Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 14 FEB 2024  (Read 6648 times)

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« on: February 14, 2024, 15:17:37 pm »

Today AMADON acted as our MC and introduced ARTHURA who spoke 
about Recognition and being alert. We also heard transmissions from Ron.

Link to recording of Wednesday´s Lightline with Lemuel as host.

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« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2024, 13:38:51 pm »
  • 021424 Audio Tape Light Line; host: Lemuel; other transmitter: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: the entire Spirit team is not of one opinion on the Missions or on their approach but there is agreement that they are needed, the importance of our being positive not negative, the importance of our being alert and recognizing Father in ourselves, each other and in all that is, Ron will hopefully be invited to speak before a U.S. Senate committee on WTP and two incarnated Melchizedeks will attend with him, and our lives and efforts are not in vain;
  • Speakers: Amadon, Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Pope Benedict the Eight, Pope John the 23rd, and Jesus.
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - just message me )
  • Link To Tape: 

Hello, everyone, good afternoon to you all, or good evening, wherever you are. And welcome to another Wednesday Light Line on the 14th of February 2024. This is Lemuel, your host. And we have 17 on call at the moment, so that's quite a nice number. All right. Well, let's see if we have anyone here this evening with us who would act as emcee or just come to talk to us. So let's see. Do we have anybody here, please?

Yes, good evening, Lemuel. This is Amadon.

Thank you, Amadon, so much. You're always so welcome.

Well, thank you. Lemuel. Thank you, I'm so happy to be here. Yes, this is Amadon. And there is a mixture of, how shall I explain? There is a mixture of attitudes and also a mixture of diverse opinions about the present situation as regards not just the Light Lines and the Lemuel's trying to think of the word, the forum, the discussion forum, thank you. As to its value, and as to its worth to continue in the future.

Excuse me, Amadon. This is Lemuel, can I confirm? Do we have a clear channel, please?

Yes, Lemuel, this is clear channel. This is clear channel. This is Amadon. And what I've just said is the situation, its the truth. There is so much going on behind the scenes of course that I cannot and I dare not go into because you don't need to know anyway. But try to read between the lines. Or try to hear words between what I'm saying to you. There are problems. There are many problems. And I'm sure you are fully aware.

What I can tell you is we hope; when I say we, I mean I'm including Michael of Nebadon, Christ Michael, and also Machiventa Melchizedek. We are hoping that we will be able to use the Magisterial Foundation although as you have been informed there is no Mission as such. And the use of the Magisterial Foundation, for us we are interested in using it in the future especially as you've been informed for the free electricity and also for the other subsidiaries pertaining to the Rayson Electrics and pre-particles and that sort of thing.

But as you know the Missions at the moment are a definite off. But there are other things that are being considered at the moment and as I mentioned, there is a disagreement or a difference, differences of opinion and of approach coming from Paradise and also from the Salvington government itself, and also there is an input from the Ancient's of Days and even including one or two of the Master Spirits. But I can say that, although this is the present situation, on the other hand, everyone involved; that is to say all sides are considering and hoping to achieve a consensus of opinion and a plan of how to go forward. There is no one part saying, definitely not. No, nobody is closing any door, the doors are still open but there is a difference of opinion and a difference of approach.

And that's all I can say about that at the moment. This is Amadon. And this is clear channel, Lemuel. Not the cabal, this is clear channel, and what I've told you is the truth. So, what can I tell you, individually now listening to my words, here on this Light Line? Well, I'm sure in fact, I don't really need to tell you because you have all been tried and tested before so many times. And look at you, you are still here. And what are you 19 now, and that's a that's a good turnout for the Wednesday Light Line. And so, you are so appreciated. I can't tell you, we admire you so much for your loyalty and for your steadfastness. And your true grit. You really are. And so, stay the course.

There still is a course. Definitely, there is still a course. Yes, Lemuel, I agree. It's funny. There will always be a course. Yes. And yes, also say it's an obstacle course. There are nothing but obstacles. Yes, this is also true, Lemuel. But think about it, you know for yourselves. When you surmount every obstacle, you will feel stronger, you have more confidence, and your faith grows even more, etc, etc etc. So yes, obstacles, well bring them on because you are ready for them. Yes, of course, I know that. And you are all so appreciated and loved beyond your comprehension for this. Those are the only words I can say of encouragement to you. Stay the course, you are needed, and you will be used. We don't want to see any of you throwing in the towel, throwing your arms up in the air, and say; well, that's it everything's going down the tubes because that is not the case. Not the case.

