Author Topic: Update on Earth Core fyi October 13, 2022  (Read 9881 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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Update on Earth Core fyi October 13, 2022
« on: October 13, 2022, 18:36:04 pm »
October 13, 2022
T/R: Ron Besser
A Report from the POWER DIRECTORS about:

Chinese researchers report after shooting the earth core with a laser it turns out it was quite different from what has always been believed.  They discovered that the Earth's inner core is actually in a state of matter called superionic that allows it to behave like solid and liquid at the same time, according to a study published in the journal Nature.

CHINESE INVESTIGATORS shot it with a laser (used to determine depth of quakes) AND IT IS NOT IRON AND IS NOT SOLID and is superionic. That is a term used to say . . . it is more liquid and gasses diffuse through it as they appear and do not get trapped. The original idea about our earth core was that the inner core of the Earth was mostly made of solid iron, giving the planet it's magnetic field.

However, the research now points to a totally different makeup of the inner core.

'It is quite abnormal,' said Yu He, lead author of the study, 'Our result shows that [in] the Earth's inner core some light elements, such as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, behave like liquids and diffuse freely in the lattice of solid iron. This suggests that the inner core is not a normal solid but a composition of solid iron sublattice and liquid-like light elements.'

How was this discovered?

The research was undertaken using earthquake readings. These suggested to suggest that the inner core was likely composed of elements in different states including 'mushy"' material, not simply solid iron.

It suggests that the liquid-like elements prevent as strong seismic currents from traveling through, making it clear that there are non-solid aspects of the core. End Quote with some editing I did.

From the Transmitter Ron Besser and about the report from the Power Directors who actually maintain work on the earth core to keep it healthy, or at least try to. Here is what they say about our earth core compared to what the researchers are speculating:

POWER DIRECTOR #3 (of seven): “We see these researchers as making a marvelous contribution to earth science. The graphic does over exaggerate the size of the core, but not over much, as there are not suggestions that the earth core inside Urantia (earth) is twice the size it was meant to be. We have no good reason to say otherwise but it is so unusual we dare not speculate much further as it is not clear why that could or should ever take place.

“In year’s past the entire matter would have been shunted off into a tip secret examination of why Urantia has to go through these peturbations so much so all the time. That is true, but lately we are discovering that Urantia ha two dipoles, and what that means is there are two poles of electrical activity on Urantia, so unusual we have no data to explain what to expect from such a condition.

“In year’s past as well no human could do what you are doing here Ron to show and tell the differences and the finds of science researchers on the spot but we really enjoy using the data this researcher Tweeted to the world when they got their results they could verify. For one reason that man pictured is now arrested in Spain for travelling without an approved visa which he got mixed up at home putting the wrong shirt on with the temporary Visa inside of it. He has bigger trouble than the earth core to worry about right now. In any case this:

“The Urantia earth core is now twice the size it was forty years ago. Does that mean an explosion? Perhaps. We are not sure and that is not yours to worry about Ron; however, let it also reported that the inner sector of that core is so hot it is a new state of matter never observed before. Those Chinese researchers deleted that material about heat because they thought it was a bad reading. Actual temperatures in the innermost sanctum of that core is now about the temperature of the electronic boiling point. If that is the case, the inner core is not iron or lithium but plasma di-tritate and that represents NO ELEMENT you know on earth outside of the core.

“A PLASMA DI-TRICATE (Ron here that is a word dictated I just hyphenate to make it easy to say. I am not familiar with the term at all.)is a simple iron compound that does not exist on your planet in any pure form, but it always appears in super hot plasma existence. A Plasma is super hot, but it does not have to be at the electronic boiling point either. **

(Note ** from the Urantia Book: Paper 41. Section 7. Paragraph 12 - “You might try to visualize 35,000,000 degrees of heat, in association with certain gravity pressures, as the electronic boiling point. Under such pressure and at such temperature all atoms are degraded and broken up into their electronic and other ancestral components; even the electrons and other associations of ultimatons may be broken up, but the suns are not able to degrade the ultimatons.)

“For that reason we must defer any speculation as to this unusual condition back to the MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS for comment. Thank you, Powder Director #3.

MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER #412, 413, 415, 419, 422, 435, 450, 451, AND 452. “We All report to you as one:

“The loss of the Urantia planetary core occurred on August 5th 2022. Ron says to you, come now, why does that date stand out? You have been told several times that was the Urantia ROLL CALL Of JUSTICE that day. That day was also a change of DISPENSATIONS. You changed from working the 4th epochal dispensation and are now declared, on that date, to be working under a new EPOCHAL DISPENSATION number FIVE (5). You need to remember what these changes bring if you are a study person about spiritual changes to your planet.

