Author Topic: The Father's Business  (Read 4935 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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The Father's Business
« on: December 02, 2022, 20:31:26 pm »
This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON, I have chosen to speak through this one today, not because he is a better listener  than the rest of you, but for the plain and simple reason that he likes to keep his circuitry pencil sharp.

To borrow a famous quote from one of my most beloved followers Anjeze Gonxhe Boxjaxhiu, otherwise known as Mother Teresa. You are my pencils and it is I, FATHER MICHEAL  who does the writing here.

From now on I would like you all to find time in your busy schedules to be about our FATHER'S business. To those of you reading this, two questions might arise in your minds ? The first might be which FATHER  am I speaking about, FATHER MICHEAL or the FIRST SOURCE and CENTER, the UNIVERSAL FATHER?

My answer to the first question is simply, Yes. The second question might very well be how pray tell are we to go about doing this being about the Father's business ? The second question you are doing just that by taking the time to read this post and wonder within yourself just how are you suppose to accomplish this feat ?

A question to oneself that would appear to be a rhetorical one, is in fact being sent out to the universe as soon as you think it. Questioning something or turning it over to a high source is indeed called to 'pray without ceasing,' or in this day and age, transmitting  and receiving. 

I hope I made this simple enough for all of you to understand ? You are all both My pencils and when you turn yourself into that blank piece of paper on a notebook, it is We your Family of GOD that fill in the blank lines with words on subjects that are both beyond your comprehension and even outside your current lexicon.

In the coming days, weeks and months  we are in need of more scribes like this one. There is much that is about to happen and if you would like to be kept informed about it.  You have only yourself to blame if you let your pencils become dull.

So sit up straight, be attentive and commmence to be about our messages and I guarantee there will never be a dull moment  further in your life again. Let me end this post by asking this transmitter to leave a formal definition of the word guarantee.  And I step back for now and wait for my scribes to enter our room. This has been FATHER MICHEAL,  good evening. 

1. A formal promise or assurance  that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced.

Ghost Dancer: Thank you FATHER MICHEAL  for this transmission.