Yes, yes. Yes, I'm being prompted here. This is Amadon and I'm being prompted not to say certain things that in fact, I was just about to mention, alright. Only to say that, yes. All right. Only to say that try not to allow the changes that you can see visually on your television and read in the papers etc. Try not to allow any of that to really affect you because in fact you cannot do anything about it other than pray, other than pray and send light to those in the governments who are in in control and who have the power and who have the influence. This is all one can do is to try to be sincere and send them light, light, light, light, and don't allow any negative negativity to come and disturb your peace of mind. Yes, yes. Well, this is Amadon and in fact, this is all I can say. Thank you for listening, I will stay here. I will be your emcee, in fact, if there is anyone to emcee, so to speak. But for the moment, I stand back, and I thank you.

No, thank you. Thank you, Amadon. Thank you so much. Thank you. Alright. Yes, well, this is Lemuel. I will now I think we've got a couple more, let me just check my dashboard. So we've got another name and a call on internet telephone. And yes, we have Donna and Larry Whelan. Well, good afternoon to you. You are so welcome. Thank you for joining us. So that brings us up to 19. All right.

This is Amadon. In fact, that is someone here, Lemuel.

Alright, yes, indeed there is.

I am Arthura, and I am here because I have something I want to explain to all of you.

Arthura, you are very, very welcome. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Please go ahead when you're ready.

Thank you, Lemuel. I am Arthura, and I want to explain something about recognition. Now you may think, well what is there to explain about recognition? Well, there is a lot to explain about recognition. You all know the meaning of the word. Of course. There is an individual recognition every day of countless things that you see, and that you have seen millions of times. But the problem is, you don't see them. Because you don't need to look at them indeed. It's all taken for granted. You know what a tree looks like so you don't bother to look. And if you do look, you don't actually see it. What you see is only a memory of a tree. This is only one example of personal recognition.

Other things that you could recognize if you look because if you really look you will see. Wasn't it Jesus who said seek and you shall find? So recognizing God. Yes. How do you recognize God? Well, you have to look for God. And where do you look for God? Well, you can start within yourself. How can you recognize God within you? All of you here on the forum. All of you here on this Light Line now listening to my voice, listening to my voice through Lemuel. You are aware of your indwelling Thought Adjuster or at least you have accepted it as a concept and perhaps you are still having to come to terms with it as a reality. That in fact, God your Father, a fragment of your Father, your heavenly Father, Universal Father, lives in your higher mind. Lives within you, and has been since you were an infant. And yet, so many of you still do not recognize Father within you.

But you have experienced Father within you, but you have not interpreted as Father. Let me explain. Sometimes you cry for no reason. Or sometimes you have such feelings of gratitude for something, or even someone. Sometimes you have feelings of longing for something or someone, but you can't put your finger on it. You don't know what it is. But definitely something is missing in your life, but you don't know what it is. These things are impulses from your God fragment. He wants you to look for Him. He wants you to find Him. He wants you to talk to Him, and to be with Him. As He is always with you. Now, maybe you think I'm preaching to the converted, but I can assure you I am not. Because I can see there are many of you who still do not have conscious contact with your beloved indwelling Father fragment simply because you do not recognize when he is attempting to draw your attention. You put it down to other reasons, but it is Him.

Anything to do with your feelings of love, of compassion, of forgiveness, or forbearance, of understanding; all these things are indicative of the presence of your Father within you. This is not to say that you are not capable independently of your Father fragment to feel love and consideration for someone else. I'm not saying that. I'm not suggesting that. The normal human level of understanding of loving is as it is, it's a human level of loving and understanding and reaching out to other people. Yes. But what I'm talking about of course goes much deeper into your feelings and you should be able to recognize the difference and this is why I am talking to you now about recognition. So the next time you have a strange feeling about something or someone, a really strong feeling, but you don't really know where it comes from. Well, think again. It might be coming from your Thought Adjuster.

So pay attention. Be alert. That's another word I would like to use today. Be alert, recognize, and be alert. If you can really see God in everything then you are well well on the way to fusion with God. That is to say fusion with your beloved indwelling whilst you're still here in the flesh. Yes. You can see God in a baby. You can hear God in the baby's crying. You can see God in a baby's smile and giggle, also in a rose or any flower, even in a blade of grass, a single blade of grass. And how many times have you passed by on the road and as you glanced down, you can see a single flower, a single tiny flower poking its head, up between the pavement and the wall of a house or wherever and it is there for you to appreciate and to love and to bless it. Can you do this?

