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Online Ron Besser

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Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« on: March 09, 2024, 01:06:02 am »
WE are reporting something cosmologists should know, even if it takes another one hundred years to learn it:

The Master Universe first needs to be defined briefly as infinite but has limits at the moment.  Space is the placement of materialized objects and in all reality levels, materialization is about the same.  Because preparticles are first connected to time and space through a materializing process, we get effects of their origins in prematter.  Prematter originates pattern of the basic constitutions of matter that we can see and use.   One of the strangest of them all as to effect is the idea of levitation.

I have lived long enough now and being under the super-infinite rulers to at least tell you this.  Time and space is only one of six realities.  When I say reality I am referring to the identifiable laws of matter and that nature of life, but I am not getting into the nature of life since that subject is still very, very secret from the Deities themselves.  However, the infinite Deity which alone is the Universal Father, or God the Father to favor for Himself and those who support the machinery of life development and caring.

But it is also the level of Infinity of the Father, Son, and Spirit who produce the possibilities of lawns, roses, space ships, and the aura borealis, to permeate the space of time and six other realities where matter is consistent, but life is entirely different.  We need to understand the basic elements first before we attempt the subject of how time and space is used, and why time and space eventually leads to the sixth segment of the Master Universe as entirely subjective and Infinite all by itself.

At its simplest, the total universe, and that is segments of extensions of other styles of stating the laws of universe operations.  Space is not universal.  Time exists in only one segment of six segments.  The segments fit into an elliptical idea of shape, and the core of all time and space surrounds two other cores.  Right before time and space exists, is a pattern universe the authors who wrote about this as epochal revelation, call the pattern universe of Havona.

Havona is a vast universe in elliptical shape time and space encircle looking toward the beginning center of the Master Universe.  Havona is what the Deities use to try out new matter, new shapes, new forces, and show every kind of spirit being, in-between beings of mixed materials of matter and spirit, and finally in our sector of time and space the flesh and blood of man and other types of materializations of spirit by our leaders to direct the destiny of the use of time and space.  Years ago Dr. Carl Edward Sagan lectured on TV and spoke of the vastness of the creation, but he died before he realized that what he saw and reported to TV audiences in the 1990's was far short of what he saw after he became a student on the Mansion Worlds where students of the creation foregather to learn even more in their future service after death to the Universal Father and the Paradise Trinity.  I am allowed to transmit Dr. Sagan for you now on the subject of cosmology next:

Carl Edward Sagan
(November 9, 1934
New York City, New York, U.S.
Died    December 20, 1996 (aged 62),Seattle, Washington, U.S.)

DR. CARL SAGAN at your service:  "I have established a small cadre of workers up here where life continues after the earth life you have sustained for generations.  I now know that Ron Besser is one of our best friends to get these things reported, and his untimely death appears to be sustained now, but it is give and take, and very close to the bone these days, but I will take advantage of his work to report this:
"I produced a TV program to watch about the universe and its wonders decades ago.  I knew enough to tell you about the speculations and the care man has over how to describe the Master Universe, but I had not idea it was even more extensive then I ever imagined.
"In that television production in the early 1990's, I spoke of the immensity of the earth and its space location little realizing there were millions of extensions of space lattices far beyond what we  could see that day.  Now thanks to Hubble we are seeing even further, and there is no end in sight.  I know Ron knows the shape of the totality of this Master Universe, but I know less than he does, as he knows a huge  text revelation I still do not have access to.  So I wait for R to pop these things up so I can read them too. You who read these things are highly privileged.  I have little more to say other than I am hoping the entire matter of that revelation becomes available to us on the mansion worlds too.  Thank you Ron for the invitation and good day."  DR. CARL SAGAN at your service.

Ron speaking again:

For our purposes today I am not going to speak to these elementary divisions further, as they go from the center universe of no time and no space,  and next toward us of a blue-white lighted universe around the center which is the pattern universe, surrounded by elliptical time and space where our lives take place.  If we time beings turn around and look at the wall of galaxies, we are looking at a resticted space zone where huge new materializations for a future universe age ate taking place.

Our time/space slot is of an elliptical nature, and it is typical of how these segments grow.  no time is alien to us, but behind the wall of galaxies are new universes taking shape and they and those beings will not use time to live at all.

