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Topics - Clency

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« on: April 24, 2022, 08:46:14 am »
Here is an excerpt of an article about an invention to produce free electricity that can be a serious competitor to WTP.

A new development from Stanford University may be a big help to people living in underdeveloped areas that are completely off the grid. The university researchers created a solar panel that generates a significant amount of power during the day and a small amount at night.

According to the study published earlier this month, the new panels can serve as a "continuous renewable power source for both day and nighttime.” The solar panels function like a traditional panel during the day but run in reverse to continue generating electricity at night. After the sun goes down, the panels are able to generate electricity off the difference in temperature between the ambient air and the solar panel's surface.

The solar panels function like a traditional panel during the day but run in reverse to continue generating electricity at night. After the sun goes down, the panels are able to generate electricity off the difference in temperature between the ambient air and the solar panel's surface. The nice aspect about this approach is that you essentially have a direct power source at night that does not require any battery storage. Battery storage for solar power can be unreliable and expensive, so these new panels can be a big benefit to people in areas that are without a traditional power grid. The new panels are pretty easy to make, too.

The ability to run an LED light or a phone charger in the middle of the night may not seem like a game-changer to most people in the developed world, but it can make a huge difference in the quality of life for people living in remote areas of the planet. Further, this is just the beginning. Traditional solar panels have come a long way over the past few decades. Who knows what the future holds for this promising new technology ?

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / April 2022 tape
« on: April 02, 2022, 08:49:13 am »
As it was advised by JACK0802AB, the MC, and since there was no speaker at hand, the whole session was spent sharing informations with the attendees. Here is the link to the audio recording :
Our next session will be held on Friday 08/04/2022, at 8pm local time. Thanks for attending.

« on: March 14, 2022, 14:16:36 pm »
France and other european countries are dependent upon fossil fuel at about 80% and Russia is their main provider. It is an evidence that the Russia-Ukraine conflict, if it ever lasted for a given time, will have an effect upon fuel supply shortly. This conflict is a wake-up call for scientists to look for clean energy and this is where the WTP can come into play.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / March 2022 tape
« on: March 05, 2022, 06:47:12 am »
There was no MC for to-day, JACK0802AB being apparently called upon to fullfill another duty at hand, but we had nonetheless four speakers to talk successively about the situation prevailing actually  on Urantia. Here is the link to the audio recording :
The next session will  be held on Friday 11/03/2022, at 8pm local time. Thanks for attending

Music Compositions And Other Artistic Expressions / I'm coming
« on: February 21, 2022, 09:59:49 am »

JESUS: "Hold on, it won't be long, I am coming, the chips are falling into place."

« on: February 07, 2022, 04:06:39 am »
At this period of the year, there are regular tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean and “Batsirai”, the lastest one, has been very strong up-to-now. Batsirai started as a moderate tropical storm and intensified rapidly into a tropical cyclone from class two to class four. It has been a long time that the Indian Ocean has known a high level of tropical depression of such intensity, causing damages and lost of lives, mainly in Madagascar, one of the poorest country in the world; let us hope that our friend, Albert, is safe. Mauritius, my country of birth, and Reunion island, a French colony, are also affected, but with less ravage.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Febuary 2022 tape
« on: February 05, 2022, 05:38:00 am »
JACK0802AB was still our MC and the speakers were VAN and AMADON, followed by JESUS with some words of appreciation to the little team who is working hard to translate the Crown Book in French and who has remained idle for almost two weeks, because of computer problem. Here is the link to the audio recording.
Our next session will be held on Friday 11/02/2022, at 8pm local time. You are welcome.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Back to business
« on: January 31, 2022, 00:22:25 am »
Oooopppps !!! I was hit so badly, last Friday, that I lost my memory brain for a moment, by missing up with dates. To-day, I feel much better and please, take note that our “rendez-vous” for this coming Friday, the 4th of Febuary 2022, at 8pm local time, is still kept on schedule, there is no change ahead. See you there with the FATHER’s blessing.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Session postponed
« on: January 28, 2022, 03:02:54 am »
To Ron and al,
This is to advise you that to-day’s session is postponed for next Friday 31st of January 2022, at 8pm local time. This morning, I woke-up feeling very heavy to move around, as if I had a load on my shoulders. One can think that I have got this malicious virus, but I have no those regular symptoms related to it, no fever, no coughing, just like a fatigue. Sorry folks, better for me to take a rest, hoping to see you next time.

Experts from all over the world are warning a financial crisis in 2022, due to the pandemic, but they also point out that using only one currency can be a solution to avoid a collapse of the monetary system, and digital money is looked after as an option over printed dollars.
“Many people in the crypto sphere believe that the best case scenario is investing in the winning cryptocurrency that will serve as the one world currency. Naturally, many people believe that Bitcoin is destined to be the one world currency because it is the first, largest and most widely adopted cryptocurrency.” Excerpt from an article
Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is now proposing a New World Currency to replace U.S Dollars. According to experts, “the dollar is losing its status as a world reserve currency……and this will happen quite soon.”
Will the funding of the “MISSIONS” be only in U.S Dollars ?

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / January tape
« on: January 08, 2022, 06:03:51 am »
JACK is back on track as the MC, we welcome him, he has been missing. He pointed to us that we start the new year 2022 with a hundred session mark, we were flabbergasted, we did not even notice we have been so far week after week, so we are encouraged to keep going. Informations that were made available during the pause of lightlines were shared with the attendees, without forgetting to mention the incident of the God/Deity of Laity masquerade. Our guests were TARKUS and RAYSON, the science officer, who talked about the WTP in full swing. Click on the link to listen to the audio recording : 

Our next session will be held on Friday the 14th of January 2022 at 8pm local time.
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« on: January 03, 2022, 13:02:52 pm »
"If we were to burn all attainable fossil fuel resources, this would eliminate the antarctic ice sheet and cause long-term global sea-level rise unprecedented in human history," says a researcher from an institute for climate impact. "This would not happen overnight, but the mind-boggling point is that our actions today are changing the face of planet earth as we know it, and will continue to do so for tens of thousands of years to come. If we want to avoid antarctica to become ice-free, we need to keep coal, gas and oil in the ground".
How earth would look if all the ice melted ? Check it out here, this is where the WTP comes into play.

BREWING EARTH CHANGES TO BE AWARE OF / Gone 2021, welcome 2022
« on: December 24, 2021, 11:47:18 am »
Cumbre Vieja (Canary Islands), Semeru (Indonesia), Etna (Italy), Pacaya (Guatemala), Fragradalsfjall (Islande) and recently Le Piton de la Fournaise (Reunion) are those volcanoes, still in activity, that have been registered in 2021, without naming tornadoes in the US of A, due to climate change. Are we heading in 2022 to the already announced calamities ? 2021 is almost gone, so welcome 2022 with what there may be in store for us, poor human-beings.

« on: December 12, 2021, 12:38:44 pm »
Devastating tornado strikes Kentucky, killing hundreds of people, throughout two states. The video from a drone shows the extent of the damage. When I was a young lad in the 60’s, I have known such a situation in my country of birth, with a tropical cyclone named Carol. I hope there is no one here on the forum, having to experience such tragedy, this is very traumatic.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / December tape
« on: December 04, 2021, 05:30:30 am »
Having caught a cold, I was not in my usual frame of mind for this session, so TYLER, the MC suggested that I shared with the attendees the good news and the meeting ended a little earlier. Here is the downloadable link of the audio recording.
Our next session will be held on Friday 10/12/2021, at 8pm local time, since then be of good cheer.

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