This is recognition. Can you see God in your neighbor? You will not unless you look and where do you look? Eyeball to eyeball, yes. Now, let me tell you something. Those of you who are able to and have sufficient light look straight into the eyes of a neighbor or a friend, anyone. Many times they will avert. They will look away. Because unconsciously, of course, but they are not ready to show you what they are lacking. This is ego. On the other hand, if this person holds your eyeball-to-eyeball glance. If you are looking at this person with a totally open feeling you will feel that there is God in that person. In other words, you will recognize that that person also is aware of their indwelling Thought Adjuster.

Maybe you've not had that experience yet. But think about it. Think about it. And when you have the opportunity, try it. See what happens. There are of course, many variations, many different ways of recognizing different things but I've just touched on the most important one, to recognize Father in you and Father in everyone else and everything else when you really see. But you can only really see if you really look. So I am Arthura and this is all I want to talk to you about today. Recognition and also be alert. Recognize what is going on around you. Thank you. I bid you all a very good day. Thank you.

This is Lemuel, thank you so much, Arthura for those words. Thank you so much. Amadon.

Yes, I'm still here, Lemuel. Nice. That was interesting. Very interesting to hear those words from Arthura on recognition. Alright, let me see if there's anyone else here, Lemuel. Just a moment. No, there's no one else here at the moment, Lemuel.

All right. All right. Just give me a moment please, I need to take I need to take a little drink, all right. Well, before I do anything else, let me just ask all of you having heard what Arthura said about recognition? Does any of you have something you would like to say about that? A comment? Or in fact, to ask a question. So please press five star and I can see that your hand is raised and I shall come to you. So would you please do that now? Five star and raise your hand with a question or a comment on what you've just heard from Arthura. No, all right. Okay. I think you're all really shy. Oh, wait a minute. Who is this? Dominick. Okay, thank you, Dominick, you've got your hand raised. I'm coming to you. And you are unmuted, sir. So go ahead. Oh, wait a minute. What's happened? Okay, you are unmuted.

It wasn't me. It wasn't me, Lemuel. Yeah. So a comment, to add, I suppose, is that when we receive all these prompts that were just detailed, or feelings and whatnot, it's just an opportunity to tune in is the key word. And many times in my own personal experience, I'll tune in and maybe I'm left with not much to go with but the exercise of tuning in still helps. Yeah, that's that's all.

Well yes, thank you, Dominick. Thank you for that, good. I would agree with that 100% and, yes, yes. Is there anyone else with a hand raised? No. All right, Amadon, I come back to you. Is there still no one, no one else?

Not at the moment, Lemuel. No. No.

So all right well, Ron, if you don't mind, I'm gonna come to you and I'm gonna wake you up if you're if you're sleeping. And I'm going to unmute you now. Ron, please.

Ron Besser  
Okay, I'm here.

Okay, Ron. Thank you. Well, I'm sorry to wake you up.

Ron Besser  
No, I'm quite awake. Except there's a snow on the ground right now. And my eyes are so sensitive. I have to close them. And once in a while, yes, I fall asleep. However this:

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa.

Ron Besser  
One moment, please. I went to my headphones.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am Machiventa Melchizedek, in order to report to all of you what Ron has been thinking and doing all day so far. He was awakened again at 4:00 a.m. and says; this has got to stop. But the truth of the matter is, we throw his legs over the edge of the bed and put them on the floor to help with the disturbances that he has. In any case, what I would like to say to this group, and there are 19 of you right now, that there is essentially one open reason to maintain the Magisterial Foundation. That is free electricity. That is buildable and doable. But Ron looked at it this morning, and said, there is no response once more and I am frankly, getting very tired of dealing with people that can't pick up a hint. I am now going to help you, Ron. There is going to be a fatuous use of the word rayon meaning that,

Ron Besser  
It's so close to Rayson and I can't help but relate it Machiventa, but go ahead, please. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
So that's that word.

Ron Besser  
Yes. Melchizedek that is that word that I am pretty sure is clustered pretty close to that other word in my brain. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this: I now know you are awake enough to do the associations. And I also know that you're losing the eyesight in both eyes rather rapidly. What do you call it?

