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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: February 26, 2024, 15:36:07 pm »
We thank our Universal Father and all Celestial Beings who took the time to speak to us today.

Our thanks go to the UNIVERSAL FATHER and JESUS, to our Father MICHAEL of NEBADON,


You are invited to listen to an UNKNOWN DEITY from Paradise, to 
GOD THE ULTIMATE and the DEITY ABSOLUTE who came to speak to us through Ron Besser

Here is the link to the tape: 

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2024, 18:04:38 pm »
  • 022624 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica; other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: reading the valid parts of the Urantia Book would prepare us to receive the sixth epochal revelation better; the Missions are on; the cabal and the rebellion will be put back in its boxes; many people are lost in desperation on Urantia today, the Thought Adjuster’s work to bring them to the Father; being responsible sons and daughters in the family of God; Jesus’ prayer, alternate realities; cheer up; how to light the candles.    
  • Speakers: Mantutia Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Thought Adjuster of Elise, Universal Father, Jesus, also spoke through Ron Besser Machiventa Melchizedek, Unknown Deity from Paradise, representing God the Ultimate, and Deity Absolute, and more
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape: 

Well, hello, everyone. Good day to all, and to some good evening. This is Lightline Netherlands international for Monday, February 26, in 2024. And well. I'm Elise, your host. We welcome you, and thank you for joining with us. Well, let's thank our Father and pray for the world and also for all who are caring for us, and pray for Jesus, for Michael of Nebadon, the Melchizedeks and the Magisterial Sons that they may be with us one day and will overcome any opposition, whatever it may be. Let's thank Father for his blessings, for all who come here to hear his words. And I asked for clear connection and for someone to come to us and to speak to us and guide us through the Lightline if that is possible.

Mantutia Melchizedek  
Hello, good day and good evening, this is Mantutia Melchizedek. I am the Planetary Prince on Urantia as you know, but I am also the author of the fifth epochal revelation by putting the words of the many heavenly beings from the higher worlds, who all contributed to the realization of the book, into one form that would be comprehensible for the people of this planet. And you all have heard that further distribution of the book is not advised and actually banned, but still, I would yet advise you, this group especially, to continue studying some of its papers. You know for yourself what papers are most important and which ones are not, and are have no value any longer, but many retained their value and they should not be forgotten.

There is still much to study in the book and your knowledge can always expand as you reread things with your full attention. Usually what is not initially understood can add a second time or maybe a third time even, be completely absorbed or resolved in an aha moment. Because much of what you at first perceive as good and interesting could be not fully understood and will be easily forgotten.

Now, you here, all of you, are not first time readers. You are familiar with the book, but there are always papers that need more attention and thorough studying before its value and specially the truth sinks in. It needs for your studying to become understood and to be anchored in your mind, or I could say even in your soul as a lasting concept. And of course, the book is still instructive to many, provided they know what can no longer be accepted as valid. You here on the forum are all quite well informed, but of course, it could be extremely confusing to others who are not so fortunate and might wonder, why take out such valuable narratives? Why even throw out partially is content? Is it of the divine origin or not? Well, that now will be the issue to be addressed and explained by the experienced teachers of which you get your knowledge almost every week, by having access to what is brought to you on the forum, and especially on the Besser Lightlines on Sunday with new revelation, where you are well informed about what happened after the fifth (epochal) revelation was written and published.

Ron Besser has spoken about the Bulletin of which he has put up in part on the forum, but there are many more done by him, and they are all very interesting and sometimes difficult to read, but I advise you to look them up if you can and read them again. It's very important. You have to be prepared for more. And as you have seen, even we up here are not always prepared for all the important changes. And that creation is full of unforeseen, good and sometimes not so good things that happened in an ever-changing universe of freewill creatures. But that is evolution in all its possible ways, and experience which you will learn to accept and deal with on a planet so out of order that it gives your sovereign Michael of Nebadon a handful to manage and take care of. I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and I can tell you that I know that you are in good hands and in the highest care of your Creator Father Michael, who will see to it that all is done with justice and his ever-present mercy for his creation and all who live in it.

