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Topics - SongatSunrise

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May 29,2024

Continuing the discussion of Weydevu's question about healing:  

This discussion harks to Dominick's transmission from Arthura:
Our health: Do we do something "about it"? or do we do something "with it"?
It depends on our mindset!
Now there is a new AA: Awareness of evil ("about") and Allowance of good ("with").

Pleiadeans, is there something you would like to say about this?

Yes, Thank you Carole.

Pleiadeans:   Here is an idea that might enhance the "allowance of good". Being in less than perfect health may have its own advantages. Here is why: starting with the story of the Apostle Paul, who requested three times that he may be healed of some condition (there is a hint that it may have been extreme nearsightedness)(he called it a thorn in the flesh); and finally it came to him: Father told him "My grace is sufficient for you".

Father is primarily concerned with your spiritual growth, and emotional, mental, and psychological health as reflected in spiritual growth. A condition could be important in helping us realign our goals, and priorities. It may also be added that a support group of what ever the condition may be can also bring forth spiritual growth through the sharing of experiences, reinforcement of faith, acquisition of new techniques of coping, and building new friendships.

It is God's will that you be whole, healthy and happy. It gives Him glory and joy when many people can join in the celebration of a healing.
It is a spiritual as well as a physical event.

And don't forget, a handicap can be a springboard for even greater accomplishment, than you would have done under normal circumstances.  Father is the  master of timing, because He sees the end from the beginning.  Faith, and doing all you can, is what God expects from you.  

Thanks again!

Thank you Pleiadeans!

May 25, 2024

Good morning All! Good morning Father, and Michael, and Arthura, and our many celestial helpers. Good morning Pleiadeans!

The suggestion you gave us some time ago was to write down our prayers.
Yes, to ask. Ask for whatever we need, according to the will of Father.

This is my prayer now, Pleiadeans: Please would you help me stay on task today, and to see how the processes work together to create the good we desire.

Transmitters often ask for clear channel. Please let my work today have clear channel.

Thank you.

Weydevu asked:
Could you SongatSunrise or the Pleiadeans explain this statement:
Don't forget to ASK. YOU have to give the permission to be healed.


Would you like to say anything about this, Pleiadeans?

Pleiadeans: As with everything in this universe, there are many levels of existence and experience. How you perceive yourself has a lot to do with the process of healing. The ego that wants to be in control often resorts to brute force to deal with symptoms, and often the real issue is overlooked. For example, the issue of overweight is often overlooked in a healing request. Yet that is a part of the whole scene. As as can be expected, the request for healing may not be easily dealt with.

So when we say "permission" that involves the total willingness to do your own part in the process. But still we may have employed everything we can but the condition still stands. Outside help is the next step.

When many people came to Jesus for healing, he often said, "What do you want?" Simply laying the situation before the creator of the universe and yielding to His answer is reflective of the faith needed for the healing.

It is sometimes the case that healing has been granted, but the process takes a while. Other agencies may be called into the play. Patience is of utmost importance along side of the faith in God's answer.

As we said earlier, there are many levels of existence and experience. Our conscious experience is only the tip of the iceberg. The subconscious and the super conscious play a huge role in this process. Some people have a subconscious resistance to healing because of the attention they get when they are sick. Who doesn't like to be the center of attention? Awareness of that kind of mind set can sometimes be a breakthrough. Our lives are meant to be in service to the Father, not to ourselves. So "permission" involves divesting oneself of the possible selfish motive.

Does that answer your question Weydevu?

Thank you Pleiadeans!

This discussion harks to Dominick's transmission from Arthura:
Our health: Do we do something "about it"? or do we do something "with it"?
It depends on our mindset!
Now there is a new AA: Awareness of evil ("about") and Allowance of good ("with")
Thanks again!





Good morning All! Hello Pleiadeans! and Arthura, Melchizedeks, and all interested listeners!

Hello Pleiadeans! Thank you for joining me. What would you like to say today?

Pleiadeans: Yes, thank you Carole. We watched as many of you on the forum slumped a little as the pull-back announcements were made. Yet still you all were admonished to "stay the course!"

And the reaction was "uh. . . . OK". An announcement? Not much. Unless it is.

That is where we want to pick up the thread. You all have been "staying the course" a long time. What have you been doing during this time?
Just "waiting it out" does not imply vigorous mental and spiritual participation.

Let us ask YOU the question: What is "The Course"?
Each of you has a different answer to that question.

Perhaps many of you have heard the quote: "Run with patience the race that is set before you.. . but only one who has run to the end gets a prize."

Some of you who are runners know the "brick wall" runners face halfway through a marathon. It is a huge temptation to quit.