When we begin to work with preparticles to produce free electricity, we are now beginning to have some idea of sophistication about how creation works– at least at the most basic level of stars, moons, planets, asteroid production, and so on.  We at the Magisterial Foundation are fortunate to have as our teachers, the very super-finite individuals to lecture us on atomic construction, and how that construction leads to the materializations in time.

Our planet is fairly new to creation.  The records of it are known to science fairly well enough, but that which came before its creation requires revelatory explanations, and I have shown some of them to you here today.  Spirit tells me time as an operating reality is about 1,935 trillion-billion earth years old.  The core of our universe exists far away from us and contains a massive construction called Paradise, and that materialization called Paradise determines all factors in time and how to use it to your advantage.

The Master Universe breathes in and out in earth billion year cycles.  Space breath is inherent in space, but not in matter, and for that reason, in another six billion earth years, space will pause for a million years or so, and then appear to contract BACKWARDS  yet for another billion years.  Right now space respiration forces the motion of galaxies outwardly or receding in lots of cases to our eyes, and in fact those galaxies show speeds that are inaccurate entirely as space respiration adds the appearance of speeds not truly actualized by their motions.
That concludes our post for now.  Thank you very much for your time and interest.
Ron Besse

« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 15:04:50 pm by Ron Besser »
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2024, 15:43:41 pm »
A Review of the Capabilities of the MUON
T/R and Author Ronald Besser
March 9, 2024

We continue our post on the Master Universe, and how it learns to do tricks without getting deeply involved with the solution to masterful means of motion while the Master Universe itself does not always know the side effects of certain preparticles.

In this case, we are going to talk about the really common MUON, and since I am fully discharging this subject to you, how its uses as free electricity is valid, the Muon for levitation is hardly a fit subject, but it can levitate the human body, at least briefly.

Here is what I mean by the term, levitation.

Definition: This is the ability to raise the torso of the living human body anywhere from a few inches to six (6) feet into the air, seemingly against gravitation restriction.  

That is all it means, and there are no medicinal values attached although the human body and blood pressure can be affected, it is not usually associated with the bodies of those who have managed to do levitation to change that much, but blood pressure can rise alarmingly if the levitation lasts more than one minute.  Madam Blavatsky, a Russian born emigre who died in 1891, taught levitation, and has remained the single voice for the process which can still trigger levitation say her followers yet today.

I must remind the reader, levitation is an effect only and not a really important practice, and some people manage levitation  daily if they provide an altered state of mind, but also provide a flow of MUONS from the crown chakra to the base of their body (knees or below).  

It is not important to enshroud the feet with muons, but it is necessary to provide a flow of Muons from the top of the torso to the middle of the back and institute a dense flow of the antigravity preparticle they are fully over the upper part, waist up, of the body.

Here is the process I think the Muon has to provide to levitate the human body from a few inches to about six to twelve inches off the ground.


 First, understand that a MUON is an atomic preparticle.  It prefers to stand off the body entirely as its electrical properties are useless for human use entirely.  I have never conducted an experiment myself, but there are some religions particularly in the eastern areas of this world, which considers levitation a holy ritual and is produced in some form daily in them.

Second, the Muon is an antigravity preparticle science does not care about one iota.  That is, they do not care about it since they do not know what it is about, and have yet to see one.  I produce free electricity off a tower easily by producing trillions of them by converting ELECTRONS TO MUONS, and that produces a solid stream of traveling muons back into the magnetosphere much like a river forcing its way with a new channel through acres of oxygen molecules while we press the muon off the broadcast tower.  Free electricity streams will not levitate you, for they convert back to electrons before they can cause any mischief  when they hit a dipole antenna on your house.

Fully explained, the muon is not the same kind of Lepton the electron is, and at least in our planet’s atmosphere larded with so many radioactive ions in the magnetosphere, the electron is DOA, dead on arrival to effect  levitate for anyone as it has no resistance to gravity whatsoever.

Finally, let me say this: A lot more investigation by our science should eventually indicate that the Lepton order of preparticles has at least one more preparticle not discoverer yet which aids and abets the muon as a super conductor too.  The muon travels off our broadcast tower to produce free electricity, and we have shown in earlier posts that a mysterious muon enters the picture to orbit all the muons we broadcast, and that in and of itself causes the muon to conduct electricity to a house antenna,  but that is too much to get into in this dissertation.