Try to prepare yourselves for the six epochal revelation by understanding the fifth in its key teachings about the Universal Father, the master universes, the master universe we should say, and its revelation of how the universe works for everyone in it, and what you are endowed with on this planet of time and space. I am Mantutia Melchizedek. I am the one who helped you to understand a text of the many, from the height of worlds, spoke to humanity in their own terms. I thank you and I step back, and I give this back to you, Elise.

Thank you so much, Mantutia, thank you so much. Thank you for giving us your advice. Let me see if there's anyone else who would like to come and speak. … Here is Michael, Michael of Nebadon. Welcome Michael, please go ahead.

Michael of Nebadon  
You're very welcome. Thank you, Elise. I am Michael of Nebadon, Nebadon is one being the name of this local universe. And as you must certainly understand this universe and its planets require much of my attention for all that is happening here, and sometimes need to be contained in order to protect the planet from evil, so that it can progress in its evolution.

The Dominion which you know of very well and are acquainted with is a great cluster of cooperation, and that shows an excellent way of working together to strengthen security against things like the cabal, or other forces that try to oppose them in this part of the universe where rebellion still exists and sometimes emerges from hidden corners. You should understand that the power that the former leaders in your system of Satania had so long ago, in many ways still strongly holds you back from normal evolutionary growth and we must get rid of that. We must see to it that this planet and others can progress, that Urantia will produce better people to govern your planet in wise, intelligent ways.

We know time and again you have heard that the cabal is gone, not coming back, and time after time you've heard from Ron Besser how his work is spoiled and delayed. How he is harassed by the ever returning rebels who make his life difficult. I tell you, they have to leave and everything will be done to remove those who do evil. They will be put back as I said before into their boxes. It will be done. And we are not going to reveal anything while we have the rabbles on our back. But the Missions are here for you and for the entire planet. Much work is always going on behind the scenes that the Missions are a go. Only open and fully visible to you when everything is cleared and cleansed, and that we can be sure that no interruption from the human or from an evil heavenly side can stop us from what needs to be done to bring the new electrification system into the world.

It has already taken too much of our time to do what I, Michael of Nebadon, what Jesus, what the Melchizedeks, the Magisterial Sons have set our programs for. This world is waiting for a firm hand to bring about changes that will teach people to take full responsibility and care for what belongs to everyone and not just for the few who now dictate to the rest what to do, and what to believe. This must end and we will do everything we can to make it happen.

I am Michael, and we trust that your group and many others who are scattered throughout this world and who are aware of our intentions will each be of use to us in their own way. And when we think the time is ripe for further announcements, you will hear them. Just wait and see what happens when countries rise up against each other and start to feel and experience who has the power in the end. This is Michael of Nebadon, and I ask that you be prepared for unexpected things to happen you have been told like no other. We know we can count on all of you to be persistent and able to work toward a more united world. This is Michael of Nebadon and I wish you a good day. Back to Elise, your host, and thank you.

Thank you, Michael. Thank you for your words. Well, this is Elise, and since we have no MC, I have to see if there is someone else. I have a look at the dashboard, and I see that we have others join us, Roger Raz and Steven Gitz are there. You're all welcome, and a couple of numbers with no names, but altogether we are with 17 and I thank you for that. Okay, give me a minute please.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
Well, hello, this is your Adjuster. I can speak to all who are gathered here. And listen to some of these words I would like to speak here. You all have some sort of connection with your own Adjuster. And there are many who do not have that and have no clue of what lives inside of them, which they should treasure. But there are things that an Adjuster can do, to help with the little things in their everyday life, at work, or interacting with others, with the problems that many of them are struggling with. There are so many, so many among you that feel no care or love for one another. Some who dread every new day, some who have given up. Perhaps due to circumstances one might have missed every opportunity in life, to learn, to grow, to grow up. But for many, life has no meaning at all. And the days, their days drag on. Well, you will probably not believe this, but we hear this every day.

We hear cries coming up from desperate people who have degraded themselves to such an extent that they have lost all confidence in life, due to circumstances they might not have been aware of, or even thought about. But in most cases they never learned to handle any circumstance. And also there we, as Adjusters, like to help and try to get people out of an empty everyday existence. Yes, there are men and women, they make nothing out of their lives. They don't even know how to look after themselves, let alone are able to do something for others. But we as the Adjuster, we come to their aid, when we see a glimpse of hope that change is possible as soon as they face the problem. And that is when people begin to ask themselves questions. Who Am I? What am I doing? I am a nothing. But we will always respond to a call by gently guiding someone towards recognition of him or herself.

