Author Topic: Ben-Amin & ARTHURA. Education & Law Concerning Citizen Salvation Status. V2 L50  (Read 12840 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Ben-Amin and ARTHURA
Education and Law Concerning Citizen Salvation Status
V2 L50 12.11.22
Sun, Dec 11, 2022, York, PA, United States
Teacher Transmitter(s): Ben Zen Amin, ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio File: Link
Ben Zen Amin:
This is Ben Zen Amin. I go by the nickname bien Zen Amin. For those unaware of the English translation with that name, or nickname rather, is, bien is French from the Latin languages, meaning, good. The good Ben Zen Amin. I, Ben speaking, will be short with you, meaning in length, not being angry of any sort. But the day is not long and my message not insignificant. I am not here just to say hello.
The power of Good and Evil exists because of Will and finiteness in the Master Universe. Particularly in the evolution realms of time and space previously attributed to the supreme, the age thereof. What I am reminded to tell you all today and into the future, is that the emphasis on education is also to educate the will-creature about its choices it can make regarding its knowledge and adherence to Law. Law is good because it tames evolving chaos and disorder, who ultimately stunt growth. It [chaos-disorder] does not facilitate regrowth. Yes, a forest burns down the old to make the new, and sometimes naturally this is the case. But with Law and Civilization, and the aim and goal of a sustainable civilization, we designate Light-and-Life; education about the Law means that people and personalities of all types of Orders are making decisions, better.
Nation states are not children, but on this planet that is almost the case. And the citizenry can barely qualify in their own knowledge of what that word entails. Not only have they been mal-educated, that being the opposite of bien or good -- it (mal) is the bad or poor equivalent of the word. Mal-education has eroded the identity of the person. But one truism, even on this challenged planet, is the understanding, that access to education in and of itself can be a good goal. It is what the Institutions choose, and struggle to educate on, that matters now. The word and status of Citizenry truly means you belong, and that you are part of that system; that unit of civilization (citizen) means you are valued.
What you and I realize is, and we do this together now, is that the Second Return is a call, not just to the flock of spiritual unity. Michael teaches His bestowal was the revelation of the Father to all His children amongst all His jurisdiction of Nebadon. The Second Return, amongst many things, entails a citizenry to something greater than your mere [earthly] border-jurisdiction, somewhat artificial and truly unnatural.
Allow me to re-state the biggest takeaway of this time together that I have. The total aspect of […..] is the one and only Universal God of all creation, personally known as the Father of All . . . . . Lord and our Father
[Note: this paragraph experienced a faulty recording or seems to have been scrambled]
I Thank you for your attention. And I bid all reading and listening a good day
Thank you, Ben Zen Amin. Well received thank you.
This is Arthura. I speak on behalf of the M&Ms
That is a jest within the Personality Circuit that, truly, I represent and speak on behalf of the Melchizedeks, who often identify with the letter M. As you rightly picked up and were confused by, there was more than one M present. And rather than become focused on this multiplicity inviting error, I was asked, and I seized the moment to speak on their and Our behalf.
The Melchizedeks will be working on what you might call emergency education. Their goal is to hold the lines when such is called for. When situations on a planet and amongst its people need such involvement, to frankly, maintain their salvation status. Thus, a Melchizedek takes it upon themselves in such emergencies to supplement and represent the Local Universe Lord and the Local Universe Government, in asserting what is good, and lawful, and spiritually true, and in reality, true.
I will come in at another time. There is not much else to add to Ben's message other than, the ones leading the vanguard of what has been talked about are the Melchizedek, plurally. Good day.
Good day.

Online Ron Besser

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This is Bien Amin.  I asked Ron to clarify the discussion I had with Dominick yesterday (the 11th of Dec), for the simple reason Ron reads correctly a garble caused by not inattentiveness on Dominick's part, but a drop of a whole level of word stations he did not bother to speak.  Let me first say this:

"The plain message to take away from all of this is that we profess NATION STATES ARE LED BY LEADERS WHO ARE SO POORLY EDUCATED, THEY GET IN THE WAY OF TRUE PROGRESS.  That is our main message.  The second part of our message is to state that the LAW AND CONSTITUTIONS have flaws of huge proportions in them as they can be amended by a simple majority in those legislatures.  That must never be allowed again, and we are sure that the REGENCY will end that practice immediately.

"The Russian Constitution has now been amended five times since Boris Yeltsin assigned the fact that the new constitution originating about 1992 or thereabouts, was meant to settle forever that Russia was not to ever have oligarchs running the country again.  Yet that has now been so severely subverted there is no legally binding Constitutional Government left for Russia to field anymore.  For that reason the SALVINGTON GOVERNMENT is now facing the fact it must revive governmental usages totally on Urantia, and then insists that those governments perform in legal means under their own Constitutions.