A common tool in the advice category is "Revisit your long term goals. And connect with people who can team up with you to reach those goals."

"The Course" is a path YOU pick!

Recently HelderPoeta outlined a desire to do effective work in the health care field. And the question came up about "healing chambers". Here is something you all may not have thought of: A "Healing Chamber" can be found right between your two ears!

This is what we mean: Healing can be physical, but also emotional, mental and spiritual.

Healing is a huge topic, ranging from the plight of the earth itself, to the smallest personal physical need. But understand physical healing also involves with it emotional (both conscious and sub-conscious) spiritual (realigning the spiritual focus of what, and why the healing), mental (addressing both ignorance, mis-knowledge, and apathy) factors, yet not to forget the common presence of genetic aberrations that may interfere with optimum health. Don't forget to ASK. YOU have to give the permission to be healed.

Please remember, people, that the Mansion Worlds have healing as a priority, removing from our lives those things that contribute to death in its various ways.
As Pleiadeans, we can help you in the pursuit of the proper information, water. food, and/or other ingestables, new exercise methods, elimination of environmental and internal toxins, proper sleep, and of course, peace that meditation can help improve. Many things can help in the healing processes, and being in contact with the spiritual source of your health and energy can help you create a different perspective on your current condition. Don't forget, your body has an immune function that is often sabotaged by our lifestyles. Your body can heal itself in many circumstances. Just give it a chance!
Being grateful and thankful for the health you do have is a big step in maintaining a positive frame of mind, which is a healing factor in of itself.

We are here to help, but we do not do physical healings.
Thank you Pleiadeans!

Carole Dawn, aka S@S


Good morning All! and good morning Pleiadeans!

Dominick has spoken lately about spiritual economy and spiritual ecology. I am confused.
How do we know if the Spirit of Truth is working with us?
How do we know we are growing spiritually?
Pleiadeans, would you like to comment about this?

Pleiadeans: The influence of spirit can be seen when you ALLOW the changes in your mind toward peace, tolerance, kindness, forgiveness.
You may not have been strong in these points, but as you grow spiritually, these qualities become more and more a part of your personality.

Your "personality" has been awarded to you at birth. But environmental factors can shape it into negative or positive expressions. And what you are surrounded with influences your reactions to the events around you. Your personality is basically stable, an award of the Father, but the expressions of your personality are accorded by the choices YOU make regarding its expression. Being critical, judgmental, and vociferous can all be changed by a personal choice to rather ALLOW the Spirit of Truth to change your initial reactions and personal expressions.

Spiritual ecology, just like the physical ecology we know, is the interdependence of all living things to produce a beautiful balance in its outward expression, Physically we call it "nature". But imbalances in the ecology produce disease, and wrong outcomes. That is easily seen in the physical world. But in the spiritual world, we cannot see these things. However, we can FEEL when something is wrong. Likewise in the spiritual economy, like the physical economy, there is interaction, give and take, sharing, rules, and every sort of transaction regarding the buying, selling, acquisition and yielding up that produces either growth or stagnation, or worse yet, languishing under a wrong kind of direction. A spiritual economy must be balanced, cooperative, and without selfishness. Such a thing is hard to come by in the physical world, but in the spiritual world, unseen by humans, these transactions of give and take, buying and selling take on a different form that humans cannot comprehend, but is all the same nonetheless.

As humans on the spiritual track, the spiritual economy is of enormous importance, because of the interactions with countless spiritual entities, and their reliance on, and expectations from YOU.

Is there such a thing as a spiritual warranty? Is there restitution for faulty outcomes? Absolutely. And YOU are part of that whether you know it or not. As you grow into more spiritual understanding, these things become more obvious and expected. One thing that is expected from YOU is the absolute intolerance of evil within your own mind and heart. Being aware of discrepancies is part of your spiritual growth.

You have heard that the Spirit of Truth as of now, is more or less restricted to those in the 3rd, 2nd, or 1st psychic circles. You may ask what is a psychic circle? The UB outlines that in pages 1209 to page 1212.

As you become more aware of the interactions in the spiritual ecology and economy, you will become more comfortable with the spiritual way of doing things on this physical world. We are speaking of awareness of evil, and allowance of good. May the Spirit of the Father be with you!

Thank you Pleiadeans!
Song at Sunrise.

Diary 04-24-2024

Good morning All! Good morning Father, Good morning Pleiadeans!

I have been having trouble getting my thoughts and actions together this morning. Please help me at this moment, Pleiadeans.

Yesterday Dominick mentioned "meanings and values".

