Author Topic: Pleiadeans and the renewal of Mission Interest  (Read 9764 times)

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Pleiadeans and the renewal of Mission Interest
« on: March 06, 2024, 12:56:38 pm »

Good morning All!

Hello Pleiadeans and all who gather round. . .
Dear Pleiadeans, is there anything you would like to speak to today?


Pleiadeans: Well, yes, thank you Carole.
We spoke yesterday that God is not in the "Bad News" business.
What seems to us as "bad news" is viewed differently from a spiritual standpoint.

Maybe God is giving us a respite so we can rest a bit. Or to realign our priorities.

There are small truths, and there are big truths. As humans, we are more inclined toward the small truths that affect our lives directly. It is good to know about hyper-infinity, and Outer Space level four etc., but right close to home, there are opportunities to serve, to love our neighbors, and to find new skills and abilities that will be helpful in the future.

We are, as it were, God himself walking on this earth, doing the things God would do, as Jesus did, going about "doing good". When Jesus said "the Kingdom of God is within you" he was not painting some ephemeral vague picture. He was speaking literally.


continuing from March 3rd. . .

Good morning All!

Good morning Pleiadeans! and all our celestial helpers!

Dear Pleiadeans, I have had many distressing thoughts today. Can you comment please?

Hello Carole.

We have heard the reassurances that the missions are still a go, and celestial participation continues. Our care for Urantia has never wavered.
What caused a stopper was the consideration of the usefulness of humans to the missions.

Well, guess what. We are humans too . We evolved eons ago into a higher race, and that being so, we wanted to help other planets with humans to evolve positively too. We saw Urantia long ago, when rebellion became the universe-wide shocking issue. How could there be a rebellion? Personal quest for power, control and defiance became the forefront of the news.

We watched in horror as things unfolded.
Now we knew that Urantia is where we wanted to go.
Being human we had not faced the same difficulties you do. But as humans we have the best of both worlds. Physical time and space experience is not available to everyone. We had not been affected by the supreme as you have. The supreme's intention to destroy this planet and all the inhabitants did not rise fully to our attention until long into the matter.

We want to assure you, that as humans, you have the best of both too -- a physical life, and a future spiritual one, but your experiences of evil first hand gives you an experience level that most other planets don't have. You are greatly honored! Only most of you don't realize how honored you shall be.

To reach out to the Father, and to all universe helpers is the first and best thing any of you can do.
And by the way, we do help, and more often than not, you have no idea, and and offer no thanks.

People, we are Pleiadeans, former humans. Know that when humans help other humans however subtly, or minimally, you are in a growth position that needs to be continued and explored and nurtured. How you help the missions, especially with donations, has a lot to do with your development. Don't worry about the economy. Don't worry about your own income. When you hear a Light Line, there are behind the scenes expenses that humans only have to deal with.

The prospect of no human help in the missions has to be discarded. We are humans! We are helping too! We have gone in small groups all over the world, and the ways we help is on the more conscious and personal levels. The Thought Adjusters are more on the super-conscious levels, beyond our awareness most of the time. We and the thought adjusters work together to make your spiritual experiences real and lasting.

We are here for you. We love you. Go in peace y'all!

Thank you Pleiadeans!