Ron Besser  
Well, there are two things you can call it. One is I am losing eyesight, as so often happens with older people. But also, there could be and I underline the tense, a change or repair to the eyes, which has been nothing but a problem for the last five years. I don't really know Machiventa. I turn this back to you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. I am appreciative of the fact you really don't know. The truth of the matter is all of you have been exercising some problems with eyesight, some problems with headaches, some problems with various concerns of the body that don't usually bother you. Ron has it all the time now. He feels he's running out of time. Well, in a certain way, he is. But not that badly. Let me tell you something, the entire reason that Ron goes through these perturbations is that he has, for the most part, finished all he can do in a material life. Believe it or not, he has exhausted all of the circles and all of the versions they can bring. He doesn't know this. This is new to him. He suddenly referenced Pope Benedict the Eighth, whom he chats with quite often. He doesn't know why.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
This is Benedict the Eighth. I have been deceased now for almost one year. I was the papal marvel for six years. And then suddenly I had to retire. You all remember it. Pope Francis was called to service. Pope Francis said to me in a prayer; Benedict, if you can hear me. Where am I headed? I don't feel well. I don't find the church invigorating. And frankly, I'd rather be home in my own countryside. I replied, which of course he couldn't hear. Only if he were Ron, could he hear me. You, Pope Francis, have reached the inclination I felt when I was Pope, there's a time to let go, to retire. To recognize there is nothing left more to do. I don't suggest you retire. But I do suggest reduce your duties. Train another person to fill in where you can. And for that reason, I suggest another one here I know. And I called your name, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Good grief.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
The truth of the matter is you say that every time I suggest it. You would make a wonderful Pope. You don't like all the clergy and the liturgical duties but that can be reassigned, I assure you. And now this you smile Ron, and you say I don't mind at all. But it's impossible. The truth of the matter is you're not Catholic, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I really am not anything Pope Benedict. I subscribe to no church. Thank you.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
The closest you come is Martin Luther.

Ron Besser  
I do so enjoy him.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
We all do Ron. The truth of the matter is you have contact.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I do. And he is still quite medieval in some ways, but tremendously modern in other ways. He mentions the diocese and the impossibility for them to stop being so formal. You don't know them by name, you know them by the name of the church. Thank you, Benedict.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
Thank you, Ron. I want you to understand that you're one of the few transmitters that I have ever come across that understands that a conversation is alive and real between us. You revel in it. I do too. What a wonderful way to converse. In a short few days, Dominick says he will present let's call it a Light Line. But through the same service, we're speaking now of review of how to do a live transmission. Good luck to you, Dominick. Ron has prepared a new category that lists about 50 transmissions in the 1990s about how to transmit. And that's only one page out of eight pages he could list from

I would suggest that in the absence of transmissions on this site, that you go back and look what was transmitted 30 years ago. It's the same. It's as valuable. The truth does not change. Only you have almost 7000 of those transmits recorded on that website. The link is at the top of the forum. It says, it takes you to the search, and then you can see what has been done. And fully. You're welcome Ron, for my plug. And now this to the rest of you: the entire matter of Ron's failing eyesight and discombobulation of the arms and legs.

There is one overriding instance that you need to attend to Ron. You wrote to the DER. That's the Department of Environmental Resources, that you had a patent in order to produce free electricity. They have dropped the ball, not; they sent it to the Senate of the Commonwealth and they dropped the ball, not. What has happened is that the governor has refused to examine anything until the budget is settled. The Senate has no intention of settling the budget. As a result, the whole matter has been dropped off. You said this morning to me; I don't need one more review of one more failure. Thank you, I suspected something like this was true. But I really can't tell since I don't have direct reports. No one bothers.

For another reason of state Ron, the United States will bother. They now have reviewed the patent and have determined it's as valid as any other patent and must be reviewed by the United States government. You will receive I think Ron, in about a week, a very important letter from the Department of Energy. They want to review it with the Senate Select Committee and understand just how it can work. The result will be a fantastic review, not only of what you've done, but that MIT; that is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will refer to you as the new genius of electrical fields. They are discovering that when you remove a piece of the electron; which is what you do in the patent, and you say so, you get a chemical reaction they never saw before. They remove not one ultimaton but two Ron and they get a tachyon. That's right, Ron. I forgot about that.

Ron Besser  
The tachyon is vicious lightning. That's the stuff that kills.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
We don't want a tachyon for reasons of state, you're correct.

