visible and present ourselves before we decide to do so. And maybe even then in a very small way.

The Magisterial Foundation is valid and will continue to exist. It is a spiritual and divine organization under the care of the Melchizedeks, who have taken it over, as you know, and by doing so have made it a divine organization. And they, the Melchizedeks of my order, are the ones who will decide on its further development, and disclose you with a new form of electricity as it is invented and recorded in a patent by Ron Besser. Which will be adopted and recognized as legally valid in the USA and brought into being before the eyes of the non believers.

It will be put into operation in the Susquehanna Valley as the chosen region for the first dissemination of this form of electricity, and its use by the people living there. And then, well, I think other tasks will follow and the Magisterial Foundation will gain interest and prominence, I think in the USA first, and later beyond. Certainly, eager interest will be generated among the nations and you will see that many will want to be the first to get a license, allowing the various countries of the world to join. But that will happen after the United States is provided with this energy source in its various regions divided over the country, and the necessary electrical devices are then in development.

This transmitter will most certainly play a role in the new developments of electricity in Europe. And although she is not that familiar in the political field, she will become familiar with political matters through the work she is going to prepare for the Magisterial Foundation in Europe, where there also will be great desire to participate in these developments for its common good and for the growth and the change in view of physics in general.

Well, I hope I have brought you a little bit up to date. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I will be here, I might as well be your MC today, Elise. So I will stay here and will lead you to your Adjuster who wants to speak to all of you.

Well, thank you, Machiventa, thank you for your words, and I welcome my Adjuster. Please go ahead as you wish, Adjuster.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
Yes, thank you, Elise. This is your Adjuster. And yes, another week has passed and it's Monday again. And you're all available for a Monday Lightline, whatever is the subject. Your intention for all of you is the same as shows the will and the willingness to convey the Voice of God, which your transmitter is doing right now. That is a skill that can be learned and mastered by many if one chooses to take the time to practice every day, as many have done before you. And they have been rewarded with the ability to transmit and thus be a representative of the heavenly realm …

Pardon me (to clear throat)

Thought Adjuster of Elise
.. which is highly respected and received by your listeners who longed to work for God, for the Father on Paradise, who is giving you and everyone the opportunity to represent Him through your Adjuster.

Be mindful and always take responsibility for what you do in an assignment as important as passing on God's words, where you connect with God and are responsible for what you say to the outside world. Your words should be true and sincerely spoken, coming from spirit and not represent your own thoughts. And to learn all this to do this, you take a moment of silence before asking for connection and spirit to appear, and know then that you can progress and that spirit will answer your expectations, and for sure, they will talk to you and then you start writing or speaking. Stay focused and connected, just listening to that soft voice somewhere in the back of your mind that guides you through what spirit wants you to say. And of course, topics may vary, but the feeling of what is being spoken will softly and automatically register in your mind. And it is the same in all transmissions. all of which come through with the permission and assistance of your Adjuster who gives you this special opportunity to represent spirit of that special moment. And remember! Always be aware that it is done by the will of the Father who is giving you his grace to speak for him.

This is your Adjuster, Elise, calling you all to work. I thank you for listening, and I give you back to your MC, Machiventa Melchizedek. Thank you.

Oh, thank you, Adjuster, thank you for this short lesson. Well, Machiventa, I am coming back to you since you're my MC for today. Is there anyone else who would like to speak to us?

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, there is. There certainly is, at least I have here someone you know very well. It is Van who would like to speak to this group today. So I give you the podium, Van.

Thank you, Machiventa Melchizedek.

Yes, this is Elise. Thank you, Machiventa, and a warm welcome to you, Van. Yes, please take that podium.

Thank you, Elise. Yes, well, how shall I begin? I am Van. And I know that these are very trying times for all of you. Especially for those who have been on the forum as a member for a long time and know the ins and outs we have been speaking about and hoping for over the last couple of years. I am Van, and you know me well. You know, my story and how we, Amadon and I went through our trial and times of uncertainty. But you also know that no thing is ever certain but the love and care of your Heavenly Father and of his Paradise Sons, who never cease to take care of everything in creation, and for you on Urantia and all the humans who inhabit it. Their concerns are with everything regarding the proceedings and developments of your planet, and for you, the people.