How would you define "Meanings and Values"? How would we make these a tool in our lives?

What is good? What isn't? Why?

Would activity, experience, and desires be accounted for in "Meanings"?
Is the resulting growth accounted for as spiritual growth? Could falsity, ugliness and evil be misconstrued as "good"?

Is meaning important? People say, "It is what you make of it".

Using the Bible or God's word, or revelation, we conjure "meanings" of events, thoughts expressed, experiences, and everything that happens, cause and effect, etc. Results, growth or death, these all fall into the consideration of "Meanings". But we still find great disparity between thoughtful people concerning the "Meaning" of an event or happening. Where one person might find an experience horrible, another might try to look on the lighter side. Does the event have different meanings to different people? Many comments in the Bible take on different "meanings" when the same event is recounted in the Urantia Book.

Where do "Values" come in? We hear all the time of the value of a product or service. Sometimes we admonished to seek "True Values". What is a value?

Because of the limited English of some of our readers, I believe there should be a clear definition that is easy to translate.

Meaning: what each individual person attributes significance to. Why it is important. Why it is memorable and worth remembering. What makes this fit into the much bigger view of the universe.

Values: The value is the level of importance, the overall outcome of such an event or action. The applicability of this event or action to future events or action builds the value, first personally and then collectively. The event or action in reference to and in comparison to a perfect model becomes the foundation for a future value.

Since "meanings and values" is such a broad abstract term, I believe it would not be a good thing to assume everyone understands the ramifications.

Dear Pleiadeans, how would you define "Meanings and Values"?

Pleiadeans: We are here to observe YOU. That is, all the humanity on this planet.
You are the ones placing meanings on yourselves, others, events, and revelation. When things are meaningful to YOU, then it is in a position to alter your behavior. One of the reasons we are here is to point you in the direction of meaningful events, people, and experiences. We can't make you do it. We can't outwardly suggest it. Your awareness must come from within. That is why it is so important to keep in touch with your Thought Adjuster.

Values are ideals and hopes for goodness. Meanings are contributing to values accordingly. You choose the values you support and seek. Values are held in your spirit and in your mind as the compass to guide your experiences that have meaning. Consistently choosing good experiences and events that have meaning to you in accordance with your good values help to build your soul, and contribute to your spiritual growth..

As suggested in the Light Line, every one of you listeners and readers could contribute to this forum by sharing your understanding and vision concerning "Meanings" and "Values". A question of "Why?" often leads to a discussion VALUABLE (;-) to everyone!

Blessings to all of you.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans!

Good morning All! Good morning Father, Michael, Tarkas, ArthuRa, and our fellow Pleiadians!

Yesterday the Light Line had 20 listeners, and that was a good enough number to hold the Light Line. The spirit world was happy that so many showed up on a Friday time slot. And we are so thankful that Ron was in his usual good form, in spite of previous doubts. All things are working together for good.

Good morning Pleiadeans! Is there any thing you would like to share with us today?

Pleiadians: Yes, thank you Carole, and good morning to you.

All of us here on the forum remember that in the past we have been encouraged to keep a diary of events, thoughts, feelings, and other experiences that are pertinent for the current times. We still encourage you all to become comfortable with writing down your questions, your comments, and observations.
But now we would like to encourage you all in one more thing: Write down your prayers! You all have recently been requested to pray for Michael, for Father, the Melchizedeks,and the the success of the missions. Writing down your prayers, requests, concerns, care, and articulating your deepest concerns are good for formulating clear images in your mind of what you wish to see succeed. And if you have trouble with the English language, this is your time to practice! No need to post. It is for your own edification. What is written down becomes more available to the spiritual population. God knows your thoughts. He knows when thoughts are half-baked, rambling, or nonsensical. These things are not prayers. So writing things down helps you keep your thoughts on course.

Elise is worried that she cannot post the Friday LightLine. Is there interference? Well, there are interferences into your mind too, that need to be spotted and identified for what they are. Writing things down helps you to spot these things.

The diary idea is going from simple observations to prayers, to serious journalism. If you are transmitting some of these ideas, you are on your way to a closer connection with Father and the rest of the Mission helpers. Often just putting things down on paper makes worrisome situations become more clear and manageable. The world is very confused right now, and needs all the clear thinking people it can muster. You can be one of them!

Be at peace, all of you. Keep joy in your hearts. Take care of your health!

We love you!
The Pleiadians.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadians!



Good morning All! And thank you for hearing my request to hear from you, Pleiadians.

And thank you Raz and Valerie for your transcriptions! They are a "Life Line" for me. (My hearing is bad, and it has gotten a lot worse lately with a recent cold I have had, and the pollen and all).