Ron Besser  
Actually, in my book, it's 98. But the tachyon is so vicious. I wouldn't be surprised it stays together with 97.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
And that is correct. For reasons of state Ron, you must survive. But today seems like your last. Don't worry it and let others take care for the moment. For your own reason, Ron, we are keeping you alive and well in order to speak to the United States government and to the Energy Department in particular and to the United States select committee. This is true Ron. You finally hit home by letting it stand without yelping and yelling about no one paying attention. Finally, you will have attention and you will be up to it. We're glad to report this and this is Pope Benedict the Eighth.

Ron Besser  
No wonder I forgot who it was. Thank you Pope Benedict the Eighth, it's always a pleasure. I thank you and your fellow popes. You are the most kind people. Thank you so much.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Now I've turn this back to you Machiventa a little chagrined that I can't do a blessing for him. Good day. Thank you, Pope Benedict the Eight, so very much. You're really a very kind group. I enjoy speaking with you, and may we hear more of you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is a Machiventa, Ron. Thank you. And we agree with that. I want you all to know, the 19 that are here now; that there is a situation developing, not in the Vatican, but in the United States, particularly among the bishops of the Catholic Church. They are not aware Ron of what you have, or that you converse with Benedict the Eighth. But that you do converse with Pope John the 23rd.

Ron Besser  
Yes, he is their leader, I think, and is profoundly wise and always ready to speak. And may I ask him Machiventa, if he would do so?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I was about to suggest it, Ron. We present to you Pope John the 23rd.

Ron Besser  
Go ahead, Pope John.

Pope John the 23rd  
This is Pope John the 23rd. I am up and well Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank God.

Pope John the 23rd  
Thank you, Ron. I am happy to report to you that the past pope, Benedict the Eighth has now been assigned to work with you and the Magisterial Foundation.

Ron Besser  
We need every blessing, sir. Thank you.

Pope John the 23rd  
The truth of the matter is that the Magisterial Foundation belongs primarily to the Magisterial Sons.

Ron Besser  
They do. It does. We wait. Thank you.

Pope John the 23rd  
I am profoundly caring that you are so easily done in speech. Ron. If you appear before the Senate Select Committee in Washington, you will have two itinerant Melchizedeks to appear as solid bodies beside you. No pictures of you hugging their shoulders, you in the middle.

Ron Besser  
I shall be careful. Thank you.

Pope John the 23rd  
One will be Manituba, your chairman of the Magisterial Foundation. The other one is to be selected.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I am glad. There are many Melchizedeks whose names we do not know and are potential governors. I look forward to whoever it may be.

Pope John the 23rd  
Thank you, Ron. You fit my speech perfectly well. The truth of the matter is Ron you are tuned in to the Melchizedek row of character. You are in many ways a Melchizedek speaking when you finally do. For reasons of state that condition where the cabal hits your throat is reduced almost to zero.

Ron Besser  
I thank you. It's a miserable joke. Thank you.

Pope John the 23rd  
And finally this to the group listening here. Pope Benedict the Eighth and Ron are fellow historians. Ron's degree is in history. The Pope Benedict the Eighth, historian, has written many papal bulls and never releases them on how the church became so powerful. There's one last thing I want to talk about before we turn this back to Lemuel.

Its this: the truth of the matter is the Vatican is a memorial to Jesus. Peter, the first apostle when he bent down in the then grassy meadow called the Vatican, struck a stake into the ground and said that is my first corner on my memorial to Christ. I miss him so badly. He had Mark with him, Mark worked early in the Vatican church and did many of the minor duties before he wished to return home to Jerusalem and join the church there. And for reasons of state, we say nothing more.

But please remember, there was a church dedicated to Jesus in Jerusalem before the Vatican. Pope Benedict the Eighth says now, boy do I have my work cut out for me. That's the truth, Benedict the eight. Should the Vatican know that they would be proud and caring. This would be the Western Church of the Jerusalem original church dedicated to Christ. And finally this: the entire matter of the Urantia Foundation and you Ron is not in spoils. They recognize you have been put in the spotlight and that you are not making any great deal out of it pro or con against the Urantia Foundation. But Michael has made it clear the Sixth Epochal Revelation is to be issued by the Magisterial Foundation, under your auspices Ron. You're proud of that, but see you fading so quickly, you'll be dead by the time they get to it. Not so, Ron.