Yes, that's the first step to them, to their fellow man, and ultimately to God. And often to what can be achieved by at last cooperating and working with our fellow man. And finally, with God who gave them this life that they detested but came to like. Oh of course, all of this does not happen at once. But by gently coming to the realization that they are never alone, that someone deep inside gives them answers to questions and concerns. Something is opening up that causes such a person to think, and wake up, and give them the energy to undertake something that can bring joy to himself, and quite often to others. Can you imagine that we, the Adjuster, take great joy in those who are often far away from God and finding Him in their search of desperation and desolation where usually all help is appreciated and accepted.

Yes, the Adjuster is able to bring such a person out of depression and into great love for the world, and the people, by gently drawing his attention to the inner connection with God, who knows him like no other, who longs to see every child happy in a life of satisfaction and reverence for all that has been created. This is the Adjuster of Elise and I thank you for listening, and I retreat.

Thank you so much, Adjuster. Thank you. Well, we still have a lot of time to go. So I hope there was someone else.

Michael of Nebadon
Well, there is not someone else, Elise. This is Michael again, Michael of Nebadon. I like to speak here to all of you as Father. As a father who cares for his family, and who knows how to maintain the home, in which everyone has a place. In which everyone has to learn to do a part of the work, and in which everybody grows up to adulthood, and to be prepared for the responsibilities that await such an adult person. As to be able to love, to lead, to nurture, and to guide those who need his care. That's the father. The mother, the mother's first concern is in the beginning, to make the children feel the love of her heart. They need to be fed. They need security and physical care. But as they grow up, their mother (who is) equal to the father is leading the children to adulthood, in which they can find their way in today's complicated society. And in which they have to find their role in contributing to the whole.

And of course, you know, that every person is different, and has his or her own capacities,

Excuse me, (throat clear)

Michael of Nebadon
and opportunities in which they excel and can express what they do best. Where they can be most useful and learn how to make use of their talents. And while each take apart, together you form the communities to which you belong, to which you contribute, in which you grow, and in which you'll find the time to be grateful to your parents and to others, who have helped you become a responsible person, and where you learn to explore your innate religious feelings. Where you love to know more about God who watches over you as your God Father, or Father God who has given his children life and the freedom to live it to the fullest in his name.

Well so people it is also in my universe and on the mansion worlds, and beyond. I am Michael of Nebadon. All my children live in different circumstances, all with their own abilities to add to the whole, and to try to become more involved on all levels with what you have learned, and with what you are able to give back to others of what life has given to you.

Be aware that God may not be missing in the lives of his children. You need your Father in heaven as much as your earthly father, mother, but even more, because he is the one who is giving you eternal life if you learn to become like Him by living according to his will, by doing good to your brothers and sisters, and to everyone you meet on the way to the Father's house on Paradise. And there he will receive you as your Father. As the maker of a universe you can explore, a universe so wonderful, so fast, you will never be bored, and you can make yourself useful in many many ways fully into infinity, in which you will find yourself forever.

I am Michael, I am Michael of Nebadon, and as your Father, your Creative Father, I give to all my children the same. The same to experience and to celebrate life. So, know your Father, know the Universal Father. I, Michael, know the Universal Father very well. I am his Son, just as you all are his sons and daughters. My purpose here today was to encourage you to keep going on and never give up, because you are a child of the kingdom. Be good, be happy, and never doubt. I am Michael, your Father in Nebadon. I thank you again for listening and I now step back.

Thank you, Michael. That was wonderful, wonderful about fathers in general and our Divine Father. Thank you so much.
Okay, see if there is anything else, and if not, I will call on some of you on the list, maybe. Just a minute.

Universal Father
My dear ones. This is your Universal Father. In times as these, where the situation in the world is dangerous, and peace is by no means sought after. When the world trembles and disagreement seem to be the normal mode of negotiation. Where war threatens to arise over problems that are almost too difficult to solve. How good it is and how advisable to stay with me, to feel me, and to pray for a better behavior on this planet Urantia, to be freed from evil, from bad influence and interference. To be freed from more, from destruction on this planet, and to be in my love, as always.