I wanted very much to ask a request on the Light Line Sunday, but I pressed 5* at least 6 times, and it never went through.

So I would like to ask Ron if a Question and Answer tab, (button, page, circuit, you name it) be included in the Website. Usually we are not ready with questions at the spur of the moment., so it would be nice if we could think them through before posting, and whoever answers would have a chance to think through the answers. (We need someone like Marian Rowley!)

Dear Pleiadians, please comment on the Ukrainian "situation".


Pleiadeans: Certainly, Carole. First we will start with the question Valerie had at the Light Line:


Thank you. Now after Jose asked that question. I do have the same question about the Ukraine situation.

Ron Besser  
What situation?

The war in Russia and Ukraine?

Ron Besser  
Oh, I don't know what. Just a minute.


Ron Besser  
Over, all right, let me try this. If you can hear me. They are feeding back my voice. That is insurrection. Valerie, I appreciate it and I'm going to close this call.

Okay. Thank you.


Carole, we have to be very careful that cabal insurrectionists don't intervene in an answer. But what I can say is how such things are handled on our planets.
It was revealed long ago to your prophet Zechariah "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord God of hosts". And additionally, "Who has despised the day of small things?"

Lemuel asked the same question, why doesn't God intervene and stop these wars? The answer was that God doesn't make "miracles" his way of doing things. You see, Carole, God is very careful in how he deals with humans. He doesn't want to lose a single soul. Crash landing on a "situation" doesn't necessarily solve the problem.
God says again, "By MY Spirit", and the day of small things is important to God. Our job is to be patient and to wait on Him.

Some on the forum are impatient waiting for the "missions". As was said today, the Regency is already in progress. It takes a while for physical outcomes to manifest.
Likewise, the "Jesus Mission " is spoken of on p. 1737 of the Urantia book: "The Master spoke in Tyre only once, on the afternoon of July 20 when he taught the believers concerning the Father's love for all mankind and about the mission of the Son to reveal the Father to all races of men".

Guess what. That mission has never stopped. What has stopped is the human participation in such a message, and the message has been replaced with human misinterpretations.
What will help stop the war in Ukraine is the "mission of the Son" to reveal the loving Father to all races of men. His spirit will prevail. It is not our prerogative to second guess how Father will do that. It is our faith, and our stated intent to Father to wait on his wisdom and continually say "Thy kingdom come!"

We wait, just like you do. Be at peace. Let joy be in your lives. Thank you for listening.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadians!

Good morning Father! and All!   Melchizedek, Michael, Jesus, ArthuRa, Pleiadeans. . .



Yesterday a handrail was installed in our front porch, and our house looks better now, and safer. I have two poinsettias on the porch, and one has leaves turning white, and the other has leaves turning red. I never thought they would do that!
Dear Pleiadeans, please come forward. Is there anything you would like to say?


Pleiadeans: Why, yes, Carole, and good morning to you.
You were asking how may I grow spiritually today? Let's talk about that a little bit.

Your house is more beautiful now, and that handrail nicely sets off those flowers, including the big begonia bush on the porch with them. Let's pretend that door is the portal to a new dimension.

Your life is a series of steps, forward, usually. But they are steps. They are a progression from one destination to another. When you ask to grow spiritually, you are asking for the awareness of lessons that come your way as you take these steps.
Your life is not one trauma and one crisis after another where you are forced to "grow spiritually".  But each challenging issue you face is an opportunity to be aware of the choices you make. As in the steps up to your house, you have to use your own leg muscles to get up the steps. And you might do fine without the handrail. Each step is a different height. In our "let's pretend" each challenge is different, just like the steps. And sometimes you need that handrail. That is where we come in. You take hold of us, as we help pull you up. That handrail is set in posts which are buried in concrete, so it is dependable, as we are dependable. However, you do have to reach for us, for us to be there for you.

There is a famous story about "Jacob's Ladder". It was a vision while he slept, and he saw spiritual entities going up and down a ladder. Steps as it were. Jacob was so moved, and inspired that he created a monument at that place to commemorate that. He was overjoyed to know he was on the right path, and that God was with him.

Don't be depressed if your life sometimes seems boring or uneventful. Even normal routines can have their spiritual lessons. Just always be aware of your long term spiritual goal, that of unity with the Father, and be on the lookout for opportunities to go in new directions to achieve that.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans! Is there anything else you would like to say?

Pleiadeans: Yes, thank you. You have been warned about the difficulties and limitations of language usages. "Pronouns" and parts of speech are part of any language. Don't hesitate to speak your own language when you speak to God, and don't be shy about your own language when God speaks through you. Spirit knows how to communicate with humans whatever their language. And that goes for other planets too! Be at peace, and stay close to God!