Finally, levitation is not natural and to be induced by the mind.  But thanks to certain preparticle usages by nature on our planet, the preparticle legislature sees to levitation so long as there is an orbiting muon around broadcast muons off a tower. The electron travels just about ½ that speed and conducts voltage while the muon is conducted near the speed of light.

I apologize for getting so technical, but levitation is not an easy subject to address ever, but it is popular in the public mind because it is so mysterious.  Levitation begins with mental exercise. Man can do a lot with mentality no other creature can pull, and the muon is subject to mental levitation simply because it obeys the law of mind too.  So many are easily frightened to do anything out of the ordinary, but mind can reconfigure preparticle flows in particular, and I dare not explain much more as it gets too technical and I am not truly interested in that myself; however, please recall that when you walk across the floor or a hike on the earth outside, you are conducting about sixteen thousand volts of electricity into the ground under your feet.  

Levitation is the result of a hoard of muons flowing down the torso and those sheets of muons cascade out and into the earth so rapidly the nervous system never notices them or their effects.  Electrons need a conductor to flow like that, but muons do not need a conductor at all and inundate the mind once the mind affords a certain state to allow the free flow of these muon preparticles to take effect.

This concludes our contribution to levitation theory, and for what it is worth, happy birthday everyone when your date appears this year, as the levitation idea will prevail for centuries to come, as the fully ability or authority to levitate is often associated with religious practice.  Here is why:

The muon is antigravity.  It carries about six (6) Joules of electrical zap, but it also carries a carrier wave to transmit itself the electron does not posses.  One we start broadcasting muons, we start to broadcast the Heart of God too, as there is nothing in the Electron to discover the faith of God, but in the muon, there lies an unknown factor called “levitation of the heart” and that is spelled with capitals normally in the creations of spirit beings.  The loss of one muon is not possible, but the muon dissipates so rapidly we hardly ever have a chance to recall it before it is gone from sight so easily, we lament its usages only for free electricity at the moment.

Thank you for listening.

Ron Besser
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2024, 23:18:58 pm »
Very interesting topic Ron, thank you very much.  For me, it has been quite surprising that you have brought the topic of levitation to the forum, which I find very similar to the case that Lemuel presented to Amadon about Extraterrestrials, because they have always been considered topics belonging to reserved matters.  Although I tried to look for authoritative sources from the side of human science, to evaluate the veracity of Levitation in which I believed through the references of the teachers of India and also from theosophist Helena Blavatsky, I never got information. about.  Thank you Ron because you have practically exposed the scientific basis of the phenomenon of Levitation, which we can support in the Universal law that says that the subtle moves the dense.  In any case, not an achievement within reach but one of the very few who have developed mental power, I believe.  Thank you
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2024, 10:49:44 am »
Hello Occerpa, the matter of levitation is of interest due to the use of Muons, more than anything.  The Local Universe has no interest in the subject and I do not much care about the fact it can be done.  What I do care about is that levitation is an electronic reaction to the flow of muons. 

What I feel sure about too is there is much more to the effect occurring to lift the body briefly off the ground by muons encircuiting with the brain not, as the brain has nothing to produce if it gets into a flow of preparticles called muons.  What I think happens is that the flow of a river of muons over the surface of the body tends to lighten the body weight, and the combination of all that flow plus the effect of antigravity, can do this for us.

What I am also emphasizing is that a muon is antigravity.  We do not know much about the effects of antigravity.  I lifted this from Wikipedia which is a formula to figure out how much magnetic force you have to apply to any object to get it to lift (levitate).


"[WE CAN] calculate the amount of lift, a magnetic pressure can be defined.

For example, the magnetic pressure of a magnetic field on a superconductor can be calculated by:

P mag = B 2 2 μ 0

where P mag is the force per unit area in pascals, B is the magnetic field just above the superconductor in teslas, and μ 0 = 4π×10−7 N·A−2 is the permeability of the vacuum.[2]"



But before we get too excited by this work, remind ourselves that this formula is not about muons but about magnetic forces.  The muon itself is not an electrical force, but it also must be present to levitate any object, magnetic or otherwise.  Free electricity does not use muons to levitate anything, but levitation is a side effect on any object which has mass and velocity.  I am sure this mostly over my head too, as I found that muons can do this, but I have no idea why or how they put levitation into effect with human bodies at all.  I says this to tell you I know muons are at work to  cause levitation, but I hardly understand the nature of antigravity which is what the muons tend to do when present in large numbers.  I  better let this alone as it goes too deep into me getting into amateur  science when I lose the physicist's explanations.