This is Jesus. I am here with the Universal Father, and with you, with all of you. Father, I pray with my brothers and sisters, let there be peace on earth. Let there be peace in the hearts and minds of men. They have no idea what a world should look like when one strives to do Your will Father. They are disoriented. We ask for your blessing Father, and please help those who deserve better than they are getting now in a life on Urantia that is full of tears. We love you, Father as all of us should love our brothers and sisters on this still so beautiful planet called Urantia.

I am Jesus. I ask you, stay the course, stay with me, my people, my children, and with the 1000s of celestial beings who work for the Father, for Michael of Nebadon, for me, Jesus, as they do for you and for each other, as Father has ordained when he created his universe. I thank you Father, we thank you Father. I thank you, my dear brothers and sisters. I will be here with you to show the world what can be done when you learn to shine, and to be worthy of the place you have already in your Father's heart. This is a short message from the Universal Father and from Jesus who leave you their peace. Take it! Give it, as it on, to everyone you meet on your way home to the Father. This is the Universal Father with His Son Jesus. We leave you.

This is Elise. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for your words and your care, for your love, and everything you give to us, to this world. Let's hope for better times. Thank you so much.
Let me look at the dashboard first of all. I have the courage to open up the Lightline to you, Ron, and ask you if you have anything for us, because we still have some time left and I don't hear anything else.

Ron Besser
Well, that happens, Elise. One moment, let me connect.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I welcome everybody to the Lightline today. We currently have 18, and through other devices you have about 35, Ron and Elise. You, as a transmitter, Elise, have done very well. You as a transmitter, Ron, always do well, because you're always connected. They have not, that is the other transmitters, have not that full connection yet, and must wait for someone to appear. You, Ron, don't. You have so much practice in that the entire mechanism that is your electrified body is connected all the time. For that reason, we are going to use this, this ability for deep connection to go to the center of the master universe and speak to you through one of the unknown deities that reside there. If you attempt to type this, simply call it Unknown Deity from Paradise.

Unknown Deity from Paradise
We are that Deity. We speak easily through you, Ron, your entire body is a transmitter. For that particular reason then, you do not have any trouble connecting. All the rest of the transmitters except you, have to go through one of the glands, or through a part of the body that requires an expenditure of energy you do not have to make. You feel no drawl upon energy. And for that reason, we can reach high energy levels that permit a speech that you don't have otherwise.

Today's speech is not from the Supreme. Today's speech is from God the Ultimate. God the Ultimate speaks.

We are, ladies and gentlemen, ready to say something to you that is rather extraordinary but is not easy to comprehend. For those of you who take it lightly, you'll never comprehend. For those of you who work hard to comprehend, and that's most of you here, we must make this addition to the speech of Michael.

Dear sons and daughters! Please be aware that we do not speak easily to Ron, or to anyone else that soils the idea of alternate realities they must achieve. For reasons of state, Ron, you do it all the time, but you weave in and out of four or five realities. Most people can only manage two, but you are even approaching the sixth.

For that reason then, please understand that the illness, the pain, and even the blindness approaching today is a result of alternate realities impinging upon your nervous system, and in the brain. I am a Deity of unknown title. I am not of the Supreme or the Ultimate. But I work closely with the Universal Father, and his absolute need to prepare Urantia for a very downcast view that almost everything you have in place as a civilization is now subject to change.

Ron, you say it, when you look out into the world today, it's a gorgeous day in York, bright sunshine and a warm temperature. For your own reasons, Ron, allow me to speak. I am the Deity Absolute on the human level, if it were possible, but it's not. Therefore, I must make a speech that is off the top of your head, but I am still the Deity Absolute. For that reason, Ron, you are hearing and seeing an alternate reality that most of you who listen here today have no ability or attention to be able to speak or explain.

Ron, you are aware of approaching blindness. That is very difficult for you. Furthermore, the nervous system in your body is refusing to work properly. For that particular reason then, you are not making a very good contact with Urantia reality right now. And it is for that reason that we say to all of you listening with intention, please be aware that he will fade in and fade out of the reality that Urantia presents now.