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans!




Good morning All! Good morning all our celestial helpers, Michael, Jesus, Melchizedek, and Pleiadeans!

Carole: What beauty there is in the spring season! Dear Pleiadeans, I would like to ask you your feelings about the subject of beauty.

Pleiadeans: Well, yes, thank you, Carole. Indeed there is much beauty in this world, in spite of many things right now that are going wrong. So it is a pleasure to discuss a topic that is close to our hearts.
Nacogdoches is a town where you live, that has many gardens and trail walks. It is truly a remarkable city that draws many visitors. Right now the azalea gardens that feature many rarer species of azaleas are now in full bloom and it is a joy to see.

Urantia is a particularly beautiful planet in many ways, and that is another reason Michael wants to preserve it from the pollution, mining, and environmental attacks from humans, and human caused weather disasters.

So we wish to speak to you about beauty.
What is it? Often it is referred to in terms of a noun -- person, place or thing. But it is far more than that. The Father and the Eternal Son are sometimes referred to as "Goodness" and "The Word". When Father's highest intent is goodness, and the Word puts this goodness into the form of "Truth" there arises the manifestation of Beauty and Harmony through the auspices of the Infinite Spirit. All three working together makes a beautiful outcome, whether spiritual, or physical. Beauty occurs on all dimensions and all levels. Much of it you cannot see, but it is there. When disharmony moves in, the beauty fades. So that is why we say to you: Look for the Beautiful.

Where beauty is, there is the intent of the creator, no matter who it is, to create the best and the most perfect outcome. That cannot come about without the perfect knowledge of how to attain it. The outcome of beauty in this conjunction is a gift all can enjoy, to see the harmony the color, the joy, the peace, the out flowing love that such a part of the Spirit's ministry.


Beauty hides in many different places. Utterly beautiful creatures and living things are in the bottoms of the oceans, and you never see them. But we do. Tiny flowers growing out of a crack in a pile of rubble, start the process of reclamation. We participate and enjoy moments such as the excellent concert your Stone Fort Chorale did this past Sunday with a performance of the Mozart Requiem. There was a beauty there that many in the audience noticed as extraordinary. Know that spirit supports human efforts to create with good intent, and follow through with truth and logic, with hoped for outcomes of beauty and harmony.
This goes for social situation, political efforts, yes, indeed the Magisterial Foundation!

We can go though our lives now with a new appreciation of the efforts of others, and especially the efforts of the spiritual helpers, to make your lives more harmonious and beautiful in every way.

We love being a part of your good works. We are there to help you over the hurdles. That is why persistence and resourcefulness are such important components of success. Attention to the details takes a sharp eye.

We are here to help you train your eyes to see the beauty, no matter how it is manifested. Know that the Trinity is real! The inspiration of awe and wonder glorifies the Father and all our spiritual helpers.

We love you! Peace be with you all always.

Thank you Pleiadeans!


Here is a link to the concert.  The Requiem itself starts at 50 minutes into the video.


Good morning All!

Good morning Father, and Pleiadeans, and all our celestial helpers!

It is such a grief to me to hear Sunday's light Line, and to read the transcript, that shows us the continuing interference of the cabal, and the attacks on the website, all for the purpose of causing confusion.

Here I am, with constant questions, and no clarity.
Pleiadeans, what do you see?

Pleiadeans: Good morning Carole. We listen to the Light Lines too. We would very much like to be among those that "remove" the cabal. But we see that you, Carole, have the question in mind, "What is the cabal"?

From the time of your childhood, you have been " the devil's advocate" so to speak. You have always liked to entertain alternative outcomes and liked to find "the loose brick" as it were. That didn't win you any friends, however. Then you had some children that did the same thing, to your chagrin!
As you can see, the result was a frustrating mess.

We noticed that on the Light Line, Ron was invited to answer the cabal's questions, but Ron said wait first. . . Here is the quote:


Now this. Ron, you are quite aware of the evil cabal around you.

Ron Besser  
Oh, tremendously. Yes.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Answer their questions.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute, Dominick, I see you. But let me go to Elise first. Go ahead. Elise.


We noticed that the cabal had some questions that did not get answered. Machiventa requested that they be heard.

Techniques for conflict resolution always involve listening. Being summarily brushed off does not contribute to good relationships, no matter who you are. Jesus always listened carefully to the questions people asked him, particularly if they were not very knowledgeable. There was a reason why Machiventa asked Ron to answer their questions. Was that an opportunity missed?

