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Topics - Rene A Duran

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Group 11:21 Truths Transmission Phoenix AZ.


Transmitter: Nestor.
El Salvador, July 19, 2024, 11:51 p.m.

 The Thought Adjuster: 
"Indeed, I am your Thought Adjuster, with a message for humanity. It is very unfortunate that at this point in time, this humanity does not wake up, thanks to the fact that they were conditioned to be entertained by religions, by football, by sensational news, by movies, by novels, by fashion, by the Olympics, by the Miss Universe contest, and so on. We can enumerate a long list of activities that keep humanity asleep."

"But all that will soon disappear and humanity will have to realize the reality and how they have been manipulated and conditioned to be puppets of a system which
keeps them asleep and they even defend it without knowing that the system is their greatest barrier to awakening, since it does not suit the system that humanity wakes up."

On the other hand, the Celestial Family is preparing for the biggest event that a planet with human life can witness, since the arrival of the Creator Son Michael of Nebadon is expected. Master Jesus in the flesh, everything is ready to receive you on Urantia"

"Now, humanity that is not prepared will be surprised with this news, and then there will be a commotion at the planetary level"

"I am your Thought Adjuster leaving this subject here, have a happy night."

The End.



 Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 By: Heavenly Father.
 transmits: Nataly.

 El Salvador, July 19, 2024, 3:30 a.m.

 Heavenly Father:
 "I am your Heavenly Father with a message for humanity. The changes in climate patterns are affecting geography and population, this is the action of the mechanisms of cleansing and population control, which has exceeded the limits of its Loading capacity"

 "The new settlers of Urantia must change their lifestyles and nutrition, everything must be in harmony with nature, learning to take care of their health and that of the planet will be a priority, harmony and availability to spiritual work will be fundamental in each family" .

 "I Am your Heavenly Father stepping back."



Hello everyone thos is the link for the tape. Please click on it to listen.

Thank You all for listening.

« on: July 18, 2024, 18:26:52 pm »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 EL SALVADOR, July 6, 2024, 11:11 p.m.

 The Universal Father:
 "In effect, I am your Universal Father with a message for the humanity of Urantia, very soon the health problems for humanity will end, since today they have been deceived with the medicines that are sold to them, since it has become "A very lucrative business, but soon all this will end and humanity will begin to heal from chronic diseases."

 "In nature there is the medicine for all diseases, also in habits
 Food is the key to living a healthy life, today humanity has become accustomed to eating all kinds of junk foods and sugary drinks that only make them sick, but all that will soon cease to be the case, as schools will open, where It will teach them the healthy way to eat and self-healing. Universities will be opened where they can specialize in different branches of knowledge and thus be able to help others."

 "We, in the Spiritual world, observe how poor humanity struggles on this planet to survive despite being exploited, deceived, murdered, but soon their Savior will arrive, my Son.
 Miguel de Nebadón, Master Jesus and his entire entourage to transform the planet, which for thousands of years has been under the regime of the rebels "

 "I am your Universal Father taking a step back, I wish you a happy rest." 



We held our Lightline today and the Universal Father, the Consummators of the Universe Destiny, the Consummator #6 , #5, and  Michael of Nebadon spoke, but at one point the recording stop working, and the mute keys did not work for the reason there no tape available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank You 
Your host

Hello everyone, today we receive transmission from the Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, also, Louis's Thought Adjuster, and Evelio's Thought Adjuster.
 To listen  the recording click the following link:

 I thank everyone for their participation.

 Rene Durán.
 Co host

« on: July 07, 2024, 00:48:08 am »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 By: Machiventa Melchizedek.
 Transmit: Nataly.

 El Salvador, July 3, 2023, 1:59 a.m.

