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Messages - Lemuel

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If you would care to enter Google search with

“What is a Merkaba”, you will find a lot of

information with various interpretations of meanings,

one of which that it is your “chariot of fire”, as you are lifted up

as was Ezekiel. 

There is a lot to read.



Sent from my iPhone.

Spelling error.

Sorry occerpa.


Yes, overpay.

My Beloved agrees 100 percent with SAIBABA.

They mean exactly the same and thank you for your kind words.



Hello everyone. I want to tell you that I will not hold my Lightline tomorrow.

I must adhere to the protocol for pre-operations and I will not be in a fit state.

I will enter hospital and have my operation on Thursday. (The third in twelve


Such are the ravages of old age.  ;D

If, for whatever reason I don´t make it, I want you all to know that it has been

a real privilege and  pleasure getting to know you and being part of this little

but distinguished family.

Whatever happens or not in the future, be happy and stay close to your

Beloved Indwelling. HE is all you need because HE is all there is!

God Bless.



Thanks to all of you who attended my Lightline today.


Link to the recording:


Dear members,
                          This is just to remind you all that I will hold my Lightline today.

You are all welcome to join me of course.

So, until later, have a nice day.



To all who attended today´s Lightline, a big Thank You!


Link to the Second recording:


To all who attended today´s Lightline a big ThankYou!


Link to the First recording:


Hello everyone.
I wish to inform you that I am being strongly impulsed / moved to hold
a Lightline later today. 
The same time, same place.
Let´s see what happens.
Hoping that you will all be able and willing to attend.
Thank you.



Ron, I am not going to argue with you but how can you say that:

"Lemuel, your Lightline last Wednesday is still fine and accurate"?

I received a message from Michael and later you received the exact opposite.

Both cannot be right.

What is meant by: "Ron is full of problems because he is undergoing

a right patterson airforce base in England" ?

Polonius, in Shakespeare´s Hamlet said: "To thine own self be true".

I am being true to myself by standing down as host for the Wednesday


It is true that I am ill and awaiting another operation so I will indeed now

take Michaels´s advise and rest.

Thank you.



Dear fellow members,

Earlier today I sent a message to Ron, informing him of my reasons for

standing down as the host for the Wednesday Lightline.

Thank you all for your attendance and participation over the past few years,

It has been an honor and a privilege for me.



Ron, this in no way addresses the problem and confusion experienced in
my Lightline on Wednesday.

I do not, and cannot, accept that I receive a clear and concise message from
Michael of Nebadon and just a few minutes later you receive the exact

What do you say, Ron?



Ron, I must tell you that I am deeply disturbed by the differences in our
transmissions during my Wednesday Lightline. I received quite clearly, that
the Lightlines had come to the end of their usefulness, except for your
 Sunday Lightline, which is to continue as long as you remain alive.

For me to receive such a clear and concise message from our Creator Son,
MICHAEL, and then just a few short minutes later to have it reversed
by your receiving, is greatly disturbing, to say the least.

The resulting confusion that this must cause in those who listen to the tape
recording, will inevitably raise doubts in their minds as to the authenticity
of these transmissions, supposedly from MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

Opposing messages will deter anyone from tuning in to any future Lightline.
Either my receiving was wrong or yours. I cannot believe that MICHAEL
would dictate something through me and the opposite through you just
minutes later.

Ron, I stand by what I received, that the Lightlines are over, except for yours,
at least for the time being, therefore there will be no further Lightlines on

Other Lightline hosts may choose to do otherwise, of course.

Ron, I felt it only right and propper that I inform you of my decision.



MICHAEL OF NEBADON spoke of the decisions now taken regarding 

the Magisterial Mission.

Link to the recording with Lemuel your host:


Lightline for Wednesday the 10th of April is canceled.


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