Carole, you have had many questions. Questions that are brushed off usually result in not asking any more. We notice question and answer sessions on the Light Line and forum have been "truncated".

(Carole: That word reminds me of the accordion my father in law played.)

Pleiadeans: We know many on the forum don't have much interest in quantum physics. And as in your case, much of what you already knew has been "truncated". So interest is lagging a bit.
Some of your questions are "What should Biden have done in the middle east? What does spirit have against Biden? He seems to have stated many positive hopes and dreams in his state of the union message.
There is another question from you: Who are the cabal? Is there any reason to listen to their questions? Could something be learned or a new practice created? Is there a "protocol" for asking and answering questions?

Where are the midwayers? Are they still a part of Urantia life?

Which brings us up to the subject of questions.
Many questions are asked from a confused background source. And an answer may create more confusion.
Humans have beliefs, and they have faiths. What is the difference? Beliefs can change from day to day.  Faith is the deep ocean current of conviction that guides our lives. But faith can be changed by a change in beliefs. Most people try to believe what is true, by intent. But they wind up believing what is convenient or comfortable or what supports their ego. Changing beliefs for some people is a big deal.

So questions can be very useful clues in determining the status of the mental and spiritual state of the asker. And sometimes a simple answer clears the matter instantly. "The simplicity in Christ" goes all the way up to the Father.

That is why we are here for you all. Most questions don't make it all the way to the website, or to Light Line, so we are here to help you with your questions. We are also here to warn you of possible trouble spots. Contact us. Don't be afraid to ask questions. And sometimes a good question can result in a huge positive outcome. Don't be afraid!
Put things in writing.   A question put forth to us can lead to a new path you may have never envisioned. Look at it from all sides. And remember that every human is fallible and can say things that are misunderstood or are simply an untried opinion. What is true for one person may not be for another. That is why we need to be on the lookout for real fallacies in our beliefs.

Hey people. Ask questions. That's OK. And you might find out things about yourself you never knew!
We are the Pleiadeans. We love you. Contact us.

Thank you Pleiadeans!




Good morning All!

Hello Pleiadeans and all who gather round. . .
Dear Pleiadeans, is there anything you would like to speak to today?


Pleiadeans: Well, yes, thank you Carole.
We spoke yesterday that God is not in the "Bad News" business.
What seems to us as "bad news" is viewed differently from a spiritual standpoint.

Maybe God is giving us a respite so we can rest a bit. Or to realign our priorities.

There are small truths, and there are big truths. As humans, we are more inclined toward the small truths that affect our lives directly. It is good to know about hyper-infinity, and Outer Space level four etc., but right close to home, there are opportunities to serve, to love our neighbors, and to find new skills and abilities that will be helpful in the future.

We are, as it were, God himself walking on this earth, doing the things God would do, as Jesus did, going about "doing good". When Jesus said "the Kingdom of God is within you" he was not painting some ephemeral vague picture. He was speaking literally.


continuing from March 3rd. . .

Good morning All!

Good morning Pleiadeans! and all our celestial helpers!

Dear Pleiadeans, I have had many distressing thoughts today. Can you comment please?

Hello Carole.

We have heard the reassurances that the missions are still a go, and celestial participation continues. Our care for Urantia has never wavered.
What caused a stopper was the consideration of the usefulness of humans to the missions.

Well, guess what. We are humans too . We evolved eons ago into a higher race, and that being so, we wanted to help other planets with humans to evolve positively too. We saw Urantia long ago, when rebellion became the universe-wide shocking issue. How could there be a rebellion? Personal quest for power, control and defiance became the forefront of the news.

We watched in horror as things unfolded.
Now we knew that Urantia is where we wanted to go.
Being human we had not faced the same difficulties you do. But as humans we have the best of both worlds. Physical time and space experience is not available to everyone. We had not been affected by the supreme as you have. The supreme's intention to destroy this planet and all the inhabitants did not rise fully to our attention until long into the matter.

We want to assure you, that as humans, you have the best of both too -- a physical life, and a future spiritual one, but your experiences of evil first hand gives you an experience level that most other planets don't have. You are greatly honored! Only most of you don't realize how honored you shall be.

To reach out to the Father, and to all universe helpers is the first and best thing any of you can do.
And by the way, we do help, and more often than not, you have no idea, and and offer no thanks.

People, we are Pleiadeans, former humans. Know that when humans help other humans however subtly, or minimally, you are in a growth position that needs to be continued and explored and nurtured. How you help the missions, especially with donations, has a lot to do with your development. Don't worry about the economy. Don't worry about your own income. When you hear a Light Line, there are behind the scenes expenses that humans only have to deal with.