I did not invent the muon, I invented the way to use the force of muons to create a flow of electricity.  Please remember it is not the muon which produces electricity in the house or car, but the muon does transports the electrical charge of the electron with it and only when the muon is converted back to an electron, do we get electricity running inside the house through muon conversion.

The subject of levitation is not a high priority to me since it has nothing to do with free electricity, but levitation cannot happen without a large flow of muons down the legs of a person.  Without the muon there would be no special effects at all with magnetic resonance and I think it is right to say that the muon is fully the best devise we could ever use to prepare this world for deep space travel, as I am sure the muon can be used in space engines for long distance travel without having to use chemical fuels to provide such engines.  Thanks for your comments.



« Last Edit: March 10, 2024, 11:23:02 am by Ron Besser »
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2024, 18:54:18 pm »
Magnificent Ron, like all your interventions, although the most tangled they tend to be. Thank you very much because I see that I can understand the basics of Levitation, as I always wanted. This aspect of being able to levitate, even if it is not intended to be carried out, is still a very determining fact in the experience of being born as a human being, to define its divine nature and help it understand that we are not the material body. Of course, I would like to achieve the knowledge of how to levite, although as I said, it is not to carry it out: how you can achieve that power to levitate, which in any case requires a higher level of development and mastery of the mind. In truth, this entire world intangible to our senses challenges us to get closer to its mystery. For example, SAIBABA says: "The subtle moves the dense. Just as the cold of the atmosphere freezes water, the anguish that moves the heart of the devotee, gives configuration and form to the formless." There I think, there is that force of the river of muons. Thanks Ron.
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2024, 03:57:03 am »
Thank you.  Occerpa perhaps you can configure what induces the flow of  the river of Muons which levitate?  I have spoken with Madam Blavatsky on this very subject too.  She did not direct me to the Master Force Organizers, but that is where I got the information that confirms your insight into the fact of levitation.  

Maybe you can tell me from Saibaba?  These questions?

1 - What induces the flow of so many muons to flow in meditative reverence to engulf the body?

2 - Why do the muons choose to flow down the torso and not disperse as they usually do without meditative contemplation?

3-  Why do the muons favor a state of mind; one state flows them and another does not?

4 - The Ultimaton is the God Particle for sure.  Preparticles use them, all of them do, but except the photon.  Electrons have no psychic state but the muons are almost contemplative matter. What does the muon have in common with spirit which is what element of the muon which may reflect spirit?  If it is not the count or the number of muon ultimatons (99 in the muon), then the ultimaton should have no spiritual influence from the preparticle.  What element of the muon in the construction of the muon is the spiritual influence and connection to spirit?              

5 -   Here is what we know about the build of a muon:
       a - It has 99 ultimatons; the electron has 100 ultimatons.

       b -  The muon also has 98 intercessor particles in its build, and those are prematter particles that help the materializing preparticle to move from prematter to materialization.  The intercessor prematter particles  are theorized to be there to  help the preparticle-to-be how to be the architect of what type of preparticle they are to be.  When building preparticles, it  appears that in prematter the preparticle pattern exists with 1/2 of the  prematter ultimatons to maintain the pattern, but double the ultimatons to materialize the pattern.  I do not understand why some preparticles exist though without the exact preparticle ultimaton doubling to form it in material form.   For instance,  the element Rhodium (Rh atomic #45 and its family is  the Platinum group).  Isn't it interesting that Selenium (Oxygen group. Se = atomic # 34), both share Ionium as a subatomic polarity and Ionium is slightly radioactive too and that suggests these elements are doing less for man than he could get out of them if he knew them better.. 

Ionium is used medically too, but spirit suggests that it is a common bond element in both Selenium and Rhodium which means it can be used in the universe to bond ultimaton strings together in side preparticle formation of at least these two elements.  