But of course, you are also quite aware of what is happening on your world and what the situation is. Many things work against the programs that has been made long ago to free your planet from its burden, and from the horrible influence that still has its effects on all of you and on every newborn on this planet. You also know how Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Son, has chosen to have his final Bestowal on Urantia with the intention to cleanse the planet of the evil, and what has been left here by the former rulers of your Earth with the intention to destroy humanity. And the marks and implications of their disgusting deeds are still present. And even Jesus, your Bestowal Son could not fully rid the planet or what has so strongly been anchored into it. 1000s of Celestials have been involved over the centuries, and as you know are involved today in this work to support the planets that have suffered most under the regime of your former evil leaders, and to help the planet to return to a original and her normal condition. And certainly, many attempts have succeeded and have helped the planet, and push it forward to better times, with civilizations focused on progression. But many times these attempts have been destroyed again by unforeseen events that have caused decay, stagnation. or even sometimes regression.

I am Van, and I am as concerned for your planet as you are. I love the people, I love the planet, and I love the Father for what he does for your planet Urantia through the New Universe Age that the Universal Father deemed necessary. We have entered a different time where every effort is made for change and improvement to help create unity, a unity that will be greater than ever before, and which is intended for all afflicted planets to join and evolve in the great movements of the whole of the local universe.

In these eras with a new form of governance, such as the Dominion, in which we see the collaboration between eight local universes that formed together to strengthen each other were necessary, but retaining their own identity and the nature of their own Creator Son. These are well appreciated developments. And you all here, you belong to a group that has been well informed and has always had the patience to wait and have learned to adapt to whatever unforeseen changes have happened, and still continue to happen. But do not be discouraged despite a period of apparent withdrawal, as you may feel it at the moment, or stagnation as you would like to call it maybe. But you think so that is coming from the spiritual side, but know that much is still on the agenda, and being worked on to bring to good results by the many Celestials revealed to you and also by many others, that have not been made known.

But it will not be done according to your or our rules or desires, but always according to the decisions of the Father, who in his infinite wisdom knows what is to be done, and what benefits the growth and development of his entire universe. We, Van, and the others, many others I work with in different places have never given up trust in our Father. Nor in his divine GO workers, his associates. We couldn't have. We know what the Father means to us all, and we know that you feel the same that you will persevere in your faith and you faithfulness to God, our Father.

So, I was just thinking and propose to prove our faithfulness, by being as children of the Father and honoring him as the omnipresent and omnipotent ruler of all that he brought into being. Place your worries and expectations into his hands, and continue in joy with what you can do now. And that is to care for those who you can and enveloped with the much needed love and attention. Or to pick up your work for the times to come and you will be asked to do things, and that may be nearer than you expect. And where you will be one of those who knows how to handle the situation be prepared. There is no one among you who does not know someone who could use your care or attention and there's always something that needs your attention or where you can make yourself useful in your immediate environment. We can all be able to work as family members in the kingdom of God, here on Earth, where you have the opportunity to put into practice your love your understanding, your patients, your assistance, leading you to altruism, and yes, to the brotherhood of men in the creation of God.

I am Van, and I like to leave you with those words. Think about them. Think about what you can do, what you can do at this moment, and don't worry about what is going your way, and what is not coming your way. I am Van, and I wish you good day, and I will turn this over to your MC, Machiventa Melchizedek.

Thank you, Van. Well, I'm turning to you Machiventa. Do you have anyone else? Let me see.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Well, look at your dashboard Elise, this is Machiventa.

Okay, we have at the moment 16 listeners, that is me included. And than you're all very welcome, all those who came in late, of course. Well, Machiventa, is there anyone else who would like to speak?

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes. I'll give you your next speaker.

Thank you Machiventa. Thank you. Hello, this is Arthura. Yes, this is Arthura here. Thank you for picking me up Elise. Thank you, for your respect for me and all the spiritual world. We all know how to treat someone or something with respect. You all have learned to respect your parents or the elders in your family, or those in high positions. And hopefully, you have learned to respect yourself and nature, and his forces that are more powerful than men can control or ever understand.

The Creator has equipped you with certain qualities to develop and to become useful to society. And if you don't develop or you neglect your innate abilities, you are going to miss many opportunities, because you will not use the gifts that you have been given to develop what gives you your meaning and purpose in life. So, first of all, give yourself the respect you deserve. Appreciate what you have been given and work to develop yourself. Act and perform as you are, who you are. Lot of this makes that you love yourself and that you contribute to your self development. And that will result in more self respect, and you become a positive part of the whole

And through your upbringing and your interaction with each other, you may have developed respect for certain people whom you have come to value highly. But respect can also diminish if you're disappointed in someone you have valued or trusted. But who has abandoned or abuse you and then it's difficult to regain respect. Nevertheless, it is highly respected if you do so, because you know, that every human being has God within him and therefore deserves to be respected.