You are about to receive a piece of mail that will explain everything to you and how to begin. And finally this to Lemuel and the rest of the transmitters: we are continuing the Light Lines as an interim. That is the Missions as we promised are truncated. The Missions as they will be are not announced. The Mission that we have right now is a new Epochal Revelation and to conscribe that the Magisterial Foundation is no longer just another 501-c-3. It is now divine. I now order that it becomes the new foundation of Epochal Revelation immediately. You have two Melchizedeks over you, Ron. Manituba, as your chairman and Machiventa Melchizedek as generally over the conscription of the tax form that the Magisterial Foundation is, and has become.

That needs a report for tax year 2023. Do not wait Dominick and fully the tax must be reported for six subsidiaries. Please get this out of the way. Do not procrastinate. And finally this: you Ron have eyesight that is so blurry it's almost diminished. You can't even look outside. The snow cover burns your eyes. That will end soon enough. And finally this to every one of you: not only the 19 here, but the readership and those who pray at night who do not know Urantia and the book may we greet you soon in the flesh.

I am Jesus Christ. I want you Lemuel, to take my speech. Ron says you do it best. And there's nothing like a deep English accent to be a nice clip transmission.

Ron Besser  
This is Ron Besser. Thank you for allowing me to speak. And also before you take it, Lemuel, I thank my favorite, Pope Benedict the Eighth for taking on such an awesome job. I don't know exactly its limits. But I think it will keep you busy, my favorite pope so far.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
Thank you, Ron. This is Benedict the Eighth and Lemuel hold on just a minute. I want to say this to you, Ron. You should be pope. You make a great one. And you smile.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I laugh.

Pope Benedict the Eight  
The truth of the matter is we all enjoy you when you speak. You are not a pontiff in speech but in care. We step back. Bless you all.

Ron Besser  
Machiventa, have you anything further?

Machiventa Melchizedek  

Ron Besser  
Lemuel take it away. Please go ahead.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you so much.

Hello, everyone, this is Jesus. Yes, it is Lemuel Yes, it is.

Okay, and thank you, Jesus. Thank you.

Thank you, Lemuel. In fact, I come at the very end of this Wednesday Light Line with Lemuel. And first, let me say that I do understand the situation. And by that I mean, your situation individually, what you feel and what you think and how you have suffered disappointment, yet again. I am aware of that. But please, know that this is not in vain. Everything that was planned was not in vain. Many times you have thought to yourself, well what's the point? It never seems to happen. There is a reason for everything and it was not in vain. None of your lives are in vain. And also My life was not in vain. The result of Michael's final bestowal here on this planet as Myself, Jesus, was not in vain.

More than 2000 years have passed and one can see the effect of my life although for such a short period of time was not in vain. With these words I want to encourage all of you remain, as you always have been loyal, faithful, trustworthy, and loving towards myself and towards your heavenly Father. And giving thanks. Yes, thanks even for those moments of disappointment, recognizing there is a reason for everything and nothing was in vain nor will any of your lives be in vain or the work that you do, the positive thoughts that you have, the prayers that you send up, the love that you show to your brothers and sisters, those of you who send light even to your enemies, none of these things are in vain. They all, you all have tremendous value. I am Jesus and I love you all. Remain in my peace as I bid you good day.

Thank you, Jesus, thank you so much. All right, well we've come to the end of another Light Line. It just remains for me to say thank you. A big thank you, to Amadon in the beginning, who stayed and was emcee for a while, and too a big thank you to Arthura and his talk about recognition and being alert. And a big thank you to Ron and your transmissions of course, which are tremendous as always. And finally a big, big thank you to Jesus. And so, until next Wednesday, the 21st of this month, I should be here again, God willing for another Wednesday Light Line and I hope that I will be able to welcome you all again. So until then, good afternoon and good night. Look after each other, love each other, and God bless.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

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« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2024, 13:23:55 pm »
I do not want to leave the LL of last Wednesday far behind, to present my gratitude to Rsz, Lemuel and Arthura for that extraordinary message about the Recognition, especially of the divine presence within us, our beloved Adjuster. With this intervention by Arthura, we can verify that although we think that everything has been said on the matter, we find that there will always be new data to take into account, which not only represent significant contributions to go in search of that high achievement, but that it is not something that one can learn without merit no matter how many talents one possesses.
I take this opportunity to congratulate René and his magnificent work that he does there with his people from El Salvador and that important Eladio broadcast yesterday Sunday; They just need to do a good equipment review because the sound quality greatly affected the good performance of the transmitter. May they continue in that purpose, as surely there will be many of us who will benefit.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"