Why does selenium and the wildly distant element of rhodium use these idea of medical devices inside them to form the material presence of their preparticle elements in their molecules? .  Now I am talking the prematter constitution of rhodium and selenium, as both prematerialize and  pre-bond with ionium and it is slightly radioactive?  I do not know any rule to explain the relationship.  But selenium and rhodium can conduct electrons better than other metal elements.  Medically the tinge of radio activity in Ionium is helpful and suggests uses for rhodium and selenium have are of electrical use too. The muon relates to both elements selenium and rhodium very well  and I am willing to bet there is something to the idea, because of this relationship,  that lightning strikes once on a spot, it will strike again on the same spot given an even chance it can, and that is the attraction of muons to selenium and rhodium created by a lightning strike on anything coated on any material which took a direct lightning strike.

This also somewhat explains a great surprise to us for when we convert the electron to a muon by our transducer, we briefly get selenium dioxide (Se4O9) salt.  And that compound exists milliseconds only.  Se4O9 reverts to Cr6O9 because of the inference of selenium along with chromium are molecularly apart, bu we think this indicates that the prematter patterns are so similar one of them does not function particularly well.  The Unqualified Absolute which predates all elements for materialization with the caveat nothing gets done when two elements are so close together the sub-absolute has to determine need and function.  Chromium is great for shiny bumpers and is taken medically to, but selenium appears to be  the winner although if a psychologist examined them, Chromium is sane and selenium needs some mental help to work right all the time.

       c - The muon has no place in the atomic chart because it is anitgravity.  Earth elements are pausey characters compared to antigravity particles and the powers in their formations.  The normal material molecular patterns of earth elements are rarely radioactive, but the muon is particularity attracted to mental states in man who's reverence for God attracts their source materials (in them)   may result in levitation, and that in turn is a cause/effect of ancestral divisions of the universe into Deified and Undeified.  The original cradle of matter is one with spirit in the sense of reality beginnings.  Though to the church these matters are not conjectured, science will burrows down into matter deeply enough to eventually reveals its original connection to the I AM source of the  Master Universe, and the ultimaton is so close to bearing evidence  with the original creation of matter/spirit as One, we cannot separate behavior of some elements which are not truly or entirely matter, but are substrates of a type of energy unknown on our planet.  Where that goes I am too poorly rehearsed to  tell you.

   d - The entire idea of a muon is fanciful to some.  I do not care about what those views are, but I do care to state that wireless electricity will redefine particle physics. then you can have your fancy charts and explanations.  I am more of an historian than a particle physicist and let some of these thing lie for later posts on the materialized universe and that fact that if you dig deep enough, you will embrace the effective use of hyperinfinity of the theorized I AM.  

Thank you -
Ronald  Besser
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 04:44:30 am by Ron Besser »
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2024, 10:37:30 am »
Hey Ron, you said:   [I think it is right to say that the muon is fully the best devise we could ever use to prepare this world for deep space travel, as I am sure the muon can be used in space engines for long distance travel without having to use chemical fuels to provide such engines.]

My thoughts exactly, I look at some of these vehicles of light that are capture on film, not those that are part of our Government.  Are they using muons for their interplanetary flights?  And their ability to stop on a dime and change directions in a blink of an eye.  Are they  using muon related mind control to steer their ships?  Thank you.



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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2024, 15:42:22 pm »
Weydevu, I do not belong to those commanders or traveling groups and I have no way of knowing what equipment they do use for navigation.  They have their star maps and their means, but it is so far out of our knowledge there is no way to answer your question.  Thought control is not the best idea ever either Weydevu.  Do you realize if you had the right vision,  I could see your thinking as little brown bubbles leaking around the edges of you cranium.  I am told  that thought is quite real and it carries a lot of influence for spirit to read.  They do not need to enter our thinking process, but merely to read portions of lots of the appearance of those slightly tinged brown bubbles we emit when we engage in hard thinking.

I also add who would want to control navigation like that when a steering wheel does much better to do that.  Can you concentrate long enough to read for an engine that is  commended by brown bubbles?  I doubt mind control just uses that way of doing it.  But a nice post to answer.  Thanks
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2024, 00:07:19 am »
Ron, you left me with this last dissertation on Levitation, as we say here: TOROMBOLO, (without equivalent in English, something like stunned), which we use when what is explained to us or when what we encounter leaves us completely dazed. It is a subject that, although I put all my interest and effort into assimilating it, I do not have enough intellectual resources to assimilate it.  However, how interesting to be able to find out that the Ultimaron is ultimately the God Particle, which I had previously surmised when learning that 100 made up an electron.  Now if the Ultimaton, which is the particle of God, and which consequently configures the Divine Omnipresence, it is not clear to me and I cannot explain why the photon is not equally constituted by ultimatons.  Is the luminosity of the photon and quantum matter already antimatter outside of time and space?  I know that if I receive an answer to this question, it will be less and less comprehensible to my mind, but nevertheless, it is worth knowing even half.  It was quite understandable to me that muons are not only the generators of Levitation in deep meditative trances, but are also present in our emotional sphere, configuring certain states of mind.  So not only is this river of muons subject to the brain but above all to the heart, I think.  "It is the heart that reaches the goal" (SAIBABA)

 Hopefully those questions that you ask for SAIBABA, for the next time we will get an answer to each of them.