 Machiventa Melchizedek:
 "I am Machiventa Melchizedek answering your call. Few humans are at the service of the Universal Father. The vast majority spend their time looking outside of themselves for entertainment, the changes in the climate and the unpredictable atmosphere are part of the process that Urantia is undergoing in its cleanliness"

 "Being attentive to the call of your heart to listen in silence to the voice of the divine Adjuster, will make a difference in difficult moments, capitalizing on good actions, having empathy with the pain and suffering of your brothers, is vital to strengthen lost values "

 "Turning off the current wars and rumors of other potential conflicts will allow the appearance of missions in the physical part, millions of celestials await the indication of their commander to act to help this humanity, the new teachings will allow history to be rewritten. Establishing the principles in the new generations, to begin the revolutionary path early, for the awakening of conscience and the will to serve the Heavenly Father."

 "The light is about to shine in the midst of the darkness that surrounds humanity, the filter will select the meager harvest, which will be the seed for continuity"

 "I am Machiventa Melchizedek taking a step back."



Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


By: The Thought Adjuster.
Transmitter: Néstor.
El Salvador, July 2, 2024, 11:10 p.m.

The Thought Adjuster:
"Indeed I am your Thought Adjuster, with a message for humanity"

"Today's humanity has headed towards materialism and existentialism, they do not want to know anything that
Be it spirituality, although there are many people who say they are Christians, but they only do it as a culture or as a tradition, but deep down, they do not believe in Divinity, they do not believe that God can talk to any human being to guide them along the correct path"

"But however, there are always exceptions and although there are fewer people who believe, but there are also some, these people will not find it difficult to accept that the Master Jesus of Nazareth has returned, but for the vast majority it will take a lot of work and there will be many that they will not accept that tremendous reality"

"We here, behind the veil, will be there to help in those crucial moments where there will possibly be chaos and those who are active in the groups guided by the Scribe will work hard, helping people, both in moments of danger and also guiding them spiritually. , that's it for this short message, I take a step back, have a great rest."



Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 By: The Universal Father.
 Transmit: Nataly.

 El Salvador, June 29, 2024, 4:00 a.m.

 The Universal Father:
 "I Am your Universal Father with a message for my children. Entertainment today, humans have forgotten their mission, the reason why they have a physical body, those who become parents at an early age, even those who do "When they are equally mature , they desperately look for ways to entertain themselves."

 "Telephony and video games are the perfect tool to entertain yourself as a family, forgetting everything, you lose your memory of yourself and lead your little ones through these regrettable habits, forgetting about training in values and every principle of God"

 "It is necessary to stop this indiscipline, so that the heads of households set the example and lead their little ones along the spiritual path. Searching in the voice of silence to listen to their guide, the divine Adjuster. Who waits patiently for the changes in the new generations in the era of Light and Life, to be able to create a humanity with attention directed to the service of the Universal Father"

 "It is necessary to turn the helm to drive to new ports"

 "I Am your Universal Father stepping back."



Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ. 


 Received: Evelio Rivas 

 El Salvador, June 12, 2024, 6:06 a.m.

 "We are THE PLEIADIANS, today we will talk about the state of mind of the people on this planet, in general, there is a decline and lack of interest in the place to receive the person when death arrives, the human being barely focuses on the life that is will open with the decline of physical activity"

 "Currently, the majority of the population prefers to leave this to chance, dealing with routines focused on physical survival, not knowing the subject makes them think that no one knows them, they will hardly listen to advice on the matter, this attitude generates an environment full of behaviors that degrade the human condition, in one aspect he decides to take GOD with little seriousness and feel free to listen to his ego, incidentally, he has no limits to have fun and make mischief In this field, one of the most important aspects. "Unfortunate is the loss of time that would be used to build."

 "The general activity of the large conglomerate focuses on anti-values, which will not survive the phenomenon of death, there is little that deserves survival in the current routine of humanity, this works as an automatic valve, you can be sure that the anti-values form what stays, passes on to the new life the most basic of Christian values, although it may seem strange, bad living has a dam, GOD will not pick up the anti-values, as the Distinguished Master SAMAEL pointed out: 'some of our ways are discarded', it is simple, It makes sense: you will go for the decent that resides in the life of each moment, that which, due to a or b, lacks decency, will be left out, in this sense, as you will see, the state of mind of someone who has lost the opportunity to self-edify is not reliable, that is why it is advisable to keep a low profile, of course, this also suggests incessant work on self-edification, this is very closely related to free will, we all have the right to that precious gift that our UNIVERSAL FATHER grants us, we can infer that if "Someone chooses to build themselves, nothing and no one can block them."