The prospect of no human help in the missions has to be discarded. We are humans! We are helping too! We have gone in small groups all over the world, and the ways we help is on the more conscious and personal levels. The Thought Adjusters are more on the super-conscious levels, beyond our awareness most of the time. We and the thought adjusters work together to make your spiritual experiences real and lasting.

We are here for you. We love you. Go in peace y'all!

Thank you Pleiadeans!


Good morning All! and good morning Pleiadeans!

Here is a quote from Ron's post yesterday:

This afternoon 29 February 2024, New York time zone,  I was advised there was no further interest in doing a full Mission to this planet.


Dear Pleiadeans, what would you like to say about this?

Pleiadeans: Thank you Carole, and especially you, Weydevu, for the very important questions put forth. No full missions? ever? Is it all over? No use for us humans?

Dear folks of the forum, those of you referred to as "the rest of you". . . please understand that Father is not in the Bad News business. Your responses to this shows us that this is one of the many things that makes humans wonderful, amazing, confusing, and enigmatic, and that is the changeableness, the ever evolving beliefs, the total ennui. We may go on a long time, pointing these things out, that humans are not spiritually dependable at this point. No offense intended, but this planet has a long way to go before any kind of large scale mission could make any impact. All of you who are so devoted to this effort, and fully dedicated to the good outcome of whatever spirit chooses to put in place are greatly appreciated and noticed. And be assured Father is very interested in your spiritual progress, whether there is any kind of mission or not.

We Pleiadeans as on-lookers can deeply sympathize with your desire for the return of Jesus, and your many hopes and dreams of a better planet. But God has a time table that we cannot totally understand. All we can do is take one day at a time. Remember that whatever is decided for "humans" involves the other planets in the Universe! These are far reaching decisions.

God's blessings continue to be as real as ever. Your care and nurturing is ever before Him. We know that Ron is spiritually very special, but a wholesale acceptance of human input can put many deliberations at risk.

The best we all can do is just wait and listen. The encouragement to 'stay the course" correcting it as necessary through countless adjustments is still our word to you. We love you! We are here for you!

Be in peace. Thank you for listening.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans!



If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.
Beautifully put! I couldn't have said it better myself!

Hello everybody!
Good morning All! and good morning Pleiadeans!.

That was the fortune from a cookie I got recently. And here is another one on the same day:
"We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are."

Hello Pleiadeans! Is there anything you would like to say about this?

Pleiadeans: Well, yes, Carole. As a matter of fact, humans everywhere, in all the inhabited planets face the necessity of making decisions about their universe journey.

We can see that these two "fortunes" are complimentary. What we choose, and continuously choose -- is are result of our persistence in pursuing a particular goal. Is it for self -- for money, fame, power, personal satisfaction? Persistence in choosing such goals has, as an outcome, the employment of "Trinitarian Justice" which we heard about recently. All the laws of the master universe are put in place for the purpose of the fulfillment of the will of the Father. So where we are headed needs to be continuously reviewed and adjusted to stay on course towards the Father's will for our lives.

Carole: I have been pursuing a rather simple sewing project, but from the planning to the finish, it has been a time consuming a frustrating parade of failed efforts, and re-do's. It is tempting to blame the cabal, but I think I am just being put in the position to employ "persistence". It is not a big deal, but it is taking way more time than I would like.

Pleiadeans: Persistence is not evident with just one try. There is a magnet on your refrigerator that says, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
It goes to show that habit and persistence are related, and both can be sub-conscious or conscious.
It is when persistence toward worthy goals becomes a habit that much struggle can be alleviated. But it is part of the human experience to have to sort out what works and what doesn't. That takes the willingness to "change our direction", as was stated above. Just remember that the solution to one problem often has the seeds for the next problem. This applies both spiritually and physically. So the changes we see so often here in his forum are to be expected. Staying the course takes continuous readjustments.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans! I'll chew on this fortune cookie a little longer. . .

Pleiadeans: (smile) And greetings to all of you! Thanks for listening!


Hello everyone,
Here is a quote from a recent light Line:

Yeah, I have a question for the group. And while we're on the subject of all the transmitters on the forum, what could you explain or can we get clarification on the role of the things like the Pleiadeans? And any, where do they fit in? And where do transmitters who might be receiving messages like Carole fit in?