 Interesting information about Selenium and Radon and their electrical performance.  From SAIBABA I learned the following that I consider very interesting, to keep in mind when we think about the prodigious reality of the human being: "In man there is Divinity as a spark that generates life in its highest intensity; there is every element of Creation, and it is the mind participating in the cosmic mind, as an open curtain to the last realm, that of the Spirit. Here lies the secret of the perfect equation, here is the germ of the great synthesis, which brings man closer to the reality of God."

 Thank you Ron for your dedication and wisdom.
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2024, 03:06:59 am »
Weydevu, I'm afraid you got carried away with your optimistic fantasy of "ability to stop on a dime and change directions in a blink of an eye". I think that muons as antigravity particles will act on an object with a force opposite to the gravitational field at the location of that object, but cannot cancel the mass and inertia of that object. According to Newton's old invention, this force had to be very great for a change in the speed or direction of that object to occur "in a blink of an eye".


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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2024, 13:57:48 pm »
Greetings Ron, I returned once again to your dissertation and I find that I cannot remain without thanking you for that reference you make of my name at the beginning about Levitation, I think it is a lot for so little.  Of course, whatever merit there is, I refer it to my Adjuster.

 I hope that the topic finds its due resonance in the forum and so many aspects of our phenomenal world can be broken down that I now suspect that muons will be involved in all of them.

 I take this opportunity to bring back this incomparable prose from SAIBABA, which only now, with Ron's wonderful exposition on the rivers of muons, stopped being just prose for me: "He brings a conch shell to his right ear, another to the left , closes his eyes; he does not perceive only the murmur, it brings him the smell of the sea. The water of the coast runs through his limbs and he sees the waves that are lead blue, the wave of the tide, the foam. He feels the taste of the water and inhales The air of the beach is filled with sand and fish, rocks and the cool shade of nearby palm trees. It's like He says:

 Think and imagine that each conch shell is the Universe, in which the initial sound, occupying infinite space, gives rise to the entire Creation.  He understands that the void is full of energy, of intelligence of possibilities;  He glimpses that the voice of each conch shell allowed him to create a complete scene of existence in another place, which could be transferred in a very short period of time, hundreds of kilometers away, to another state of mind, to the richness of a new experience based on to the data that the sound provided;  Yes, that vibration is full of information, the entire ether is actually an infinite network of knowledge."

 Thank you Ron for your sacrifice for Humanity
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2024, 15:47:43 pm »
Andre P. you wrote:

I think that muons as antigravity particles will act on an object with a force opposite to the gravitational field

That is as I see it and it is correct.
Just a note though:
Muons are antigravity, but with a twist I doubt is easily understood.  Muons gravitate toward the poles of a planet because they are fully de-denuclearized.  This is the POWER DIRECTORS  transmitting this explanation for your information:

"The deal to hold muons in a batch big enough to electrify homes with their aerial transmission, is to keep the batch of muons together like a flock of birds.  Ron thinks they leave the tower in a straight line, and they do so at first because they ride an FM carrier wave to broadcast them.  However in their longer journey, the muons begin to flow upward even further into the magnetosphere, and that causes  the magnetosphere to replace the muon with electrons about 200 miles out from the broadcast tower.  To convert the muon to an electron though, requires to increase  the amperage on the home antenna, and that is done by making sure the thickness at the home is at least one inch thick metal alloy, preferably some ferrous alloy.

"What we wish to state here though, is that muons are not a collective winner, as they tend to separate into single muons or groups of two or three.  When that happens they diffuse their power and become almost worthless, and it is for that reason we stipulate that for more than 200 miles we cannot guarantee reception.  For other reasons, alone, these power inventions are now being interfered  with by a magnetosphere beginning to fade over ARIZONA and LIBYA.  Why?