First of all, he has a geopolitical interest. He follows the changes of war and peace and the attitude of countries, always has, always will. There are several of you who do the same. He spends the time to explain to you that there are reasons of state that must allow it, but still protect. The United States is protected. So is the EU. What is not protected is Southeast Asia and the properties of the EU itself. I'm not going to get into explaining that remark.

But please understand that Belgium and Brussels and the rest of the paraphernalia that is now the European Union has only one representative, whereas the United States has seven. It is for that reason that the EU has to be protective of itself and the United States carefully sequestered back into protection. The President of the United States is not a pariah in spite of what some think. He is faced with extraordinary difficulties. One of them is not Ron Besser, but he's unaware of the details. He knows that there is WTP free electricity but does not have the time to sit there and consider what it would do for the world.

As a result, Ron sits without anything to do other than to protect what knowledge you have and what knowledge he has from the issue of people who would grind him into tons of money, but then take the patent. He has no intention of ever offering it to those people. But it needs (to be) done. This Deity level is not open to other transmitters. It is open to you as an audience through Ron. He has no idea what it is and is only speaking because I asked him to.

Now this. For those of you who want WTP shown and working, glad tidings. It will be done. For Ron participating is hardly able to but will be remanded into a custody of goodwill and caring. That allows him to remain permitted to walk on Urantia.

Third, the entire matter concerning transmitters like Elise, Rene, or even Dominick and others we don't know here. Your constitutional rights are only one item according to God. The right to live when permission is granted to your birth mother to deliver. None of you will understand that well enough, but Ron is a product of a long session before natal happened with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.

He was processed as a natal champion through a mother who was brand new even to sex. And she found it a rather delightful way to express her femininity but was not crazy ever about giving birth. Today, she is glad that that is over. She is in heaven; Ron speaks with her occasionally. They're always slightly hostile to one another because she thinks he is a loss, and he thinks she is overdone. In any case, it doesn't matter to them.

And one last thing before I send us back to you, Elise. I am a Deity of Gratitude. I am a Deity of Care. I am the Deity that cares that you care. Ron does tremendously. He will never relent. And for reasons of state please understand that I am a Deity that will never be revealed except to someone like Ron, who is fully caring that the mansion worlds are noticing. He now speaks to four groups, there are 10,000. That gives you an idea of how much he has yet to do.

And finally, this. I am now relieving you Ron, not of bad eyesight, but of the idea of death. Take it, live it, vivify it, be yours, be ours, be others. I stepped back. I will report again with Ron.

To all of you, please, be of good cheer. The world is a freaking mess. It will get better thanks to Michael. Michael will continue to report through the transmitters, through the Magisterial Foundation. You're the only group of transmitters that cares about others. Stay tuned. Stay well. Stay with us. I now withdraw. And here is Michael of Nebadon.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Unknown Deity. We appreciate what you have done. It moves me and I think others. Please be with us, if you will. Thank you.

Yes, Michael. May we hear your voice please?

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. I am ready to assign to you Ron, one more adjutant. Ron has six adjutants right now. He is unaware of why they are there, nor does he benefit. But every night in his living room at 8:30pm New York time, he has electric candles on his mantle over the fireplace. At 8:30 they all light up without him turning them on. He fully enjoys the service. And so do the Midsomers, M I D S O M E R S. They are not Midsonighters, they are Midsomers. And for that reason, they fully enjoy the candle lighting, because Ron sits in his chair underneath the mantle, and once in a while glimpses to see if they are lit. But never before 8:30 pm. It is for that reason that he laughs about it, and chats with them when they come in.

I have never seen this done except in the early teaching mission. When we alerted the groups in the teaching mission, the teacher was there, and if they had candles, the flames instead of electricity would appear on the top of the candle. People if you form groups in your home and place a couple of candles around so we can light them. When you meet in session to enjoy a group discussion, and meeting with our teachers, your candles will light. Ron sees it and takes it as routine now.

Those groups in the past did so, but for the first few times, you're gonna be really surprised. It's so doable. Sit in your home, have a group meeting. That's four or five people, people, and listen to your teachers tell you something. And then watch your candles be lit. It's fun. It's unusual. Nobody would believe it, except yourself. I am Michael of Nebadon and Elise, I return this to you to finish this Lightline. We thank you. Good day.