“The FIFTH EPOCHAL DISPENSATION (5th ! ) allows the Power Directors to reinstate the following protocols to reestablish the Urantia core without further examination as to the cause for its dislocation in the chamber vault.

1 - Iron dioxide core Urantia once had is now removed;
2 - Iron Tricate core is its replacement;
3 - Magnetic anomalies once common are now rare from magnetosphere;
4 - The earth core now subsides in no motion permanently and is now recentered in the vault and is perpendicular to the axis tilt of 22.5 degrees as of this month (October, 2022).

“Ron, you happen to walk across this news just as we are reestablishing the core in a regular mode once more, and so long as the FATHER decrees that Urantia is to normalize as a student planet for future use by the collective known as the DOMINION, it shall remain, in the future as a UNIVERSITY sphere without human habitation except for temporary housing for faculty and students alike. For that reason we leave this broadcast to you for now. K: MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS as stated.

[Ron: To thank you very much I also state our gravity of thought is always addressing you very much now, and we apologize for so much “nothing” coing up to you Master Force Organizers. We thank you greatly for taking the trouble and time to translate this information down to us as received this day. Thank you!]

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania


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Re: Update on Earth Core fyi October 13, 2022
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2022, 03:52:55 am »
Thank you Ron, Power Directors and Master Force Organizers. I am rather curious now as to what is reported to us regarding the earth’s core. For some time now we have been getting the idea that the core was overheating and becoming unstable and may cause the earth to tilt and as a consequence place pressure on crustal plate movements. Does this new report mean that the earth's core is more stabilized and will no longer be causing instability and crustal/tectonic plate movements?

 It is interesting that the Chinese scientists have discovered more in the way of laser penetration to determine their findings. It makes for a fascinating discovery in the scientific world to reshape our previous understanding of what makes up the earth’s core. Thank you for sharing that part with us and what has been discovered. It still remains to be peer reviewed and checked and verified by other scientists who may also want to do further studies and similar testing on the methods which have been performed by the Chinese scientists. I just find it interesting that a laser method was used and how could that have been performed deep into the earth’s matter which is so dense in parts as well as chemical. 

Thanks for the report as that keeps us abreast on new discoveries. As an aside, I find that the earth’s core extreme temperature overheating at that phenomenal heat is alarming at that rate as that, if I am correct,  is as hot as our Monmatia sun! Should we be concerned?  In another thought, I think the fact that Father wants to make Urantia into a University sphere “without human habitation” suggests to us that a great change is coming to see that to be the case. 


Online Ron Besser

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Re: Update on Earth Core fyi October 13, 2022
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2022, 09:43:13 am »
Sue, your thought is identical with mine on all of it.  What I thought we should do is compare what the Chinese discovered with what the Power Directors and the Universe say about our core.  They do not contradict one another that we know of and that is because the Chinese have not stated fully what they think is the case with our core.  The Power Directors and the Master Force Organizers have the means to define the core precisely in most cases, and they are not sharing that mostly because there is something going on with existential Deity that makes them just sit back and wait for the Absolutes to finish their proposed changes.  This is not over yet as to exactly what Urantia's core will become, and the Chinese or anyone cannot fathom why they may get a different reading in another 6 months either.  It is not that their data feedback is wrong, but that the actions on our core right now our incomplete.

Further more, the Power Directors and the Master Force Organizers both explicitly point out that the core is double in size; i.e. twice or more larger than is warranted as a normal core size.  Further evidence suggests that the size of the core may be that it is being oxygenated which is not normal to be done to a metallic core of this nature.  It seems that it remains metallic in its substance but oxygen dependent in its performance.  Do you get that?  It means, I think, the earth core is rosy red throughout with heat, but that its substance is not solid by almost a gas!  How can a gas, we ask, be substantial enough to produce the weight enough to produce the heat of static electricity to maintain our electromagnetic atmosphere?  It seems a contradiction and I am guessing logic is logic even to human thinking echoing what they must think too.  I am at a loss to explain this too:

The interior of the core, and it is double in size what normal would be, are related I think because of possible oxygen generation within the core itself.  Otherwise Sue we must conjecture that oxygen can get into it from a leak of water into the core.

When Urantia was slammed by an asteroid 62.7 million years ago (that is a precise dictated number and a revelation: science says 65 million years ago, but history from spirit is precise)    we think, says the Master Force Organizer 415, the crash cracked the tectonic plate under North America severely.  Worse yet that asteroid was MAGNETIC! And the so-call Bermuda Triangle magnetic anomalies are a direct effect of that material still playing magnetic changes the underlying tectonic plate under the water and into the Yucatan Peninsula itself.  Meanwhile, the crack in the North American plate still seeps water into the earth mantle and it eventually finds its way down to the vault the core churns in yet.  H2O, hydrogen hydroxide, or water, displaces the old idea of a Lithium metallic concentrate for the core into an iron oxide, and man has insisted all along the core has to be composed of some element of iron, or ferrous oxide as well.

The MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS report to me this morning that the temperature of the core is alarmingly high, and I think you missed something of the idea of heat, for the heat has reached the existential limit of Infinity to produce anything beyond 35,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit as elemental atoms cease to exist at that temperature.  That is a revelation to science but we are aware of it since the mid 1930's when the text was indicted by Master Force Organizer to the First Revelatory Corp with Mantutia Melchizedek as its leadership chairman, and that number was revealed in Paper 44.  I am going by memory Sue, but I think that is the correct Paper.  What the heat at the level does to our core is to turn the interior of its mass into a nucleus of plasmaic harm and if ever let loose could destroy parts of the Monmatia solar system.  That is what has everybody biting their nails over, as our sun called Monmatia (Mon May Sha) because its leakage into the planet's surface cold start something almost existential to be able to control to save our own solar system from blowing up or disintegrating with catastrophic destruction not unlike that which destroyed the lives of millions more in the Local Universe of ALVORING.

The core in the Bestowal Planet in ALVORING, over heated too.  It did not reach the electronic boiling point, however.  But it did reach two-thirds of the electronic boiling point.  They could not get to it fast enough when it began to seep magma into the troughs on the underside of the Bestowal Planet mantel, and that mantle was too dense to expand with the heat and it just blew itself and the planet apart into tiny rocks in ALVORING they call it as a physical debris Sector their AN-ZELLO  of course that is spelled as anzello  (true corrected spelling is anzylo)but I break it apart to pronounce it to its word sound.   That is a major revelation in itself and we must agree to let it ride as it is for this report and not get too excited to tell the world what we have here.

URANTIA might be Nebadon's anzello but so far it is under control, but that does not mean it stays under control even with the care the FATHER is using to trend the temperature back down to less than 10,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. All in all our plant faces daunting issues, not only of the core, but of a human species, we call it mankind--  a human species that has lost its way in so many respects.  Technology has overridden religion; technology has also out-stripped the lash of the world's decision to derail rodent populations back down to normal too.  MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER 413, reports the rat population in Indochina has reached the point there is one rat for every person populating the land of those nations today.  They consume most of the garbage but are also responsible for so much disease the entire area should be cordoned off to exterminate every rat possible for maintain a better rodent ratio.  That is just one more thing that over population and its horrors has produced on this sphere.

This concludes my response to your post Sue, and I expect there is something more to be said as I hear MICHAEL OF NEBADON step forward now to speak:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "Your worth to this FORCE ORGANIZER, Ron is found in all of the reports as I am not familiar with these types of revelation myself.  For reasons of State this text is recorded up here too, and you spellings are close but not precise for "anzello" but let it be as it is really spelled "anzylo."  correct it if you can.   And finally this:  the Urantia core is already down to less than 35,000,000 degrees F.  It is reported this morning to be at 17,432,2113 degrees F. and dropping rapidly.  Be assured you doubt it not but I do since the cabal sits over us on Urantia all the time.  MASTER FORCE ORGANIZER reports the temperature is 32,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit as I write this 14 October 2022, at 09:39 am NY DST. 

"And finally this: your work Ron is astounding for use to view it from on high as you are allowed to speak directly to the MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS as they have no reason to pull their punches (hide or obscure facts) when they speak to you.  I am amazed FATHER allows it but you are a walking time-revelatory machine, and it must be kept in place at all times until we have no need for anymore of it sooner or later, as URANTIA  must suffer the consequences of too much too soon in all aspects of living life on a beautiful sphere I particularly let alone when it formed just to see how it showed up in the beauty department.  It is spectacular and I refuse to let it die entirely.  K"  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.

That Sue exhausts us and we step back too. 

Ron for all of the above and thank you FATHER for permitting these things to be written and known however long a report like this can be seen by the public at all. 

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania


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Re: Update on Earth Core fyi October 13, 2022
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2022, 15:01:30 pm »

Thank you Ron for the additional information which is amazing to know. It is good to know that our earth’s core is being watched closely for the reasons explained, which it too is astonishing both in size, temperature and chemistry/gasses along with oxygen now causing some concern. It makes the job of the Master Force Organizers and the Power Directors interesting work as well as stressful to say the least. Now that we know that this type of problem has occurred elsewhere with Anzylo that it makes for close monitoring due to what can happen when it goes over boiling point. Nice to see Michael does not want to lose his Bestowal planet into a million pieces in space as it is such a beautiful planet. It's terrible news about the rat population and our human population for that matter. We will have to wait and see how it will go when the Regency can place some new policies to handle the planetary problems we are facing. Thank you all for keeping us so well informed. 