"We think the Urantia Core is beginning to revitalize over the issue of a style in the sun, and that is creating a sun spoof, and that means the core is not sure what the density of cosmic rays spools are which come into the Urantia atmosphere.  The core detects radiation by forcing heat out of the core and then dropping it into a vacuum near the surface of the axis poles.  Heat shows up as cosmic spots of radiation to the core and that is how it is informed of how much is working.  For that reason the earth rotates somewhat irregularity too,  and while that does not disturb time, it does disturb the core.  That disturbance is let out by referring to  the core as a timing device on the axis rotation, hence the time variances in various parts of the world could and does take place slightly.  

"We concur then that cosmic rays can affect the planetary core this way, but it is a matter of fact that the present earth core is slumped too far west and that will produce anomalies in the earth  core production of heat and its motion and therefore its placement.  Right now the core is stuck almost dead center and that is fine too.  
"Finally, the Urantia core will deflect muons magnetically, and for that reason there comes to exist a sort of balance and the distance of broadcast distance can be confirmed for at least 200 miles from the tower.  But if  the Magnetosphere changes drastically, it could change the mileage calculations of how far the muon broadcast can reach.  K  RAYSON AT YOUR SERVICE. "


This is Ron, and I have to admit that subject of Antigravity badly needs explored for its effects.  I am not going to say much here because of little experience with th the concept, but I am not fully sure that antigravity can be classified yet, and I leave that to t he future maybe.  Andre I think you are correct, but muons also cause a slight float in their trajectory, and there is not way to tell you what we have to watch out  for unusual effects of the antigravity muon has on time an space. Thank you for your comments.
Ron Besser

Ron, you are wary of the muon entirely.  So am I.  The truth of the matter is it is a brand new play thing for science on Urantia if you start pumping out lots of muons to electrify things.  Look out for an anomaly over space races too, as the muon can life a rocket ship much easier than electrons can and so far you are using electrons only,

I see we are battling the usual and leave this exposition along for another time again.  Thank you.  Power Director 5."
Ron - We are grateful for your input Power Director 5 and we look forward to a further exposition.  Right now I am being forced to  curtail this response over the irrepressible cabal and have to step back and away from writing.  Thank you all Power Directors, and to you Number 5, we enjoy your information and care it proves us.  Thank you very much!


"You are catching the drift of a small explosion above your head we use to disperse heavy traffic, as you are using the Power Directors after months of silence and you noted it yourself, but made no issue of it.  That they are back is a very happy circumstance, and that you are working in spite of the cabal is a remarkable comeback for you Ron.  We take our hat off to all.  Thank you.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON."
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2024, 08:51:45 am »
Thank you Ron, Rayson, Power Director 5 and Michael of Nebadon for further information on how muons and WTP work. I understand that :

The movement of muons flying out of the transmitting antenna is affected by an 86.4 MHz electromagnetic wave. This is helped by keeping "the batch of muons together like a flock of birds", which slowly decay as they move. WTP muons as antigravity particles moving away from the transmitting antenna escape higher and higher. The Earth's magnetic field also influences their movement, and the Earth's magnetic field is modified by the Urantia Core, which in turn is influenced by our sun. In addition, under the influence of the magnetosphere, WTP muons turn back into electrons, and at a distance of 200 miles from the transmitting antenna, there are no muons left to attract to the receiving antenna. A heavy metal receiving antenna closer than 200 miles from the transmitting antenna somehow attracts the WTP muons and converts them into electrons that power the house with electricity.

The muons produced in some object in the Earth's gravitational field, when there are enough of them for their antigravitational force to exceed the object's weight, cause the object to begin to levitate, that is, to float upward away from the Earth. One would need to know more to assess how this phenomenon could be used to propel spacecraft or Earth satellites, or to carry weights or aircraft.


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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2024, 11:11:29 am »
Thank you Andre.   You realize, I hope, you are correct as you describe it in your post above, there is even more to the behavior of muons not directly spoken to by the Master Force Organizers.  Please realize I depend on that issue to be spoken to me just how the muon strong is pulsing 360 degrees around the top of the antenna.  That is hard to visualize for how do you have a "string" that is also leaving our tower with a 360 degree of muon energy?  I do not quite get the picture myself and leave me comforted that nature does it anyhow without us having  to picture it well.