"Ron asked a pertinent question:  'Can a country not adopt a constitution at all?'

Bien Amin - "Yes, of course, but then they must lead their people under the governance of the Salvington Regency."

Ron - Then Bien Amin, that may indeed be the better choice for the people of that government?

Bien Amin - "You catch me well, Ron.  Let this settle though for now, as you are the astute one and why I make application of these lessons to Dominick to print out.  He is trying too hard sometimes and gets in his own way, but you are of the opinion that without Dominick we would be much poorer as he is the one who contacts the lessons of law and governance and none of you are very good about any of it without some explanation that GOVERNMENT MUST END ITS SALUTARY SALUTE TO GOD, and become universe citizens under God immediately.  The Moslems will object strenuously and we have in mind a separate REGENCY FOR MOSLEM'S too.  This should shock no one, but some of you never stop to think about the rest of the world and only about yourselves or your own country.  That must stop or leave the world "interstate." and that means do an Ascension but never fully understand your experience under a material government that is so piss poor you are hardly truly or fairly governed.  Let this lesson stand as is then.  K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "We leave this message well done now, and keep yourselves together people, as the times are nearly upon us for an uproarus way to live again because JESUS WILL INSIST you all follow the rules.  IF not, SKICK and out the door.  Good day."  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline prozonov

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Dear Ron!
Your remark about the Russian constitution is not serious and superficial. Yes, in 1992, under the dictation of the United States and the liberals, Yeltsin's colonial constitution was adopted. In many ways, it remains so. All the amendments being made are designed to remove this dependency. But you did not say the main thing: the amendments were not adopted in private, but at a national referendum, and only after the approval of the people and the signing of the president did they come into force.
By the way, the UK still lives without a constitution ...
And in terms of intellectual level, no European leader can be compared with Putin. Old Europe is ruled by a gynecologist and figures with racist views, irresponsible liars, choking in hatred for Russia and Orthodoxy.
... sorry for being frank.
Уважаемый Рон!
Ваша реплика про российскую конституцию не серьезная и поверхностная. Да, в 1992 году под диктовку США и либералов была принята ельцинская колониальная конституция. Во многом она такой пока остается. Все вносимые поправки призваны убирать эту зависимость. Но вы не сказали главное: поправки принимались не келейно, а на общенародном референдуме и только после одобрения народом и подписанием президента вступили в силу.
Кстати Великобритания до сих пор живет без конституции…
А по интеллектуальному уровню ни один европейский руководитель не сравнится с Путиным. Старушкой Европой управляет гинеколог и деятели с расистскими взглядами, безответственные лгуны, захлебывающиеся в ненависти к России и Православию.
… извините за откровенность.

Offline SongatSunrise

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Thank you so much Ron, Ben-Amin, ArthuRa,  and Dominick,
A question for you:  Will the New Universe  also have a new constitution?
Thank you for your thoughts.  

Online Ron Besser

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Thank you Prozonov, I know very little history except as I lived through it, as so much of the Constitutional changes introduced by Yeltsin I actually watched live on our television stations, most of which all televised these historic events well past midnight into our earl morning, and in one case, CNN, stayed on it for 24 hours in one broadcast.  Such was huge news to the Americans in particular.  I do not know the European broadcast interest, but I suspect it was as deeply committed as our broadcasters were.

I itook a course in Russian History to complete my college degree in history Prozonov.  In the military the Generals believed that Russia had the seeds of a great nation and taught us to but to be very careful of the Russian bear until the current disagreements were done.   I love history and particularly the almost forbidden history of Stalin.  I understood the Tsars but not Lenin, but in today's context, I understand the oligarchs of the Russian revolution must better today than when I took those courses in college and the military.

I also understand that England has no constitution.  When I was there for several years I went to Runnymede to view the spot that their Medieval King signed his pledge to represent the aristocracy in the English Parliament then just forming.  This act of  John set the stage for later planners within the English government to decide it was an agreement ample enough to serve for the rights of representation in the kingdom.  To this day I believe the English government is probably superior even to our method, but quite honestly, our Founding Fathers copied a lot of English law and jurisprudence right into our constitution.

The important thing in that message Dominick delivered to us yesterday is that the government of God will use their proposed Regency to regulate governments on earth without constitutions.  I am most interested to see how they handle England how the Regency interprets English law as non-constitutional?  Recently they do have a Supreme Court, and it has ruled certain things in the acts of the recent English government as constitutional or not constitutional.  I really do not have a depth of knowledge to explain where they have a supreme court that determines constitutionality when they do not have a constitution.  Common law?