I'm Arthura, and I would like to bring forth that you remind yourself to respect everyone, from your neighbor to the most important that you can show your respect, and that's your Creator. He is an almighty God and deserves respect in a much more defined and divine way of which you are not aware.

Respect for your Creator transcends all esteem. And you develop a reverence for God while your thoughts reach the Father, and you'll learn to live and experience the deep sense of his creation and of his being. And when you seek to do His will and listen to him that evokes great love and a need for personal and a very valuable contact, and the desire to become like him, the Creator of your being by discovering God within yourself and noticing that by coming together. You come to know the highest joy, appreciation and love that turns into awe and worship, arising from the knowledge and experience you gain through your association with God. God is the Father, he is your Creator, your origin, your life. And when you really start to feel it there are no words, just an overwhelming feeling of love and the urge to be and become like him. It will give you deep respect and great joy, and it will never disappoint you. This deep feeling of reverence and trust rooted in your soul, which will never leave you and will only increase as you draw closer to God and come to know Him in your journey towards him. Remember that. Appreciate it. This is Arthura at your service and I wish you good day. Back to Machiventa Melchizedek.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Arthura. This is Machiventa Melchizedek.

Thank you, Machiventa, and thank you, Arthura. This is Elise, and I'm asking you, Machiventa, for a next speaker, or advice maybe.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Well, I would like you to go over the dashboard and see if there are any hands up. There might be someone to want to add to what has been said, or maybe have something else to let us know. You have enough people here. So take your pick.

While there are no hands up and let me see what's the time. I invite any transmitter that's available at the moment to come forward. I see no hands up and there is no one coming forward. So. I will open up …, I will open up to Dominick and ask you Dominick, is there something you could add or maybe if Ron is still there, that he could join us?

We're both pretending to be asleep, but you caught us anyway. Can you hear me?

You're pretending, or you’re asleep?

No, pretending.


Well, that's ironic, because both Ron pointed at me like I had something. I don't feel like I have anything. And then you went to me. … Let me check it. Oh, Ron has something. Yeah. You're unmuted.

Ro Besser
I understand I'm unmuted.

Oh, are you? I didn't know. You're not on my list, but you're together with Dominick, I guess.

Yes, I'm sitting in a seat near him and he keeps falling asleep. Therefore, I don't know what to say. (ha-ha)

(ha-ha) Okay. Well, I don't know.

So, hung on while I see if there's anything on the circuit.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes, this is Machiventa Melchizedek.

We are saved, Machiventa. Thank you. Go ahead please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
It's this Ron. You have looked at your wireless electricity now for 24 hours. What are you doing?

Primarily breaking it down, so portions of it can be posted to understand nature at its strangest. How we can change an electron into another preparticle by merely removing a part of its body. I have written a couple people about it plus I posted, but that's about all Machiventa. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron, I love the sequitur. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. We have two speakers today I particularly want this group of people to hear. They are not the usual speakers. Ron is able to penetrate Paradise and those who work there on. And here is a Master Force Organizer, number 403.

Well, welcome 403. We are pleased to transmit you and most grateful. Please go ahead as you will.

Master Force Organizer, number 403.
Thank you, Ron. I am Master Force Organizer 403. First of all, please understand, we are infinite. We are like the Universal Father, troubled by the fact that there is almost nothing on Urantia we can talk to. They are either so sure of their power they feel above it. Or they feel so sure there is no God, and why troubled them. Ron has often spoken to me quietly and with enthusiasm for our support of what Ron needs very much to do. And that is to protect not only the United States, but Europe. For that reason we are speaking today.

Elise, you are in the Netherlands. Ron is on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Both of you are vulnerable to nuclear attack. And your lives can be snuffed out in a nanosecond. The United States is a protector and not a discipline reactor to regime or to Empire. Yet today, we notice that the United States is about to challenge Israel to either stop the war or begin repairs. Israel will not attend. Ron feels that Israel is right. Why hold the viper to your chest, he says. We agree, but Israel is also affecting a whole population that is mostly innocent. They do not know politics, they only know family. Ron was asked by one of us. What would be your policy if you were Netanyahu? Ron says, I would finish the job and then begin repairs. And no Palestinian state. That is our feeling, but Israel will not listen. It now considers itself so self righteous, it cannot bear to find its heart to spare any Palestinian.