Thank you, Michael. Go ahead, Elise.

Yes, thank you, Michael. Thank you, Ron. And well, I want to thank you for the wonderful, most unexpected, beautiful words of those Deities. Yeah, I want to thank the Unknown Deity from Paradise. And I think that it was God the Ultimate, and the Deity Absolute that spoke to us. And I want to thank the Universal Father and Jesus, and Michael of Nebadon, of course, and Mantutia Melchizedek. Well, of course my Thought Adjuster, lets not forget him. Thank you all.

And thank you all for being here and listening. I think we had a beautiful Lightline. And thank you, Ron, that you took the effort to be with us even in the circumstances you're, you're in. We appreciate that very, very much. Thank you so much. Thank you all, and I am going to close out this Lightline. Be happy and be as Michael told you to be. Thank you so much until next time.


« Last Edit: February 27, 2024, 19:33:26 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2024, 09:40:51 am »

Good morning, Ron

I would like to have some clarification on the statement below by the Deity

''Third, the entire matter concerning transmitters like Elise, Rene, or even Dominick and others we don't know here. Your constitutional rights are only one item according to God. The right to live when permission is granted to your birth mother to deliver. None of you will understand that well enough, but Ron is a product of a long session before natal happened with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.''

What exactly happen before birth? Really is not easy to understand that quote above 
especially for you Ron, ''a product of a long session...''

Ron, may God continue to bless you and keep you healthy.


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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2024, 11:32:44 am »
Robert, there is indeed a list received by the  Ancients of Days, and that list is published showing what entities are to appear as a life in the time universes.  I am not caring about it as it is a list meaning only that we as humans are to appear and that our lives are sanction by God the Father.  The Eternal Son reviews it with the Ancients of Days, and nothing further is done about it.  All here on this discussion forum who are listed as members have had their names listed on the list on the day of your birth.  You might call it a birthday list and it has no further meaning to you or the Ancients of Days. 

And by the way that list does not list you by name, but by soul number.  They tell me my list designation was number 317357211357 on the list on the day of my birth on Urantia.  The Ancients of Days received many lists about appearing life.  I do not know what they do with it but it is daily sent to them as new births occur.  What that actual number represents is soul identification.  Beyond that I have no clue and I believe it is quite routine  for all.  No further meaning is attached.

You can find something better to do now, Robert.  It is just a list.  Thanks for the question.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 11:40:16 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2024, 12:38:52 pm »


Thank you for your reply.

God bless always.


Online weydevu

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2024, 13:06:58 pm »
I would like to take a stab at that number Ron, only because just last week I was asking myself how many people have been born since the birth of Andon and Fonta so when I saw that number it remind me of my question.  So that number looks like you were the three hundred and seventeenth billion, three hundred and fifty seven million, two hundred and 11 thousand, three hundred and fifty seventh person born on your birthday.  That's just a penny's worth of my thoughts.  


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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2024, 13:32:15 pm »
Weydevu, I also remind you, that is not a list just for Urantia.  That list is for their population review too and includes what?  Not just our planetary system but likely a time and space total or for a sector.  We have not been told how long that list was.  Is for a space sector?  Is it for all of time?  Just for Urantia?  I have a feeling that those numbers are meaningless to us, and are likely a count to help the Ancients of Days to gauge  what is proceeding normally. For example:  suppose that list is suddenly showing only half of the births that are expected to normal.  For illustration sake, what would you say about a list of time names and the drop of creature births, suddenly, to one half of what is normal?  I am sure the list is a gauge as well as a name or number of souls to be born that day.  And further more, who made the list up to send to the Ancients of Days?  Would we no be interested in all of that too just to see who prepares such a gauge for galactic headquarters?
Again, it probably counts births with individual identification.  And there is no normal meaning to the creature to know that list exists.  It is helpful probably to the Ancients of Days to recall not who is on it, but the accumulation of names for births throughout a sector of space or all of space in the time zone. The number has a good meaning to them but hardly to us.   I expect they also get a list of new entities in their area of responsibility.   And so on.
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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2024, 09:52:19 am »
Thanks for that response, Ron, I forgot what section I posted in.  Anyway, the information you provided became even more meaningless to me as you would say. Thank you.
Have a bless day.