Furthermore, I am leaving Urantia soon, as they do not allow me any special retaining of my presence or do they give a good hoot why I cannot move to establish a firm degree of control over how to explain this phenomena.  Probably what happens Andre is once I am gone there is no further retraction of censorship, and the entire matter stands without further development.  I cannot speak further to it myself as I am pretty well up to date with what can be discussed and frankly most people think this is a busted dream now anyhow.  But it is not busted or a dream, but waiting for development years ago or years ahead but right now even the spiritual proponents to build it are being told to just sit back without further explanation.  You will remember and certainly I will not forget, but this entire matter of technology has to be done when man has a whole different idea about preparticles entirely.  Here is a Master Spirit Transmission now:

MASTER SPIRIT (4) - "WE  relate well with your remarks above Ron, and you are nearly finished for good as being alive and present on Urantia. You are being informed this morning where you are in the United States, there is no further discussion about you or this technology or anything else UNTIL Michael of Nebadon, hears just what Urantia is to do with a central core to the planet is revised to act like a core again!

Andre you barely read the notice of a planetary emergency and felt it was a routing call.  You must stop doing that, for as long as we have Ron to state these things, we intend to state them, and to WARN YOU, there is nothing you or anyone can do if the core malfunctions.  If it does everybody, there is no magnetosphere to use properly to produce WTP (cheap muon electricity).  Muons do not flock to the electric station, WE HAVE TO PRODUCE THEM IN THE PLANT!  Do not forget Andre, the entire matter is super secret up here, but not so on Urantia, but the bugs are not in technology, but in man's insistence man knows better.  I assure you Ron has this right, and so do you Andre, but there is nothing to instruct the rule of law that if man is so ignorant, only the future will see to the technology then, and not now.  Ron is broken hearted over the entire matter, and says to himself this morning, being cut off and out of Urantia has one blessing, "I do not have to go through a United States election where the choices are so unsecure I sincerely doubt we have a government left when Biden dies.  He was born in this state the same year I was and I have bought the last of my life well done now, and I hope the transition is less painful than I am feeling it right now.

This is MASTER SPIRIT (4), and very few of you have ever established a beach head like this one before, and Ron totally laments that when he leaves there is hardly much to take care for the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION.  That Foundation stands very well for what to establish on Urantia,  but neither MICHAEL OF NEBADON or Ron, can overcome the inertia of thinking which resides to the core of heart which presently resides on Urantia.  It, the heart, is never enough right now to end the tyranny of war or murder or financial greed which permeates the WORLD OF THE CROSS.

"I am MASTER SPIRIT (4), and I count highly among the resources of time and space to amend nothing for Ron or anyone else who knows the truth of  what must be set aside, as even the Japanese fail to comprehend the patent and leave it sit over the issue of paternal technology developing in Japan itself.  Ron thought contact Japan might preserve some interest with the idea, but MICHAEL has informed him that he just creates a legatee problem and does not get true interest.  The patent is good for 20 years, and after that if slides back into oblivion, and that means it has to be developed now to be any good.  For that reason we must slide it out of our care not, but to determine Urantia has a lot of problems when it does not use it and develop it precisely and well.  I AM MASTER SPIRIT (4) at your service. K"

Ron - Thank you Master Spirit (4), for taking the time to speak.  Very little spirit is involved with any of this at this time this morning.  I am saturated with easy to transmit hopes for me, but my heart and soul both know the jig is up and that means my times is up as I cannot repair myself and everything right now seems ready to quit.  I am not happy ever over this and I do not like the idea of death, but that is the destiny of all humans to go through all the time and FATHER makes no exceptions.   I just lay back and let the exit appear as I do not know what else I can do whatsoever.  K

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "And you Ron are not incorrect.  However, let it also be known that the border land of the morontial and the material are very close together today.  There is much afoot we need to clear before we speak further at this time.  Thank you.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON."

« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 11:36:41 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2024, 14:11:04 pm »
Dear Ron, 
I´m in the same boat as you. or put another way, my body is ready for the
knackers yard. In case you don´t know, in the UK, knackers yard is for those
cars and other things that have come to the end of their usefulness and are 
taken to the knackers yard and just dumped there. This is how I feel every
Remember, I claim seniority, therefore I should be taken the the ky before

If I do, i´ll wait for you to come over.