As a result, we have this to say, particularly to you, Ron, You have said to God, why doesn't the United States vacate Gaza and place the good population in Jordan. That's where they belong. The king of Jordan is ready to accept them, but he has not been asked either by the Palestinians, or by Israel, or by the President of the United States. We consider this a raw oversight. And frankly, the stupidity of the State Department. This could be a signal to the Palestinians, you do not belong in Gaza, but you belong in Jordan. Those are your forebears, not Saudi Arabia. But there is no one thinking. They are just running for shelter, or aiming the rifles.

For that particular reason, then the Master Force Organizers have said to Ron, you're on your own. We will not tolerate the environment you have to live in. It's toxic. Therefore today, Ron, you are no longer on our list to speak to about technology, or about anything having to do with the Magisterial Foundation. Machiventa Melchizedek has stated to the Master Force Organizers, Michael of Nebadon is truly prepared to stake whatever is necessary for the technology. But he will not contemplate removing Ron or the Magisterial Foundation due to our attitude. Ron is not responsible for any of it, nor does he have the power to speak to Israel, to Jordan, or to the United States.

United States owes Ron nothing. Ron owes nothing to the United States. He has served in capacity to the military, worked with highly classified information and still has no recollection why he and many others were suddenly reduced when their time came up, and never asked to serve further. There is no answer, but we leave it alone.

And now this. Where in the world is the United States when it comes to diplomatic activity. The old Soviet Union is added again. The Palestinians are at it again. And soon enough we're going to have the Middle East in another war. Ron says their day is coming to be totally unimportant. And I intend to help make it so. I do have that power. For that reason, we have asked Ron to stay the course and in spite of the pain of disillusionment, and dissolution. We also state that that was not a mistake, that was something that Ron added.

In any case, the truth is that Ron is able to stay the course for years, if we can force it out of his body, the transom of disrepair injected as a poison by spirit that was called the Creative Spirit, and who is soundly rejected by Ron ever to darken his door again. They crippled him. For that reason then, we the Master Force Organizers would like to say this to you, Ron.

Your forebears gather on the mansion worlds. You know them each mostly. There's a few you do not know, but the truth of the matter is they are proud of you and you are proud of them. The truth of the matter is your forebears had the genes to do this. We are asking that the Besser group as well as the Hartsel group join together briefly, to discuss which of them shall represent your group to God, and explain how you managed to produce Ron. They have the means. And for one other small note, we also ask at least the Besser group to greet the Orhback group, because Ron depends on one of them to support and produce the Magisterial Foundation with him. Anyone who lives close enough to this house is welcome to join me. We would sit in the living room every evening and we do produce a transmission every evening to talk about what is to be done, and the Missions, and how they must be performed. Ron and Dominick are the only ones at this point, who fully understand what is to be done. The rest could enjoin, but you're too far away.

And now this. The final statement that I must make as a Master Force Organizers, Ron, is that you are not disenfranchised from the Master Force Organizers, but only from the Architects of the Universe. For that reason the Architects are saying through us, Ron, if you ever again say anything, please include us. We are not the same group. The Architects of the Master Universe are infinite too, but the Architects never speak. The Master Force Organizers do. And for that reason, Ron, we now terminate this call to this group today, and for reasons of our own we remain silent for the rest of the week.

You Ron have two Lightlines coming late this week. One on Thursday and one on Friday of this week. That will be at 2pm on this regular station. Dominick will be doing his transmission inquiry in the morning of those two dates. There is a notice at the top of the forum about which is which. Read it for your own information and join us please. I am number 403 (transcriber: Ron said 402, but that was a mistake). And I returned this to you, Elise, and thank you for allowing me, me and us to speak. Go ahead, Elise. It is back to you. Thank you.

Well, thank you. Thank you, Master Force Organizers, 403, and Ron for transmitting. Well, I am going to close off this Lightline for tonight, and I am very grateful for the Master Force Organizers to inform us about all these serious not very pleasant things, but it's the truth and it's what is happening on this world. So, let me thank Machiventa Melchizedek for being our MC for today. And the other speakers, my Thought Adjuster, Van, Arthura, and of course all those who are on the list, all these subscribers who joined here together. Thank you for your time and interest, and we will be back next Monday at the same time. Thank you so much and have a good day, and a good evening. Goodbye.


« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 10:49:08 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"