Thank you for your comments.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON to both of you:   "To you Prozonov and to Ron too:  I have determined that the REGENCY will look at the English system as superior to America and to Russia both, as they now have a constitutional crisis not.  What they do have is a constitutional discussion without a constitution yet their Parliamentary system is far superior to the rest of the world except for the United States, and that is because the founding Fathers of the American system, copied almost all of it as it was in their day.   We leave this for another day too gentlemen.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline prozonov

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Dear friends!
I have carefully read all your responses. Thank you so much. But I have a feeling that we have all become hostages of monstrous misinformation from Lucifer. In fact, everything happens completely different from what the media tells you.
Do you really think Putin is a crazy suicide?
Do you really think that Russia was a member of NATO?
Eastern and southern Ukraine is Novorossia, it has always been Russia.
Do you really think that Putin will destroy his own people?
That's bullshit. Disinformation. Where is the proof?
Russia is well aware that any use of nuclear weapons, even Ukrainian dirty bombs, is the end of civilization.
Do you think we want this?
Who will tell us the truth?
Дорогие друзья!
Я внимательно прочитал все ваши отклики. Огромное спасибо. Но меня не покидает ощущение, что все мы стали заложниками чудовищной дезинформации от Люцифера. На самом деле все происходит совершенно не так, как вам говорят в СМИ.
Вы действительно считаете Путина сумасшедшим самоубийцей?
Вы действительно считаете, что Россия была членом НАТО?
Восточная и южная Украина это Новороссия, это всегда была Россия.
Неужели вы думаете, что Путин будет уничтожать собственный народ?
Это бред. Дезинформация. Где доказательства?
В России прекрасно понимают, что любое применение ядерного оружия, даже украинской грязной бомбы – это конец цивилизации.
Неужели вы думаете, что мы этого хотим?
Кто нам скажет правду?

Online Ron Besser

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I only state the following Prozonov for your information.  I took this quote from Wikipedia as history:

"Relations between the NATO military alliance and the Russian Federation were established in 1991 within the framework of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council.[1][2] In 1994, Russia joined the Partnership for Peace program, and through the early-2010s NATO and Russia signed several additional agreements on cooperation.[3]
Russia has engaged in hostile threats or actions against several countries since the end of the Cold War, including Moldova (1992–2016); Georgia (2004–2012); Estonia (2006–2007), Ukraine (2014–present); Syria (2015–present), and Turkey (2015–2016), amongst others.[4] The Russia–NATO relations started to deteriorate, following the Ukrainian Orange Revolution in 2004–05. In October 2021, following an incident in which NATO expelled eight Russian officials from its Brussels headquarters, Russia suspended its mission to NATO and ordered the closure of the NATO office in Moscow.[5][6"

 My own memory recalls Russia joining the NATO conferences and was taken almost as a junior member of the alliance after the Federation formation out of the old Russian Soviet Union.  Russia sent members of its national defense team to meetings in NATO with full anticipation of joining shortly.   Russia was allowed to instruct NATO and its alliance members what it wanted and how it wanted it as a mutual defense pact against future decisions of increasing hostilities by terrorist organizations against the Russian State. 

I also agree with you Prozonov, that Putin would be mad to trigger a nuclear bomb regardless of the fact it is "only" a tactical weapon and not a true atomic bomb.  War is going badly for Russia and Putin is losing face and Russia never permits that to happen for long.  The Russian Generals have made recommendations I am sure to avoid placing your back against a defenseless wall, and therein lies the great danger.  Putin seems to be fully in control what the army does, but might cave into a momentary satisfaction to teach the "rebels" a Russian lesson.

What Jesus has stated for Russians, NATO, and the United States to hear if they could hear Him, is that the spirit world of His work must stand down from working with Urantia, if anyone (and that includes NATO too), walks into a decision to use anything with even modest radio-activity.  Here is JESUS speaking again just in case this idea of contempt for man on Urantia includes using a nuclear device:

JESUS - "WE are sure Ron you get this perfectly well, and Prozonov is wasting his time to defend Russia over issues of the Ukraine war.  For reasons of State I keep this very simple to produce the following statement to you Prozonov:

"The Russian Federation has lost the war in its heart.  Putin knows this.  He also knows that people like yourselves will defend the actions of the Russian Federation to your dying day.  That is not a problem to Me or Ron, but Ron is merely stating that NATO was once an alliance member of the Russian Federation, and the promise was explicit that Russia become a peaceful member of an alliance that now includes Russia against the hegemony of China and the horror of insurrection in Georgia, and the hell let loose by terrorists in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.  Russia was happy then for the proposed protection of your territory against the aggression of the old Soviet-style Baltic States and certain issues Turkey than had against your state of affairs with its borders and Black Sea issues still not resolved properly with Turkey and Russia.