Ron Besser  
It gets so complicated. Thank you, Dominick. The Pleiadeans are what earthlings call aliens. They are still humans living on their material planet. They are advanced enough to make communication possible to other civilizations off planet. Their intention is to continue with Carole Deptula in order that she may receive their good wishes.
All of you who had a chance to speak to the Pleiadeans did not bother. Ron did and enjoys us tremendously. We with him. Therefore, we will continue to contact Ron and Carole Deptula. If it's necessary, Dominick we'll contact you. Now, why are we involved? We are a lover of the Father. He is our God. Our only and one savior. We never had a bestowal. Not every planet does. And for that reason, we have a sentimental view of Jesus. We want to be in contact. Carole is fine.

Good morning All!
Good morning Pleiadeans!

I have been thinking of you often lately. We are indeed "surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses."

Here is a transmission from George Barnard that reminds me of your work with us as humans.  
Athena: â€œâ€¦ I am Athena, a Celestial Artisan, a pre-fusion Teacher to any of the receivers of the 11:11 Progress Group as are Samuel, Aaron, the Mentori and others.

“It is known to you that I am deserving of being fused with my Thought Adjuster, yet for a season we have more to offer, as still independent children of the Creator-Father than would be the case if we were already fused. The curriculum for fused personalities is such that it first of all leaves less time for teaching and secondly is often irrelevant to current humans’ need to know. As well, to teach humans from a yet higher status would require a greater ‘string’ of intermediaries and we would likely not relate quite as well.

“Even so, here on Mansonia Seven, a person’s involvement with the arts has a great record of furthering one’s problem-solving capacity for all future times. It is not a guarded secret that terrestrial and Mansion World life engenders the pinpointing of specific difficulties and the discovery of appropriate solutions. We — humans and former humans — have much for which to be grateful.

“There is also no secret in the one-time suggested and later confirmed fact that we, who make use of the from-the-ground-up spiritual education we receive, will play greater and essential roles in the now-forming universes of deep space. The hierarchies existing in the seven super-universes will not reign in deep space as you know them here and now. There will be a greater content of Sons of God who have had terrestrial life at their starting points. Yes, humans, Midwayers and also the to-you-still unfamiliar Transcendentalers and some Angels.

Thank you for thinking of us, Carole. We indeed welcome a larger group to hear our teachings. Because we are human origin beings, we can identify with you all more than other created spirit beings. We can see clearly how the materialistically oriented population of this earth is swayed by the influence of money regardless of who wields it. There are visions by some that the big money holders will sit beside Jesus in the coming "kingdom of God" on this earth -- a theocracy in America that completely overrides the truth, not only the truths set forth in the declaration of independence and constitution, but also gross misinterpretation of the Bible which they preach.
Through intimidation and threats, moderate legislators are succumbing, and falling out of the political scene. Elections are coming up that use this influence to achieve their ends.

The big warning is don't be swayed from the truths you know!

Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". Think on these things deeply. Never before has it become so important to know what the truth is.

Go in peace.

Thank you Pleiadeans!


Good morning all!


Thank you Father! and Michael! Thank you Albert Einstein for the clarification of Quarks and for the explanation about the star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

Hello Pleiadeans.

A quote I saw on Thursday: "Be the driver of change"

It saw this on a poster in a waiting room while I was waiting for my car to be fixed.
Is there something you would like to say about that?

The Pleiadeans:
The post today from Rene inspires us with joy to know there will be more of you starting to attempt to transmit.
It is scary to some to allow your thoughts to be guided, in so much as that you will continue the thought by typing it down. We look forward to working with many new folks who want to have celestial guidance in their lives, and are willing to take a risk. It looks to us that there is no spiritual leader on your planet that is universal in appeal. Everyone is going after their own ways. They don't know what is right or wrong, so they just "play it by ear" as you sometimes say. That is why it is important to recognize spiritual guidance in your lives, because there is no clergy, no "ministers", no priests, or holy men or gurus to teach us. The teachings are now coming from the very source: The Father Himself.
The Thought Adjusters are the very first ones to contact; and to be comfortable with them is crucial.

Transmitting is exactly that: "playing it by ear". You hear a melody, and put into some kind of construct. Play some chords on a piano or guitar. Try to repeat it in some way. Try to flesh out that fleeting snatch of a melody. Typing words works the same way. This is how music composers compose!
You are all musicians in that way! When you hear a guiding thought, and recognize it as such, you try to catch it, as though with a butterfly net.
When you play a song by ear, don't be afraid of making a mistake. It takes practice, and you become more sure of how things go together. That is how higher guidance works. It is sensible. And loving. It may tell you something you may never would have thought of.

Ron is offering some transmitting light lines coming up Thursday February 22nd and 29th, and March 7th at 2:00 York time.

The important thing is be still, be patient. And thankful.
We look forward to working with many more of you.

Thank you Pleiadeans!



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