 "We are THE PLEIADIANS, finalizing this focus, on the motivations in the population of Urantia, we wish success to all, we love you all, have a good day."


 Evelio Rivas

Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ. 


 Received: Severo Jurado. 

 El Salvador, June 29, 2024, 7:35 a.m.

 "I AM YOUR  THOUGHT ADJUSTER   today this day, we will address the topic of doing the will of the UNIVERSAL FATHER, on this planet we have been doing the will of the ego for some time, instead of the will of GOD, to put it simply, we will say That man today interests us greatly, and doing the will of the Creator is something simple and accessible to every willful creature, this means that you are not forced to live according to the Creator's design, you are free to do so or not, but you must know that the way you treat each other is far from my will, first of all it is my will that you live to cooperate by helping, and put your ingenuity next to your neighbor, so that you live more benignly, kindness is another way that "The human can choose to approach GOD."

 "Now we will see a crucial detail, and that is not to deceive, always tell the truth, that your words always contain sincerity, and that others can trust you, it is a bit abstract, but you can take a sample of current routines and decide to impregnate them of sincerity"

 "Now we will see the case in the simplest way, that any of my children can do my will on Earth, being useful to others, there are a variety of opportunities to serve others that have as their foundation: helping others live better, of course, that today's lifestyle does not favor doing my will, if we observe, people consider it correct to attach themselves to external goods, and in that task they generate difficulties for the most vulnerable, humanity takes refuge in material things and leaves on one hand the great purpose of being incarnated, this could be defined as serving others, being useful, contributing to the well-being of the people around us and to the health of the planet."

 "My will is that you ascend, that you embody values that merit survival, after the course ends, finally my will is love, in truth, you have only incarnated so that your light grows, when, you do not play fair, you turn off your light, when, you turn away from pious and sensible behaviors you close the door in your heart and it opens to the influences that generate pain, the earthly situation must be rewritten, and guided by the most elemental of eternal values."

 "I AM YOUR THOUGHT ADJUSTER  , ending this focus, we wish to illuminate the steps of men and women of good will, we love you all, have a good day."


 Evelio Rivas

Hello everyone.
We received trasmission from Father, the Consummators of the Universe Destiny, Machiventa Melchizedek.
To listen the tape please click on the link:

Thanks all for listening.


« on: June 19, 2024, 12:25:26 pm »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 By:The Thought Adjuster.
 Transmit: Nataly.
 El Salvador, June 17, 2024, 4:35 a.m.

 The Thought Adjuster:
 "I Am the Thought Adjuster attending your call to deal with a very important problem. Attention to listening to your interior"

 "Many millennia accompanying each guard, but as humanity matures, they show less interest in spiritual aspects, consumerism, materialism and the entire range of entertainment, their conscience has completely fallen asleep"

 "Being attentive to the calls of your heart in these difficult days is of vital importance, to find the connection with your interior and glimpse the path back to the Father. Everything is possible if life is maintained, having a physical body is a requirement to start the job"

 "The opportunities are open to all, it is to learn to listen to the call of your Adjuster, the Celestial Family is ready to help you, the missions will become visible very soon and the guide for the work will be modeled by the Magisterial Sons under the command of Jesus of Nazareth"

 "There are bitter pills to swallow, only love, brotherhood and inner work will change the course of Urantia"

 "I Am your Thought Adjuster this morning, good morning."



Hello everyone,
We had the Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, the Consummators of the Universe Destiny, Gaia.
To listen to the tape please click on the link.

Thank you all for attending.

René Durán
Co host 

Hello everyone, in our Lightline today the Universal Father was the speaker and suggested review and update our audience with information given in USA Lightline

I thank our Father, and also the callers for their attendance.


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