"I am not defending NATO and I am not defending the United States, but I am defending the right to warn all of you who insist that Putin has done right to do what he has done to Ukraine, and Ron and the rest of these members have remained silent so you may speak your heart and cares about anything you want.  But you are mistaken Prozonov when you deny that Russia was never part of NATO.  They were and probably are welcomed back if they ask for protection against the retribution of any NATO member against Russia over this stupid war let loose against a truly peaceful Ukraine.

"I concluded the following for all of you:

"There will be no peace until I reign over Urantia.  Ron is so ill he is ready to give up and lash his soul to our hearts and regain a sane life again.  Prozonov your heart is broken too and we say nothing further.  Worry not that I am for NATO or the United States, for I am truly for God and country in peace.  Let this whole thing stay out of your heart and concentrate on the fact Ron stated it correctly for me above:  'URANTIA WILL DIE if Putin lets any nuclear device loose on Ukraine regardless of the excuse.  I have a [JESUS] MANIFESTO shortly to read to all of you coming in moments today.  Let this ride in your hearts everyone, the UKRAINE WAR is not over until Putin signs a Peace Treaty with Me, JESUS, and then let us figure out the terms Putin must align with to save his own scalp when the full truth concurs. not with NATO, not with the UNITED STATES, or any allied country in the West, but it must satisfy me Russia learns a bitter pill to swallow over this aggression truly started by Russia into a Ukraine barely making it anyhow due to its poor behavior with Belorussian concerns as well.

"I am JESUS, and please understand I do not take sides; rather, I take heart with God over the horrors perpetrated against the Ukrainian population.  I stand down now with but one word to you Ron:

"Your heart is mellow but broken over the horror you feel being let loose on a situation in the United States government has cost you and easy entry into the world of wireless electricity.  They will rue the day they shunt it out of existence for the attorney you use is well aware something of great mischief is going on and it better be settled soon or the entire area of electrical distribution will come crashing down on the DoE and the Department of State (DoS).  For reasons of my own we stand aside momentarily, but the patent you hold is genuinely and carefully remolded in the State Department to do you well in a few days as they are bashing the DoE to let this matter off their reaction to your letter to them, and will bring peace to the matter quickly when the DoS decides the entire matter is yours to contribute as you please with their guidance.  Please let peace come to your heart over this travesty of unofficial espionage.  Biden would be furious if he knew it but does not bother this area of technical expertise you hold so well without making a noise too big to work it too soon. 

"Lastly, your heart is narrowing down the real truth Ron for your continued existence and it remains well and strong in spite of the dare of the cabal to hit you again last night to die quickly this morning.  You are in terrible thoughts and harm but that will pass later today when I read the SECOND BESTOWAL MANIFESTO to be released soon to you Ron for transcription.  Thank you for this opportunity to speak and I say to the angel at your side:  leave this alone or your work is over forever too.  Good day.  JESUS OF NAZARETH. K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron, they are pressing you so hard you can hardly hear anything but you do hear the lettering and for that reason you are well recommended to stay at the computer momentarily and I will read the MANIFESTO to you securely done in a moment or two.

"Let it be stated no one is available to Urantia right now to help with this transmission, but shortly the FATHER will have his say and we wait for clearance to narrate the JESUS MANIFESTO to all of you as soon as I have clearance to speak to it.  We await that beginning now . . . ."  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Andre_P

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I apologize for posting my entry and retract it because for a moment I forgot that it could have been treated as an „ expressions of any kind against any nation”.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2022, 08:48:43 am by Andre_P »

Offline prozonov

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«However, please note that the use of explosives in the war in Ukraine for one day is greater than the current production in the United States of America for a month, and most of this is used against civilians.»
Yes you are right
Ukrainian Nazis have been shooting the civilian population of Donbass for the ninth year. People are dying daily. Huge Ukrainian losses at the front are splashed out by barbaric shelling of schools, hospitals, kindergartens, theaters, residential buildings, markets from multiple launch rocket systems in the cities of Donbass.
Andre, you live in a world of disinformation. God bless you.
Да, вы правы.
Украинские нацисты вот уже девятый год расстреливают мирное население Донбасса. Ежедневно гибнут люди. Огромные украинские потери на фронте выплескиваются варварскими обстрелами в городах Донбасса школ, больниц, детских садов, театров, жилых домов, рынков из систем залпового огня.
Андре, вы живете в мире дезинформации. Храни вас Бог.